1 Curriculum Vitae

Zakia Salime

Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Women’s&

26 Nichol Avenue Tel 732 301 2501 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Fax (732)445 0974 Rutgers University [email protected]


2005 Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Doctoral Thesis: Between and Islam: New Political Transformations and Movements in Morocco.

2002 M.A, Gender Relations in International Development, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

1985 Doctorat de Troisième Cycle, Sociology, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, Toulouse, France

1982 Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies, DEA, Sociology, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, Toulouse, France.

1981 B.A, Sociology. University Mohamed Ben Abdullah, Fez, Morocco.


July 2011-present Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Department of Women’s &Gender Studies, Rutgers

Sept 2008-2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Department of Women’s & Gender Studies, Rutgers

Aug 05-Aug2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

Sep1985- Jul 2005 Associate Professor, Department of Education, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Fez, Morocco.


Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia in Morocco. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (2011)

Freedom Without Permission: Space and Bodies in the Arab Revolutions co-edited with Frances Hasso. Durham: Duke University Press (Forthcoming, 2016)


(Forthcoming) “Embeddeed Counterpublics: Women and Islamic Revival in Morocco.” Frontiers: a Journal of Women’s Studies, in a special issue on Gendering Faith.

2015 Arab Revolutions: Legible Illegible Bodies. Comparative Studies of South Asia Africa and the Middle East. 35(3) (2015): 525-538

2015 “Manufacturing Islamophobia: Rightwing Pseudo-Documentaries and the Paranoid Style” (with Arlene Stein) Journal of Communication Inquiry 0(0)1-19

2015 “I Vote, I Sing”: The Rise of Aesthetic Citizenship in Morocco. International Journal of Middle East Studies. 47: 36-139

2014 “ as “Personal Revolutions”: Micro-Rebellious Bodies.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 40(1): 14-20

2012 “New Feminism? Gender Dynamics in Morocco’s February Twentieth Movement.” Journal of International Women’s Studies (on-line journal) 13: 100-114

2010 Securing the Market, Pacifying Civil Society, Empowering Women: The Middle East Partnership Initiative. Sociological Forum (25)4: 725-745

2008 Mobilizing Muslim Women in Africa: Multiple Voices, The Shari`a and the State. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 28(1): 200- 211

2007 The “War on Terrorism:” Appropriation and Subversion by Moroccan Women”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 33-1: 1:24

2006 (with Assata Zerai) “A Black Feminist Analysis of Responses to War, Racism and Repression”. Critical Sociology. 32.2-3: 503-526

Review Articles

Zakia Salime. 2008. Mandatory Liberal Democracy ? Sociological Forum. 23 (2):320-321 (The Forum Mailbox)

Book Chapters

3 (Forthcoming) “Rai and Rap: Globalization and the Soundtrack of Youth Resistance in Northern Africa”, in Global Africa, edited by Dorothy Hodgson and Judith A. Byfield

(Forthcoming) “Gender, Legality and Public Ethics”, in Sharia and Muslim Ethics, edited by Robert Hefner (Indiana University Press).

(Forthcoming) “Arab Family Studies, Morocco: 1900-2012” in Arab Family Studies: Critical Review, edited by Suad Joseph.

2011 “Securing the Market of War: The Middle East Partnership Initiative.” Pp 215- 239 in Accumulating Insecurity: Violence and Dispossession in the Making of Everyday Life, edited by Shelly Feldman, Charles Geisler and Gayatri A. Menon. Athens Georgia: University of Georgia Press

2009 “Revisiting the Debate on Family Law In Morocco: Context, Actors and Discourses.” Pp 45-62 in Gender and Family Laws in a Changing Middle East and South Asia, edited by Kenneth M. Cuno and Manisha Desai. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

2002 (with Winnifred Poster) “The Limits of Micro-Credit: and USAID Activities in the and Morocco,” Pp 191-219 in Women’s Activism and Globalization. Linking Local Struggles and Transnational Politics, edited by Nancy A. Naples and Manisha Desai. New York and London: Routledge.

