
y;: k §*: • ••>•' ^;'y THE PRESS Ad- : A Home Town Paper For li^ 4pi^WW i?;:4^f-— - w .- - -..- Home Town • -;,;,;.-,-.J.r,.,i.,^. .-7.^ • ) ;....,,p. ; .. ... ^. •,,. :^J:>.fi\A. v : 7 ;•,. • Vv,: - j , v^ : :f'v >.!:-'"'-.'-:Kt' ; : ; ; ; ' '•.'\:--\i- !W' <'7 .~ ':.*U'WvWO.-Y.-V- - v-" V..'•-* ;k;:-;'rK' & Folks. THE ONLY NEWSPAPM PUBIJBHEID tN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. mj ' • The "Press" Covers More Than Twefcty-Two Suburban Districts, GombiniiiB a Population of Over Thirty Thousand Between Hartford & Springfield ^OKTY-FiFTH YEAR—NO. 3». THOMPSONYILLB, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1925 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY Re


OTHING quite so amusing as the raids single conviction they will at least be do- : N perpetrated last Friday and Saturday ihg their duty so far as it is possible for evenings has been enacted locally for them in the suppression of lawlessness. ; Let them close down the number of "Cfoverning Board of the Board of Trade Gives Its many years. It was in truth a perfect gambling joints that are running in the Located Well Within the Shadow, the Spectacle J Endorsement To the Movement To Divide Dis- farce-comedy, with several amusing fea­ town under the guise of clubs, stores and Of A Lifetime, Can Be Observed By Every | trict No; 2 Into Voting Precincts and the Crea­ tures, which almost tempt us to assume other varied establishments. Let them the role of a dramatic critic, and point make the attempt at least to clean up Resident Here—^Totality of the Eclipse Witt 3mm.tion Of A Police Commission. , them out. But it strikes us that if the some of the notorious "private homes" Be Very Brief Here As We Are Near the ,*r-. police were serious in their effort the at­ that are known to be veritable "dens of I' Unanimous approval was given to tempt was perfectly farcial. On the oth­ iniquity." When they have done these Northern Rim of the Shadow. "'the two measures of special interest, SPLENDID REPORT er hand if the thing was forwarned, as things, no matter how little or great the "to, the electors of Enfield that seem many citizens are convinced that it was, measure of success they meet with, our Unless the scientists have badly ^certain to be introduced at the pre­ OF SL PATRICK'S the affair had all the elements of a lively faith in the department will again be re­ Will Stop To See It miscalculated, the town of Enfield sent sitting of the General Assem­ comedy. But even though it may have stored. As things stand now it is tremb­ will be well within the shadow cast bly by "the Governing Board of the ; been play acting, it might not have been ling in the balance and was we must con­ UPERINTENDENT John W. by the moon next Saturday morn­ IBoard of Trade at its monthly FOR YEAR entirely purposeless. What better way S Pierce of the local plant of ing, and will therefore have the op­ •aneeting Tuesday evening. The pro­ fess considerably shaken by the incidents the Bigelow-Hartford Car­ portunity of a lifetime to see that posed bills are an act creating a could the futility of such endeavors by of last week. pet Company stated this morn­ 3>olice commission for the purpose of Receipts Total $50,247, Cthe local department be proved, than by / The police of course know that these ing that every opportunity rare phenoma—a total eclipse of the .administering the affairs of the loc- a fruitless effort of this character. It would be afforded the employes | sun. The width of the shadow, ml police department and one to With Expenditures of places exist, but getting evidence to con­ of the company to view the ; which will be cast Saturday morn- -divideDis trict No. 2 into two voting might at least serve to strengthen the vict them is admittedly-another matter. eclipse next Saturday morning. ling is estimated to be 120 miles. -precincta with Asnuntuck Brook as $32,872, Leaving Bal­ contention of the department that "it But it is not conviction that it being Only a small portion of the jThis calculation as well as the exact "the dividing line. The action taken ance of $17,375—Par­ ] .can't be done so what's the use of try- sought—it is suppression. An aggres­ plant would be running Satur­ spots where it touches can vary not r3)y the Board was in connection with ,. ing." We cannot believe that it was an sive policy on the part of the department day, but the officials plan to more than a mile. As the calcula­ the report of the. special legislative ish Is Free of Debt, gg suspend operations about 9 tions call for the northern line to attempt to throw dust in the eyes of an and the Prosecuting Attorney's office will o'clock and permit the em­ pass over Pecowsic Hill, at about the committee appointed at the last f -tmeejbmg of the Board of Trade. The , impatient citizenry, and expect that they suppress it sufficiently to at least bring ployes to take convenient posi­ dividing line between the City of The annual statement of the finan­ tions to see the spectacle. Springfield and the town of Long- comiMttee reported that the two cial affairs of St. Patrick's parish - will be content with this feeble effort. conditions under reasonable control. All measures in question had been tak- We are willing, for the at this could be accomplished without a meadow, even though the miscalcul­ Si -«n up with the representatives to for the past year was read at the ation of a mile may bring it further the Assembly as was also several masses on Sunday by the pastor, / least, to accept the effort as a bona fide single conviction. When however, not a this way, the town will easily come III -"Other general legislative matters Rev. Daniel J. O'Connor. The re­ -one. Its true character can only be de­ move has been made for months, not STANDARD METAL four or five miles within the outer -which are likely to come up for ac­ termined by the future actions of the de- rim of the shadow. Jfi ceipts from all sources amounted to even such a feint effort as last week, it Being close to the rim of the tion at the present session and would partment. If they were really sincere is not surprising that things have got­ K- •effect the town of Enfield. $50,247, and the expenditures, totaled PLANT IS BOUGHT shadow the period of totality Among them were the Stream pol­ $32,873, leaving a balance in' the let them continue the work. Let them ten out of hand with the authorities and will be considerably lessened M lution problem, the new transporta­ church treasury of $17,375. The re­ raid the scores of other places reputed that the raids of Friday and Saturday here. The longest period will be tion company and the expected gen- port was the best. ever given by a to sell liquor in the "town. Even though provoke ridicule and make the police de­ BY LUMBER CORP. !two minutes at New Haven, which sn ••eral zoning act. The committee re­ pastor of St. Patrick's parish and they are unsuccessful they will win the partment and the Prosecuting Attorney's is the center of the shadow, the ported that the representatives had was most gratifying to the members . ..respect of the community. Regardless southern line running across New f| i&iven assurance that the town's in- of. the congregation. The pastor office the laughing stock of the com- Will Remove Present York City at about 110th street. "ierest would be carefully watched in thanked the people for their gener­ of the fact that they may riot secure a •munity. . . ./ Lumber Yards on High While no exact figure is obtainable, fill =these matters. An informal discus­ ous cooperation. the people of Enfield are not likely Sis sion was also held, at the suggestion During the year, St. Joseph's Hall, Street To New Loca­ to have an opportunity to observe •»of the legislative committee, on the used^ partly for school purposes, was the total eclipse for more than one incorporating of a Sanitary Code, badly damaged by fire but the re­ tion and Also Operate minute. The partial eclipse will -either in the Zoning Ordinance or pairs to the building have been near­ MASONIC CLUB begin , about 8 o'clock. The curved "sfche district building code, or in any ly completed and the building is in GEORGE S. PHELPS ENFIELD PLAYERS Box Factory. shadow will begin to steal across m better condition than ever before. the face of the sun until the period; -^unification of these acts which might ^be carried out, and on the possibil­ The building will be used for school RE-ELECT HANDY A VICE-PRESIDENT A real estate transaction of inter­ of the total eclipse, which for this MM ity of consolidating of the fire fight- purposes until a more, favorable time SELECT CAST FOR est to the townspeople took place immediate vicinity is calculated to riing forces of the town under some to start the construction of the new last week when the Thompsonville take place at 9:12. Following the ^such manner as the town school de- school. • minute of total eclipse the shadow Sis St. Patrick's* parish has acquired , j FOR PRESIDENT- Local Business Man Is BROADWAY JONES Lumber Corporation purchased the will gradually pass until about 10:30 §Mr:y-apartment is conducted at the Resent considerable new, property during •- ' _ 1 - •. Made An Ofijicer in the real estate holdings of. the Standard when, all traces of the moon will ''t§fe« Presid^t aii- the past the principal oi which Metalwork Corporation tin Prospect have disappeared. Being well with­ s was the large tract of land lying Annual Meeting Is Pre­ New England Dealers' "fed" ^lflivan and Miss street, including the factory build­ in the shadow track, Enfield should fer * for .the •west of the church property, and ceded by /turkey Sup­ ings formerly occupied by the Metal- make as convenient a point of ob- -various' cbmjftittete who are to have fronting on Spring and Cross streets Association. Rita Welch Will Head work Company, as well as those of seryation as can be found anywhere ^charge of the artangements for the which was bought for a future site per Held Saturday Ev­ Local Talent in Cohan the old G. H. Bushnell Press Com­ within the fortunate area. ||§i -^annual reunion and banquet. which for the proposed new parochial George S. Phelps was elected fifth pany. Several months ago the com­ Thfe people locally are expected t* f\',> "is t<> be held at "the ' Auditorium school. Other property bought was ening At Club Rooms Vice-President of the New England Success To Be Present­ pany passed into the hands of re­ conform with the conditions that "Tuesday evening, February 17. The a 45-acre . tract on lower King street, Implement Dealers' Association at ceivers and in accordance with a are going to prevail throughout the s'J<- rfollowing is the list of committees: a portion of which is being- used as On Pearl Street. ;; the annual convention of this or­ ed In February, f court order a public sale of the prop­ state during the passage of the "General arrangements, James S. the hew ' St. 'Patrick's cemetery. ganization held in Springfield last erty, assessed at about $100,000 was shadow. Every automobile, railroad' H Brown, chairman, .Walter P. Schwabe, There is no indebtedness on either Superintendent of Schools Anson week. This is Mr. Phelps second The "Enfield Players" have, after being arranged to take place the train and trolly car are expected to' ••George S. Phelps, Harvey C. Brain- term as an officer of the organiza- x- . ard, Samuel J. Magill, Charles J. of the above properties. B. Handy was re-elected for liis careful and painstaking considera- latter part of this month. The re­ stop during the period of the total One of the important changes in third term as president of the Ma- ceivers appeared in court at Hart­ eclipse, and no street lights are to - Towler, Louis Burns, Leslie C. the regular church system made by re*-*-•B-i-l ford last Friday, however, with the be used. Just what should be done "Brainard, Louis B. V$n Doren, J. the pastor at the beginning of the sonic CluV at ttie annual meeting ^tfeougho^rN^w ^ England.' ' **" way Jones" which is to be present­ proposal of the lumber corporation and the general effect it will have' •fry" LFrancis Browne, Antonio Gannuscio, present year was the discontinuance held last Saturday evening. The pose-of" the organization is to estab­ ed at the Franklin Theatre, Wed­ for the purchase of the entire real is _ set forth in a statement issued &§§ w ' "Chester F. Brainard, Williiam P. other ofiicers elected were: First lish relationship between those as­ this week by Professor Ernest W„. 8® v-", , Oourlie; dinner committee, Walter of ' renting pews in the church and nesday evening, Feb. 11th. The estate holdings, and permission for the holding of an extra mass service vice-president, Robert H. Frew; sec- sociated in this particular trade, and 4c. , , disposal of the property at a private Brown of the Yale Astronomical Ob—" P. Schwabe, chairman, Leslie G. on Sunday morning for the accom­ while it promotes business ethics ?a,st 1S made UP of the hest amateur sale was granted. servatory. He said: ."Brainard, J. Hamilton Potter, Mark ond vice-president, George S. Phelps; talent in town and the majority of ''It ; modation of the members of the con­ among its members it does not at­ William A. Fletcher is president "The eclipse of the sun of Jan m ;W ^W- Bushnell, Philip J. Sullivan; en- gregation, who were unable to se­ recording secretary, Clifford Merrill; tempt to regulate the method of them have had considerable exper­ of the lumber corporation and Frank uary 24 is the greatest moving pic-' Sfl - "tertainment committee, Albert B. treasurer, Paul Harrison; trustees, cure seats at the other services. marketing or prices. At the con­ ience in other dramatic productions A. Stuart is • secretary. The new ture ever put on the stage. To see ^ : . IMitchell, chairman, George S. Phelps Dr. Thomas G. Alcorn, Tudor Gowdy vention banquet held Thursday ev­ owners plan to remove their lumber it properly, there should be no lights. ^ , "William J. Hughes, Anson B. Han- and A. Jackson Green; auditors, ening at the Hotel Kimball, the em­ in Thompsonville and the vicinity. yard from the present location in no moving about and no noise. The &«*,, ridy, Clarence L. Martin; speakers John A. Best and Frederick W. Mal­ ployes and associates of Mr. Phelps The cast is as follows: Rankin, High street as soon as possible, al­ film cannot be run through again. 5.-committee, Harvey C. Brainard, BUS SERVICE lard. The secretary's report show­ at . his agricultural warehouse on William Bowers; Jackson Jones, Ted though the transfer will require con­ "The darkness during the two - >**• ' ^chairman, Rep. Harold J. Bromage, ed a substantial membership increase Pearl street were his guests. . •. Sullivan; Robert Wallace, Gabriel siderable time to complete, using minutes or less of the climax will be -Judge Guy F. , Bushnell, Rep. Wil- during the year, with -a sizable'bal­ Pare; Mrs. Gerard, Doris King; If v such portion of the Standard Metal- about the same as that on a moon­ -V •j, 'Jiani Hyland, Jr^ Judge Charles J. ance in the treasury. 'POWDER RIVER" COMING Peter Perbroke, Frank R. Bohman; work buildings as are necessary for light night. With the sky as the .•aSl i./..-;:- NFowler; publicity committee, Samuel Remarks were made by Town Sam Spottswood, Harold Henry; their lumber, yards. They also plan screen and the spectators on the; ' »J. Magill, chairman, Philip J. Sulli- Clerk J. Hamilton Potter and Post­ Dave, Robert Gray; Mrs. Spotts­ Official War Pictures To Be Shown to operate "the woodworking shop earth any illumination nearby will w. rvan, William J. Hughes, M. W. Hul- - EVERY HOUR master W. P. Gourlie who took for wood, Lucille Becker; Judge Spotts­ connected with the plant as part of dim the view. The glare from light­ 5 :,:;r '^iivan, Harvey C. Brainard; program a subject, "Trials and Tribulations." At the Franklin Theater by Local wood, Wilbur Col ton; Clara Spotts­ Mm1 American Legion Post. their business. The property is lo­ ed windows and street lamps will ti ^committee, William. P. Gourlie, Mr. Potter related humorous inci­ wood, Pauline Miller; Josie Rich­ cated on the main line division of spoil it but the sight will be quite §§$| ,\0 ^chairman, Louis Burns, Allyn J. New Schedule of Hart- dents occurring in the conduct of the The war pictures which are to be ards, Rita Welch; Henry Hopper, the New Haven railroad, about one ruined if the headlights from auto- l^yi^Woodworth; decorating committee, town's business, most, of :;which are shown by the Horace J. Tanguay Harold Lamont; Joe Higgins; Ben­ third of a mile south of the Thomp­ mobiles. are blinding the spectators. -^Chester P. Brainard, chairman, Olin forcl & Springfield in^cwinectioh with marriage licenses. Post, No. 80, American Legion, at jamin Higginbotham; John Leary, sonville Depot, and will give the Every car owner should . remember ' : " i ^E. Woodward,' Eafle;: Spamd&g;' Ry; Co. Bus Line M When, a couple appears hesitatingly the Franklin Theatre, on the after­ Raymond Barton; Grover Wallace, lumber company a direct railroad this and-turn off his lights when it : ; fef^pii-^ticket committee). Louis B. Van Dbr- in ' the-'doorway and one, of them noon and evening of January 30th, L. E. Gardner. siding. grows dark. • chairman, ;Squirsky, Ral- nbunced—Became Ef^ ^tremblingly inquires . whether the promise to give theatre goers a thrill "Broadway Jones," a clever com­ Judge Guy F. Bushnell, who has Urges Lightless Cities. S# B. Brown, George E: Allen, town clerk is in, he can usually size 4hat even D. W. Griffith's master edy in four acts was written and for years been connected with the , 'Many- of the smaller towns econ­ George W. Stuart;' reception coift- feptive Yesterday. up the situation and without , fur­ productions have been unable to reg­ produced by George M. Cohan, who manufacturing end of both the metal omize by not turning on the sfreefc v..'*: "'^anittee, J. Francis Browne, chairman, • ther introduction relieve their em­ ister. These pictures are the only played the leading role. Its first work and press business has arrang­ lights when the moon is bright. The mm -v - i .Albert J. Epstein, Tudot Gowdy, D. The Hartford & Springfield Street barrassment by reaching for .the li­ Official and Authentic ones: that have presentation on any stage was in ed with the new owners for a lease darkness lasts such a short time •mM' ISmM"William ^Brainard, John. A.* -Best, • Railway Company announces in an­ cense book and beginning to ask the ever been released by the U. S. War Parsons' Theatre, Hartford, Conn., of the main building of the Bushnell that there is no reason why all cities fgb£Freder ck W. Mallard, Frederick R. other column an additional bus ser­ necessary questions. Postmaster Department at Washington, and are after which it had a long run on Press Company and will resume at and towns, large and small; should il^ftfFurey,'' Robert ' F. Kelly, Dr. Frank vice between Hartford and Spring­ William P. Gourlie related some of shown only by Veteran Organiza­ Broadway. Director John L. Sulli­ once the manufacture of knuckle- not adopt the same plan. The city •S:! "A ;-F. Sirnontbn, P. J. Rogers, George field which became effective yester­ the amusing incidents encountered in tions. They were all taken in France van of the "Enfield Players" is joint, hydraulic and bailing presses. of Hartford has the honor of being Rising, Harry W. Jarrett, John day, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1925. An the postal service, as well as statis­ by the U. S. Army signal corps, and coaching the cast of "Broadway Judge Bushnell has acquired from the first to make public its' decision Sit Ryan, William H. Leete, William hourly service will be put on be­ tics covering the development of the havfe been assembled so that they Jones" and under his tutelage they the receivers the machinery in the to deal with the eclipse in this way. Witney, Charles Miskill, Frank tween the two cities and busses will service locally and nationally, and form the complete history of Amer­ are progressing rapidly. Selectman press factory. "Moving about in a darkened street M, litMpi-A. Stuart, H. Stephen Bridge, Char- leave the Springfield Terminal at George S: Phelps spoke on the fu­ ica's part in the World War. Every James T. Murray has charge of the Both the press work and metal- will be dangerous to pedestrians and ^^/prSes F. Romieu, Carl V. Benian and Worthington and Broadway at 30 ture welfare of the Masonic Club. division that saw real service in stage management. Harold Farr work plant were for years controlled the same thing will be true of auto­ l#|lS&33dwin T. Gowdy. minutes past the hour instead of on The meeting was preceded by a France is shown in action against will superintend the designing of by a corporation in which Mark W. mobiles, hence, it will be best to pull ' • the hour as formerly. Busses will turkey supper served by the enter­ the Germans. the stage settings and handle the Bushnell and his brother, Judge Guy up for a couple of minutes or so i ANNUAL REPORT OF CHURCH leave Thompsonville for Hartford at' tainment committee, Robert H. Frew Many of our local boys who were publicity, while general manager L. F. Bushnell were principal owners, while the sun is hidden, and there §lf 55 minutes past the hour instead of chairman. During the supper there with the 26th division, are clearly E. Gardner is ably looking after but a few years ago the entire plant will be the added safety clause that Adelbert's Polish Church Very at 25 minutes past.. was community singing led by Geo. seen doing their bit in the fight for the business management. was acquired by the Premier Manu­ there will be no bumping into any- W§MZ§ Successful During Past Year With The bus will , leave Springfield S. Phelps. the freedom of the world. The The "Enfield Players" will have facturing Company, which also op­ one who is looking at the spectacle, 'i'l?. ||§||!1 Receipts Of $7,720.70. hourly from 7:30 A. M. to 11:30 P. local ex-service men in charge of as their guests at the presentation erated plants in Sandy Hook and In any case most car owners will gNqgpl The annual report for the past M. for Hartford. .Bus will leave JOHN E. DAVIS the entertainment are Gregory Sap- of "Broadway Jones," the cast of Middletown. In the early spring the want to see the eclipse and one can- \ •-Ipiiyear of St. Adelbert's Polish Church Thompsonville hourly for Hartford suzian, John Higgins, Peter Nuccio, "Come Out of the Kitchen," which parent company passed into a re­ not watch the road and the sun at ;. Xr • ^|S"^was read by th$ pastor, Rev. Stan- from 7:55 A." M, to 11:55 P. M. Bus Resident of Town For 20 Years Dies Angelo Prezenso, Abe Sisisky, Ken­ is to be produced by the Dramatic ceivership, and subsequently both the the same time. It has been an- •v •• Jjlfrislaus Federkiewicz, at the services will leave the new terminal at 22 In Hartford Hospital After Short neth Stevens, Orrin Beehlor, Eugene Association of the Enfield High Thompsonville and Middletown fac­ nounced that all the trolley cars of > 'last Sunday, and showed i'le church Union Place, Hartford, for Thomp­ Illness. Martin, Ira Bushnell, Edward Bog- School, Friday evening, Feb. 20th. tories were similarly affected. The Connecticut will stop for these two • ^ 4o have had a very successful year. sonville and Springfield hourly from John E. Dayis, 54, a former well- gio and Harold Lavinge. local plant for years afforded em­ minutes for the sake of the passen- "The total revenue from all sources, 7:00 A. M. to 11:00 P. M. Bus will known resident of the town died RAIDS UNSUCCESSFUL ployment to a force ranging from gers, the public convenience and its r ^including the ordinary and extraord- leave Thompsonville for Springfield yesterday at the Hartford Hospital, JENNIE BANIA 100 to 175, many of them skilled employees. Incidentally, the picture inary revenue and special collections hourly from 7:60 A. M. to 11:50 1^. following a short illness. He had Local Police Visit Four Alleged mechanics. will be better appreciated if there jfeff. •amounted to .$7,720.70. With this lived in Hazardville for. the past 20 8-Year Old Girl Dies At Her Home Liquor Establishments But Find is no noise when the sun goes out.- ' -amount the pastor was able to pay years and was employed for many On Alden Avenue. "Open House" On Arrival. . Alphe Cormier Dies. U Whistles and horns might be blown *off a mortgage debt of $2,500 on the Judge Bushnell Named Again years in the tobacco; business of Al­ Jennie Bania, 8-year old daughter The police raided three places sus­ Alphe Cormier, 45, died this morn­ a couple of minutes beforehand to •church property and the balance was At the session of the General As­ lyn D. Woodworth. He leaves his of Mr. and Mrs. John Bania of 56 pected of illegal liquor selling Sat­ ing at his home in Cedar street, warn everyone, but not during the used in the- payment of the regular sembly yesterday Representative father, John E. Davis, three .sisters, Alden Avenue, died at her home urday but without finding evidence Hazardville, after a short illness. event. - ;§jj|g srunm'ng expenses of the parish. Willifcm Hyland, Jr., presented a Mrs. J. Arrowsmith of Thompson­ Thursday evening after a short ill­ in any place. The stores visited He was born in New Brunswick, "No light, no traffic, no noise." $lg During the year there were 61 bap­ resolution appointing Guy F. Bush- ville, Mrs: Thomas Butman of Chlc- ness. Besides her parents, she is were those of Louis DeCaro, 22 Canada. He is survived by his wife, — :—: tisms in &e parish, 30 of which riell judge of the Enfield Town court opee, Mass.;. and Mrs. L. Gillette of. survived by four . brothers, Stanley, Pleasant street; Bruno Ostrowski, and three children, Jean, Raymond Representative William- Hyland, "Wert m«)les ^aM.^3l females.' There and one naming Charles J. Fowler" Middletown; Conn., and two broth­ imond, John and Edward.. The 79 Church street and Nicholas De- and Beatrice; also two sisters, Mrs. Jr., and Rep. Harold J. Bromage, "• " marriages and 13 deputy judge. - Both resolutions were ers, Adam iof Thompsonville . and ild died of cerebral meningitis. 0aro, 90 Pleasant street. Friday Artimese Ramsey and Mrs.. Rose from this tofwn, both received com- tabled for .the calender and printing. Peter W. of Hazardville. The fun>:;.' funeral was held Saturday^ af- nigjit. the police made unsuccessful Martelle sind seven brothers, all of i mittee appointments for the 1925 1 • v. 'i • p. v i' .ii eral' was h&ld this aftepnoon in.the .ternobn at 8 at the undertaking par- raids! at the places conducted by Somersville. The funeral will be j legislative / session. Mr. Hyland, &rUib ^Sittiiysv^he The Calumet. Club observed "Lad- home of his niece, George Scot£. Jprs' of J. Francis Browne on Peajpl Joseph Chouinard, 6 Pearl street ana held' Saturday morning at St. Bern­ who is now entering upon his sec­ ies; Ni^ht" last ey$nii)g ^ $he CIUJK at Highland Park-.and^wa^ liu^ly; street.- Rev. Stanislaus Federkiew- Jomt ;?nd Daniel Triggs, 64 Main ard^ Chntch, Hazardville. ond two-year term, was appointed to ro«*» inP the BaB&-,feq$3ing pin Pros­ wttended. ;,Kev. GiennCpykenoall, icz, rector of St. Adelbert's Polish stteet." The' raids were conducted the committee on claims and also on Por;the pect ^itrwt:.; ,-Sfte ^rOTMqL included retftor' jaif Sk.'dtodr^f • jClarcli. .plBc-' Church, officiated. Burial was in tt)es 'by Chief of Police Clyde W. Harris An important business session of the Rules Committee, while Repre­ 840, Dtuuv musical and litararjr number^. } Ar 'iMiig£»»8miihl new St. Patrick's cemetery in King and Patrohtfen JanMir Bailes, Wil­ Franco-American Circle was held sentative Bromage was named ffiages 226 tend deaths 147. ainnerdinner was served,served. plot Inin «»•the ThompsonvilleJLownpsonvute "cemetery,cemetery, street."street. ir,.' .. : s /•, »»> liam Fleming and Leonard Barton. last; ere&iag in' Emmett HalL the Coipmitt^e forfeited Rights*

