Minutes of the September Meeting of St Clement Parish Council Held at St Clement Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 30th September 2015

Present: Chairman: Cllr P Thomas; Parish Councillors: Cllr T Cowling;Cllr G Ellis; Cllr C Matta; Cllr T Stevens; Cllr A Tribute: Cllr R Tallis. Clerk: Mrs J Ashley

Members of the public:Mr G Doherty; Mr C Green; Mrs J Gingell..

Public Discussion The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting and invited Mrs Gingell to speak. Mrs Gingell introduced herself as a new resident of , with a background in tourism and explained that she was in discussion with the Village Improvement Group about ideas to improve the dilapidated Information Board (owned by the Parish Council). She noted that it was in need of repair and introduced the idea of a village map with information about walks, historical facts, amenities, churches, wildlife, etc., with possible sponsorship from advertisers, along the lines of one that had been produced in . Although the idea was still to be developed, she hoped that the Parish Council would be supportive.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Gingell and invited Mr Doherty to speak. Mr Doherty reported that he and other residents in Tresillian, some of whom had written to TRAM on the subject, were concerned that the problem of speeding in Tresillian was getting worse, and that there had been instances of traffic overtaking on the wrong side of the bollards, and cars travelling at 30mph being followed by cars travelling at 70 mph. Some thought that residents should start a pressure group to campaign for average speed cameras. Mr Doherty said that it was likely that the Parish Council would receive a letter from the group, however the intention was to give the Parish Council ammunition to support the campaign. The Clerk noted that the idea had been put forward to Council, however Mr Bidgood had suggested trying a moveable 30mph electronic sign for the time being, as average speed cameras were unlikely to be offered by , in view of their cost. He had also suggested writing to the Police Commissioner, asking that the Police enforce the new speed limit.

Mr Doherty also stated that he wished to sponsor a seat in the playing fields in memory of his late wife, and that the trustees of the playing field were supportive in principle.

The Chaiman thanked Mr Doherty and opened the meeting proper.

1 To receive apologies for absence Apologies received from Cllr Eathorne Gibbons. 2 To receive any Declarations of Interest from members Cllr Matta declared an interest re the Allotments. Cllr Ellis declared an interest as a trustee of the Playing Field (re the War Memorial) 3 Minutes The draft minutes of the previous meeting as circulated were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr RT Seconded: Cllr TC 4 Police The Clerk reported correspondence from the police following the previous meeting, giving statistics on speeding in Tresillian. It was noted that the traffic survey had taken place in February and the Clerk was asked to request that the police carried out a further survey in the summer, when, it was felt, traffic levels would be more typical. Cllr Tallis reported that there was evidence of drug related activity in Park Lane, about 600 yards down to the right. 5 Matters Arising a Allotments Cllr Matta took no part in the following discussion. Works to the handrail were still outstanding The clerk had collected rents for the coming year from the majority of plot holders one and a half plots had been given up and reallocated to new plot holders. It was thought that two further plot holders would be giving up their plots. Cllr Tallis asked for clarification on whether vacant

