Flamingo-Related Publications 2011-2018 Relevant Publications Relating to Flamingos, Their Biology, Behaviour, Ecology, Conservation, Health And/Or Management

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Flamingo-Related Publications 2011-2018 Relevant Publications Relating to Flamingos, Their Biology, Behaviour, Ecology, Conservation, Health And/Or Management Publications list, Flamingo e1 2018 Flamingo-related publications 2011-2018 Relevant publications relating to flamingos, their biology, behaviour, ecology, conservation, health and/or management. 2011 aggregations of large birds. Bird study, 58(3), 302-308. Amat, J. A., Rendón, M. A., Garrido- Fernandez, J., Garrido, A., Rendón-Martos, Nonga, H. E., Sandvik, M., Miles, C. O., Lie, M., & Perez-Galvez, A. (2011). Greater E., Mdegela, R. H., Mwamengele, G. L., flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus use Semuguruka, W. D., & Skaare, J. U. (2011). uropygial secretions as make-up. Possible involvement of microcystins in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, the unexplained mass mortalities of lesser 65(4), 665-673. flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor Geoffroy) at Lake Manyara in Tanzania. Anderson, M. J., Urbine, J. L., Wilson, C., & Hydrobiologia, 678(1), 167-178. Callabro, L. (2011). Employment of web- based images and a live web cam in the Perdue, B. M., Gaalema, D. E., Martin, A. examination of lateral neck-resting L., Dampier, S. M., & Maple, T. L. (2011). preferences in the American flamingo Factors affecting aggression in a captive (Phoenicopterus ruber). Journal of flock of Chilean flamingos (Phoenicopterus Caribbean Ornithology, 24(2), 41-47.2012 chilensis). Zoo Biology, 30(1), 59-64. Borghesi, F., Andreotti, A., Baccetti, N., Rendon, M. A., Rendon-Martos, M., Bianchi, N., Birke, M., Migani, F., & Dinelli, Garrido, A., & Amat, J. A. (2011). Greater E. (2011). Flamingo feathers to monitor flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus are metal contamination of coastal wetlands: partial capital breeders. Journal of Avian methods and initial results concerning the Biology, 42(3), 210-213. presence of mercury at six Mediterranean Schmaltz, L., Cézilly, F., & Béchet, A. sites. Chemistry and Ecology, 27(sup2), (2011). Using multistate recapture 137-151. modelling to assess age‐specific Bouchard, L., & Anderson, M. (2011). bottlenecks in breeding success: a case Caribbean flamingo resting behavior and study in the greater flamingo the influence of weather variables. Journal Phoenicopterus roseus. Journal of Avian of Ornithology, 152(2), 307-312. Biology, 42(2), 178-186. Boucheker, A., Samraoui, B., Prodon, R., Tere, A., & Parasharya, B. M. (2011). Amat, J. A., Rendon-Martos, M., Baccetti, Flamingo mortality due to collision with N., Vidal i Esquerre, F., Nissardi, S., Balkiz, high tension electric wires in Gujarat, O., Germain, C., Boulkhssaim, M., & India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 3(11), Bechet, A. (2011). Connectivity between 2192-2201. the Algerian population of Greater Zaccara, S., Crosa, G., Vanetti, I., Binelli, flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus and those G., Childress, B., McCulloch, G., & Harper, of the Mediterranean basin. Ostrich, D. M. (2011). Lesser flamingo, 82(3), 167-174. Phoeniconaias minor, as a nomadic Descamps, S., Béchet, A., Descombes, X., species in African shallow alkaline lakes Arnaud, A., & Zerubia, J. (2011). An and pans: genetic structure and future automatic counter for aerial images of perspectives. Ostrich, 82(2), 95-100. Publications list, Flamingo e1 2018 Zimmermann, D., Anderson, M. D., Lane, of the wing. Journal of Avian Medicine and E., Van Wilpe, E., Carulei, O., Douglass, N., Surgery, 26(4), 255-257. Williamson, A.-L., & Kotze, A. (2011). Melchor, R. N., Cardonatto, M. C., & Avian poxvirus epizootic in a breeding Visconti, G. (2012). Palaeonvironmental population of lesser flamingos and palaeoecological significance of (Phoenicopterus minor) at Kamfers Dam, flamingo-like footprints in shallow- Kimberley, South Africa. Journal of lacustrine rocks: an example from the Wildlife Diseases, 47(4), 989-993. Oligocene–Miocene Vinchina Formation, Argentina. Palaeogeography, 2012 Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 315, Bechet, A., Rendón-Martos, M., Rendón, 181-198. M. Á., Amat, J. A., Johnson, A. R., & Montalti, D., Graña Grilli, M., Maragliano, Gauthier-Clerc, M. (2012). Global R. E., & Cassini, G. (2012). The reliability of economy interacts with climate change to morphometric discriminant functions in jeopardize species conservation: the case determining the sex of Chilean flamingos of the greater flamingo in the Phoenicopterus chilensis. Current Zoology, Mediterranean and West Africa. 58(6), 851-855. Environmental conservation, 39(1), 1-3. Nielsen, A. M. W., Nielsen, S. S., King, C. Bucher, E. H., & Curto, E. (2012). Influence E., & Bertelsen, M. F. (2012). Risk factors of long-term climatic changes on breeding for development of foot lesions in captive of the Chilean flamingo in Mar Chiquita, flamingos (Phoenicopteridae). Journal of Cordoba, Argentina. Hydrobiologia, Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 43(4), 744-749. 