

VOLUME 20 KWAJALEIN ATOLL. MARSHALL ISLANDS. FRIDAY. ~ARCH 18. 1983 NO 54 WORLD NEWS BRIEfS Reagan Blasts $14 Million Lawsuit Against WASHINGTON (UPI) -- There 1S good news and bad news about the economy today Budget Proposed Flrst. the good news The Labor Department re­ Hinc"'ey's Psychiatrist ports very llttle wholesale prlce 1nflatlon ln By Democrats WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Whlte House press secretary February -- 1 percent James Brady and two law enforcement offlcers. Now. the bad news WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ wounded by John Hlnckley Jr ln an attack on Pres- The Commerce Department reports that take-home Presldent Reaqan walked 1dent Reaqan. are flllng a $14 m1ll1on lawsult pay also went up -- but by Just 1 percent That lS lnto the White House aqalnst tre psychlatr1st who treated the troubled less than the lncrease of December and January news room today to flre gunman before hlS arrest The department says there was no lncrease ln per­ a verbal blast at the The C1Vll SUlt. flled Says SovIets sonal spendlng, a key barometer of economlC re­ Democrats' proposed today ln U S Dlstrlct u.s. covery f1scal 1984 budget Court ln Denver, charges * * * Reagan says the budg­ that Dr John J Hopper Should Negotiate (AP) -- Former Presldent Jlmmy Carter belleves et 1S "a declaratlOn of Jr m1sd1agnosed H1nck­ lt wlll be progresslvely more d1fflcult to get Is­ war agalnst the common ley and negllgently pre­ raell troops out of Lebanon as talks between the sense prlnc1ples that scrlbed Vallum and blO­ On Missiles two Mldeast natlons drag on Carter spoke to re­ are now rebu1ld1ng Amer- feedback therapy ln the WASHINGTON (UPI) porters ln Belrut today. after a two-hour meetlng 1 ca " months before h1S ar­ The Sov1et Unlon should wlth Lebanon's presldent As for the Democrats' rest serlously negotlate an * * * proposals on defense, "Dr Hopper knew or agreement el1mlnatlng (AP) -- NASA belleves problems wlth the space Reagan says, "Noth1ng should have known that lntermedlate-range nu­ shuttle Columbla are a thlng of the past The space could brlng greater JOy Hlnckley posed a danger clear mlsslles from Eu­ agency has set Aprll 4 as the new llftoff date for to the Kremlln than to to h1mself and others rope lnstpad of threat­ the craft's malden voyage The Challenger orlglnal­ see the Unlted States and was capable of at­ enlng to deploy ltS own ly was to carry a satelllte aloft ln January, but abandon ltS defense re­ temptlng a pollt1cal as­ mlsslles near the U S suffered from a serles of leaks ln the maln bUlldlng program after sasslnatlon," the SUlt border, the State De­ englnes one year " charges "Dr Hopper partment sald today * * * The Democratlc budg­ negllgently falled to State Department (AP) -- Canadlan authorltles have lssued an ar­ et, llke the presl­ warn law enforcement of­ spokesman John Hughes rest warrant on murder charges for the Toronto wom­ dent's. would actually flclals of such fact" made the statement ln an who says she lnJected comedlan John Belushl w1th lncrease defense spend­ The psych1atrlst response to an artlcle a fatal mlX of cocalne and heroln Just over a year lng -- but by much less could not be reached for ln the Communlst Party ago The warrant was lssued In response to a U S than Reagan wants comment on the SU1t newspaper Pravda today, request that Cathy Smlth be extradlted from Toronto Reagan lashed out at Hlnckley was found ln WhlCh Georgl Arbatov, to stand trlal In Callforn1a on one charge of mur­ the House Budget Commlt­ not gUllty by reason of Moscow's chlef analyst der and 13 counts of admlnlsterlng drugs tee's proposal to h1ke lnsanlty last June of of U S POllCY, sald the * * * domestlc spendlng by charges he trled to klll Un1ted States should not WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Israell Defense Mlnlster what he called "an In­ Reagan and wounded Brady, deploy Persh1ng 2 and Moshe Arens has assured Defense Secretary Caspar credlble $181 bllllon " Secret Servlce agent crUlse mlsslles ln West­ Welnberger that the "strlctest lnstructlOns" have Democrats added more Tlmothy McCarthy, and ern Europe been glven to Israell forces In Lebanon to avold money for educatlon. Job Washlngton pollce offl­ In the Senate, Demo­ 1ncldents wlth U S Marlnes ln the area. a senlor tralnlng and Jobs pro­ cer Thomas Delahanty cratlc Leader Robert Pentagon offlclal sald today grams. and a provlslon dur1ng an attack on the Byrd urged that deploy­ The offlclal sald Lebanese securlty forces have for health lnsurance for presldentlal party on ment beg1n as planned arrested some people lnvolved ln the grenade explo­ unemployed people who March 30, 1981 ln December to force the Slon ln Belrut earller thlS week that wounded flve have lost thelr cover­ All three men have Sovlet Unlon lnto nego­ Mar1nes Sllghtly He sald they were members of an age flled multlmllllon-dol­ tlatlng serlously at obscure but fanatlcal Moslem group, Wh1Ch he could The Democratlc budget lar lawsu1ts agalnst arms control talks under not 1dent1fy contalns an unspeclfled Hlnckley, who was com­ way ln Geneva * * * tax 1ncrease of $30 b1l­ mltted lndeflnltely to "It seems crysta 1 (UPI) -- It 1S St Joseph's Day -- the day the llon, the amount that a Washlngton mental hos­ clear that the Sovlets swallows return to Caplstrano Droves of tourlsts would be ralsed by re­ pltal wlll not get down to arrlved ln San Juan Caplstrano. Callf , to welcome peallng the thlrd year In thelr latest sUlt, buslness untll lt 1S these falthful harb1ngers of sprlng of the 10 percent tax Brady lS seeklng $8 mll­ ObV10US they cannot Wln * * * cut scheduled for July 1 llon, McCarthy $2 m1l­ thelr propaganda offen­ (UPI) -- Prlncess Dlana and two future klngs of The budget proJects a llon and Delahanty, slve," Byrd sald ln a England are flYlng to Australla Undaunted by deflclt of $174 bllllon. $4 mllllon, from Hopper Senate speech weather worse than Callfornla gave Queen Ellzabeth. $15 bllllon less than The SUlt charged that The Sovlets have re­ D1ana. Prlnce Charles and baby Prlnce Wllllam are the Reagan budget def­ Hopper's advlce to cut Jected Presldent Rea­ headlng Down Under lClt ~lnckley off from hlS gan's offer to call off * * * fam1ly's support had the the NATO deployment of TEL AVIV (UPI) -- Israel's outgolng army chlef effect of aggravat1ng the 572 Pershlng 2 and of staff compla1ned 1n an lntervlew today he was Major Qualee h1S mental condltlon and crUlse mlSSlles lf MOS­ ordered to halt the flghtlng wlth Syrla on the put hlm In a "desperate cow wlll dlsmantle its slxth day of the Lebanon war. even though the Syrl­ In South Pacific sltuat10n that was llke­ more than 300 trlple­ ans had collapsed GOLDEN, Colo (UPI) ly to lead to overt V10- warhead SS-20 mlSSlles "ThlS was the fnst war In WhlCh the Arabs were -- The strongest earth­ lent acts " targeted on Western Eu­ brought to thelr knees. but the same thlng happen­ quake ln more than 18 Durlng hlS trlal, rope ed as ln all wars. when the Arabs were ln the dust. months struck Thursday H1nckley's mother, Jo­ Wlth the deployment we were stopped," sa1d Aaron Eltan. who retnes ln n1ght ln the New Brlta1n ann, testlfled she fol­ date nearlng, Reagan lS Aprll area of the South Pacl­ lowed Hopper's advlce under mountlng pressure * * * flC. wlth a rumbl1ng and sent her son away from NATO allles to make ROME (UPI) -- Actor-dlrector Orson Welles has measured at 7 9 on the from home, one week be­ a new proposal to llmlt been awarded the 1983 Luchlno Vlscontl prlze for Rlchter scale. the U S fore he shot Reagan and mlsslle forces hlS contrlbutlon to "the evolutlon of Clnemato" Geologlcal Survey sa1d three others It the U S starts graphlc language." the Jury of f1lm cr1tlcs and The quake was center­ deploY1ng the mlsslles, wrlters announced today ed about 325 mlles MUnitIons Explode the Sov1et Un10n may * * * northeast of Port Mores­ FORT DIX. N J (UPI) respond by statlonlng SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -- IBM Corp lS sU1ng f1ve by. Papua New GUlnea, In -- Llve ammunltlon ex­ ltS own lntermedlate­ former employees on grounds they developed a de­ the Blsmarck Archlpelago, ploded durlng a routlne range nuclear rockets Vlce for thelr own proflt after galnlng the neces­ an area belleved to have dlsposal operatlon at near the borders of the sary knowledge worklng on a deslgn proJect for the a sparse populatlon the Fort D1X Army Base Unlted States. Arbatov computer glant ThlS was the strong­ Thursday, kllllng four sal d The complalnt. flled ln U S D1strlct Court. ac­ est earthquake anywhere soldlers and lnJurlng Arbatov presumably cused Cybernex Corp of San Jose. Callf • and ltS ln the world Slnce an­ two others means 1n Cuba. although chlef executlve offlcers. of steallng trade secrets other 7 9 shock on "We don't know what Moscow and Washlngton on a component of IBM computers that speeds up the Sept 1. 