... / VOLUME 20 KWAJALEIN ATOLL. MARSHALL ISLANDS. FRIDAY. ~ARCH 18. 1983 NO 54 WORLD NEWS BRIEfS Reagan Blasts $14 Million Lawsuit Against WASHINGTON (UPI) -- There 1S good news and bad news about the economy today Budget Proposed Flrst. the good news The Labor Department re­ Hinc"'ey's Psychiatrist ports very llttle wholesale prlce 1nflatlon ln By Democrats WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Whlte House press secretary February -- 1 percent James Brady and two law enforcement offlcers. Now. the bad news WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ wounded by John Hlnckley Jr ln an attack on Pres- The Commerce Department reports that take-home Presldent Reaqan walked 1dent Reaqan. are flllng a $14 m1ll1on lawsult pay also went up -- but by Just 1 percent That lS lnto the White House aqalnst tre psychlatr1st who treated the troubled less than the lncrease of December and January news room today to flre gunman before hlS arrest The department says there was no lncrease ln per­ a verbal blast at the The C1Vll SUlt. flled Says SovIets sonal spendlng, a key barometer of economlC re­ Democrats' proposed today ln U S Dlstrlct u.s. covery f1scal 1984 budget Court ln Denver, charges * * * Reagan says the budg­ that Dr John J Hopper Should Negotiate (AP) -- Former Presldent Jlmmy Carter belleves et 1S "a declaratlOn of Jr m1sd1agnosed H1nck­ lt wlll be progresslvely more d1fflcult to get Is­ war agalnst the common ley and negllgently pre­ raell troops out of Lebanon as talks between the sense prlnc1ples that scrlbed Vallum and blO­ On Missiles two Mldeast natlons drag on Carter spoke to re­ are now rebu1ld1ng Amer- feedback therapy ln the WASHINGTON (UPI) porters ln Belrut today. after a two-hour meetlng 1 ca " months before h1S ar­ The Sov1et Unlon should wlth Lebanon's presldent As for the Democrats' rest serlously negotlate an * * * proposals on defense, "Dr Hopper knew or agreement el1mlnatlng (AP) -- NASA belleves problems wlth the space Reagan says, "Noth1ng should have known that lntermedlate-range nu­ shuttle Columbla are a thlng of the past The space could brlng greater JOy Hlnckley posed a danger clear mlsslles from Eu­ agency has set Aprll 4 as the new llftoff date for to the Kremlln than to to h1mself and others rope lnstpad of threat­ the craft's malden voyage The Challenger orlglnal­ see the Unlted States and was capable of at­ enlng to deploy ltS own ly was to carry a satelllte aloft ln January, but abandon ltS defense re­ temptlng a pollt1cal as­ mlsslles near the U S suffered from a serles of leaks ln the maln bUlldlng program after sasslnatlon," the SUlt border, the State De­ englnes one year " charges "Dr Hopper partment sald today * * * The Democratlc budg­ negllgently falled to State Department (AP) -- Canadlan authorltles have lssued an ar­ et, llke the presl­ warn law enforcement of­ spokesman John Hughes rest warrant on murder charges for the Toronto wom­ dent's. would actually flclals of such fact" made the statement ln an who says she lnJected comedlan John Belushl w1th lncrease defense spend­ The psych1atrlst response to an artlcle a fatal mlX of cocalne and heroln Just over a year lng -- but by much less could not be reached for ln the Communlst Party ago The warrant was lssued In response to a U S than Reagan wants comment on the SU1t newspaper Pravda today, request that Cathy Smlth be extradlted from Toronto Reagan lashed out at Hlnckley was found ln WhlCh Georgl Arbatov, to stand trlal In Callforn1a on one charge of mur­ the House Budget Commlt­ not gUllty by reason of Moscow's chlef analyst der and 13 counts of admlnlsterlng drugs tee's proposal to h1ke lnsanlty last June of of U S POllCY, sald the * * * domestlc spendlng by charges he trled to klll Un1ted States should not WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Israell Defense Mlnlster what he called "an In­ Reagan and wounded Brady, deploy Persh1ng 2 and Moshe Arens has assured Defense Secretary Caspar credlble $181 bllllon " Secret Servlce agent crUlse mlsslles ln West­ Welnberger that the "strlctest lnstructlOns" have Democrats added more Tlmothy McCarthy, and ern Europe been glven to Israell forces In Lebanon to avold money for educatlon. Job Washlngton pollce offl­ In the Senate, Demo­ 1ncldents wlth U S Marlnes ln the area. a senlor tralnlng and Jobs pro­ cer Thomas Delahanty cratlc Leader Robert Pentagon offlclal sald today grams. and a provlslon dur1ng an attack on the Byrd urged that deploy­ The offlclal sald Lebanese securlty forces have for health lnsurance for presldentlal party on ment beg1n as planned arrested some people lnvolved ln the grenade explo­ unemployed people who March 30, 1981 ln December to force the Slon ln Belrut earller thlS week that wounded flve have lost thelr cover­ All three men have Sovlet Unlon lnto nego­ Mar1nes Sllghtly He sald they were members of an age flled multlmllllon-dol­ tlatlng