16th century Europe - growth of industry & commerce advancement in science improvement in navigation Invention of machines & marine instruments desire to know about the Orient (due to the Crusaders: spices, silk, fruits, Persian rugs, perfumes, precious stones, etc.) Venetians – monopolized the trade Commercial rivalry led to the sending of European expeditions to the Orient Trade routes connecting the Orient to Europe 1. Northern Route = Central Asia – Samarkan & Bokhara – around Caspian Sea & Black Sea – Constantinople 2. Central Route = Malacca– Indian Ocean & ports – Persian Gulf – Baghdad & Constantinople – Cairo 3. Southern Route = Malacca – Indian Ocean – ports of India – Red Sea – Cairo 1453 – Turks captured Constantinople - Closed N. & C. Routes - Allowed Venetian to use S. Route on a certain sum as fee Venetian monopoly led to Portugal & Spain to look for another route to the Orient

EARLY VOYAGES 1. Portugal – 1st to send expedition Prince Henry the Navigator – sponsored several expeditions; developed several maritime instruments: astrolabe, compass, cravel Bartholomeo Diaz – discovered “Cape of Good Hope” & reached Calicut, India. 2. Spain Christopher Columbus – reached N. America in 1492 Amerigo Vespucci – from whom America was named DIVISION OF THE WORLD Pope Alexander VI = issued a bull in 1493 Spain – all lands south & west of the Azores & Cape Verde Island Portugal – take possession of Africa May – issued another bull (imaginary line was drawn from north-south @ 100 west of the Azores Portugal = lands east of the imaginary line Spain = lands west of the imaginary line September – nullified the provision & allowed Spain to own lands discovered in the East

TREATY OF TORDESILLAS – June 7, 1494 Provisions: 1. Portugal = east imaginary line N – S at a distance of Spain = west 370 leagues west of Cape Verde Islands 2. Lands discovered east of the demarcation line by Spanish ships, should be turned over to Portugal. Vice Versa 3. No Portuguese shops shall be sent to lands belonging to Spain & vice versa, for the purpose of trading w/ them Ferdinand Magellan = Portuguese who went to Spain to offer his services to King Charles 1 = Trinidad, Concepcion, Victoria, Santiago, and San Antonio = Sept. 20, 1519 – southward across the Atlantic – 2 months – Pernambuco, Brazil – Rio de Janeiro – Rio de la Plata (Feb.1520) – Port St. Julian S.A. (March) where a mutiny of his captains occurred – Strait of Magellan (3 ships remained) – crossed the Pacific & reached Ladrones Islands (Marianas) on March 1521 where they rested & got some fresh food & water. March 17, 1521 = sighted the mountains of Samar = landed in Homonhon for sick men to be taken cared of Limasawa & befriended Raja Kulambu & his brother Si Agu (sealed their friendship w/ a blood compact) March 31 = Easter Sunday, Magellan ordered a mass to celebrated = then planted a large cross on top of a hill overlooking the sea = called them the archipelago of St. Lazarus = stayed in Limasawa for only a week due to food shortage = arrived in on April 8 = told Enrique to assure the natives that they came as friends = Raja Humabon welcomed and made a blood compact w/ him April 15 = mass was celebrated in Cebu = Raja Sula vs. Raja Lapulapu asked Magellan to defeat his rival April 28 = Battle of Maktan Remaining Spaniards decided to leave Cebu Victoria – sailed to Europe by way of Africa; succeeded in reaching Spain through the command of Sebastian del Cano Trinidad – returned to Europe by way of the Pacific; captured by the Portuguese = Magellan’s voyage proved conclusively that the earth was round. =Venetians monopoly of the Southern Route was broken. = led to another Spanish expeditions in the a. Loaysa Expedition – 1521 – 1526; Fr. Juan Garcia Jofre de Loaysa b. Cabot – 1526 – 1530; Sebastian Cabot c. Saavedra – 1527 – 1528; Alvaro de Saavedra; reached Mindanao but did not succeed in settling his men