1981, In the munltlons they were car­ agreed after the 1962 computlnq process Samoan Islands rYlng, let alone what Cuban mlsslles crlS1S * * * There were no lmme­ caused the exploslon," that the Sovlets would (AP) -- Consumer advocate Ralph Nader seeks an dlate reports of casu­ sald a spokesman, Sgt not agaln base nuclear 1nvestlgatlon of alrllne prlce-settlng altles or damage Bob Warner m1sslles ln Cuba PAGE 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1983 Iran fights Oil Price Cut' ~ BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -- Iran today branded OPEC's $5-a-barrel 011 prlce cut "lllegal" because lt dld not partlclpate In the declslon and vowed to flght the "treachery" of the cartel's Perslan Gulf Arabs that led to the campalgn for lower pn ces But 011 traders In London sald Iran mounted the broadslde attack on OPEC to Justlfy dlscounts of $2 a barrel lt would soon offer on ltS 011 Brltaln, under lntense pressure from customers to knock as much as $2 a barrel off lts North Sea crude to compete wlth OPEC's new prlces, sald lt would not re­ duce ltS 011 by more than 75 cents a bar­ rel Analysts sald the Brltlsh posltlon In a recent awards ceremony, a plaque was presented to personnel at the KMR sate1- should help stablllze world 011 prlces and l~te term~na1, selected as "outstand~ng Earth term~na1 ~n the Pac~f~c" for 1982 by the relnforce the Organlzatlon of Petroleum Exportlng Countrles l four-day-old agree­ Defense Commun~cat~on Agency (Pac~f~c) ment to slash ltS benchmark crude to At center, Col Terrence D Sargent, r~ght, commander, Pac~f~c reg~on, presents the $29 a barrel to avert a prlce war plaque to L I Kelley, Kentron Internat~ona1, Inc , term~na1 superv~sor, as Col John W Banks Jr , KMR Commander, looks on In the flrst publlC denouncement of the OPEC accord, Iranlan speaker of the Parlla­ Personnel attend~ng the ceremony were, left to r~ght Art Kowalkowsk~, Kentron com­ ment All Akbar Hasheml RafsanJanl told a mun~cat~ons ma~ntenance support superv~sor, Robert Peacock, techn~c~an, Arl~e Jones, prayer meetlng In Tehran that hlS natlon lead man, Scott L~ndsey, techn~c~a~, Dav~d Holl~ngshead, techn~c~an Anthony Made~ros, dld not recognlze the prlce rollback and techn~c~an and Ma] Gary Wheeler, KMR commun~cat~ons off~cer Not p~ctured Dav~d Vlews lt as IIl11egal " Hakes and Matthew Houston, techn~c~ans Iran has adamantly opposed a cut In OPEC's prlces because It has been covertly KMR Satellite Terminal Picked Best In '982 dlscountlng ltS 011 by as much as $7 a bar­ From KMR Headquarters (Cont~nued from column 1) rel and can 111 afford another sharp re­ A 100 percent rellablllty record such hlgh performance lnclude how well ductlon lf It lS to generate enough reve­ throughout 1981 at the KMR satelllte com­ malntenance lS carrled out and what lm­ nues to flnance ltS $4 bllllon war effort munlcatlons termlnal meant KMR was able to provements to equlpment are devlsed and agalnst Iraq stay constantly In touch wlth the rest of lpcorporated lnto the termlnal's equlpment the world That accompllshment, among Operators of the KwaJaleln statlon have Plea for Right To form Unions others, also earned a speclal honor for repeatedly found lnnovatlve ways to lm­ the facllltyis personnel prove the equlpment for greater efflclency MADRID, Spaln (UPI) -- The banned trade The KwaJaleln termlnal was selected as and rellablllty of operatlon A number of unlon Solldarlty today urged the 35-natlon 1I0utstandlng Earth termlnal In the Paclf- these modlflcatlons have been adopted by Conference on Securlty and Cooperatlon In 1Cll for IS82 by the Defense Communl ca tlOn the serVlce for appllcatlon to the other Europe to safeguard the rlght to form free Agency (Paclflc) To mark the award, a termlnals In the system Unlons and not "abandon" persecuted SOll­ plaque was presented recently to the sta­ The KMR statlon lS operated and maln­ dan ty members tlon by Col Terrence D Sargent, command­ talned by Kentron Internatlonal under con­ EXlled Solldarlty members presented er of the Paclflc reglon tract to the Balllstlc Mlsslle Defense a 600-page document problng POllSh martlal The Earth termlnal on KwaJaleln lS System Command ThlS lS the flrst year a law vlolatlons of human rlghts agreements KMR's llnk to the Defense Satelllte Commu­ contractor-operated termlnal has been con­ and lnternatlonal treatles to the dele­ nlcatlons System (DSCS), a network of sldered for the award gatlons at the Madrld meetlng revlewlng Earth termlnals around the globe and sat­ Statlon personnel at KwaJaleln are the 1975 Helslnkl accords The report was complled by hundreds of ellltes In statlonary orblt some 22,000 Arlle E Jones, ~cott E Llndsey, Matthew mlles above the Earth The most efflclent J Houston, Davld Holllngshead, Davld E former unlon memebers on orders from thelr llnk between KMR and the outslde lS the Hakes, Robert E Peacock and Anthony I underground leadershlp, lncludlng Bogdan termlnal and the satelllte system Medelros Supervlsor of the termlnal lS L1S of Gdansk and Zblgnlew BUjak of Warsaw The Paclflc sector of DSCS conslsts of L I Kell ey reglon 17 Earth termlnals Judglng them for the It reached the unlonls forelgn coordlna­ annual "oustandl ng" award 1s based most tlng bureau In Brussels early thlS month, heavlly on rellablllty -- the percentage Social Security Rescue sald Jerzy Mllewskl, head of the offlce. of tlme the termlnal lS avallable for use WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Senate voted In most cases, that lS nearly all the today to stop Soclal Securlty checks to Independent State In Lebanon tlme Over ltS seven years of operatlon, lllegal allens, who are estlmated to be the KwaJaleln termlnal has malntalned a collectlng up to $2 4 bllllon a year In BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -- Iranlan revo­ 99 9b percent avallablllty Last year, beneflts lutlonary guards and Lebanese Moslem fun­ however, that was lmproved to 100 percent After an attempt to klll the amendment damentallsts are proclalmlng an lndependent Other factors WhlCh go lnto achlevlng to the Soclal Securlty rescue blll falled, Islamlc state In Lebanon'S anClent Bekaa Valley town of Baalbeck, mllltary offlclals (Cont~nued ~n col umn 2) 58-34, Senate Flnance Chalrman Robert Dole reluctantly agreed to the proposal by Sen sal d today Don Nlckles The Senate then accepted lt A 500-man Iranlan contlngent entered FINANCIAL REPORT on a VOlce vote Lebanon Thursday from Syrla In preparatlon DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES Senate Republlcan Leader Howard Baker for a proclanatlon of the Islamlc state 30 Industrlals up 0 77 at 1117 74 sald he hopes for flnal passage early next later today, the offlclals sald 2U Transportatlons up 2 22 at 506 27 week of the $165 bllllon Soclal Securlty They sald the Iranlans dlstrlbuted leaf­ 15 utllltles off 0 09 at 126 25 blll, Whl ch curbs benefl ts, hl kes taxes lets lncltlng sectarlan strlfe, call1ng on 60 Stocks up 0 73 at 443 81 and ralses the retlrement age to 66 In Shllte Moslems In the Lebanese army to Volume was 75,000,000 shares 2015 mutlny and JOln the IslamlC state It Closlng gold up 5 25 at $421 75 Baker predlcted a close vote next week warned the Lebanese army to evacuate ltS Closlng sllver unavallable on a controverslal amendment to strlp the base In Baalbeck, roughly 45 mlles east of Dollar closlng In Tokyo was 238 60 yen blll of mandatory coverage of new federal Bel rut and In Zurlch 2 0620 SW1SS francs workers Two other leaders -- Dole and SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY Democratlc Leader Robert Byrd -- sald NOTICE OF SARGE ARRIVAL backers had the votes to Wln lf the tally SURF AND SUN had been taken trday The barge Islander wlll arrlve at AS OF 0001 HOURS, MARCH 18, 1983 Nlckle's amendment would requlre people Echo Pler on Monday Island resldents Dally ralnfall 01 to prove they are not lllegal allens when are advlsed that the barrlcaded area Monthly total 24 applYlng for beneflts after December wlll be off llmlts Those persons gOlng Yearly total 2 13 to and from the Small Boat Marlna must TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN Former ItalIan King D,es use Lagoon Road and Elg,lth Street See Hl Tlde 0714, 5 21 - 1930, 4 3' (UPI) -- Former Itallan Klng Umberto II, route to the marlna on the sketch below Lo Tlde 005~, 111 - 1333,14' 78, the last klng of Italy who ruled for Sunrlse 06~4 Sunset 1900 only 35 days In 1946, dled of canc~r today Moonrlse 1049 Moonset 2340 In a Geneva cllnlc SUNDAY The klng, who had been llvlng In eXlle Hl Tl de 0757, 4 8' - 2018, 3 71 ever Slnce he stepped down from the throne Lo Tlde 0128, 1 5' - 1428, 1 9' and left Italy June 13, 1946, had been Sunnse 06b4 Sunset 1900 treated In the Geneva cllnlC Slnce Feb 25 Moonn se 1141 Moonset Umberto dled as the Itallan Parllament MONDAY was debatlng the posslble amendlng of the Hl Tlde 0903, 4 4' - 2201, 3 2' constltutlon to allow hlm to spend hlS last Lo Tl de 0213,2 0' - 1609,2 3' days In Italy But the procedures, WhlCh Sunn se 0603 Sunset 1900 began two weeks ago, would take at least Moonn se 1238 Moonset 0038 three months for Parllament to pass the proposal The klng's last word vas "Italy" ..

