Advanced Manufacturing in Missouri 2
Advanced Manufacturing in Missouri 2 Advanced Manufacturing in Missouri Missouri is a center for advanced manufacturing excel- Automotive Manufacturing lence, supported by a cost competitive, pro-business and innovative environment, exceptional talent, exten- Across the state, Missouri talent drives automotive sive training programs, access to raw materials, and a manufacturing into the future with significant produc- globally connected infrastructure. tion from Ford and GM. Missouri’s automotive manu- facturing plants are strategically located on the North American Automotive Alley that stretches from Toronto Aerospace Manufacturing to Mexico City, and Missouri’s Kansas City area is the second largest automotive trade hub behind Detroit, The U.S. is the world’s largest aerospace producer, and according to Brookings. In 2019, Missouri produced Missouri has a rich history in aviation, especially mili- more than 770,000 vehicles at the Ford and GM plants. tary aviation. From Charles Lindbergh, to the Mercury space program, to the latest in aerospace innovation by Boeing, Missouri has led the way in every aspect of Missouri is a Global Leader aviation for nearly 100 years. Missouri exports more than $7.3 billion in advanced Today, more than 16,000 of Missouri’s highly trained manufacturing products to more than 210 countries workforce builds the F/A-18, EA-18, F-15, and T-7A fighter every year. The state is a world leader in aerospace jets and the MQ-25 unmanned refueler at Boeing’s and automotive manufacturing, and our expertise Defense, Space and Security facilities, along with com- extends to producing everything from egg carts to posite parts for the 777X and a huge array of military aluminum boats.
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