Glutamic Acid Or Its Salts Are Used at That Were Fed a Daily Intake of up to 7.2 G/Kg of MSG
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IFIC EVIE RInternational Food Information CouncilW Foundation Glutamate and Monosodium Glutamate: Examining the Myths ecause of the evolving nature of science, extracted from seaweed and other plant sources. researchers rarely, if ever, close the book on Today, MSG is produced in many countries around Bstudying various foods or food ingredients. the world through a natural fermentation process Such is the case with monosodium glutamate (MSG). using molasses from sugar cane or sugar beets, as Even though it has been used extensively for nearly well as starch and corn sugar.1, 4 a century, it continues to be examined in light of current scientific knowledge and methods of testing. Flavor Enhancement Properties Over the past several years, experts in the fields of When present in its “free” form, not “bound” pediatrics, allergy, pharmacology, medical together with other amino acids in protein, glutamate psychology, toxicology and food science have has a flavor-enhancing effect in foods. When MSG is reviewed the scientific data on glutamate. This added to foods, it provides a flavoring function simi- issue of IFIC Review examines the scientific research lar to naturally occurring free glutamate.5 MSG is conducted on glutamate and MSG and summarizes used to enhance the natural flavors of meats, poultry, the latest findings. seafood, snacks, soups and stews.1, 4 Multidimensional scaling experiments, which are What are Glutamate and MSG? used in sensory research, indicate that MSG falls Glutamate is one of the most common amino outside the region occupied by the four classic acids found in nature. It is the main component of tastes of sweet, sour, salty and bitter.4, 6 This distinc- many proteins and peptides, and is present in most tive taste is known as “umami,” a word coined by tissues. Glutamate is also produced in the body and the Japanese to describe the taste imparted by plays an essential role in human metabolism.1, 2, 3 glutamate. Westerners often describe this flavor as Virtually every food contains glutamate. It is a major savory, broth-like or meaty.4, 6 Recently, Dr. Chaudhari component of most natural protein foods such as and colleagues at the University of Miami School of meat, fish, milk and some vegetables. Medicine identified a specific glutamate taste receptor MSG is the sodium salt of glutamate and is on the tongue.7 simply glutamate, water and sodium. In the early Dietary research points to MSG’s potential to 1900s scientists isolated the ingredient (glutamate) enhance food intake in older individuals.8-11 Over the in plants that is the essential taste component years, research has shown that losses in taste and responsible for greatly enhancing flavor.1, 2 In the smell are major contributors to poor nutritional status early part of the twentieth century, MSG was among older persons, sometimes even leading to anorexia. Losses of taste and smell generally occur mate.”20 When glutamate-containing ingredients around 60 years of age and become more common- are used as a component of a food product, they place in persons over 70 years of age.9, 10 Studies are required to be listed by their common or usual find that moderate levels of added MSG in certain name (for example, Parmesan cheese, tomatoes, foods, such as mushroom soup and mashed potatoes, soy sauce, hydrolyzed protein or autolyzed can increase food intake in an institutionalized yeast extract). older population, thus increasing intake of neces- sary vitamins, minerals and protein from food.2, 9, 11 MSG and Sodium Reduction Contrary to popular belief, MSG is not high in MSG Consumption and Metabolism sodium. MSG contains only one-third the amount Current consumption data from the United of sodium as table salt, sodium chloride (12 percent Kingdom show that per capita consumption of MSG versus 39 percent sodium). When small quantities is 4 grams (less than one teaspoon) per week.12 This of MSG are used in combination with a reduced is comparable to U.S. estimates of roughly 0.55 grams amount of table salt during food preparation, the for the average consumer, spread out through an entire flavor-enhancing properties of MSG allow for far day.13 In Taiwan, for example, per capita consumption less salt to be used during and after cooking. MSG figures are much higher, averaging 3 grams per day.14 brings out the best natural flavors in food, working Still, the human body metabolizes added gluta- well in reduced-sodium and reduced-fat dishes and mate in the same manner it metabolizes glutamate can reduce total sodium by 30 to 40 percent without found naturally in many foods. Once glutamate is influencing palatability.21 ingested, our bodies make no distinction between the origins of the glutamate.15, 16 The body does not