Edition No 2


….It’s over to you!

Hello and welcome to the 2nd edition of St Mary's Chit Chat! We have been amazed at the volume of contributions we are receiving. A huge thank you to everyone who has al- ready got involved. Reading about what you've been up to has been a great reminder to us of what a wonderfully enthusiastic, cre- ative and kind bunch you are. In this week's edition, look out for some yummy recipes and some new features, along with great pictures and updates from your friends. Remember The Chit Chat is a great way to keep in touch with what we're all doing so please keep sending in your ideas and contributions to [email protected] Enjoy!

A Message from Year 4

Let your teacher know if you would like to be a Correspondent next week!



It’s non-stop action for Maisie and her sister Chloe! Dulciebelle Lineker of 4L has been MRS GAUTREY’S busy nurturing some very special PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB little feathered friends! Here’s her An amazing 57 people have report! signed up for photography club so far with 23 sending in their photos in week one. We looked at taking a photograph in por- trait and landscape and which worked best. Here are some that have stood out:

Sophia Pitt Eva Murray

Sophie Lavabre

Ruby-Mae Butlin This week we had a go at taking different types of shots. We chose different objects and took a long shot, medium shot, close up and extreme close up—then decided which one worked best. May Allgood and Brereton-Davies demonstrated this well in their sequence of photos. Would you like to review a book, film or game? Send us your write-up and a pic to News- [email protected] Don’t forget to include your name and your class!

The Day The Crayons Quit - Drew Daywalt and Jeffers A “Quick” Read Book recommendations from This is a fantastic book for ALL ages, about what happens when a Mrs Quick little boy called Duncan finds out through some funny letters and drawings that all his crayons have QUIT and don’t want to be used anymore! I’ve read this book lots of times but I was reminded of it recently as I’ve been doing LOTS of mindful colouring during lockdown. I wonder if you have been too? If so, this is the book for you as through their letters, Duncan’s crayons give him lots of ideas for how he can make them happier again!

Alicia Barnett— 4L Amelie Wanstall - 5G learning to cook - Flexible Alicia won a medal for Octavia Padley 5C entering a challenge set by her and doing lots of gardening! Enterprising Octavia has gymnastics club. ‘I had to create a collage of pictures spelling out been making bracelets to sell my gymnastics club name online with her cousin. She Gymspire and I chose to use my says, ‘There are so many body for colours you can use, this can each letter. ’ keep you entertained for hours. It is SOOOOO FUN! ’

Boyd Moffat—Whales Class

Boyd can’t go to Beavers at the moment so he is doing Home Beavers! I miss going to Beavers because I enjoy seeing my friends and - doing lots of different activities. So I decided to have Thanks to Annabel Luscombe class 3L for making us Home laugh with your jokes! Beavers! Every Thursday my Mummy and Daddy set up an activity for me to do like I was at Beavers. We have been down our lane and picked up litter, using litter What do Harry Potter's best What do you call a pickers. We filled four bin bags to the top full of rubbish. friend and his potion pot itchy pound coin that This was us caring for our environment. I also went to have in common? likes Harry Potter? my neighbours house to feed their goats carrots and Quidditch. grass. They have 9 goats! Sometimes the baby brown They are both cauldron. goat escapes and I help put him back into his field. This was my caring for animals. This Thursday our Beaver Leader Alex set up a Zoom Beaver Meeting. I used my Daddy's laptop and could see all my friends from Beavers. We then played a game. We got to run around the house collecting loads of things that Alex Where do eggs like to go told us to on holiday? find. It was Where do sharks like to go really good on holiday? New Yolk City fun. Finland The magic is …..there is no ice cream!

