Copford with Easthorpe draft Neighbourhood plan 2019-2033 Contents

2 1. Introduction 1.1 … 1.2

2. Context 2.1 Copford with Easthorpe is positioned with direct connections to road and rail infrastructure. It straddles ancient roads, has 44 listed buildings and an eclectic mix of housing which provides a distinct built environment. A varied natural environment includes ancient fieldscape and natural features, important to the landscape of North . This makes the villages both appealing, yet vulnerable, with an absolute need for careful, sensitive planning.

3. Vision for Copford with Easthorpe

3.1 Copford with Easthorpe has a distinct character, with advantages for its residents which are central to a vision for the future of the parish. The Neighbourhood plan seeks to ensure the conservation and enhancement of the nature and style of our rural community, while having a sustainable and optimistic view of future development by ensuring.

 Sufficient separation between the villages adjacent to the parish, so that its distinctiveness is retained  New homes are proportionate to the scale of the parish in number, are designed to enhance the villages and grouped to sympathetically strengthen the sense of space and wellbeing.  Housing is planned to be inclusive, with high quality affordable homes and a range of higher budgets, provision for elderly residents, growing families and single people  Opportunities are provided to actively favour ecologically sustainable building, including self builders and small developers who propose house building with a low or zero carbon profile  The parish has a successful economy by supporting a proportionate number of small businesses, including agriculture to provide local employment, without dominating the village character  Open spaces are an integral part of the plan, including existing and future sites which form a rich visual and physical amenity  Transport connections are considered as an integrated system, which enables sustainable travel to include pedestrians, cycles, safe road and rail network access.

Summary headings for the plan

Suggested Amended Vision

By 2033, Copford with Easthorpe Parish will be a prosperous and thriving community, which has achieved a sustainable mix of development. New sustainably constructed low or zero carbon homes, including those built by self-builders and small developers, will sympathetically strengthen the sense of space. Different house types and tenures will provide accommodation for a range of different people, including elderly residents, growing families and single people. Small businesses, including agricultural businesses, will

3 provide local employment and contribute to a successful economy. Transport connections will be improved and better integrated affording residents and others the opportunity to sustainably travel in the Parish. Open spaces will be enhanced and form a rich visual and physical amenity. The distinct character of the Parish will be retained, ensuring that there is sufficient separation between villages, including those adjacent to the Parish. The combination of the built and natural environment will provide an attractive location for residents, businesses and visitors alike.

Suggested Amended Vision (succinct version)

By 2033, Copford with Easthorpe Parish will be a prosperous thriving community. The distinctive rural environment will have been safeguarded. New sustainably constructed development will be in place, providing a range of different types of housing, jobs and local services that can be easily accessed through improved transport connections, including those via foot or by bike.

4 4. Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan- Objectives 1. To ensure that the nature and style of our rural parish community is conserved and enhanced that this rural integrity is not damaged by coalescence with urban or any new ‘garden village’ and is not separated by any infrastructure-such as a main trunk road.

2. To ensure the housing developments reflects the character and meet the needs of the local community

This includes ensuring

There are sufficient affordable homes for residents and relatives of residents who wish to remain in the Parish

Development of a village housing style/design and density, which matches to existing eclectic mix of housing within the parish area in terms of materials used and finishes to buildings, taking into account the historic nature of some existing housing.

That housing style is mixed and includes bungalows for retirement, homes for the elderly-assisted living- family homes, affordable homes for first time local buyers.

That the housing design is of a high quality, well designed and fit for purpose with sufficient on-site parking for residents, appropriate garden spaces and grass verges. Aiming to provide energy efficient, low carbon footprint housing built from materials which are sympathetic to the existing buildings.

