Scope & Sequence | High School Programs Junior Achievement USA® Find out how you can make a difference. *Pillars of Student Success signify a program’s primary focus; however, each JA program is developed to include all three pillars. Visit Blended Model: Programs are delivered to students through an integration of face-to-face volunteer and teacher Pillars of Student Primary mentoring and instruction, student-led groups, and digital learning during the traditional school day. Implementation Classroom-Based: Programs are delivered to students by a volunteer during the traditional school day. Success* JA AfterSchool®: Programs are delivered to students by a volunteer outside traditional school hours, including afternoon, evenings, weekends, and summer. JA Capstone: Programs in which the classroom teacher prepares students for a day-long, out-of-school, volunteer-led experience.

High School Programs (Grades 9-12) Entrepreneurship Literacy Financial Readiness Work Blended Model Classroom-Based JA AfterSchool JA Capstone

® JA Be Entrepreneurial introduces students to the essential components of a practical business plan and challenges them to start an entrepreneurial venture while still in high school. Seven volunteer-led sessions required.

Concepts: Advertisement, business plan, competitive advantage, customer, demographic, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial spirit, ethical dilemma, ethics, financing, franchise, long- vs. short-term consequences, management, market, market needs, marketing, nonprofit business, product, product development, profits, social entrepreneur, social responsibility, stakeholder, voting

Skills: Analyzing information, business planning, categorizing data, decision making, evaluating alternatives, expressing multiple viewpoints, graphic presentation, oral and written communication, presenting information, reading for understanding, weighing consequences, working in groups and pairs

® JA Career Success equips students with the tools and skills required to get and keep a in high-growth career industries. Seven volunteer-led sessions required.

Concepts: Career clusters, career planning, career preparation, collaboration, conflict management, critical thinking, education and training, employer expectations, high-growth , high-performance teams, interests, inventory and ordering, job interviews, job outlook, job retention, post-secondary options, problem-solving techniques, retail stocking, skills, soft skills, STEM, technical skills, the 4Cs, work priorities, workplace skills

Skills: Analyze data, collaborative discussions, conflict resolution, communication, competition, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, decision making, following written instructions, formulating answers from personal experiences, goal setting, identifying behaviors, interpersonal skills, organizing information, prioritizing, problem solving, research skills, role-playing, self-assessment, time management, working collaboratively, working in groups

® JA Company Program Blended Model provides students an actual opportunity to fill a need or solve a problem in their community by building, launching, and managing their own start-up business. Available for both in-school or after-school implementation, and may be completed in one-semester or throughout an entire school year. Two implementation options are available: 13 two-hour meetings or 26 one-hour meetings. A volunteer must lead 13 Instructional Contact Hours; the teacher may deliver the remainder.

Concepts: Annual report, business plan, capitalization, charitable giving, company structure, entrepreneurial traits, financial tools, launch the company, leadership, liquidate, marketing, personal action plan, pitch, product development process, product and service evaluation, quality control, ROI, sales techniques, supply chain, SWOT analysis

Skills: Accountability, analyzing alternatives, brainstorming, creativity, critical thinking, cross-departmental collaboration, decision making, idea development, leadership, listening, product evaluation, public speaking, research, sales, self-assessment, synthesizing and evaluating information, task-management, teamwork

® JA Economics examines the fundamental concepts of micro-, macro-, and international economics. Seven volunteer-led sessions required; typically a semester-long course with the majority of sessions teacher-led.

Concepts: Advantage, demand, economic systems, exchange rates, fiscal policy, government, gross domestic product, income distribution, inflation, investment, labor, markets, opportunity cost, productivity, scarcity, supply, trade

Skills: Applying information, classifying, critical thinking, decision making, giving reports, graphing, interpreting data, math computation, reading, research, taking notes, writing Scope & Sequence | High School Programs Junior Achievement USA® Find out how you can make a difference. *Pillars of Student Success signify a program’s primary focus; however, each JA program is developed to include all three pillars. Visit Blended Model: Programs are delivered to students through an integration of face-to-face volunteer and teacher Pillars of Student Primary mentoring and instruction, student-led groups, and digital learning during the traditional school day. Implementation Classroom-Based: Programs are delivered to students by a volunteer during the traditional school day. Success* JA AfterSchool®: Programs are delivered to students by a volunteer outside traditional school hours, including afternoon, evenings, weekends, and summer. JA Capstone: Programs in which the classroom teacher prepares students for a day-long, out-of-school, volunteer-led experience.

High School Programs (Grades 9-12) Entrepreneurship Literacy Financial Readiness Work Blended Model Classroom-Based JA AfterSchool JA Capstone ® JA Exploring Economics fosters lifelong skills and knowledge about how an economy works, including micro-, macro-, personal, and international economics. Seven volunteer-led sessions required.