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mmmU . Krupps, turers, are jiow making .(iwle- rows- of Iteeth o : swimmer, imprisonment after ..... steel. . thin, perch-like ininnow, the ilouri' adjudged guilty of stealing the fam­ show in the WMdsfir town: halljvf reb^S One of .the greatest diamond ders ... „„ ous Iroquois Waurouin Belt; from the Land and improvements to the ex­ Dodjr soon begin to list either rushes in the history of the world to thisis side 6*or that and presently parish priest of Caughnawaga, Can­ The recent snow put j« damper • I tent of $150,000,000 are represented has just taken place at Zeekoefon - - - ada. This belt, valued at more than the fish is flat. He swims flat And the-ice skating on the various ponis. , • ; in the "made land" area of the lake tein, on the banks of the Vaal Riv­ his' eye that is directed downward $25,000 as a historic, relic, was loan- district of Chicago. One of the larg­ er in South Africa. The owner of gradually clambers over his sktill -un­ ,ed to the chiefs who desired to de­ but a large number of the. chii Jvfcn . est office buildings in the world is a farm in that district discovered til it is paired .wjth the other, on top cipher and interpret certain mark­ and older people are taking auvank nearly a half-mile out into what diamonds and has been making an of the ings on the belt. Facts Regarding^ the Eclipse—What It Is, How was once part of Lake Michigan. average of two or three thousand tage of the recent show for coasting A~ bill has^ beien broughtuluugul uj)u„ "!n*them More than 900 traveling libraries and Saturday afternoon and Sundav Hotels and huge apartment houses pounds a week. Three thousand re n !'Predicted, and the Best Manner In Which To stand where once the fisherman* plied Danish Parliament by Minister of ? i cumulation at the present time a large number could be foun:l men and boys of all classes : have Justice Steincke which would auth- Saskatchewan. In addition to coasting on the various hills n^ore Observe This Phenomena On Saturday Next— his trade. rushed to stake 'Claims. this some 500 books ate sent out to __ ___ ** "KIVtSMVffiX^WNASoiatTM*' orize doctors under certain condi­ especially on Cook hill and nearby The Bureau of Biological Survey The Arabian sheik exercises un­ tions to take the life of a person districts', where the branch was un­ hills where the Windsor Golf Club Eclipses Past and Future. has declared war on the prairie dog. limited power. No legislature em­ who was hopelessly ill and who de­ able to supply libraries. .used to have its golf course. "m The tastes of the prairie dog are so barrasses him. No judiciary causes sired it, without incurring punish­ The assessors, who have been busy Speeding earthward with a veloc­ for preparing any"expeditions that similar to those of cattle on the his trouble. He is the government ment. This according to we old law completing the grand list of Wind­ may be undertaken. same pasture lands, as drouth coup­ and performs all its functions. The was designated as manslaughter or WINDSOR ' sor expect to finish the list this ity of 186,000 miles per second, rays led with the prairie dog menace of light shot from the fiery surface Predictions may be and are made office is? herbditary and is passed on murder. t week. The many, changes and list­ starves the cattle out. to the oldest son. The' local icemen are busy with ings of new property and change of of the sun will be cut off in their with absolute accuracy as to loca­ The Yellow Rivtir, "China's Sor­ tion of path and time of totality, ex­ The American flag which flew ov­ Only one hor&e-drawn conveyance row," has been dammed by an Amer­ crew? harvesting this year's crop of system has caused, considerable de­ flight through the intervention of cept for one disturbing element er Port McHenry during the bom­ passed through the gates of the Sen­ ican engineering corporation. Mil­ lay and doubled work this year, but the moon next Saturday at 9:12 bardment by the British and which eca County, New York, fair, this ice, which is reported to be very will be without question much help which introduces a possibility of lions of persons have been drowned • •; o'clock. Southern New Englanders slight error. The disturbing ele­ inspired Francis Scott Key to write year, while the number of automo­ by the river's floods and it has clear and thick. They- $re confident in the future. will then witness for the first time ment is the moon. For some un­ "The Star Spangled Banner" is pre­ biles amounted to more than 1,000 changed its course many ^ times in in recorded history, an eclipse of known reason, which has long great­ served in the Smithsonian Institu­ daily. Two years ago about the same centuries past. The land formerly the sun. Forces will be involved in ly puzzled astronomers, the moon tion at Washington. There were or­ number of both kinds of vehicles under water will be reclaimed and this celestial drama, of which man does not proceed in its orbit accord­ iginally fifteen stars in the union passed through the gates, while five power may be developed at the dam. lias hardly more than an inkling- ing to schedule. Its position is but one was cut out and presented years ago the number of automo­ save that they give him life. He sometimes as much as 20 miles away to President Lincoln. biles was greatly in the minority. can no more grasp the vastness of from where it should be, and no In Tibet, respect to a thing or Telephone calls are numbered as these forces than he can cross the regularity in its variance has yet person is shown by always keeping they reach > the exchanges, in France. gulf between earth and sun. Yet he been discovered. The impossibility it on one'right-hand side. In pass­ If a subscriber loses his temper and can translate them into figures and therefore of determining the exact ing by any religious edifice it is rattles the receiver-hook, his turn is symbols, and they tell him the most position of the moon at the time of left to right, "clockwise," which is placed at the end of the list. marvelous story that ever was writ­ the eclipse involves the impossibility proper always to pass round from ten. of determining within a few seconds also the direction in which the The proper method to estimate What actually happens next Sat­ the exact beginning of totality, and prayer-wheel should be turned. To the range of a radio receiving set urday when 10,000,000 amateur as­ also within perhaps 3 miles the ex­ violate this rule is considered an act is to see how far the set can re­ tronomers scattered from Duluth, at act side limits of the path of total­ of blasphemy. ceive signals in the day time, be­ •the western end of the Great Lakes, ity. tween 11 o'clock in the morning and to Nantuck Island in the Atlantic, The menace to navigation comes 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Stations Eclipse of\January 24, 1925. not so much from the brilliant ice gaze at the sky through smoked According to the calculations of that can be picked up regularly be­ glass? Swinging through space, peaks of the iceberg that are vis­ tween these hours are the ones mmmt the Naval Observatory at Washing­ ible for miles, as it does from the Hie moon's disc comes between us ton, the southern limit of the path upon which the receiving range and the sun, cutting off, little by of totality will pass through Cen- great bulk that extends below the should be based. All persons are hereby notified that there will be a meet­ little, the rays of the celestial light- surface of the water. Seven-eighths Wi-ixv. tral Park in New York. The north of an iceberg is submerged. A salmon caught at sea off the ing of the Board of Relief of the Town of Enfield, aat, the giver. The moon's shadow rushes ern limit will pass just south of the coast of Alaska and tagged with an Town Building, Thompsonville, in said Enfield, across the earth at the rate of 1,- cities of Springfield and Providence, Wars in which the United States aluminum tag by the United States " "• 't > r <1, : 000 miles per hour. The sun's sphere the total width of the path being a has taken part since 1790, exclusive Bureau of Fisheries was later re­ |£;<; becomes a crescent, until it resem- little more than 100 miles. The cen­ of the World War, have cost the captured as it entered the river in Monday, Feb. 2nd, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. bles the hunters' moon. Then—to- ter will pass through , Pough- nation more than $6,836,000,000 in Kamchatka in which it was hatched. !#••; tality. The skies are draped in mid- keepsie and New Haven. The per­ pensions. It is two thousand miles from Bread - - Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. li: night black. iod of totality will begin in New Hairpins were used seven thous­ Alaska to Kamchatka in Asia. . * Eclipses—What They Are. York about 9:11 A. M., New Haven ands years ago. They have been Fashionable long, heavy pendant (or Health Wednesday, Feb. 4th, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. * An eclipse of the sun is caused by about 9:12 A. M., Saybrook about excavated at Kish by the Field Mus­ earrings are drawing women's ears the new moon passing between it 9:13 A. M., and Kingston, Rhode Is­ eum-Oxford University Mesopotam- out of shape, according to a noted Thursday, Feb. 5th, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. and the earth, an eclipse of the moon land, about 9.14 A. M. The dura­ ian expedition. Among other things Paris specialist. by the earth passing between it and tion of totality on the center line found were jewels of exquisite an­ Officials of the Bank of Millstadt, Friday, Feb. 6th, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. the sun. If the moon's orbit around will be about two minutes, and will cient workmanship, finely engraved in Millstadt, Illinois, are said to SICK folks get well and the earth were in the same plane as be more than one minute at points cylinder seals of inestimable histor­ have taken unusual precautions, in­ well folks keep well on Saturday, Feb. 7th, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. the earth's orbit around the sun the ten miles from the north and south ic value, glazed pottery and inlay augurating a "safety-before-busi- : lots of Bread and milk. three bodies would be in the same edges of the path. In order to ob­ work of lapis lazuli and silver. ness" policy. Persons having busi­ Also on other days to which the board shall adjourn, no­ plane all the time, and there would tain a good view of satisfactory Fort Apache, Arizona, famous ness in the bank are required to rap It's tice of which will be hereafter given pursuant to Chapter By a solar eclipse at every new duration, and especially taking into Indian military outpost of frontier for admission. _ After the cashier moon, a lunar eclipse at every account the possible error in the days, has been converted into an has satisfied himself as to the iden­ —so delicious 65, Section 1230, General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision full moon. The orbits however determination of the side lines of Indian school. tity of a patron he is permitted to —so nourishing ^ of 1918, at which meetings and the adjournments there­ are not in the same plane and the eclipse, it would be well to seek The bureau of appointment of enter. ' —the big food value of, appeals from the doings of the Assessors of said town eclipses occur only when the three a position at least ten miles within Yale finds that 1,354 students last F! miny, France, population about will be heard by the said board. The time for appeal is bodies happen to be in the right po­ the predicted path, though very sat­ year earned $382,206—an average 20,000, has an Unhappy Married sitions at the points where the plane isfactory observations may be made of not far from $300 a year apiece. Men's Club. Nearly 200 men, rang­ . Ask your grocer for limited by law to twenty days from and after the first pp' of the moon's orbit intersects the outside those limits. Near the path Visitors to the British Empire Ex­ ing n age from twenty-five to sev­ business day of February.!^ ? plane of the earth's. I most of the sun will disappear. In hibition were warned to watch out enty-five, are members. - Swiss Maid % The moon's orbit around the earth Providence, Springfield and Brook­ for a giant magnet weighing some Ti e famous castle, of the Alham- PER ORDER is not a circle but an ellipse, so that fc Vv. lyn, only a slender rim of the sun three tons which snatches umbrel­ bra in Spain was originally a fort­ U * " the moon's distance from the earth will be unobscured, while places as las, pocket knives—anything made of ress, so huge that it was capable of Bread constantly varies. The same is true far away as Boston will see practi­ steel or iron—from unsuspecting holding 40,000 men. It was begun i the loaf that builds . JAMES T. BURGESS, £V- m connection with the earth's orbit cally 99 per cent of the sun's diamet­ visitors as they pass by. Ffity tons in 1248 and completed in 1314. fK" around the sun. There are, there- er eclipsed. The path of totality is its pulling power. A Kansas City judge has threat­ quickest * ;*S-fiI;isWlll8SETH H. PHELPS,' «spflj ma lore, many different sets of circum­ begins at sunrise near Duluth, The city of Portland, Oregon, will ened to make wife-beaters stand on stances under which eclipses occur. Minn., and after leaving the New erect a statue of Joan of Arc in a prominent downtown street corners, LEHMANN'S ' M. J. LIBERTY, K the moon is relatively distant England coast will bend round public park in honor of the French under police guard, bearing plac­ from the earth and the sun is rela­ through the Atlantic ocean, termin­ pioneers that settled in that section. ards advertising their offense. This • BOARD OF RELIEF. tively near, the moon's shadow is not ating north of the Shetland Islands. The statue will be a replica of the is an idea borrowed from China BAKERY long enough to reach the earth and How To Observe the Eclipse. noted figure modeled by Fremiet, where the practice is centuries old. 80 PEARL ST. Enfield, Conn., January 15th, 1925. •ma the whole face of the sun is not ob­ The naked 6ye is all that is nec­ now standing in Paris. More than one a half million pat- scured, the result being an annular essary for a satisfactory view. It •or ring-like eclipse, the outer rim would be an advantage, however, to •of the sun _ being visible while the the observer to provide himself with lit Test of it is obscured. When the a pair of opera glasses or field am moon is relatively near the earth glasses, and also a piece of smoked and the sun relatively distant the glass, or what is more convenient V*}' moon's shadow reaches the earth to handle, a fairly dark photograph­ and the sun will be totally eclipsed ic negative through which-to look at the points where the shadow at the sun just before the beginnintr falla. of totality. M The different sets of circumstances ncing an eclipse recur recrular- _ The period between two eclipses y- «f the same series is 18 years and *0 1-3 or 11 1-3 days, depending on CwttpC •whether there are five or four leap years in _ the period. For instance, SMILESMAGAZINE the conditions producing the coming se took place with the center of totality on the earth's equator, First Quiets—Then and at noon. The greatest possible For the reason that our stock must be reduced to make room for our New Spring Goods, which -width of path of totality is about Ends A Cough 170 miles. There are at least two solar eclip­ That terrible "hack", "hack", arrives next month, we are making an enormous reduction in price on our entire stock of Dry ses in every year, and there may be "hack", that almost drives you fran­ tic and strains your whole body can five. Some years pass without any be quieted in a jiffy by taking a Goods and Men's, Women's and Children's Furnishings. We are offering especially great val­ Tonar eclipse, but there may be swallow now and then of that line three. The maximum number of old medicine, Kemp's Balsam. It cuts the phlegm, soothes the inflamed ues in Ladies' Coats, Shoes, Waists, Blouses and Skirts, Men's Sweaters, Boys' High Cut Shoes - * * • cc&ps'es that can occur in one year membrane and takes away that con­ is seven. In 1935 there will be five stant desire to cough, cough, cough. . .solar and two lunar eclipses. Only 30 cents at all stores. and Children's Coats and Dresses. Here are some of the values that stand out in this sale: Eclipses, Past and Future. .« • „V ' ^ »% «sS/ rpjjg earliest recorded eclipse oc­ For that Cough I curred in China 2136 B. C., and the MEN'S SHEEPSKIN COATS, regular price $8.50." White Cotton' 19c per yard failure of the astronomers royal to' predict it caused their execution, as KEMP'S BALSAM now ; $5.981 tiie Emperor felt that he should QUILTS AND COMFORTABLES, our entire stock "r > have been warned in time to scare CHILDREN'S COATS, regular $14, now $8.50. Size I at a great reduction in price. r < m s v' >*- 4- away the huge dragon which was devouring the sun. The early Chal­ at the first sign 2 to 6 years, in all colors, regular $9.50, now $6.501 dean astronomrs kept accurate re­ •m BOYS' OVERCOATS with fur collars^ regular $8.50 Ct cord of all eclipses for a very long of a cold start BOXED THREAD, a very special value, 12 in a box,; period of time. It seems probable 4 IS®8,! that some discovery was made of talon] ...... h* '