St Clement Parish Council Meeting 30th September 2015 Page 1 plots could be allocated outside of the parish. It was agreed to meet with the allotments group to discuss ways of reducing maintenance of uncultivated parts of the site. b Public Conveniences Cllr Ellis agreed to have a look at the faulty alarm cord at the St Clement Conveniences. There had been no further correspondence regarding the Malpas conveniences. c Highway Matters The Clerk reported on the sub-committee meeting held with Mr Bidgood on 29 th September with Cllrs RT, PT and GE. Mr Bidgood had confirmed that the likely cost of average speed limit cameras was £60,000 and that it was not possible to have 30mph repeater signs on a lit road (Dept of Transport regulations). As previously noted, he had suggested writing to the Police Commissioner and trying either a movable sign (at a cost of £2-3,000) which the Parish Council would have to insure and maintain, or else a static sign (at a cost of around £8,500) for which Cornwall Council would be responsible. Mr Bidgood reported that he had been in discussion with Mr Deacon re the difficulty of egress from the private road at the end of the village. Mr Bidgood said that in order to move the 30mph sign further out, a Traffic Regulation Order would be required (Cost: £4,000 plus the cost of the works), but the consultation costs could be shared with other local town and parish councils making applications at the same time. Other works could be included within the same application, e.g. restricting parking outside the post office. He suggested talking to Mr Gazzard at Truro City Council, to see if a combined application might be possible. Mr Bidgood had confirmed that Tregurra Lane was 'on the list to be done'. There had also been a discussed about congestion and people using 'devil's arch' as a cut through to avoid this; councillors raised the question of whether the bridleway down the side of Penair School could be opened to traffic to alleviate this. Councillors also asked about the possibility of an 'unsuitable for large vehicles' sign at the entrance to the road to St Clement village; Mr Bidgood said that Cornwall Council would not provide this, but the Parish Council could sponsor it. It was noted that ditches on the road to Frogmore had not been cleared; Mr Bidgood regretted that cyclical visits had been cut to one per year. He also reported that details of grants for property specific flood measures were being discussed with the owner of the property most affected by the flooding on the Polsue Estate. d War Memorial Plaque Following the decision of the previous meeting to allow £750 for the purchase of a plaque for the new war memorial, it was agreed to purchase the plaque from Arkell and Burcombe Bronzeworks at a cost of £750 (£595 plus £30 carriage and £125 VAT). Proposed: TC; seconded RT. e Ladock Treatment Works The Clerk reported email correspondence from South West Water; it appeared that they had mistaken the nature of the enquiry and were referring to the wrong outfall, which was not from Creekside, but from the Ladock Treatment Works, accommodating developments at Probus, Ladock, St Erme and Trispen. Cllr Ellis noted that the incoming pipe from Trispen was very much bigger than the pipe to the outfall, and that there were new or forthcoming developments at St Erme, Trispen and Probus that would be using the outfall. Cllr Ellis asked that South West Water contact him if further information was required to clarify the nature of the enquiry. 6 Visitor Information Point – proposals for refurbishment See Public Discussion. 7 Neighbourhood Plan The Clerk reported on the Steering Group meeting on 10 th September and noted that the next meeting of the group would take place on 8th October at 7pm and any councillor was at liberty to attend. The Steering group had formed sub-groups to look at four key areas: website, public engagement; demographic research and the compilation of a detailed questionnaire. The group had considered different ways of engaging the public, e.g. using audio visual methods and making use of the mobile library. The website group was looking at different sites with a view to preparing a specification based on examples of good practice, so that prices could be obtained. The Clerk reported that she and Mr Elliott and Mrs Hitchcox (Chair and Vice-Chair) had had a useful meeting with Roger Gazzard (Town Clerk), who had advised on pitfalls, useful contacts, etc. The group wished to defer consideration of the Terms of Reference, which were being re- drafted. The group requested that the Parish Council submit a formal request to Cornwall Council for the parish to be designated as a Neighbourhood Area for the purposes of a Neighbourhood Plan, so that work on the plan could proceed. It was resolved to submit a formal request to Cornwall Council under Part 2 (5) (1) of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulation 2012 to designate the whole of the Parish as a Neighbourhood Area for the

St Clement Parish Council Meeting 30th September 2015 Page 2 purposes of a Neighbourhood Plan. Proposed:TC; seconded: GE. The group also wished to buy a lockable cupboard to be placed in the Parish Hall, so that a reading room could be set up to support the project. It was noted that the cupboard could be used afterwards to provide additional storage for the Parish Council. The Clerk confirmed that this was acceptable to the Parish Hall Committee. The Clerk had obtained prices for new cupboards from Staples and Amazon, but recommended that a secondhand cupboard be purchased, as this was likely to be much cheaper, based on the examples seen online. It was resolved to delegate the selection of a suitable secondhand cupboard to the Clerk and Chair with a budget of £200. Proposed: GE; seconded: TC. 8 Street Trading Review Councillors considered and agreed responses to questions 1-12 of Cornwall Council's Street Trading Review consultation questionnaire. The Clerk was instructed to submit a response on behalf of the Parish Council (see appendix). Proposed: GE; seconded: TC. 9 Remembrance Day Wreaths The Council considered its customary annual donations towards the cost of a remembrance day wreath in accordance with its miscellaneous powers under s.137 of Local Govt Act 1972; it was noted that the current annual limit on such donations was £7.20 per elector. It was resolved to donate £17 for the purchase of a remembrance day wreath to Tresillian and with Parochial Church Council and the same amount to St Clement Parochial Church Council. Proposed: GE; seconded: TC. 10 Accounts a To settle any accounts submitted for payment The Clerk reported on the financial position of the Parish Council and presented accounts for payment as follows:

Brought forward balances: Current Account £3,993.98 Deposit Account: £28,005.72 total brought forward: £31,999.70

ADD: Income Cornwall Council Re Precept (2nd instalment) £6,000.00 Cornwall Council CTS grant (2nd instalment) £385.78 Allotment rents (various collected 27.09.15) for year from 1st October 2015 £418.00 Malpas Village Hall Committee. Reimbursement re AV system grant £165.50 C Matta – allotment rent £34.00 sub-total £7003.28

LESS: Expenditure The following cheque was signed by PT and TS in advance of the meeting: 878 EDF Electricity Customers PLC re electricity for St Clement Wcc (inc VAT £1.64) £34.38 (note accidentally drawn before 877)

The following cheques were presented for signature 877 J Ashley (Clerk's September salary) £421.09 879 J Ashley Reimbursement(imaging unit for scanner plus one box paper)(VAT £9.25) £55.47 880 Cornwall Council – Malpas WC running costs contribution 01.01.15-31.12.15) (inc VAT £278.40) £1670.40 881 Arkel abd Hurcombe (Bronzeworks) (inc £125.00 VAT) £750.00 882 Andrew Tullett – Allotments Grass cuts x 2 £250.00 883 Tresillian & Lamorran with Merther PCC – donation re Remembrance Day Wreath £17.00 884 St Clement Parochial Church Council – donation re Remembrance Day Wreath £17.00 Sub-total £3,215.34

Carried Forward balances Deposit Account: £35,009.00 Current Account: £778.64 Total available carried forward: £35,787.64

Proposed: RT Seconded: TS who also signed the cheques.

