FECO july 2O12 news

www.fecocartoon.com 57 Federation of Cartoonists Organisations

In the world of editorial cartoons, we recently lost a hers, thus participating in the life of our large family lot of world-class colleagues and some important fi- the FECO. gures linked with the cartoon. Among others Ronald Searle, Antonio Mingote, Once again we have to remember that FECO does Caloi, Bert Witte, Dieter Burkamp passed away. It not have financial ressources, but never FECO will be seems that the top names in cartoon die, partly be- lacking support from all the colleagues cartoonists. cause of their age and maybe partly because they And we will make sure that things will remain so. get tired of hearing the standardized message that says there is no more money, due to the financial cri- Marlène Pohle sis. There is no money especially for the publications, FECO vice-president general and I think this is dangerous, because they are play- ing with that sort of cantilena : the idea of budget English version : cut, thereby accustoming people to that idea. Bernard Bouton - FECO Secretary General However I am tranquilized because I am sure that the world of graphic humor will survive ; the new gene- ration is here, full of talented artists opening up new ways as far as possible, as best as possible. Working methods have changed but they continue to do their chosen job that was never an easy job. Because we must work in a world where it is very dif- ficult to live in. Indeed there are many difficult the- mes to deal with : corrupt regimes which waste money stolen from the people, fraudulent elections, the grip of the money on sport, civil wars, massa- cres… Unfortunately, as always the lack of money is having an impact on culture firstly and we can think that our best alternative could be the electronic means by pu- blishing our cartoons on the Internet. The problem is that our works could be seen by only few people through the Internet – but even if thousands of people could see them, they don't give us any food. In any case we must not give up our hopes, the trick is finding the right way to utilize the electronic net- work to our benefit, some people think it's possible. Everybody who has something to say about a new know-how or some innovative thinking for a better future in our profession is invited to share it with ot- Cartoon: Mingote Cartoon: Cartoon: Selma Aykan Vice presidenta de FECO Marlene Pohle porte colegial. Siempre estamos atentos y así seguirá siendo.Una vez más es bueno recordar y hacer recordar que FECO no participarlostiene medios generosamente financieros, y compartirlos pero nunca con lafaltará hermosa Quienfamiliael tenga so-conocimientos de FECO. ideaso innovadoras sobre unfuturo mejor para nuestra profesión los entendidos,está invitado a la hay, Igualmenteno hay que desesperar, la cuestión es encontrar la forma de servirnos de la electrónica, que según ven un par de personas – o muchas -, pero no nos dan de comer.obligados a publicar nuestros dibujos en Internet. El problemanuestra es quetabla por lode generalsalvación a través no dees esteotra medio que nos los mediosLafalta de electrónicos.dinero se extiende Concretamentelamentablemente siempre terminaremosen primer lugar todosala cultura, por por estarlo que parecería que concebibles en el siglo en que vivimos. timillonarios en el mundo del deporte, monarquías quetrabajo gastan incómodolo que alpara pueblo muchos. le falta Tanto o masacres mejor. humanas logías Temáticain- cambiaron no ynos siguen falta: cambiando,hay elecciones nunca fraudulentas,fue cionesfácil nuevas lachantajes tarea con mucho mul-que talentoelegimos. que seSobre abren todopaso comoporque Mey donde tranquilizael pueden,nuestro no y obstantesies bienun esla ciertocerteza quede quelas nometodo- está desapareciendo el mundo della humor cantilena gráfico, de ese hay proceso genera- economizador. las publicaciones y esto lo veo sumamente peligroso porque otro.se está jugandoEs verdad con que que la genteya nose acostumbrehay dinero a en numerosasotropoco por estar cajas cansados y deverque enyaparecería los normalbolsillos, escuchar que nohay sobredinero para estotodopara y lo en ylos no nuestrosquiero seguiry en losla lista.de Parecería que se Asínos esvan como los anunciamosgrandes della desaparicióndibujo y elde humor,Ronald Searle,nacional. un poco Antonio por Mingote,viejos yCaloi, quizás Bert Witte, Dieter Burkamp,mente la desaparición física de un buen número de valiosos colegasEnel campo y que personalidadesnos interesa, el importantesdel dibujo de humor a nively de la caricaturainter- política, tuvimos que lamentar última-