Thbmp&nrtille, Conn. No

1 S.: 'A', vVv. ;; •ii'.-X-'.-l ' . -Vl.r--.-Vi Vv/-'"' \t-A

Cars Run, 110 Miles Dai With Full Load. Approximately 880 stops are made by the average trolley car in use on the streets of the cities of Connecti­ cut every day in the business week, according to Statistics maintained by :Connecticut Company. On city runs, trolley cars make an average i-.hh about eight stops to every mile. During the rush hours, when the dare must stop at every corner, the aver- light traffic hours In the middle of yV. the morning and afternoon bring the average for the day down a bit. Each car runs approximately 110 miles v.' day. Yet on only about 24 miles of Its dally run does the average trolley jcar carry a capacity load since the' {combined duration of the three rush ijhoura each day is only four hours, ior about 22 per cent of the total Jeighhteen hours a day In which full schedules are In operation. On Its 86 miles a day, the average moves along according to furnishing service for a of scattered passe ) Its 880 stops and starts to on and discharge trolley car make starts, and slow-downs _ traffic difficulties, yet the average -falectric car has a life of 20 years. Although the buses used by the com- J>any on interurban lines make far • • fcewer stops and starts than the cars, f, " ihey nevertheless wear out and hare w be scrapped in one-fourth of that lime. . AS COMPANIES DUE!

at Their Best, Says President.

