Faculty & Staff Notes

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Faculty & Staff Notes faculty & staff notes honors & awards John W. Belcher Deepto Chakrabarty Raymond Ashoori, Professor of Physics, was Robert J. Birgeneau, Professor of Physics awarded a five-year, $1.7 million grant by the Emeritus and Chancellor, University of California, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to support Berkeley, was awarded the 2012 Clifford G. Shull further development and enhancement of a Prize of the Neutron Scattering Society of America novel condensed matter physics measurement for his “seminal scientific contributions, tireless technique, “time domain capacitance leadership, and devoted mentoring in the field of spectroscopy.” neutron scattering.” John W. Belcher, Class of ‘22 Professor of Physics Deepto Chakrabarty, Professor of Physics and Interim Associate Department Head for and Division Head, Astrophysics, was elected a Education, received the Institute’s Arthur C. Smith Fellow of the American Physical Society for his Award. The award is given to a faculty member “pioneering research on neutron stars, including in recognition of “meaningful contributions the discovery and analysis of accretion-powered and devotion to undergraduate student life and millisecond pulsars.” learning at MIT.” Bruno Coppi, Professor of Physics, received A. Nihat Berker, Professor of Physics Emeritus, the 2012 Columbus Prize, selected by the was elected to the Academia Europaea. Arcetri Observatory, Italy, and the 2011 Ghislieri Prize for Science and Technology, given to an Edmund Bertschinger, Professor of Physics and “internationally distinguished alumnus of the Head, Department of Physics, received the Luis Ghislieri College and the University of Pavia.” Walter Alvarez Award for the Advancement of Latinos in Science; and MIT’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Leadership Award. mit physics annual 2012 faculty & staff notes ( 11 faculty & staff notes honors & awards Mildred Dresselhaus Edward Farhi Peter Fisher Mildred Dresselhaus, Institute Professor Peter Fisher, Professor of Physics and Division Emerita, was named co-recipient of the Enrico Head, Nuclear and Particle Experimental Physics, Fermi Award, one of the oldest and most received the Department’s Buechner Faculty prestigious science and technology honors given Teaching Award for “developing 8.233; his by the U. S. government, for her “leadership in innovations in 8.022; and his great teaching of condensed matter physics, in energy and scientific both.” policy, in service to the scientific community, and Nuh Gedik, Assistant Professor of Physics, was in mentoring women in the sciences.” Dresselhaus named a 2012 Sloan Research Fellow by the Alfred was also awarded a 2011 Einstein Professorship P. Sloan Foundation. The fellowships are given from the Chinese Academy of Sciences; and annually to early career scientists and scholars named one of three MIT recipients of the seven whose “achievements and potential identify them 2012 Kavli Prizes, in recognition of her “pioneering as rising stars, among the next generation of contributions to the study of phonons, electron- scientific leaders.” Gedik also received a Solomon phonon interactions, and thermal transport in Buchsbaum Research Fund Award from MIT’s nanostructures.” Research Support Committee. Jeremy England, Assistant Professor of Physics, Jeff Gore, Assistant Professor of Physics and 2007- was named by Forbes as one of the nation’s “top 2009 Pappalardo Fellow in Physics, received a five- 30 innovators under 30.” year National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Edward Farhi, the Cecil and Ida Green Professor created “to support junior faculty who exemplify of Physics and Director, Center for Theoretical the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding Physics, was elected a Fellow of the American research, excellent education and the integration Physical Society for his “seminal discoveries of new of education and research.” quantum algorithms and quantum computational paradigms, in particular the quantum walk and quantum adiabatic methods.” 12 ) faculty & staff notes mit physics annual 2012 Scott A. Hughes David Kaiser Walter Lewin Charles Holbrow, Charles A. Dana Professor Arthur K. Kerman, Professor of Physics Emeritus, of Physics Emeritus, Colgate University, and was the co-honoree of the 13th International Visiting Professor, MIT Department of Physics, was Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, awarded the 2012 Oersted Medal of the American Varenna, Italy (June 2012). Association of Physics Teachers. Wolfgang Ketterle, John D. MacArthur Professor Scott A. Hughes, Associate Professor of Physics, Physics; Associate Director, MIT RLE; Director, MIT- received a 2012 fellowship from the John Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms; and 2001 Simon Guggenheim Foundation to study the Nobel Laureate, received an honorary doctorate