Cartoon: Hörmen Dans le monde du dessin d´humour et d’actualité, on a regretté la disparition, dernièrement, d’un certain nombre de collègues et de personnalités importantes de niveau international liées au dessin. C´est ainsi que nous ont quitté Ronald Searle, Antonio Mingote, Caloi, Bert Witte, Dieter Burkamp, parmi d’autres. À croire que les grands du dessin et de l´humour s´en vont petit à petit, en partie parce qu’ils sont âgés, en partie parce qu’ils sont fatigués de cette espèce de normalisation qui s’est installée dans les esprits grâce au discours de crise qui prétend qu’il n’y a plus d’argent dans les caisses. C’est vrai qu’il n’y a plus d’argent dans certaines caisses et aussi dans d’innombrables poches, surtout les nôtres et celles des publications, et cela me paraît assez dangereux parce qu’on est en train de jouer précisément avec le fait que les gens s´habituent à cette espèce de cantilène devenue universelle: la compression budgétaire. Cependant, la certitude que le monde de l´humour graphique ne disparaîtra pas complètement me soulage car il faudra compter sur les nouvelles générations qui ont beaucoup de talent et qui continuent d’ouvrir un chemin comme elles peuvent là où elles peuvent. Les méthodes de travail ont changé et les plus jeunes, mais aussi certains des moins jeunes, s’y sont adaptés et continuent à faire le travail qu’ils ont choisi, un travail qui n’a jamais été facile pour qui que ce soit. Surtout parce qu’on doit œuvrer dans un monde de plus en plus difficile à vivre. En effet, on ne manque pas de sujets difficiles à traiter: régimes politiques corrompus qui gaspillent dans le faste l’argent qui manque au peuple, élections frauduleuses, l’emprise de l’argent roi sur le monde du sport, guerres civiles ou militaires, massacres… Comme toujours, le manque d´argent se fait sentir en premier lieu dans tout ce qui touche à la culture et l’on se dit, aujourd’hui, que notre bouée de sauvetage est, peut-être, l’électronique. Concrètement et faute de papier, on finira tous par être obligés de publier nos dessins sur Internet. Le problème, c’est que par le biais de ce média ce sont à peine quelques personnes qui accèdent à notre travail – ou éventuellement plu- sieurs milliers – mais qu’elles ne nous donnent pas à manger. Toutefois, il ne faut pas désespérer. Le truc, c’est de trouver la meilleure manière de mettre l´électronique à notre service, ce qui, selon certains, est possible. Il suffit donc de chercher. Alors, cherchons… Celles ou ceux qui ont un savoir faire et/ou croient avoir des idées innovatrices pour l’avènement d’un futur meilleur pour notre profession sont invité(e)s à les partager et participer ainsi à la vie future de notre belle famille, la FECO. Une fois de plus il est bon de rappeler que la FECO n´a pas de moyens financiers, mais que jamais elle ne manquera du soutien de tous les collègues dessinateurs. Et nous veillerons à que cela continue ainsi.

Marlène Pohle Vice-président général de la FECO

Version française de Carlos Brito Vice-président général de la FECO Cartoon: Bert Witte Bert Cartoon: Tribute to Ronald Searle

Cartoon: Horacio Cardo international cartoon competitions ✒ july 2012 Name: Redman 2012 Cartoon theme: A.Cartoon: Beggar ( Vagrant \ Free) B.Caricature: Free

Deadline: July 12th, 2012. Prizes: A-Cartoon : 1st Prize : 3000 RMB + Medal + Catalogue 2nd Prize : 1500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue 3rd Prize : 1000 RMB + Medal + Catalogue 5 Special Prizes : Medal + Catalogue B-Caricature : The Best Caricature Prize : 3000 RMB + Medal + Catalogue 3 Special Prizes : Medal + Catalogue

Number of entries: Max: 20. Only original cartoons or internet print outs signed by the cartoonists will be accep ted. Photographs, photocopies, etc... will not be accepted.

