Fall 2011 Smithsonian Exhibit Tour Key Ingredients
THE MAGAZINE OF THE OKLAHOMA HUMANITIES COUNCIL Fall 2011 Smithsonian Exhibit Tour Key Ingredients: America By Food After 9/11 Featuring Public Radio’s Krista Tippett OHC BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ann Neal, Chair Miami UMANITIES Dr. Benjamin Alpers, Vice Chair/Secretary Volume IV, Issue No. 3 Fall 2011 University of Oklahoma John Martin, Treasurer Ann Thompson Executive Director Enid Carla Walker Editor, Oklahoma HUMANITIES Lona Barrick Director of Communications Ada David Pettyjohn Assistant Director Dr. Mary Brodnax Traci Jinkens Marketing & Development Director University of Central Oklahoma Kelly Elsey Administrative Coordinator Dr. William Bryans Charles White Fiscal Officer Oklahoma State University Manda Overturf Program Officer Judy Cawthon Edmond Beverly Davis Oklahoma HUMANITIES is published three times per year: January, May, and September by the Oklahoma Oklahoma City Humanities Council (OHC), 428 W. California Ave., Ste. 270, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. OHC is an independent, Lynn McIntosh nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote meaningful public engagement with the humanities— Ardmore disciplines such as history, literature, film studies, ethics, and philosophy. As the state partner for the National Endowment for the Humanities, OHC provides cultural opportunities for Oklahomans of all ages. With a focus on Senator Judy Eason McIntyre Tulsa K-12 education and community building, OHC engages people in their own communities, stimulating discussion and helping them explore the wider world of human experience. Mary Ellen Meredith Oklahoma City The opinions expressed in Oklahoma HUMANITIES are those of the authors. Any views, findings, conclusions, or Lou Nelson recommendations expressed in the magazine do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment Guymon for the Humanities, the Oklahoma Humanities Council, its Board of Trustees, staff, or donors.
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