serlously at obscure but fanatlcal Moslem group, Wh1Ch he could The Democratlc budget lar lawsu1ts agalnst arms control talks under not 1dent1fy contalns an unspeclfled Hlnckley, who was com­ way ln Geneva * * * tax 1ncrease of $30 b1l­ mltted lndeflnltely to "It seems crysta 1 (UPI) -- It 1S St Joseph's Day -- the day the llon, the amount that a Washlngton mental hos­ clear that the Sovlets swallows return to Caplstrano Droves of tourlsts would be ralsed by re­ pltal wlll not get down to arrlved ln San Juan Caplstrano. Callf , to welcome peallng the thlrd year In thelr latest sUlt, buslness untll lt 1S these falthful harb1ngers of sprlng of the 10 percent tax Brady lS seeklng $8 mll­ ObV10US they cannot Wln * * * cut scheduled for July 1 llon, McCarthy $2 m1l­ thelr propaganda offen­ (UPI) -- Prlncess Dlana and two future klngs of The budget proJects a llon and Delahanty, slve," Byrd sald ln a England are flYlng to Australla Undaunted by deflclt of $174 bllllon. $4 mllllon, from Hopper Senate speech weather worse than Callfornla gave Queen Ellzabeth. $15 bllllon less than The SUlt charged that The Sovlets have re­ D1ana. Prlnce Charles and baby Prlnce Wllllam are the Reagan budget def­ Hopper's advlce to cut Jected Presldent Rea­ headlng Down Under lClt ~lnckley off from hlS gan's offer to call off * * * fam1ly's support had the the NATO deployment of TEL AVIV (UPI) -- Israel's outgolng army chlef effect of aggravat1ng the 572 Pershlng 2 and of staff compla1ned 1n an lntervlew today he was Major Qualee h1S mental condltlon and crUlse mlSSlles lf MOS­ ordered to halt the flghtlng wlth Syrla on the put hlm In a "desperate cow wlll dlsmantle its slxth day of the Lebanon war. even though the Syrl­ In South Pacific sltuat10n that was llke­ more than 300 trlple­ ans had collapsed GOLDEN, Colo (UPI) ly to lead to overt V10- warhead SS-20 mlSSlles "ThlS was the fnst war In WhlCh the Arabs were -- The strongest earth­ lent acts " targeted on Western Eu­ brought to thelr knees. but the same thlng happen­ quake ln more than 18 Durlng hlS trlal, rope ed as ln all wars. when the Arabs were ln the dust. months struck Thursday H1nckley's mother, Jo­ Wlth the deployment we were stopped," sa1d Aaron Eltan. who retnes ln n1ght ln the New Brlta1n ann, testlfled she fol­ date nearlng, Reagan lS Aprll area of the South Pacl­ lowed Hopper's advlce under mountlng pressure * * * flC. wlth a rumbl1ng and sent her son away from NATO allles to make ROME (UPI) -- Actor-dlrector Orson Welles has measured at 7 9 on the from home, one week be­ a new proposal to llmlt been awarded the 1983 Luchlno Vlscontl prlze for Rlchter scale. the U S fore he shot Reagan and mlsslle forces hlS contrlbutlon to "the evolutlon of Clnemato" Geologlcal Survey sa1d three others It the U S starts graphlc language." the Jury of f1lm cr1tlcs and The quake was center­ deploY1ng the mlsslles, wrlters announced today ed about 325 mlles MUnitIons Explode the Sov1et Un10n may * * * northeast of Port Mores­ FORT DIX. N J (UPI) respond by statlonlng SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -- IBM Corp lS sU1ng f1ve by. Papua New GUlnea, In -- Llve ammunltlon ex­ ltS own lntermedlate­ former employees on grounds they developed a de­ the Blsmarck Archlpelago, ploded durlng a routlne range nuclear rockets Vlce for thelr own proflt after galnlng the neces­ an area belleved to have dlsposal operatlon at near the borders of the sary knowledge worklng on a deslgn proJect for the a sparse populatlon the Fort D1X Army Base Unlted States. Arbatov computer glant ThlS was the strong­ Thursday, kllllng four sal d The complalnt. flled ln U S D1strlct Court. ac­ est earthquake anywhere soldlers and lnJurlng Arbatov presumably cused Cybernex Corp of San Jose. Callf • and ltS ln the world Slnce an­ two others means 1n Cuba. although chlef executlve offlcers. of steallng trade secrets other 7 9 shock on "We don't know what Moscow and Washlngton on a component of IBM computers that speeds up the Sept 1. 1981, In the munltlons they were car­ agreed after the 1962 computlnq process Samoan Islands rYlng, let alone what Cuban mlsslles crlS1S * * * There were no lmme­ caused the exploslon," that the Sovlets would (AP) -- Consumer advocate Ralph Nader seeks an dlate reports of casu­ sald a spokesman, Sgt not agaln base nuclear 1nvestlgatlon of alrllne prlce-settlng altles or damage Bob Warner m1sslles ln Cuba PAGE 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1983 Iran fights Oil Price Cut' ~ BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -- Iran today branded OPEC's $5-a-barrel 011 prlce cut "lllegal" because lt dld not partlclpate In the declslon and vowed to flght the "treachery" of the cartel's Perslan Gulf Arabs that led to the campalgn for lower pn ces But 011 traders In London sald Iran mounted the broadslde attack on OPEC to Justlfy
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