Idries Shah | 320 pages | 01 Sep 1991 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780140192520 | English | London, United Kingdom The Way of the Sufi by : | : Books

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to The Way of the Sufi Page. The Way of the Sufi by Idries Shah. Contributor. In The Way of the Sufi wide-ranging anthology of Sufi writings, Idries Shah, who was one of 's leading exponents, offers a broad selection of , contemplations, letters, lectures, and that together form an illuminating introduction to this The Way of the Sufi body of thought. Sufism, the mystical aspect of , has had a dynamic and lasting effect on the literature of th In this wide-ranging anthology of Sufi writings, Idries Shah, who was one of Sufism's leading exponents, offers a broad selection of poetry, contemplations, letters, lectures, and teaching stories that together form an illuminating introduction to this unique body of thought. Sufism, the mystical aspect of Islam, has had a dynamic and lasting effect on the literature of that religion. Its teachings, often elusive and subtle, aim at the perfecting and completing of the human mind. In contrast to certain other beliefs and philosophies, Sufism is continually evolving and progressing and is consequently always relevant to The Way of the Sufi contemporary world. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published September 1st by Penguin Books first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Way of the Sufiplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Way of the Sufi. Jul 27, W rated it liked it Shelves: philosophy. This is an interesting collection of Sufi stories,,poetry,lectures and contemplation. The reader need not necessarily agree with all of it,but it's thought provoking,nevertheless. Epitaph of Jalal ud Din Rumi "When we're dead,seek not our tomb in the earth,but find it in the hearts of men. A good book to start reading about Sufism. However, I expected a more "documentary" type of writing. The book is so full of quotes and anecdotes of famous Sufi most of the book. There is a great emphasis on how the methods of teaching change from one era to another, and one place to another. The Sufi is supposed to know exactly what the student needs and direct him to the right way. This topic is perhaps the most recurrent one. I wished to know more about Sufism by delving into t A good book to The Way of the Sufi reading about Sufism. I wished to know more about Sufism by delving into the main teachings of some orders, the lives of famous Sheikhs Al-Ghazali, Ibn Arabi particularly. I'll see if I find this in his other books. Really enjoyed reading this though! May 23, Kevan Bowkett rated it it was amazing. This text was called 'a key book' by Doris Lessing. Written by traveller and The Way of the Sufi on , Idries Shah, the volume contains a great variety of material concerning the people called the Sufis, what they study, and how and why. The collection includes essays, tales, , themes for contemplation, statements by masters, poetry, information on Four Major Orders of Sufism and on classical teachers such as The Way of the Sufi, Ghazali, Saadi, and Khayyam -- in its variety the book seems more like Mi This text was called 'a key book' by Doris Lessing. The collection includes essays, tales, jokes, themes for contemplation, statements by masters, poetry, information on Four Major Orders of The Way of the Sufi and on classical teachers such as Rumi, Ghazali, Saadi, and -- in its variety the book seems more like Middle Eastern works such as The Thousand and One Nights, or 's Abode of Spring or even the Bible than it is like familiar Western genres. The book serves as a splendid introduction to Sufi thought and practice and the introductory essay, 'The Study of Sufism in the West,' which helps orient the seeker with respect to contemporary Sufism, is alone worth the cost of the volumeand gives the inquirer many matters for thought and reflection. One high point, in a book filled with very many highlights, is the poem of ibn al-Arabi called 'The Special Love,' which seems to convey something of the essence of what the Sufis seek. One valuable message of the book seems to be that the Sufis seek what is sometimes called the Truth, or Reality, out of love for it, for its own sake, not due to ordinary personality The Way of the Sufi extended into this area. Rabia is quoted on this: O Lord! If I worship you from fear of hell, cast me into hell. If I worship you from desire for paradise, deny me paradise. This book is a superb compendium of traditional tales, poetry and sayings