Concepts: Banks as borrowers and lenders, command economy, consumer price index (CPI), consumer purchasing power, demand, distribution, economics, economic isolationism, economic systems, federal reserve system, free-rider problem, inflation, inflation rate, international trade, investing options, market economy, market-clearing price, non-rivalry, percentage change, private property, production, public vs. private goods, public vs. private sector, regional trade, risk versus reward, saving options, simple interest, supply, supply and demand, tariff, taxes, trade restrictions, utility, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), world trade

Skills: Analyzing information, categorizing data, decision making, evaluating alternatives, evaluating information, graphing, listening for understanding, oral and written communication, negotiating, public speaking, reading for understanding, solving algebraic equations, working in pairs and groups

® JA Finance Park builds a foundation on which students can make intelligent lifelong financial decisions, including those related to income, expenses, saving, and credit. Composed of project-based learning activities, the program culminates in a hands-on budgeting simulation at a facility, mobile unit, or virtual site. A minimum of 13 teacher-led sessions required; 1 volunteer-led simulation required.

Concepts: Banking, benefits, budgets, career, categorization, credit, credit reports, credit score, debit, debt, deposit insurance, financial responsibility, goal setting, government, identity theft, impulse buying, income, interest, loans, opportunity cost, payment methods, risk, saving, savings, taxes, values, wages, wants and needs

Skills: Active listening, brainstorming, collaboration, comparing, comprehension, creativity, critical thinking, decision making, following directions, interpreting data, math, reading, self-knowledge and reflection, speaking and listening, vocabulary, working in pairs and teams, writing

™ JA Job Shadow prepares students to be entrepreneurial thinkers in their approach to work. Students acquire and apply the skills needed in demanding and ever-changing workplaces. Two classroom sessions prior to a four- to five-hour site visit, and one classroom session required after the visit.

Concepts: Career assessment, career clusters, career planning, elevator pitch, infographic profile, interests, , , job outlook, networking, professional and ethical behavior, resume, skills, thank you notes, work priorities

Skills: Analyze and apply data, business communication, creativity and innovation, following written instructions, formulating answers from personal experience, identifying behaviors, interviewing, oral and written communication, organizing information, presenting information, researching a variety of sources for information, role-playing, self-assessment, technical writing, working collaboratively

™ JA Launch Lesson is a point-of-entry program delivered by community entrepreneurs. Students gain firsthand knowledge about starting a business and the entrepreneurial journey.

Concepts: Capital, customers, elements of the entrepreneurial experience (motivation, inspiration, preparation, expectations, and challenges), entrepreneurship, marketing, product, sales, service, value proposition

Skills: Funding a startup, meeting a need, product ideation, steps to becoming an entrepreneur, problem solving Scope & Sequence | High School Programs Junior Achievement USA® Find out how you can make a difference. *Pillars of Student Success signify a program’s primary focus; however, each JA program is developed to include all three pillars. Visit Blended Model: Programs are delivered to students through an integration of face-to-face volunteer and teacher Pillars of Student Primary mentoring and instruction, student-led groups, and digital learning during the traditional school day. Implementation Classroom-Based: Programs are delivered to students by a volunteer during the traditional school day. Success* JA AfterSchool®: Programs are delivered to students by a volunteer outside traditional school hours, including afternoon, evenings, weekends, and summer. JA Capstone: Programs in which the classroom teacher prepares students for a day-long, out-of-school, volunteer-led experience.

High School Programs (Grades 9-12) Entrepreneurship Literacy Financial Readiness Work Blended Model Classroom-Based JA AfterSchool JA Capstone

® JA Personal Finance Kit-Based focuses on earning money; spending money wisely through budgeting; saving and investing money; using credit cautiously; and protecting personal finances. Five volunteer-led sessions required.

Concepts: Budgeting, credit, financial choices, fraud, identity theft, insurance, investment, pay yourself first, saving, setting goals, spending

Skills: Analyzing information, categorizing data, decision making, financial planning, group work, , oral and written communication, public speaking, reading comprehension

® JA Personal Finance Blended Model demonstrates the interrelationship between today’s financial decisions and future financial freedom. Money-management strategies include earning, , income, budgeting, savings, credit and debt, consumer protection, smart shopping, risk management, and investing. Two implementation options are offered: Basic (Sessions One–Five volunteer-led) and Advanced (Sessions One–Five volunteer-led; Sessions Six–Eight teacher- or volunteer-led).

Concepts: Benefits versus costs, budgeting, compound interest, consequences, cost of living, credit, credit card fraud, credit reporting and rating, debt, delayed gratification, earnings, education, expense tracking, financial management, identity theft, income, interest, investing, job skills, limited resources, liquidity, maximizing earnings, opportunity cost, pawnshop, payday loan, priorities, rent-to-own, return on investment, reward, risk, saving, savings plan, unlimited wants, variable and discretionary expenses

Skills: Analyze and evaluate data from multiple sources, car buying, comparing results, comparison shopping, computer skills, critical thinking, decision making, disputing unauthorized credit card charges, estimating, evaluating risks, rewards, online resources, options, and personal skills, grocery shopping, interpreting analogy, long-term planning, online research, personal inventory, planning, predicting outcomes, presentation skills, prioritizing, proactive planning, problem solving, recognizing scams and fraud, requesting and checking credit reports, research, saving and investing, sorting, teamwork, tracking expenses, weighing costs and benefits

® JA Titan introduces students to critical economic and management decision making through an interactive simulation. Seven volunteer-led sessions required.

