Central Bank Modernization The Technical Cooperation Program between the Reserve Bank of Malawi, the International Monetary Fund and Norges Bank, 2006-2009 Wilson T. Banda, Jon A. Solheim and Mary G. Zephirin (eds.) NORGES BANKS SKRIFTSERIE / OCCASIONAL PAPERS NO. 40 Norges Banks skriftserie / Occasional Papers can be ordered by e-mail:
[email protected] or from Norges Bank, Subscription Service P.O.Box 1179 Sentrum N-0107 Oslo ©Norges Bank 2010 The text may be quoted or referred to, provided that due acknowledgement is given to the authors and Norges Bank. Views and conclusions expressed in this paper are the responsibility of the authors alone. Nothing contained in this paper should be reported as representing the views of the International Monetary Fund, its Executive Board, member governments, or any other entity mentioned herein. Previously issued in this series: (Prior to 2002 this series also included doctoral dissertations written by staff members of Norges Bank. These works are now published in a separate series: ”Doctoral Dissertations in Economics”.) Nr. 1 Leif Eide: Det norske penge- og kredittsystem, Oslo 1973, No. 24 Norwegian Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, Oslo utgått, erstattet med nr. 23 1995. Replaced by no. 34 No. 1 Leif Eide: The Norwegian Monetary and Credit System, No. 25 Ingunn M. Lønning: Controlling Inflation by use of the Oslo 1973, replaced by No. 23/24 Interest Rate: The Critical Roles of Fiscal Policy and Nr. 2 En vurdering av renteutviklingen og rentestruk turen i Government Debt, Oslo 1997 (Doct.d.) Norge, Oslo 1974 No. 26 ØMU og pengepolitikken i Norden, Oslo 1998 No.