Digital: Yes Format: Max : 100 x 150 cm Works returned: no Exhibition: - Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: The organizers reserve the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the festival and use them in any forms. Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters, cata logs, newspapers, magazine, and books etc. Adress: HU ZHEN YU, ROOM 341 BUILDING #364, YUN JING DONG LI, ZHAN QIAN BA LI XIAO QU, TONG ZHOU QU, BEIJING 101121,CHINA Informations: [email protected], www.redmanart.com, www.redmancartoon.com

Feco Rating: i ✒ july 2012 Name: Turhan Selçuk Cartoon theme: Free Deadline: July 13th 2012 Prizes: The First : 3.000 USD The Second : 2.000 USD The Third: 1.000 USD Other Private Awards. Award ceremony on August 31st 2012 ( The accommodation expenses of the winners will be paid) Number of entries: max : 3 original cartoons. Works previously awarded in any other competition are excluded from this competition Digital: Yes, but the print out must be signed by the artist Format: Max A3 Works returned: no Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: no information Adress: 2. ULUSLARARASI TURHAN SELÇUK KARIKATÜR YARISMASI Milas Belediyesi Kültür Sanat Birimi Milas – Mugla / TÜRKIYE Informations: [email protected], www.milaskultursanat.com, www.milas.bel.tr

Feco Rating: i i

Cartoon: Selma Aykan ✒ july2012 Name: CIPE Cartoon theme: Democratic Governance / Entrepreneurship / Youth Empowerment Deadline: July 15th, 2012 Prizes: 1st prize in each category $1,000 The Grand Prize winner will receive $2000 Number of entries: max / two cartoons per category Digital: Yes Format: A4/A3, Minimum resolution of 300 dpi and dimensions of 600 pixels wide and 400 pixels high (must be suitable for printing). Works returned: Works sent by e-mail Exhibition: - Free Catalogue: - Copyright issues: CIPE will provide proper credit to the authors Adress: http://www.cipe.org Informations: www.cipe.org Feco Rating: i i

Cartoon: Caloi ✒ july 2012 Name: Lima 2012 Cartoon theme: POLLUTION Deadline: July 16th, 2012. Prizes: no information Number of entries: Max: 2 Digital: - Format: Min: A4, in JPEG, with at least 300 DPI. Works returned: works sent by e-mail Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: The artists authorize us your drawings can be used on posters, shirts, press releases and prin ted material to promote the event. Adress: [email protected] Informations: www.salonhumorperu.com/en Feco Rating: i i Cartoon: Caloi Cartoon: ✒ july 2012 Name: Piracicaba 2012 Cartoon theme: 1-Theme Free 2-Theme Intolerance Deadline: July 20th, 2012 Prizes: a) Five (05) prizes of 1st place in the amount of R$ 5,000.00 each, divided among the categories. b) One (01) award of R$ 10,000.00 called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACI CABA chosen among the five winners of each category. c) For the winner of Grand Prize of International Humor of Piracicaba and for the first place winners of each category will be awarded trophies by cartoonist Zélio Alves Pinto. It will be awarded a prize of R$ 3.131,11, exclusively for the caricature category, purchasing value from the City Council of Piracicaba.

Number of entries: max : 3 works per category (Cartoon, Charge, Caricature), unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries Digital: yes, if signed by author and indicated that it is print number 01 Format: Max. A3 Works returned: Yes, on demand (award-winning cartoons will not be returned) Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: no information Copyright issues: The artists selected transfer automatically authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming to promote the event. The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitive tely (include mention), in accordance with the Law n° 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the In ternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Pro perty for the purposes of entitlements, in accordance with the Municipal Law n° 2249, 1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n° 2486, 1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n° 5194, 2002. Adress: 39º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/Secretaria Municipal da Ação Cultural Av. Maurice Allain, 454 – Caixa Postal 12 – CEP 13.405-123 – Piracicaba – SP Brasil or, by e-mail (300 DPI, JPGE) [email protected] (for the theme intolerance) [email protected] (for cartoons) [email protected] (for charge) [email protected] (for caricatures) Informations: - Feco Rating: i i ✒ july 2012 Name: UGCE 2012 Cartoon theme: Shopping is life Deadline: July 20th, 2012 Prizes: 1st Place 2.000 USD 2nd Place 1.000 USD 3rd Place 500 USD Honorable mentions will be given to three participants (plaquet) The Anatolian Cartoonists Association special prize (plaquet). Number of entries: Max : 5, The cartoons must not have been awarded before. Digital: Yes Format: A4 size and JPG format with 300 dpi resolution Works returned: No Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: The catalogue will be sent free of charge to the artists of selected works Copyright issues: The copyright of works belongs to the artist. The UCGE Company asks for the usage right of the material. ÜÇGE has the right to publish submitted cartoons at different media organs providing the artists’ signature. Adress: Anadolu Karikatürcüler Dernegi, Hüdavendigar Mh. Hisim Sk. No:1/19 Osmangazi / Bursa / or by e-mail : [email protected] Informations: http://www.ucge.com/karikaturyarismasi Feco Rating: i i ✒ july 2012 Name: Cervera 2012 Cartoon theme: Witchcraft, Witches & Sorcerer Deadline: July 29th, 2012 Prizes: 1 single prize of 1000 euros Number of entries: max : 2 works The works must be original and should not have been awarded previously. Digital: Yes Format: max A3 ; minimum resolution of 300 dpi Works returned: No Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: no information Copyright issues: The author is obliged to give the image rights of the work submitted for publication and exhi bition, both physical and digital, exclusively for the competition and the diffusion of future editions of the same competition Out of these cases, the organization is committed to not using the image of the winning and other award winning pieces, without prior permission of the author Adress: [email protected] Informations: http://humoralialleida.blogspot.com.es http://www.museudecervera.cat Feco Rating: i i i i ✒ july 2012 Name: La Ghignata 2012 Cartoon theme: The WOMAN Deadline: July 30th, 2012 Prizes: There are no prizes, it is an exhibition. Number of entries: max : 4 works Digital: Yes Format: - Works returned: works sent by e-mail Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: The catalogue will be given to the artists present in the inauguration The digital pdf version will be sent to the others cartoonists Copyright issues: no commercial use of the works will be allowed without the artists’ authorisation Adress: [email protected] and : [email protected]

