NORWEGIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE on LATIN AMERICA Distant Perspectives Series Caribbean Socialthoughtcollection Anthologies of Thelatinamericanand

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NORWEGIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE on LATIN AMERICA Distant Perspectives Series Caribbean Socialthoughtcollection Anthologies of Thelatinamericanand BENEDICT BULL ANTHOLOGIES OF THE LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN SOCIAL THOUGHT COLLECTION DISTANT PERSPECTIVES SERIES [NORWAY] NORWEGIAN (Ph.D. in Political Science) is Professor of Political Science at the Centre for What motivates social sciences field researchers in a small, peripheral and distant How has been thought Latin America from outside the region? In the Development and Environment (SUM), University of Oslo. Since 2008, she country as Norway to study social phenomena in Latin America? To what extent can framework of the Anthologies Collection of Latin American and directs the Norwegian Network of Research on Latin America (NorLARNet) we say that the Norwegian social thought is part of a hegemonic Western SOCIAL SCIENCE Caribbean Social Thinking, CLACSO launches the series Foreign and since 2015, the Academy of Global Governance of Oslo. Her research knowledge project? The researchers who by birth or (bad) luck do have Norway as Perspectives, which collects works dedicated to our continent focuses on theories of development, the relationship between economic geographic base for their academic work, have really something in common? produced by intellectuals from different countries around the world. Each volume of the series includes authors of the same nation that and political elites and the impact of development policies, and the These are some of the questions that we explored in this book. The purpose is to ON LATIN AMERICA reflect and analyse the contemporary Latin American reality, thus evolution of the legitimacy and capacity of States, in addition to issues analyze the Norwegian social thought on Latin America in the context of Norwegian contributing to the necessary global dialog of knowledge. related to violence, the illegal economy, and inequality. Geographically, she geopolitics –interpreted here as ‘the geopolitics of the weak’–, the cooperation and has focused in Central America, but has also done research on global development policies, as well as the different international lines of thought in the At its first stage, the collection will consist of 50 titles, between institutions (multilateral banks and United Nations) in Chile, and recently in academic and ideological fields. This is presented in the chapters of this book which Benedicte Bull individual volumes and compilations, gathering contributions from Mexico. Her latest books are Environmental Politics in Latin America: Elite deal, among other subjects, with Norwegian social thought-previous to the social more than 350 authors of diverse disciplinary fields, countries and dynamics, the left tide, and sustainable development (co-edited with sciences unfolding; studies on social conflicts and peace; studies on leftist Govern- (Editora) theoretical perspectives. Mariel Aguilar-Støen. Routledge, 2015), Business groups and transnational ments; development studies; agrarian studies and rural movements; studies on capitalism in Central America: Economic, political, and environmental Justice & Law; studies on Democracy and political cleavages; and indigenous This is an unprecedented editorial initiative, in its magnitude and strategies, International Political Economy Series (with Fulvio Castellacci peoples studies. Among the main findings, the most striking are not the characteris- Steinar Sæther | Vegard Bye | Roy Krøvel | scope. All the works will be in open access and may be downloaded and Yuri Kasahara. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), and Latinamerikanske tics of Norwegian ideas about Latin America, but the influence that Latin American free of charge from the Latin American and Caribbean Library of Benedicte Bull | Mariel Aguilar-Støen | Social Sciences and CLACSO´s virtual Library, thus democratizing an utfordringer (Latin American Challenges, Cappelen, Second Edition 2015). social theories and ideas have had on the Norwegian academic world. This can be essential academic production that, with the passage of time and due seen in various cases, from ECLA’s structuralism to Good Living ideas. Despite the Kristi Anne Stølen | Elin Skaar | Jemima to the limited forms of editorial distribution in our region, tends to be diversity, it can be seen that different Norwegian scholars have approached the García-Godos | Einar Berntzen | Marcus Buck | unknown or inaccessible, especially for the young. study of Latin America as a divided region: between the indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, between women and men, between rural and urban, Leiv Marsteintredet | Stener Ekern In addition to its digital version, the