That design ensures that housing does not exceed two storeys high

( Identification of potential future sites for development – may be used , these will come from the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaires and Open Days)

3. To protect and enhance the existing historic tracks, footpaths, roads, environment and green spaces within the Parish by:

Maintaining the general rural nature and landscape of the Parish to ensure existing biodiversity continues

Protecting existing green spaces and potentially developing more areas-such as additional green play areas

Not to adversely impact on existing conservation areas

Establishing Tree Protection Orders (TPOs) where sensitive areas are concerned

4.To manage traffic flow/congestion and parking by:

Working with developers and North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) to ensure appropriate signage/lineage is put in place. Working with developers and planners to provide sufficient parking spaces for new developments and consider the development of cycle paths.

5.To provide suggestions for improved transport links through the Parish

6. To provide, as far as is possible appropriate infrastructure for existing and future needs, to include:

Considerations –and extra provision-for existing capacity of local Primary and Secondary education

Appropriate health provision for the Parish-this might include a ‘Health Hub’

5 7.To protect local community facilities to meet the needs of residents

Providing registered community assets. Enhancing existing broadband services. Establishing a Parish broadband hub.

8. To explore possibilities for additional employment within the Parish

9. To provide enhanced and additional facilities within the Parish-such as improvements to: the Village Hall and play areas

Suggested Amended Objectives

Countryside and Environment 1. Ensure that the Parish maintains its distinct identify and that sufficient separation is provided between villages, including those adjacent to the Parish; 2. Protect and enhance the most important areas of biodiversity and landscape.

Design and Character 3. Ensure that all development is of a high quality and maintains and enhances the character of the area, including respecting local heritage.

Housing 4. Ensure an appropriate mix of well designed housing that meets identified local needs, including high quality affordable housing, provision for elderly residents, growing families and single people; 5. Provide opportunities particularly for self-builders and small developers to build low or zero carbon housing; 6. Identify specific sites for housing to meet local needs.

Highways, Transport and Communication 7. Promote an integrated system of transport connections, enabling sustainable travel by public transport, foot and cycle; 8. Reduce the impact of heavy goods vehicles on local roads; 9. Manage parking provision.

Infrastructure and Community Uses 10. To ensure that infrastructure is sufficient for existing and future needs. This includes protecting and improving existing community facilities including the village hall, open spaces and play areas, and negotiating additional facilities where new development is provided; 11. Protect and enhance accessibility, linkages and permeability through utilising existing historic tracks, footpaths, roads and green spaces.

Economy 12. Support and retain local employment, including agriculture, as well as encouraging new businesses into the area in order to reduce travel to other areas.

6 5. Countryside and Environment 5.1 This section has policies on settlement coalescence and how development proposals within and outside of settlement boundaries will be considered.

Policy CE1: Settlement Coalescence Development will not be supported in the areas identified on Map 1 if individually or cumulatively it would result in reducing the physical or visual separation between Copford and Mark Tey or between Copford and Stanway or contributing to their coalescence.

5.2 The community want to ensure that the nature and character of the rural Parish is not damaged by coalescence with Colchester or any new ‘garden village’. The emerging Colchester Borough Local Plan recognises that coalescence between Copford and should be prevented to “ensure that both villages retain their individual identities” and that “Development that would not represent a logical extension to the existing built up areas of Copford will be discouraged to prevent coalescence between settlements”1. The community also want to ensure that coalescence does not occur between Copford and Stanway. The community considers that it is vital to ensure that a gap is preserved between these areas to ensure that there is physical and visual separation. 5.3 This policy is consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)2, which seeks to ensure that planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment.

Policy Background National National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2019) paragraph 170

Borough Policy ENV1 – Environment in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy (2008) (selected policies revised July 2014).

Policy SS4: Copford in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan (June 2017).

Parish Landscape Character Assessment (suggest this is required)

Policy CE2: Settlement Boundaries and Development A. Settlement boundaries for Copford, and Easthorpe are designated and identified on Map 2.