Concepts: Business management, capital investment, charitable giving, demographics, fixed costs, four Ps of Marketing, law of diminishing returns, marketing, marketing research, price, product life cycle, production, research and development, target marketing, variable costs

Skills: Analyzing information, critical thinking, data analysis, decision making, mathematical skills, planning, reading charts and graphs, researching, teamwork, working in groups JA Be Entrepreneurial®












If starting a business seems too out-of-reach for high school students, JA Be Entrepreneurial shows them how realistic an entrepreneurial venture can be.

Join Junior Achievement’s national network of more than 213,000 volunteers and help students in your community connect the dots 1 3 5 6 between what they learn in school and the “business of life”— work readiness, 9 entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.

-$·V7XUQNH\9ROXQWHHU6ROXWLRQ Personalized Placement 4 JA works with you to ensure you teach at the location and grade level of your choice. 2 7 10

Comprehensive Training 8 JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. You will be trained in classroom management, understanding and relaying the JA curriculum, working with the classroom teacher, and communicating effectively with students. *XLGHIRU9ROXQWHHUVDQG 3URGXFW&KDOOHQJH6KHHWV &RPSHWLWLYH$GYDQWDJH*DPH Minimal Time Commitment 1 7HDFKHUV 5 Students test their innovative 8 %RDUGVDQG*DPH&DUGV The time commitment is minimal compared to Provides lesson plans and thinking in a product development In this engaging game, students the significant impact you make. High teaching tips. competition. decide if actual quotes and mottos school-level classes include six 45-minute represent competitive advantages 6WXGHQW:RUNERRN (QWUHSUHQHXU6FULSW&DUG or profit only. sessions. 2 An in-class and take-home 6 Students perform as entrepreneurs reference tool for students to to show successful product (WKLFDO'LOHPPDV And, JA provides you with a kit containing all follow along and complete with development strategies. 9 By examining case studies, of the session plans and student materials each session. students see that choosing to be you’ll need to make every minute count. 7 %XVLQHVV3URILOH&DUGV6KHHWV ethical is good for business in the 3 &HUWLILFDWHRI$FKLHYHPHQW DQG3URILOH9RWLQJ6WLFNHUV long-run. JA Staff Follow-Up and Support Given to students in recognition Students study the competitive of their participation. advantages of entrepreneur-based 6DPSOH%XVLQHVV3ODQ JA staff is available to answer your questions companies, create their own 10 Students compile the key elements or make suggestions pertaining to your 7DNH+RPH1HZVOHWWHU business poster, and vote on the of successful entrepreneurship into volunteer assignment. 4 Provides online resources to winner. a working plan. prepare students for their entrepreneurial venture. JA Career Success™ JA Career Success equips students with the tools and skills required to earn and keep a Mob in high-growth career industries.

)ROORZLQJSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHSURJUDPVWXGHQWVZLOOEHDEOHWR ‡ Apply 4Cs critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

‡ 'emonstrate® strong soft skills. ‡ 5ank work priorities. ‡ 5ecognize STEM and other high-growth industries. ‡ Identify personal-brand and Mob-hunting tools—resumes, cover letters, interviews, and digital profiles. 6HVVLRQ7LWOHVDQG6XPPDULHV 6HVVLRQ2QH*HW+LUHG&ULWLFDO7KLQNLQJDQG&UHDWLYLW\ 1 Students are introduced to the need to be work ready by developing the 4Cs skills that employers want from people entering the workforce. Students apply critical-thinking skills and creativity to solve problems in real-life work scenarios. 6HVVLRQ7ZR*HW+LUHG&RPPXQLFDWLRQDQG&RQIOLFW0DQDJHPHQW6NLOOV 2 Students apply communication skills to resolve conflicts in work-based scenarios. Students will role-play conflicts and conflict management. They will explore behaviors that inflame conflict and behaviors that lead to a resolution. 6HVVLRQ7KUHH*HW+LUHG&ROODERUDWLRQDQG&UHDWLYLW\ 3 Students practice collaboration—a 4Cs skill—by using a team-building model referred to as the G5PI model Goals, 5oles and 5esponsibilities, Processes, and Interpersonal 5elationship Skills . The model describes the behaviors found in high-performance teams in the workplace. 6HVVLRQ)RXU*HW+LUHG6WURQJ6RIW6NLOOV 4 Students will review soft skills that are in demand by employers and rate their own soft skills. They will use personal stories in a Mob-interview workshop to communicate these skills to a potential employer. 6HVVLRQ)LYH .QRZ

