ECLÉTICA química Volume 35, número 3, 2010 Artigo/Article


A. F. Magalhães a*; A. M. G. A. Tozzi b; C. C. Santos a; E. G. Magalhães a. a University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Institute of Chemistry, P. O. Box 6154, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil b University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Institute of Biology, P. O. Box 6109, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil aCorrespondence to: Aderbal F. Magalhães. E-mail adress: [email protected]

Abstract: The disparity found in the molecular structures of compounds isolated from nine of the Swartzia genus indicates that the Swartzia species that furnished cassane diter- penoids and triterpenoidal saponins are more recent, since these metabolites have adopted the mevalonic acid route of formation, abandoning the shikimic acid/acetate route that produces the isoflavonoids found in the remaining species. Chemical indexes calculated from the mole- cular structure diversities of sixteen 8,11,13-trien-abietane diterpenoids isolated from Swartzia langsdorffii and S. arborescens indicate that S. arborescens is more recent than S. langsdorffii. The results suggest a more evolved position in Swartzia species of the section Possira.

Keywords: Leguminosae, Systematics of Swartzia genus, evolution, chemical index, chemotaxonomy.

Introduction common ancestry. Indeed, a systematic study of Swartzia, based on morphological and molecular The genus Swartzia Schreb. belongs to tri- characters, could provide an evolutionary basis to be , subfamily Papilionoideae (Faboi- evaluate the infrageneric of Cowan [2]. deae) of the Leguminosae (), and con- Recently, it was pointed out [11] that sists of about 180 species distributed in tropical Swartzia should be retained without further divi- America [1]. It was revised by Cowan [2], who sion, despite its large number of species and con- recognized two sections, Swartzia sect. Possira siderable morphological diversity, because it was (Aubl.) DC. and Swartzia sect. Swartzia, one sub- otherwise resolved as monophyletic, albeit with section, and eight series. limited support. The present resolution of subcla- Nevertheless, studies conducted after this des of Swartzia should be used as a basis for revi- review showed, directly or indirectly, the need of a sing the highly artifi cial infrageneric classifi cation revision of the infrageneric classifi cation, due the of Cowan [2]. artifi ciality of some series [3-10]. In fact, some of Additionally, an updated monograph of the Swartzia species are included in two distinct the entire genus has taxonomic and phylogenetic subsections or series and varieties of the same signifi cance because of the position of Swartzie- species have been placed in different series 11]. ae in the Papilionoideae classifi cation. Molecular Cowan attempted to order the species in his mo- data strongly suggest that Swartzieae sens. strict. nograph along putative phylogenetic lines, but his should be redefi ned to include only the genera infrageneric groups were not intended to refl ect

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Swartzia, , , Candolleodendron, that, instead of isofl avonoids [16-20], furnish ter- Diversity Evaluation- For contextualization and better visualization, the biodiversity observed Trischidium, , and [1,12, 13]. penoids. for ten 8,11,13-trien-abietane diterpenoids isolated from S. langsdorffi , A, B, and 1-4 [21], including a Cladistic analyses showed the group of pair of epimers, 5-8 [22] is explained through a series of methylation and oxidation reactions rationali- Myrospermum, Myroxylon and of So- zed using a proposed biogenetic route (Fig. 2). phoreae to be associated with the Aldinoid clade Methodology trans-trans-geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate H of the Swartzieae and closely to Swartzieae sens. OH strict. [12]. The reclassifi cation of Swartzieae Disparity Evaluation- The disparity of me- sens. strict., and realignment of the remaining OP tabolites reported in Swartzia genera were evalua- H CH3 swartzioid genera in other tribes, needs to be cor- CH3 ted by comparing their chemical structures since, H roborated by further evidence [1, 13]. methyl group according to Gottlieb’s methodology [14], dispa- H 1,2 migration On the other hand, evolutionary changes in O rity in the molecular structure of special metabo- OH OH plants can also be evaluated through the chemi- D O lites indicates an evolutionary move and occurs Epoxidation [O] cal structures of the special metabolites found in by the replacement of compounds generated from C them, based on the disparity (related to the bioge- CH 3 CH the shikimic acid/acetate biogenetic route by com- A B 3 CH3 netic route) and the diversity of their molecular pounds generated from the acetated route (or me- Cyclization structures [14]. The methodology is very attrac- valonic acid route). tive because it does not imply knowledge of the Accordingly, the species were separated Compound isolated from Myrocarpus frondusus OMe OH complete biogenetic route of metabolites and has [O] into two groups, those that furnished special me- OMe OH HO HO already indicated evolutionary tendencies for the HO OH tabolites originating from the shikimic acid/ace- 1. [Me] Swartzia species that produce isofl avonoids [15]. 1. Epoxidation 2. [O] CO2H tate route - the isofl avonoids, and those that fur- 2. Hydrolysis CO2H In this paper, the methodology is used to suggest nished compounds formed by the mevalonic acid CO2H evolutionary directions for two Swartzia species route - the terpenoids (Table 1). OH OH OMe OH 1. + H2O HO 2. Lactonization HO -H2O HO O Table 1. Correlation between chemical data reported for Swartzia studied phytochemically and botanic clas- O [O] sifi cation (Cowan 1967), phylogeny reported in the current literature (Torke & Schaal 2008). O O O O A swartziarboreol D analogue B [Me] Araujo 2007; Borel et al. OMe OMe Braz Filho et al. Magalhães et al. 1987; Abdel- -H2O OMe Torke & MeO HO Cowan 1967 1980; Osawa et 2005; Orphelin Kader et al. HO Schaal 2008 al. 1992; Dubois et al. 1996 2000; Magalhães O O et al. 1995, 1996 et al. 2003 [Me] O O O O Species Section Series Clade Isofl avonoids Diterpenoids Saponins

