IRC Hacks

By Paul Mutton

O'Reilly Media, 2004. Book Condition: New. Brand New, Unread Copy in Perfect Condition. A+ Customer Service! Summary: Foreword Credits Preface Chapter 1. Connecting to IRC 1. IRC from Windows 2. IRC from 3. IRC from Mac OS X 4. IRC with ChatZilla Chapter 2. Using IRC 5. The IRC Model 6. Common Terms, Abbreviations, and Phrases 7. Common Acronyms and Initialisms 8. Register with NickServ 9. Register Your Channel with ChanServ 10. The QuakeNet L Channel Bot 11. Fix Channel Problems with CHANFIX Chapter 3. Users and Channels 12. Find Relevant Channels and Servers 13. Guess the Time Zone of a User 14. Study Channel Statistics with pisg 15. Find Users in Channels 16. Filter Channel Lists Chapter 4. Enhancing IRC Clients 17. Automatic Completion of Nicknames 18. Add Timestamps to mIRC Messages 19. Highlight Lines in mIRC 20. Automate mIRC with Scripting 21. Format Text 22. Colorize Text 23. Play Sounds 24. Enhance with 25. Connect to Multiple Servers 26. Secure Your IRC Connection with SSL 27. Tunnel Your IRC Connection with SSH 28. Automate Voice Management 29. Make IRC Talk 30. Add Your IRC Nickname to Your Webcam Chapter 5. Writing IRC Bots 31. IRC...



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