2001 “Femmes-Politique: Alliance Difficile: Paroles de Jeunes. ” Pp 37-66 in Femmes et Democratie, La Grande Question, edited by Aicha Belarbi. Casablanca: Le Fennec.

1999 “ La Femme, une Potentialité d'Entrepreneur et une Réalité de Salariée. ” Pp 123-134 in L'Histoire des Femmes au Maghreb, Réponse à l'exclusion. University Ibn Toufeil. Casablanca: Najah Press.

1998 “ Le Dialogue des Cultures Spécificité ou Universalité.” Pp 59-70 in Art, Environnement et Dialogue des Cultures. Essaouira: Sefrioui Press.

1998 “Ecole et Globalisation Economique.” AL Moudaris 2:47-60. Journal of Ecole Normale Supérieure, Fez.

1998 “ L'Entreprise Féminine à Fès, une Tradition.” Pp 31-46 in Initiatives Féminines, edited by Aicha Belarbi. Casablanca: Le Fennec Press.

Book Reviews

2008 Globalizing Women: Transnational Feminist Networks, by Valentine Moghadam. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Gender and Society 22(3).

2005 Searching for a Different Future: the Rise of a Global Middle Class in Morocco, by Shana Cohen. Comparative Studies of South Asia Africa and the Middle East. 26(3): 517-519

4 Forthcoming Mobilizing Piety: Islam and Feminism in , by Rachel Rinaldo. (Oxford University Press, 2013). Contemporary Sociology

Encyclopedia Entries

2003 “Morocco Entries” Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century History of Africa, edited by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza and Dickson Eyoh. London and New York: Routledge.


Institute for Research on Women’s Fellowship, Rutgers (2015-2016)

Centers for Global Advancement and International Affairs Grant on Global Urbanism, Rutgers (2015-2017). Award amount $10.000

Intramural Research Grant Proposal, Michigan State University (2007). Award amount $ 25.000

Rita and Arnold Goodman Fellowship. Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2004 -2005). Award amount $12.000

Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2004-2005). Award Amount $ 16.000

Feminist Scholarship Award, Women’s Studies Program, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (spring 2004). Award Amount $300

Rita and Arnold Goodman Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program, (2002-2003). Award Amount $6000

Dissertation Travel Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (summer 2002). Award amount $4000

Feminist Scholarship Award, Women’s Studies Program, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, (Spring 2002). Award Amount $300

Kathleen Cloud International Research Fund, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (summer, 2000). Award amount $1500


“Revisiting Between Feminism and Islam”, University Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fez, Morocco, January 2015

“Micro-Rebellious Bodies Counter-topographies of Protest,” University of Zurich, Asien-Orient- Institut, September 2014

“Arab Revolutions, Legible, Illegible Bodies” Columbia University Global Centers, Amman,

5 Jordan. Paper presented at the conference: Debating the “ Question” in the New Middle East, Women’s Rights, Citizenship, and Social Justice, May 2014

“New Subjects of Rights: A Story of a Revolution from its Margins”, The University of Toronto, Keynote Address for the 40th Anniversary of the Women’s and Gender Studies Institute, April 2013

“Embedded Counter-Public: Gender in the Wake of the Islamic Revival in Morocco”, Development Research Institute of Bergen (Norway) and Muwatin the Palestinian Institute on the Study of Democracy, Istanbul April 2013

“Gender and Revolution in the Middle East” a Discussion with Tariq Ramadan”, Wilfrid Laurier University, March 2013

“Beyond : Gender, Bodies and Rights in Times of Revolution,” Columbia University Global Centers, Paris, January 2013

“Negotiating Citizenship in the Arab World” conference Travelling Norms and the Politics of Contention, University of Zurich, October 2013

“The New Urban Scene in Morocco”, American University of Cairo and the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town, Conference on "African Urbanism", Cairo, April 2011