B. Residential and business developments are, in principle, supported within settlement boundaries.

1 Paragraph 14.145 of the Colchester Borough Publication Draft Local Plan

2 Revised in February 2019 _2019_revised.pdf .

7 5.4 Settlement boundaries for Copford, Copford Green and Easthorpe are already defined on Colchester Borough Council’s Proposals Map. 5.5 Restricting development outside of settlement boundaries will help to protect the separate identity of settlements and help to maintain the quality of the Borough’s environment. Preventing the proliferation of development in areas away from existing settlements is important as they are not generally well located for facilities and services. 5.6 It is also consistent with the NPPF, which recognises that housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities and that planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraph 68, 78, 83-84 and 170

Borough Policy ENV1 – Environment, Policy ENV2 – Rural Communities, Policy SD1: Settlement Hierarchy, Policy CE1 – Centres and Employment Classification and Hierarchy in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP8: Agricultural Development and Diversification, Policy DP9 Employment Uses in the Countryside, Policy DP11: Flat Conversions, Policy DP13: Dwelling Alterations, Extensions and Replacement Dwellings in the Colchester Borough Development Policies (2010) (Selected policies revised July 2014).

Policy SG1: Colchester’s Spatial Strategy, Policy ENV1: Environment, Policy OV1: Development in Other Villages, Policy OV2: Countryside, Policy SS4: Copford, Policy DM13 Domestic Development in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.

Parish Landscape Character Assessment (suggest this is required); Business survey (suggest this is required); Settlement boundary map showing existing and proposed (suggest this is required if you plan on altering the boundaries

Policy CE3: Natural Environment Planning permission for development proposals will only be granted where they demonstrate how they:

(i) Retain trees, hedgerows and other natural features. Where loss of such features is unavoidable, replacement provision should be of a commensurate value to that which is lost; (ii) Provide opportunities, including through design, layout and landscaping to incorporate new biodiversity features or enhance existing biodiversity; (iii) Ensure that developments are ecologically permeable through the protection of existing and the provision of new continuous wildlife corridors. 5.7 The community wants to ensure that biodiversity is not only protected but that this is enhanced. This will include retaining existing trees and hedgerows as well as seeking enhancements through 8 additional planting. The Parish Council will work with Colchester Borough Council to help identify trees including group of trees that should be preserved in the interests of amenity, which may include requesting that trees are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). 5.8 This is consistent with the NPPF, which seeks to ensure that the natural and local environment is enhanced through minimising impacts on and providing net gains for biodiversity.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 170, 174-175.

Borough Policy ENV1 – Environment in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP21: Nature Conservation and Protected Lanes in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles, Policy ENV1: Environment, Policy CC1: Climate Change, Policy DM15: Design and Amenity in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.


9 6. Design 6.1 This section has a policy on design and character. Policy CE4: Design and Character All development must be of a high quality, well designed and energy efficient. Proposals will:

(i) Use design that respects the scale, height and character of existing and surrounding buildings; (ii) Have an acceptable visual impact; (iii) Protect the positive features of the character of the local area, including local heritage; (iv) Use materials that are sympathetic to existing buildings; (v) Provide sufficient private amenity space proportionate to the size of the dwelling, where residential development is proposed; (vi) Be of a density that is appropriate to its context and relationship to local facilities and transport.

6.2 The community which to ensure that a high standard of development and design is achieved and that this should respect the context of the site. 6.3 The NPPF recognises that the creation of high quality buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve, and that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development. The NPPF also seeks to ensure that developments should function well and add to the overall quality of the area over the lifetime of the development, and that developments should be sympathetic to local character and history.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 124-132

Borough Policy ENV1 – Environment, Policy ENV2 – Rural Communities, Policy UR 2 Built Design and Character in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP1: Design and Amenity and Policy DP12: Dwelling Standards; Policy DP14: Historic Environment Assets, Policy DP16: Private Amenity Space and Open Space Provision for New Residential Development in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy PP1: Generic Infrastructure and Mitigation Requirements, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles, Policy DM15: Design and Amenity, Policy DM19: Private Amenity Space in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan

Parish Landscape Character Assessment (suggest this is required).

Heritage information (suggest this is required).

10 7. Housing 7.1 This section has policies on housing, including affordable housing, the mix of housing as well as allocating (a) site(s)…

Policy CE5: Housing A. The Plan will enable the development of a minimum of XX dwellings in the Parish over the Plan period. Housing requirements will be met by…

B. Proposals for all new housing development should include dwelling types, sizes and tenures to meet local housing requirements.