Join Junior Achievement’s national network of more than 213,000 volunteers and help 1 3 students in your community connect the 2 dots between what they learn in school and the “business of life”— work readiness, ® entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. 8 -$·V7XUQ.H\9ROXQWHHU6ROXWLRQ Personalized Placement 5 JA works with you to ensure you teach at 4 the location and grade level of your choice. 9 Comprehensive Training JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. You 6 will be trained in classroom management, 7 understanding and delivering the JA curriculum, working with the classroom 10 teacher, and communicating effectively with students. Minimal Time Commitment The time commitment is minimal compared to the significant impact you make. High &DUHHU6XFFHVV 3HUVRQDO%UDQG school grade-level classes include seven *XLGHIRU 6RIW6NLOOV 7HDP&KDOOHQJH 1 9ROXQWHHUVDQG 3 3RVWHU 5 6HOI$VVHVVPHQW 7 3DFNHW 9 A building 45-minute sessions. 7HDFKHUV Used throught the Students rank Students prescreen competition Provides session program, this poster whether they are hypothetical job requiring teamwork JA provides you with a kit containing all of plans, teaching introduces seven good at a skill, need candidates and rate and creativity. the session plans and student materials tips, and talking session topics more practice, or their cover letters, you’ll need to make every minute count. points. designed to help need to learn more. resumes, and digital 6RIW6NLOOV students get and profiles. 10 %RRNPDUN JA Staff Follow-Up and Support &HUWLILFDWHRI keep a job. &DUHHU*XLGH Student take home 2 $FKLHYHPHQW 6 Students study 3UREOHP6ROYLQJ a reminder of the JA staff is available to answer your 8 Given to students 4 *53,&DUG high-growth job &KDOOHQJH soft skills and job questions or make suggestions about your in recognition of Describes the GRPI profiles and Groups work interview tips they volunteer assignment. their participation. model, a tool used requirements for together to solve a will need. by business teams various careers. work-based to increase their problem. effectiveness. JA Company Program® Blended Model

JA Company Program provides high school students (grades 9–12) an opportunity to fill a need or solve a problem in their community by launching their own start-up business, unleashing their entrepreneurial spirit. The program utilizes both original and curated content. Meeting-specific, student-friendly materials enable students to identify the key elements of organizing and operating a business and to consider creating their own start-up business.

JA Company Program Blended Model is available for implementation in school or after school, and may be completed in one semester or throughout an entire school year. Two implementation options are available: 13 two-hour meetings or 26 one-hour meetings. A volunteer is required to ® lead 13 Instructional Contact Hours; the teacher may deliver the remainder. Each student receives 26 Instructional Contact Hours.

Meetings One–Five: Startup and Launch 1 Meeting One: Start a Business Students examine their own entrepreneurial traits and how those traits fit within their company structure, and they explore potential ways to fund their venture.

Meeting Two: Fill a Need 2 Students brainstorm potential products and services that could fill a need or solve a problem, and determine which business ideas should be vetted further.

Meeting Three: Vet the Venture 3 Students conduct research on their top product or service ideas and decide which idea to move forward with based on a series of factors.

Meeting Four: Create a Structure 4 Students form business teams and begin to develop their business plan through a series of specialized tasks.

Meeting Five: Launch the Business! 5 Business teams report on their tasks and findings to the entire company and come to a consensus on major decisions as they launch the business and finalize their business plan.

Meetings Six–Eleven: Run the Business 6-11 Each week, business teams meet to provide status updates to the entire company, review priorities, and accomplish tasks to meet company goals and objectives.

Meetings Twelve and Thirteen: Wrap-up and Look Ahead 12-13 Meeting Twelve: Liquidate the Company Students conclude remaining business operations, liquidate the business, and decide what to do with the profits.

Meeting Thirteen: Create a Personal Action Plan 13 Students create their own personal action plan using the knowledge and experience gained throughout the program.

©2017 Junior Achievement USA® | JA Company Program® Blended Model

1 2 Join Junior Achievement’s national network of more than 237,000 volunteers and help students in your community connect the dots between what they learn in school and the “business of life”—work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. JA’s Turnkey Volunteer Solution: Personalized Placement JA works with you to ensure you teach at the 3 4 location and grade level of your choice. Comprehensive Training JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. Training also will be available in the Learning Platform so you are familiar with the program. Training topics include working with students and the classroom teacher, and understanding and facilitating the JA program. 5 Flexible Time Commitment through Blended Learning The time commitment is flexible to maximize the impact you make. High school classes include 13 two-hour meetings or 26 one-hour meetings.

JA provides you with online access to the volunteer, teacher, and student materials you’ll need to fit your schedule. 1 Interactive digital tools 3 Volunteer resources, 5 Link to JA My Way™– and resources including a Volunteer Entrepreneurship JA Staff Follow-Up and Support and Teacher Guide Pathway 2 Engaging interface and with instructions and JA staff is available to answer your questions or blended-learning talking points make suggestions about your volunteer opportunities assignment. 4 Multi-media content Powered by: JA Economics®

JA Economics® is a one-semester teacher-taught course recommended for students in grades 11 and 12. The program examines the fundamental concepts of micro-, macro-, and international economics.

3URJUDP&RPSRQHQWV The JA Economics program includes four components: ‡ Textbook: Contains the information students need to gain an understanding of ® economic concepts and principles. ‡ Student Study Guide: Provides students with an opportunity to extend their learning beyond the knowledge gained from the textbook through a variety of reinforcement and enrichment activities. ‡ Guides for Teachers and 9olunteers: Includes lesson guides for the teacher to assist in presenting program content and activities for the volunteer to present to students during classroom visits. ‡ Test Bank: Generates economics quizzes and tests from a bank of nearly 500 multiple choice questions categorized by chapter, written at varying levels of difficulty, and accessed from a CD-R2M.