Informations: [email protected] [email protected] www.ghignata.org Feco Rating: i i i ✒ august 2012 Name: Sinop 2012 Cartoon theme: Youth, Sport, Peace and Tolerance Deadline: August 1st, 2012 Prizes: 1st Prize: 1000 U.S. Dollar + Plaque 2nd Prize: U.S. $ 750 + Plaque 3rd Prize: U.S. $ 500 + Plaque. 3 hacks under 18 years, the Youth Award: Plaque least 100 U.S. DOLLARS For the participation of the winning artists in the award ceremony, expenses will be covered other than travel expenses. Number of entries: Max: 5 Digital: - Format: A3 Works returned: works sent by e-mail Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes Copyright issues: the works could be used in posters, calendars, brochures, magazines, newspapers and so on. yayimlanabilecektir organs. In return, the publication will be sent to the artist, published work. Adress: [email protected] ( A3 ; 300 dpi and in jpg format) Informations: - Feco Rating: i i i ✒ august 2012 Name: Smile Anapa 2012 Cartoon theme: 1- "Our police officer" 2-Supplementary theme: "Police School" Deadline: August 1st, 2012 Prizes: Prizes, catalogs and diplomas for winners and participants of the final exhibition. Number of entries: Unlimited Digital: - Format: A4 Works returned: No Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: Artwork can be used for promotional purposes, with the logo of the festival and the name of the artist. All rights reserved for work by the artist. Adress: Prokhorov Alexandr Mikhailovich, Festival "SMILEANAPA", General post-offis, box 14, Anapa, Krasnodarsky region, 353 440, RUSSIA [email protected] (JPEG (300 dpi), max 3 MB) Informations: - Feco Rating: i i i Cartoon: mingote Cartoon: ✒ august 2012 Name: AYACC Cartoon theme: A) Art and Artist, B) Sport / Olympic / Football, C) Crisis, D) Free. Still image work (Cartoon \ Comics \ illustration \ Caricature) section Deadline: August 10th, 2012 Prizes: Still image work (for Cartoon and Comics) Awards General Prize: Special Jury Prize Best artworks: Best cartoon (1) 10000RMB Best Comics Strips(1) 10000RMB Best Illustration(1) 10000RMB Best Character Image (1) 3000RMB Most Innovative Design (1 3000RMB Best Students’ works(5) 2000RMB/each The organizing committee will invite ONE representative from each award to be present at the awarding ceremony and provide the invitees the transportation tickets and accommodations during the time of the awarding cere mony. Number of entries: no limit Digital: - Format: - Works returned: no , so please do not send us your only copy Exhibition: - Free Catalogue: - Copyright issues: The applicant has the copyrights of the work. (For the sole purpose of publicizing the Award and the future AYACC or similar award(s) organized by the Organizer, the Organizer shall have the right, without notice to the applicant, to utilize the Work in whole or in part by means of broadcast (regardless of media), online transmission (including but not limited to the internet and mobile communications), exhibition, and distribution (e.g. in the form of a videogram) free of any payment to the applicant, in perpetuity.)

