1942.05.29 Hamilton High School Federalist
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ALEXAN-.- STAl\LP. DANCE LEAGUE TRAC~ :TODAY FINALS ~!\T NOON ------TODAY!-------- eb tst Los Angeles, Calif. F riday, May 29. 1942 Phone AR. 8-9911J VOL. 21, Xo. 16 Transfer Teacher Plan Competitions Reveal Names of I Reporters Visit ·Queen and King Here From Poly For Color Day Trying to promote more friendly Recent addition to the Hamilton Cand·dates for rl\alry between the Sen1or Aye and 1 -Rule Traditional facu1ty Is Miss Edna ).'£ . Boyd, for Movie Gag Writer mt-rly of Poly high school. Miss Desirous or find·~ out just ex- Bee classes this year arc n group St d t orr· Boyd, who replaces Miss Vt'rna actly what a gag writer does and of Senior Ayes headrd by Bill u en ICes Brnm. a former commtrclal teach how he nets. two Federalist report- Skelley. Al2. F.\·ery year the Cotton Festival e.·, w11l teach typing, mcrchandls ers undt>rtook to look Into the mat- "friendly'' rlvnlry reaches the I Candidates. for the Student Body Harry Morgan and Betty F t-llows 1ng, sales. general math, and bw l- • .... G M s•udl t 1 t . • • 1orflces tor the fall semester itere were crowned king and queen of ness practice. tcr a • ,v, • . • os o n er\'1 ew breakmg pomt, but this year a new anonunet'd toda}' ln a bulletin ls- cotton. lnst T uesday In traditional As a stu<k>nt of the University of WIIlkle Mahoney. gag writer su- plan Is being p romo~ed to do away I sued by Mildred Demp.sey. s~udent Cotton o ay ceremonies marked by California at Berkele;,-. !Miss Boyd preme. Mr. Mnhonf'y occupies an with any harmful competition. IBody secretcry. :flov. ered blouses. ""Mant majored in architecture. v.·hlch was office In the Thalberg building at Plans for after Color Day with Candidates for the \'arious off!Ct'S "'" drcssc.~. Inter to 'become her chocen work this studio with the job of Insert- Its pr~sentatton or sweaters "'111 were narrov•ed down after deeP ond gay cotton .shirts. The king nnd to occupy h <" r time for some follow 'a schedule as listed below: lconslderatlon for the st~dents' citJ· and queen were selected from a three years. She then became as lng blt.o; of humor Into scrtpt.s and lOuring fifth, sixth, and for one zenshlp and scho!arshlp standings. group of students, one bO'; and one socia~d '1\ith the National League puttins on the finishing touches. hour after school. the Senior Aye Any student desirous o! running girl chosen from each homeroom. of \\omen Voters and for a time Jack Wetherby and Rick Inger- and ~e girls and boys ~vho '\\lJ>h to for one of these o!flces \\'8S giv('n soli. the above mentioned report- participate or those \\'OO wish to an d!gib!llty blank !o be s1gned by The judges reported great dlfflcul- 1 ers. presented themselves at the watch, will present themsch'es on hL'I or her teachers and ·hen re t y 1n rench!ng n decision. front desk of tht',. Thalberg build- the fo:ltball field for n series or turned. After completltUj this the • Awards were based upon t he tng one day last '1\cek to be ad- compet!th·e games and races. There reports were returned ar.d chC!::ked mitted l\ llh a pass to the second will be baseball. basketball, and and the candidates rece.\·ed a peti originality, style, design, appropri floor to Mr. Mahoney's office. En- ''olleyball games. each wlt.h a t.cnm Uon to be signed b;r tut~ members a teness, color, and grooming or ter!ng a cool looking office with of senior Aye boys against a team of title student body s~tlng t.hat tlleir cotton apparel. two dcsk.'l and numerous chairs of Senior Bee boys. or n team of student's quallrtcatlons 1or the of ~ D uring the fift-h period all girls placed evenb• arOltnC\ the room. Senior Aye girls against a team of nee for v:h1ch he intended to run. attended an aud call .sponsored bY thcy were '\\'elcomed nnd Invited to Senior Bee gtr~s. In the volleyball Th05e studl'nts v.·hose quallf1C11 • make thelnsehes comfortable. Igames. there v.lll also be a mixed tlons •:ere given the ct.ec;c of np :the girls' league. At that time Or In nns"'er to numerous questions team of Senior Aye girls and boys pr<lval far the \'arlous 'o:r:~ arc lean Geissler. girls' league prcsl M r. Mahoney .slnted that the bus- Bb"ainst. a mixed team o! Senior Bee ns follov.