Flamingo-Related Publications 2011-2018 Relevant Publications Relating to Flamingos, Their Biology, Behaviour, Ecology, Conservation, Health And/Or Management
Publications list, Flamingo e1 2018 Flamingo-related publications 2011-2018 Relevant publications relating to flamingos, their biology, behaviour, ecology, conservation, health and/or management. 2011 aggregations of large birds. Bird study, 58(3), 302-308. Amat, J. A., Rendón, M. A., Garrido- Fernandez, J., Garrido, A., Rendón-Martos, Nonga, H. E., Sandvik, M., Miles, C. O., Lie, M., & Perez-Galvez, A. (2011). Greater E., Mdegela, R. H., Mwamengele, G. L., flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus use Semuguruka, W. D., & Skaare, J. U. (2011). uropygial secretions as make-up. Possible involvement of microcystins in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, the unexplained mass mortalities of lesser 65(4), 665-673. flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor Geoffroy) at Lake Manyara in Tanzania. Anderson, M. J., Urbine, J. L., Wilson, C., & Hydrobiologia, 678(1), 167-178. Callabro, L. (2011). Employment of web- based images and a live web cam in the Perdue, B. M., Gaalema, D. E., Martin, A. examination of lateral neck-resting L., Dampier, S. M., & Maple, T. L. (2011). preferences in the American flamingo Factors affecting aggression in a captive (Phoenicopterus ruber). Journal of flock of Chilean flamingos (Phoenicopterus Caribbean Ornithology, 24(2), 41-47.2012 chilensis). Zoo Biology, 30(1), 59-64. Borghesi, F., Andreotti, A., Baccetti, N., Rendon, M. A., Rendon-Martos, M., Bianchi, N., Birke, M., Migani, F., & Dinelli, Garrido, A., & Amat, J. A. (2011). Greater E. (2011). Flamingo feathers to monitor flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus are metal contamination of coastal wetlands: partial capital breeders. Journal of Avian methods and initial results concerning the Biology, 42(3), 210-213. presence of mercury at six Mediterranean Schmaltz, L., Cézilly, F., & Béchet, A.
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