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^Thursday, May 14, 1959 TORRANCE PRESS Pag* Thirty-Five Automobiles for Sal* 200 AutomoLUts for $ ! 200 Autemobilts for Sal* 200 Auto.. oblUt for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 AutomobiUs for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 CAR BUYERS SAVE upTo$900. ON FORD COMPANY EXECUTIVE GALAXIES, WAGONS Salaxie Club Victoria SAVE Galaxie 500 Convertible SAVE Inca Gold and white, 300 h.p. engine, Cruisc-0-matic White, 300 h.p. engine, automatic transmission, pow transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, er steering, power brakes, radio, heater, windshield heater, padded dash, back-up lights, clock, wheel washer, back-up lights, clock. covers, white side wall tires. $500 $500 VEL SAYS Your old car is worth more at Vel's Ford, Torrance. Our high Salaxie Skyliner SAVE Galaxie Town Victoria SAVE Fawn and white. 300 h.p. engine, Cruise-O-matic er trade-in allowances plus our Geranium and white, 300 h.p. engine, Cruise-O-matic, transmission, power steering, power brakes, ra white side wall tires, power windows, power steer dio, heater, back-up lights, electric clock, wheel cov low,low prices on these execu ing, power brakes, padded dash, radio, heater, wind ers, padded dash, windshield washers, electric wip tive cart means double savings shield washer, wheel covers, back-up lights, clock. $750 ers, curb guard body molding, white wall tires. $600 to you. Don't miss this oppor tunity to save $ $ $. Country Sedan 6 Passenger SAVE Galaxie Club Sedan SAVE Geranium and white. 300 h.p. engine, Cruise-0-matic Beige and white, 300 horsepower engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, back-up lights, electric clock, wheel covers, transmission, white side wall tires, power steering, $600 padded dash, .windshield washers, curb guard mold $600 radio, heater, padded dash, back-up lights, clock. ing, white wall tires. P.P. $2979 Ranch Wagon 6 Passenger SAVE Fairlane 500 Town Victoria SAVE Inca gold and white, 300 horsepower engine, Cruise- Gunmetal grey, V-8. automatic transmission, radio, 0-matic transmission, power steering, radio, heater, heater, back-up lights, power steering. tinted glass, padded dash, back-up lights, wheel cov $775 ers. 451 miles. $475 F.P. $2650 Galaxie Club Victoria SAVE '58 4-Passenger Thunderbird SAVE Red and white, 300 h.p. engine, Cruise-0-matic, Flamingo Pink. V-8, Cruise-0-mattc transmission, power steering, radio, heater, padded dash, back-up power windows, brakes, steering, seats, tinted glass, lights, wheel covers, curb guard body molding, white radio, heater, windshield washers, fender skirts. side wall tires. Only 6000 miles. 900 F.P. $?£95 ALL OARS ARE LOW MILEAGE AND LIKE NEW v FORD 2 BIG LOCATIONS Downtown "Torranee 1420 Co.bri Ilo Ave. FA 8-5014 Walteria 3720 Pacific Coast Hwy. FR 8-8488 Open Nights and Sundays No Money Down LAWNDALE MOTORS Are You a'Be Back'? With Your Good Credit of Course Up to 36 Months to Pay In the trade they're known as "be-backj" The trade complains about them The ones who stop to see Because they don't come back WE WILL SELL EVERY CAR THIS WEEK EVERY CAR READY TO GO '57 Chevrolet '58 Ford The car the price th» paymenti: (We know they come to us to flt)t It AIM