4 1 = swartziarboreol C 2 S. ulei Swartzia Benthamianae + [O] [Me] OMe S. laevicarpa Swartzia Benthamianae benthamioid + OMe OMe MeO MeO MeO S. leiocalycina Swartzia Recurvae recurvoid + C D O S. polyphylla Swartzia Orthostyleae orthostyloid + O O A B [O] O S. schomburgkii Swartzia Orthostyleae orthostyloid + O O S. apetala Swartzia Tounateae tournateoid + + 3 7 (A/B = cis) 5 (A/B = cis) 8 (A/B = trans) S. langsdorffi i Swartzia Recurvae acutifolioid + + 6 (A/B = trans)

S. arborescens Possira Possira possiroid + Figure 2. Biogenetic proposal rationalized for 8,11,13-trien-abietane diterpenoids isolated and identifi ed S. simplex Possira Possira / Unifoliolatae possiroid + from the native Brazilian tree Swartzia langsdorffi Raddii (Magalhães et al. 2005; Santos et al. 2007).

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The indexes EAO and EAE are found by cal- Σ The initial part of proposed route is very culating the averages: EAO=   / N and EAE= similar to that reported for the C-12 methoxy de- Σ / N, where the value N refers to the num- OH rivative of ferruginol [23] including a 1,2-methyl ber of metabolite occurrences, and the O and E 15 si migration. However, the shift now proposed values are the chemical indexes that quantify the HO 12 occurs between C-13 and C-14, and not between oxidative degree of the molecular structures (O) 11 16 C-13 and C-15, and is reinforced by the detection and the carbon skeleton specialization (E) of each 20 of C-14 methylated 8,11,13-trien-abietane com- metabolite. 13 pounds in the species Myrocarpus frondosus [24], The oxidative degree indexes (O) were cal- 1 a species of the Sophoreae tribe, which is closely culated by the equation, O = (x-h)/ n, where the 14 related to Swartzieae sens. strict.. letters n, h and x refer, respectively, to the total O Some cyclization processes are proposed number of carbon atoms (n), the number of C-H 2 9 leading to the compounds that were isolated from bonds (h) and the number of C-heteroatom bon- 10 8 17 Swartzia species and from the species Myrocar- ds (x) of the terpenoid skeleton, while the carbon pus frondosus. The metabolites carbon skeletal skeleton specialization indexes (E) were calcu- 4 5 difference is in ring D, as, in case of the meta- lated by comparing the carbon skeleton of each 3 7 O bolites furnished by M. frondosus , ring D would diterpenoid chemical structure in focus with the be formed by an oxidative cyclization reaction carbon skeleton of a hypothetic common precur- 6 between C-16 and C-12, allowed by the absence sor (compound A; Fig. 1), by using the equation: H of the protective C-12 methoxy group of swart- E = (q + f + c +u) / n, where the letters n, q, f, ziarboreols. In the case of swartziarboreols, ho- c, and u, represent, respectively, the total number 19 18 wever, oxidative steps would occur before a fi nal of carbon atoms (n), the number of C-C bonds cyclization reaction between C-16 and C-17 that broken (q), the number of C-C bonds formed (f), would give rise to the isocoumarin ring D. Then, the number of rings formed with a heteroatom, A = common biogenetic precursor the other compounds would be generated by a se- (c), and the number of additional carbon atoms ries of oxidative and methylation processes. (u). Table 2 shows the O and E values found for Figure 1. Hypothetic common precursor which has been used to calculate skeleton complexity evolutive However, when Gottlieb’s chemical index ten compounds identifi ed from S. langsdorffi i. The advance (EAc) values for all swartziarboreols identifi ed. methodology is applied, a knowledge of such bio- same calculations were applied to the fi ve diter- genetic pathways of special metabolites is not ne- penoids reported for S. arborescens [25] (Table cessary since the evolutionary evaluation is made 3). Finally, the oxidative advance index, EA , and Table 2. Oxidative evolutive index values (O), calculated for swartziarboreols isolated and identifi ed in the O extracts of S. langsdorffi i (Magalhães et al. 2005; Santos et al. 2007). by means of two chemical indexes, the oxidative the skeleton specialization advance index, EAE, of