New Haven.—in response to a ro­ '•'M tor comment on the outlook of industry for 1925 by the Con- ; Public Service Information Committee. H. C. Abell, president of the American Gas Association, today wmm,- bade the following reply: •mri^

Connecticut is now on a more stsble m basis than it had ever been. Public regulation is fairer, more intelligent, iutd mere responsive to the re&l needs of the poblic th«n ever before. Ia­ in the principle of truly pub- to be one of

. fc ' VV j

use and, utilised through efficient §®|Jt§t; Not only will you get more real immediate value (or the dollars you spend, but ecome a vital fector comfort you will gain in future benefits which home-spent dollars bring to the commu­ :¥• "Persistent public uritiea bf public service com­ nity in which they are spent. Did you ever stop to realize that a part of every panies is a splendid augury of the x, 'pgjnew era of understanding existing be- dollar you spend with home-town merchants returns to you—if you are a lab­ 'tween the producers and users of J these essential services. This Is largely a reflection of the rapidly oring man in the shape of wages, if you are a farmer in the shape of pay for the in-owing appreciation of the efficiency integrity of the managements '• ' ;". ' ^ • products from your farm, and so on throughout all of the activities in this com­ ' and the sound financial structure of munity? Home-spent dollars help to build up the town and the surrounding FINE YEAR FORESEEN country. So let us all work together, grow together and prosper together. •h

. v' Prosperous 1925 for Conn. Industries. ply com- to a proe- 1925, according to Q. Y. Gail- lard, president of the New Haven Water Company. In an interview : with a representative of the Connect!- ; cut Committee on Public Service In­ You Need Anything formation. Mr. Galllard explained •a:--* tf»t his views were based upon i be­ m lief that every industry in the state 'A?

••• at Home £::

• A. F. Javorski : : : : : : Dry Goods A. B. Mitchell : : Jeweler, Optometrist ; v Joseph Makoveckas : : : : Dry Goods Arthur Lee : : Jeweler, Silverware The three k>ng drouths ot 1*24 hit the water supply at the ( Peter Jedziniak : : Men's Furnishings F. J. Southiere : : : : : Clothing rather hard, said Sir. I.."--,. , • i have left reservoirs in Shoes and Furnishings C. L. Hamilton : : of the state ait their lowest ? N.J.Mirabile : s : : Groceries, Meat Heavy spring , should bring them t to Joseph Bonelli : : Meat, Groceries, Fish Philip Sisitzky : : Groceries, Meat, Fish he believes. summing up the year's achieve- Esther J. Malia : : : : : : Millinery J. Francis Browne : : : Furniture :s. In water works In Connecticac, I Mr Galllard said that the beginning mmm George Cunningham : Dry Goods, Shoes Baronian Bros. : : : : Confectionery ] of construction work 011 the Baston 1 I Lake dam which will give Bridgeport &W : : : : Hardware Enfield Lumber Co. : Lumber and Coal |the largest reservoir in the state and ;;V v./: Edward J. Keller : .the installation of two high pressure, George F. Lehmann |electric pumping systems at New I William Landry : : : Men's Clothing : : : : : Bakery ^ Haven were the greatest accomplish- Raleigh B. Brown : : : : Electragist Thompsonville Trust Co. v I"Dates" Made at 7 O'clock Thompsonville Hardware Co. : Hardware Northern Conn. Light & Power Co. •'* Connecticut youths mike their |"dates" about 7 o'clock in the evening, •;'kv • .f:V Aft- m

m -m*.: ISRft*' •••his.

»v'V- -V.' •em m i-c v. •M'-v.

