CARCARBustR- Editorial Collective: Tanja Eskola, Randy Ghent, Ste- ven Logan, Stephan von Pohl Other WCN Sta#: Arie Farnam (Fundraiser), Markus Heller and Jason Kirkpat- rick (Conference Coordinators), Roeland Kuijper (Ecotopia Bike- tour Coordinator), Lucie Lébrová (O!ce Manager), Maria Yliheikkilä (EVS intern) Contributing Writers: Arie Farnam, Sara Stout, Lisa Logan, Gabrielle Hermann, Ivan Gregov, Rob Zverina Contents Contributing Artists: Francois Meloçhe, Stig, Siris, Andy Singer 14 Awakening the Alliance Disability rights and the carfree movement Please send subscriptions, letters, articles, artwork, photos, feedback 17 How To Level a Curb and your life’s savings to: Fixing inequalities on the street Car Busters, Krátká 26 100 00 Prague 10, Czech Rep. 18 Bogotá Inspires the South tel: +(420) 274-810-849 fax: +(420) 274-816-727 Model spreads in Latin America and beyond
[email protected] 19 Successful Road Fighting Submission deadline for issue 21: History of a grassroots movement in Berlin August 15, 2004. Reprints welcome with a credit to Car 22 The End of Space as We Know It? Busters and a reference to Carbusters. The ideology of spacism org. Subscription/membership info and coupon: page 29 and 30. ISSN: 1213-7154 / MK ÈR: E 100018 4 Letters 10 Action! A Hegelian Poem; Horse-free Cities; World Naked Bike Ride; Korean Printed in the Czech Republic on 100% recycled Carbusting Comrades; Sister Cities... Protests; European Bike Day... paper by VAMB. Pre-press by QT Studio. Distributed by Doormouse (Canada); AK Press, 6 Car Cult Review 19 Skill Sharing Desert Moon, Tower/MTS, and Ubiquity (US); INK (UK); and many others.