evolutive advance index, EAO, and the skeleton each species are displayed in Table 4. * complexity evolutive advance index, EAE, of each Compound O E** plant species. A -0.90 0.00 B -0.80 0.00 1 -0.86 0.00 2 -0.95 0.00 3 -0.91 0.00 4 -1.00 0.00 5 -1.00 0.00 6 -1.00 0.00 7 -0.91 0.00 8 -0.91 0.00 * O = x-h/ n, where the letters refer, respectively, to the total carbon atoms (n), the C-H bonds (h) and the C-heteroatom bonds (x) of the diterpenoid skeleton. ** E = Carbon skeleton specialization chemical index.

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Table 3. Oxidative evolutive index values (O), calculated for the swartziarboreols A-E isolated and identifi ed Since the carbon skeleton is the same for The Torke & Schaal’s molecular phylo- in the extracts of S.arborescens (Orphelin et al. 1996). all the isolated swartziarboreols, the carbon skel- geny of the neotropical species of Swartzia [12] eton specialization index (E) is zero for all of identifi es 11 nonoverlapping clades, few of which

* them, and the value of EA = Σ E/N is also zero. correspond exactly to previously published taxa Compound O E** E The differences between metabolites are related [2]. The grouping of the clades orthostyloid and swartziarboreol A -0.62 0.00 only to the oxidation indexes (O) calculated for benthamioid is a sister of the remaining Swartzia swartziarboreol B -0.52 0.00 each metabolite (Tables 2 and 3). Finally, Table and, as mentioned above, is characterized by iso- swartziarboreol C -0.71 0.00 4 shows the EAO and EAE values found for each fl avonoids. Thus, the presence of terpenoids in the swartziarboreol D -0.57 0.00 species, and indicate that, according to the chemi- clades possiroid and acutifolioid could be taken as swartziarboreol E -0.57 0.00 cal index methodology, S. arborescens is a more an evolutionary novelty. recent evolutionarily species than S. langsdorffi i. A weighted cluster analysis based on wood * O = x-h/ n, where the letters, refer, respectively, to the total carbon atoms (n), the C-H bonds (h) and anatomical characters, which shows seven dis- ** the C-heteroatom bonds (x) of the diterpenoid skeleton. E = Carbon skeleton specialization chemical tinct groups within the Brazilian species of Swart- index. Conclusions zia [29], add data to this recent cladistic analysis and can be correlated with our results. The au- Table 4. Values for oxidative evolutive advance and skeleton complexity evolutive advance, EA and EA o E, thors pointed out some similarity of their wood calculated using the chemical index values found for the metabolites identifi ed in the species S. langsdorffi i When considering chemical index metho- groups with Cowan’s [2] classifi cation. Although and S. arborescens. dology for taxonomic problem elucidation, the the species, which were studied phytochemically, idea is to show a relationship between the plant are not enough, the results can be useful to in- a b evolutionary order found by the use of chemical Species EAo EAE dicate phyllogenetic and taxonomic relationships indexes and the plant evolutionary order already S. langsdorffi i -0.94 0.00 in Swartzia. The correlation of chemical data and described in the literature based on plant morpho- data reported by Angyalossy-Alfonso & Miller S. arborescens -0.60 0.00 logy and other data. [29] suggest an evolutionary tendency from group a EA = Σ O/n bEA = Σ E/n; n = metabolite occurrences. The use of the chemical index methodolo- o E 4 (where are the species of orthostyloid and ben- gy demonstrates that molecular structure differen- thamioid clades) to group 5 (where S. arborescens Results and Discussion combined chloroplast and nuclear sequences tree ces observed for the metabolites isolated from the is included). In this sense, for example, the multi- [12, Fig. 3]. In the trees obtained in separate se- two species that produce 8,11,13-trien-abietane seriate rays in Swartzia can be interpreted as deri- Disparity Evaluation- Comparing the arches of combined chloroplast sequence data and diterpenoids, the native Brazilian tree Swartzia ved from the exclusively uniseriate rays. chemical structures of metabolites reported for ITS sequences, S. schomburgkii and S. polyphylla langsdorffi Raddii, included in the series Recur- Considering the presence of metabolites Swartzia species (Table 1) it is possible to obser- remain in distinct clades [12, Fig. 1 and 2]. If the vae of Swartzia sect. Swartzia, and S. arborescens as one discriminating character for Swartzia sect. ve two groups characterized by the presence of absence of diterpenoids in S. simplex would be (Aubl.) Pittier (Swartzia sect. Possira), are related Swartzia, it seems that there are two subgroups: isofl avonoids or terpenoids. Phytochemically stu- confi rmed, this would point out the applicability to oxidative processes and indicated an evolutio- the orthostyloid clade characterized by isofl avo- died Swartzia species that furnished diterpenoids of subcategories in Possira classifi cation. nary direction. noids not containing a tetracyclic ring system and and triterpenoidal saponins (S. arborescens [25], Diversity Evaluation- The second evalu- Based on morphological data of S. langs- benthamioid, recurvoid and tournateoid clades S. simplex [26], S. schomburgkii [27] and S. lan- ation was made by analysis of the diversity of dorffi i, such as pattern venation, slender, axillary characterized by the occurrence of pterocarpenoi- gsdorffi i [21, 22, 28]) are more recent concerning the chemical structures of fi fteen 8,11,13 -trien- and shorter than leaf raceme, calyx shape, and an- ds. the evolutionary aspects, since their metabolites -abietane diterpenoids identifi ed from the species droecium characteristics, and given the presence Finally, our analysis compares favourably were generated by the mevalonic acid route while S. arborescens and S. langsdorffi . of terpenoids and terpenoidal saponins, we ob- to some clades within cladistic analysis using the remaining species produced isofl avonoids that Different from isofl avonoid chemical index serve that this species is related to S. arborescens molecular data of Torke & Schaal [12]. The two are formed by the shikimic acid/ acetate route. calculations, the chemical indexes for terpenoids, and to S. simplex, both pertaining to the section main clades within Swartzia that were recovered Considering the clades obtained by Torke as mentioned above, is evaluated by the oxidative Possira. by Torke & Schaal, the most interior node inclu- & Schaal [12], the presence of these substances degree (O) and by the carbon skeleton speciali- Then, even though the aromatic diterpenoi- ding most species and nine of the 11 supported could be used, in addition to other data, to defi ne zation (E) of their molecular structures. Table 2 ds found in S. langsdorffi i were very similar to subclades of Swartzia and other with orthostyloid the Swartzia clades: possiroid and acutifolioid cla- shows the values of the chemical indexes obtained those isolated from S. arborescens, the chemical and benthamioid clades, also fi nds support from des characterized by terpenoids, and orthostyloid for S. langsdorffi i metabolites. The same rationa- index values obtained for the two species allow the phytochemical data shown in this paper. and benthamioid clades characterized by fl avonoi- lization and kind of calculations led to the values suggesting that S. arborescens is evolutionarily ds (Table 1). In this sense, the systematic position displayed in Table 3 for the metabolites of S. ar- more recent than S. langsdorffi i. Those results of S. schomburgkii is doubtful, appearing with borescens. corroborate the Cowan [2] evolutive line. 58% maximum parsimony bootstrap support in a

