L'arte Del Mondo Werner Ehrhardt

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L'arte Del Mondo Werner Ehrhardt L’ARTE DEL MONDO WERNER EHRHARDT 1 ANTONIO SALIERI LA FIERA DI VENEZIA Libretto: Giovanni Gastone Boccherini L’ARTE DEL MONDO WERNER EHRHARDT 2 Antonio Salieri (1750 - 1825) LA FIERA DI VENEZIA - Dramma giocoso per musica AKT 1 AKT 2 1 Sinfonia 3:03 22 Scena 1, Ensemble: Chi và di quà 1:22 2 Scena 1, Coro. Ensemble, Mercanti: Chi compra? Chi spende? 3:03 23 Scena 2, Recitativo Falsirena, Cristallina, Grifagno, Belfusto, 3 Recitativo Grifagno, Mercanti: Ehi, straccaiolo, portatemi Rasojo: Ho risoluto. Vuó mascherarmi 0:58 quell’abito. 1:24 24 Aria Cristallina: Non contento di seccarmi 2:19 4 Aria Grifagno: Horagion. Lo sò ancor’io 2:55 25 Scena 3, Recitativo Belfusto, Rasojo, Grifagno: Senti… 0:17 5 Scena 2, Recitativo Ostrogoto, Falsirena, Cristallina, Belfusto: 26 Terzetto Rasoio, Grifagno, Belfusto: Oh se mi scappa 1:05 Lasciate andar colui 1:00 27 Scena 4, Aria Ostrogoto: Mi lasciò; ma senza pace 2:34 6 Aria Cristallina: Senz’ altre chiacchiere 2:24 28 Scena 5, Recitativo Falsirena, Calloandra, Ostrogoto: 7 Scena 3, Recitativo. Aria Rasoio: Signora maschera, ascolti una Bon jour, madame 2:25 parola 2:33 29 Cavatina Falsirena: L’amour est un Dieux cauteleux 2:00 8 Scena 4, Recitativo Ostrogoto, Falsirena, Belfusto: 30 Scena 6, Recitativo Belfusto, Calloandra, Ostrogoto: Da Vicenza son giunta 1:30 Dov’è l’infida? 0:59 9 Aria Ostrogoto: Il pargoleto amabile 4:53 31 Aria Belfusto: In primis: quà si spacciano 3:16 10 Scena 5, Recitativo Falsirena, Belfusto: A questo stravagante 0:54 11 Aria Falsirena: Fai torto orribile 2:57 12 Scena 6, Recitativo Belfusto: Chi può di lei fidarsi? 1:03 13 Aria Belfusto: Oh donne, donne, a dirvela 3:10 14 Scena 7, Aria Calloandra: Col zeffiro, e col rio piango 4:22 15 Scena 8/9, Recitativo Calloandra, Ostrogoto, Cristallina, Falsirena: 2:50 E il mio sposo Under licence of WDR mediagroup GmbH 16 Duetto Falsirena, Calloandra: Aci, ben mio, tu sai quanto 4:50 17 Recitativo Ostrogoto, Calloandra, Falsirena: Brava, brava! Recording (Live/Patch): 31 October – 4 November 2018, Erholungshaus Leverkusen,Germany Anzi brave! 0:30 Recording Producer: Jens Schünemann • Recording Engineer: Patrick Huth • Recording Assistant: Michael Weber • 18 Recitativo accompagnato Falsirena: Il cavaliere mio non guinse Executive Producer: Dr. Richard Lorber ancora! 3:14 PHOTOS Cover: © Sotheby‘s/akg-images, ©peuserdesign (5) • Artwork: Delia Bob Ⓟ 2018 A Production of Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln under exclusive license 19 Aria Falsirena: Rabbia, bile, affanno, e stizza 2:04 to Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH © 2019 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH 20 Scena 10-12, Recitativo Ensemble: Gli è piaciuta la scena? 1:49 21 Finale. Ensemble, Coro: Venti numeri alla dama 7:06 Kindly supported by: 3 Antonio Salieri (1750 - 1825) LA FIERA DI VENEZIA - Dramma giocoso per musica AKT 3 32 Scena 7, Recitativo Rasojo, Ostrogoto, Calloandra: È quì giunta, 45 Scena 1/2, Recitativo Ostrogoto, Rasojo, Cristallina: Io non posso signori, una Tedesca 2:08 pensar, che a Falsirena 2:36 33 Duetto Calloandra e Rasojo: La Baronessa, che quì s’appressa 1:32 46 Aria Cristallina: Dal gran contento 1:40 34 Scena 8 Recitativo Calloandra, Ostrogoto, Falsirena: 47 Scena 3/4, Recitativo Ostrogoto, Rasojo: Che indegna! 1:25 Che pretende colui? 3:28 48 Duettino Belfusto, Grifagno: Dopo il ben ne viene male 1:03 35 Terzetto Falsirena, Calloandra, Ostrogoto: So wie bey den 49 Recitativo Ostrogoto, Grifagno, Belfusto: Venite avanti. Ahi! 1:37 deutschen Tänzen 1:57 50 Scena 5, Recitativo Ostrogoto, Calloandra: Perdonate, o marchesa 1:14 36 Scena 9, Recitativo Cristallina, Grifagno: Signor Grifagno. Che c’è? 0:55 51 Aria Calloandra: Vi sono sposa e amante 6:56 37 Aria Grifagno: Sette, e un’otto Scena 10, Recitativo Cristallina, 52 Scena 6, Recitativo Ostrogoto, Cristallina: Gran buona dama! Calloandra: Oh bella in verità! 