Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76 UCD 572.4:572.77:56 Original scientific paper

Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth from Galili, Somali Region, Ethiopia

Roberto Macchiarelli1, Luca Bondioli2, Dean Falk3, Peter Faupl4, Bernard Illerhaus5, Ottmar Kullmer6, Wolfram Richter4, Hasen Said7, Oliver Sandrock8, Katrin Schäfer9, Christoph Urbanek4, Bence T. Viola9, Gerhard W. Weber9 and Horst Seidler9

1 Laboratoire de Géobiologie, Biochronologie et Paléontologie Humaine, CNRS UMR 6046, Université de Poitiers, France 2 Sezione di Antropologia, Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico »L. Pigorini«, Roma, Italy 3 Department of Anthropology, State University New York, Albany, USA 4 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria 5 Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany. 6 Research Institute Senckenberg, Department of Palaeoanthropology, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 7 National Museum of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 8 Department of Geology, Paleontology and Mineralogy, Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, Germany 9 Institute of Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria


A fossil hominid tooth was discovered during survey at Galili, Somali region, Ethio- pia. The geological and faunal context indicate an Early Pliocene age. The specimen (GLL 33) consists of an almost complete lower right third molar likely representing a male individual of advanced age-at-death. Its comparative metrical, morphological and (micro)structural analysis (supported by a microtomographic record) suggests a tentative taxonomic allocation to cf. A. afarensis.

Key words: lower molar, Australopithecus, Early Pliocene, Galili, Ethiopia

Introduction The hominid tooth reported here co- Anthropological Research Team (PAR- mes from field research activity devel- Team) led by the Institute of Anthropol- oped since late 1999 in the Somali Region ogy at the University of Vienna in collab- of Ethiopia by the international Paleo- oration with the National Museum of

Received for publication April 6, 2004

65 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76

Ethiopia and the Mekkelle University in Two different successions, separated Ethiopia. by a steep, nearly N-S-trending normal The PAR-Team working area is loca- fault, exist in the near vicinity of the ted on the south-eastern side of the Mid- »hominid site«. In the footwall west of the dle Awash region, in the Afar depression, fault, a morphological scarp exposes about NE of the recently active northernmost 15 m flat lying sediments, which are com- segment of the Main Ethiopian Rift posed mainly of grey silty mudstones known as the Hertale Graben1, about 9 with thin sand intercalations. In the mid- km E of the Gedamaitu village (Figure 1). dle part of the sequence, a conspicuous The area, which approximates 100 km2, white limestone bed of 20 cm thickness includes two main Neogene vertebrate occurs. Immediately below and above this fossiliferous sub-areas named after their limestone, further smaller limestone in- most dominating landscape structures: tercalations, sometimes of cellular char- the Satkawhini (SKW) hill, to NE, and acter, can be observed. The sedimentary the Galili (GLL) table-top mountain, to succession is overlain by an about 5 m SW. thick ignimbrite, which forms an excel- lent stratigraphic marker horizon distrib- On the first systematic exploratory uted in the entire area. The limestone bed field survey of the area (on February and the accompanying fine clastic sedi- 2000), the isolated specimen was col- ments represent an ancient shallow lac- lected (by Mr. Abdelahi Idle) in recent al- ustrine environment. In the upper part of luvial debris at the GLL-1/A67 site (9° the section, below the ignimbrite horizon, ² ² 77 N, 40° 54 E), located in a depression an increasing fluvial influence can be rec- 2 at about 1 km to the SW of Mount Galili . ognized. In the same stratigraphic ni- veau, about 2 km towards N, fluvial chan- nels appear (Figure 1). The Geochronological and In the hanging wall east of the fault, a Paleontological Context basalt layer, tectonically adjoining the fault, represents the top of the other sedi- The succession of sediments and vol- mentary succession, which dips with c. 5° canic rocks exposed nearby Galili belongs to W. Towards the south of the depres- to the tectonically elevated eastern rift sion, the basalt forms a morphological shoulder of the Main Ethiopian Rift seg- ridge. The sediments underlying the bas- ment. The whole region suffered inten- alts mainly comprise poorly sorted, grav- sive brittle tectonic deformation, mostly elly to coarse-grained sands from which, by NNE-SSW-trending faults. Depending among other fossil remains, primate teeth on lateral facies variations, the sedimen- have been collected. On the basis of grain tary sequence is about 120–150 m thick size analyses, the sandy sediments repre- and belongs to the Plio-Pleistocene (4.5– sent a fluvial facies with high amounts of 1.6 Ma) »Upper Stratoid Series«3. sheed flood layers. Within the sands, a Seven main volcanic horizons, com- pyroclastic layer is intercalated about 3.5 prising basalts, ignimbrites and other m below the basalt. pyroclastic layers, have been used as The eastern succession with the basalt marker beds for subdividing the forma- on top is stratigraphically younger than tion. Based on biostratigraphic record, es- the sediment capped by the ignimbrite to- pecially on suids and elephants, the Early wards the west of the fault, known to Middle Pliocene sediments represent a from regional mapping. The basalt can be relatively short accumulation time span4. correlated with the basalts on top of Mount