C. Housing proposals will be expected to provide an appropriate housing mix, which reflects a balance between the underlying character of the area and both the current and projected needs of households.

7.2 Policy SS4 of the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan proposes allocating two sites at Copford for 70 dwellings at East of Queensberry Avenue and up to 50 dwellings at West of Hall Road.

7.3 Dwellings should be provided which reflect local housing requirements. These will vary according to whether the houses are to be sold on the open market or are for affordable housing. The community wish to ensure that a mix of housing styles and types are provided to meet a range of different households. This should include bungalows, particularly for those who are retired, family homes and affordable homes for first time local buyers... 7.4 This is consistent with the NPPF, which seeks to ensure that housing needs are met and that the size, type and tenure of housing needs should be assessed and reflected in planning policies. It seeks to ensure that a mix of housing is planned for to widen opportunities for home ownership and to create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 11, 14, 29, 59, 61, 66

Borough Policy H1 – Housing Delivery, Policy H2 – Housing Density, Policy H3 – Housing Diversity, Policy H4 – Affordable Housing in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP12: Dwelling Standards in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy SP3: Meeting Housing Needs, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles, Policy SG1: Colchester’s Spatial Strategy, Policy SG2: Housing Delivery, Policy DM9: Development Density, Policy DM10: Housing Diversity, Policy DM12: Housing Standards, Policy DM15: Design and Amenity in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.

Parish Suggest that Local Housing Needs Survey is needed.

11 Policy CE6: Affordable Housing New housing development can be required to include a percentage of affordable housing as long this does not make the scheme unviable. Where affordable housing is provided, then the expectation is that this should be met on-site. Affordable housing can also be provided on a rural exception site containing 100% affordable homes for local people.

7.5 The community wish to ensure that there are sufficient affordable homes for residents and relatives of residents who wish to remain in the Parish. The community also wish to ensure that affordable homes are provided for first time local buyers. The evidence shows that … 7.6 The NPPF seeks to ensure that sufficient provision for housing including affordable housing is made.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 34, 41, 61-64, 71, 77

Borough Policy H1 – Housing Delivery, Policy H2 – Housing Density, Policy H3 – Housing Diversity, Policy H4 – Affordable Housing, Policy ENV2 – Rural Communities in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP12: Dwelling Standards in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy SP3: Meeting Housing Needs, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles, Policy SG1: Colchester’s Spatial Strategy, Policy SG2: Housing Delivery, Policy DM8: Affordable Housing, Policy DM9: Development Density, Policy DM10: Housing Diversity, Policy DM12: Housing Standards, Policy DM15: Design and Amenity in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.

Parish Suggest that Local Housing Needs Survey is needed.

Policy CE7: Housing Allocations Land at XX is allocated for the delivery of at least XX dwellings. A mix of tenures will be encouraged. Satisfactory access must be provided.

7.7 In order to help meet local housing needs, (a) specific sites(s) have been identified… 7.8 The NPPF expects housing needs to be met and recognises that allocating sites is one way of achieving this objective.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 11, 14, 29, 69

Borough Policy H1 – Housing Delivery, Policy H2 – Housing Density, Policy H3 – Housing Diversity, Policy H4 – Affordable Housing in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy. 12 Policy DP12: Dwelling Standards in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy SP3: Meeting Housing Needs, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles, Policy SG1: Colchester’s Spatial Strategy, Policy SG2: Housing Delivery, Policy DM9: Development Density, Policy DM10: Housing Diversity, Policy DM12: Housing Standards, Policy DM15: Design and Amenity in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.

Parish Suggest supporting information about the site is required. This could cover issues such as the suitability of the site, (i.e. it’s not subject to flooding); availability (i.e. land ownership), and whether the site is likely to be delivered.

