Curriculum Vitae
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Name: Essica Marks Date: 15/9/20 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Details Permanent Home Address: Kibbutz El-Rom, Ramat Hagolan Home Telephone Number: 04 6838027 Cellular Phone: 050 7518845 Electronic Address: [email protected] 2. Higher Education A. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Period of Name of Institution Degree Year of Approval of Study Degree and Department 1981-1987 The Open University B. A 1988 Department of Humanities and Social Studies (Music and Education) 1991-1994 Tel Aviv University M.A 1995 Department of Musicology 1997-2002 Bar Ilan University PhD. 2003 Department of Musicology B. Post-Doctoral Studies Period of Study Name of Institution, Degree Year of Completion Department and Host 2004-2008 The Jewish Music Fellow researcher 2009 Research Centre – The Hebrew University – Prof. Edwin Seroussi 3. Academic Ranks and Tenure in Institutes of Higher Education Dates Name of Institution and Department Rank/Position 2003-2007 Zefat College (Bar-Ilan) Adjunct Teacher Dept. of Multidisciplinary Studies 2008 Zefat Academic College Lecturer (tenure) Dept. of Literature, Art & music 2009-2012 Zefat Academic College Senior Lecturer (tenure) Dept. of Literature, Art & music 2013-2019 Zefat Academic College Head of the Department (inclusive) Dept. of Literature, Art & Senior Lecturer (tenure) music 4. Offices in Academic Administration Member of the Academic Board, Zefat Academic College from 2004. Head of the Music Department in the Arts Faculty from 2013. (initiator of the department) 1 Head of "Zefat Research Institute of Cultures and Communities in the Galilee" from 2009. (initiator of the institute) Head of the Literature, Music and Art Department, Zefat Academic College from2013. (initiator of the department) 5. Scholarly Positions and Activities outside the Institution 1. Board member of the Israel Musicological Society. 2. Member of the Israel Musicological Society. 2005-2007 3. Fellow Researcher from 2000 of The Jewish Music Research Center, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 4. Member of the international study group "Music and Minorities" since 2005 5. Member of the "International Council for Traditional Music" since 2005 6. Initiator and coordinator of research on Music of Jews from Sepharad and the Mizrach at The Jewish Music Research Center, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (2010-2014) 7. Member of the International Advisory Board for Ethnomusicology Forum (EF) from 2013. 8. Co-editor of Music and Minorities Research, Documentation and Interdisciplinary Study of Minorities from Around the World, The Cambridge Scholar Press, 2014. 9. Academic advisor and developer of music program for kindergarten children in Tiberias– Appointed by the ministry of Education (2010-2015). 10. Academic counselor and manager of the research evaluation project of the program for the advancement of excellence in music in the Eastern Galilee (under the auspices of the Joint and includes Eastern Galilee authorities). 2012-2014. 6. Participation in Scholarly Conferences a.1 International Conferences Date Name of Conference Place of Subject of Role Conference Lecture/Discussion 8/2001 The 13th World The Repertoire of Lecturer Congress of Jewish Hebrew melodies from Studies University, the “Aboav” Jerusalem Synagogue of Zefat 5/2003 International Bar-Ilan Arab Music in the Lecturer Conference of Jewish University Jerusalem-Sephardi Music tradition performed by the cantor of the Har Zion synagogue today. 29 September Conference of the Venice, Psalm Singing and Lecturer 2004 European Seminar Italy Cantillation in in North African and Ethnomusicology Middle Eastern Jewish Liturgies: sonic forms as musical genres. 10-12 Jun The Eastern Salonika, Middle Eastern Chair of 2005 Mediterranean Greece Jewish Liturgical session, Music Heritage and Lecturer Paraliturgical Music. 31 Jul-4 Aug The 14th World The The Different Chair of 2005 Congress of Jewish Hebrew liturgical session, Studies University, Performance Lecturer Jerusalem of Sephardic communities. 3-10 Aug 38th World Sheffield, The revival of Lecturer 2005 Conference of England Jewish hymn the International singing Council in Israel today. for Traditional Music 25 Aug-1 Sep 4th Conference of Varna Two cultural Lecturer 2006 the Bulgaria minorities in Israel: ICTM Study Group Jerusalem-Sephardi Music and musical Minorities tradition and Arab- Israeli musical culture. 19 May 2007 Das Mittelalter als Bamberg, The medieval myth Lecturer kultureller Germany – Ladino songs konstruktionsprozes in Israeli popular se music 28-29 May International Bar Ilan Influence of the Lecturer 2007 conference of the University musical tradition of Jews of Syria Ramat Gan the Aleppo Jews on the Sephardi-Jerusalem Style. 