66 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76

Fig. 1. Schematic placement map of the study region (Somali region of Ethiopia, Afar depression) and stratigraphic diagram of the investigated Mount Galili (GLL) area.

Galili. Radiometric dating (40Ar/39Ar) of From only morphological considera- sanidine crystals gained from the ignim- tions, both successions, to the W and to brite gave a preliminary age of 4.1 Ma, the E of the fault, could be the source of which seems in accordance with the bio- the debris containing the hominid tooth. stratigraphic observations (Early Plioce- Nonetheless, when taking into account ne). Unfortunately, high amounts of ex- the facies types, the coarse sandy depos- cess argon in the basalt lead to analytical its below the basalt layer, which are very problems and unreliable Ar-Ar ages. rich in faunal remains, should be pre-

67 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76 ferred to the succession below the igni- the appearance of the specimen as a mbrite which is, in contrast, relatively whole (enamel and cementum) testifies to poor. diffuse surface erosion, weathering and The Early Pliocene vertebrate fauna local flaking. On the distobuccal aspect, from Galili includes large mammals just below the cement-enamel junction (Equidae, Rhinoceratidae, Dinotheriidae, (CEJ), a spot-like breakage is present. Elephantidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Hippopo- The distal root, which is nearly complete, tamidae, Giraffidae, Carnivora, Cercopi- shows thin longitudinal and transversal thecidae), reptiles (Crocodylia, Chelonia), microfractures. Microscopic investigation and various species of fish2,4. of the fracture margins of the mesial root Two previous surveys carried out in evidences erosion at the outer edges, thus the region resulted in the discovery of suggesting a breakage in antiquo. three hominid teeth likely coming from a The general morphology and preser- comparable geochronological context5. vation conditions of GLL 33 are illus- trated in Figure 3 (A-I); its overall crown and root metrics are detailed in Table 1. The Hominid Tooth (GLL 33): Mor- The occlusal outline is a rectangle ta- phological and Structural Analysis pering distally to form a convex margin. The hominid specimen from Galili, The crown bears seven cusps, including a which is labeled GLL 33, is stored at the developed tuberculum intermedium (me- National Museum of Ethiopia, Addis taconulid) occurring in the lingual groove Ababa. It consists of a lower right third between metaconid and entoconid. Rela- molar (RM3) preserving a virtually com- tive cusp sizes (decreasing order) are pro- plete crown but lacking most of the me- toconid (c1), metaconid (c2), hypoconid sial root (Figure 2: A-C). The occlusal sur- (c3), hypoconulid (c5), entoconid (c4), me- face margins are slightly smoothed and taconulid (c7), entoconulid (tuberculum sextum, c6). According to the ASU coding system for nonmetric dental traits6, cusp 5 and cusp 7 (both degree 4) are proportionally large, while cusp 6 (degree 2) is slightly smaller than cusp 5. The occlusal fissural pattern is Y7, with metaconid-hypoconid contact. On the distobuccal aspect, a Ù-shaped fissure is detectable between c3 and c5; a deep distolingual groove sepa- rates c4 and c7. Secondary fissures run towards the central basin. Because of oc- clusal surface weathering at the meta- conid distal side, deflecting wrinkle oc- currence cannot be properly assessed. A smooth, faintly developed mesial trigonid crest connects protoconid and metaconid; the distolingul groove is distinct. Meta- Fig. 2. Drawing of GLL 33 in buccal (A), mesial conid and hypoconulid are rather mesial- (B), and occlusal (C) views (courtesy of Heide- ly and buccally placed, respectively; the marie Grillitsch, Inst. of Zoology, University of entoconulid is double. The anterior fovea Vienna). Bar is 1 cm. (precuspidal fossa) is present (degree 2),