13 8. Highways, Transport and Communication 8.1 This section has policies on transport, parking, improvements to pedestrian and cyclist provision. It also has a policy relating to broadband…

Policy CE8: Transport A. Development proposals will be supported where: (i) It is demonstrated that there will not be any significant adverse effect on the local highway network; (ii) Safe access for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists will be provided; (iii) Appropriate measures to reduce car traffic movements including the promotion of other modes of transport such as cycling, walking and public transport provision are made; (iv) Parking complies with Essex Parking Standards; (v) Adequate and suitable off-street parking is provided in order to minimise obstruction of the local road network in the interests of all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists; (vi) An appropriate overall level of off-street parking is retained.

B. Measures, including a signing strategy, that reduce the impact of heavy goods vehicles on local roads will be supported.

8.2 This policy seeks to reduce traffic impact from development on the local community and to promote and encourage the use of other modes of transport to provide an attractive and viable alternative to the use of the private car to access services and facilities. Transport connections should be considered as an integrated system, which enables sustainable travel to include pedestrians, cycles, and public transport including rail network access. It is also important to ensure that there is safe access for all these modes of travel including by private vehicle. 8.3 Development proposals shall retain an appropriate overall level of off-street parking to avoid any unacceptable impact on on-street parking conditions. 8.4 To seek to minimise the impact of heavy goods vehicles on local roads, the Parish Council with work with developers and the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) to ensure that appropriate signage is put in place to direct heavy goods vehicles to the most appropriate road in order to reduce impact on residential areas. 8.5 The NPPF seeks to ensure that development that generates traffic should generally be supported unless there would be an unacceptable impact on highway safety or on the road network. The NPPF also seeks to ensure that as well as providing safe and suitable access to the site for all users that sustainable transport modes are promoted and taken up. The NPPF recognises that in setting local parking standards for different types of development that different factors should be taken into account, including accessibility and the type, mix and use of development.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 84, 102-106, 108-111


14 Policy SD2 – Delivering Facilities and Infrastructure, Policy SD3 – Community Facilities, PR2 – People-friendly streets, TA1 – Accessibility and Changing Travel Behaviours, TA2 – Walking and Cycling, TA3 – Public Transport, TA4 – Roads and Traffic, TA5 - Parking in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP17: Accessibility and Access, Policy DP19: Parking Standards in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy SG1: Colchester’s Spatial Strategy, Policy DM20: Promoting Sustainable Transport and Changing Travel Behaviour, Policy DM21: Sustainable Access to Development; DM22: Parking, Policy SP5: Infrastructure and Connectivity, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan

Parish Suggest traffic survey and possibly parking survey information might be useful (if this doesn’t already exist).

Policy CE9: Improvements to pedestrian and cycle provision All new developments will be expected to take every opportunity to link into the existing and future network of cycle paths, footpaths and footways and where appropriate financial contributions will be required to improve pedestrian and cycle provision.

8.6 Improvements for all pedestrians and cyclists are sought to encourage more walking and cycling to XX, to reduce car dependence and parking issues. 8.7 The NPPF seeks to ensure that with applications for development that priority is given first to pedestrian and cycle movements.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 102-104, 108-111

Borough Policy SD2 – Delivering Facilities and Infrastructure, Policy SD3 – Community Facilities, PR2 – People-friendly streets, TA1 – Accessibility and Changing Travel Behaviours, TA2 – Walking and Cycling in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy

Policy ENV3: Green Infrastructure, PP1: Generic Infrastructure and Mitigation Requirements, Policy DM20: Promoting Sustainable Transport and Changing Travel Behaviour, Policy DM21: Sustainable Access to Development, DM22: Parking, Policy SP5: Infrastructure and Connectivity, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan


Policy CE10: High Speed Broadband A. Proposals which seek to provide access to a super-fast broadband network to serve the village will be supported provided that the applicant has fully explored opportunities to erect

15 apparatus on existing buildings, masts or other structures and the location and design of any installations will reflect the character of the area.

B. All new development must be designed to enable connection to high quality communications infrastructure including super-fast broadband.