I4DUIlOlo",aa FRID~Y, MARCH 18, 1983 PAGE 3

TeleVISIon March 19 - 25 MOVIes March 19 - 27 ROl-Namur Richardson Ivey Hall Yokwe Yuk Tradew1nds 7 30 6 30, 8 30 7 30, 12 30 8 00 a m ~ Saturday lUUl KaDDlt T10 Chlldren's Pr09rams B 30 Code Red/Hee Haw S Tales G 9 15 Flght Back 10 15 Soul Tra1n A 7 30 PG Matlnee l.-t m Hello Dollyl Love Ch11d 9 45 R1chard Slmmons 11 00 When the Wh1stle Blows T lFie-Stl ng -IT -- -In[oaie rusC 10 05 Code Red/Hee Haw 11 50 Happy Days/House Calls 9 30 PG PG G R 11 50 Soul Traln 12 45 Flo/G1mme A Break 1001 RaDD1t 12 35 When the Wh1stle Blows 1 35 Lew1s and Clark S Tales G 1 30 Happy Days/House Calls 2 00 Mak1ng A Liv1ng U Hello Dolly I _M!tln!.eJJ'_m __ In God We Trust Urban Cowboy 2 25 Mak1ng A L1v1ng 2 25 Tony Bennett Concert N 2 50 Puerto R1CO 3 15 Pro Bowlers' Tour G Closed PG PG 3 15 Johnny Cash Concert 4 25 NCAA Basketball 4 05 USFL LA vs New Jersey Memphis St vs LOU1sv111e M K1dnapping of Dressed to Klll 6 40 60 M1nutes 6 40 SOlld Gold 0 Elephant Man the Presl dent 12 30 a m only Hero Workers 7 35 QU1ncy 7 30 QU1ncy N 8 25 Nero Wolfe 8 25 Nero Wolfe PG R R PG 9 20 "Worlds Apart" 9 15 "B1te the Bullet" 10 55 Amerlcan Playhouse 11 20 Amer1can Playhouse T ____11 ~5_ Iv~ !t_t!le_I!!!p!'oy' -sun~ ~O_ Iv~ !t_t!le_I!!Jl!'oy' ____ _ U Closed Hero Workers Gallegher Jet P110t E 7 00 Rel1g10us Programs ~~ 00 Llvely Spec1a1 PG G PG 8 25 60 Mlnutes 9 25 MUS1C and Spoken Word 9 20 Talk About Plctures 9 55 Ins1ght W 9 45 Walter Cronklte 10 25 At Home wlth the B1b1e E Hero Workers Closed Closed The Stlng II 10 15 SClence Screen Reports 10 50 Tell A V1Slon D 10 45 Erlc Severeld 11 20 Er1c Severe1d PG PG 11 10 Llvely Spec1al 11 45 Talk About Plctures 11 35 You Asked For It 12 10 Walter Cronkite T 12 20 W11d Klngdom 12 40 SC1ence Screen Reports H Closed Honkytonk Man Jet Pilot Gallegher 12 45 Yesterday's Gl1tter 1 10 Wlld Kingdom U 1 15 Sports Legends 1 35 Yesterday's Gl1tter PG PG G 1 40 Wlde World of Sports 2 00 Sports Legends 2 35 Pro Bowlers' Tour 2 25 You Asked For It F K1dnapping of 3 45 Wash1ngton Week 3 10 USFL LA vs New Jersey R Jet P110t Gallegher Honkytonk Man the Presldent 4 15 NCAA Basketball Mem- 5 45 Buck Rogers I phis St vs Louisville 7 30 M*A*S*H PG G PG R 5 55 Buck Rogers/M*A*S*H 8 DO Mork and Mlndy 7 10 Mork and Mlndy 8 25 Today's FBI S Mat1nee 1 P m 7 40 Today's FBI 9 15 "P1pe Dreams" A Gallegher To Be Announced Hero Workers Honkytonk Man 8 30 "Walks Far Woman" 10 45 Dick Cavett Shows T -Set'tin oc --- 10 25 D1Ck Cavett Shows G PG PG PG ----;~-~~~~~~----~~~-~~~~~~------S Matinee 1 P m Kldnapping of 2 40 B1g Country 3 40 MUS1C Store U Honkytonk Man _T~ ~e_AD..n~u!!.c!.d_ the President Hero Workers 3 05 Bonaventure 4 05 Presente N 3 3D Sesame Street 4 35 Fam11y Feud PG Closed R PG 4 30 Famlly Feud 5 00 Donahue 4 55 General Hosplta1 5 45 General Hosplta1 HONKYTONK MAN Cllnt Eastwood Kyle Eastwood 8 DO 5 40 NBA Phlla vs New 6 3D Best of Sullivan Drama RT 122 PG Jersey 7 20 At the Smlthson1an A burnt-out slnger and wr1ter of country songs is headlng from the 7 25 Natural Hlstory Museum 7 50 Vletnam 10,000 Day War Mldwest to Nashv111e, where he is scheduled to audltlon for the Grand 7 55 Laverne and Sh1 rl ey 8 15 "Grapes of Wrath" Ole Opry H1S slster allows her 14-year-old son to accompany h1S uncle 945 825 SOlld Gold 1025 Dynasty on the long Journey by car On the road to Nashville the two have some 10 35 9 15 Entertalnment Week 11 15 Best of Carson adventures wlth lawmen and meet some eccentrlc characters 11 30 10 10 Best of Carson 11 00 Donahue ELEPHANT MAN Anthony Hopkins John Hurt I------Tuesday------Drama RT 125 PG 2 15 Ryan's Hope ~15 Ryan's Hope The true story of John Merrlck, the lncurably and hideously deformed 2 40 MUS1C Store/Presente 3 40 B1g Country man who went from Clrcus freak to the toast of soclety in Victorlan Eng- 3 35 Electrlc Company 4 05 Bonaventure 1and 4 35 Fam11y Feud 4 30 Fam11y Feud 5 00 General Hospltal 4 55 Donahue JET PILOT John Wayne Janet Leigh 8 DO 5 45 Best of Sulllvan 5 45 General Hosp1tal Romantic-Drama RT 118 PG 8 50 6 35 Vletnam 10,000 Days 6 30 NBA Ph11a vs New Jersey Anna, a Russian lady pilot, pretends to defect from her country to an 9 15 7 00 WKRP ln C1nclnnatl 8 15 60 Mlnutes Alaskan a1r base and the Pentagon orders Air Force Col Shannon to In­ 9 40 7 30 "A Doll's House" 9 10 Entertainment Week sure a warm receptlon Shannon is further lnstructed to extract whatever 11 10 9 DO Dynasty 10 DO Lew1s and Clark m111tary secrets he can from h1S new companion Unsuccessful in obta1n- 12 00 9 50 Slde Street 10 25 Maklng A Llvlng 1ng v1tal lnformatlon, Shannon falls 1n love with his beautiful charge 10 45 Donahue 10 50 Slde Street ------~~~~y------HERO WORKERS Rob Browne Robert Chapel 2 15 Ryan's Hope 3 15 Ryan's Hope Drama RT 93 PG 2 40 Wayne Thomas 3 40 Wayne Thomas US1ng po11ce monltors and CB radlos, Frank Pellet, a prlvate cltlzen, 3 30 Sesame Street 4 30 Famlly Feud undertakes the task of performlng herolc deeds for people in hlS local 4 30 Fam11y Feud 4 55 Donahue county He wears h1S whlte Stetson hat and a Colt 44 on h1S hlP as he 4 55 General Hosp1tal 5 45 General Hospltal helps local resldents and a1ds county law enforcement officials in every­ 8 00 5 40 "Captalns Courageous" 6 30 "Trouble w1th Angel" day sltuatlons and life-and-death crises Harold Lloyd - Short 8 20 NOVA 10 05 7 45 NOVA 9 20 "The Next Man" THE KIDNAPPING OF W1lliam Shatner Hal Holbrook 11 05 8 45 "The Hunter" 11 05 Dav1d Letterman THE PRESIDENT Drama RT 113 R 12 20 10 00 Davld Letterman A serles of murders 1n the Argent1nian Jungle c11maxed by the brutal 10 50 Donahue slaYlng of ex-Weatherman Erlca Stelner, lndicates the flnal Spllt of I------Th~~~------Roberto Assanti from the Marxlst group known as the Mano Verde Clearly, 2 15 Ryan's Hope/Rock Worl dJ 15 Ryan's Hope he has hlS own plans Rated R for violence 3 10 Sounds Good 3 40 Rock World 3 35 Fat Albert 4 05 Sounds Good GALLEGHER Roger Mobley Edmond O'Brlen 4 DO Speed Racer 4 30 Famlly Feud Drama RT 79 G 4 25 Famlly Feud 4 55 Donahue An adventure story of an energetic newspaper copyboy who always lands 4 50 General Hosp1tal 5 45 General Hosp1tal smack ln the middle of the hottest news breaks in town 8 00 5 35 Sugar Ray Leonard 6 30 Sugar Ray Leonard 8 50 6 25 Kung Fu 7 20 Kung Fu HELLO DOLLY I Barbra Streisand Walter Matthau 9 45 7 20 Delphl Bureau 8 15 Lou Grant Muslcal RT 118 G 10 35 8 15 Lou Grant 9 05 "The Scarl ett 0' Hara War" Wldow Strelsand is a conniv1ng matchmaker who pictures herself best­ 11 30 9 05 "Lucky Luc1ano" sU1ted to her current cl1ent, the r1ch but tight-fisted Matthau ThlS mus1cal extravaganza surrounds Strelsand with stunning panoram1c sets I---~;~-:~~~~~---!D~~-~~~~~~------of 1890 New York 2 40 Black Beauty 3 40 P1cture of Health FLASH GORDON Sam J Jones Melody Anderson 3 05 Sesame Street 4 05 Rlchard Slmmons Adventure RT 110 PG 4 05 Famlly Feud 4 3D Famlly Feud/Donahue Flash lS the world-famous sports hero who is kldnapped wlth beaut1- 4 3D General Hospltal 5 45 General Hospltal ful and spunky by mad scientist Hans Zarkov, so they can help 5 15 Dlsney/Llttle House 6 30 World of Dlsney hlm fly to to stop the "natural" d1sasters that are plagu1ng Earth 8 DO 7 05 Mr Merlln 7 30 Llttle House 8 30 7 30 Tax1 8 20 Laverne &Shlrley S cond F atur At Th RIChardson 8 55 8 DO Nurse 8 50 Mork and Mlndy Saturday, March 19, 9 30 P m 9 45 8 50 Cass1e and Company 9 15 Nurse 10 40 9 45 "B1te the Bullet" 10 05 "The S11ent Lovers" The Sting" 11 50 Donahue 11 45 Cass1e and Company Jackle Gleason Mac Davls Comedy RT 102 PG ..