68 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76 while the posterior one is absent; the mogeneous linguobuccal wear gradient paracristid is mesially placed. On the towards flattening). Metaconid and pro- buccal crown side, just below c1, a hardly toconid are the most salient and the most traceable protostylid appears as a faint worn cusp, respectively, the latter show- buccal fissure curved to distal (degree 2). ing a single occlusal emerging dentine Notably in distal view, a relative re- pinpoint spot on its buccal slope (the only tention of the occlusally projecting edges GLL 33 enamel perforation). Relative of the lingual cusps is evident, while the cusp wear (decreasing order) is c1, c3, c5, buccal cusps are almost flat (rather ho- c6, c2, c7, c4. While the distal crown mar-

Fig. 3. GLL 33 general morphology and preservation. A: occlusal aspect; B: oblique distobuccal view; C: mesial aspect; D: distal aspect: E: slightly oblique distal view; F: lingual aspect; G: buccal aspect; H: slightly oblique buccal view; I: apical view. Images not to scale.

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Variable Value 1 Occlusal mesiodistal diameter (distance between the mesial and the 15.6 distal edges) 2 Maximum occlusal mesiodistal diameter (estimated max. distance 16.3 between the mesial and the distal edges avoiding the interproximal mesial wear) 3 Maximum mesiodistal diameter (max. distance between the mesial 16.6 and the distal surfaces) 4 Maximum buccolingual diameter (max. distance between the buccal 14.3 and the lingual surfaces) 5 Occlusal buccolingual diameter at mid-crown 13.9 6 Maximum buccolingual diameter across protoconid 14.2 7 Maximum buccolingual diameter across hypoconid 14.3 8 Maximum crown height at metaconid (projecting distance between 7.5 CEJ at the mesiolingual aspect and the metaconid apex) 9 Maximum crown height at entoconid (projecting distance between 6.8 CEJ at the distolingual aspect and the entoconid apex) 10 Minimum occlusal surface area (var.1xvar.5) 216.8 11 Maximum occlusal surface area (var.2xvar.5) 226.6 12 Crown area (var.2xvar.4) 233.1 13 Maximum cross-sectional crown area (var.3xvar.4) 237.4 14 Crown shape (var.2/var.4) 1.14 15 Maximum height of the distal root (along the distal aspect) 14.1 16 Mesiodistal diameter of the distal root at furcation 8.0