“Gender studies at the Margins of Moroccan Academia: From Activism to Expertise” Conference, The Neoliberalizing Academy and the Field of Gender Studies in The Middle East /North Africa, A dialogue with South Asian and Sub- Saharan African Contexts, American University of Cairo, April 2010

“Women, Freedom and Democracy in the Greater Middle East: The Civil Society Mandate” Dubai School of Government and Social Science Research Council’s Conference, InterAsian Connections, Dubai, March 2008

“Nationalism in the Era of the “War on Terrorism”: Strengthening the Nation State” European University Institute, Eight Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, Florence, March 2007

“The New Code of Family Law in Morocco” Paper presented at The Regional Workshop on Family Laws in the Islamic World, organized by , Women Living Under Muslim Laws, and Rights and Democracy, Kuala Lumpur, April 2007

“Before Entering the Public Sphere: Islamist Women’s Publics, Spaces and Debates about Women’s Rights in Morocco”, SSRC Conference on the Public Spheres, American University Beirut, October 2004

“Micro-credit and Transnational Feminism: USAID Activities in The United States and Morocco”, Paper presented at The 8th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Kampala, July 2002.


6 “Rai and Rap: Globalization and the Soundtrack of Youth Resistance in Northern Africa”, Center for African Studies’ Conference Global Africa, Rutgers, September 2015.

“The Uprisings and Their Margins: Legible, Illegible Bodies”, in the Inaugural Conference: Theorizing Transformations in the Middle East and North Africa, Northwestern University, October, 2015.

“Gender, Law and Public Ethics”, IRW Distinguished Speaker Series (Keynote) Rutgers, April 2014

“Gender and Sexuality in the Arab Uprisings”, CUNY Graduate Center (Keynote) September 2014

“The Paradoxical Spaces of “New Feminism” in the Midst of Revolution in North Africa and The Middle East” University of Connecticut (Keynote) October 2014

“Aesthetic Citizenship” paper presented at the workshop, The Materiality of Affect in North Africa: Politics in Flux, New York University, October 2014

“New Feminism as Personal Revolutions: Micro-Rebellious Bodies,” paper presented at the conference “On Protest” Latin America in Comparative and Transnational Perspective” University of Massachusetts Amherst, October 2014

“Gender Legality and Public Ethics: Sites of Contestations”, paper presented at the workshop Shari’a and Muslim Public Ethics, Boston University, March 2013

“Geographies of Gender in the Arab Revolutions”, Duke University, November 2013

“A New Feminism, Gender Dynamics in the February 20th Movement” paper presented at the Conference, Arab Spring, Duke University, February 2012

“Arab Revolutions and Repression”, Duke University (Keynote) February 2013

“Gender and the Spaces of Revolution”, Montclair State University (Keynote) March 2012

“Morocco's Anticipated Revolution: 20th February Movement and Gender Dynamics” paper presented at the conference, New Directions in Middle East and North Africa Studies, Northwestern, April 2012

“A New Feminism? 20th February Movement and Gender Dynamics in Moroccan Protests” paper presented at the conference, Seasons of the Arab Spring, University of Pittsburg, March 2012

“Between Feminism and Islam” (Keynote) Wake Forest University, April 2012

“Scenes of Protest”, paper presented at the conference, The New Middle East, Social and Political Change in the Twenty First Century”, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 2012

“Between Feminism and Islam” a Discussion with Nezha Guessous, and Andrew March, Yale University, April 2011


“Gender and The Arab Spring: Where Are the Women?” University of Pennsylvania, The United Nations Day Symposium, October 2011

“Women’s Rights, Feminist and Islamist Encounters”, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Keynote, October 2011.