697(1), 127-137. Phillips, P., & Mc Dermott, L. (2012). Using Burgdorf-Moisuk, A., Wack, R., Ziccardi, biometric measurements to predict the M., Larsen, R. S., & Hopper, K. (2012). gender of Chilean flamingos Validation of lactate measurement in Phoenicopterus chilensis at Dublin Zoo. American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) International Zoo Yearbook, 46(1), 189- plasma and correlation with duration and 194. difficulty of capture. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 43(3), 450-458. Pradel, R., Choquet, R., & Béchet, A. (2012). Breeding experience might be a Geraci, J., Bechet, A., Cezilly, F., Ficheux, major determinant of breeding probability S., Baccetti, N., Samraoui, B., & Wattier, R. in long-lived species: The case of the (2012). Greater flamingo colonies around greater flamingo. PloS One, 7(12), e51016. the Mediterranean form a single interbreeding population and share a Rendon, M. A., Garrido, A., Guerrero, J. C., common history. Journal of Avian Biology, Rendon-Martos, M., & Amat, J. A. (2012). 43(4), 341-354. Crop size as an index of chick provisioning in the greater flamingo Phoenicopterus Hurley-Sanders, J. L., Bowman, K. F., roseus. Ibis, 154(2), 379-388. Wolfe, B. A., Nutter, F. B., Sladky, K. K., & Stoskopf, M. K. (2012). Use of Samraoui, B., & Samraoui, F. (2013). An thermography and fluorescein ornithological survey of Algerian angiography in the management of a wetlands: Important Bird Areas, Ramsar Chilean flamingo with avascular necrosis sites and threatened species. Wildfowl, 58(58), 71-96. Publications list, Flamingo e1 2018 Sanz-Aguilar, A., Béchet, A., Germain, C., Phoeniconaias minor populations at Johnson, A. R., & Pradel, R. (2012). To Kamfers Dam, a saline wetland near leave or not to leave: Survival trade-offs Kimberley, South Africa. African Journal of between different migratory strategies in Aquatic Science, 38(3), 287-294. the greater flamingo. Journal of Animal Hinton, M. G., Bendelow, A., Lantz, S., Ecology, 81(6), 1171-1182. Wey, T. M., Schoen, L., Brockett, R., & Scott, J. J., Renaut, R. W., & Owen, R. B. Karubian, J. (2013). Patterns of aggression (2012). Impacts of flamingos on saline lake among captive American flamingos margin and shallow lacustrine sediments (Phoenicopterus ruber). Zoo Biology, in the Kenya Rift Valley. Sedimentary 32(4), 445-453. Geology, 277–278(0), 32-51. Hughes, A. L., Raynes, A., Driscoll, C., & Williams, S. A., & Anderson, M. J. (2012). Babler, J. (2013). Behavioral correlates of Pair bonding and lateral neck-resting post-breeding weight change in a captive preferences in captive Caribbean flock of American flamingos flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber). (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber). Zoo Biology, Laterality, 17(5), 565-582. 32(2), 204-209. Kaggwa, M., Gruber, M., Oduor, S., & 2013 Schagerl, M. (2013). A detailed time series Benato, L., Rice, C. J., Wernery, U., assessment of the diet of lesser flamingos: McKeown, S., & Bailey, T. A. (2013). Serum further explanation for their itinerant concentrations of vitamins and trace behaviour. Hydrobiologia, 710(1), 83-93. elements in clinically healthy greater Metcalf, J. S., Banack, S. A., Kotut, K., flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) and Krienitz, L., & Codd, G. A. (2013). Amino lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor). acid neurotoxins in feathers of the lesser Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor. 44(2), 245-250. Chemosphere, 90(2), 835-839. Bouaguel, L., Saheb, M., Bensaci, E., Moreno-Opo, R., Sidaty, Z. O., Baldò, J. M., Bougoudjil, S., Bouslama, Z., & Houhamdi, Garcìa, F., Daf, D. O. S., & Gonzàlez, L. M. M. (2013). Status and diurnal behavior of (2013). A breeding colony of the Near the greater flamingo Phoenicopterus Threatened lesser flamingo Phoeniconaias roseus in Algerian eastern high plains. minor in western Africa: a conservation Annals of Biological Research, 4(8), 232- story of threats and land management. 237. Bird Conservation International, 23(4), Cruz, N. N., Barisón, C., Romano, M., 426-436. Arengo, F., Derlindati, E. J., & Barberis, I. Peluso, A. I., Royer, E. A., Wall, M. J., & (2013). A new record of James's flamingo Anderson, M. J. (2013). The relationship (Phoenicoparrus jamesi) from Laguna between environmental factors and Melincué, a lowland wetland in East- flamingo aggression examined via internet Central Argentina. The Wilson Journal of resources. Avian Biology Research, 6(3), Ornithology, 125(1), 217-221. 215-220. Hill, L. M., Bowerman, W. W., Roos, J. C., Tebbs, E. J., Remedios, J. J., Avery, S. T., & Bridges, W. C., & Anderson, M. (2013). Harper, D. M. (2013). Remote sensing the Effects of water quality changes on hydrological variability of Tanzania's Lake phytoplankton and lesser flamingo Publications list, Flamingo e1 2018 Natron, a vital lesser flamingo breeding Deville, A.-S., Labaude, S., Robin, J.-P., site under threat. Ecohydrology & Béchet,
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