gin around hypoconulid and entoconulid Despite weathering which may have is rounded, a large, from flat to sub-con- locally masked, or even erased, some , oval-shaped interproximal wear fa- enamel surface (micro)features, no evi- cet involving both protoconid and meta- dence for linear enamel hypoplasia, hypo- conid is present on the mesial tooth as- calcifications or enamel macro-defects is pect, with a buccolingually oriented major found on GLL 33, and no crenulated ap- axis (height: 4.4 mm; width: 6.5 mm). pearance of the enamel is seen in occlusal Even at a low magnification (6x hand view. lens), perikymata are detectable on the GLL 33's radiographic and high reso- crown's buccal aspect, notably at the level lution x-ray computed microtomographic of the hypoconulid. Perikymata density record (see infra) show that the broken increases towards the cervical margin, mesial root has two canals filled by fine where they show a sinusoidal path. sediment. The complete distal root is well Moving along a linear distance of 5 mm grooved and flattened mesiodistally. It is from the CEJ towards the c5 apex (even if rather inclined with respect to the hori- not really up to its tip), a total of 39 zontal plane but not bent, and shows full perikymata has been recorded. apical closure with a single canal. The ce-

70 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76 mentum, which is well preserved on this root despite some buccal chippings, is rather thick. In order to investigate its inner mor- phology and to detail its enamel thick- ness topographic variation, GLL 33 was scanned by means of a µCT-scan system at the Bundesanstalt fuer Materialfor- schung und-pruefung (BAM), Berlin. Mi- crotomographic analysis was made with the exposure of 0.2 mA at 110 kV for 14.000 msec with a 2 mm copper prefilter. The radiographic images were collected Fig. 5. GLL 33. Lingual view of the µCT me- by a 1024 by 1024 pixel CCD camera cou- siodistal section through the mid-crown show- pled with an image intensifier. Following ing the filled pulp chamber. a 360° rotation of the specimen, 720 im- ages (each at 0.5°) were taken with a cord, likely the first one realized on a pixel resolution of 0.033027 mm. For vol- Early Pliocene hominid tooth, we have ume rendering and imaging, two data made the original digitized volume data sets at 30µ and 60µ voxel resolution were fully available at http://www.anthropol- primarily reconstructed from the raw mi- crotomographic data by means of AVS 5.3 Likely following the partial breaking (Advanced Visual Systems, Inc.) and AMI- of the mesial root, the pulp chamber has RA 3.1 (TGS Inc.), resulting in a volume been entirely filled by fine sediment par- of 899 x 899 x 553 and 450 x 450 x 277 ma- ticles (Figure 5). The µCT-based three-di- trix size, respectively. A µCT-based three- mensional rendering (transparency) of dimensional reconstruction of the fossil the pulp chamber and the radicular ca- hominid tooth from Galili is shown in Fig- nal(s) is shown in Figure 6. The maxi- ure 4. mum width of the pulp chamber (mea- sured over the floor to furcation) is 7.6 mm; the total volume (chamber and dis- tal radicular canal) is 103.2 mm3.

Fig. 4. µCT-based three-dimensional recon- struction of GLL 33 (oblique distobuccal view).

Fig. 6. GLL 33. Lingual view of the µCT-based To allow independent elaboration and three-dimensional rendering (transparency) of analysis of this high-resolution µCT re- the pulp chamber and root canal(s).

71 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76

Pulp chamber volume variation in a number of standardized measurements early hominid molars is still unknown. have been realized through: (1) the me- Nonetheless, based on extant fig- taconid-protoconid (m-p) mesial section ures, the rather low position in GLL 33 of (five measures), (2) the entoconid-hypo- its ceiling with respect to the occlusal conid (e-h) distal section (four measures), plane (ceiling found at the CEJ level in (3) the metaconid-entoconid (m-e) lingual 97% of extant human lower molars7), its section (nine measures), and (4) the pro- modest width in both mesiodistal and toconid-hypoconid (p-h) buccal section buccolingual directions, and a certain de- (two measures). With specific reference to gree of resorption observed around the the GLL 33 lingual section through me- lower portion of the distal canal would taconid and entoconid, Figure 8 schema- suggest an adult-mature age-at-death for tizes the site of nine key-points set along this individual. the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) and While the enamel is worn and weath- the related linear enamel thickness mea- ered at the surface, its inner structure is sures tentatively performed on the four only very modestly affected by the multi- investigated sections (for a discussion directional micro-cracks and fractures in- concerning the different methodological volving both dentine and cementum (Fig- approaches used in assessing enamel ure 7). thickness in extant and extinct primates, see8–13).

