HALTON LOCAL SERVICES 1. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY SERVICE(s) Bridgewater Community Healthcare Speech and Language Therapy Team, Widnes Healthcare Resource Centre, Oaks Place, Caldwell Rd, Widnes WA8 7GD Tel: 0151 495 5024
[email protected] www.bridgewater.nhs.uk/haltonsthelens http://www.bridgewater.nhs.uk/?s=speech+and+language 2. LOCAL AUTHORITY SERVICES HALTON BOROUGH COUNCIL Municipal Building, Kingsway, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 7QF Tel: 0303 333 4300 Web: www.halton.gov.uk online e-mail form SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS SEN Statutory Assessment Children and Enterprise, 3rd Floor, Rutland House, Halton Lea, Runcorn WA7 2GW Pat Jones (Principal Officer) Tel: 0151 511 7322 Email:
[email protected] Eileen O'Brien (Enhanced Provision) Tel: 0151 511 7461 Email: eileen.o'
[email protected] Pam Beaumont (Transition) Tel: 0151 511 7254 Email:
[email protected] Ami McNamee (Speech & Language Difficulties) Tel: 0151 511 7777 TRANSPORT For information regarding assistance with school transport call: 0151 511 744 INCLUSIVE LEARNING DIVISION www.thelifecloud.net/las/Halton/spaces/HaltonPages-InclusiveLearningDivision/ EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY see SEN Statutory Assessment (above) 3. PARENT SUPPORT Halton Send Partnership Rutland House, Halton Lea, Runcorn WA7 2GW Tel: 0151 511 7733 Email:
[email protected] www.haltonparentpartnership.co.uk (under construction) PARENT and CARER FORUM Halton Parent and Carer Forum Halton Children and Enterprise Policy Team 2nd Floor, Rutland House, Halton Lea, Runcorn WA7 2GW