PAGE 4 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1983 Lockheed Worship Services CATHOLIC Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Employees 5 15 pm. Island Memorla1 Chapel Sunday Masses 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel Contribute 11 20 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center Monday-Frlday Masses Lockheed recently 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel conducted a dr~ve among Confesslons ~ts employees at KMR Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacra­ for the benef~t of the ment Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's of­ Shr~ners' $100 M~ll~on flce, call 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, Club call 84535 beforehand Present~ng the $1,000 check on behalf of the CHURCH OF CHRIST Lockheed employees ~s Sunday worsh1p serVlce lS held at 9 a m John Bush, at r~ght ~n ln Room 20. George Seltz School Vls1tors photo, s~te manager at are welcome For lnformatlon, call 82613, KMR Accept~ng the 82441 or 83694 check ~s Henry Lum, pres~dent of the Kwa]a­ CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF lATTER-DAY SAINTS le~n Shr~ne Club SerVlces are held ln Room 18, George Money donated to the Seltz School Re11ef Soclety meets from 8 $100 M~ll~on Club ~s to 8 50 am, prlesthood and young women's used to help support meetlngs are 9 to 9 50 am, Sunday school the Shr~ners Cr~ppled and prlmary meetlngs are 10 to 10 50 a m I Ch~ldren's Hosp~tal and and sacrament meetlng lS at 11 a m For In­ three burn ~nst~tutes \ formatlon, call Verlan Fullmer at 82761 ROl-Namur Prlesthood and sacrament meetlngs are held at 8 a m ln the Commu­ Bicycle Safe'y Program On This Day In His'ory nlty Center Vlsltors are welcome Call Don A b1cycle safety program wlll be held In 1922, Mahatma Gandhl was sentenced Hammond at H99271 or W99327 for lnformatlon March 21 to Aprll 1 for George Seltz to SlX years ln prlson for C1Vl1 dlsobed­ School students It wlll lnc1ude class­ lence aga1nst the Br1tlsh rulers of Indla INTERDENOMINATIOtlAl room lnstructlon. mOVles. a poster contest In 1937, an exploslon at the Conso11- The KwaJaleln Chrlstlan FellowshlP meets on the theme, "Blcycle Safety on KwaJa- dated PubllC School ln New london, Texas, each Sunday evenlng at 7 o'clock ln the Is­ 1eln," and wl11 cu1mlnate wlth a blcyc1e kll1ed 294 people, most of them chlldren land Memorlal Chapel All bel levers are In­ rodeo on Frlday, Aprl1 1 In 1975, lt was revealed the CIA had vlted to JOln 1n a serVlce of song, sharlng The rodeo wl11 be held on 3rd St , be­ f1nanced the bUl1d1ng of a multlmllllon­ and Scrlpture For further lnformatlon, hlnd the elementary school, from 9 a m dollar salvage ShlP for use ln a 1974 at­ call 84302 to 3 p m Every partlclpant wl11 recelve tempt to br1ng up a sunken Russlan nuclear a prlze Macy's glft certlflcates wlll be submarlne ln the Paclflc Ocean JEWISH awarded to class Wlnners of the poster There wlll be no Frlday nlght Sabbath contest and blcyc1e rodeo serV1ces through the end of March at the The blcycle safety program lS sponsored Jewl sh Center and supported by the Veterans of Forelgn I Wars, Boy Scouts, Washlngton Patrol Serv­ PROTESTANT lce, George Seltz School and Global As­ Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wll1 be soc1ates Safety Department held at 8 and 11 a m at the Island Memor­ lal Chapel John Horne wlll preach the ser­ mon, entltled "Nehushtan," based on John 3 Club Plans Spring Luncheon 1-15 The Yokwe Yuk Club wl11 present a Speclal mUS1C at both serVlces wlll be sprlng luncheon featurlng a buffet on Frl­ provlded by Barbara West and Brenda Klng, day, March 25, from 11 a m to 1 p m slnglng "let Me Touch Hlm," accompamed by The menu wlll lnc1ude chlcken a la Klev, Jerry Deener At the 11 o'clock serVlce. au gratln potatoes, peas wlth s11ced mush­ the Chapel Chon wl11 slng "God loved the rooms and plmlento, salad plate wlth World So Much" dresslng, rolls, assorted desserts and Sunday school classes for all ages are coffee or tea held at George Seltz School at 9 30 a m Tlckets are prlced at $6 75 each, and Adults are present to help newcomers flnd wll1 be on sale from Monday through thelr classrooms Wednesday, March 21-23, from 10 a m to Nursery faclllties are avallable at the 1 p m and 5 to 7 pm, at the Yokwe Yuk Island Day Nursery from 9 15 a m. to Club offlce Reservatlons wll1 be made 12 20 P m only at the tlme of tlcket purchase ROl-Namur The Sunday evenlng worshlp SuperSwimmers Needed! serVlce wll1 be held at 6 45 ln the Commu­ A, The Library Ind~v~duals have been p~ck~ng up s~gn­ nlty Center, led by John Horne New up packets from Sharon Thomas, but many Flctlon recently recelved at Grace more SuperSw~mmers are needed If you are NASA Sherwood llbrary lnc1udes these best­ ~nterested ~n sw~mm~ng as an ~nd~v~dual Urged To Return To Moon sellers or as part of a group, s~gn up at the De­ SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) -- SClen­ stand We At Last, by Zoe Falrbalrns, pendents Pool dur~ng sw~m team pract~ce, tlStS advocatlng lunar exploratlon urged 1S a femlnlst saga WhlCh follows flve Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 to 8 30 pm, the space agency to return to the moon to generatlons of women who had a passlon and on Macy's porch Saturday morn~ng, develop lt as a base for research and space for 11fe and Just1ce The novel beg1ns ln March 19 exp1oratlon 1855 and traces the fortunes of two SlS­ Group part~c~pat~on ~s encouraged Why "People thlnk that because we had Apollo, ters Helena's untlmely death 1S caused by not form a group from work, club, sports we know everythlng there lS to know about a profl1gate husband and harsh V1ctor1an team or church Only one s~gn-up pacret the moon and that 1s not true," Wende 11 medlclne Independent Sarah 1mm1grates to per group ~s needed Mendell, a planetary SClentlst at the Austra11a, but returns to England to be­ G~ve yourself a chance to exper~ence Johns on Space Center, sa 1d recent 1y come a dom1nant force ln the suffragettes the phys~cal sense of accompl~shment, the "We're argul ng there wl11 be areal po­ Succeedlng generatlons are spanned through JOY of part~c~pat~on and the emot~onal tentlal for a po11tlcal declslon to go to two world wars and lnto the turbulent benef~t of g~v~ng by answer~ng the chal­ the moon ln the 1990s and NASA ought to be '60s on Amerlcan college campuses Book­ lenge of SuperSw~m V prepared for that," he sald of-the-Month Club Alternate The 24-hour sw~m marathon w~ll be held ~endel1 told delegates to the 14th lunar Dear Stranger, by Catherlne K1dwell, from noon Saturday to noon Sunday, and Planetary SClence Conference at the follows Bonn1e, a strlvlng nove11st. and March 26-27 A SuperSw~mmer w~ll be ~n Johnson Space Center that the Natlonal John, a GI Just out of Harvard, from the1r the water at all t~mes dur~ng the mara­ Aeronautlcs and Space Admlnlstratlon should meetlng ln 1943 They marry, then are se­ thon Part~c~pants may sw~m any number of actlvely study the moon and ltS potentla1 parated by World War II Wlth1n a week laps from 1 to 200 as a base for research and travel Bonnle trles to keep the marrlage a11ve All proceeds from the SuperSw~m w~ll Mendell and Mlchael Duke, head of the through letters, but lt ends 1n annul­ be donated to the Hawa~~ Chapter of Spe­ Planetary and Earth SClences at JSC, want ment Each remarrles and has ch11dren c~al Olymp~cs NASA to speed up plans for an unmanned Thlrty years later, they meet aga1n Thelr See the spec~al bullet~n board d~splay lunar polar satelllte mlSSlon to clrcle renewed re1at1onshlp glves Bonn1e the about SuperSw~m ~n Grace Sherwood L~brary, the moon and collect data on the unexplored strength to end her unhappy marrlage and second floor of the Spec~al Serv~ces reglons They want NASA to bUlld a perma­ break free from her stereotype Bu~ld~ng nent research faclllty on the moon FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1983 PAGE 5 • Kwalaleln's Downwind Dash A Success