from individual Sufis and Sufi schools over the last millennia. The introduction by its compiler, the late Anglo-Afghan author and experiential philosopher, Idries Shah, may be one of the most accurate and comprehensive short articles defining Sufism that exists anywhere. Pages upon pages of anecdotes bursting with layers of wisdom - and involving a mish-mash of characters from Morocco to Indonesia - will reward a conscien This book is a superb compendium of traditional tales, poetry and sayings from individual Sufis and Sufi schools over the last millennia. Pages upon pages of anecdotes bursting with layers of wisdom - and involving a mish-mash of characters from Morocco to Indonesia - will reward a conscientious reader with a great deal more than the sum of its parts. An interconnecting matrix of materials that is encyclopedic in scope. Oct 24, Annie rated it really liked it. This book is a great source of information and history The Way of the Sufi Sufism. A scholarly work, published first init is still pertinent to today. It opens with an important chapter on the study of Sufism in the Western world -- and its limitations. Shah raises questions about how much one can learn and understand about Sufism, using books and writings which may not fully understand how Sufism works. As one example, he uses modern Western debates on the meaning of the word "Sufi". Westerners, with our d This book is a great source of information and history on Sufism. Westerners, with our determination that there is an understandable and intellectual The Way of the Sufi for everything, often cannot accept that there may not be a 'logical' explanatin. As explained in the eleventh -century Revelation, the earliest Persian writings on Sufism by Hujwiri, the term 'Sufi' has no etymology. But for decades, a common explanation by Westerners is that 'Sufi' is similar to the Arabic word pronounced soof which means 'wool'. Those practicing Sufism wore wool, therefore this is the logical explanation. Shah submits that the reason common among Sufis is that the effects of sounds are important in Sufism -- and the sound of the Arabic letters which bring out the sounds of S U F are significant to the Sufis in their practices. This short chapter is full of useful The Way of the Sufi for modern day Western "Sufis"with cautions The Way of the Sufi thoughts about what Sufism is, how it is understood and much more. He ends the chapter with a list of requirements for Western students The Way of the Sufi Sufism - 1. Understand the bulk of translations available are unsuitable 2. Recognize organizations not genuinely Sufi are 'conditioning instruments' whether consciously or otherwise 4. These seem to be true and good questions for any Seeker to ask, of any religious practice This is all in the first chapter, and more - worth the price of the book just to read that section. But, there is of course, much more. Shah states the intent of this book is to give geeral reader an idea of the richness and variety of Sufi ideas, and the rest of the writings have been formed as an introduction to Westerners in the midth century, when the book was written. There are also stories of Sufi Masters, teaching stories, themes for solitary contemplation, group recitals and letters and lectures very short, at the end. My Turkish daughter in law when introduced to American Sufis in our Quaker meeting looked puzzled -- they did not seem closely related to the Sufis she is familiar with. This book may The Way of the Sufi why. Sep 16, Ita rated it it was amazing. Eight centuries after El Ghazali wrote about it, Ivan Pavlov announced the results of his experiments on dogs, and was credited with the discovery of conditioning. He is one of a number of The Way of the Sufi and writers of astounding achievement, who depended for their accomplishments, not on the scientific method as we know it, or even on the intellect, but on the Sufi Way. The educational system which allowed him to develop involves the whole person. Others saw it as the Science of Man, and the Science of Knowledge. Sufi writers produced, and still produce, work considered impossible by our experts in literature. In the 13th century, Saadi of Shiraz spent most of his time as a wanderer, but succeeded in writing two great classics within three years. These books contain the whole range of the deepest Sufi knowledge which can be put in writing, the different layers interwoven to produce a seamless whole. Hakim was the author of The Walled Garden of Truth, in which there are several passages that can be read The Way of the Sufi more than one way. They employed the enlightened use of music, and became expert in the induction of spiritual states. Shah stresses that techniques such as these must The Way of the Sufi used within the context of the development of the whole person, under the guidance of one who has travelled the entire Sufi Way. In Part Four of this book, Among the Masters, we are shown, through the words, and records of the actions of numerous Sufis, how teachers, each one unique but conscious of a Unity, perform their function. The Way of the Sufi - Wikipedia