Pregnant & Lactating Women distinguish between glutamate from foods like It is common practice for expectant women to tomatoes or MSG added to a tomato sauce.2, 15, 16 In eat a varied and well-balanced diet and consume fact, research now shows that glutamate from food enough calories to ensure a healthy pregnancy. or MSG is important for normal functioning of the To facilitate fetal growth and development, most digestive tract and digestion.17 amino acids are actively transported across the MSG and Public Health placenta. Research indicates that amino acid In 1958 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concentrations are higher in the fetus, regardless of (FDA) designated MSG as a Generally Recognized what the mother consumes.22 Both the placenta and As Safe (GRAS) ingredient, along with many other fetal liver play important roles in amino acid (and common food ingredients such as salt, vinegar and specifically glutamate) transport and metabolism 23 baking powder.18 There is general consensus in the important for fetal development. scientific community, based on numerous biochemical, Because it is difficult to increase blood glutamate toxicological and medical studies conducted over to significantly higher levels through dietary intake four decades, that MSG is safe for the general popu- of MSG, scientists have injected glutamate directly lation, including pregnant and lactating women, and into the bloodstream to observe any effect. children.19 In 1995, the safety of MSG for use by the Pitkin and colleagues intravenously administered American population was again reinforced in a large amounts of MSG into pregnant monkeys to review by the Federation of American Societies for increase glutamate levels in the mother’s blood- Experimental Biology (FASEB). The review was stream. On examination, no increases in the fetal conducted by FASEB upon request of the FDA as is glutamate levels were found with doses up to periodically done for all GRAS ingredients.15 220 mg/kg of maternal weight. The authors further concluded that the placenta is virtually impermeable MSG and Food Labeling to glutamate, even at high levels.24 Research The FDA requires labeling of all ingredients in suggests there is typically a net loss of glutamate processed and packaged foods. When MSG is added from fetal blood into the placenta. to a food, it must be included in the ingredient list In rodent studies, researchers investigated by its common or usual name, “monosodium gluta- effects of dietary intake of MSG on reproduction and 2 birth. The study looked at three generations of mice public when glutamic acid or its salts are used at that were fed a daily intake of up to 7.2 g/kg of MSG. current levels and manners now practiced.31 No adverse effect was observed in each generation, nor was there evidence of any incident of brain MSG and Neurological Effects 25 lesions in the neonates. In the brain, glutamate serves as a neurotrans- Besides research on the fetus, scientists also mitter in addition to its general role in protein and investigated the effect of MSG ingestion on lactation energy metabolism. Neurotransmitters are stored in and breast-fed infants. Upon examination of nerve endings and are used by nerve cells to inhibit lactating women who consumed MSG at 100 mg/kg or excite other nerve cells or target cells, such as of body weight, researchers noticed no increase in muscle or endocrine cells. the level of glutamate in human milk, and no effect Concerns were raised in the late 1960s by John 2 on the infant’s intake of glutamate. Olney, M.D., of Washington University, that high Likewise, studies show that breastfeeding infants doses of MSG may adversely affect brain function. are able to detect and prefer the taste of naturally Dr. Olney examined the possibility of MSG-induced occurring free glutamate, which is 10 times more brain lesions through injection or force-feeding 26, 27 plentiful in human breast milk than cow’s milk. methods in rodents. In one study, Olney subcuta- According to Baker and colleagues, a newborn neously injected neonatal mice, ages 2 to 9 days old, infant, through breastfeeding, ingests more free with single dosages of MSG. The amount of MSG glutamate per kilogram of body weight than during injected varied from 0.5 g/kg to even larger dosages 28 any other period of its life. of 4 g/kg of the neonate’s body weight, inducing Additionally, in December 1993 the American brain lesions and a variety of other physiological Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs effects in the rodents.32 reviewed the effects of food and environmental However, the dosages of MSG used in these agents on breastfeeding. In the report, the studies were extremely high and the methods of Committee stated that MSG has no effect on lacta- injection, as well as force-feeding, do not accurately 29 tion and poses no risk to the consuming infant.