' • ' 3= 1 Thompsonville SIS ®'! •WWRSBS i;:-'-V? ^ «§§£ amf . 'W 'fi "Mayor" Murray MakesOfficial Re­•M Churcl^News I® HUDSON-^ Published Thursdays by ADVANCE PRINTING AND quest In Connection With Eclipse United Presbyterian Church. TAXI »"Ita*»• • • v•• • PUBLISHING COMPANY Next, Sabbath morning, Rev. Geo. •.'•v am• -;\- Whiteside will speak on "The Sec­ \ ' : 17-2? Sigh St., Thompsonville, Ct. SERVICE s IRST Selectman James T. Murray took official cognizance of the ond Coming of Christ—Signs! and > -^0 eclipse of the sun which will be visible in the Town of Enfield Conditions Of It." In the evening S v'"" ii PHILIP J. SULLIVAN F WEDDINGS'•' a.'; Editor and Business Manager next • Saturday morning, in a public request made this morning service the theme will be "The Pow-. ' : Telephone No. 95-2. • , • relative to the conduct of the people of the community during the er of the Human Touch." The Sab­ FUNERAL^! r tense moments of the total dimming of the sunlights To, so far as bath School at 12:00 noon; Christian At Any Tiini?J8y Appointment Endeavor- at 6 :15 P. M. Midweek Entered at the Post Office, Thomp- possible, abstain from all activities, refrain from making any noise ^THEATRE " 2'W- •onville, Conn., as second class mat­ and display no lights are the three, things especially requested by prayer meeting Wednesday evening' Service $1.00 and Upwards ter. the "Mayor" in his official statement which is as follows: at 7:30 o'clock. You are cordially OR "Our town is fortunate in being within the moon's shadow when invited. yfj All communications should be ad­ SHOPPING INQUIRE OF dressed to The Thompsonville Press, It passes across the face of the Sun on next Saturday morning and The Christian Endeavor Society •.V-'• Office, 27-29 High St. Tel. No. 60. our people will therefore have an opportunity to witness that rare will hold a social and entertainment !• phenomena—a total Eclipse of the Sun. I earnestly urge therefore Thursday evening, January 29th, in :'v 1 Office: BILTMORE HOTEL that our Industrial, Agricultural, and business and commercial in­ the church parlors. A special ef­ $ - INDIFFERENCE terests take such steps as will facilitate the witnessing of this un­ fort is being made to have a large i; attendance and a good time. The TELEPHONE 541 f V '- usual spectacle by suspending all activities a reasonable time before | Keller's W-.jvk'-vV'fi • There are scores of citizens who the period of totality arrives and continuing so until it has passed. public is invited. V r PLEASANT STREET THOMPSONVILLE, GONN. are putting in a great deal of time "Transportation company officials are requested to instruct their First Presbyterian Church. Hardware KM criticising the police, for "letting the employes to stop all public conveyances in order to permit the pas­ "The Significance of Holy -Year," town get away from them" in the sengers to enjoy a view of the eclipse, and auto and truck drivers shall it mean anything to us?—this are urged to stop within a few minutes of the scheduled time of the will be the subject nekt Sunday matter of the enforcement of the eclipse, so that every citizen of the town may be undisturbed in the morning at the' First Presbyterian liquor laws. Of course the police rare moments of this remarkable occurrence which will never hap­ Church. In the evening, the special Pho are no where near being entirely to pen again in our time. The official hour of totality for this section services will be continued, the pag­ blame for the present conditions. is 9:10 A. M. Saturday morning. t eant "A Modern Christian Quest" in, H 47 PEARL The very men who are harshest in three scenes will be given, with ap­ JAMES T. MURRAY, First Selectman." ®# THOMPSONVILLE .rs-; * - their criticism are by no means propriate music. All cordially in­ vited. blameless. They have a responsibil­ 1 ity in the matter too. Some of them Methodist Church. At the Methodist Church next especially, who are in a position to among even the smaller municipal­ Sabbath, there will be preaching by exert widespread influence for the ities of the state. Of course it could the pastor at 10:30. At 7 o'clock, moral uplift of the community have not happen here in the manner in District Superintendent, Rev. W. H. Just One More yet to raise their voice against con­ which it did with our neighbors down Classified Bath will preachu Church school at ditions that are undeniably bad and the river, for the reason that we 11:45, Epworth League at 6:15, Week of That;;} steadily growing worse. They ex­ are numerically beyond the point leader, Mrs. Jerome Greer. pect a few policemen, poorly equip­ where divided supervision is out of DOLLAR ped and indifferently supported, to the question. With a teaching corp Miss Eva Lamire, daughter of mwm do what it would require a small Classified Advertising must here­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lamire of Asnun- fast approaching the hundred mark after be paid for in advance, in PACKAGE •• army to accomplish. Whether it is tuck street has left for a four we find individual supervision of accordance with newspaper rules months stay in California in the pure indifference, a moral coward- our own selection more satisfactory, and regulations. hope of regaining her health.'' : «.-! .1. /..•. • :• .. .. - I Ice or a growing disrespect for this and will stick to it So it strikes 1 w, particular law or all laws, is not A large delegation from St. An­ us too that the real error of the drew's Churchu attended -the. dedica­ quite clear to us, but we suspect "Locks" Board was the surrender of MISCELLANEOUS tion services aC Andrew's Churcih that it is a combination of all three. its home selection of a supervisor. m Longmeadow last Sunday. Bishop We have heard individuals and The opponents of the School Board LOST—Green Fountain Pen between Thomas P. Davies was present and m -QMssPmi groups for weeks proclaiming "that Walnut street and North Schodl. confirmed a larg^ class and delivered are not without error in the matter m- something must bo done," but that too. The town meeting was a mis­ Finder will receive reward by re­ the. dedicatory , a''said Execution this sale get in at I \ that exist here at the present time, unfailing habit of pilloring the and my Fees thereon, the following pany, 155-159 Perry Street, New described property to Wit: once. little improvement can be- hoped* for School Board,, for— .vit has unusual York City, N. Y. tf 7C as long as this general state of in- powers and it irks us when these One lot of Bakery: Shop Machinery. mmm® difference prevails, and it will con- powers are exercised at times. But WANTED—Reliable man around 40 One lot of Fixtures. .r -«....v-. One lot of FloUr. ' • •" •„ , ' •' tinue as long as those who should even when we were laying the sev- to look after our business in this One lot of Spices, -vu 5^*5 ».<»• A. H. LEE speak up remain silent. Some con- erest strictures on them, there was locality. We have men making One lot of Jellies. Ml certed public action tending towards no such thing as missing the oppor- $50.00 per week on spajre and full 30 PEARL STREET j time basis. Easy work, perman­ V EDWARD BROMAGE, j|f| emancipating the community from tunity of hitting back. Our School ent position. Oakland Nurseries, Hs Deputy Sheriff. THOMPSONVILLE 1 iv'.-W its present condition would be far Board has never asked no quarters, Manchester, Conn. *d39 Dated at Enfield, Conn., this 8th more effective than any repressive day of January, 1925. m ^ • M nor has it given any that we can re­ .35 pieasant Stt<^. ** Phone 402-3 measures that the police or anyone member. Somehow or another we WANTED—Washing and ironing or else may adopt. like that style and it has invariably housework by the hour in a priv­ resulted in clearing up the atmos­ ate home or restaurant. Apply to ENCOURAGING phere more quickly than any ower Mrs. Mary Debka, 71 School St. Hartford & Springfield St R^Co^ll '.'I • ^ ' » • • conceivable, method that can be Tm- ' The effort to revive indoor ath­ ployed. We cannot escape the FOR SALE ..-rr,, ANNOUNCING letics, in the form of a basketball thought • that if the opposing forces ^^• league is an encouraging outlook. It had come, together in a good square FOR SALE—Tobacco Warehouse, or HOURLY BUS SERVICE•r-r> could be used for light manufactur­ v should be heartily supported, espec­ stand up verbal battle the troubles ' • i J' i't v-wr^ i -vt» ially by those who realize the dead­ of our otherwise extremely well be­ ing or storage. 8000 square feet Between^^Hartford and Springfield of floor space on R. R. at Ware­ > i ly disadvantage that the young men haved neighbor down the river would house Point, Conn. Wm. Hyland, J • r t w , •of the community are at in the ab­ be over by now. Jr., Enfield, Ct., Tel. 139-3. tf sence of some wholesome attraction Effective Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1925 ^ v of this kind. Few communities are BABY CHICKS AND DUCKLINGS A "SNOW" WAR HERE 75 varieties; Bred-To-Lay, Conn, SOUTHBOUND ; doing less than ours in matter of selected, and Exhibition Matings; caring for our boys and young men. The snow storm of the past few Busses leave Worthington and Broadway Terminal at days brought to light a veritable Free catalogue. Brooders $6.00 There is an entire absence of gym­ up, and Poultry Supplies. Clarks 7:30 A, M. and every hour until XI :30 P. M. Terminal nasium facilities, which is so high­ 'snow war" in two of the thorough­ Hatchery, Dept. 10, East Hartford, phone, River 4785. ly essential to the physical develop­ fares of the town. It is somewhat Conn. tf ment and moral safeguarding of the of a conflict between state, super­ NORTHBOUND vision and private responsibility.: FOR SALE—One large Quartered youth of any community. It would 0.4: Dining room table, extension Busses leave New Bus Terminal, 22 Union Place, Hart­ For years the portion of High street perhaps be difficult to find in the en­ 8 feet; one Oak China cabinet; one ford, at 7:QQ A. M. and every hour until 11:00 P. M., for & Continues With the Ad­ i- tire state a community that is in extending from Enfield Street to Oak serving table. Same may be Springfield. Terminal phone, 3-0612. .greater need of a movement of this Pearl Street and North Main Street seen at 7 Grant Avenue., Thomp­ w land. The lack of it has steadily to the Soldiers' Monument have been sonville, Conn. tf dition Of New Specials; FARE $1.00 •>*•! : f lowered the moral and physical known as state aid roads. They are FOR SALE—A wate\\ motor clothes >v ' ' \ standard of our young men in re­ kept passable and in repair by the washing machine, in first class Bus will leave Waiting Station for Springfield at 50 1 cent years. An effort of this char­ state but the town pays its share of condition; also one or two good minutes past the hour. Bus will leave Waiting Station for One Lot of Ladies Gowns; Princess Slips, acter would do much to combat the the expense. Nobody objects to this clothes wringers. May be inspect­ Hartford at 55 minutes past the hour. distressing conditions among the arrangement until a good sized snow ed at 184 Pearl street. M. W. Bloomers, Pantalettes, etc., in white, hon-; youth of our town at the present storm or a miniature blizzard ar­ Bushnell. .<141 Fare Between Thompsonville and Springfield, 30c ' eydew, flesh, orchid and tan; A variety I time. It would have to be on a rives, as was the case ^during the FOR SALE—Baby Stroller, reason­ 1 scale sufficiently ambitious to reach present week. The State . Highway able. Inquire A. Palen, 109 Pearl of materials and styles to choose from. out into every section of the town. department with its recognized effic­ Street. 439 Clearance price 98c "We have an immense amount of ex­ iency does not let any snow grow TO RENT—Garage. Inquire at 6 I cellent material not only going to under its feet when an incident of Bartley Avenue. d39 this kind threatens to block the >» wsste;,bui ,"goijjg to the dogg'^ in r..t dne Lot of Infants Rompers, sizes 1 to 3' \ the bargain for want ,oj[ some "Spar­ highway. It meets the'storm more FOR RENT est being taken in tliem for their than half way, and proceeds with] the ^ars. > All new n$at v styles • and colors. moral and physical uplift. It is en­ aid of powerful trucks and Snow TO RENT—5 room steqan heated ; ' i couraging therefore that some little plows to remove it from- the road. apartment at 199 Enfi&d street. ' T i; Clearance price 98c effort in that direction is being But its removal consists, according Apply Max Block, Tel.' 307. tf made, but as usual they must do it to the abbutting property owners on FOR RENT—7 room single house: themselves. No one seems suffic­ the aforesaid thoroughfares, of tos­ with bath at Enfield Bridge Sta­ We have a special lot of 50 dozen Ladies' iently interested to do it for them. sing it over the curb onto the side­ tion. Inquire of W. H. Whitney, walk. Now there is an ordinance in Enfield St., Telephone 71. ' tf Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs in white and^ the town of Enfield, which the prev­ FOR REN T—Cardep street. . Dunn INTERESTED iously mentioned abbutters seek to colors. Regular vahie is15c each. Clear-| £• .;r . -,, - ' Apartment." &• rooms: All con­ As a kindred community we are obey. It insists that the walks must veniences. Arthur E, barney & ance price 3 for 25c| Interested in the school "fracas" in be cleared of all snow at a stated Son, Tel. 450. " ' tf Windsor Locks. Interested, but with period after each storm. In com­ tO RENT—Bungalow of S rbems on no desire to take a hand in our pliance with this mandate the 1 Enfield , a.treet. .. All imjirovements. Qne Lot of 32 inch Dress Ginghams, new |,; neighbors troubles, for we feel that abbutters promptly proceed to not Inquirfe' of W. H. Whitney, Enfield thp people there are eminently qual only- remove, their-.otto *eeumul$tion •; St. Ttiephone 71. • ' : , tf nept checks an4 plaids. ^ Clearance price,® iBed to adjust their own affairs. But but also the contribution of the •fOR R^^Tr-50 Maple Avenue,, near npr vard ' • ^ " raJg, it attracts us because of a phase of state . departmant, £o bpck upoiv the 5'. Pearl Street, one seVeii rooms, srtl ft that holds possibilities of trouble highway it gbes. "Now the state de­ .. COconveniences. - Arthur E. Barney 2LF'« ' f - •« $%K~' of tiie same character here and else­ partment must live up to a national •f & SOt^y'Tel. 450. tt 2 > reputatioir its highways ^ Our entire stock of Ladies Silk where. While the real trouble ap- for ?ke4piflg" FOR R^^—ipaStoent of & rocftws ft# iWi elects.mdci/sg. , celerit# 1,1it pears to Be still shrouded in impen- and bath;>>ja Lwig. Apaylapent ^or MMM i- very §§ etrable mystery, the particular phase Pr9c6eds to deposit the snow again Pearl street. Modern^ " converi- 1 - iences.^ ^I^ir5a rf- James Loi». li of it we have in mind may after bes .rffi ^e battle , mom\ $2.98 fc no small measure the ctrase of rag^pj-on.: f 83 Prp^^£, ,Tel. 419-3. e lotea- • • . m : ' ' • . - ' i - nnVBlOllIil ^Jamina.fltamma ofA/ the4-UA nmilJweildeEB of tion. ^Large >•. in inbiW tlearlg and; this Jong .di$t^0Cf e- mI: local supervision of schools rfhd-take ps. Sizes are fi Ws' io 64 advantage of its privilege to sur_ the sildvel has proved no matctt'for' room flat on^ Burmr AVenaei Modr- render die direction of ttienit"t«%ei ^ jWMne driven plow witlfithe1 Clearance#ri©e...... ^..., $1.7^ state educational authorities.' ^result that to date, in the latest lhos- pp pi :at I, •. ::h-v • Drew. 'V ' I Mrp. Frederick E. Hunter, treasurer, cesf, 6t the hofiifr of Miss M. Louise 5 of Penelope Terry Abbey Chapter, the truck he was driving and was "Heart of the Range," W. P. White. Drama. Morrison on Prospect street next fined $10 and costs. A Mr. Roman- "The Major-diamond Buyer," L. D. A. R.,^attended .the mjeetfng of week* Saturday. Jan. 31st, at 3:80 sky, also of that city, was fined the "Robert E. Lee," a play, J. Drink- Just nine left. We have mailed: V the state D. A. Rv regents and treas» P. -M. "Thq Shakers" Mil be the P. Greene. • vlj water. j. yrers held in the Center Church par- same amoiknt, with .costs of court." "Tiger's Claw," A. P. Terhune.^ "Plays," Moliere. down to cost and some less than cost. 1 ; program topic and papers will be, TJie stock of merchandise belong­ Devonsheers," Honore Willsie. jK. ish house in,- Hartford yesterday- ; raid on. "Organization and Religion," ing to the bankrupt, estate of Alex­ ' Poetry. 1 1 ! "Lantern oii the Plow ," G. Cham­ "New Voices," Marguerite Wilkin­ coats over to the next f .'5, The meeting/ of the Woman's Mis-' "Reminiscences of Etifield Colony/' ander. Greenblatt, the Main street berlain. ? i sionary Society of the First Presby- and "Decline of the Settlement in son. clothier, will be Sold at public auc­ "King of Kearsage," A. O. "American Poetry Since 1900," L. : terian Church, scheduled fo£ Tues- Enfield and the Removal to Lebah- tion to be held on the premises next "Rose of the World," K. Norris. COAT VALUES r day evening, has been postponed to on, N. Y."- ppp p. Tuesday. "Way ,?of the Buffalo," C. A. Sel­ Untermeyer. &ISFM |next Tuesday evening and will be ; General Works. ;/?.<; 7.^ . *' Miss Mildred H. Marsh^of 167 The snow, storm on Tuesday was tzer. Directory Enfield, Conn.,' vol. 6, $265 Black Caracul with Mink collar and cuffs, $195.0®' ] held in the church chapel. Miss Pearl street has returned home af-, the severest of the winter season. "Silver Sixpence," R. Sawyer. $350 Hudson Seal Coat ... $25(K jtowiL who will wish to hear her, the Horace Tanguay Post; American business center of the village. "Magic and Mary Rose," F. Bald­ Frey, A. B., "American Business $89 Squirrel Coney Jacquette $ 69.99* .meeting will be open to the public. 'Legion. The 10th annual dance of the En­ win. i • n e Law," j>w ? ^.°P Terry Abbey Chapter,! The annual meeting of the ladies' field . Fire; Department will be held "East of the Setting Sun," G. B. "Business Letter Writing," A. M. $95 Beige Coney Jacquette $ 7QJW& .?; A. K., will resume, regular.month- aid society of the Methodist' Epis- in the Enfield Community house to­ McCutcheon. Candee. morrow evening. J. J. Ready will "Rugged Water," J. C. Lincoln. "How To Sell At Retail," W. C. SPECIAL! We have the new Silk Hats be prompter and the floor directors "Phone Booth Mystery," J. Iron­ Charters. i i in bright colors which go so well with the: will be Chief Ernest W.- Woodward, side. "Girth Control," H. T. Finck. 0 ^^ dark Fur Coats. r •" ~ " Stanley H. Woodward, Robert K. "Red of the Redfields," G. S. Rich­ • .. . . m, & "Selling Life Insurance," J. A. . ' Bissland, James' T. Knight and Fred mond. V5 Stevenson. ijM' SUCCESSFUL SAVING Rice. "Twisted Foot/'.;W. P. White. » "Practical Real Estate Methods," ;• j. ReV. Walter Bentley, rector of the "Empty Hands," A. A. Stringer. comp. M. E. GORMAN & CO. Episcopal Church in Port Chester, "Talk," Emanie N. Sachs. "Book of Business Etiquette," is made easy by our monthly N. "Y., has been the guest of Rev. "Hopalong Cassidy Returns," C. comp. NEXT TO POST OFFICE Glenn B. Coykendall of St. Andrew's E. Mulford. Literature. 46 PEARL ST. THOMPSONVILLE, CQNJL. payment' plan^aiid otir Church, at the parsonage on Frank­ "In A Shantung; Garden," L. J. "Modern Essays," Christoper Mor- linstreet this ifr^k. ' Rev. Mr. Bent- Miln." ley. ley1 conducted a-v^ry successful mis­ "Locked Book,-' F. L. Packard. " Foreign Literature.. ip sion at the church' a year ago, "Gordon of the Lost Lagoon," R. French. The funeral of Jeann^tte White, Watson. . ... "Mori cher Tommy," Marcel Pre-. six months bid, ' «ne . of / the twin "Terry of the lslands," J. London. vost. t - daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. "Kazan," J.. O! Curwood. "Marie Claire," M. Audoux. Start the NOT Tear Right-r-@penAii Account Here White of J$ew King streety- was held "Dorothy Vernon. of Haddon Hall," "L'Atlantide," P. Benoit. seKE r yesterday iaftern,oon in tBe home. Major. ,i v, • Italian. r Burial' in ^^t^j^atz&k's ceme­ "America," R./^W. Chambers. ;j "II Ritorno Del Figlio," G. Deled- ' tery. "So Big," E.' gibber. V ; da. THE THOMPSONVILLE BUILDING :$"• The' regular Meetkig of Primrose "Trail of the ^Sawk," S. Lewis.' "La Bambina Rubata," G. Deledda. Camp, Royal Nfighliorp of America, "Peacoc^ Fe^^ers/' T. Bailey. History. jj|§LOAN ASSOCIATION' tifgg |; will be h«ld i ne^ : W^sanesday even­ "Gentleman; 6f Courage," J. O. "History of the Studebaker Cor­ LOOK THIS LIST OVERT ing in tlje Odd i fellows' Building. Curwpbii.; t poration/ |li||jfj|§j|| the issTittmoN op fTk' ' - • ' \ A whist party a^dm)are fat the En "Tarzan antjittie Jewels of Opar," '' Travel. field High School enjoyed a sleigh- E. R. BuCTougnaTf. . "The Out Trail,"-'M. "R. Rinehart. : •ride last evening to Springfield, "The Texan," ; J.k-B'. Hendryx. f' 3 whete they had ' supper and later "Romance of-Fiddler's Green," C. attended Poli's Palace. ' E.Sears.-*:• -j -v • •- f'i cm* f jThw artnifa:l - reunion arid banquet "AlUWool Monrisonj" H. Day. t ' 'of the Enfield Society for the De­ "Wyndham's Pal," H. Bindloss.: i 1 Geyser Washer, used 6 months. Fixlljr tection of ' Thieves and Robbers will "Rich Little Poor Boy," E.; Gates. - guaranteed. Regular be- held:,on'Lincoln's,Birthday, l^iurs- "Arrant Rover,'V Berta Ruck. day; evening; ifcb. i&h, in tiie aud­ "Youth Triumphant," G., Gibbs. $145.00. Now Don't Miss the i? itorium iof the Higgin^' School. "Luck of- the Irish," H. MacGrath. N Mrs. Harriet Buck is ctiiifined. to "YelloW, Dove,"itG. Gfibbs. Values In Our her home on Asnuntuck street: by ill "Siii of Monsieur Pettipon," R. 1 Thor Washer, m use 4 mohm^ ^eel-^ M : t -it nes.s. She was threatened with Connell. v: v;, v lent condition, #'-X •yJ. -.s; pneumonia but is-now improving her "Baroque," Louis J." Vance. %gV: L friends- will be glad "to learn; "Golden Bought" G. Gibbs. ular $131.25. At Januapy^ All persons residing in Enfield be "Strength of the Pines," E. Mar­ tweea the ages of 21 and 60 are shall. v Olearance Sale obliged to;, pay a personal tax of V— "Black Hood,"'!;Thomas Dixon. ''• 'Vr-4 tes; The tax -mil be due on February 2, "Roles," Elizabeth Alexander. And also the and payable at the office of the col­ "Ace of Blades," C. B. Stillson. 1 Thor Washer, copper body, a wonoer-- special prices we lector, Tetesio Marinaccio, on As­ "Deep in the . Hearts of Men," M. , nuntuck street. The official notice Waller. ful bargain. Been used as demonstrator:' 1 M& offering on appears in this issue of the "Press." "I'll Show You the Town," Elmer only. Save $40.00, buy this Copper Thor^ The annual entertainment and Davisv. pur untouched! smoker of the. members of W&shing "Tongues of ETame," P. C. Mac- Fully guaranteed. stock. Here are ton., Irving. • Council, Knights' iSf Co­ Farlane.- ...... S The Distinctive Regular $165.00, now lumbus, will' be held next Tuesday "Seward's Folly," Edison Mar­ Ne Recent Works of Fic­ A complete set . of Joseph Conrad's works* m' tion May Be Reservec "Dark Brigate," C. . B. Hawes. ALL FULLY GUARANTEED- HATS By Personal Request Non-Fiction A. B. Mitchell .: I-:,, ^ . .COME • IN AND' SEE THEM - Biography. JEWELER & OPTICIAN . Hats that sold for $4.00, sale Or Phone Call. ; "Autobiography of Andrew Car­ negie." 12 PEARL ST. price "Log-cabin Lady," Anon. So continuous is thfew demand for "Life and Letters of Walter H. THOMPSONVILLB j ; the new fiction^J^he fim^^iibrary ALL GAS HEATERS IN ^Uats that sold foir>$5.00; ^sale P that arrangeij!S^Sr^an"B^^»de for in two volumes, Burton?: J. y. \ reservations (Si^ttiran by personal, i. Until Feb. 1st—20% D price request or phone pall. Books may also be renewed.-by telephone, and THEY ARE THE SWAN-RUSSELL AND hi any reference 'information desired or ^ • -:0ir \ LAMPSON-HUBBARD MAKES other data which it is 3 possible to --All Nevr supply through the library will be f furnished by Mtfne bjr calling, 2951. AN OVERSTOCK SALE'^^^ This December wculation , exceeded the same mcmth' a year'ago by 1211 volumes and the pr^^ipiis. month of Regular $56.00 Vulcan November, which wa#'' ;^h'e . largest OOD TASTE. That is what - Gas Range, now the Library had evpi^>«n6^r;by "ov­ most people "want as the first ^ m •it'•t ;? jShoes that sold foy; $5.Q0^;at y ^ a ^ er 100 books, thus makings'title last » * . : month the largest month'# circulation expression of iheir ^omes to Regular $115.00 Vulcan :? this sale since the ldcal library was estabr .. . i those who enter. , Aft"! ^ J® important, -i i f lished. In addition to the works, of. ; Smooth Top Range, now Other values Reduced in Propordon fiction books :%' - s y Regular ;,$65»00 Qsls Cab| hi The following is a new as wie pi8>- ! ; improve the expression of a rdomv y|i, -, • iZ/JETK'SS%if(|ii4jNe lica^ions, with, .the author's names, inet^^Ran^^^no^.i.™.™. wWSm. that; ha«9< )^em^add^4 ! ^wing the Obanging the position of a lamp, proper past six' month's : ^i&derfrife£Hel•d,,' tane Grey. , r placing of the Davenport Bed, settix^g Regular Rjex Ran^Mfc^ ® i^yhiite ^tppe,"; R. C. Mitchell. .. f,r; ges, now :i^SS53S, u/-/i;-4 at a new iangie; each is ; tut\ ,;i./Ji";T TJ-\ • •• v ••, course, on {or: ' "Humdi'ujn *'&&&? \h!> $. oster. ^!(|hariik>^E)S} It Thropgh^jfM.' Wid- Hji ^ r A furniture lsto- - -»' •• " • >• reason why people tell me this store