Holly Calvert’s Magic Ice Cream! Serves 4—6 You will need— 4 bananas 25g sprinkles 2 tbsp. smooth peanut butter 150g frozen blackberries 4-6 ice cream cones 4-6 chocolate flakes A blender Don’t let boredom take over at home! Here’s some inspiring 1. Peel and slice the bananas into thick pieces and put them ideas from St Mary’s children….whether it’s high-tec, or in a freezer bag. Freeze until rock hard. getting out the mixing bowl for some baking...there’salways 2. Put the frozen bananas in the blender with the other in- something to do! gredients—blitz until it has the consistency of ice cream. 3. Serve in cones and add a flake and sprinkles. During Lockdown I have been doing a lot of fun activities such as: baking cupcakes and Emma and Annabel cookies; building forts with pillows and blan- Luscombe (Yr 1 and 3 kets; listening to audio books; and a lot of have been following tutorials by Draw with swinging in my swing. Every morning I do my Rob and Art Hub for Joe Wicks workout on the computer. Our work Kids, and also used their Leo Campbell of Whales Class is really fun and we are doing WW2 in own imagination to draw topic and a book study in English but a still life which they Victoria Sandwich in maths we are doing a lot of revision. coloured in with bright “I like baking and one of my favourites was patterns. I am finding lockdown quite fun but it is hard to the Victoria sponge, as it is light and fluffy. stay inside all day. Emily Wallace 6MG This is a recipe from Mary Berry.” Serves 8 225g of Seb in 5G has enjoyed researching baking spread

WW2 and creating a battle scene. 225g of caster sugar While I’ve been at home, I got bored and 4 large eggs decided that I would research WW2 by watching National Geographic ( Draining the 225g of self raising Flour oceans episode 1) and using my military 1 level tsp baking powder books to help create a battle scene and learn 200ml double Cream all about the Nazi's secrets and hidden weapon tactics. They were very sneaky/ About 6-8 Tbsp strawber- Chef Leo Campbell in action clever. I built the tank from Airfix. ry jam 1. Preheat the oven to fan 160 degrees celsius. Grease 220cm round sandwich tins and line the bases with some non-stick bak- ing paper. Jamie Walter ’s 2. Measure the baking spread, sugar, eggs, flour and baking pow- der into a large mixing bowl and then beat them with an electric mixer until it is well blended and smooth. 1. Who is the author of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”? 3. Divide the mixture between the tins, level it out evenly and 2. What is the official language of Brazil? bake in the pre-heated oven for about 25-30 minutes, or until it is 3. What actor plays Iron Man in the Avengers well-risen and the tops of the sponges spring back when lightly films? pressed with your finger. 4. What is the capital city of Belgium? 4. Leave to cool in the tins for a few minutes then turn them out, 5. What tree do conkers come from? remove the paper and finish cooling on a wire rack. Bonus Question 6. The four main moons of Jupiter are named af- 5. To make the filling, measure the cream into a large bowl and whisk until it is stiff. ter wives of which Greek god? When it is completely cold, sandwich the cakes together with the Answers on page 7 jam and cream. Lift on to a serving plate and sprinkle withthe caster sugar. Tomorrow, Friday 8 May 2020, Britain will be commemorating the 75th anniversary of VE Day when the guns fell silent at the end of war in Europe. Due to our current lockdown, most VE Day 75 events and street partieshave had to be cancelled or postponed. However, we can still mark the occasion and honour the men and women of World War Two. You can make your own special VE Day 75 ‘Great British Bunting’ to display in your window at home. Here are all the instructions you need to get started using nya paper, cereal boxes, string, ribbon, sweet wrap- pers, felt pens, poster paint you have or whatever you can find. http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/england/pdf/ve_day_great_british_bunting_instructions.pdf You can decorate your bunting with pictures of whatever inspires you, whether it’s those who fought on the frontline or worked hard on the Homefront, or whether it’s a celebration of enduring peace or your own person- al hero. Hang your bunting with pride over the weekend of Friday 8 May - Sunday 10 May and make sure you share your pictures with us!

