Public Performance Site License

For Motion Pictures Exhibited at:

Washington State Public Libraries

This certificate confirms that Washington State’s Public Libraries are hereby licensed by the copyright owners to publicly exhibit their movies covered by this license in VHS and DVD form, and is in full compliance with the 1976 US Copyright Act (Title 17, 94-553). Movie Licensing USA, has the exclusive right to license these movies to Washington’s Public Libraries on behalf of Pictures, , Hollywood Pictures, , Tri- Pictures, , DreamWorks Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, , Warner Bros., Lion’s Gate, New Line, Pictures, and . The movies may be shown only on Washington’s Public Libraries property. Washington’s Public Libraries cannot transfer public performance rights to others to whom they may lend these movies (churches, schools, hospitals, parks, etc.). This license covers movies previously licensed for “home use” only. The license does not cover showings where an admission is charged except to cover costs. Advertising through the media such as public radio, public television or general public newspaper, etc. is prohibited. There may not be any duplication, editing or altering of the videocassettes and/or DVDs in any manner. The copyright of the movie remains the property of the copyright holder, who reserves all rights to protect their intellectual properties. All copyright notices must remain on the movie. This license will be automatically renewed annually.