3:39 Scena 7, Duetto Falsirena, Ostrogoto: Eccola… Sù… Coraggio. 7:56 38 Aria Calloandra: Troppo l’offesa è grande 2:15 53 Scena 8, Recitativo Cristallina, Rasojo, Grifagno, Belfusto, 39 Scena 11, Recitativo Falsirena, Ostrogoto, Belfusto: E si viene al Falsirena: Una gondola vien. 1:04 festin così patetico? 1:03 54 Scena ultima, Marcia 1:08 40 Aria Ostrogoto: Se ridendo mi guardi, o mie viscere 3:22 55 Recitativo Calloandra, Falsirena, Ostrogoto: Siete qui? 0:29 41 Scena 12, Recitativo Belfusto, Falsirena: Fermati, non seguirlo. 1:02 56 Finale. Coro, Ensemble: Viva, viva il duca sposo 3:04 42 Aria Falsirena: Quando invan ti lusingai? 4:09 43 Recitativo Belfusto: Proviam se dice il vero. 0:54 44 Scena 13, Finale. Coro, Ensemble: Allegre, allegre 11:21 Gesamtspielzeit/Total time: 2:22:12 „OPERN AUS DEN ARCHIVEN DER WELT“ “OPERAS FROM THE WORLD ARCHIVES” ist eine von Bayer Kultur initiierte und gemeinsam mit l’arte del mondo und is a Bayer Arts & Culture series of rediscovered operas staged in Cooperation seinem künstlerischen Leiter Werner Ehrhardt seit 2010 realisierte Ausgra- with l’arte del mondo under its artistic director Werner Ehrhardt. The series bungsreihe. Ziel der Reihe ist es, wichtige, zu Unrecht vergessene Opern aus aims to revive an important and yet sadly forgotten opera from before der Zeit vor Mozart bekannt zu machen. Als permanentes orchestra in residence Mozart’s time. As a permanent orchestra in residence, l’arte del mondo is trägt l’arte del mondo regelmäßig auch mit anderen innovativen Projekten ganz regularly involved in other innovative projects, too, and makes a key wesentlich zum ambitionierten Programm von Bayer Kultur bei. Die Reihe wird contribution to Bayer Arts & Culture’s ambitious programme. Live recordings „live aus dem Erholungshaus Leverkusen“ von SONY auf CD dokumentiert. of the operas are available on CD under the SONY label. 4 Antonio Salieri LA FIERA DI VENEZIA L’ARTE DEL MONDO ORCHESTER/ORCHESTRA L’ARTE DEL MONDO Werner Ehrhardt - Leitung/music director Violine/violin I: Andrea Keller (Konzertmeisterin/concert master), Massimiliano Toni - Fortepiano & musikalische Assistenz/musical assistance Zsuzsanna Czentnár, Mariya Ivanova, Marika Apro-Klos, Go Yamamoto Violine/violin II: Petar Mancev, Martin Ehrhardt, Antonio De Sarlo, Christian Friedrich Viola: Antje Sabinski, Priscila Rodriguez-Cabaleiro Violoncello: Linda Mantcheva, Felix Zimmermann Kontrabass/double bass: Jörg Lühring Flöte/flute I: Gudrun Knop Flöte/flute II: Stefanie Kessler Oboe I: Peter Tabori Werner Ehrhardt Oboe II: Antonello Cola Fagott/bassoon I: Burak Özdemir Fagott/bassoon II: Katharina Brahe Horn I: Jairo Gimeno Veses Horn II: Oliver Kersken Fortepiano: Massimiliano Toni CHOR/CHOIR L’ARTE DEL MONDO Sopran: Marianne Thijssens6, Linda Thiel7, Raphaela Hein1, Gabi Thiel, SOLISTEN/SOLOISTS Hildegard Singer, Melanie Eicker Alt: Anahí Montes, Anja Hermes, Dagmar Brinken, Francesca Lombardi Mazzulli - Sopran/soprano (Falsirena) Brigitte Sanders, Julia Wissem Krystian Adam - Tenor/tenor (Ostrogoto) Tenor: Mathias Hudelmayer3, 5, Volker Kammerer4, Frank Fabian, Dilyara Idrisova - Sopran/soprano (Calloandra) Markus Sauerland2, Martin Sanders3 Furio Zanasi - Bariton/baritone (Grifagno) Bass: Ulrich Kisters, Michael Kolvenbach-Lieb, Giorgio Caoduro - Bariton/baritone (Belfusto) Andreas Babilon, Burke West Natalia Rubiś - Sopran/soprano (Cristallina) Mercanti: 1) Gallonara, 2) Cappellaio, 3) Argentiere, 4) Stracciaiolo, Emanuele D’Aguanno - Tenor/tenor (Rasojo) 5) Perucchiere, 6) Fruttarolo, 7) Ciambellaia Die eingespielte Version der Oper beruht auf einer Live-Produktion für die SWR Schwetzinger Festspiele 2018 und Bayer Kultur unter der Regie von Deda Cristina Colonna. /The recorded version of the opera is based on a live production for the SWR Schwetzinger Festspiele 2018 and Bayer Kultur, directed by Deda Cristina Colonna. Dank an Go Yamamoto für seine musikwissenschaftliche Beratung. /Thanks to Go Yamamoto for his musicological advice. 