A total of 95 part~c~pated ~n the KwaJale~n Runn~ng Club's annual Downw~nd Dash, wh~ch was held Sunday, March 13

< • Bob Sholar shows w~nn~ng form as he Debb~e W~tzenburg, r~ght, f~n~shed ~n Ed and Ella Mar~e Gamboa started the crossed the f~n~sh l~ne f~rst ~n the men's f~rst place for the women, ahead of Carla race together Ed pulled ahead to awa~t h~s d~v~s~on McGrew, left, by 05 second w~fe's arr~val at the f~n~sh l~ne

By JAMES E VAN VLECK Dart League Action At 4 45 pm, Sunday afternoon, March 13, the wlnd was blow1ng at approxlmately By V~ck~ LaPo~nte 15 mph dlrectly down the alrfleld taxlway as 95 eager runners toed the startlng llne The KwaJ Dart League played the flrst waltlng for the gun to flre slgnlfYlng the start of the KwaJaleln Runnlng Club's annual game of the sprlng season on Monday nlght Downw1nd Dash The RaDarts played the HOE Darters to a Many of the runners were competlng 1n an effort to better thelr personal best for 4-4 tle, wlth Wally Schubach throwlng a the mlle, others slgned up because lt offered an opportunlty to run on the taxlway 120 for the RaDarts For HOE, SklP Gelg­ Wh1Ch 1S normally forb1dden terrltory for runners, and stlll others were competlng for er threw a 100 and 101 a chance to Wln a Caslo stopwatch Whatever thelr motlvatlon for competlng, many of the The Elbow Benders took on the ROl Out­ runners establlshed personal bests for the mlle thanks to the helplng tallwlnd WhlCh rlggers and played them to a 5-3 vlctory remalned constant throughout the race For the Benders, John Rhodes and Frank The flrst male flnlsher was Bob Sholar who ran a strong 4 46 mlle Debble Wltzenburg Chock each got a 100 and Chuck Cochran was the flrst woman to flnlsh as she ran an excellent 6 03 followed closely by Carla threw a 135 For Outrlggers, Charlle Fel­ McGrew wlth 6 08 Tom Akeman won the Caslo pacer stopwatch All flnlshers wlll recelve ton threw three 100's The Feathered Fllght cert1f1cates Indlvldual tlmes are llsted below came out vlctorlOUS over Boone's Farm wlth Bob Sholar 4 46 Ray Capes 6 27 Matthew Goff 7 36 Rayleen McLln 8 56 a 5-3 Wln For the Fllght Lee Hammer threw o Spracklln 5 02 John Harrls 6 28 L1nda Taylor 7 38 Valerle Vlncent 8 59 a 121 and Mlke QUlrk a 120 For Boone's Kal Kalahlkl 5 14 Erlc Zelsslg 6 32 Max Goodman 7 44 Ella Marle Gamboa 9 12 Farm, Plmvat Lachman threw a 114 and 100 Ed Goff 5 21 Ed Gamboa 6 33 Kelt Chrlstensen 7 46 Krlsten Pugh 9 18 D1Ck Hlnrlchs 5 24 Mlke Dolder 6 36 Rhea Lemmel 7 46 Justln Voss 9 19 Dave Neely 5 26 Maureen V Vleck 6 37 Marle Harrell 7 46 Tony Zelsslg 9 23 Basketball Schedule Everett Macaya 5 26 Lenny Goodman 6 37 Dlane Jay 7 46 Klm Kanz 9 24 Tom ght Denny Bunn 5 29 Danny Fruc1ano 6 37 Plck Mears 7 46 Tracy Jones 9 28 6 30 Trouble Shooters vs Wlld Bunch, Ed Nlshlhara 5 30 Cheryl Nathan1e16 38 Blll Whlte 7 46 Olga Ze1sslg 9 29 Game 2 of women's flnals Erlc Fullwood 5 42 Push McSheehy 6 43 Kathy Bars1c 7 47 John Bars1c 9 31 7 30 Chlcago vs Nets, Kenny Jourdan 5 46 Del Card1llo 6 44 Steve Avelar 7 51 Cheryl Duff 9 32 Game 1 of men's "A" fl nal s Robert Mowry 5 46 Bob Franco1s 6 47 Wally Zelsslg 7 53 Sam Duff 9 35 8 30 No game Cllff Sulllvan 5 51 Jennlfer Homan 6 47 Jason Popovlch 7 55 Shane Davles 9 45 Sunday, March 18 Doug Akeman 5 58 ChrlS Amador 7 04 Than Chrlstensen 7 57 Norrls Ela 9 58 6 00 POl Dog vs Fll-Amerlcans, Ed Garner 6 01 Jay Horne 7 04 Matt Barslc 8 01 Randy Kanz 10 02 Game 1 of men's "B" flnals Debble Wltzenburg6 03 Jlm Voss 7 07 Vera Smead 8 03 Donna Kanz 10 02 7 00 Chlcago vs Nets, Dave Young 6 04 Davld Voss 7 07 Charles Stlnnett 8 14 Kevln Melody 10 05 Game 2 of men's "A" flnals Rodney Barona 6 07 Sean Melody 7 11 Katryna Van Vleck8 23 Vlncent Melody 10 44 8 00 Medlcare vs Last Chance Carla McGrew 6 08 Kevln Kanz 7 12 Krlsten Tlpple 8 24 Julle DeLude 11 26 Game 1 of men's "c" flnals Nathan Homan 6 13 Tom Akeman 7 19 Klrsten Capes 8 25 Bob Delude 11 26 Monday, March 19 Davld Lallemand 6 17 Russ Taylor 7 21 Naka Nathan1el 8 27 Myra Garner 12 21 6 30 POl Dog vs Fll-Amerlcans Gary Duff 6 17 Scarlett Scholte7 26 Bob Avelar 8 29 Matt Cardillo 14 47 Game 2 of men's "B" flnals DaV1d Brooks 6 19 Barbara Goff 7 28 Gary Avelar 8 29 Beth Dolder 14 50 7 30 Medlcare vs last Chance Kralg Van Vleck 6 20 JoAnn Brogden 7 30 Debble Reed 8 51 Game 2 of men's "c" flnals 8 30 No game Soccer Schedule Basketball Results Tom ght Thursda~'s Results Twilight Golf Schedule Brandon 5 15 N Dame vs Stanford (Jr) Fll-Amerlcan 2 What's left 23 Tomght Saturday, March 19 Hlgh scorers Hl gh scorers 4 30 Z vs Kom Fry Brandon 9 30 Alabama vs Harvard (Jr) R1Ck Gabrlel 14 Joe Duturl 81 4 45 19th Holers vs Global Admlnlstratlon Rlchardson 11 00 Brown vs USC Bert Demerl n 7 Paul Allas 6 Monday, March 21 Pee Wee Champlonshlp Joe Corey 6 4 30 Hono Hackers vs OB's Angels Monday, March 21 - Junlor Playoffs last Chance 52 Dr J's 37 4 45 Shaka vs Chlll Dlppers Brandon 5 15 1st place vs 4th place Hlgh scorers Hlgh scorers Tuesday, March 22 - Junl0r Playoff~ Steve Schwartz 20 Lou Jankauskas 11 Brandon 5 15 2nd place vs 3rd place Mlke Justlce 17 Gary Duff 8 High Rollers Bruce Tate 7 Tom SanglOlo 6 Thursday nlqht Kentron Mlxed league, Rolf Salhus 6 women llZ Denny, 216 hlgh game and 542 Golf Course Closed hlgh serles, and Carol McCaughan, ~88 sec­ Due to the Coral Open tournament the L,sten To AFRS For Sports ond hlgh game and 471 second hlgh serles golf course wl1l be closed durlng the fol- Saturday, March 19 - NCAA Men J B Castlllo, 200 hlgh game, Blll 10wHIg tlmes Saturday, March 19, from 9 30 a m UCLA vs Team to be announced Dalton, 199 second hlgh game and 586 hlgh 6 45 a m to 1 p m ?nd Sunday, March 20, Sunday, March 20 - NCAA serles, Lou Ross, 561 second hlgh serles from 6 45 a m to 2 30 p m 8 35 a m Indiana vs Team to be announced PAGE 6 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1983 , Lead Poisoned Emperors? At Wit's End BOSTON (UPI) -- A ser1es of often de­ ranged Roman emperors may have gone mad By Erma Bombeck Ann from drlnk1ng 1ead-talnted W1ne that It's a quest10n that has plagued par­ caused bra1n damage, med1ca1 researchers ents for generat10ns sald Thursday Is 1t worth all the aggravat1on, the 'cllIIders A report ln the New England Journal of nagg1ng, the varlcose ve1ns of the neck Med~c~ne sald favorlte Roman W1nes were to get your k1ds to do d1shes? processed 1n lead Jugs and the h1gh lead Parents argue lt bU11ds character Dear Ann Landers Wl11 you please change lntake of the arlstocracy provldes strong K1ds say 1t's the only Job 1n the the names and prlnt this announcement ln support "that 1ead POl som ng contrl buted world where nepotlsm 1S a curse your column? I would 11ke to know what you to the dec11ne of the Roman Emp1re " Frankly. I've seen some slde effects and your readers thlnk of lt Intake of lead was also h1gh because of that maybe parents should know about I My husban~ and I are appalled, but then the use of lead pots for the best dlshes always percelved the klds dOlng d1shes maybe we don t get around much Thanks for and lead p1pes used to carry water together every n1ght as a shar1ng exper­ your wlsdom -- Mr and Mrs Slmp1e Slmon The emperors adversely affected by the lence where everyone pitched 1n and made Mr John Doe Wlne may have lnc1uded Ca11gu1a, who over­ 1t a better world and the late Mary Margaret Doe saw sexual atrocltles. Nero, who allowed Th1S myth exploded the nlght we took are pleased to annouce Rome to burn. and C1audlus, notorlous1y a steak kn1fe away from one of the boys the marrlage of thelr daughter du11-wltted and absent-mlnded who was uSlng hlS brother as a dart Marcy Lou to Orvl11e Horace, Jerome Nrlagu of the Canadlan Nat10na1 board son of Mrs Grace Tlnkerbe11 Water Research Instltute wrote that rough­ We moved rlght along to Plan B where and the late Mr Norbert 0 Tlnkerbe11, Sr ly two-thlrds -- 19 to 30 -- Roman leaders each of them would have thelr nlght ln on Saturday, December 2, 1982 who ruled between 30 B C and 220 A D had the kltchen and then be off one However, Flrst Congregatlona1 Church a "predl11ctlon to the 1ead-talnted" there was so much tradlng and paYlng back, Outer Slobovla, M1Ch Wlnes the bookkeeplng became unwleldy and we Dear Mr and Mrs S S Maybe I don't Nrlagu sald the hlgh lead lntake may moved to a new house to start fresh get around much e~ther, but ~t seems un­ have caused gout, an arthrltls of JOlnts We called them the S's Each had hlS