Friday Comprehension:

Dear Diary, Wow! What a day! I can’t believe I’m finally here in ! After what feels like a lifetime of saving up and finding the right opportunity to come... and I’m here! It feels so special to be able to complete the fifth pillar of my religion. Our flight was very hot but very exciting. We were all together, all going for the same purpose, so we were all very excited. Going into the state of was quite a milestone. When we all put on our white robes, and said our first prayers, it properly felt like Hajj for the first time! The first thing we did was Tawaf; walking around the Kab’ah seven times. The Kab’ah was much bigger than I thought it would be. While we were walking round seven times, I felt great because I was following out ’s instructions from the Qur’an and because I felt really connected with everyone else who was doing the same thing. Next, I went and drank the water from the . It tasted very sweet for some reason and felt that this is important because I knew this was the well that was created to stop from dying of thirst in the story in the Qur’an! Then, we all did the walk between the two hills . This remembers the same story in the Qur’an, where runs between the mountains trying to find water for her son, Ishmael. We walked up and down seven times between the two hills. It felt amazing to be retracing Hagar’s exact steps! Finally, we proceeded to Mina for prayers and I’ll stay here ‘til sunrise. I’m going to bed now because I’m so tired after the long journey. I’ll write more soon.

Dear Diary, After dawn prayers in Mina, we started our journey to Arafat which was a three-hour walk. The time passed quickly because there were many fascinating people to talk to. Some people told me that this is the most important day of Hajj, praying and repenting by the mountain. At sunset, we moved on to and set up camp for the night. There were literally thousands of people here who have made this journey from all over the world. I met another British woman who was feeling overcome by heatstroke, so I shared my drink with her until a doctor came to help. There’s an amazing sense of community here. I feel very connected to my faith and to the others who share it. I’ve heard some people say that they don’t sleep very much at Muzdalifah but I’m feeling very calm tonight.

Dear Diary, I had the best night’s sleep ever despite being on the hard floor. Today was the day for the symbolic stoning of the devil, Ramy al-Jamarat. I collected some pebbles to fling at three columns in the city of Mina to remember Ibrahim fighting off the devil who was trying to stop him following Allah. It was hot. The sun beat down fiercely, but I saw an elderly lady staying graceful in the midday heat and felt determined not to complain. I’m glad the cool evening has come now – this was a very long day. Dear Diary, Wow! I’m finally home after a fantastic Hajj. The last few days were the festival of Eid al- Adha, or the feast of sacrifice, where we remember the sacrifice that Ibrahim was willing to make. Then there was the farewell Tawaf, a final circulation of the Kab’ah. It’s a good job I got fit before I made the pilgrimage to Mecca – there was so much walking to do! It was so inspiring to spend that time with so many dedicated Muslims. I’m really proud that I can now call myself a Hajja. Aliyah x

Answer the questions in FULL sentences. 1) Find and copy a phrase which tells us that Aliyah had to save up money for a long time. 2) Find and copy two phrases which show that Aliyah had had a great first day in Mecca. 3) Explain why making the pilgrimage to Mecca was so important to Aliyah. Give two reasons. 4) What did Aliyah have to do to begin Hajj? 5) ‘While we were walking round seven times, I felt great…’ Give two reasons why Aliyah felt this way. 6) Find and copy a phrase which tells us that Aliyah felt close to the other pilgrims. 7) What story from the Qur'an is linked to the Zamzam? 8) ‘But it is so worth it…’. What does this show us about Aliyah's experience of her first day? 9) Which part of the pilgrimage do you think was most important to Aliyah and why? 10) Would you like to experience Hajj? Yes or no. Explain your answer.

Answers: 1) The phrase is “A lifetime of saving up.” 2) The two phrases are “Wow! What a day”. 3) We were all Muslims together. Going into the state of Ihram was quite a milestone. 4) She had to wear white robes and pray. 5) She felt great because she was following out Allah’s instructions from the Qur’an. She also felt really connected with everyone else who was doing the same thing. 6) I felt really connected to everyone else. 7) Where Hagar runs between the mountains trying to find water for her son, Ishmael. 8) The experience was really difficult, long and tiring but it was very enjoyable. 9) Your own answer. 10) Your own answer.