:KDW·V,PSURYHG" 7KH-$(FRQRPLFVWH[WERRNKDVEHHQ ‡ Reformatted to allow students to complete in-text activities as part of each chapter. Students also are prompted to mark content in the text that is important to remember, or information that is unclear or confusing. This interactive format provides students with a resource they can take with them at the completion of the course. ‡ Printed in color to make the content more engaging to students.

7KH6WXGHQW6WXG\*XLGHKDVEHHQ ‡ Rewritten to parallel the revised textbook. ‡ Developed to include a vocabulary review, content application activities, challenge activities, and chapter review exercises.

*XLGHVIRU7HDFKHUVDQG9ROXQWHHUVKDYHEHHQ ‡ The Guide for Teachers has been expanded to include answer keys to each Student Study Guide activity. ‡ The Guide for 9olunteers has been revised to contain updated activities for the volunteer to present.

7KH7HVW%DQNKDVEHHQ ‡ Reformatted on a CD-R2M for use on a Mac or PC. ‡ Simplified to make quizzes and exams easier to construct.

‹2014 Junior Achievement USA® | JA Economics®

This program reinforces principles of micro- and macro- economics by having students ask: What are the basic characteristics of the U.S. economic system? Why so much buzz in our country around private property, the price system, competition, and entrepreneurship? How do economic principles influence business decisions in the U.S. and global markets, and what role does government play in a market economy? Business volunteers Join Junior Achievement’s national network of more and other local community members introduce students to career opportunities, consumer issues, and help than 213,000 volunteers and help students in your reinforce important academic and leadership skills including: research and data analysis, problem-solving, and community connect the dots between what they critical thinking. Designed for high school students. learn in school and the “business of life”— work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. -$·V7XUQNH\9ROXQWHHU6ROXWLRQ 1 3 Personalized Placement JA works with you to ensure you teach at the location and grade level of your choice. Comprehensive Training JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. You will be trained in: classroom management, understanding and relaying the JA curriculum, working with the classroom teacher, and communicating effectively with students. 2 Minimal Time Commitment The time commitment is minimal compared to the 4 significant impact you make. JA Economics is a one-semester course recommended for 11th and 12th grade students. JA Staff Follow-Up and Support JA staff is available to answer your questions or make suggestions about your volunteer assignment.

-$(FRQRPLFV 6WXG\*XLGH *XLGHVIRU9ROXQWHHUV &HUWLILFDWHRI 1 7H[WERRN 2 Activities for students to 3 DQG7HDFKHUV 4 $FKLHYHPHQW Provides students with a connect what they have Step by step lesson plans Given to students in solid foundation in learned about economics and teaching tips for the recognition of their economics education. to the real world. volunteer and teacher. achievement. JA Exploring Economics®

Through hands-on classroom activities, JA Exploring Economics fosters lifelong skills and knowledge about how the economy works, including micro-, macro-, personal, and international economics.

)ROORZLQJSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHSURJUDPVWXGHQWVZLOOEHDEOHWR ‡ Synthesize and evaluate how fundamental economic concepts and principles guide the U.S. and global economic systems.

‡ Identify the ®role and impact of government within the market economy. ‡ Demonstrate an understanding of economic principles that guide personal and business decisions.


6HVVLRQ2QH³(FRQRPLF6\VWHPV:KR0DNHVWKH%LJ'HFLVLRQV" 1 Students examine how the economic system that a society uses for production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services significantly affects the individuals in that society.


6HVVLRQ7KUHH³6XSSO\DQG'HPDQG7KH-$0DUNHW*DPH 3 Using an experiential game format, students demonstrate the interaction of supply and demand and how market forces affect the price of products.

6HVVLRQ)RXU³6DYLQJDQG,QYHVWLQJ5LVNVDQG5HZDUGV 4 Students explore concepts related to saving and investing. They compare the characteristics, risks, and rewards of several saving and investing options.

6HVVLRQ)LYH³*RYHUQPHQW·V5ROHLQWKH0DUNHW 5 Students analyze the effect of government on the economy, including intervention through the production of public goods and services, taxes, and its role in protecting private property.

6HVVLRQ6L[³0RQH\,QIODWLRQDQGWKH&3, 6 Students learn about inflation and its effect on prices, consumer purchasing power, the willingness of financial institutions to loan money, and how the Consumer Price Index CPI is used to monitor inflation.

6HVVLRQ6HYHQ³,QWHUQDWLRQDO7UDGH 7 Students see the advantages of international trade through a simulation based on the increased utility satisfaction of global interaction.

‹2014 Junior Achievement USA® | JA Exploring Economics®

This program introduces students to the concept of globalization as it relates to resources and careers and the need for students to be entrepreneurial in their thinking to meet the requirements of business worldwide. Through engaging activities, students learn about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills, resources, and Join Junior Achievement’s national network of job skills. more than 213,000 volunteers and help students in your community connect the dots between what they learn in school and the 7 “business of life”— work readiness, 1 2 5 entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.


Personalized Placement JA works with you to ensure you teach at the location and grade level of your choice.

