Teaneck Mother/Daughter Bat Mitzvah Trip

**Itinerary subject to change

Saturday Night, November 17, 2018

Depart US for Israel

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Arrival in Israel!!!

Assistance upon arrival

Meet up in Ben Gurion Airport arrivals terminal (or at the hotel for those of you who are already in Israel) and meet you guide.

Drive to

Check in to your hotel

8pm- Festive welcome dinner

Orientation to Israel and our trip

Overnight- Dan Panorama Hotel Jerusalem

Layla Tov!!! Monday, November 19, 2018 Past Present Future: Women in Jerusalem Today’s Personality: Esther Cailingold

Breakfast in the hotel 9:00 am- Depart the hotel

Meet the caring staff and adorable children at the Emunah Day Care center in

See Emunah’s important work firsthand, caring for the very youngest in Israel’s society! Interact with the babies and children.

*View the glorious outlook over the and the Kotel from the rooftop of Aish Ha Torah

*Lunch on your own in the Old City

See the brand new Plugat Hakotel exhibit: Who protected Jews visiting the Kotel in the days of the British, who blew the shofar and where do women come in?

Visit the Churva Synagogue

Daven at the Kotel: How am I connected to this chain of Jewish women?

Walk up to the Mall for dinner on your own or the bus will drop people off in the Shuk for dinner too!

Return to the hotel

Layla Tov

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Open Your Eyes: See What People Can Accomplish? Today’s Personality: Rabbanit Bracha Kapach

Breakfast in the hotel

8:30am- Depart the hotel

Travel to Holon to the Blind Museum

Lunch on your own and time to shop in the Nachalat Binyamin Artists’ Pedestrian mall Graffiti Tour : Explore in a different way by seeing street art and bring out your artistic side by making some of your own!

Activity with Tikvot- Interact with injured soldiers

Tikvot helps rehabilitate Israel’s victims of terror and injured soldiers thru sport

Return to Jerusalem

Free evening to visit with family and friends

Layla Tov

Wednesday, November 21, 2018 Gush Etzion: In the Footsteps of the Avot and Imahot Today’s Personality: Rachel Imeinu

Breakfast in the hotel

8:30 am- Depart the hotel

Story of the Lone tree

Bring treats to the soldiers at Pina Chama and meet a resident of Gush Etzion who is involved in this project that serves our soldiers.

Pat B’ Melach workshop

Delicious lunch in the new restaurant opened by Pat B’Melach

Visit Zomet, a place where technology and halacha meet.

Chesed activity at Yad Leah in Beitar

Daven mincha at Kever Rachel

Dinner on your own

Pajama party with Michal

Pack up and Layla Tov! Thursday, November 22, 2018 Today’s personality: Dona Gracia Mendes

Breakfast at the hotel

8:30am- Check out and depart the hotel

Drive north thru the Jordan Valley

Stop at Kasr El Yehud- the spot where Bnei Yisrael crossed the Jordan to enter the land with Joshua

Visit Bio Tour in Kibbutz Sdei Eliyahu where we will learn about good bugs and bad bugs, feed donkeys and milk cows. See cutting edge Israeli agriculture.

Continue to Beit Shean for a delicious (meat) lunch at Shipuday Hakikar

We will be joined here by the bat mitzvah girls from Emunah’s Afula Children’s home.

Tour and activity at the Dona Gracia Museum: We will hear the fascinating story of the richest woman of her time, Dona Gracia Mendes, her adventures and how she saved Jews in the 16th century. AND, we get to dress up in fabulous costumes!

Daven Mincha at the grave of the Rambam and learn some halacha from the Mishnah Torah.

Check in to Kibbutz Lavi Guest House

Dinner as a group in the hotel

Overnight- Kibbutz Lavi - Layla Tov!

Friday, November 23, 2018 Today’s personality: Bruriah, Rabbi Meir’s wife

Breakfast at the hotel

8:00am - Check out and depart the hotel

We don’t want to waste a minute in the gorgeous north so we have an early start - don’t worry the jeeps will wake you right up!

Fun jeeping adventure thru the beautiful Galil!

Lunch and preparations for Shabbat at Emunah’s Afula Children’s home Candle lighting at 4:19pm

Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach November 24, 2018

Enjoy a memorable Shabbat with the staff and children in Afula.

Time to reflect and share memories and highlights from the past week.

Shabbat Ends 5:18

Festive Havdalah and Melave Malka

Transfer to Ben Gurion airport

Have a safe journey home! Come back again soon!