World Silambam Association (WSA) உலக 殿ல믍ப믍 ச柍க믍 Silambam - 5R Program Research, Revive, Rejuvenate, Retention and Restore SILAMBAM STRATEGIC PLAN World Silambam Association with Silambam Asia NGO in Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations INDEXES PAGES Silambam Strategic Plan 2018-2023 3 Silambam Strategic - Introduction and Context 5 Our Vision 7 Our Mission 7 Our Values – The Silambam Way 8 Silambam Key Stakeholders 9 The Silambam Seven Strategic Plan 11 1. World Silambam Engagement 11 2. Best Practice Governance 13 3. Strong Participation 15 4. Developing our People and Culture 17 5. Financial Sustainability 19 6. High Performance 21 7. Stakeholder Engagement 24 WORLD SILAMBAM ASSOCIATION (WSA) Ministry of Home Affairs - JPPM Reg. No.: PPM-002-10-12062018 EMAIL:
[email protected] | WEBSITE: Page 2 of 25 World Silambam Association with Silambam Asia NGO in Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations Silambam Strategic Plan 2018-2023 சில믍ப믍 믂லலோபோய தி翍ட믍 Vision World Silambam Association (WSA) is a world-leading Silambam organization that is inclusive, accessible, and ethically driven; thus, focusing to create unity, respect, success, sustainability and opportunities for everyone. Purpose Deliver excellence in all aspects of Silambam governance, inclusion, promote participation, and performance for the benefit of members - related to the Silambam (the Indian Traditional Martial Arts and Sports). Enablers Aims: Strengthening the unity, direction, and inclusion across all aspects of Silambam by cultural acting with integrity and being inclusive, transparent, ethical, cohesive, and collaborative in Silambam. 1. To increase members' participation by 2023. 2. To produce high-quality Silambam medalists (including in the future: Olympic and Paralympic games).