®Fficial <Sa3ette
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®fficial <Sa3ette OF THE (Government of Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. Noi 268 JERUSALEM 1st October, 1930. CONTENTS Page I. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. 1930׳ ----- a\ Enactment of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, No. 25 of 782) (b) Confirmation of Ordinances Nos. 14 and 18 of 1930 ------- 782 ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ - ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ c) Appointments, etc. 782-783) {d) Certificate under the Expropriation of Land Ordinance, 1926, regarding the ־ - ־ ־ - - - - - widening of roads in the Jaffa Port Area 783 ־ e) Proclamation under the Forests Ordinance, 1926, defining a closed forest area - 784-785) ־ ־ Order under the Police Ordinance, 1926, appointing a Superior Police Officer 785 (/) (g) Orders applying the Urban Property Tax Ordinances, 1928-1929, to and appointing ־ an Appeal Commission and Assessment Committees in Safad 785-786 (h) Orders applying tl e Urban Property Tax Ordinances, 1928-1929, to and appointing ־ an Appeal Commission and Assessment Committees in Nazareth 787-788 (/) Orders revoking the application of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1928, to Haifa and Acre ----- - - 788-789 ־ - ij) Pegulations under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, regarding Customs flag, etc. 789 {k) Regulation under the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, to check the spread of Black Scale -------------- 789-790 (/) Revocation of Rules under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, prohibiting and regulating the movement of cattle, etc. in the vicinity of the northern and north-easief n frontiers of Palestine - • - -- -- -- 790 (m) Advocates (Professional Conduct) Rules of Court, 1930 ------- 790 (n) Notices under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, declaring certain ־ - ־ - - ־" - ־ - - - villages to be infected areas 791 (6) Notice under the Expropriation of Land Ordinance, 1926, regarding the construction ־־ ־ ־ ־ ־ . - ־ ־ of an infectious diseases ward at Nablus - 791 ־ p) Notice concerning compensation for loss in the disturbances of 1929 792-795) {q) Notice under the Municipal Franchise Ordinance, 1926, regarding the result of the Beersheba Municipal Bye-elections - -- -- -- -- - 795 II. DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES. (a) Withdrawal of temporary prohibition of importation of cattle, etc. from Palestine ־ - - -- -- -- -- -- -- Egypt 796 10 ־ ־ - ־ - - ־ b) Notification of commencement of settlement in Safriye 796) ־ - ־ c) Notifications of intended settlement in Petah Tiqvah and Ein-Ganim - 796-797) Zion who are to submit Memoranda of־d) Lists of persons in 'Ein Ganim and Rishon-le) Claims to the Settlement Officers ---------- 797-801 (e) Posting of Schedules of Claims in Sarona and Al Mughar ------ 801 ־ - - - ־־ - ־ f) Posting of Schedules of Rights in certain villages 802} ־ - g) Additonal modification of Model Town Planning Bye-laws as applied to Haifa 803) es 803׳»h) Payment of advocates' f) (z) Professional Licence - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 803 (/) Jewish New Year Grepting Telegrams 803 ־ ־ - - ־ - k) University of London Matriculation Examination, 1930 - 803-804) (/) Adjudication of Contracts - -- -- -- -- -- -- 804 ־ • ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ m) Registration of Cooperative Societies, Companies, etc. 804-805) ־ - - ־ - ־ ־־ ־ ־ ־־ ־ n) Winding-up of Company 805) (o) Bankruptcy --------- ------- 805 {p) Citations for Probate and Order of Administration - - - - - - - - 805 III. RETURNS. (a) Financial Statement - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 806-807 (b) Sale of Unclaimed Goods ------------- 808 ־ - ־ ־ ־־ - - ־ o Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 809) IV. SUPPLEMENT. Registration of Trade Marks --------- 811-817 Price 50 Mils. 782 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1st October, 1930. (659) j ENACTMENJT OF ORDINANCE. CONTEMPT olF COURT ORDINANCE ! No! 25 of 1930. The Con tempt of Court Ordinance, No. 25 of 1930, which was published as a Bill in the Official Gazette N<D. 264 of the 1st August, 1930, (page 612) has been enacted in the following form and was signed by the Officer Administering the Government on I he 30th September, 1930. An Ordinance to provide for the offence of ! scandalizing the Court. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, ־: with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof Short Title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Contempt of Court Ordinance. 1930. , ־: Scandalizing• 2. Any person who Court. (a) by Speech or writing uses words of any Judge, whether of a Civil !Court or Religious Court, or any Magistrate in respect of his office, with intent to defame him in that capacity ; or (b) publishes any invective against a Judge, whether of a Civil or Religious Court, or any Magistrate with a view to bring the administration of justice into suspicion or contempt, shall be punishable with Imprisonment for a period not exceed ing two Years. Provided that! the discussion with candour and decency of the merits of a decision of a Judge in a matter of public interest and concern shall not be an offence under this Ordinance. Application to 3. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to the proceeding's proceedings of a Seulement Officer in the hearing of Claims before Settlement Officer. under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, as if such Officer constituted Court. S. MOODY 30th September, 1930. Clerk to Councils (972/29) (660) (601) APPOINTMENTS etc. CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES. <A" Acting Appointments. The Right Honourable the Secretary , of The Officer Administering the Govern State for the Colonies has notified that His ment has appointed - Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect to the follow Mr. J. W. Gregory, Assistant Collector, Class ing Ordinances j 3, Department of Customs, Excise and Trade, to act as Collector of Customs, during the No. 14 of 1930, entitled: "An Ordinance absence on leave of Mr. N.Habesch, with effect to regulate the admission of women as Advocajtes from the 18th Aumist to the 16th before the Civil Courts". j September, 1930. I No. 18 of 1930, entitled: "An Ordinance "B" Dismissals. to amend the Land Settlement Ordinance, The Officer Administering the Government directs it to be notified for general information that: 1st October, 1930. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 783 (i) His Honour, Judge Yusuf Mr. M. Ladyjensky, Department of Public Strumza, Judge, District Court, Class 2, Judicial Works, Department, has been dismissed from the service 1.9.30-30.9.30 of the Government of Palestine, with effect from the 22nd July, 1930. Dr. Taher Ei Khatib, Department of Health, 2.9.30-1.10.30 Mr. N.H. Fiani, District Administration, (ii) Subhi Eff. Aweida, Registrar, Northern District, Grade JI, Department of Lands, has been 3.9.30-2.10.30 dismissed from the service of the Government of Palestine, with effect from the 7th June, 1928. RafiqEff. Abu Ghazeleh, Judicial Department, 4.9.30-3.10.30 Dr. Kamal Eid, Department of Health, 5.9.30-4.10.30 <C" Leave. Dr. S M. Shihab, Department of Health, 6.9.30-5.10.30. The Officer Administering the Govern ment has approved the leave of the following Aref Eff. El Aref, District Administration, ,.Southern District ־: officers 6.9.30-5.10 30. Taher Eff. Afghani, Judicial Department, Jamil Eff. Zananiri, Department of Education, 1.9.30-30.9.30 8.9.30-7.10.30. Mr. I. Abbady, Secretariat, Mr. F. Mansur, Department of Customs, 9.9.30-8 10.30. Excise and Trade, 1.9.30-30.9.30 Mr. H.C. Luke, C.M.G., Secretariat, 10.5.30-7.8.30. Mr. N.S. Boutauy, Department of Customs, Mr, S.H. Lanfear, Department of Surveys, 11.9.30-24.1.31. M.B.E., Excise and Trade, 1.9.30-30.9.30 Mr. F.A. Sargent, Palestine Railways, 13.9.30 26.1.31. Hilmi Eff. Husseini, District Administration, Northern District, Mr. A.K. Saba, Treasury, 1.9.30-30.9. ?0 15.9.30-14.10.30. Mohammad Eff. Sidki, Department of Agricul Dr. K.S. Krikorian, Department of Health, ture and Forests, 1.9.30-30.11.30 15.9.30-14.10.30. (662) EXPROPRIATION OF LAND ORDINANCE, 1926. CERTIFICATE. I, Sir Steuart Spencer Davis, Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, hereby certify that the following are undertakings of a public nature within the meaning of Section 3 of the Expropriation of Land Ordinance, 1926. 1) "Widening of the South Approach Road to the Port of Jaffa in the vicinity of the property of the Armenian Convent, opposite the New Customs Warehouse and Disinfecting Station. 2) Widening of the roadway in the vicinity of the Bourj Café inside the Port Area of Jaffa. Plans of the land affected may be inspected at the Offices of the District Engineer, Jaffa, and the Director, ]Department of Lands, Jerusalem. S. S. DAVIS 11th September, 1930. Officer Administering the Government. (1347/29) 784 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1st October, 1930. (663) FORESTS ORDINANCE, 1926. Proclamation by the Officer Administering the Government. In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 3 of the Forests Ordinance, 1926, [, Sir Steuarc Spencer Davis, Officer Adminis tering the Government, do hereby :proclaim that the forest lands defined in the Schedule hereto are a forest reserve and a closed forest area under the control and management of the Government. SCHEDULE. Serial No. 202. Name of Reserve Jebel Harsis. and Closed Forest Area : Situation: Jerusalem Sub-District, within the village boundaries of Deir Eyub. Boundaries: The boundaries are shown in detail by a green line on a map marked II 133 scale 1: 10,000 Ref. Survey of Palestine lodged at the office of the Chief Forest 150-135׳ Sheet Officer, Jerusalem. They are demarcated by numbered Rock Marks consisting of iron bolts concreted into rocks and surrounded by a ring painted with cement wash. North : Starling from Rock Mark 158/B the boundary proceeds eastwards along the southern edges of cultivated lands in the Wad i Alia ;a thence through Rock Marks 160/B, 162/B, as far as Rock Mark 163/B. East: From Rock Mark 163/B the boundary leaves the Wadi Allaka and proceeds southwards across the Wadi Shaab Masleh, which lis the village boundary of Deir Eyub and Saris villages, along the edges of cultivated lands on the western slope of the wadi through Rock Mark 164/B as far as Rock .Mark' 165/B.