K '.- -Jrvij'C '•* MmMm W" sv.-i. asa--"^ W V«»/- m.' agtr.^; 5 rcijc. ij-iTiwri?! mm ixmite. " • y wpMpMBwropniist'^j^^ ^B^W^tw'na? 1- H^ *r^^% £t "!Sick Children of Aurora SjtudyJj* SrVesk mmSvjrfr'.- &*•* The Good Things ?^y.ix Save Here NEW BRITAIN OFFICE 31 WEST MAIN 8TRBBT We offer, subject to sale, m The Travelers 250 shares Bank and Trust Company , IravelersBuilding Hartford.Ct.

, 7% CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK, SERIES A £f"'v Ii:«! THE AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE wra The company and its predecessor have paid div­ 'EVERYTHING FQR THE FARMER^^^^ idends on the preferred stock regularly since 1903, and on the common stock continuously since 1910. This is not a schoolroom in the Arctic, with juvenile Eskimos as pupils. It Is simply the system of "fresh air ed­ During the last ten years net earnings have aver­ ucation" as demonstrated in the Brady public school at Aurora, 111. By this method boys and girls who are found THIS IS JUST THE SEASON l® to be underweight or undernourished, or have other physical defects which fresh air treatment may overcome, are segre­ aged over 3 times the dividend requirements on the ir ('• f " preferred stock. The balance, after such dividends gated, and by studying, eating and sleeping in rooms where the windows are always open, even during extreme tem­ TO SEE OUR 'STOCK OP If®!# perature, regain weight and health without resorting to medicine. Each child drinks three and a half pints of ™nh isyaboutJ20 % of gross earnings. If® a day, and hot dishes are served for luncheon, with a menu of carefully selected nourishing food. The average g«»n '•-&* • •••••mwmm II Siisiiiiir P^?i,=inrto weight is two to three pounds per week. ? V:'• v . - f&'! ''f$r ^^^^PRICE 103, TO YIELD 6.80%.j fr SfMIs®';-- L£;--Z,v;- X ? ,> Norway's Capital Is Now Known as Oslo * 'rA f, , SSfrtfi i n 'A r.l ^ We have a very complete stock of j-' Siissn'im Harness and Harness Supplies S-« : tv- GEORGE S. PHELPS & CO. ' -I »;Sj • - r ^ Prospect Street, Thompsonyille, Conn. Ei- ' ..5^," V '' '?£. k> * ".V M *,) , *' *l'r •i:'/ 'te4' t™ - ' „ 1A ( ' V!•« •- ' MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK •?>-' •• a*' - ^>if- (Incorporated 1861) • •" * 44 PEARL STREET i iii' Here is a beautiful view of the capital of Norway, which has been known as Chrlstlanla for three hundred HARTFORD, CONN. years but has now resumed the name Oslo by which it was known from 1047 to l624. The change was made officially - • J January 1. This bank is a strictly MUTUAL Need Lumber or Building Mate­ W-^f :.;- Photographer of the Sun's Eclipse NEW GERMAN ENVOY SAVINGS BANK, with ASSETS over rials For Some Quick Repairs? ISS $16,500,000. : • ' . ; Whatever it is—a fence picket or a Mg We Have No Stockholders new roof—call 21 for an estimate. - ,

£ I '••• • • 1 ' DEPOSITS made daring the first five prompt; deliveries on any kind or calendar days of any month, will draw grade of .lumber you may want. i AlwAV.wXNWi? ... interest from the first day of that month. v * <£Bmmi7 f - ' .V'

j ! * " •

W$4. £XS&>: For twenty years, the BuickValve-in- Head Engine has been a powerful factor in Buick per­ \, : Every person residing in the Town of Enfield, Conn., .v'/f; between the ages of 21 and 60 years, shall, except as oth­ v ~ 1 * s V formance. Itmak^s , *f' *7S'• • ;,r"l &£ erwise especially provided by law, be liable to pay a ]jer- a Smaller quantity sonal tax of $2.00 for Town and State Taxes. •m i of gasoline give up v • Baron Ago von Maltzan, secretary Ill 'YOUR PERSONAL TAX IS of state in the foreign office, has been more horsepower. appointed ambassador from Germany WhtmbtUtr DUE FEBRUARY 1st, 1925 to succeed Herr Wiedfeldt, resigned. automobiles •a? '• , Llaut. J. M. McDonald of the photographic division of the army air service, mr* built. who la In charge of the complete plans for the photographing of the eclipse of 9mick will . i And payable at my office, Watson's Block, 85 Asnun- snn on January 24. He has the specially constructed K-8 camera, a new IN ALIENATION SUIT tuck Street, Thompsonyille, where I will meet you to re­ * .t7Pe recently adopted by the air service for use in aerial photography and will build tk«m Valre-m-Head^ 't / ceive said tax, as follows: ^ ' I |4 we this camera on his flight on the Loa Angeles when he photographs the means "BuicXr^M v s ah^ad"^o^ Monday, Feb. 2nd, Wednesday, Feb. u mwmraSTwassa kills and-in tm • <4 'NTB -4th and Friday, Frfiniary 6th, 1925 Opium Smugglers Are Foiled •' ! sm From 2 P. M. to 5 P.M. and from 7 P. M. to 9 P.M.^iw^'-SiCt - P • . J" And Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during February, March and April, 1SI2I5, in acc^jdance j^L|h tfee . *r::i mXyS * -Y %SM§kA'? • hours as above stated. '• :•• i • t're'X Town Building, Church Street, Thompsonville, every | & fa?: * Saturday during February, March and April from 2:00 P. f >!$# . -$»« '-S jjjtl M. to 4:00 P. If. Also April 30th, 1925, and May 1st, / if i\J " ^ 1925, from 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. iS ,,*n'X- MMM . 5'."> - JL "°-'S Hazardville Post Office, Tuesday, Mai^''ifi£'':1u0£"''. b mmm and Tuesday, April 14th, 1925, from 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 \ , * -- Irf'^ ^AWmwM P.M. IIP J*/ * \ WSmimt BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Hy FUNT, MICHIGAN pAST experience has shown that many wait for sev- W'k'^xf' ' 4 1 eral notices before paying Personal Tax. This uZ Wjms/ r # s j inakes additional expense to your town. Will yoil Call 515-12 For Demonstration help us to save this expense by forwarding payment «a|pi,-!'Of 1925 BUICK MODELS 'lis tax at once. Cyrus JEL McCormlck of Chicago, head of the International Harvester company, has been ^ed fon by IMhvia W< Jacobs at I^e# T who charges bjtti with alhwatlng the caai of 4Wnm wara fonnd under the flooring at the 8C 'C Oothk* aifecfldns of Mirs. Jacobs. Mr. Me- ABE gISISKY.Proprletor w Yont. Photograpf) - i ifnrrry ijtr iils alde^ KUdnff CormicK empnaUealiy ditnles tb« ""'Sik' etergcs. •vfrnr^n 1 "„J ...jf iXJ!,'!" iMMM

