^Thursday, May 14, 1959 TORRANCE PRESS Pag* Thirty-Five Automobiles for Sal* 200 AutomoLUts for $ ! 200 Autemobilts for Sal* 200 Auto.. oblUt for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 AutomobiUs for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 CAR BUYERS SAVE upTo$900. ON FORD COMPANY EXECUTIVE GALAXIES, WAGONS Salaxie Club Victoria SAVE Galaxie 500 Convertible SAVE Inca Gold and white, 300 h.p. engine, Cruisc-0-matic White, 300 h.p. engine, automatic transmission, pow transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, er steering, power brakes, radio, heater, windshield heater, padded dash, back-up lights, clock, wheel washer, back-up lights, clock. covers, white side wall tires. $500 $500 VEL SAYS Your old car is worth more at Vel's Ford, Torrance. Our high Salaxie Skyliner SAVE Galaxie Town Victoria SAVE Fawn and white. 300 h.p. engine, Cruise-O-matic er trade-in allowances plus our Geranium and white, 300 h.p. engine, Cruise-O-matic, transmission, power steering, power brakes, ra white side wall tires, power windows, power steer dio, heater, back-up lights, electric clock, wheel cov low,low prices on these execu ing, power brakes, padded dash, radio, heater, wind ers, padded dash, windshield washers, electric wip tive cart means double savings shield washer, wheel covers, back-up lights, clock. $750 ers, curb guard body molding, white wall tires. $600 to you. Don't miss this oppor tunity to save $ $ $. Country Sedan 6 Passenger SAVE Galaxie Club Sedan SAVE Geranium and white. 300 h.p. engine, Cruise-0-matic Beige and white, 300 horsepower engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, back-up lights, electric clock, wheel covers, transmission, white side wall tires, power steering, $600 padded dash, .windshield washers, curb guard mold $600 radio, heater, padded dash, back-up lights, clock.
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