Fig. 8. Topographic distribution of the nine standard points set along the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) and indication of the enamel Fig. 7. GLL 33. Lingual view of the µCT thickness (ET) measurements taken in the pres- mesiodistal section taken midway between the ent study. The GLL 33 µCT lingual section mid-crown and the buccal aspect showing mul- through metaconid (left) and entoconid (right) tidirectional micro-cracks/fractures mostly af- cusps is used as reference scheme for all the fecting dentine and cementum. four investigated sections (m-p, e-h, m-e, and p-h). ET measure 1: taken at 1/3 of the EDJ length between cervix and dentin horn (here, on the mesial side); 2: as measure 1 but at 2/3; 3: Before GLL 33 was µCT-scanned, lin- between the dentine horne and the cusp apex ear enamel thickness had been prelimi- (here, the metaconid); 4: at 1/6 of the EDJ narily measured by a digital caliper di- length between the two dentine horns; 5: from the inferiormost intercuspal point along the rectly at the level of the mesiolingual EDJ to the analogous point on the outer margin of the dentine spot emerging on enamel; 6: as measure 4 but at 5/6; 7: as 3 the lingual slope of the protoconid (0.75 (here, the entoconid); 8: as measure 2 (here, on mm). Based on the currently available the distal side); 9: as measure 1 (here, on the high-resolution microtomographic record, distal side).

72 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76

TABLE 2 affecting enamel, all values are doubtless GLL 33 µCT-BASED ENAMEL THICKNESS (ET) TOPOGRAPHIC VARIATION underestimated, with the only likely ex- ception of those measured along the ET m-p e-h m-e p-h metaconid-entoconid (lingual) section. It measure should be also noted that, by definition, a 1 0.72 1.01 0.92 0.5 mesiodistally- and a buccolingually-ori- 2 1.72 1.67 1.52 – ented section systematically intersects at 3 1.34 2.03 1.07 – the cuspal level (m-p and p-h at c1; m-p 4 – – 1.29 – and m-e at c2; e-h and p-h at c3; e-h and 5 1.39 – 1.29 – m-e at c4). 6 – – 2.09 – 7 – – 1.69 – As expected because of occlusal crown 8 – – 1.93 – topography, the highest individual and 9 0.84 0.97 1.33 1.44 average thickness values are found along m-p: metaconid-protoconid (mesial) section; the m-e lingual section (2.09 mm close to e-h: entoconid-hypoconid (distal) section; m-e: the entoconid and 1.5 mm, respectively), metaconid-entoconid (lingual) section; p-h: while the minimal ones concern the pro- protoconid-hypoconid (buccal) section. For the toconid-hypoconid buccal section (0.50 description of the 1-9 ET variables, see Figure mm and 1.0 mm, respectively). Mostly be- 7. Values in mm. cause of the value recorded at the ento- conid apex (2.03 mm), the average thick- The set of 20 (on 36 possible) µCT- ness shown by the entoconid-hypoconid based measures actually taken on GLL distal section (1.4 mm) approximates the 33 (by means of the MPSPK original soft- m-e figures. ware) are shown in Table 2. Because of In a methodological perspective, it is the distinct linguobuccal wear gradient, worthwhile to note that, while corre- as well as of the mild but diffuse erosion sponding to the metaconid and to the

TABLE 3 LOWER M3 COMPARATIVE TOOTH METRICS. LINEAR MEASUREMENTS IN MM; AREAS IN MM2 Mesiodistal Buccolingual Taxon/sample/specimen N X SD Min. Max N X SD Min. Max GLL 33 1 16.3a 1 14.3b A. anamensis: Kanapoi30 6 14.6 1.19 13.7 17.0 6 12.8 0.66 11.9 13.4 Allia Bay30 1 15.7 1 13.7 A. afarensis30 22 15.1 1.18 13.4 17.4 19 13.4 0.99 11.3 15.3 Maka29 4 14.8 16.2 4 13.0 13.8