CONVERTIBLB V-«. Paw- DEL RIO Ranch Wagon. Pord-o-mat- But won't take delivery. What other dealers lack!) erglfde, radio, heater, whit* wells, ic, radio, heater, whit* wall tlras. '52Buick ............... $395 power1 ateerlng, en* owner. A real 5500 actual miles. Riviera hardtop. DynaflOW, radfo, heater, J-tone flnleh. A rtal buy. Their parting words are "Thank you So we get lots of "be-baclcs" claan beauty '59 SIMCA '52 Oldsmobile ......... $ 395 $1895 We think we'll shop around Who come from far and near J'Door Supar "«". Hydra mafic, radio, heater, 3-tone flnlth. We must be suit we're gifting We turn them into buyers Today'1 bast I uy. $199 DOWN '57 Mercury The finest deal in town." Who'll "be back" to trad* each year. CHRYSLER ECONOMY CAR 4-DOOR SiOAN. Radio end heater, '51 Chevrolet........... $295 MONTEREY Hardtop. Mere-«-ma tie, radio, heater. A raal good buy. whitawall tires. Very good condi J-Ooor. Sf,Tnd.ird transmission, radio, heater and whifewalls. tion. '55 CHEVROLET _-__ $795 '55 METRO '55 Ford '-Ton Pickup .... $ 995 $795 2-doer sedan. GBW 81«. Real buy Hardtop. §conomy. HTB Custom f , f ord-o-matle, all r*d finish,nlsh ttaal bad. $1695 '57 CHEVROLET ....,..__... $1195 '55Buick ...............$1095 Bel-Air coupe. NED 417. Beat this price I '55 OLDS ..................................,......$1195 Century h. ritop. Dnaflow, radl*, h**1*r, whit* walls, all yallow '55 Chevrolet "M" 4-door sedan. This car runt Ilk* new. HdS Ml. flnlth. A r i sharpie. '57 Chevrolet 4-DOOR sedan. Powergllde, radio and '.-TON PICKUP. Radio and heat- $1395 heeter, low mileao*. Like new. '58 CHEVROLET ..__.... .. $1995 '6 Chevrolet ........... 2-door sedan. V-8, radio and heattr, sftarp car. NVH Iff. .,,,,...,,..,.,.,.$895 Bal-AIr 2 door. Powergllde, radio, heater, whlta wall llraa, $945 '55 PLYMOUTH original 2-tone graan, original Intarlor. Really beautiful car. Convertible coupe. Radio, heatar, automatic, power $1695 steering- Drive this one. OBC 3?«. '55 FORD ..................................... .$995 '55 Chevrolet .......... $1295 4-door sedan. Radio, heater, ovtrfrlv*. On* Owner. Convartble Poworgllda, radio, haatar, whlta wall tlrat, 2-tona All Models Availuuiu '57 Rat GBS 793. flnlth, new whlta top. All vinyl rton* Intarlor. A sharpie. J55 Volkswagen v-6 Radio and heater. At iharp a* fhay Here't economy motoring at Its luxurious best. Thera Is room Multlpia «oo 4-door sedan. Heatar '54 PONT I AC .........................,,,..$595 for all th* family. The front-mounted angina guarantee* top aeon* Real sharp. i-door sedan deluxe. TranSpVtatlon MMclal. JJM 5H> '55 Dodge..............$1195 coma. omy on regular grade fuel. Luxurious reclining scatr go all the '55 FORD .............................................$995 way down, for double bed comfort, or partly back for lust re. terms. Lancar hordtop Royal mod*!. Power itaarlng, automatic trans taxing. Listed above are lust a few of tha outstanding feature*. Victoria coupe. Radio, heater, Ford-o-matlc, EZ mission, radio, haatar, white wall tlrtt. Immaculata. $1195 Ma tha moat powerful of all leading economy imports af $1195 OCJ 200. '57 NASH ,,,.,,,,,.. ,..,,,,,.$1695 '57 Ford ............... $1495 Rambler station wagon. Radio, heater, overdrive. This '56 FORD ...,........,.......,................