l~kely that the deceased mother of the that often lS related to lead pOlson1ng, own personal1ty ln the kitchen br~de was able to announce anyth~ng There­ sleeplessness, stomach problems and mental One was a "saver" No leftover was too fore, ~t ~s awkward and ~nappropr~ate to lmpa1rment 1n Rome's leaders small to store ln lts orlglnal servlng use her name ~n th~s manner The average member of the arlstocracy dlSh a peach Plt, a french fry, a wad of ln Rome had a lead lntake per day of up to gum on a dlnner plate All were preserved Dear Ann Landers I am wrltlng ln de­ elght t1mes that of the average Amer1can for whoever was on for dlshes the next fense of the woman who undresses ln the Clty dweller -- far above danger levels, nlght bathroom She lS ln her 50s I am in my Nr1agu sald The other one was a "cyclone " He 20s, but maybe we have the same problem Claud1us, who ruled from 41 to 54 A D cleared He stacked He washed He Len and I have been marrled nearly three was reported to be dull-w1tted and absent: drled He put away In 15 seconds And years He lS ln h1S early 30s Lately I m1nded He suffered from dlsturbed speeCh. at great expense to the management have learned that the only safe place to weak 11mbs, tremors, f1tS of sudden laugh­ Each of them, however. had one tra1t In undress lS 1n the bathroom -- w1th the ter -- lnd1cators of lead p01son1ng common The moment the meal was over a door locked Here 1S the reason No matter T1ber1us, 14-37 AD, was an 1nveterate b1010g1ca1 urgency would come over them what he 1S dOlng -- read1ng, watchlng TV, W1ne drlnker and SCh1zophren1c H1S love and they would d1sappear 1nto the bath­ eatlng or ta1klng on the phone -- whenever of W1ne won h1m the name, "Blbenus " room unt11 they were sure the food on the he sees me unbutton my blouse and remove a plates was ln a S011d state shoe, he stops everythlng and takes over The ch11dren swear they carry the the unbuttonlng, unz1pp1ng, whatever You Replacement Of Sanitary Pipes scars of our enforced labor It's pos­ can guess the rest Even when he 1S ln bed slble But I 11ke to thlnk that the S's and I am sure he 1S sound asleep, he sud­ Zachry Constructors has begun Phase III came out of the exper1ence w1th some ad­ denly sprlngs to 11fe and goes 1nto actlon of the1r contract w1th the Corps of Eng1- vantages as well as d1sadvantages The I am not a cold person, but my lnterest neers to replace sanltary p1plng 1n the good news 1S nelther of them ever needed ln sex 1S not nearly so 1ntense as h1S The famlly quarters 11sted below Th1S proJect therapy They got out all of the1r hos­ man can't seem to get enough Please say commenced 14 March 1983 and 1S expected to t1l1ty over d1shes every nlght you understand I mentloned thlS once to a contlnue through January 1984 Global As­ The bad news? To th1S day they can't frlend and she told me I was nuts -- Da­ soclates has appolnted Ed Chang to act hear a d1Sh rattle w1thout 1nst1nct1vely venport, Iowa as coord1nator for thlS proJect and he wlll be contact1ng tenants 1nd1v1dua11y to d1S­ gOlng 1nto the bathroom and shutt1ng the Dear Dav Most women would say you have cuss temporary relocat10n requlrements and door h~gh-class worr~es, dear, but apparently to answer any questions they may have Ten­ h~s sexual appet~te ~s greater than yours ants w1ll be relocated to a temporary and you need more rest What a man doesn't trailer for approx1mately three weeks Your Individual see can't arouse h~m Your cooperat10n 1S So11c1ted to protect Horoscope Dear Ann Landers I am 1eavlng lt up to personal property and to m1n1m1ze the 1n­ you Do I have a rlght to feel hurt when I conven1ences assoc1ated w1th th1S proJect === FrucesDrake====~~~= go to V1S1t my daughter-ln-1aw once a year Although subJect to change, 1t 1S now FORMONDAY,MARCH21,1983 and she runs off to a club meetlng and poss1ble to establ1sh tentat1ve re10cat10n What kind of day will tomor mterfere WIth routme AVOld a leaves me alone for four and a half hours? dates for those duplex and quadruplex row be? To find out what the tendency to worry too much ThlS club lS strlct1y socla1, and lt houses scheduled for plplng replacement stars say, read the forecast LIBRA ~ would not have k111ed her to mlSS one meet­ 2l7A 14 Mar 440C 3 Jun 422D 2 Sep gIveo for your bn1b Sign (Sept 23 to Oct 22) :n:~ ~ lng Am I wrong or r1ght? -- F10r1da Mom 1n 219B 14 Mar 440D 9 Jun 404A 8 Sep Act m accordance WIth your 482A 16 Mar 450A 10 Jun 404B 9 Sep ARIES t..-fi',l. prmclples Don't be swayed by Norfo1 k (Mar 2ltoApr 19) 'Y'~ others Concern about money Dear Mom You don't say how long you 217B 18 ~ar 450B 16 Jun 404C 9 Sep You may reVISe a deCISIOn mterferes WIth happmess thIs evening were a guest If ~t was two days, I'd say 219A 18 Mar 450C 16 Jun 404D 15 Sep DomestIc tensIOn could be 482B 24 Mar 450D 17 Jun 402A 22 Sep related to a fmanclal matter SCORPIO ~_ you have a leg~t~mate compla~nt If your 482C 24 Mar 437A 23 Jun 402B 23 Sep Some Information IS (Oct 23 to Nov 21) m,~ stay was longer, she m~ght have arranged a 482D 25 Mar 437B 24 Jun 402C 23 Sep unreliable DIScretIon IS the key word m luncheon date for you w~th the mother of a 478A 31 Mar 437C 24 Jun 402D 29 Sep TAURUS busmess ventures today Be fr~end so you would not have been alone all (Apr 2OtoMay2O) tj~ careful whom you take mto afternoon 478B 1 Apr 437D 30 Jun 210A 30 Sep Extra money comes now, your confidence Romance IS 478C 1 Ppr 424A 1 Ju1 210B 30 Sep but stay clear of fmancwl m­ Iffy 478D 7 Apr 424B 7 Ju1 208A 6 Oct volvements WIth others You SAGITI'ARIUS . --.M Dear Ann Landers I w111 soon be 45 451A 8 Apr 424C 7 Ju1 208B 7 Oct may be concerned about a (Nov 22 to Dec 21) ~~ years old and have always lacked se1f-con­ partner's problem You'll experience both ups fldence I stand 5-feet-8-1nches and we1gh 451B 14 Apr 4240 8 Jul 214A 13 Oct GEMINI ~ and downs m your deahngs 140 pounds I've been th1nk1ng ser10us1y 451C 14 Apr 401A 14 Jul 214B 14 Oct (May 2ltoJune 20) n~ WIth others A friend's col­ about breast augmentat10n surgery A few of 451D 15 Apr 401B 15 Jul 212A 20 Oct You'll see a loved one m a dness may mlublt you m some 485A 21 Apr 401C 15 Jul 212B 21 Oct new light Higher-ups need to way after dark my close fr1ends say I am crazy 485B 22 Apr 401D 21 Jul 209A 27 Oct be handled WIth tact Work CAPRICORN ~ What are the pros and cons? Is 1t dan­ pressures may put you m an (Dec 22 to Jan 19) YJ\ttf gerous? I must adm1t to fee11ng somewhat 485C 22 Ppr 403A 22 Jul 209B 28 Oct antI SOCial mood You need to be extra careful sllly worrY1ng about a matter that 1S tr1- 485D 28 Apr 403B 22 Jul 2l1A 3 Nov CANCER about detaI1s on the lob vla1 compared w1th the ser10US problems you 487A 29 Apr 403C 28 Jul 2llB 4 Nov (June 21 to July 22) 8E::::) though relatIOns WIth Iugher: 487B 5 May 4030 29 Jul 207A 10 Nov Face facts and aVOid ups are OK Evenmg hours do read about every day Please gUlde me -­ 487C 5 May 403E 4 Aug 207B 10 Nov escapISt tendenCies You'll not favor soclalIzmg Dolly Parton, Jr successfully brmg a domestIc AQUARIUS _~ Dear Jr I don't know how to respond 4870 6 May 411A 5 Aug 215A 17 Nov matter to fnntIon Romance IS (Jan 20 to Feb 18) =~ 459A 12 ~ay 4llB 11 Aug 215B 18 Nov doubtful Watch spendIng If gomg out s~nce your s~gnature leads me to bel~eve 459B 13 May 411C 11 Aug 205A 25 Nov for good tunes A home or that you don't know what the word "augmen­ 459C 13 May 411D 12 Aug 205B 25 Nov ~Y23toAug 22) J'I,~ busmess matter may weigh on tat~on" means Do you mean "reduct~on"? 459D 19 May 405A 18 Aug 203A 1 Dec Confusion may reign m the you Luck IS WIth you regar Surely you don't th~nk Dolly needs MOREl 458A 20 Nay 405B 19 Aug 203B 2 Dec romance department Group dIng dIStant mterests Ne~ther operat~on ~s dangerous, al­ actIvItIes are favored, but a PISCES )( (}>;r 458B 26 May 405C 19 Aug 106A 8 Dec home problem could arISe (Feb 19toMar 20) ~ though there are ~nherent r~sks ~n any sur­ 458C 26 May 405D 25 Aug 106B 9 Dec after dark You'll have extra money, g~cal procedure I suggest you d~scuss th~s 4580 27 May 422A 26 Aug 102A 15 Dec VIRGO \A but disagreements could oc­ matter w~th your phys~c~an (Aug 23 to Sept 22) lIP ~ cur WIth others about Its use Copyr1ght 1983 Fleld Enterprlses, Inc 440A 2 Jun 422B 1 Sep 102B 16 Dec Some work progress IS m­ A home matter seems confus­ Fleld Newspaper Syndicate 440B 3 Jun ~22C 1 Sep dlcated, but dIStractIons could mg for the present '\ , I