Crown area (MD x BL) Crown shape (MD/BL) Taxon/sample/specimen N X SD Min. Max N X SD Min. Max GLL 33 1 233.1c 1 1.14d A. anamensis: Kanapoi30 7 182.1 26.6 153.2 227.8 7 1.10 0.15 0.80 1.27 Allia Bay30 1 215.1 1 1.15 A. afarensis30 18 199.0 27.0 151.4 266.2 18 1.13 0.06 0.99 1.21 Maka29 4 192.4 223.6 4 0.85 0.88 a var. 2 in Table 1; b var. 4 in Table 1 c var. 12 in Table 1; d var. 14 in Table 1

73 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76 entoconid cusps, respectively, the thick- able hominid dental record are possible ness values recorded for the pairs m-p3 for the GLL 33 specimen. (1.34 mm) / m-e3 (1.07 mm) and e-h3 General external size, morphology (2.03 mm) / m-e7 (1.69 mm) differ because and the enamel thickness of the RM3 of their different sectional orientation. from Galili clearly differ from the primi- Even if quantitatively limited and tive conditions reported for Early Plio- qualitatively affected by functional and cene ramidus19 and comple- taphonomic histories, the GLL 33 record tely resemble the conditions reported for confirms the highly site-specific nature of the taxon Australopithecus20–30. Notably, enamel thickness variation in hominid GLL 33 crown metrics/proportions, likely molars10,11. Growing evidence shows that indicating a male individual, fall within hominid enamel thickness varies by loca- the range of variation shown by A. ana- tion within the crown, along serial posi- mensis and A. afarensis (Table 3). tion, and between individuals of a tax- External crown dimensions of A. ana- 14 on . This points to the need for the sys- mensis teeth are generally comparable to tematic application of advanced nonin- those of A. afarensis (the greatest differ- vasive investigative methods capable of ence being the larger lower I2 observed in minimizing the risk of inconsistent asses- A. anamensis30). These taxa also share a 15,16 sments . similar occlusal molar topography23,24,29,30, A method to quantify and to compare with the protoconid (as in GLL 33) or overall enamel thickness of a molar by metaconid the largest cusps on lower mo- means of an average thickness value has lars. Even the wear pattern is similar, been elaborated by Martin8,17 by section- with a strong buccal/ lingual discrepan- ing the crown through the mesial cusps cy29,30 (the same observed on GLL 33). and by dividing the cross-section of ena- Conversely, compared to the A. afarensis mel by the EDJ length. In the case of GLL condition, and to GLL 33 as well, the A. 33, because of the linguobuccal wear gra- anamensis lower molars (e.g., KNM-KP dient and related functional enamel loss, 30500) are lower-crowned and have much the index has been assessed with refer- more sloping buccal sides, while the lin- ence to the metaconid-entoconid (m-e) gual surface is steep26,27,30. Another possi- lingual section. The (adimensional) value ble difference among the two taxa con- obtained (19.1), which is lower than the cerns the occurrence and degree of ex- figures currently available for Australo- pression of cingular remnant features, pithecus africanus (21.4), Homo sapiens such as the protostylid on the lower mo- (22.4), robustus (29.6), and lars, which are more common and more P. boisei (34.9)18, falls in the category expressed in A. anamensis than in A. »thick enamel«17. afarensis, where they appear in form of pits/mild ridges22,25,30 (as in GLL 33). On the other hand, hominin specimens from Comparisons and Tentative Kataboi and lower Lomekwi Members at- Taxonomic Assessment tributed to platyops ex- Hominid (lower) M3s are highly vari- hibit a suite of features that distin- able and thus of low potential value for guishes them from other hominin taxa. reliable taxonomic assessment. Nonethe- According to Leakey and co-workers31, less, taking also into account its likely while its enamel thickness (as measured chronological position (Early Pliocene), in specimens such as KNM-WT 38350 some critical remarks based on the com- and WT 40000) is comparable to that in parative analysis of the currently avail- A. anamensis and A. afarensis27,31, K. pla-