cream cheese,

How To Entertain Your Dog by treats. Ava Amos 6GM · Make some frozen treats for your dog During lockdown dogs need to be enter- as they are delicious and keep them tained too, it’s not just humans that need busy for longer. to have fun! Dr Carri Westgarth, a senior · Try to make a nice, sunny viewing spot lecturer in human-animal interaction at for your dog to see outside and all the University of Liverpool said: that’s going on. "Watching dogs makes us · Give your dog something to happier. Daily allowed exer- chew on such as a cereal box cise and indoor playtime with treats taped shut. isn't just for our dogs' men- · Make them work for their tal and physical health, it's food, you can hide some of for our wellbeing too." it, scatter kibble or even per- form a trick for some of it. · Try hiding things around the · Use items around you home house and let your dog sniff to make your dog an obstacle them out. course of their own! · Switch up their walking routine · Does your dog love to play with and if possible, try new places for balls? Try challenging their brain them to sniff and explore. with a simple ball puzzle- · Give your dog a harder job to do like use a regular muffin tray and fill with finding several treats. tennis balls. Your dog will love to take · Work on some simple obedience train- out all of the balls! ing such as the commands ‘Heel’, · Finally, don’t forget to spend some ‘Come’, ‘Wait’ time grooming your dog. It is important · Try using a Kong filled with yummy for bonding between you and your dog.

Before lockdown, Holly Elrick from 5S won a poetry competition run by Drusillas Park near Skye Foster has enjoyed Brighton. hosting zoom QUIZ sessions with her family and friends The prize was a family voucher for 4 to visit there in the sum- She was inspired when her mer. Here is her winning poem crazy Aunt Gill hosted one with Skye and her cousins.... and a picture of her during a she is the quiz master called Sloth Encounter for her Christ- ‘MISS PANTS AHOY’ ... she pre- mas present. pares the questions before- hand with her little sister Lyra as her assistant. Alice Flynn from 4L made this dress all Answers by herself - 1. Jeff Kinney and made silk 2. Portuguese gloves to 3. Robert match! Downey Well done Junior you! 4. Brussels 5. Horse Chestnut 6. Zeus

How did you do? Did you guess who got dunked on the front page? It was Year 3’s Mr Wanstall!


Poppy and Archie along with lots of other people (and other ST Marys pupils) on our road took part in the Park Road marathon on Sunday when the London marathon should have been taking place.

Twenty-six households took part and each ran 1 mile (1 loop of Park Rd) in a relay. We all donated to The Young Carers charity.

It was a lovely event with lots of people on the road coming out to cheer people on and have a chat to neighbours from a safe distance!


Van Gogh in the making….?

Harry Hickling’s been so inspired by the butterfly artwork set by Mrs Davies, that he’s been creating some more masterpieces! Keep up the good work Harry!

Mrs Legister is…

If you had a super- power what would it be? What’s your My superpower favourite hobby? would most definite- Gardening and ly be the power to long walks (being heal living things. I outside) think this would be a wonderful power to have, especially in these times

Craziest thing you've ever done? As I’m sure you can imagine I have done many crazy things over my many years! However, one that still returns to haunt me regularly at family occa- sions is the day we went to . I was about 7 years old and the day before my mum and I had been shoe shopping. We brought the shiniest most lovely new school shoes. The next day, I persuaded my mum to let me wear them on our trip to the Zoo. We had a fabulous day Guy the threw poo at my dad (so funny) and we had a lovely picnic. On the way home I took off my shiny new shoes because they were hurting my feet. For some unknown reason I decided to stick one of them out of the window while we were driving along. It was bouncing up and down in my hand in the air stream as we drove through London. Unfortunately, I let go and my shoe flew through the air and out of site. Panicking all the way home, I decided not to mention it hoping that magically it would appear as we drove on to the driveway. It didn’t! My mum and dad were fuming and needless to say they have never never ever let me forget. Moral: do not stick things out of car windows!

What would you do with a million pounds?

If I had a million pounds, I would spend some of it to buy house with a very large garden. So I could create my own walled secret garden just like in the book. I do love that story. With the rest of it, I would buy some land to create the most amazing Nature School so that all children could experience the abso- lute wonders of our natural world.

Question to Mrs L from Grace Sexton of 4L:

“Is it true that you are 96 years old?

Mrs Legister: “No. I am in fact, 97 and a half!”

Next week our faithful school caretaker Mr Everett will be taking his turn in the spotlight. So here’s your chance to ask him anything you like!!! Send your questions to [email protected]