FRIDAY, tvlARCH lb, 19b3 PAGE 7 --~~------• PEANUTS charI s m schulz ~------~---, r-,------, ~--~------~---@~n ~ , DEAR SPIKE, WE ARE ~ ~




FerCH NO/ NO / 5L./PPER6! FErCH MY " GL.I PPE!<5!

THE WIZARD OF 10 brant parker and ,ohnny hart

- IF Yeo WERE MY AGE} WOULD YOtJ LIKE TO HAVE ME FOR A BOYFRIEND '2" Crossword By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 35 Word play 53 Some votes 9 Items to be 1 Flees 36 Adjective 54 CollectIOn raked over (slang) for 55 Without 10 - MarIa 5 Rambow FelIx Unger 11 - Momes 8 "If - a 37 Close DOWN 19 Craggy lull hanuner" chase 1 Kmd of 21 Bother 12 Mosque 40 PlanetOids bean 23 Aida and leader 41 Damty 2 In the Arkm 13 Prolublt 45 Walk In heart of 24 PrevarIcates 14 Notlung, water 3 Medieval 25 Wagon In tenrus 47 Before tee weapon 26 Engrave 15 Thmly 49 Actress 4 Broke up 27 Singing BEETLE BAILEY mort walker layered Barbara 5 Red as - group rock 50 Car-maker 6 Cloth 28 DrInk for a GET Up, BEETLE I 16 Self Ransom scrap cold rught THE GENERAL WANTS 17 ParISian 51 Regret 7 Had a 32 Slup's SOMEONE FOR PW swnmers 52 ClarInet coronatIOn casluers 18 ' - Fldeles' part 8 Intestinal 33 Golf clubs 20 WWII Army Avg solution time 24 min 35 Tavern woman 36' A curse 22 Varying un­ on you l " predIctably 38 Iron 26 Old 39 Overturned anesthetIc 42 Concept 29 ZodIac sign 43 Adolescent 30 Ozone 44 Football 31 Stepped players 32 Apartment Iii'~f!rl:~~~b§~~ 45 Took first ANDY CAPP (sl) place 33Kmd 46 In the of bargam sty Ie of 34 Op - (foot- 48 Take to note abbr) Answer to yesterday's puzzle court


WHeN I 61, ON MY HANDS 31 AN' Nf3:ez IN -rH/S,THE:M ~LJL1-S WILl.-1HINK IMA 34 136 ~A~y' I3lJFF'/"'o~ 00 137 39

42 '43 44


50 51 1 152

53 154 55 ,- \

PAGE 8 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1983 ,

SPRING SOFTBALL TRY OUTS for Sun Dev11s •-"I' FOR SALE and Spartans teams wlll be conducted