“Hip Hop and the Culture of Protest”, Albright College (keynote), November 2011

“The Politics of Language in Moroccan Hip Hop”, paper presented at the roundtable, Race, Ethnicity and The Francophone World, Rutgers University, Center for Race and Ethnicity, February 2011

“Women organizing against the War in Afghanistan, What Feminism has to do with it”, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, February 2010

“I vote I Sing: the New Urban Scene in Morocco”, Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University, October 2010

“State and Politics of Women’s Rights”, paper presented at the conference, Islam and Gender in Africa, Institute for Research on Women and the Center for African Studies, Rutgers University, October 2009

“Securing the Market of War” paper presented at the conference, Accumulating Insecurity, Securing Accumulation: Militarizing Everyday Life, Cornell University, April 2009

“Moroccan Women and Political Participation” paper presented at the conference, Gender and Politics in North Africa, Center for Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University, June 2009

“The Subjects of Democracy: Women’s Perspectives on War and Reform in the Middle East” University of Connecticut, Keynote, November 2007

“Subversive Veiling”, Keynote Presentation for the Women’s Day, at The Center for Women’s Studies, Colgate University, March 2007

“The War on Terrorism at Home” paper presented at the conference Feminism and War, Syracuse University, October 2006

“Islam, Gender and Social Movements in Morocco” paper presented at the conference, Islam and Gender: Social Change and Cultural Diversity in Muslim Communities, Michigan State University, March 2006.

“Feminization of Islamist Women and the Power of Women’s Rights”, keynote lecture for the Women’s Day, University of Illinois at Springfield, The Center for State Policy and Leadership March 2006

“Making a Feminist Sense of the War on Terrorism” keynote lecture at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Institute for Global Studies, March 2006

“Women’s Movements, Nation and the War on Terrorism” paper presented at the conference, Globalizing American Studies, Northwestern University, May 2006



Sociologists for Women in Society Winter Meeting (Keynote at the Plenary Session), Sexualities and Gender in Multicultural Context, February 2014, Nashville

National Women’s Studies Association, (Plenary Session) Revolutionary Futures? Feminists Respond to the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movements, and the US 2012 Presidential Election, November 2012, Oakland

The International Sociological Association, Panel-organizer, Women, Social Justice and Democratization, Buenos Aires, August 2012.

The Middle East Studies Association, Double Session co-organized with Semi Zenmi, “Arab revolts a Critical View of the Narrative of Freedom and Authoritarianism”, Washington DC, November 2012

The African Studies Association, “Morocco’s February 20 Movement”, Philadelphia, November, 2012

The International Sociological Association, Thematic Session on Education, (presented by Stina Soderling) “Zero Tolerance: the Blurred Boundaries of Terror, Securitization and Education” Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2010

The Middle East Studies Association, Double Session co-organized with Mara Leichtman “Securing the Business of Democracy in the “Broader Middle East”: The Middle East Partnership Initiative”, Boston, November 2008

The Sociological Studies Association, “Dynamics of Movements, Islamist and Feminist Struggles over Family Law Reform in Morocco,” San Francisco. California, August 2009

The Mid-Atlantic Women’s Studies Association, “The Case for Islamic Feminism”, New Brunswick, New Jersey, March 2009

The 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress of Women/ Women’s World 08. “The New Reform of Family Law in Morocco”, Madrid, Spain July 2008.

The Society for the Study of Social Problems, Empire as Freedom: The Middle East Partnership Initiative (co-presented with Colleen Wilson), New York, August 2007

The Society for the Study of Social Problems, “The Global Patriot Act: The Moroccan State, Gender and the War on Terror”, Montreal, August 2006.

The Middle East Studies Association “Shaping the “War on Terrorism”: Women’s Movements and The State in Morocco”, Boston, November 2006

The Midwest Sociological Association, “Managing the Crisis: Structural Adjustment’s Impact on Women’s Work and Family in Morocco”, Saint Louis, April 2001

The American Sociological Discussant in the Session on Muslim Societies, organized by

9 Mansoor Moaddel, Montreal, 2006

GLOBAL FORUMS The World Bank, “Aspects of Alienation of Women’s Labor Force in Morocco”, Washington DC, May 2000

The Global Summit of Women, “Expanding Women’s Economic Literacy,” Johannesburg, South Africa, October 2000

The 43rd Session of the United Nations’ Division for the Advancement of Women, Beijing+4, New York, March 1999

