Each Ten Each Ten Madrid $11.52 Ringstead • $ 3.84

Makalu ▪ I I $19.20 Rockall *hi $ .2.56 Marietta 440 141. $ 1.28 Rontanoe a • A' $12.80 GOLD MEDAL Matapan a•r 64 cents $5.76 Rondetto F•4 $ 7.68 Matterhorn • $ 1.48 Rose Caprice $ 1.02 Merlin. F • F 64 cents Rosedew P•1 $ 7.04

Merry Widow • • • None to offer Rose Royale $10.88 Mikado 441i ♦ 4 • Rossini ..• $ 5.12 DAFFODILS 76 cents - Minerva i re $17.9.2 1•••1•1. Royal Charm $ 2.69 Miralgo d••• ..• 2.56 Royal Jester • II $ 9.60 Montana 445' $ 9.60 Royal Oak F 64 cents ••••-1.4- Montaval ••• e• 5 $15.36 $ 3.20 DOLLARS Montego 4•• ▪ F t. $15.36 Royal Porcelain $ 3.20 •=104,.• Monterrico ..• 411 $ 3.20 Royal Regiment 1.52 Mount ... . 4 . $25.60 Royal Revel *44 $ 3.84 Mrs. Oscar Ronaids iv+ 64 cent 1v1••••1• Safari $21.76 My Love U.. 4.• 76 cents Salmon Spray $17.92

Nantucket O 0 4 51 cents $4.59 Salmon Trout $ 1.28 Newcastle 1144 $ 5.76 Salome $ 1.02 Northern Light 4 44 64 cents Santa Lucia $ 1.02 4 Oa Seafarer O14 $11.54 Norval $ 1.5.2 Otearino 4-111 $ 3.84 Seaford dp• 76 cents ,Olympic Gold 11.1. .$ 156 Shining Light $ 8.96 aphelia • • • 4 •4 $ 3.84 Signal Light None to offer Orion •••• $ 1.78 Silver chimes '26 cents $2.24 Orotava 812.80 Silver Cloud ... $ 1.02

3 4 ••• •Pi• Silver Leopard $19.20 Orpheus $ L52 Fit •i SEASON 1972 Orvieto • .. $ 2.17 Sirius $ 1.92 Snowshill • 89 cents Panache ••• 14 4.• $43.52 South Pole L... 64 cents apua 4.4 & IF .None to offer P Stainless F*4 $ 1.78 Parsifal e• O W. $ 1.78 Standard Bearer 51 its $4.59 .•. $ L52 Syracuse 76 cents Passionale O bi $ 1.28 Perdita 4 Pi None to offer Takoradi $ 152 •• a •• • 44-1. $ 2.56 Tambourine $ 1.78 Perimeter Perseus • WO $ 8.96 Tamoretta 4•111 $ 9.60

DWI Petra ▪ 49. $ 1.78 Titania 64 cents $5.76 Pets amo Ft.* 38 cents Tittle Tattle • di di '51 cents Pinta •••• • ad 89 cents Tonga • $10.24 Pontresina S i! 64 cants Toreador ••• 89 cents Preamble ••P B ie 64 cents Tudor King $ 1.28 Prince Royal Rai $ 3.84 Tudor Legend $ 3.84 $ 3.84 Prospero •• ••• 38 cents Tudor Melody Tudor Minstrel 76 cents Queen's Counsel 38 cents Ulster Queen $16.56 •p•• $17.92 Rainbow Valhalla P $ 3.84 Mrs. LIONEL Rameses Verona •• • $ 5.12 Regal Pink F F • $ 9.0 Vigil 1 4.9 $19.20 RICHARDSON Viking $ 1.02 Renvyle ••• $ 1.92 Vulcan +1•• $ 1.02 Prospect House Revenge $ 9.60 White Prince None t offer Ringleader $19.20 Zambezi $ 8.32 WATERFORD Ringmaster $ 1.15 Zanzibar $ 7.68 Ireland N. Harvey & Co., Ltd., Printers

DAFFODIL PRICES Each Ten Each Ten Glendermott ..• 544 64 cents Castle of Mey 76 cents ••• Golden Age 4... 040 64 cents Cathay • • * $ 1.92 Golden Aura ••• $25.60 Cavatina • 0 • $ 2.17 Celtic Song ,... $ 8.96 Golden Chance & $23.04 NEW INTRODUCTIONS • • • 76 cents Chamonix • 0 • $ 2.17 Chandelier ... $ 9.60 Golden Rapture O 44 76 cents Each . . Charity May 38 cents $3.42 Gold $ 9.60 Green Island ... 4 •• None to offer Fiery Flame ... • • • $32.00 Chief Justice 38 cents ..•••••••• Greenjacket 1045 $ 5.76 Gambler's Gift • • • $25.60 Chinese White 76 cents Green Linnet * II • •• $25.60 $ 2.56 Gay Buccaneer Chungking •• None to offer Green Woodpecker I. $ 2.17 • 4 ID Gay .Cavalier $19.20 Circlet OI• $ 1.78 Greeting WT. • •• 64 cents & •• Inishmaan $25.60 Clogheen 0• a • • • • 51 cents $4.60 ..yha••• • •• • & • Irish .Mist $19.20 Cool Harmony • • • $16.64