in any of the islands. TREATY OF ZARAGOZA = April 22, 1529 =Portugal won possession of the Moluccas after paying Spain the sum of 350,000 gold ducats =imaginary line was drawn from N-S at 297-1/2 leagues east of the Moluccas =Spain west Portugal east d. Villalobos=Ruy Lopez de Villalobos left Mexico on November 1, 1542 =Pacific Mindanao (February 1543) =natives refused any dealings with the Spaniards =crop(corn) they planted failed so he sent Bernardo de la Torre to Tandaya(now Samar) to get some food =Makandala – gave them enough food =named the islands of Samar and Leyte FELIPINAS in honor of Prince Philip as form of gratitude =sailed for Moluccas, captured by the Portuguese =set free, sailed for Mexico but died in Amboina in 1546 e. Legazpi =King Philip emphasized that the expedition should not enter territories belonging to Portugal =PURPOSE: To survey the trade in spices and make a report on it; To make a new return route from the Oriental islands to Mexico be discovered =Fr. Andres de Urdaneta –pilot of the expedition(member of the Loaysa expedition) =Miguel Lopez de Legazpi-head of the expedition =4ships with 350 men, sailed from the Mexican port of Navidad on Nov.21,1564 =reached Cebu in Feb.1565 – Leyte-Samar-Camiguin(March)-Butuan--ordered his men to sail for Cebu DISCOVERY OF A NEW ROUTE San Pedro=piloted by Fr. Urdaneta together with his grandson Felipe Salcedo was ordered by Legaspi to return to Mexico =June 1,1565 –left Philippines-Pacific-Sta. Catalina, California-Navidad,Mexico(Oct.1)-Acapulco FIRST SETTLEMENT IN CEBU =April 27-entered Cebu =Cebuanos were hostile but he explained that those white men who maltreated them before were Portuguese =Raja Tupas did not believe him and fought in skirmishes =after Legazpi’s victory, he tried his policy of attraction and promised not to harm them =Tupas and his brothers Makyo and Katapan, and Legazpi entered into an agreement: a. Filipinos’ loyalty is to the King of Spain and the Spaniards b. Filipinos promise to help the Spaniards in any battle against the enemies; Spaniards promise to protect the Filipinos from all enemies c. Any Filipino who has committed a crime against a Spaniard shall be turned over to the Spanish authorities and vice versa d. Goods to be sold to either the Spaniards/Filipinos shall be priced moderately e. An armed Filipino shall not be allowed to enter the Spanish settlement =when peace reigned, Tupas and other chieftains donated a piece of land to them Fort San Pedro-was first called San Miguel; and was renamed by Legazpi as the “City of the Most Holy Name of Jesus” SETTLEMENT IN PANAY =Problem with Legazpi’s men: refused to work, robbed Filipinos’ graves and had a conspiracy to seize the ship SAN PABLO =Hostility with the Portuguese =Decided to move to Panay (plenty of food) -sailed in 1569 and founded the second the Spanish settlement FIRST SPANISH VOYAGE TO MANILA =Masbate,Burias, Ticao-small expeditions were sent and claimed in the name of the King of Spain =Enrique de Guzman-headed an expedition for souther Luzon and reached Albay =Juan de Salcedo-Legazpi’s younger grandson who led a small expedition to the north and reported that Manila was a prosperous Muslim Kingdom MANILA= ruled by Rajah Solaiman; south of Pasig River in what is now Fort Santiago FOUNDING OF MANILA =Legazpi received news from the King that he was made governor and captain-general and to colonize the whole archipelago =became the FIRST GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE COUNTRY =Fr. Diego de Herrero-Augustinian friar who suggested that they settle in Luzon due to scarcity of food in Panay =June 24,1571 –Legazpi made Manila the capital of the Philippines 3 OBJECTIVES THAT ENCOURAGED THE SPANIARDS TO COLONIZE THE PHILIPPINES 1. To secure a share in the lucrative spice trade 2. To establish direct contacts with China and Japan 3. To Christianize the inhabitants of the archipelago