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[email protected] [email protected] 613-798-2411 > p. 14 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin FEBRUARY 3, 2014 | 3 ADAR 1 5774 ESTABLISHED 1937 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM | $2 Rabbi Steven Garten to retire after more than 19 years at Temple Israel Rabbi Garten will remain in Ottawa as the Reform congregation’s fi rst rabbi emeritus. BY LOUISE RACHLIS each other – in spite of the weather Rabbi Steven Garten, Temple Israel’s differences.” longest serving spiritual leader, will retire Under Rabbi Garten’s leadership, Temple on June 30, after more than 19 years as Israel has grown in its outreach to unaffi li- spiritual leader of Ottawa’s Reform ated Jews, its many social justice activities, congregation. strengthened interfaith dialogue between In a message to the congregation late the congregation and Christians and last year, Rabbi Garten said he wanted to Muslims, and supported a strong and give Temple Israel suffi cient notice of his vibrant supplementary religious school retirement date so the congregation could and youth group. Rabbi Steven Garten plans to spend more time travelling and teaching after he retires from the prepare and conduct a thorough search for See Rabbi Garten on page 2 pulpit on June 30. his successor. “I will continue my association with Temple and my many friends in the congregation and in the Ottawa Jewish Harper reaffi rms Canada’s unyielding community through my position as rabbi emeritus,” he wrote.