Volume XVIII, Issue XII January 25, 2012
[email protected] Manchester, NH JANUARY 28: Internet Blackout Protests SOPA and PIPA CHRISTA Sarah Silvestriadis back SOPA, but could seriously the websites users post a link, the targeted site within five days, MCAULIFFE DAY Co-Editor In Chief damage the Internet. Every file picture, or video, making it search engines will be required sharing website will be censored, inoperable. According to Kukil to remove all references to and could possibly be shut down. Bora from The International the offending sites from their Students hoping to The U.S. Attorney General will Business Times, “Internet indexes, ad providers will be use Wikipedia to do their seek to target websites that post service providers will be required to stop providing ad homework were out of luck copyrighted material, even if required to block all access to service to the site and payment all day on January 18. Popular providers will be required to websites like Wikipedia, Imgur, terminate service to the site.” digitaldesktopwallpaper.com Reddit, Craigslist, and Google all On November 15, 2011 protested the Stop Online Piracy Google, Facebook, Twitter, Act (SOPA) from the House of Zynga, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, What's Inside Representatives and the Protect AOL, and LinkedIn teamed IP Act (PIPA) from the Senate up to write a letter to both the by blacking out their logos or Section Pages House of Representatives and shutting down the entire website the U.S. Senate and said that both for the day to stop the piece of SOPA and PIPA were "a serious News 3 legislature that is being reviewed risk to our industry's continued by Congress.