8.8 Broadband internet connections are slow in the Parish. This affects the ability of residents and businesses to access information and affects the performance of businesses that rely on broadband as a key means of communication. High-speed broadband will help to address these issues and brings with it a range of new opportunities, such a better remote and home working. The provision of fast broadband can help to ensure that existing businesses are retained in the Parish as well as attracting new businesses into the Parish. 8.9 The NPPF recognises the importance of advanced, high quality and reliable communications infrastructure in terms of it being essential for economic growth and well-being.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 112-116

Borough Policy DM6: Economic Development in Rural Areas and the Countryside, DM12: Housing Standards, SP5: Infrastructure and Connectivity in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.


16 9. Infrastructure and Community Uses 9.1 This section has a policy on local community facilities and a policy on open space. Policy CE11: Infrastructure and Local Community Facilities A. Local community facilities will be protected, retained and enhanced…

B. Proposals that will result in either the loss of an Asset of Community Value or in significant harm to an Asset of Community Value will be strongly resisted;

C. New development will be expected to demonstrate that the infrastructure requirements of the proposal have been considered and will be provided within the development itself wherever possible. Developer’s contributions arising from planning permissions granted in the Plan area will be used to provide local infrastructure within the Parish.

9.2 There are a range of community facilities, including … within the Parish… A sustainable community will require access to a range of local facilities and services. New development will generate demands on infrastructure and services. 9.3 Delivery of infrastructure may be through use of planning conditions, via a S106 Obligation or through payment of any Community Infrastructure Levy. Colchester Borough Council does not currently have a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in place but instead they seek contributions from development through other means. However, the policy recognises that CIL or another tariff based system may be introduced. The Parish Council have identified a list of various infrastructure requirements and improvements to community services that would support new development. 9.4 The NPPF recognises the need to plan positively for the provision of a range of different assets including community facilities and other local services to enhance the sustainability of communities and residential environments. This includes considering the availability and capacity of infrastructure and services – both existing and proposed. It also includes guarding against the unnecessary loss of valued facilities and services, particularly where this would reduce the community’s ability to meet its day-to-day needs. 9.5 The Parish Council will seek the designation of XX as Assets of Community Value. These assets are important facilities which contribute to the enjoyment of life in XX and the sustainability of the community. The inclusion of these sites on the Borough Council’s register of Assets of Community Value will provide the Parish Council or other community organisations with an opportunity to bid to acquire the asset on behalf of the local community, if it is placed for sale on the open market under the Community Right to Buy Regulations.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 34, 83, 92, 102 and 122

Borough Policy CE2c – Local Centres, Policy SD2 – Delivering Facilities and Infrastructure, Policy SD3 – Community Facilities, Policy H4 – Affordable Housing; PR2 – Open Space; TA3 – Public Transport; TA4 – Roads and Traffic in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy SG7: Infrastructure Delivery and Impact Mitigation, Policy PP1: Generic Infrastructure and Mitigation Requirements, Policy DP3 – Planning Obligations and the Community Infrastructure 17 Levy, Policy DP4 – Community Facilities, Policy DP7: Local Centres and Individual Shops in the Colchester Borough Development Policies

Policy DM2: Community Facilities, Policy SP5: Infrastructure and Connectivity, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.

Parish Suggest list needed that identifies potential Assets of Community Value and also a list that identifies the community projects that are prioritised by the community.

Policy CE12: Open Space A. Proposals that would result in the loss of open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields or that results in any harm to their character, setting, accessibility or appearance, general quality or to amenity value will only be supported if the community would gain at least equivalent benefit from provision of a suitable replacement space.

B. Development proposals should provide for new public areas of accessible open space…

9.6 The community recognise and value the open spaces that are provided within the Parish and the questionnaire responses demonstrated that areas of open space are extensively used. Open spaces form a rich visual and physical amenity. 9.7 The policy seeks to protect areas of existing open space. New development can provide opportunities to enhance existing open space as well as providing new open space that that can deliver multiple benefits. 9.8 This is in line with the NPPF, which seeks to ensure that planning policies and decisions plan positively for the provision of open space and recognises that access to a network of high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and physical activity are important for the health and well- being of communities. The NPPF also recognises that existing open space and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, should generally not be built on.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 83, 96 to 101.