$1395 Is the hard one. MYA 105. Custom "300" sedan. Pord-o-matlc, radio, haatar, whit* wall Victoria. Radio, heater, power steering, automatic. V-l. tlree, tlntad glatt, lo*dad with extra*. Lawndale Motors Whlta over red. LWM m. '57 Plymouth ........... $1595 '52 WILLYS ....._...__...........$895 Savoy hardtop. Automatic transmission, radio, haatar, whit* wall YOUR NEAREST AUTHORIZED SIMCA DEALER '55 FORD ....... ..,....................,...,,.,$895 *4-ton, 4 cylinder, front wheel drive, radio, heater. tlras, all vinyl Intarlor. 2-ton, blua and whit* finish. BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION Falrlane 4-door sedan. Meal bargain. MCH 527. Wants to go fishing. E 63TB4. '56 Ford ............... $1495 LAWNDALE 15400 HAWTHORNE BLVD. OS 9-2245 V-* Victoria Palrlan* «*VP*. Powar steering, Pord-o-matlc, radio, 100 More to Choose From h**f*r, 2-ton* whit* ov*r ra*. Loaded with entree. '57 Volkswagen Convertible, ftadfe, heafer, new top. TMt LARK Y ITUOiBAKtR Herman Miller's $1695 KENNETH Chevrolet RIVIERA MARSH and CARLSON The Thinking Man's Dealer1 Used Car Lot VOLKSWAGEN 2401 Pacific Coast Hwy LARK STUDEBAKER HAWK OS 5-9108 HermOM FA A-34M Hawthorne 118th & Hawthorne Blvd. 1311 CabrilloAv*. WI NIEO YOUR TRAOf-INl Authorized Parts and Service STOPPED AT KENNETH . YOU haven't SHOPPED at all Torrance FA 8-4014 100 FA 1-1797 400 N. SEPULVEDA, MANHATTAN FR 6-9469 If YOU haven't Torrance Blvd. at Cabrillo Ave. at 213th St. TRANSPORTATION CARS '51 FORD convartlbla, automatic, ra All Make* and Models. N* Down Chevrolet '57 Coupe dio and heater, w.i.w. naw top. Cadillac '53 Open Evenings 'til 10 p.m. W* cerry our own contracts 110 'SO CADILLAC club coup* 42 model. On* of tho** fully equipped bargains Moiled and pleated upholttery. Hydra., RIH, Ilka new. Original. Take Over Payments you hava baan seerchlng for. Coma* down, 17 a waak. 4-Door Sedan HO down, 110 week. On this 'Ml Pontlac Catallna Hard from wealthy and exclusive Bal-Alr 1«H W. Rosecrani, Oardan* 'IT Olds Super M Holiday, full power. Cavln Used Cars PA Ml 71 rower steering, hydramatlc drive, 1432 W. Rosecrans, Gardena top 2 door coupe Mydramatlc, radio, movl* colony. Com* Inspect It, DA 3-1222 big radio, heater, leather Interior. '55 Chevrolet Beautiful low mileage car, »<?S dn. Take Over Payments DA 0-t2M PA Ml 71 2120 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. heatar. Only MO ea»h and 131.41 whether you buy or not. Big Sal*. Its low, lono and txtautlful. Priced Bel Air Sport Coupe, Hardtop. KAZAN MOTORS On this 'SI Ford 4-Ooor V4 Sedan. per month Includes everything. Call Open 9-9 TE 4-8191 11779 PULL PRICE »W down and Equity Free very low, $49 down. Bank financing. iSOte s. Western at Compton Blvd. Overdrive, radio, heater. Balance Powergllde, radio, heater. Beautiful Oardena_________QA 4-4*41 '§7 PONT I AC Star Chief Catallna Pet Murphy anytime. P* 4-2*44. small payments fhroooh bank. Free Free 7-day trial exchange. 2-tone finish. Spotless Interior, ttf approximately 1708 Only US cash a. with power steering, IJ4S dn. 717 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 4 «oor. 5 day trial axchanoa and llbaral 1t$7 CHEVKOLIT 2 door. Radio, COUP* perfect (hap*. Take over Rob Reaver rrmilac, 900 Pacific down, I4« »0 nor month.