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Acknowledgements [26] C. Borel, M.P. Gupta, K. Hostettmann, Phytochemistry 26 (1987) 2685. The authors are grateful to the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC), Monjolinho, Fazenda [27] M. S. Abdel-Kader, B. D. Bahler, S. Malone, M. C. M. Werkhoven, J. H. Wisse, K. M. Neddermann, I.Bursuker, D. Santa Elisa, SP, Brazil, for plant acquisition, to the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São G. I. Kingston, J. Nat. Prod. 63(11) (2000) 1461. Paulo (FAPESP), SP, Brazil, for fi nancial support and to CAPES, Brazil, for a scholarship awarded to [28] A. F., Magalhães A.M.G.A. Tozzi, C.C. Santos, E.G. C. C. Santos, as well as to Dr Carol Collins for critical reading and English revision. Magalhães, D. R. Serrano, E. M. Zanotti-Magalhães, E. G. Magalhães, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 98(5) (2003) 713. [29] V. Angyalossy-Alfonso, R. B. Miller, IAWA J. 23(4) Resumo: A análise das estruturas moleculares dos compostos isolados de nove plantas do gêne- (2002) 359. ro Swartzia mostrou que, na produção de metabólitos especiais, algumas plantas abandonaram a rota do ácido shikimic/acetato e adotaram a rota do ácido mevalônico. Esta mudança é fator indicativo de que essas espécies são evolutivamente mais recentes. Já a diversidade de estru- turas moleculares encontrada nos dezesseis diterpenoides 8,11,13-trien-abietanos, chamados de swartziarboreols, identificados em S. arborescens e S. langsdorffii, permitiu atribuir a cada uma dessas espécies um índice químico, mostrando que os de S. arborescens são mais recentes do que os de S. langsdorffii. Os resultados sugerem que as espécies da seção Possira devam ocupar uma posição derivada em Swartzia.

Palavras-chave: Leguminosas, Sistematica do gênero Swartzia, evolução de plantas, índices químicos, qui- miotaxonomia.

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