Adress: HU ZHEN YU, ROOM 341 BUILDING #364, YUN JING DONG LI, ZHAN QIAN BA LI XIAO QU,TONG ZHOU QU, BEIJING 101121,CHINA for digital works : (JPG in a minimum size of 300 dpi) [email protected], [email protected] for animated works : [email protected], [email protected] Informations: [email protected], [email protected] www.ayacc.org entry form : www.redmanart.com/en/bencandy.php?fid=6&id=426 Feco Rating: i i i i i i ✒ august 2012 Name: Prizren 2012 Cartoon theme: Free Deadline: August 10th, 2012 Prizes: The Festival is not going to be competitive; however 20 foreign and 10 kosovar artists will be elected from the jury to have the expenses of travel and hotel accommodation covered for 3 days. Number of entries: Max: 5 Digital: - Format: A4/A3 Works returned: no, but the cartoons could be sent by e-mail Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: All the participants of the festival will be delivered with The Catalogue, T-shirts with Festival logo, and The Certificate of Gratitude Copyright issues: The artworks be used only for Festival and for Festival Catalog Adress: Kosovar Comic Book Artist's Association "XhennetCommics" str. Xhemil Doda nr. 3/a 20000 Prizren, Kosovo or by e-mail : (at least 300 dpi) [email protected], [email protected] Informations: www.xhennetcomics.blogspot.com Feco Rating: i i i ✒ august 2012 Name: Solin 2012 Cartoon theme: 1. FREE ; 2. ARHEOLOGY Deadline: August 10th, 2012 Prizes: PLAQUE 1008 EUR PRIZE CITY SOLIN 3 PRIZE Number of entries: Max : 5 Digital: - Format: Max: A4 Works returned: yes, only on the special request of an autor. The postage EUR5 will be paid by autor. The prize-winning works become property of the organizer. Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant (DVD) Copyright issues: The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2012, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. Adress: 8.INTERNATIONAL CARTOON, FESTIVAL SOLIN 2012, «DOM ZVONIMIR» Kralja Zvonimira 50,, 21210 Solin, CROATIA

Informations: solin-info.com Feco Rating: i i i ✒ august 2012 Name: Vassylivka 2012 Cartoon theme: 1-Castle 2-Rest and entertainment Deadline: August 15th, 2012 Prizes: for each theme : 1 prize - gold medal + diploma 2 prize - silver medal + diploma 3 prize - bronze medal + diploma Number of entries: minimum 2 works from each theme. Digital: - Format: no information Works returned: No Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: Copyrights on image, names and texts of works, belong to the author, they do not change. The works sent on a competition remain in collection of organizational committee of competi tion Adress: International contest of cartoon «Fun in Vassylivka style», Tchekist str. 7/96 Vassylivka city, Zaporozhye reg., 71600 Ukraine. or by e-mail : [email protected] (300 dpi) Informations: [email protected] Web http://vasarthumor.at.ua Feco Rating: i i i ✒ august 2012 Name: Golden Smile 2012 Cartoon theme: 1.TENNIS 2.PORTRAIT CARICATURE of famous players, coaches etc Deadline: August 20th, 2012 Prizes: The Golden Medal and 1500 EUR The Silver Medal and 1000 EUR The Bronze Medal and 500 EUR

The Karolj Sele[ honourable Award UCS FECO The KAROLJ SELES honorable Award by FECO Serbia will be, in total 2.000 US Dollars, given to one or more winners.(Donated by his daughter Monika Seles.) Number of entries: unlimited Digital: Digital prints signed by the author, will also be accepted, preferably accompa-nied with a CD (jpg, tif, psd, 300 dpi). Format: A4/A3 Works returned: No Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: All exibitors authorise the organiser to reproduce their works without reimbursement, for ad vertising purposes of the exhibition. Adress: ULUPUDS (»The Golden Smile«) Terazije 26/II, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia (please write DOCUMENT, NO VALUE on the envelope) Contact for further information [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Informations: www.ulupuds.org.rs, www.fecoserbia.com Feco Rating: i i i NEWS The Golden Smile International biennial exhibition Belgrade 2012 announce that

The KAROLJ SELES honorable Award by FECO Serbia will be, in total 2.000 US Dollars, given to one or more winners. ( Donated by his daughter Monika Seles.)