St Clement Parish Council Meeting 30th September 2015 Page 3 b Clerk's report and budget update. The Clerk asked the meeting to note that the hall had been used for three additional meetings during the month (Highways subcommittee; Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and meeting with Roger Gazzard re Neighbourhood Plan). She reported on the Truro and Roseland Network AGM, which had heard presentations on the black alerts at Treliske and on a recycling initiative, and there had also been a discussion on the impact of the move to Paperless Planning. Parish Councils would receive a grant of £700 towards additional costs and paper planning documents would be cease on 1st January, although it may be possible to defer until 1st April by special agreement. She reported that the Roseland Parishes Neighbourhood Plan had been approved by public referendum and was now in force and was being used by planners to decide planning applications. Finally the Clerk reported that an invoice for 1p had been received in respect of the licence for the riverside seat from Tregothnan, but that Mrs Sparkes had confirmed in writing that she had made a donation of 10p to cover the licence fee for 10 years from 2014. c Annual Review of Clerk's Salary It was agreed to consider this with the precept at an extraordinary meeting. d Preliminary Discussion of Precept. Councillors were asked to suggest any special items for consideration for inclusion in the precept, so that costs could be obtained. Suggestions included: Information board repair/printing; costs associated with Paperless Planning; replacement of seat by Tresillian River; highways costs re enforcement of 30mph speed limit in Tresillian; footpath/cycleway in Tresillian. 11 Planning Applications a New applications received prior to the meeting PA15/08127 Victoria Cottage Malpas. Listed building consent re application PA15/08126 (see below) PA15/08126 Victoria Cottage joining Malpas Rd to Bar Meadows, Malpas TR1 1SQ. Demotion of existing two storey flat rood extension and single storey lean-to extension , partial demolition of existing external store and erection of replacement tow storey and single storey extensions including terraced area. At the invitation of the Chairman and with the permission of councillors present, Mr Charles Green presented details of the application on behalf of his client, the applicant. After discussion, it was resolved to offer no objection, provided that there should be no parking on the highway by contractors with the exception of unavoidable loading and unloading. All in favour. PA15/07787 Land to the rear of Treveor House, Tresillian Outline application for demolition of existing sheds and erection of a new build four bedroom dwelling. It was resolved to offer no objection, provided that any existing Tree Preservation Orders on the site were respected. All in favour. PA15/00023/ NDP Plan proposal for Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Development Plan. Noted. b Cornwall Council Planning Decisions PA15/06588 Pencalenick School, St Clement. Proposed single storey free standing classroom building. Approved with conditions 7th September 2015. PA15/06947 and PA15/04948 Harmony Cottage, St Clement. PlanningApplication/Listed Building Consent for proposed alterations and improvements to dwelling and outbuilding. Approved with conditions 8th September 2015. c Other Planning Matters The Clerk was asked to ask the planning link officer whether the Parish Council could be consulted on any future planning applications re Doorstop. 12 Cornwall Councillor's Report. None 13 Correspondence a Mrs G Lush re request to sponsor memorial plaque. The Clerk was asked to thank Mrs Lush for her kind offer and to say that the Parish Council were willing to fund the plaque in view of Mr Lush's contribution to the community. b Mr G Doherty re offer to sponsor a memorial bench for the playing fields. Clerk to confirm details of the bench with Mr Doherty. c Mr A Swingler, Malpas Village Hall Committee re reimbursement re AV system for the hall. Noted. d Cornwall Council re grants and workshops on Paperless Planning. Clerk to book. e Cornwall ALC re grants towards the cost of meeting transparency regulations. To be considered

St Clement Parish Council Meeting 30th September 2015 Page 4 alongside precept. f Mrs Gingell re Visitor Information Point. Noted. g Cornwall council re Planning Conferences for local councillors (training) 15 October. No councillors wished to attend. h Ms E Ball, Cornwall Council re Neighbourhood Plan (see agenda item) i Mrs Sue Sparks, Tregothnan Estate re invoice for licence fee for bench. See Clerk's report. j Mr V Bidgood, Cormac Ltd, re average speed limit signs. See agenda item. k Cornwall Council re Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service consultation. Councillors did not wish to submit a response. l PCSO D Moore-Dunstan, Police report (see agenda item). m South West Water re Ladock Treatment Works. (See agenda item). n Cornwall Council re Streetworks notices. o Mr Geyman, re Malpas Parking. Noted. 14 To note any future diary dates Thursday 8th October 7pm Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group. Tuesday 24th November 2015 3pm Highways sub-committee meeting. The Clerk was asked to request that this be moved to 3.30pm. 15 To agree any items for the next agenda Councillors were asked to submit any other agenda items to the Clerk. 16 To agree a date for the next meeting. The date for the next meeting was agreed as 7.30pm on Wednesday 28th October 2015 There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.15pm.

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