Comprehensive Training

Negotiate the lowest price possible. 6 You should not pay more than JA staff provides training so you are per carton, unless you decide to take a loss for this exchange.$26 ------

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This carton Sold by: ______followin

Negotiate the highestSeller’s price Name possible $______You should not accept less th

Minimal Time Commitment Sold r carton ___ The time commitment is minimal compared to $3 the significant impact you make. Elementary *XLGHIRU9ROXQWHHUVDQG 7DNH+RPH1HZVOHWWHUVOHWWHU -$0DUNHW*DPH-$ 0DUNHW*DPH 7UDGLQJ*DPHDGLQJ *DPH school programs include five 45-minute 1 7HDFKHUV 4 Provides activities forfor thethe 6 In this engagingengaging game,game, 8 Students learn about the sessions. Provides lesson plans and student’s family to enjoy.enjoy. studentsstudents areare divideddivided intointo importance of international teaching tips. two teams–buteams–buyersyers and trade, both for individual And, JA provides you with a kit containing all &RQFHUW'HVFULSWLRQWLRQ sesellers.llers. StudentsStudents willwill countries and for the global 6WXGHQW:RUNERRN 5 3RVWHUV nnegotiateegotiate and agreeagree on an economy. of the session plans and student materials 2 An in-class and take-home In this activity, studentsents have exchanexchangege price. you’ll need to make every minute count. reference tool for students to the opportunity to seeee the 9 5LVN5HZDUG/HYHO follow along and complete with impact of an economic 7 'HPDQGDQG6XSSO\ %DQQHUV JA Staff Follow-Up and Support each session. system on its citizens. *UDSK3RVWHU Students analyze a scenario JA staff is available to answer your questions Students learn about the and decide where they will &HUWLILFDWHRI$FKLHYHPHQW market-clearing price invest or save their money. or make suggestions about your volunteer 3 assignment. Given to students in recognition through graphs. of their participation. JA Job Shadow ™ JA Job Shadow prepares students to be entrepreneurial thinkers in their approach to work. Students will acquire and apply the skills needed in demanding and ever-changing workplaces.

)ROORZLQJSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHSURJUDPVWXGHQWVZLOOEHDEOHWR ‡ Recognize career clusters and potential job positions and understand the

importance® of researching the requirements needed to earn a position. ‡ Develop job-hunting tools, such as networking, resumes, and interviewing skills. ‡ Identify the next steps needed in their personal career preparation.

6HVVLRQ7LWOHVDQG6XPPDULHV 6HVVLRQ2QH%HIRUHWKH-RE+XQW ,QFODVVWHDFKHUWDXJKW  1 Students are introduced to the JA Job Shadow program and the Seven Steps to Get Hired and Succeed. Through a close examination of specific skills and career clusters, they learn the key factors to investigate in career planning: skills, interests, work priorities, and job outlook.

6HVVLRQ7ZR3HUIHFW0DWFK ,QFODVVWHDFKHUWDXJKW 2 Students review the Seven Steps to Get Hired and Succeed and analyze job-hunting skills. They then participate in mock interviews to prepare for the Job Shadow Challenge at the site visit.

6LWH9LVLW 6LWHEDVHGOHGE\FRPSDQ\VWDII 3 Students visit a business or nonprofit organization, where they observe professional work conduct, learn what skills and education they need to earn jobs, and participate in a series of host-led challenges that bring home lessons from the “real world” of work.

6HVVLRQ7KUHH1H[W6WHSV ,QFODVVWHDFKHUWDXJKW 4 Students reflect on what they learned before and during the site visit, and they practice business communication by composing a thank-you note. They then create one of four career-preparation tools: a career assessment, elevator pitch, resume, or infographic profile.

‹2014 Junior Achievement USA® | JA Job Shadow ™ What does it take to get and keep a job in an increasingly competitive job market? This classroom and site-based program prepares students to be entrepreneurial thinkers and encourages them to develop personal strategies to pursue lifelong learning and career Join Junior Achievement’s national network opportunities. Presented below are components of the program. of more than 213,000 volunteers and help students in your community connect the dots between what they learn in school and the “business of life”— work readiness, 1 JA Job Shadow Challengenge entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.

Name -$·V7XUQ.H\9ROXQWHHU6ROXWLRQ 3 2 Personalized Placement JA works with you to ensure you teach at the location and grade level of your choice. Comprehensive Training JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. You will be trained in classroom management, understanding and delivering the JA 4 curriculum, working with the classroom teacher, and communicating effectively with students. Minimal Time Commitment The time commitment is minimal compared to the significant impact you make. High school grade-level classes include seven 45-minute sessions.

And, JA provides you with a kit containing all of the session plans and student materials 7HDFKHU*XLGH 6LWH&RRUGLQDWRU -$-RE6KDGRZ &HUWLILFDWHRI you’ll need to make every minute count. 1 Provides session 2 DQG+RVW6LWH 3 &KDOOHQJHKDQGRXW 4 $FKLHYHPHQW plans, teaching tips, 9LVLW*XLGH Students complete Given to students in JA Staff Follow-Up and Support and talking points. Provides hosts and various challenges during recognition of their Also included are site coordinators with their site visit. (Master participation. (Master copy JA staff is available to answer your master copies of detailed instructions copy is included in the is included in the Site questions or make suggestions pertaining student materials for and a schedule for Site Coordinator and Coordinator and Host Site to your volunteer assignment. each session. the site visit. Host Site Visit Guide.) Visit Guide.) JA Personal Finance®

JA Personal Finance focuses on earning money spending money wisely through budgeting saving and investing money using credit cautiously and protecting one’s personal finances.

)ROORZLQJSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHSURJUDPVWXGHQWVZLOOEHDEOHWR ‡ Recognize the fundamental elements of their personal finances: earnings, saving and investing, budgeting, credit, risk management, and giving. ® ‡ Apply these fundamental elements to a personal financial plan that allows them to set specific goals for their lifelong financial needs and desired quality of life.


6HVVLRQ2QH3ODQWR(DUQ 1 Students learn that healthy personal finances take planning and managing. They begin to analyze major life events and issues that have financial implications.

6HVVLRQ7ZR6DYLQJIRU/LIH 2 Students analyze the role saving plays in their personal finances and how having a healthy savings plan is necessary in all phases of life.

6HVVLRQ7KUHH7KH%XGJHW*DPH 3 Students investigate budgeting and why many people have difficulty staying within a budget.

6HVVLRQ)RXU&UHGLW&KRLFHV 4 Students analyze the importance of credit and the outcomes of wise and poor use of credit.

6HVVLRQ)LYH6DYY\&RQVXPHU 5 Groups work together to create public service announcements (PSAs) to inform each other of risks they could face in their finances and identify ways to protect themselves from potential loss.

‹2014 Junior Achievement USA® | JA Personal Finance®

This program focuses on earning money; spending money wisely through budgeting; saving and investing money; using credit cautiously; and protecting one’s personal finances.

Join Junior Achievement’s national network of more than 213,000 volunteers and help 1 2 5 students in your community connect the dots between what they learn in school and the “business of life”— work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.


Personalized Placement JA works with you to ensure you teach at the location and grade level of your choice. 7

Comprehensive Training 3 4 6 JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. You will be trained in classroom management, understanding and relaying the JA curriculum, working with the classroom teacher, and communicating effectively with students.

Minimal Time Commitment The time commitment is minimal compared 6DYLQJ3ODQ3RVWHU to the significant impact you make. High 1 *XLGHIRU 3 6DPSOH%XGJHW 5 6DYLQJV3ODQ)OLHU 7 school programs include seven to five 45-to 9ROXQWHHUVDQG Reiterates the Categorizes potential This poster describes 120-minute sessions. 7HDFKHUV components of a expenses in a fun and the expenses that occur Provides session plans budget, specifically engaging way. during different phases and teaching tips. Income, Expense, in life. JA provides you with a kit containing all the Fixed Expense, and &UHGLW)DFW&DUG session plans and student materials you’ll 3HUVRQDO)LQDQFH Variable Expense. 6 Provides facts related to need to make every minute count. 2 &KHFNOLVW various credit topics. Helps students &HUWLILFDWHRI JA Staff Follow-Up and Support determine the events 4 $FKLHYHPHQW JA staff is available to answer your and choices that can Given to students in questions or make suggestions about your have a significant recognition of their impact on personal participation in the volunteer assignment. finances. program. JA Personal Finance® Blended Model

Students experience the interrelationship between today’s financial decisions and future financial freedom. To achieve financial health and wellness, they learn about money-management strategies, including earning, employment and income, budgeting, savings, credit and debt, consumer protection, smart shopping, risk management, and investing. At the conclusion of this program, students will be able to identify how their personal finances affect their quality of life. They will understand how their financial choices will be the basis of how they get what they want and need.

JA Personal Finance Blended Model consists of eight 45-minute sessions with Additional Opportunities offered throughout. The program has two implementation options—basic or advanced. • Basic implementation includes Sessions One–Five delivered by the volunteer. • Advanced implementation includes Sessions One–Five delivered by the volunteer and Sessions Six–Eight delivered by the teacher or volunteer. Basic or advanced implementation depends on educator requirements and correlations to local standards. Contact your local JA Area staff to find out which implementation will be used.

Session Titles and Summaries: Session One: Earning, Employment, and Income (volunteer-led) 1 Students learn that healthy personal finances require planning and managing. Students begin to analyze the financial implications of educational and career choices as a basis for understanding the relationship between earnings and personal finance.

Session Two: Budgeting (volunteer-led) 2 Students investigate the importance of budgeting and how to plan for staying within a budget.

Session Three: Savings (volunteer-led) 3 Students analyze the role that saving plays in their personal finances. They recognize that having a healthy savings plan is necessary in all phases of life, but is especially critical for big-ticket items and emergencies.

Session Four: Credit and Debt (volunteer-led) 4 Students explore the importance of credit and identify the outcomes of wise and poor uses of credit. Students role-play as lenders to evaluate risk and make decisions about giving credit.

Session Five: Consumer Protection (volunteer-led) 5 Students investigate factors that may pose a threat to their finances and learn ways they can protect themselves through vigilance and making smart choices.

Session Six: Smart Shopping (volunteer- or teacher-led) 6 Students explore making informed purchasing decisions to maximize their buying power. They work in groups to compare prices in a simulated shopping experience.

Session Seven: Risk Management (volunteer- or teacher-led) 7 Students investigate risks that can lead to financial loss and practice applying appropriate risk management strategies in scenarios.

Session Eight: Investing (volunteer- or teacher-led) 8 Students explore investing and work in groups to simulate evaluating investments with different levels of risk and reward.