Theme: TENNIS, Tennis players and coaches.

Deadline: August 20, 2012

Adrress: ULUPUDS (The Golden Smile) Terazije 26 11000 Belgrade SERBIA

Details about contest: ulupuds.org.rs fecoSerbia.com Fecocartoon.com

Karolj Seles (1933 – 1998) graduated at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad, Serbia, Yugoslavia. He was profe- sional cartoonist of daily newspaper Magar Szo from Novi Sad be- fore he turned to coach his daughter Monika Seles, one of the best tennis player ever, who won 53 tournament victories, inclu- ding 9 Grand Slams, 2 Fed Cups and Bronze medal at the Olympic Games 1996 for USA. A street in Novi Sad will be named by Karolj Seles. A book about Karolj Seles, HIS WAY, by journalis Vladimir Todorovic from Novi Sad, just appeared in Serbia. Cartoon: Karolj Seles Karolj Cartoon: ✒ august 2012 Name: Axial 2012 Cartoon theme: Machines in agriculture, construction and warehousing Deadline: August 27th, 2012 Prizes: I. net HUF 150,000 II. net HUF 100,000 III. net HUF 75,000 + Five diplomas Number of entries: Max: 3 Digital: - Format: A4/A3 Works returned: No Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: AXIÁL Ltd. wishes to use the entries in communication materials (in-house and other) for free of charge. These materials (e.g.: adverts, company publications, calendars, T-shirt prints, exhibition stalls, company events) will indicate the name of the cartoonist. Adress: Kelemen István, HUNGARY 6500 Baja, Bajza J. u. 19. [email protected] ( jpg; A/4; 300DPI; good or excellent quality) Informations: [email protected] Feco Rating: i i ✒ august 2012 Name: Jiaxing 2012 Cartoon theme: A) Theme: Water, Human and Homeland B) Free choice Deadline: August 31st, 2012 Prizes: The Best Theme Prize of 2500 RMB (10 works) each The Best Free choice Prize of 2500 RMB (10 works) each Host Units will invite the winners to attend the award ceremony and the cartoon week in October, 2012 in Jiaxing city, Host Units will cover the flight and hotel's charge. Each author whose work selected for exhibition will get certificate, and 600 RMB prizes. Number of entries: max : 2 works for each section Digital: yes (200DPI,Jpeg format) Format: max : 420 × 297mm Works returned: yes : the works which can not enter the exhibition will be returned to the authors after exhibi tion. Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: The Host Units have right to use the selected works for spreading on media. Cartoons will be used only to spread exhibition and artists. The copyright of all works belong to authors clearly. Adress: No.36 Zhonghe Road, Jiaxing Gallery, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China Postcode: 314000 Informations: [email protected], www.jxmsg.com Feco Rating: i i i i i i ✒ august 2012 Name: nasreddin hodja 2012 Cartoon theme: Free Deadline: August 31st, 2012 Prizes: Grand Prize, 5000$ 5 HONORABLE PRIZES, 1000$ Special Awards: Special prizes offered by various organizations, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndi cates and agencies Number of entries: max :3 Digital: - Format: max : A3 Works returned: yes : the works which can not enter the exhibition will be returned to the authors after exhibi tion. Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: no informations Adress: Cartoonists' Association of 32nd International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest, Alemdar Caddesi (St.), Yerebatan Sarnici Çikisi Sultanahmet 34122 / TURKEY Informations: http://karikaturculerdernegi.com/en/2010/10/yarisma, www.karikaturculerdernegi.com

Feco Rating: i i ✒ august 2012 Name: spiritoVino 2012 Cartoon theme: the world of wine Deadline: August 31st, 2012 Prizes: Selection of wines Number of entries: - Digital: - Format: - Works returned: - Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: - Copyright issues: - Adress: Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia (Via del Partidor 7 – 33100 Udine) or : [email protected]

Informations: [email protected] entry form : www.mtvfriulivg.it

Feco Rating: i i ✒ september 2012 Name: Braila 2012 Cartoon theme: RICH MAN, POOR MAN Deadline: September 1st, 2012 Prizes: Great Prize –1500 €; First Prize – 1000 €; Second Prize – 800 €; Third Prize – 500 €; 3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 € (each) Number of entries: max : 5 Digital: - Format: - Works returned: - Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy Copyright issues: - Adress: The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila no. 2, Piata Traian 810153 Braila, Romania