5 ZUR EDITION ABOUT THE EDITION Bereits wenige Monate nach der Uraufführung in Wien wurde Salieris La Fiera di It was only a few months after the premiere in Vienna that Salieri‘s La Fiera di Venezia am kurpfälzischen Hof aufgeführt: Am 22. November 1772 erklang die Venezia was performed at the court of the Electoral Palatinate: On 22 November Commedia per musica in der Mannheimer Hofoper. Ein Vergleich der Libretti der 1772 the Commedia per musica was performed at the Mannheim Court Opera. Wiener Uraufführung und der Mannheimer Erstaufführung zeigte, dass für die A comparison of the libretti of the Vienna premiere and the first Mannheim Mannheimer Aufführung einige Passagen geändert wurden. In der Bayerischen performance showed that some passages had been changed for the Mannheim Staatsbibliothek in München ist eine handschriftliche Partitur überliefert production. The Bavarian State Library in Munich preserved a handwritten score (D-Mbs. Mus. Ms. 2524), die Eintragungen des kurpfälzischen Kapellmeisters (D-Mbs. Mus. Ms. 2524), comprising entries by Electoral Palatinate conductor Ignaz Holzbauer enthält und den Text des Mannheimer Librettos wiedergibt. Ignaz Holzbauer and quoting the text of the Mannheim libretto. Unfortunately, Leider umfasst dieses Manuskript nur den erste und zweiten Akt der Oper. this manuscript only covers the first and second act of the opera. Fortunately, Glücklicherweise ist in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek in Dresden eine the Saxon State Library in Dresden preserved a complete score by a Mannheim vollständige Partitur von einem Mannheimer Kopisten erhalten (D-Dl Mus. copyist (D-Dl Mus. 3796-F-3). Not only does it correspond to the Mannheim 3796-F-3). Sie stimmt nicht nur mit dem Mannheimer Libretto von 1772 überein, libretto of 1772, but also contains all of Holzbauer‘s amendments. The Dresden sondern in ihr sind auch alle Ergänzungen Holzbauers umgesetzt. Die Dresdner score can thus be regarded as a clean copy of the version performed in Mann- Partitur kann also als Reinschrift der in Mannheim aufgeführten Fassung heim. The edition of Salieri‘s La Fiera di Venezia submitted by the Forschungs- angesehen werden. Auf diesen beiden Quellen basiert die Edition, die die stelle Südwestdeutsche Hofmusik is based on these two sources and can be Forschungsstelle Südwestdeutsche Hofmusik von Salieris La Fiera di Venezia heard in this recording.
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    The Fandango Scene in Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro Author(s): Dorothea Link Source: Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Vol. 133, No. 1 (2008), pp. 69-92 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Royal Musical Association Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/30161417 Accessed: 22-02-2019 00:58 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at https://about.jstor.org/terms Royal Musical Association, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of the Royal Musical Association This content downloaded from on Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:58:41 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 133 no. I 69-92 The Fandango Scene in Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro DOROTHEA LINK IN his examination of early copies of the score of Le nozze di Figaro, Alan Tyson was puzzled by something he observed about the third-act finale.' The fandango survives in some scores but is missing from others. In its longer version, which is the one performed today, the finale consists of five sections. The first is a march, which commences the wedding ceremony for Figaro and Susanna.
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