University Relations Olympic Studies Centre

Postgraduate courses offering Olympic-related content

2011/2012 Selection

Information and contact details

14 April 2011

2011/2012 Selection

1. 18th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students

Organizers: International Olympic Academy, Greece

Keywords: - Olympism - Olympic Games and Olympic Movement

Main topic: The Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement: Past, Present and Future – An Analysis from the Historical, Philosophical and Social Perspectives.

A special topic is proposed every year. In 2011: “IOA: 50 years of Olympic education – future perspectives”.

Length: 1 month (in summer) Applications for the 2011 edition must be received no later than 15 April 2011.

Location: IOA’s campus in Ancient Olympia (Greece)

Language: Courses are taught in English

Contact: [email protected] Tel. +30 210 687 88 09-812 Fax +30 210 687 88 40 Information on the IOA web site

2. Postgraduate Programme in “Olympic Studies, Olympic Education, Organization and Management of Olympic Events”

Organizers: International Olympic Academy and University of Peloponnese

The degree is awarded by the University of Peloponnese.

Keywords: Olympic education

Length: Three semesters (next edition will start in mid September 2011). All applications and documents must be submitted from 17 January to 2 May, 2011.

Location: IOA’s campus in Ancient Olympia and University of Peloponnese in Sparta (Greece)

Language: Courses are taught in English

Contact: [email protected] Tel. +30 210 687 89 52 Fax +30 210 687 88 40 Further information

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3. Master in Olympic Studies

Organizers: German Sport University Cologne – Olympic Studies Center (main organizer) University of (partner institution) University of Loughborough – Centre for Olympic Studies and Research (partner institution) Autonomous – Olympic Studies Centre (partner institution) University of Mainz (partner institution)

Keywords: - Ethics, Values and Olympic Education - Olympic Athletes and Elite Sport - Governance, Policy and Olympic Organisations - Olympic Games, Media and Commercialisation - International Relations and the Olympic Movement - Olympic Studies

Length: 2 year programme organized in 6 modules of 6 working days each and a thesis.

The second edition will start in September 2011. The application deadline is 1 July, 2011.

Location: Modules will be delivered at the German Sport University of Cologne and at the partner institutions.

Language: Courses are taught in English

Contact: [email protected] Tel: +49 221 4982 3821 Fax: +49 221 4982 8210 Further information

4. Executive Masters in Sport Organisations Management (MEMOS)

Organizers: European, American and Australian universities and sports schools (11 at the 2011/2012 edition)

MEMOS is endorsed by: International Olympic Committee Olympic Solidarity European Olympic Committees Network of MEMOS graduates

The degree is awarded by the (France)

Keywords: - Strategic Management and Governance - Performance and Risk Management - Marketing Management and Brand Equity

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- Sport Sponsorship and Event Sponsorship - Human Resource Management - Leadership and Change Management MEMOS is especially addressed to all individuals who manage and organize sport worldwide, including volunteers.

Length: Three one-week residential modules, each lasting six days, scheduled over twelve months. A fourth module includes the defence and public presentation of a personal project and the awarding of the degrees. Held every year and starting in September. The application deadline is 15 June 2011.

Location: The first and fourth modules always take place in Lausanne (Switzerland). The second and third modules are staged in different cities each year (normally one within and one outside of Europe).

Language: The course is taught in English.

Contact: [email protected] Phone: +32 10 47 22 99 Fax: +31 10 47 31 06 Further information

5. Master Ejecutivo en Gestión de la Organizaciones Deportivas (MEMOS – Spanish edition)

Organizers: European, American and Australian universities and sports schools (11 at the 2011/2012 edition)

MEMOS is endorsed by: International Olympic Committee Olympic Solidarity European Olympic Committees

The degree is awarded by the University of Lleida (Spain)

Keywords: - Strategic Management - Marketing Management - Management of Human Resources - Management of Sport Events - Sport Organisational and Legal Issues - Sport values

MEMOS is especially addressed to all individuals who manage and organize sport worldwide, including volunteers.

Length: Three residential modules, each lasting 11/12 days, scheduled over 12 months. A fourth module includes the defence and public presentation of a personal project and the awarding of the degrees. Held every odd year starting in November. The application deadline is 30 June, 2011.

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Location: Each module takes place in a different city. The defence and public presentation of a personal project takes place in Lausanne (Switzerland).

Language: The course is taught in Spanish.

Contact: [email protected] Phone: +34 973 27 20 22 Fax: +34 973 27 59 41 Further information

6. Master Exécutif en Management des Organisations Sportives (MEMOS – French edition)

Organizers: European, American and Australian universities and sports schools (12 at the 2010/2011 edition).

MEMOS is endorsed by: International Olympic Committee Olympic Solidarity European Olympic Committees Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa

The degree is awarded by the University of Poitiers (France)

Keywords: - Strategic Management and Governance - Performance and Risk Management - Marketing Management and Brand Equity - Sport Sponsorship and Event Sponsorship - Human Resource Management - Leadership and Change Management

MEMOS is especially addressed to all individuals who manage and organize sport worldwide, including volunteers.