Sufism, the mystical aspect of Islam, has had a dynamic and lasting effect on the literature of that religion. Its teachings, often elusive and subtle, aim at the perfecting and completing of the The Way of the Sufi mind. In contrast to certain other beliefs and philosophies, Sufism is continually evolving and progressing and is consequently always relevant to the contemporary world. Idries Shah was an author and teacher in the Sufi tradition who wrote dozens of books on topics ranging from psychology to spiritualilty The Way of the Sufi travelogues to other anthropological studies. More about Idries Shah. El-Ghazali 2. Omar Khayyam 3. Attar of 4. Ibn El-Arabi 5. Saadi of Shiraz 6. Hakim Jami 7. Hakim Sanai 8. The 2. The Qadiri Order 3. The Suhrawardi Order 4. Solitary Contemplation Themes 2. Deep Understanding Rais Tchaqmaqzade. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. The Best Books of So Far. Category: Religion Literary Collections. Sep 01, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Paperback —. Also in Compass. About Idries Shah Idries Shah was an author and teacher in the Sufi tradition who wrote The Way of the Sufi of books on topics ranging The Way of the to spiritualilty to travelogues to other anthropological studies. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The First Dissident. William Safire. For Love of Country? Martha Nussbaum. The Wisdom of the Prophet. The Beach Beneath the Street. McKenzie Wark. True to Life. Michael The Way of the Sufi. Free World. The Ralph Nader Reader. The Future of Liberalism. In the Footsteps of Gandhi. Catherine Ingram. Comradely Greetings. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Slavoj Zizek. The Iranians. Scott Harrop and Sandra Mackey. Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit. Lives of Confucius. Michael Nylan and Thomas Wilson. The New American Story. Bill Bradley. In the Absence of God. Marietta McCarty. The Best Spiritual Writing The Mosaic of Islam. Suleiman Mourad. Creative Community Organizing. The Handbook for Americans. Suffering and Possibility. Norman Fischer. The Islamist Phoenix. Loretta Napoleoni. Tales of a New America. Robert B. The Republic of Conscience. The of the Muslim Tide. Doug Saunders. Two Regimes of Madness, revised edition. Gilles Deleuze. Yiddishe Kop. Rabbi Nilton Bonder. Redemption and Utopia. Michael Lowy. The Letters of Martin Buber. Martin Buber. Adding Insult to Injury. Nancy Fraser. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books! The Way of the Sufi

The Way The Way of the Sufi the Sufi was the best-selling follow-up introduction to Sufism by the writer Idries Shah The Way of the Sufi the publication of his first book on the subject, The Sufis. Whereas The Sufis eschewed academic norms such as footnotes and an index, The Way of the Sufi provided a full section of notes and a bibliography at the end of its first chapter, entitled "The Study The Way of the Sufi Sufism in the West". Shortly before he died, Shah stated that his books form a complete course that could fulfil the function he had fulfilled while alive. As such, The Way of the Sufi can be read as part of a whole course of study. In addition there were a number of Sufi teaching stories as well as question-and-answer sessions with Sufi teachers. Continuing a theme from the previous book, Shah argued that Sufism had greatly influenced Western civilisation over the centuries, but that this had largely gone unrecognised, citing examples such as ChaucerShakespearethe William Tell legend, the former United Nations secretary-general Dag Hammarskjoeld and the works of Sir Richard Burton amongst others. In the East, he also said that Sufism had influenced certain aspects of as well as Zen . The book was well received on publication, with the BBC 's The Critics programme declaring it an "outstanding book of the year". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Way of the Sufi First edition. New York, NY: Bantam. Retrieved Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. First edition. The Pleasantries of the Incredible Mulla Nasrudin.