Borough Policy SD2 – Delivering Facilities and Infrastructure; Policy PR1 – Open Space, ENV1 – Environment, ENV2 – Rural Communities ECE2c – Local Centres in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP15: :Retention of Open Space and Indoor Sports Facilities, Policy DP16: Private Amenity Space and Open Space Provision for New Residential Development in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy ENV3: Green Infrastructure, DM17: Retention of Open Space and Recreation Facilities, Policy DM18: Provision of Public Open Space, Policy SP5: Infrastructure and Connectivity, Policy SP6 – Place Shaping Principles in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.

Parish 18 Suggest need to consider whether any open spaces should be designated as Local Green Space.

19 10. Economy 10.1 This section has a policy on new and expanding businesses outside of settlement boundaries.

Policy CE13: New and Expanding Businesses outside of settlement boundaries A. Proposals that would result in the expansion of existing businesses or new small-scale business development must demonstrate that: (i) Intensified use of the existing site is not possible, in the case of expansion of existing businesses; (ii) There is a justified need for the development; (iii) It is of a size, scale and form that is in keeping with the rural character of its surroundings; (iv) It would not have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity; (v) It would not have an unacceptable impact on the highway and provide an appropriate level of parking provision for those working at or visiting the premises; (vi) It would not have a detrimental impact on residential amenity.

10.2 The community wants to ensure that a range of businesses are supported in order that they can maintain and improve job opportunities within the Parish. Where an intensification of the business within the existing site is not possible, the policy recognises that in some instances, existing businesses outside of settlement boundaries may require expansion. 10.3 In some instances, it may be appropriate for new small-scale businesses to be located in the countryside, particularly where this is linked to an existing agricultural use. 10.4 The policy seeks to support existing and new businesses whilst ensuring that factors relating to residential amenity, including noise, dust, vehicle movements are not unacceptable. 10.5 The NPPF seeks to ensure that planning policies and decisions help create the conditions in which businesses can invest, expand and adapt. The NPPF also recognises that sites to meet local business and community needs may have to be found adjacent to or beyond existing settlements although it will be important to ensure that development is sensitive to its surroundings.

Policy Background National NPPF, paragraphs 80-84.

Borough Policy ENV1 – Environment, Policy ENV2 – Rural Communities, Policy SD1: Settlement Hierarchy, Policy CE1 – Centres and Employment Classification and Hierarchy in the Colchester Borough Core Strategy.

Policy DP5: Appropriate Employment Uses and Protection of Employment Land and Existing Businesses, Policy DP8: Agricultural Development and Diversification, Policy DP9 Employment Uses in the Countryside in the Colchester Borough Development Policies.

Policy SG3: Economic Growth Provision, Policy DM6: Economic Development in Rural Areas and the Countryside, Policy DM7: Agricultural Development and Diversification, Policy OV2: Countryside in the Publication Draft Colchester Borough Local Plan.

20 Parish

Suggest that a business survey could help inform any policies

21 Other potential Policies

 Non designated heritage assets  Permission in Principle sites  Starter homes and/or self build  Design guide or guidance  Flooding  Tourism  Dark skies / lighting  Public realm improvements, i.e. shop front enhancement  Local Green Space  Green infrastructure  Views  Retirement homes / housing for older people  Habitat  Ancient woodland  Other specific sites such as brownfield sites, derelict sites, ‘problem’ sites  Employment  Identification of priority infrastructure to spend CIL money on  Lifetime homes

22 11. Monitoring and review 11.1 The Neighbourhood Plan is intended to cover the period up to 2033. In order to understand whether the objectives and policies are achieving their aims, the Parish Council will monitor the various policies and objectives.

23 12. Community Aspirations 12.1 As well as neighbourhood plan policies, the community have certain aspirations which are not land use policies. These community aspirations are as follows…