Length: Three one-week residential modules, each lasting 6 days, scheduled over 12 months. A fourth module includes the defence and public presentation of a personal project and the awarding of the degrees.

Location: Each module takes place in a different city. The defence and public presentation of a personal project takes place in Lausanne (Switzerland). Held every even year starting in November.

Language: The course is taught in French

Contact: [email protected] Phone: +33 549 45 33 43 Fax: +33 5 49 45 33 96 Further information

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7. Certificat interuniversitaire en management des organisations sportives – Belgian Olympic Academy

Organizers: Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) Gent University (Belgium) Olympic and Inter-Federal Committee of Belgium

Keywords: - Sport Management - Olympic Values - Managerial Competences

The course is specially addressed to professionals working in sports organizations.

Length: 21 6-hours afternoons over one year. Held every other year.

Location: Courses are taught every two years and alternately at the Catholic University of Louvain, Gent University and the Olympic and Inter-Federal Committee of Belgium. Closing session takes place at the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne.

Language: Courses are taught in French, Dutch and English

Contact: [email protected] Phone : +32 10 47 22 99 Further information

8. Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology (MSA)

Organizers: International Academy of Sports Science and Technology (AISTS), Lausanne, Switzerland , Switzerland University of Lausanne, Switzerland The Federal Polytechnic University of Lausanne, Switzerland The Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, Chavannes-Près- Renens, Switzerland

The degree is co-signed by the five universities mentioned above.

Keywords: - Management and Economics - Technology - Law - Sociology - Medicine

Length: 2 semesters starting in January, including a team project, a personal project and a 2 months internship or work experience. There are 2 application deadlines for the AISTS MSA 2012: - First application deadline: 2 May 2011 - Second application deadline : 12 August 2011

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Location: Lausanne (Switzerland)

Language: Courses are taught in English

Contact: Email: [email protected] Tel.: +41 21 693 85 93 Fax: +41 21 693 85 94 Further information

9. International Master in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport (FIFA Master)

Organizers: University of Neuchâtel, International Centre for Sport Studies (CIES), Switzerland (Coordinators) De Montfort University, Leicester, UK SDA Bocconi-School of Management, Milan, Italy

Master endorsed by FIFA

Keywords: - Management - Law - Humanities of Sport

Length: One year programme starting in September.

Location: The first term is taught at the International Centre for Sport History and Culture (ICSHC) at the De Montfort University, Leicester.

The second term is taught at the SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan

The third and final term is taught at the Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel

Language: Courses are taught in English

Contact: [email protected] Tel: +41 32 718 3900 Fax: +41 32 718 3901 Further information

10. Executive Master in European Sport Governance (MESGO)

Organizers: The Birkbeck Sports Business Centre, University of London, UK Centre de Droit et d’Economie du Sport, , France Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany Institut Nacional d’Educacio Fisica de Catalunya, University of Lleida, Spain Paris, France

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Master endorsed by UEFA

Keywords: - Governance - Sport organizations - Political, legal and economic aspects

Length: 18 months programme organized in nine sessions of one week duration. The first edition started in September 2010 and will end in February 2012.

Location: Modules will be taken in different European cities: Paris, Brussels, London, Barcelona, Mainz / Frankfurt and Swiss cities.

Language: Courses are taught in English

Contact: [email protected] Tel. : +33 1 45 49 63 22 Prune Rocipon – MESGO Manager Sophie Mièvre – MESCO Coordinator Further information

11. Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in International Sports Organisations

Organizers : University of Zurich, Switzerland

Keywords : - TV rights - Sponsoring - Ambush marketing - Free movement of players and athletes - Corporate governance of sports organizations - Doping - Arbitration and dispute settlement

Length: 6 weeks (total of 96 hours, 10 credits). Courses take place every Monday and Tuesday from 7 November until 13 December, 2011. Application deadline is 14 August, 2011.

Location: University of Zurich, Switzerland

Language: Courses are taught in English

Contact: [email protected] Phone : +41 44 634 48 19 Fax : +41 44 634 43 78 Further information

12. Master program in Sports Management and Olympic Studies (East Asia programs)

Organizers: Da-Yeh University, Taiwan

Keywords: - East Asia and Olympism - Olympic Games and Olympic Movement - Sport Management; Comparative studies

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- Multiculturalism; Sports Education

Main topic: The Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement: Past, Present and Future – An Analysis from the Historical, Philosophical, Social and Comparative Perspectives.

Length: Two years programme starting in September. Deadline for the 2011/2012 edition is 15 May, 2011.

Location: Da-Yeh University, Taiwan Language: Courses are taught in English and Chinese

Contact: [email protected] [email protected] Tel.: +886 – 4 – 851 18 88, ext: 1766 Further information

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