74 R. Macchiarelli et al.: Early Pliocene Hominid Tooth, Coll. Antropol. 28 Suppl. 2 (2004) 65–76 tyops differs from A. anamensis, A. afa- VP-1/2 and 1/12 from Maka, and L.H. 4 rensis, A. africanus, and A. garhi in hav- from Laetoli the closest match for general ing small (upper) molars. crown size and occlusal shape). Only a de- As regards to enamel thickness, A. tailed comparison among the specimens anamensis linear measurements indicate collected to date at Galili and, mostly, ad- relatively thick enamel (the thickness ditional recoveries in the area will eluci- near cusp apices can be measured be- date the possible relationships between tween 1.5 and 2.0 mm27), but less than re- A. anamensis and A. afarensis. ported for robust australopithecines10.In KNM-ER 30749 A. anamensis lower M130, the buccolingual section through Acknowledgements hypoconid displays values which overlap Since late 1999, the research activities those from GLL 33 (buccal occlusal basin promoted by the PAR-Team have received = 1.6 mm; buccal cusp tip = 1.0 mm; the constant support of the Ethiopian Mi- buccal cervical wall = 1.8 mm). Also, nat- nistry of Culture and Information. The urally cracked A. anamensis molars have 2000 field survey in the Satkawhini and enamel as thick as that reported for A. Galili areas was specifically supported by afarensis27 (for comparative measures on the Austrian Federal Ministry for Educa- an A. afarensis lower P4, see29). tion, Science and Culture (Project No. In conclusion, several elements sup- BM:BWK 200.049/3–VI/I/387/25-30) and port a generic attribution of the RM3 from the Austrian Council for Science and Early Pliocene Galili to the taxon Austra- , the Italian National Re- lopithecus. Interestingly, preliminary search Council (PF »Beni Culturali«), and analyses of three hominid teeth previ- the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage ously discovered in the same region sug- (to LB and RM). Special thanks for their gest they may belong to a species »more collaboration are due to Ato Jara Haile primitive than Australopithecus afaren- Mariam (ARCCH Addis Ababa), H.E. sis and more like Australopithecus ana- Woldemichael Chamo (Ethiopian Minis- mensis«5. Nonetheless, notably because of ter for Cultural Affairs and Information). its comparatively high crown (see var. 8 For their scientific contribution to the and 9 in Table 1) and of the outline of its project, we are also indebted to G.C. Con- lingual aspect, the best tentative alloca- roy, H. Prossinger, D.S. Weaver. GLL 33 tion for GLL 33 is to Australopithecus cf. drawings (Figure 2) and pictures (Figure A. afarensis (being specimens such as 3) courtesy of H. Grillitsch, and R. Gin- A.L. 266-1 and 400-1a from Hadar, MAK- ner, respectively.


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R. Macchiarelli

Lab. de Géobiologie, Biochronologie et Paléontologie Humaine, CNRS UMR 6046, Université de Poitiers, 40 av. du Recteur Pineau, 86022 Poitiers, France e-mail: [email protected]



Fosilni zub hominida otkriven je tijekom istra`ivanja u Galiliji, regija Somali, Etio- pija. Geolo{ki i faunalni kontekst sugerira vrijeme ranog Pliocena. Uzorak (GLL 33) sastoji se od gotovo kompletnog donjeg desnog tre}eg kutnjaka koji najvjerojatnije od- govara mu{koj osobi starije dobi. Usporedne metri~ke, morfolo{ke i (mikro)strukturne analize (poduprte mikrotomografskim zapisom) ukazuju na provizorno taksonomsko odre|enje kao pripadnika roda Australopithecus, vrste cf. A. Afarensis.