•hit:'* nriHlijiMiiiiai idlHliiiNfMiiHii lurch and was large- requiem high masp &;:<:••#;•:-?:;::••••vvw&\-?-\^MI*r-x- ;• -il- >- • ,:^ 1%¥ •'''• '-'•*••'. ' -First Con^gatioii&r ^ •Waa__ ceiet.mcc'a—— ana-?Jfci ^burial was in a I. ••?€* r.*• ifeHI ?"", ::^: v':-/^^«^« «?%•'»» i^-ffll-*^: •-:> "1^1 AiMS -::- I Mr[• - v> • . have been, exhibited here during the evening. •J?, more than 25 years ago; She was Word -was received here Sunday past week. A benefit photoplay, "The Blas­ ifetii? General S| ,of doing good work for the past 35 |gg i ~ :an ardent church worker and a of the deaith of Jack Rice King, 19 At the regular meeting of the phemer" was given in the Rialto community troop of Boy Scouts held Theater Monday evening under the /SjJmember of the Sacred Heart church months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ 1 Iff Insurance 881 ; ; v ; years can be of much value to you - ^ i?;.#-and had held several offices in the fred C. King, formerly of Mapleton Thursday evening in the town hall, auspices of tne Senior Smianrv o.; ladies' benevolent society of which Avenue, this town, in East Orange, groups were appointed to carry food the Children of Mary of St. Mary's LIFE, FIRE, LIABILITY, |||!in building your monument. S«f«!illJ§ was a member. She leaves be- N. J., on Friday. Funeral services: fpr the birds in several feeding sta­ Church. ! SURETY AND THEFT ,< ssides her husband her father, Mich­ were held Monday afternoon and the' tions that have been established. A summary of the vital statistics ael-ow. ConnollyvuuuuiiYf ofui thisuub town;tuwn) threetnree wwybody wasnw broughtuiyu^uv hereuerc Tuesdaylueouay forxur The. benefit dance given by the of the town for the year ending Dec. Telephone 222 \ Thompsonville Monumental Works f •daughters, Mrs. John Colli of Wind- burial-inMfmnl in IXTMAWoodlawn, jlat«Mw .Cemetery *•>in Sunset Club of West Suffield was 31, shows that there were 84 births, «or Locks, Dorothy and , Mary, at Bridge street. largely attended and the club clear­ 72 marriages and 42 deaths. Enfield, Conn. - o M. J. LIBERTY, Proprietor •home. ^ Besides these she also leaves ed $130 which they Will use simil­ OFFICE, 97 Pearl St. TELEPHONE 403-4 Division of authority among the arlyariv Tnto Tnothe ,amount raised last year Thompsonville, Conn. m "two sisters, Mrs. Annie R. Rabare school committee, the building com- in *>„•„ t mittee for the new grammar school —— — " SOMERS iJSISi •. and the'Board of Health is held re­ Philip H. Graham, a former resi­ dent of the town and son of County The report of the visiting nurse sponsible by parents here for alleged Commissioner and Mrs. Samuel H. 9 'I; frigid conditions in the new building for the' month of December, is as i&djjj which have aroused much indigna­ Graham of Hastings Hill, was elect­ follows: Patients under care first of tion here during the last week. The ed to the office of assistant secre­ month, 4; new patients admitted GREGORY M. American Society for the Preservation of Public Health .<• Jp building committee, it is declared, tary, at the annual meeting of the during month, 18; discharged cured Affiliated with International Alliance of Physicians and Surgeon* United States Security and Trust or improved, 18; remaining under SAPSUZIAN, JR. and National Association of Progressive Medicine. ;4 has not yet accepted the new school Company of Hartford last week. " M ' * for the town, but the school author­ care at end of month, 4; nurse vis­ SULLIVAN BLOCK ities are said to have insisted on Mr. Graham was educated in the its, 75; advisory visits, 3; total, 78. Dr. E. H. Clough, Naturopath using the structure, although proper schools of the toWn and for many Amount received from pay patients, Member of National Association of Naturepatha heat is lacking. The building com­ years has had charge of the book­ $10.25; due from Metropolitan Life Cor, Pearl & South Sts.—Telephone 168-4 Thompsonville, Conn* mittee has promised to stand be­ keeping department of the bank. Insurance Co., $57.25. School work: INSURANCE and hind any teachers who dismiss their schools visited, 43; children in class­ classes, because of the cold, but the room , inspection, 978; individual in­ REAL ESTATE teachers have hesitated to act, ap­ HAZARDVUiLE spections, 360; children excluded for NOTARY PUBLIC ni parently awaiting the authority of skin disease, 3; children excluded for liaiiL: the School Board. The Board of The funeral of Mrs. Annie E. symptoms of communicable disease, Ralph Waldoj Health has not acted, as no formal (Sullivan) Leary, widow of Michael' ">2; reported to healthuwim officer,mm 5; class Telephones: complaints have been submitted by Leary, formerly of Scitico, was held talks, 14; home visits, 6 Office 294 Res. 313-14 THOMPSONVILLE ELECTRIC CO '») |p Emerson^^ffl $fe»J$\*ixmt any of the parents whose children at tiie home of her daughter, Mrs. The ladies' aid society ui me v,un- Thompsonville, Conn. are attending the school, although K. S. Blanchfield of 260 Franklin gregational church has elected the ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Hi 'Tor every benefit you several parents are keeping their street, Springfield Tuesday morning following officers: President, Mrs. R. All kinds of Electrical Appliances & National Mazda t ps- receive a tax is levied. children out of school Decause of followed by a requiem high mass at Bugbee; vice-president, Mrs. TELEPHONE 524-3 77 HIGH STREET iHSii He is great who confers the cold there. Children in the low­ Holy Family church at 9 o'clock. Bur- Charles A. Billings; secretary, Mrs. |! the most benefited >w-ws* er grades have been told to report ial was in St. Bernard's Cemetery, A- L- Hurd; treasurer, Mrs. E. S. one hour later than the usual open­ this place. Mrs. Leary leaves be- Fuller. VjK ing time. sides her daughter, Mrs. Blanchfield, Mrs. Gladysu«»ujo •»..K. *Comstockuimsra enier-enter- TK) attain the respect te ne Sign Painting Mrs. Agnes Elkin, beaten by her two other daughters, Mrs. Annie E. i d four tables at bridge in her '.r V 1 and good-will of the husband, Charles Elkin, is in her £irby and Mrs. Emma K. Kelliher home Saturday evening. Miss Beu- and a son, Edward F. Sullivan of Ellis captured the first prize and and Decorating community is our home here with injuries which may Mro P olnVl P TUntrnM «TTnn 1 1 prove fatal. The husband, Charles Springfield.|/AUJ5U61U« ATAXO.Mrs. *VCll£/U Ralph J_».B. ThayerXUAJfl was awarded straight-forward, con­ Albert R. Gallant has resigned the consolation prize —Original Designs stant endeavor*^« Elkin, was fined $51 and sentenced is rmnifinn ixriffc +V»a t>~ Mr.Mr andand Mrs.Mrs AA« Vail to 30 days in jail in town court Fri­ his position with the Niers, Beemand - , - -" Smith, Jr., -—Prompt Service. Brainard-Ahrens, Inc. day morning for assault and drunk­ & Pond Company of Pittsburgh and Springfield, were week-end guests icil is at his home in South Maple street !n %e ^ome of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- LARGEST INSURANCE AGENCT IN NORTHERN CONN. THE LEETE enness. Charges of assault with in­ for a short time. ter B. Whitlock. tent to murder will be instituted at r and H. FARR once if Mrs. Elkin dies, local police itcIce 10j.u andanu 11ij. inchesincnes thicktnicK is be- , ^ * Mrs. Charles A. Billings ing harvested by Harry Starr, the had. with them for the week-end 1 COMPANY officers say. Elkin was taken to Innnl Ina man their snn. Hprmnn "R 23 Hartford Avenue "SI the Hartford County Jail by Chief local ice man. their son, Herman B. Billings of EDWARD LEETE" of Police T. B. Cooney. Monday evening, Feb. 2, the En­ Hartford and Miss Hazel Reed of Phone 634 Thompsonville "Nothing but Insurance" field Grange will initiate into the West Springfield. Embalmer and Director Rev. E. E. Gates of the Conhecti- first and second degree a class of 32, The ladies' aid society is planning Suffield Office Thompsonville Office " ; 74 MAIN ST. V cut Baptist Commission preached in the largest in the "history of the or­ to pack a missionary barrel in about ill the Third Baptist Church Sunday ganization. two weeks and any who are inter­ Phone W. Locks Div. 222-3 Office Tel. 45-2 Residence 11*1 J morning. The evening service was ested to contribute cast off clothing gif are asked to leave it with members WINDSOR LOCKS of the committee consisting of Mrs. '.A, Raymond S. Bugbee. William J. Mulligan The regular meeting of the Som- Wrecking Crane—Day or Night Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Mary Cooney, ers Woman's Club was held this af­ Attorney At Law a# 77, widow of John J, Cooney, died ternoon in the home of Mrs. A. L. L. E. GARDNER podge Cars Kelly-Springfield Tires at her home on Spring street Thurs­ Hurd with Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Buell day ' morning, after a prolonged ill­ and Mrs. Fred A., Pease as hostess­ Thompsonville Office Civil Engineer and Architect ness. Mrs. Cooney was born in Kil- es. Mrs. Ralph Corkingdale of Lud­ tartan, Galway County, Ireland, low spoke on "India," and Mrs. 27 HIGH STREET Homes Designed Biiilding Advice Mill Engineering March, 1847, .and came to this coun­ Carlton Garringer. sang several folk Telephone 50 1 ( (Surveying TELEPHONE 647 Drafting try with her husband in 1885. They songs of India. : lived a year at Suffield and then Several members of the local Y. Hartford Office moved to Windsor Locks. Mr. Coon­ M. C. A. and the town committee of "111 lllll^GEORGE S. BRIDGE' • ey died here several years ago. Mrs. the Y. M. C. A. attended the con­ 983 MAIN STREET v' • 'l Cooney leaves seven children, Joseph ference in Ellington Friday evening. Telephone 2-1412 Located in New Headquarters J., Michael T., John, Bartholomeuw The Somers Woman's Club was T., Matthew K., Delia F. and Mrs. V \i v .uv.; 244 ENFIELD STREET THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. entertained by the Child Welfare ALPHONSE TRUDEAU ••Xf. Edward Morgan. The funeral was Club of Somersville in the home of ¥ held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock Ili Mrs. Ralph D. Keeney Thursday af­ GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARY, ' m ternoon. The speaker was Mrs. "C Chandler of Rocky Hill, secretary of FOR THE CIGARS AND TOBACCO the aNtional Congress of Mothers HIGH ST., THOMPSONVILLE TELEPHONE 1M •1m and Parent-Teachers' Associations. At a recent meeting of the ladies RADIO FAN 'I aid society in the home of Mrs, SETS OF EVERY KIND Raymond S. Bugbee, the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. SPECIAL—No. 51 Port­ W: R. S. Bugbee; vice-president, Mrs. able Crosley 2 tube set, EDWARD LEETE :§j Charles A. Billings; secretary, Mrs. complete with bulbs, A and A. L. Hurd; treasurer, Mrs. Ernest B batteries, aerial and FUNERAL DIRECTOR v S. Fuller; chairman, Mrs. B. D. adapters. Hartford's Shopping Qentex? Cooley, Mrs. Fred A. Pease, Mrs. 107 ENFIELD STREET TELEPHONE 197 i Ralph B. Thayer, Miss Mary Kibbe, OFFICE 74 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 18* Mrs. Samuel Davies, Mrs. Charles $38.58 Irish, Miss Mabelle B. Avery, Miss Marion Thayer, Miss Emelie C. Bug­ C. ROGERS & CO. bee, Mrs. C. W. Pomeroy, Mrs. Ern­ 471 Main Street Springfield est S. Fuller and Mrs. R. S. Bug­ bee. The treasurer reported a pros­ General Contractor and Builder rf.vv,.., perous year, having $1135 on hand. THERE IS NOTHING TOO LARGE OR SMALL FOR US TO HANDLE IN THE BUILDING LINE. ELLINGTON E. C. O'BRIEN Telephone Connections Ev,- THOMAS SAVAGE & SONS The oldest person in town, Mrs. Plumbing, Heating '3: James Thompson Kimball, 102 years and Tinning old, of aMple street, died Saturday \11 work guaranteed—Give Me A night. She had been in failing Trial—telephone 149-2 health for several months. Mrs. 11 Of Special Worth Kimball was born, in Ellington, Sep­ 9 WHITE STREET GEORGE M. MOORE tember 18, 1823, a daughter of Mr. THE GREATEST VALUES YET OFFERED IN FOOTWEAR. RELI­ and Mrs. Samuel .Thompson and had GARAGE lived in Ellington most of her life. ABLE STYLISH MODELS, THE DEPENDABLE MAKES THAT WE She was a sister of the late Abbott 16 PEARL ST. THOMPSONVILLE. CONN. ALWAYS CARRY, OFFERED NOW MUCH UNDER THEIR REGULAR Thompson of Melrose. In January, FOR SALE—Dodge Car in first class condition. Telephone 48S-S M • 1848, she married Daniel Norton S. L. Mitchell Wk PRICES. ALL SURPJLUS STOCK AT PHENOMONALLY LOW PRICES. Kimball. He died in 1902. She 2 STALLS TO RENT leaves one daughter, Miss Mary J. PLUMBING AND HEATING Accessories Of All Kinds For the Car BIG BARGAINS IN LOW SHOES FOR STREET WEAR, SPECIAL Kimball, who lived with her mother 40 HIGH STREET and one granddaughter, Miss Mary Only Socony Gasoline For Sale VALUES IN PUMPS FOR WOMEN, PATENT, TAN, SUEDE AND SAT­ K. McKnight of Sioux City, Iowa. PHONiE 196-3 IN. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN CHILDREN'S SHOES, ALSO ON Six years ago Mrs. Kimball fell, breaking her hip, and had been con­ i-m SHOES FOR BOYS WEAR. IN FACT SAVINGS ON FOOTWEAR OF fined to her home since Until that f ALL KINDS AT THIS SALES SPECIAL PRICES. time she was an active member of • the Ellington Congregational Church FRANK P. SMYTH of which she became a member in P. VERDIGLIO Three Eyelet Ties Two Strap Pumps 1849. COAL AND WOOD COAL AND WOOD W Our coal is the kind that sparkles with pent up heat. II Smartly made of tan calf, with Nicely made of tan calf with Cu­ LEHIGH A SPECIALTY is well screened and in every way satisfactory. welt soles and low heels. Our ban heels and were priced $6.00. TELEPHONE 509 January Sale Price $5.00 You can select your size now at OFFICE. MAIN ST. TELEPHONE CONNECHW only $5.00 Enfield Street. Thomnsonville. Cann.'. -v*; «T. Southern Ties .Comfort Shoes Aristide J. Larrabee Smart foot covering of tan calf, Low oxfords of black kid, with SANITARY BARBER SHOP made with plain toes and Cuban EPSTEIN'S EXPRESS 1^1 i *•? heels, were priced $7.50. At this rubber heels, satisfactory cover­ Sullivan Block ings for ^tender feet and were $4. Local and Long Distance Furniture and Piano Moving sale for $6.50 pair. Sale Price $3.00 pair. 39 PEARL STREET Daily Express—Springfield, Worcester ThreeSiap Pumps Tan Gore Pumps and Boston •» ^ Contracting Jobbing LONG DISTANCE HAULING Of black kid and patent colt, with Of Russia Calf with buckle hand STORAGE WAREHOUSE light welt, soles and Cuban heels. turned soles and Cuban heels. ' li',. L. H. DAVIS Regular price is $7.00. The sale Regular price is $8.50. The Sale Carpenter and Builder Ofice Phone 82-5 —-119 Main StrMt m®. price ^ —. $4.50 pair. price $6.50 pair. Estimate* Faraished House Phone 182 39 Central Strati lift Sin&itibSiiliti US Baft*14 StrMt, ThraipMBTiUe Spfi Oflce, 3* Lynmn St. Baskn Oflee, 9