TRAILER ADDITION wlth open patlo at the March 28-31 Partlclpants must be 13 years Th. HourGlass II publo,h.d by Global A ..oClat •• Monday back, fully carpeted Fence at front and old before the flrst game of the season through Friday at the d"ectlon of th. Command.r Kwa/ale/n back of the traller Includes alr condl­ to play Slgn-up In the maln hlgh school tloner, curtalns. plants and other ltems offlce before Frlday, March 25 Don't for­ M,ISII. Rang. Manhall Island. under contract DASG Call 83619 get to brlng your own glove 6082 C 0063 Tit. Yr.WS and op,nlon. ..pr.ssed In ,h. newspaper are no' neeeuo,,'y thOle of ,h. Department of 'h. BABY CRIB ln excellent condltlon. asklng ATOLL 8'S GRADUATION DANCE at Emon Beach Army rlill newspaper aft ultoH,c.al publication autltorlz.tI $275 or best offer, baby hlgh chalr ln Sunday nlght, March 20 Come and br1ng und.r Ih. prOYJSlons of controel DASG60 82 C 0063 good condltlon, asklng $15 Call Rose Rea your favorl te IIfl nger food II Starts at .. r.produc.d by off•• , pronhng at 82241 6 p m CommunIcations .hould b. addr.... d to the HourG/a.. Box 23 APO San FrancISCo 96555 or call 83539 13,500 BTU AIR CONDITIONER ln excellent DUPLICATE BRIDGE WINNERS for March 16 Ma'erla's appearing In 'he HourGlau may not be condltlon. 1-year-old, $400 Call 84544 1 Murlel Newman and Jlm Wrlght r.prln/.d Wllhoul Ih. approyal of the Command.r Kwa/al.,n after 5 p m 2 Gwen Dlnklns and Dan Dlnk1ns M,"". Rang. Ai, wan' ad. and nolle •• must b. submltt.d 3 Dorls Pascoe and Frank Prunestl on GA Form B028 by noon of Ihe day prior 10 publocahon PANASONIC FIVE-BAND PORTABLE RADIO, model RF-1170/C. llke new. $135 Call John at LE JEUNE SPOT wlll be closed on Thursday. P", Cala/do fd,lor W83411 March 24, due to the Junlor soccer world f".lIe P.,. AssoClal. fd,lor

cup flnals Joan Slrog/und Jo Nelson LOST CO-ED AEROBICS wlll be canceled Thursday, SILVER BRACELET lost somewhere between March 24, due to the Junlor world cup soc­ WINDSURFERS - JOln the flrst long trlp to Tr 574 and Tr 829 Sentlmental value only cer flnals Class wlll resume Monday eve­ South LOl on Sunday. March 20, at 1 p m Reward' If found call TOl at W82177 or mng Call Bob at H82501 or W99101 H84529 SUNSET CRUISE aboard the Tarlang on Satur­ KWAJALEIN YACHT CLUB wlll hold a Swash­ ORANGE THREE-CELL DIVE FLASHLIGHT on day, Aprll 2 Dlne and dance under the bucklers costume ball on Saturday, C-boat Thursday, March 10 If found, call stars Tlckets go on sale Monday, March 26, from 7 p m to mldnlght at the 84104 March 21 See your favorlte Shrlner for Yokwe Yuk Club Tlckets are $12 50 and tlcket reservatlons are avallable from Larry Campbell, 82577, WHITE 4-FOOT STEP LADDER dlsappeared from Blll Brooks, 99418. Jlm Lennox, 99367, front of boat The ladder has (had) reflec­ AIKIDO CLASS AND PICNIC wlll be held Sun­ Nate Jackson, 83773, or Chuck Warg, 82107 tlve tape on one slde Call Don or Jean day. March 20, at Coral Sands Beach start­ Mldklff at W84909 or H83760 lf the ladder lng at 8 a m and lastlng untll 3 p m RI KONONO TOASTMASTERS wlll hold the next shows up ln your area Call 80b Kovacs, 83583, for more detalls regular meetlng Sunday, March 20, at 6 30 p m at the Yokwe Yuk Club RUNNING OF THE GREEN, cross-country run FOUND sponsored by the KwaJaleln Runnlng Club, MEET THE MORMONS - There wlll be an lnfor­ BATHING SUIT found in fire lane between lS scheduled for March 19 Show up at the matlve dlScusslon about Mormons, who and Palm and Hellotrope Probably was dropped Jogglng board at 5 p m Race beglns at what they are, on Sunday, March 20, at whlle rldlng blcycle Call 84118 to lden­ 5 30 P m Call Larry Homan, 82255, for 7 30 P m In Room 18 of George Seltz tlfy more lnformatlon School RETURN SOCCER EQUIPMENT - Pee wee and KMR RECREATIONAL DIVE BOAT w111 be gOlng WANTED Junlor soccer managers are remlnded to to Carlos on Sunday, March 20 D1vers be SPONSORS NEEDED to support Fire Department turn ln all team unlforms and shln guards at the tankhouse before 8 30 a m to s1gn ln SuperSwlm V Call 83552 and leave your as soon as posslble to avold belng bllled ln The boat returns at 3 p m Dlvemasters name and pledge amount Unlforms may be turned In to Barbara at for thlS trlp are Alex Wong and Carl Le Jeune Spot durlng regular hours of op­ McGrew Spearflshlng wlll not be allowed OUTSIDE CASE AND BRACKETS FOR 13,000 BTU eratlon Call Betsy Reed at H83565 to slgn up AIR CONDITIONER needed Call 82434 ETAWI CIRCLE of the Women's Protestant YOKWE YUK CLUB ENTERTAI~MENT Lock, Stock ONE SMALL REFRIGERATOR Call Paul at 81522 Chapel FellowshlP wlll meet Tuesday, and Barrel wlll be performlng ln the bar March 22, at 9 30 a m at the home of Judy area ton1gnt and Saturday nlght, March 19 KWAJ BIKE, anythlng wlll be consldered Thomas, Qtrs 4020 A program "of teapots Call Paul at 81522 and treen ware a sample of llfe ln colo­ THINK SAFETY, THIS WEEKEND' mal New England ll w111 be qlVen by Ste­ GIRL'S 20-INCH BIKE needed for one more phanle Upton All lsland women are wel­ year Call Alan at H82470 or W77503 come to attend Yokwe Yuk Club Sunday Buffet I On Sunday. March 20, the Yokwe Yuk DISHWASHER ln good condltlon Call 81531 Club buffet wlll be served, along wlth regular menu serVlce, from 5 30 to WARMING TRAY Call W84111 or H82442 9 30 P m Buffet menu w1l1 lnclude beef stroganoff wlth noodles, scalloped po­ THREE 1983 KWAJ CALENDARS Call W84111 or tates wlth ham casserole, Polynes1an H82442 meatballs. frled rlce and french cut green beans almondlne Salad and bread bar wlll be 1ncluded wlth the buffet HELP WANTED Pr1ce wlll be $6 50 per adult and $4 50 INVENTORY PERSONNEL needed to help wlth per Chlld, 4 to 12 years of age Also, Ten-Ten's lnventory on Thursday, March 31 your favorlte desserts, beverages and from 7 30 a m to 4 30 P m Contact Sherry slde orders are avallable at menu or Nella at the Ten-Ten, 81010, before flces March 25 TonIght On TeleYlslon SERVICES OFFERED Rlchardson - In God We Trust. 14-YEAR-OLD GIRL, experienced ln babyslt­ 7 30------PG tlng, ln need of Job Call 82462 after NEW SHIPMENTS •••• Ivey Hall - Flash Gordon, 3 15 p m 6 30. 8 30------PG LUGGAGE DIRECT FROM Yokwe Yuk - Urban Cowboy, 7 30, 12 30------PG COMMUNITY NOTICES SPAIN Tradewlnds - Hello Dolly, 8 00----- G SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS (SAME) lS a professlonal organlzatlon de­ THE KIND THAT TODAY'S TonIght At The MOYles dlcated to the natlonal defense Membershlp TRAVELER DEMANDS Kwajaleln lS open to both m1l1tary and c1vll1an per­ STRONG, LIGHTWEIGHT, COLORFUL, 4 30 General Hospltal sonnel lnterested 1n support1ng the attaln­ AND HANDSOMELY PRICED' 5 15 Worl d of 01 sney ment of th1S goal Current and potent1al 6 15 Llttle House members 1nterested 1n establlsh1ng a KwaJa­ 7 05 Mr Merlln leln chapter of SAME should contact 7 35 Taxl Cpt Barry N Totten, W82187 or H82455 8 00 Nurse 8 55 Cassle and Company NEWCOMERS COFFEE sponsored by the Yokwe Yuk 9 45 Delphl Bureau Women's Club w1ll be held Wednesday. PHOTO ALBUMS AND REFILLS 10 40 "Black Blrd ll March 23. at 9 a m ln Qtrs 416A ThlS cof­ 12 15 Donahue fee 1S deslgned to welcome all new women to YOU'VE ASKED FOR THEM, ROl-Namur KwaJaleln and help ease the translt10n to AND HERE THEY ARE I 5 45 General Hospltal lsland l1v1ng Come, relax and enJoy For SEVERAL STYLES 6 30 Worl d of 01 sney more 1nformat10n call Dlane Lar1V1ere at 7 20 Llttle House 82674 8 20 Mr Merlln 8 45 Taxl DUE TO A PRIVATE FUNCTION 1n the dlnlng 9 15 Nurse room Saturday, March 19, regular dlnner ~ 10-05 Cassle and Company serVlce wlll be held 1n the Banyan Room 11 00 IIA 01 fferent Stor II