Specific Factors of Radicalization and Violent Extremist Narratives in the Tunisian Context: The Regions of Tunis, Kef, Siliana, Kasserine, and Gafsa Submitted on 7 November, 2017 by Search for Common Ground - Tunisia Hilde DEMAN Bouraoui OUNI Country Director Senior Project Manager 15, rue Khalifa Ben Jeddou, Manar 3, 7018 15, rue Khalifa Ben Jeddou, Manar 3, 7018 Tunis 2092 | Tunisia Tunis 2092 | Tunisia Tel: +216 98 743 804 Tel: +216 98 743 805
[email protected] [email protected] Table of contents Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined. Executive Summary 3 Introduction 6 Methodology and limitations Error! Bookmark not defined. LITERATURE REVIEW (or Drivers of Radicalization in the Tunisian Context) 14 The Capacities of State Institutions, CSOs, and Youth to Develop and Disseminate Alternative Narratives in Tunisia Error! Bookmark not defined. Institutional Capacity to Develop Alternative Narratives 24 CSO and Youth’s Capacity to Develop Alternative Narratives 25 Findings from the Regional Focus Groups and Regional Meetings 27 Findings and Recommendations 35 Main Recommendations: 38 Annexes Error! Bookmark not defined. 1 Acronyms AQIM Al Qaeda in the IslamiC Maghreb AN Alternative Narrative CSOs Civil Society Organizations CT Counter Terrorism CT-CVE Counter Terrorism-Counter Violent Extremism CT Commission The National Commission on Counter Terrorism and RadiCalization FGDs Focus Group DisCussions FTFS Foreign Terrorist Fighters ISIL IslamiC State in Iraq and Levant IRI The International RepubliCan Institute KIIs Key Informant Interviews MENA Middle East and North AfriCa NGOs Non Governmental Organizations P/CVE Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism Search Search for Common Ground TVE Transforming Violent Extremism UNDP United Nations Development Program VE Violent Extremism 2 1.