Box Folder 19 1 Leo Baeck High Education Center [Haifa, Israel
MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series F: Life in Israel, 1956-1983. Box Folder 19 1 Leo Baeck High Education Center [Haifa, Israel]. 1969-1975. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 True to our goal of gathe ring and integrating the exiles from all lands , the• Baeck School has establlah ed a unique pilot pr ogram fo r new immigrants in the senior grades. I.earning Hebrew , they are: integrated into lsraell II fe, whl le at the same time ;.tudying many subjects ln their own language. In addition to Hebrew, studies are taught In Russian , Rouaanian , English, f'rench, Spanish, and even Persian and Azerbayd2 ani. llo such progra• exists In any other high schocol in Israel. m RUSSIA , lr.lllt:R llATOIFUL EYE OF RUSSIA.~ CRA.~Dtt.\STER BOTVllllllK , PARTICIPATUIC lll TOUR.'IA!L'ff fOR 14 Y&AR OLDS ALF.XA."HlER Sttl~I , QIESS CllA.'IPICi:I 1N ISRAEL , AS U:O BAEC< SQIOOI. STUDENT, lllNNlNC JIJSIOR NATIONAL' COMPETITlON UI .JERUSALEH The student in the modem, world is no longer taught dry facts , but how to s:earch for knowledge on his own . Therefore, the Leo fiaeck School urgently requires a large library and s.tudy area to replace the small and overcrowded pTesent facilities. We look to our friends abroad to help us complete parl of the library and synagogue buildin~; and the Jane £vans study terrace .
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