Informations: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Feco Rating: i i ✒ september 2012 Name: Pernambuco 2012 Cartoon theme: WOMAN Deadline: September 1st, 2012 Prizes: CARTOON 1st Place ...... $ 6,000.00 and a trophy; 2nd Place ...... $ 3,000.00 and a trophy; 3rd Place ...... $ 1,000.00 and a trophy; CARICATURE 1st Place ...... $ 6,000.00 and a trophy; 2nd Place ...... $ 3,000.00 and a trophy; 3rd Place ...... $ 1,000.00 and a trophy; Honorable Mention ...... Certified The Award Ceremony will be held in October's 21st Number of entries: max : 2 unpublished works in each category: cartoon and caricature. Digital: yes Format: A3 format (297 mm x 420 mm), horizontal or vertical, JPEG, with resolution of 300 DPI. Works returned: works sent by mail Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: The artworks will be used only for the contest promotion, without commercial purpose. The copyrights will remain to the artists but they will transfer the rights to the SIHG promo tion without commercial purpose. Adress: www.sihg.com.br

Informations: www.sihg.com.br

Feco Rating: i i i i ✒ september 2012 Name: Bucovina 2012 Cartoon theme: Rich and poor Deadline: September 15th, 2012 Prizes: Prize Bucovina = 500€ + diploma + gold medal Three mentions = diploma + medal Number of entries: max : 5 Digital: - Format: A4 Works returned: no Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: virtual catalogue Copyright issues: - Adress: [email protected] (300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format) or : Bucovina Muzeum, Str. Stefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania

Informations: www.muzeulbucovinei.ro

Feco Rating: i Cartoon: Bert Witte Bert Cartoon: ✒ september 2012 Name: Olense 2012 Cartoon theme: 1-Main theme :Puzzles and puzzlers 2- ‘everyone has right to energy’ (Amnesty International) Deadline: September 24th, 2012 Prizes: 1st prize: 1000 euro 2nd prize: 400 euro 3rd prize: 250 euro 4th prize: 200 euro 5th prize: 150 euro. Number of entries: max : 5 Digital: - Format: A4 Works returned: yes, only on explicit request of the participant Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or the major sponsors. All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the village of Olen.

Adress: Olense Kartoenale, Gemeentehuis, Dorp 1, B-2250 Olen -

Informations: http://www.olen.be (entry-form)

Feco Rating: i i i i ✒ september 2012 Name: Karpik 2012 Cartoon theme: Fish, Fishermen, Fishing, Anglers Deadline: September 30th, 2012 Prizes: 1st Prize of 2500 PLN 2nd x 2 Prize of 1500 PLN Number of entries: The drawings must be sent in original versions and a CD copy in good resolutionmust be atta ched. Digital: - Format: Max: A4 Works returned: No Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: Illustrations become the property of organizer and may be used for promotion purposes and exhibition. Adress: OSRODEK KULTURY, (KARPIK 2012), UL. MIKOLAJA REJA 1, 49-100 NIEMODLIN WOJ. OPOLSKIE, POLAND

Informations: http://www.cwn-news.com

Feco Rating: i i ✒ september 2012 Name: Presov 2012 Cartoon theme: BALANCE Deadline: September 30th, 2012 Prizes: 1st prize 500 EUR 2nd prize 300 EUR 3rd prize 100 EUR Number of entries: max : 5 works Digital: - Format: Max: A4 Works returned: - Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re- install the exhibition. The authors agree that their works become the property of the organi sers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhi bition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to pro mote the exhibition.

Adress: PRERAG, združenie, Mgr. Peter Rázus, Dubová 5, 08001 PREŠOV, Slovakia or : www.cartooneast.com/index/registration

Informations: [email protected], www.cartooneast.com

Feco Rating: i i i ✒ september 2012 Name: Tabriz 2012 Cartoon theme: City & citizen Deadline: September 30th, 2012 Prizes: First Prize: $1200, Honorable Mention and Trophy. Second Prize: $ 700, Honorable Mention and Trophy. Third Prize: $ 400, Honorable Mention and Trophy. 5 Honorable Mentions Number of entries: max : 5 works Digital: - Format: see below Works returned: works can be sent by e-mail Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant Copyright issues: Copyrights remain to the artists