©2018 Junior Achievement USA® | JA Personal Finance® Blended Model

Join Junior Achievement’s national network of more than 237,000 volunteers and help students in your community connect the dots between what they learn in school and the “business of life”— work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.

JA’s Turnkey Volunteer Solution: Personalized Placement JA works with you to ensure you teach at the location and grade level of your choice.

Comprehensive Training 1 2 JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. Training also will be available in the Learning Platform so you are familiar with the program. Training topics include working 3 with students and the classroom teacher, and understanding and facilitating the JA 4 program.

Flexible Time Commitment through Blended Learning The time commitment is flexible to maximize the impact you make. High school-level classes include eight 45-minute sessions.

JA provides you with online access to the volunteer, teacher, and student materials 1 Interactiveractive didigitalgital totoolsols 3 VolunteerVVolunteer 4 Multi-mediaMulti-mediaco contentntent you’ll need to fit your schedule. and resources resources, including a Volunteer and 2 Engaging interface and Teacher Guide with JA Staff Follow-Up and Support blended-learning instructions and JA staff is available to answer your opportunities talking points questions or make suggestions about your volunteer assignment. JA Titan®

JA Titan introduces critical economics and management decisions through an interactive simulation and seven required, volunteer-led sessions. JA Titan will unite your class around the concepts of teamwork, critical thinking, and strategy development – and could provide your students with an opportunity to compete against others from around the world.

)ROORZLQJSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHSURJUDPVWXGHQWVZLOOEHDEOHWR ‡ Clarify personal goals, ethics, and working styles by using decision-making

skills from a® business-leadership perspective.

‡ Apply concepts to a virtual simulation to understand how key business decisions affect a company’s bottom line.

Guide for Volunteers and Teachers


6HVVLRQ2QH+RZ0XFK"+RZ0DQ\" 1 Students explore how price and production can affect business performance.

6HVVLRQ7ZR+RZ0XFK"+RZ0DQ\"7KH6LPXODWLRQ 2 Students learn to make decisions about price and production levels using the JA Titan computer simulation.

6HVVLRQ7KUHH&XWWLQJ(GJH 3 Students design a research and development plan for their business. They also examine marketing’s impact on sales and explore marketing strategies.

6HVVLRQ)RXU&XWWLQJ(GJH²7KH6LPXODWLRQ 4 Students learn to make decisions about research, development, and marketing using the JA Titan computer simulation.

6HVVLRQ)LYH0DNHDQ,QYHVWPHQW 5 Students learn methods to make capital investment decisions, promote new business growth through capital investment, and why businesses make charitable-giving decisions.

6HVVLRQ6L[0DNHDQ,QYHVWPHQW²7KH6LPXODWLRQ 6 Students make decisions about capital investment using the online JA Titan computer simulation. Students also make decisions related to charitable giving. 7 6HVVLRQ6HYHQ-$7LWDQRI,QGXVWU\²7KH&RPSHWLWLRQ Using knowledge gained from previous sessions, students compete as businesses to see which will be crowned the JA Titan of Industry.

‹2014 Junior Achievement USA® | JA Titan® JA Titan takes the childhood lemonade stand to a whole new level – to the online world! Built as a web-based simulation, high school students run a virtual company. Whether that means running it into the ground or to large profits depends on the quarterly business decisions they make about their product, price, marketing, R & D, and more. Sink or swim, students gain an understanding of critical business practices and Join Junior Achievement’s national network the effect management decisions have on a company’s bottom line. of more than 213,000 volunteers and help students in your community connect the dots between what they learn in school and 1 3 5 the “business of life”—work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. -$·V7XUQNH\9ROXQWHHU6ROXWLRQ Personalized Placement JA works with you to ensure you teach at the location and grade level of your choice. 4 Guide for Volunteers and Teachers Comprehensive Training JA staff provides training so you are comfortable visiting the classroom. You will 2 be trained in classroom management, understanding and delivering the JA curriculum, working with the classroom 6 teacher, and communicating effectively with students. 7 Minimal Time Commitment The time commitment is minimal compared to the significant impact you make. This high school-level classes include seven to twelve 45- to 120-minute sessions. 1 *XLGHIRU 3 &HUWLILFDWHRI 5 +ROR*HQHUDWRU 6 2QOLQH6LPXODWLRQ 7 &'520 JA provides you with a kit containing all of 9ROXQWHHUVDQG $FKLHYHPHQW 3RVWHU Students put to work Provides classrooms without Internet access the session plans and student materials 7HDFKHUV Given to students in Details the critical skills they learn in each Provides lesson recognition of their decisions made by session, simulating with the ability to you’ll need to make every minute count. plans and teaching participation. business owners, and business quarters and engage in the tips. how those decisions entering decisions on simulation component JA Staff Follow-Up and Support 4 7DNH+RPH apply to the virtual price, production, of the program. JA staff is available to answer your 2 6WXGHQW:RUNERRN 1HZVOHWWHU business that students marketing, capital questions or make suggestions about your A tool for students to Provides activities are running during the investment, R & D, and volunteer assignment. follow along and for the student’s program. charitable giving. complete with each family to enjoy. session.