4-11 Jul 2007 The 39th World Vienna Formal and Chair Conference Informal Methods Lecturer of the International in transmission of a Council Jewish-Sephardi for Traditional Liturgy. Music 24/5-1/6 2008 4th Conference of Representation of ArabLecturer the Music ICTM Study Group Prague in Israel's Popular Music and Minorities Culture Arena 15-18 Nov Germany and Israel Tel Hai The Study of Lecturer 2008 a transnational College/ Musical Cultures cooperation of Zefat female researchers Academic College 18/7/ 40th world Durban Music, Spirituality Lecturer 2009 conference – the and Religious International Emotions: The Council for Maqam in the Traditional Music Prayer Chanting of Jewish Jerusalem- Sephardi Li 2-6 /8 15th World The Musical Chair, 2009 Congress of Jewish Hebrew characteristics in Lecturer Studies University, Spanish- Portuguese Jerusalem Jewish liturgy. 29/10 2009 International The Performing Psalms Lecture Workshop - French in the Sephardi- Performing Psalms: Research Jerusalem liturgical Practices and Center in style. Perspectives Jerusalem 13- 41st world Memorial Influences of Chair, 19/7 conference – The University Media, New Lecturer 2011 International in St. Contexts and Council for John's, Audiences on Old Traditional Music Newfoundl Traditions of Jewish and, Religious Songs. Canada 7-12/8 7th Conference of Zefat Culture and Conference 2012 the Study Group Academic Education: Musical organizer Music and College and Cultural and Minorities Aspects in Teaching Director' Methods of Two chair, Israeli - Arab Music Teachers Lecturer 11-17/7 42nd World University Music and History Lecturer 2013 Conference – The of in the liturgy of the International Shanghai Spanish-Portuguese Council for Jews. Traditional Music 28- Conference of the Zefat A Minority within a Lecturer 30/6/2 Society for Academic Minority – The 015 Sephardic Studies College Music, of the Spanish-Portuguese Jews 16- 43rd World Astana Rabi Shlomo chair, 22/7/ Conference – The Kazakhstan Carlebach and his Lecturer 2015 International impact on Jewish Council for Liturgical Music Today Traditional Music 4- 8th Conference of University Music and identity Lecturer 8/7/16 the Study Group of Rennes, in the cultural life of Music and France a young Christian- Minorities Arab singer 13- 44th World University Change and Lecturer 19/7/17 Conference – The of Limerick continuity in the International liturgical music of a Ireland Council for small Christian Traditional Music community in the Galilee. 23- The ICTM Joint University Gender, Music and Lecturer 30/7/18 Symposium of the of Music - Cultural Identity: Study Group on Vienna Music in the Lives Music and Minorities of Two Women in a and the Study Group Christian-Arab on Music and Gender Minority. 23- Meeting of ICTM University Music of the Arab Lecturer 25/8/18 National and of Ljubljana Minority in Israel Regional - Slovenia Representatives and the symposium Minority Sounds in National Contexts 11- 45th World Chulalongk Remembering the Lecturer 17/19 Conference – The orn Past and Creating International University - the Present – Dance Council for and Liturgy as tools Bangkok chair Traditional Music of Remembrance in the Jewish- Ethiopian community in Israel. a.2 Israeli conferences Date Name of Place of Subject of Lecture/Discussion Role Conference Conference 10/3/2001 Sephardi Jews In Zefat (Bar The relationship of Ladino Lecturer Zefat Ilan song and University) prayer music in the Sephardi “Aboav” Synagogue of Zefat 22-23 Mar First Israeli Tel Aviv Lecturer 2004 Multidisciplinary Conference in The Qualitative Approach the used in Ethnomusicological Research. Qualitative Research methods 3-4 June Conference of Tel Hai Music and Society in the Lecturer 2004 New Research Academic “Aboav” Synagogue of Zefat in the Galilee College and surrounding area 2-3 June Conference of Tel Hai Zefat and Jerusalem: Rabbi Lecturer 2005 New Research Academic Israel in the Galilee College Najara’s liturgical poems and surrounding piyyutim as sung in the area Bakkashot of the Har-Zion synagogue 28-29 Jun Conference of Tel Hai Heritage and change: music Lecturer 2006 New Research Academic in prayer in the Galilee College in 2 old Sephardic and surrounding synagogues in Zefat. area 20-21 Feb The Third Ben-Gurion The use of Qualitative Lecturer 2008 Conference of University methods in the Israeli Center Ethnomusicological Research for - Qualitative theoretical and practical Research of approaches. People and Societies 2 Apr 2008 Liturgical poems Oranim Bakkashot songs in the Lecturer piyyutim Academic Sephardi-Jerusalem tradition: in a non- College of from the past to the liturgical world Education present day. 24 The Third Tel Hai Liturgical song in Israel today Lecturer June Yuvalim Academic as an expression of renewed 2009 Conference of College Jewish Identity. Jewish Identities 8-9 Nov The