Anthologies Collection of Latin between oppressed and oppressors, between victims and perpetrators, or between American and Caribbean Social Thinking will be also published in the rich and the poor. Several of the Norwegian investigations have focused on the AMERICA SOCIAL SCIENCE ON LATIN printed version. CLACSO, as always, recognizes the importance of the reasons and the nature of those divisions, and how are –or can be– overcome. This book as one of the fundamental means for the dissemination of is evident in the search for –and centrality of– the presence of the State, which also academic knowledge. Particularly, we emphasize the importance of reflects the Norwegian confidence in the welfare State. certain books of reference, as those that make up this collection, that should be part of our public and university libraries, as a way to expand the access opportunities to rigorous, critical and committed This book is a fundamental contribution to understand the relationship between NORWEGIAN academic production, a production that has multiplied over the last these two distant regions, but which cultivate an ever-enriching academic dialogue. century in all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Opening for everyone the access to the main intellectual wealth of the continent, CLACSO deepens its commitment to the fight for making knowledge a common good, and to the promotion of critical thinking as taking one step forward in the making of more democratic and fairer societies. Norwegian Agency Swedish International for Development Cooperation Development Cooperation Agency Pablo Gentili Bull Collection Director ISBN 978-987-722-201-2 . .Anthologies of the Latin American and no Caribbean Socialno Thought Collection 9 789877 222012 Distant Perspectives Series no Norwegian Social Science on Latin America .no Norwegian social science on Latin America / Steinar Sæther ... [et al.] ; editado por Benedicte Bull. - 1a ed . - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2016. Libro digital, PDF - (Anthologies of the Latin American and Caribbean Social Thought / Gentili, Pablo) Archivo Digital: descarga y online ISBN 978-987-722-201-2 1. Pensamiento Social. 2. Pensamiento Crítico. 3. Izquierda. I. Sæther , Steinar II. Bull, Benedicte , ed. CDD 301 Other descriptors allocated by CLACSO: Social Thought / Politics / State / Democracy / Public Policy / Environmental Governance / Human Rights / Indigenous Peoples / Norway / Latin America Norwegian Social Science on Latin America Editor Benedicte Bull Steinar Sæther | Vegard Bye | Roy Krøvel | Benedicte Bull | Mariel Aguilar-Støen | Kristi Anne Stølen | Elin Skaar | Jemima García-Godos | Einar Berntzen | Marcus Buck | Leiv Marsteintredet | Stener Ekern Anthologies of the Latin American and Caribbean Social Thought Collection .noDistant Perspectives Series TH YEARS Latin American Council of Social Sciences Anthologies of the Latin American and Caribbean Social Thought Collection Distant Perspectives Series Collection Director Pablo Gentili Editorial Coordination Fernanda Saforcada y Lucas Sablich Design Collection Marcelo Giardino Production Fluxus Estudio First edition Norwegian Social Science on Latin America (Buenos Aires: CLACSO, august 2016) ISBN 978-987-722-201-2 © Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales Queda hecho el depósito que establece la Ley 11.723. CLACSO Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - Conselho Latino-americano de Ciências Sociais (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) Estados Unidos 1168 | C1101AAX Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel. [54 11] 4304 9145 | Fax [54 11] 4305 0875 | <[email protected]> | <> Sponsored by the Swedish International Development Agency This book is available in full text on the Web Virtual Library of CLACSO <> No reproduction in whole or part of this book, or stored in a computer system, or its transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. The responsibility for opinions expressed in books, articles, studies and other contributions rests solely with the signing authors, and publication does not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Secretariat of CLACSO. CONTENTS Benedicte Bull Norwegian Social Science on Latin America: between Autonomy and the ‘Geopolitics of the Weak’ 9 Steinar A. Sæther Exploring Exotic Pasts. Norwegian Scholars’ Work on Latin America before 1960 37 Vegard Bye Studies of the Latin American Left from a Norwegian Perspective 53 Roy Krøvel Norwegian imaginaries of peace and Latin America 81 Benedicte Bull Development Studies from Dependency to Inequality. The Mutual Influence of Norwegian and Latin American Development Thinking 105 Mariel Aguilar-Støen and Kristi-Anne Stølen Rural and Agrarian Studies. From the Ligas Agrarias to the anti-extractivism movements 131 .no Elin Skaar and Jemima García-Godos Norwegian Research on Human Rights and Justice in Latin America 155 Einar Berntzen, Marcus
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