• v^V'X&'v', •' »•

_ A "l V •, ; y.- V- i . .V ..L.. j. .-ic,i -.V-'. "••'J' •.i/' •!. it>' v'J/V. ' U'S,';,. \i[ ...... , .,T-. - - - - - • -V ..-,u-TWW.W-. ii-VT-VM 1' -• .. XAv.Wlel'^rTV.T'--..- •' -'.i} • ,-V1. * ' • V *^-' ' iiinmiiuUijiMi • •,..•.•;* **.**»• * »•• session, an va*-**.* n Loss On ormer D cation," was give_iven hy TSf."«i cont < M. Gege, ^headmaster of S y»£»-f ;i#*j _ ^ acres of tobacco in. iSehodp " e,' fowned by Stanley Guzot in^,the die Roadi td DEDICATE|| —J&bMattbie^ Wvj; I]TO^e'froTOrw.^twi»- destrojifed , S.; J** Pl^^TeaiR Me^iberVof •St-' Andrew's Episcopal by fire early Friday "morning. ; A «al£uffield School Is the Church Among Those Present At horse and a cow, a. Ford^ touring cbrt Service Celebrated by Bishop T. a"lai^e quantity 6f hay ant) a nuirn- pi Genuine Fle^le^Flier SledsK j$l. sizes, . 3&&3&r At Evening ber-of- farming tools', in the btte^ Davies At Longmeadow Sunday. were also destroyed*.' A bucket brigi * < Sission—Elect Church Chairs had to be brought into - the ade formed by neighbors ' was 6i-t Auditorium of St. Andrew's Church gahized and did effedtiVfe work ;in $5.50, $6;25 to $6:75. 4 anil School Officers. in Longmeadow Sunday morning, saving the house, only a small por­ when the beautiful new edifice, re­ tion of the roof being damaged. The JSSt Sie annual meeting of the En- cently completed, was visited by loss will amount to about $8,500, . Speedway Sleds, for the smaller child- BM Congregational Church held Bishop Thomas P. Davies, who con­ with insurance only on the build­ tpp' •. -. , KnK "Thursday the following officers firmed a class of seven and held a ing. The combination truck of the ^ ren, at $2.00, $2,50 • i 1 -selected for the coming year: special service in which he blessed Thompsonville Fire Department re­ 4ma treasurer. Atty. Terry J. the church building and numerous sponded to a telephone alarm, but ij standing committee, Charles gifts, many of which were offered j the fire was practically under con-, !>3ngF ghouls ,65c and J1.25 apm, Samuel H. Neelans, Paul as memorials. He also delivered jtrol before the apparatus reached sr, Mrs; William K. Henry and the address. Christ Church, Spring­ the scene, the property being about 3®rs. Sarah Chapin, who will meet this evening in the play­ ectric Shoppe • .7' * -t»V iund of $1,000, while a pro- house of F. W. Swindells on Enfield Which Presentation Of Gift To Chief Ernest £1 gift also was made by Atty. street. Woodward Is A Feature. -,JL Warren Johnson. There were The Peerless Jubilee Singers have deaths during the year and been engaged by the North Neigh­ Raleigh B. Brown \ ffcau. IiM||itiams. Seven new members borhood Club of the First Presby Despite the heavy snow storm, the i .xeceived into the church. The jterian Church for an entertainment exercises in connection with the for­ OPEN BASKETBALL Electragist . ^ voted to have all the church [Monday evening, February 16. mal opening of the new hose house gift MAIN STREET''"'^ of the Enfield Fire Department last SEASON LOCALLY Tuesday evening were well attend­ THOMPSONVILLE ed. During the afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock, the hall was also open "Taps" and Greys Arej for inspection. The program open­ ed with the singing of "America" Victors In First Games *,?&>' j ome: by the audience followed by an ad­ dress of welcome by President Ar­ Of Industrial League fe.. Elm Street, 2-family, 12 rooms, $5000; part cash. thur J. Stewart of the District com­ Tuesday Evening. ! - A • Full; Variety» of Fresh .. Fishjjl. seaRM^, Highland Park, 2-family; garage, $5000; $2500 down. mittee. The exercises were then " 1,1 ' I Fresh Shore Haddock, Market Cod, Boston Blue, Her- 'f||I 'Windsor Street, 2-family, brand new, large lot; $3000 carried out in the following order: Thompsonville's industrial basket Musical selection by Barry Vining! rings, Folunaetg, Mackerel, Steak Cod, Steak Blue, |$| Street, 1-family, 8 rooms, modern, 2-car and" M. Rypsch; history of the En-1 ball league opened its season Tues- , The Tire Man? Halibut, Steak Salmon, Finnan Haddie, Smelts, Salt ^ragei^jnice home. Spring Street, 6 rooms, brand field Fire department, Chief Ernest I d;:y evening at the Bigelow-Hart- Herrings, Salt Mackerel, Salt Salmon, Salt Codfish y*. -Leash., Woodlawn Ave., 4-room bunga- W. Woodward; reading, Miss Rita I f-.\l Hall with two well played and and'FfcSH^ydtcra Jlow;lay^iofo $£500; $1700 down. Welch; music, selected; recitation,! har.i fought garries. In the first., , SPECIAL!! Selectman James T. Murray; vocal! * /%; WWoma, all on one floor, modern, ii'" selection, Thomas W. Hargrave; ad-! g ne the Taps defeated the All-Big- 1 iMiil MEAT DEPARTMENT^ dress, Chief William J. Hines of the e!^v-s, 30 to 24, and in the second PRICES YOU saad«4ale^$4200; part cash. Enfield Street, 7- Thompsonville Fire department; pre­ g-~vie the Grey.. defeated the Ax- Round Steak (by the slice) 25c lb ^ «xrat garage, barn, coop for 200 chickens, 11/2 sentation of hose house and building minster team, 32. to 23. ] CANT EQUAL It is the intention of the league Tender Sirloin Steak 28c lb .acres of land, $5500; part cash. ,;.v,...t by President Stewart of the dis­ ( Choice Shdit Steaks 28c lb trict, for the exclusive use' of the officials to mn two. games each Tues­ 32x41/2 $20.50 fire department, which was accepted day and Friday evenings during the Whole Pork Loin (lean and small) 21c lb ||i in behalf of the department by Chief remainder of the winter and some 33x4% ...... $21.00 !•% Brightwood Fresh Shoulders ...... 18c lb||H Woodward. real basketball isf expected, as there 34x41/2 $21.55 IM Good Hamburg Steak -.2 lbs for 25c . HYLAND, Jr. One of the interesting features of is intense rivalry between each of FresK Pigs Feet, Pigs Kidneys, Pigs Liver « TELEPHONE 139-3 the exercises was the presentation the teams. Friday night the All- •36x4% $27.00 of a purse containing more than $100 Bigelows and the Axminster teams m Home Made Sauskge Meat ..... ,... 25c lb If 3ENFIELD STREET THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. iV in gold, to Chief Ernest Woodward, will play the fiijst, game and the 37x5 $35.00 by President Stewart, in behalf of Greys and Taps the final. The t|§8f GROCERY DEPARTMENT*!'5 ":' the citizens of the district, who de­ latter game promises real action and A Full Line' of Car sired to show their appreciation of good playing as ,tne majority of the Fine Granulated Sugar 10 lbs for 72c?il| the_ interest and efficient service players on each team are ancient Accessories Chief Woodward has rendered dur­ i rivals. There wijtl be no admission Bakers' Cocoa (25c size) special 19c can ing the past 26 years. charged and everyone is welcome. Special Prices On California Navel Oranges 18c doz., 2 doz. for 35c The new hose house, erected on a The scores: Fancy Large Grapefruit 5 for 25c site just north of the Enfield street TAPS Hood and Radiator Monarch Coffee^ regular 60c !b, special 48c.Ib \ school, purchased from Mrs. Norman ' '•••'' • . •••' B F T, F. Allen, is a two-story frame struc­ J. Sheridan, rf 4 2 10! Covers Broken Rice — 4 lbs for 25c® ture arranged to house the appar­ Rowan j If 1 0 : 2i Strictly Fresh Local Eggs 68c dozen atus on the first floor, while the ttrfien, f> 1 0 2 57 NORTH MAIN ST. Cranberries ^ • 19c quart §>§0 upper floor is fitted up for a hall Peeley, rf _ 4 0 8 THOMPSONVILLE, CT. Campbell's Assorted Soups ' 10c can t for social purposes for the firemen. CopelanH, Ig , 8 2 8 The Enfield department, first equip­ Fancy Table Corn 15c can -i Tnt»l 13 4 30 Ridge Farm Peas 9c can ;i.fJ ped with two hand-drawn reels, one •mm THEATER for each company, now has a mod­ * ALL-BIGELOW '• ern motor-driven truck, carrying 1,- B F T i 000 feet of hose, 40 gallon chemical Houlihan, lg 2 0 . 4 For Anything ; tank, ladders and other apparatus. Needham, rg 1 1 3 When the two original companies Craven, e. 5 0 10 And Everything . ^ Thursday, January 22—Fox were consolidated with headquarters Wattnn, If 2 1 in the old town hall, now the Com­ W. Sheridan, rf 1 0 2 In the Line of A V w 5 ^ , Ttl ^ * 1 X I CI munity building, 14 years ago, the •gr "IF WINTER COMES" Total j 11 2 two small reels were replaced by' — a large reel carrying 1000 feet of GREYS pfiiff 6k iEeaturing Percy Marmont hose. This gave way to the present B F T truck acquired four years ago. Tierney, rf 2 1 5 C Olschafskie, If 2 2 6 T«EW SERIAL, "GALLOPING HOOFS" Featuring Arthur J. Stewart is chairman of Luke, c JOHNNIE HINES AND AILENE RAY the Enfield district, with Carlos A. 7 1. 15 Watt, secretary and treasurer. The Patrovita, rg 1 0 2' MODERN other members of the district com­ Kegley, lg —.— 2 0 4 See our new and mittee are James T. Burgess, George PHONE 456—FREE DELIVERY , & Friday, January 23rd Smyth, Ernest W. Woodward, Mat­ Total 14 4 32 second hand stock thew Anderson, Charles Miskill and AXMINSTERS 40 PEARL STREET THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. FILM BOOKING OFFICE •• •" Robert Welch. In addition to Chief B F T of complete House Woodward the members of the En­ Bohannah, lg 3 0 • 6 Furnishings. - v ->r •1m, field department are William A. Morrison, rg 1 0 ? 2 • Sweeter and Lower! " - FORGOTTEN WIFE^ Abbe, Matthew J. Anderson, Waldo Rivard, rg 2 0 4 Belmer, William Burgess, Robert K. Dineen, c 3 0 6 llllH FINE GRANULATED SUGAR Bissland, Charles C. Chapin, John Carroll, rf 0 1 1 Edgar, Leon Hopkins, James T. Higgins, If — „ ?. 0 4, ioo lbs,, $6.45 or 10 lbs. for 69c '" ;J MCOMEDIES Knight, Dana Miller, Joseph O'Con­ nor, Eugene Quinn, John Quinn, Total 13 1 23 Frederick Rice, George A. Smyth, Calves, Liver. mM Edward Avis, a former resident, 45c lb .i: F. J. Sheldon, Robert Welch, Harry Fresh Tripe 2 lbs ""'•v''-^^attirday,' January 24th—Fox H. Woodward, Stanley H. Wood­ gave a "Bird Recital," under the! 51 Pleasant St. for 25c ward and Lawrence G. Woodward. auspices of the Allen Bird Club and I Fresh Ox Tail 2 lbs for 25c Mr. Sheldon is secretary of the com- the Natural History Museum of I Genuine Spring Legs of Lamb 1 Thompsonville fg 37c lb MMJAS THE NIGHT WIND" pany. . - Springfield at Technical High School Fancy Choice Round Steak , 25c lb Featuring William Russell hall Monday evening. Tender Steak 1 .... 22c lb LOCAL NEWS NOTES Choice Rib Roasts of Beef 18c lb \ TThe Indian Frontier" Series and Comedies Pot Roast of Beef 14c lb Hith«sh< •••'-' 1 Judgment for foreclosure has been Fancy Pork Loins beartb granted to Walter Shepperd and W&il . 19c lb pain o others against William D. Ellison FRIDAY AND Smoked Shoulders ; 15c lb rellow «vlpmtiL r, January 25—Paramount on property owned by him. Lawyer Fresh Pigs FieeJ;...... 3 lbs for 25c roa «boul Arthur Bostick representing a sec­ m Fresh Spare Rib . 18c lb ond mortgage and interest of $2,- SATURDAY Pure Pork Sausage, home made .-.J...... 22c lb • ^-^"LOCKED DOORS" 230 started the proceedings. A first mortgage of $2,000 and a third m Roast of Ve^l. v...^..mM..»...««..».~..»."— 12c lb With Betty Compson mortgage of $100, which is disput­ i§ Fresh Hamburg Steak 2 lbs for 25c MAHI •*,G;COMEDIES AND WEEKLY NEWS ed, besides a fourth mortgage of Gra,nulated Sugar 7%c 'Tbl® Sugar Cured Corned Beef ...... 10c lb and up $300 is also on the property. The place is valued at $8,500. Burt Olney's Corn, in glass 28c _' Atty. Samuel Sisisky, his brother, GROCERIES >ti >-,p _I?3biiday and Tuesday, Jan. 26th and 27th Michael, and Mr.: and Mrs. A. J. Burt Olney's Peas, in glass 30c _ Lettuce 4 heads ior 25c Gannuscio saiiecj from Philadelphia Star Naptha Powder —r.—5 packages for 23c Monday afternoon for Florida. At­ Burt Olney's Bantam Corn, in glass, 28c . I'.ow.-and give rtreolgffi-• 7" ^ • OF • PARIS"_ torney Sisirity will spend two weeks A Fancy Bananas —..—:—20c and 25c dozen at Miami and will then visit Hav­ m Burt Olney's Spinach, i nglass ^5c Strictly Fresh Eggs 69c dozen % Charlie Oiapl-p™ ana, Cuba, and the West Indies. He v/ Van Camps Tomato Soup 3 cans for 25c will return from Havana by boat to Burt Olnej^s Spinach, in glass ...... — 25c Van Camps Pork and Beans ..... ^-.....^ 3 cans for 25c ^^navmtTHem^Serial,, "The Iron Man" and Comedies ' New Orleans and attend the mardi Or.J. B. Sdwwk & Son, Fhfly' - 7' V ' 'I gras carnival, and will arrive at his Whole Pork Loins 226 ft K 15 oz. JPkg. Sun Maid Raisins 2 pkgs. for 25c lay land Thursday, Jan. 28-29 7^4 home here about March 1. His of­ Sweet Corn 3 cans for 43c IScfi? fice will be. kept open during his iWell Made Peaches, large size 2 cans for 45c absence. Michael Sisisky will re­ Large Grape Fruit 6 for 25c v^ INSIST UPpN. x i turn home in four weeks. Mt. and Fancy Onions .... RSbR&ER LEGION" Mrs. Gannuscio will remain in Flor­ 6 lb«tfi9r 25c Kemps mm ida until April 1. ( . CLARK L Dates 2 M for 2$c AntonioMoreno An anniversary mass was i cele­ 1 brated in St.- Patrick's Chnnfe this •• •• - • TELEraONE 201 > , , jWe Carry Fresh Fish and Oysters ^ BALSAM Chadwick morning in memory of the late Bey. Thomas J". Preston, a pastor for ov­ .36 PEARL ST L . : THOMPSOIFY|UJ|S, €ONN ^^B^l^^^^v^h^rjsday &, FrMaf for that COUGH/ er 26 years of St. Patrick's churchy

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