Adress: Azadi st.Tabriz Municipality Art and Cultural Organization ,Tabriz,Iran or : [email protected] (300dpi with 1500 pixel width or length and jpg format

Informations: www.tabrizcartoons.com

Feco Rating: i i i i i ✒ october 2012 Name: Gallarate 2012 Cartoon theme: The Theater Deadline: October 1st, 2012 Prizes: Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work between all sections (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) 1st Prize | Special Prize of Jury | 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) Special Prize Osvaldo Cavandoli "Cava" (creator of the famous character “La Linea”) for the best work of all sections Number of entries: max. 3 works, 3 sections (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) Copies of ink and pencil drawings are not applicable Digital: yes, but only if signed by the author Format: A4 Works returned: no Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: yes, each selected author will receive a copy Copyright issues: The Organizers reserves the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or pos ters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Humour Galla rate Collection". Adress: APro Loco Gallarate, Vicolo del Gambero n. 10, 21013 Gallarate (VA), ITALY

Informations: [email protected], www.prolocogallarate.it www.fanofunny.com/guests/humourgallarate

Feco Rating: i i ✒ october 2012 Name: Izvestia 2012 Cartoon theme: Press Without Press Deadline: October 1st, 2012 Prizes: Main prize – $1.500 Second prize – $1.000 Third prize – $500 Ten Diplomas of Honor Number of entries: no information Digital: yes Format: jpg fomat, max : 3 MB, minimum length of the caricature's bigger side is 2400 px Works returned: works sent by Mail Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: no information Copyright issues: The contest organizers reserve the right to use submitted works at their discretion with no compensations to authors. Adress: only electronically via a special form at the New Izvestia website. www.newizv.ru/fotoreport/about/?f_id=378

Informations: www.newizv.ru/fotoreport/about/?f_id=378

Feco Rating: i i ✒ october 2012 Name: Yuksektepe Kultur Dernegi 2012 Cartoon theme: PHILOSOPHY Deadline: October 1st, 2012 Prizes: only an exhibition Number of entries: unlimited Digital: yes Format: A4 or A3, 300 dpi resolution and JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG formatted. (Max. 2 MB) Works returned: no, but Exhibition: Yes Free Catalogue: http://cartoonistfest.org Copyright issues: All the usage rithe works can be sent by internetghts of the cartoons belong to Yeni Yuksek tepe Cultural Associa tion without any commercial purposes and Anadolu University which supports the 7th International Festival. The originals may be printed or exhibited in Turkey or abroad; used for the books, magazines, catalogues, brochures, VCD’s and DVD’s to be printed by Yeni Yuksektepe and its corporative associations in Turkey or abroad; sent to another association in Turkey or abroad for the purpose of exhibiting or printing without commercial purpose by Yeni Yuksektepe. Anadolu University can use the works in classes or class books or TRT School broadcasting channel with educational purposes. Even if the cartoonist sends the originals or the copies to Yeni Yuksektepe, the cartoo nist will be the owner of the publication and financial rights. Cartoons that were exhibited in the festival will be co vered under a booklet. Adress: Aktiffelsefe-Yeni Yuksektepe Kultur Dernegi, , Isiklar Mah. Gultugrul Sok. No:6 26120 Eskisehir-TURKEY or : http://cartoonistfest.org/upload/main.asp

Informations: http://cartoonistfest.org/upload/main.asp

Feco Rating: i i ✒ october 2012 Name: SAURE 2012 Cartoon theme: CULTURAL CORRESPONDENCES Deadline: October 12th, 2012 Prizes: Over 18s: 1st prize: 500 Euros 2nd prize: 3 comics. 3rd prize: 2 comics; with diploma. Under 18s (from 14 to 17): 1st prize: 3 comics 2nd prize: 2 comics 3rd prize: 1 comic, from the publisher's collection with a diploma. Number of entries: max 3 works, The scenes and characters must be unpublished.

Digital: yes Format: The works shall have an extension of a single page that shall not exceed the 800 x 600 pixel format, with a minimum resolution of 72 ppi Works returned: works sent by internet Exhibition: VIRTUAL EXHIBITION Free Catalogue: - Copyright issues: no information. The exhibition of the works will not entitle the authors of the illustrations to pecuniary rights.

Adress: http://saure.3emultimedia.net

Informations: http://saure.3emultimedia.net

Feco Rating: i