·s · dt-nt. crowned B<ltty Queen Cotton i of t, k g1rls and bO}'S. I · IICSS I urn1 rg out jo es and I There wlll be mixed three-h:.gged Running for Studc~t Body PI t'SI - and mt.roduced her six attendants: I gaftitlll ~n e !tort ~o mnkle people races. gunny-sack race. a tug-of- dent are: Rt>x Eagan, ;\ferrlll But Marilyn Shwartz, Jennne Myers. a e app er a serous job war. medicine 'ball throwln and ler, nn<l Sam Pr£ntcr. For \'1Ce Betty Sandstrom. M avi~ Bonds,l these days and almost as Important the climbing or 0 g /" 1 president nrc Dale Igo and BPssic Dorothy Wheatley, and Olg..\ Zen a b~ln~ S.: wfrklng on an ns- I v. hich will be the. g~~f.~o;t. p~~~ Lillie. Desiring to !111 the ,ff!cc or Ith. ~~~ctL"~~th~~~~ ~~ ~~t ~~~~~deO: whlc.~ v. ill probably require the ~cretary arc Jane Gonyer and The rl'.st of thl' progrom coMisl .. tl ' . · wmner to Gain a sitting pos1t1011 nnry Lamoureaux. For treasurer ed of n. fnshlon &how undt•r the d• some mes I think that the rad10 on th """t. are Bob Nugent and Milton .:\fath- Tectlon of :\-tu;.s Mnrgnrct. Smith, morejo'kes dead!you ·henr .. these nights are Tht:>rce .--~ w 11l· also be egg-throwing eson. girls' vice-principal. M.l.ss Anna Mac G ttl ~: +Ad contests and relays The contest for rally chairman Is Mason. and Mrs. Mable Montague. e ng s .... r"" as a gag mnn has · <between K<'Jmy N()~C~ and David The fashion shov; was d1\'lded u ll.o; ups and do'l\'ns, lbut 1f one cnn .. Sen!or.. Problems repl1'~<~entatl\'es Davis. Girls' ch!~>f justice w111 be into many groups. according to ~he k('ep conUnuously at It the results " 111 tak- care of all th06C v;ho ,·ot<:d upon lbet.v.een D~ro'hy Clark type of apparel. Joy Probst wns tn 1' v.111 be satisfying. w!5h to sign up !or some actl\·!ty, and Patty Geyer· \\h!le B~ys' chief charge of sprctator clothes; :Pau- :\IJSS £D~A )1. BOYD Mr. Mahoney got hls start at gag '1\'lth a first and ~nd choice, In justice has n ~lc candidate. Dill line Kelly, 1942 spring outfits; Bet· l\rlU~ by sending In little jokes the event a certnm activity is al- Kelr ty G uenther. school and play she ser:ed as reponal secretary for and gag.s to magazines. At first ready fined. 1 • clothes: Jane ~rer. a \'arlcty of the orgamzatlon in sc\en western the results were disappointing but The membf'rs or the committee For tv;elfth grade just!ce nrc: clothes made by their rcspecthe states, supen'is1ng the fast de a little la~r on ll ~> received 'over under Blll Skelley nrc Mildred Rudie Smith. B1ll Jonts Jano models; Agnes Staab, defense \~loping adult education uork. three hundred dollars !n less than IDempsey. Frnncc.s Jennings, Leon Wa~nst'ller. P at Paquet. Lulu Rae umfonns; Lillian Plke. business Next. Miss Bo\·d became n mem three months' time by just send- Moss. Sherman worth, and the Lewis. F'l'llllCis McAfee Elea1.or clothes; Marlon Lurker. afternoon ber of the Unl\·ersity high school !ng In !dens of his O\\'ll. Senior Problems committee mem· Caress. Barbara HunstOC6 and Bev- nnd date dresses; and Ann Donne!- of Oakland. California. Emery htgh Mr. Mahoney recently comple'ed bers. erl)' Cald'\\·ell: eleventh grade jus- ly. formals. in Emeryvtlle and San Pedro high, v.•orklng \\lth Jack Benny 'in (Continued on Page -4) tloe: Jane H~Y. Ange!na Arrieta, The script was written by Lois as well as Poly. \\ere also stopping "George Washington Slep• Here.. Carol Legge, Barbara Nathan, Booker, Olga Fcnlgh:;. Mrs. Mable off places in her trip to Hamilton. and Red Skelton In "Pana~a H 't- _ :franklin Da.'lc, nnd VIrginia Bee- Montagur. and the junior drama Miss Boyd states: tle." He also worked v.lth :Ob lOr hid t y f) son; tenth grade justice: Bill Slnne class. :\H•.<s Grncc H:lyncs and Miss "I am plea <>ed "lth the fri~nd- Hope on his first. radio shows C 0 OU ( and Nancy Perl:tns. and ninth Maria Scot.t \\ere In charge of dec- ly atmO.,JJhere at ltamilton and completing the lnt.er~·lew 'with • grade JUSt!Ct': Vltma Llsa.ta. Snm ()rations. l l i k~ the <;tudents vrn· murh . I reference to today's American hu- Industrious! Alw·ays willing to ~Young, BillY Pat Ahem, and Pat . T he :boYS gathered on the aU1letlc hope I shall h:ne th"e privilegt> mor. :Mr. Mahoney stated: 'help! A good friend to have! Will- moureaux. f;eld during period 5.