••• $25.60 Martigny Coppelia 464 • .0. $17.92 Hawaii ••• $ 4.48 • 9 • $38.40 Montevideo Corofin *44 64 cent's $5.76 .•• Heath Fire ••• • • $ 7.68 • 1 1 $25.60 Cristobal O 00 s•• $12.80 Highland Wedding • * • $ 8.32 qjknowerest t v• $17.92 High Sheriff ..• 564 $ 2.56 Tara Rose • 4. • $26.88 Himalaya • 4 • 51 cents Zabarat Ai. • • • $19.20 Dallas 441 tee $ 1.52 Dancing Flame $17,92 Honduras • &A I. • & $16.56 Hotspur •44 • • a $ 2.69 Daybreak • • • ••• $ 1.02 Hussar If. 1144 51 cents GENERAL LIST Daydream g ee ••• $ 4.48

Debutante Tee None to offer

Each Ten 9•1•01•-• Devon Loch ... • 00 $ 1.02 Imogen O 44 O 40 64 cents •••••••• •••••••.• Accolade 38 cents Don Carlos ,••• $ 5.38 Infatuation • • • 4•I $ 1.15 Acropolis $ 2.82 Double Event •••• 76 .cents Inferno 4 4. 64 rents Amber Light $ 6.40 Doubtful • . • 4414 89 cents Irani ••• • • • $ 4.74 Ancona 100.1. 89 cents Dove Wings 4 6. •••• 38 cents $3.42 Irish Legend $ 2.17 Aosta • •• ••• $12.80 Irish Light ... 40 $24.32 -&,•••••• April Rose • ill ••• $ 1.0.2 Early Mist 76 cents Irish Minstrel 44 • 64 cents Arctic Gold ••• 89 cents - Empress of Ireland $ 1.92 Irish Rover ••• $14.08 Ariel 41.* .411.0 None to offer •••••••• Enchantress • * • $ 5.76 Arkle • 41 Of • $32.00 Engadine • 51 cents Ark Royal • 1P • • • 38 cents $3,42 Jenny • 44 ••• 64 cents •=1••••• Ennis MO re *OD $ 5.76 Armada • • • • 38 cents Jewel Song ... $ 7.68 Evenlode $ 1.78 4 O 44 Arosa ••• ••• $12.80 Johore $11.54 Esmeralda •P $ 8.96 n ib Ashavan 4 •• 414 $26.88 Joybell 444 $ '1.02

Avenger ••• 41.• $ 2.69 Ayala 454 40p• 89 cents Fair Prospect $64.00 Kilmurry $ 5.76 Falstaff 444 $12.16 MI••••••1 Kingfisher ... 1.28 Bacchante t• r• • 0.0 $ 4.08 Fiji • • • $ 5.76 Kingscourt • 51 cents Balalaika ••• 10104 76 cents Fiorella 404 $ 1.28 Kingsworthy •• $ 1.52 640 ••• $ 3.45 Ball mass •49 Fire Rocket $ 5.76 Kiskadee , . 4 $12.80 Barbados 44.• ••• $23.04 Flamboyant . • • $ 5,12 Knowehead •.. 64 cents Border Flame • 41, $23.04 Flaming Spring $ 3.84 Brookfield •••• ••• 51 cents $4.59 Flaminaire $ 3.20 Burning Torch a•••' $ 9.60 Florizel . • • $ 1.52 Leander • 41. ••• 76 cents

Frigid 640 38 cents Lemonade is4 $ 3.20 444 $ 5.76 Leonora O f $17.92 Candida ••• 1.11 $ 1.92 Liberty Light 4•4 51 cents Galway • ••• • •• 38 cents Canisp i• ••• $12.80 Gay Challenger ... $24.32 •-•••••••, Libya 004 64 cents Caracas .10 $12.80 Gay Record $ 3.20 Lismore • 41 89 cents Careysville •• • $ 2.17 Lochinvar $ 1.02 .•=•••=amm• Gay Song $21.76 !Carina $ .2.17 Lorenzo 4 • 4 $ 1.02 Gay Time 444. ... None to offer Carrickbe g 4 ea $ 2.56 1.9.•••11. Lysander 1•1 76 cents Cascade 1.78 Gay Trip 411 ... $10.24