The Asia-Africa Forum on Economic Empowerment of Women, Bangkok Thailand, July 1997


New York Times Interview and citation on February 12, 2016. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/13/world/middleeast/loubna-abidar-much-loved.html?_r=0

Islamization of the Feminists and the Power of Women’s Rights. DVD, link: http://otel3.uis.edu/impatica/Archive/2006/Salime.ram Press Release. The Journal, March 8, 2006.p 3

Internet link: http://www.uis.edu/pressreleases/feb06PR/02_28c_06.htmlConf Radio Interview. Interviewed by Kavitha Cardoza for WUIS, the University of Illinois Public Radio, March 8th 2006

Jadaliyya audio Journal Status, “A History and Gendered Political Economy of Activism in Morocco" with Zakia Salime [Arabic] Link: https://soundcloud.com/status-7/sets/a-history-and-gendered-political-economy-of-activism- in-morocco-with-zakia-salime

COURSE THOUGHT Gendered Borders/Changing Boundaries, Women’s and Gender Studies (graduate) Global Subjectivities, Power Money and Protests (Graduate) Contemporary Social Theory, (graduate) Sociology of Women (undergraduate) Gender and Society (undergraduate) Social Movements and Globalization, (undergraduate) Social Movement and Globalization (SAS Honors Seminar) , Sociology (graduate) Comparative Feminism (undergraduate) Globalization and Development, Sociology (graduate) Gender and Globalization, Sociology (undergraduate) Transnational Women’s Movements and Feminist Politics (graduate)


10 SAS A&P Committee (2015) Sociology Gender Workshop co-organizer (2013-present) Executive Committee (2015-2016) Hiring Committee (2013-2014) The Graduate Admission Committee (2010-2011) Liason Area Studies/Global Initiatives (2009-2011) Women’s and Gender Studies Personnel Committee (2015-2016) Graduate Admission Committee (2014-2015) Executive Committee (2008-2011) Third Year Reappointment Reading Committee (fall 2014) Center for Women in Global Leadership, Advisory Board member, 2010-present Executive Committee on the 16 Days Global Campaign Against Gender Violence (2010-2011) Institute For Research On Women Executive Committee (2010-to present) Mellon Post-doc Committee (2010-2013) Center for Middle Eastern Studies Member of the Curricular Committee (2010-2011) Service to the profession I have served as an editorial board member for the following academic journals: Signs: The Journal for Women in Society and Culture (2010-2014), Contexts (2011-2014), Sociology of Islam (2012-to present), The Journal of Middle East Women Studies (2014- present), Middle East Report (2015-2018). Advisory board I am serving at advisory board of Tauris Publisher

Public Engagements Speaking event: What is happening to Democracy: Securing Environmental Justice in a GDP driven economy-The Case of India. A discussion with Leo Saldanha and Bhargavi Rao, November 2010, event sponsored by the dean of the Honor’s program

Islam in North African Politics. Paper presented at the Teacher Summer Institute, Princeton University, June 2009

The State and Women’s Rights in the Middle East. Paper presented at the New Jersey Arab Heritage Month, the teachers’ workshop. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Rutgers University. March, 2009

Islam and Western Media presented at the Middle East Coexistence House. Rutgers University, November 2009.

EDITORIAL BOARD Signs: The Journal for Women in Society and Culture (2010-2014) Contexts (2011-2014) Sociology of Islam 2012-to present The Journal of Middle East Women Studies 2014-to present MERIP (Middle East Report) Editorial Committee


Advisory Board Tauris Publisher member of the Advisory Board

Reviewer for Journals Signs, Sociological Forum, American Journal of Sociology, The Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, Contexts, Anthropology of the Middle East

ASSESSMENT OF GRANT PROPOSAL The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Spring, 2007) American Academy in Berlin (Fall, 2015)

LANGUAGES Arabic Fluent in Speaking and Writing French Fluent in Speaking and Writing English Fluent in Speaking and Writing