astrophysics of ultra-strong gravity. from Strathclyde University, Scotland; was named a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Assistant Professor Sciences; and was the Distinguished Lecturer of Physics, was appointed to a Mitsui Career at Cornell University (Bethe Lecture Series), the Development Professorship. University of Oxford (Hinshelwood Lecture Series), David Kaiser, Germeshausen Professor of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Annual Lecture), History of Science; Department Head, Program and A&M University, Huntsville, AL (14th Putcha in Science, Technology, and Society; and Senior Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture). Lecturer, Department of Physics, was named a Patrick Lee, William and Emma Rogers Professor 2012 MacVicar Faculty Fellow by the Institute of Physics, delivered the Einstein Lecture at the in recognition of “outstanding undergraduate Weizmann Institute of Science. teaching, mentoring, and educational innovation.” Kaiser also received the Frank E. Perkins Award for Walter Lewin, Professor of Physics Emeritus, Excellence in Graduate Advising. was MIT’s sole entry, and one of just four physics faculty nationwide, featured in “The Best 300 Professors,” a recent publication of the educational services company, The Princeton Review. mit physics annual 2012 faculty & staff notes ( 13 faculty & staff notes honors & awards Erin McGrath Richard G. Milner Hong Liu, Associate Professor of Physics, was Richard G. Milner, Professor of Physics and awarded a 2011 Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Director, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, received Physics by the Simons Foundation. a Humboldt Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The award is granted in Elsye Luc, Senior Administrative Assistant, recognition of “a researcher’s entire achievements Laboratory for Nuclear Science, received a 2012 to date, and whose fundamental discoveries, new MIT School of Science Infinite Mile Award. theories, or insights have had a significant impact Nergis Mavalvala, Professor of Physics and 2010 on their own discipline and who are expected to MacArthur Fellow, received the Department’s continue producing cutting-edge achievements Buechner Faculty Undergraduate Advising in the future.” Prize for “enthusiastically advising her advisees, Jagadeesh S. Moodera, Senior Research her UROP and JLab students...and humanity in Scientist, Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory, was general, communicating her passion for physics a 2011 Distinguished Professor, Indian Institute to all.” of Technology, Chennai, and 2011 Distinguished Erin McGrath, Director of Development for Visiting Professor and Scientist, University of the Departments of Physics and Mathematics, Waterloo, Canada. received a 2012 MIT Excellence Award in the Christoph M. E. Paus, Professor of Physics, was category for Serving the Client: providing elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society consistent and exceptional service. The Excellence for his “many contributions to the success of Awards were created to “acknowledge the the CDF experiment, including his leadership extraordinary efforts made by members of our and creative analysis approach...along with his community toward fulfilling the goals, values, hardware leadership of the level-3 trigger and and mission of the Institute, and are among the Time-of-Flight system.” highest honors awarded to staff by MIT.” 14 ) faculty & staff notes mit physics annual 2012 Sara Seager Sara Seager, Class of 1941 Professor of Planetary Senthil Todadri, Professor of Physics, was Science and Physics, was elected a Fellow of the awarded a 2011 Simons Fellowship in Theoretical American Association for the Advancement of Physics by the Simons Foundation. Science for her “pioneering work on theoretical Christopher Vidal, Senior Mechanical Designer, models of the atmospheric composition and Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Bates Linear internal structure of extrasolar planets, from Accelerator Center, received a 2012 MIT School of super-Earths to gas-giant planets”; named Science Infinite Mile Award. co-winner of the 2012 Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences by Tel Aviv Lindley Winslow, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University for her “brilliant theoretical studies, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, was awarded a including analysis of the atmospheres and 2011 Michelson Postdoctoral Prize Lectureship at internal compositions of extrasolar planets”; and Case Western Reserve University. listed by Nature as one of its 2011 “Ten people Martin Zwierlein, Associate Professor of Physics, who mattered this year.” was appointed to a Silverman (1968) Career Alexander Shvonski, Technical Instructor, Development Professorship; and named an Technical Services Group, received a 2012 MIT
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