No. 644 • March 12, 2020 •

Special Issue

Lovely : Travel Tips page 17

The International Imperial Court page 10

Travel Out page 20

THE ROW RENO, a City Within a City page 24

Todd Gloria Makes LGBTQ History in Outword alifornia Assemblymember Todd Gloria won the San Diego Assemblymember Gloria is a graduate of mayoral primary Tuesday night and is on-track to become LGBTQ Victory Institute’s Candidate & Campaign Training – a four-day bootcamp Staff the first openly LGBTQ person and first person of color C that prepares LGBTQ people to run for PUBLISHER elected mayor of San Diego. The top two vote-getters in the primary office. He will also give a keynote speech at Fred Palmer advance regardless of party in ’s jungle primary system. LGBTQ Victory Fund’s San Diego Brunch this Sunday, March 8. Media interested in ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of San Diegans overwhelmingly chose Todd attending can contact Elliot Imse, Senior Ron Tackitt LGBTQ Victory Fund, released the following because of his strong record of public Director of Communications, at statement about Gloria’ victory: service and his inspirational vision for the [email protected]. GRAPHIC DESIGN “Todd is on-track to make history in city he wants to represent. Todd will Ron Tackitt More information about Victory Fund and November, becoming one of just a handful become the third highest ranking out its candidates is available at EDITOR of openly LGBTQ people ever elected mayor LGBTQ mayor in US history when he ourcandidates. Since 1991, Victory Fund has [email protected] of a major American city. Both LGBTQ wins in November and a role model for helped thousands of openly LGBTQ people and people of color face tremendous LGBTQ youth in San Diego and across the candidates win local, state and federal ARTS EDITOR obstacles when running for public office, but country.” Chris Narloch elections.

SALES Fred Palmer The World’s Best Kept Secret by Faith Colburn CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ost women are socialized to not take up space and not fight back. We are supposed to look Chris Allan Matthew Burlingame pretty, be accommodating, and shut our mouths because “no one will like a loud girl”. It can Faith Colburn be hard to disavow these lies, particularly as they are reinforced at work. Those of us who Diana Kienle M Chris Narloch work in male dominated fields are inexplicitly meant to feel grateful for being “given” the opportunity Lauren Pulido to be there. PHOTOGRAPHY It can feel as though our talent, passion, don’t belong. They want us to feel like not belong at the table. Chris Allan and energy are all an afterthought in their imposters. The people that tried so hard to gaslight Charles Peer eyes. Our great ideas are passed on until the This Women’s History Month, I’m done you are wrong. And trust me when I tell Ron Tackitt man at the end of the conference table has being quiet. And I will not let other people you, they are so not any smarter than you. the exact same one. What we wear is make me feel like I don’t belong in a space The world’s best kept secret is that all these ON THE COVER An American Girl in London. Kelli analyzed and picked apart. We are too sexy that I worked my ass off for. The moment “powerful” men who want to make you feel Hannaford takes in the sites of Merry Old or not sexy enough. We are too young until you start claiming your space, you will small really are not that smart themselves. London. Photo: Glenn Younger the exact moment we are too old. We have realize that everything you were taught was Treat everyone you meet with kindness and too many ideas, or we are too quiet. Our a lie. Now is our time. This is the time for respect, but do not put anyone on a DISTRIBUTION temperament, our communication, our the young people, the womxn, the queer pedestal. There is no one that is better than Kaye Crawford Michael Crawford leadership style all a byproduct of our people, the people of color and indigenous you, and you are not better than anyone gender. People will always try to make you folks that have been told for so long that else. But you can be strong. And ADVERTISING SALES feel like you they do you can be loud. And you should stand up for Northern California (916) 329-9280 yourself and the Fred Palmer communities that embolden you. Use your National Advertising Representative Rivendell Media opportunities to take (212) 242-6863 other people along with you. If you work hard to open a door, make sure it stays open so others can walk through. Own your power and do not listen to other people who try to make you feel bad for Outword Magazine Inc. not taking their B.S. Office 372 Florin Road, #133 Sacramento, CA 95831

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Nat. Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Nat. Lesbian & Gay Journalist Association

4 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Letter to Ed Former U. S. Representative Aaron Schock Comes Out A Letter to the Editor by Jerry Sloan n March 5, 2020, former U. S. Representative Aaron Schock finally announced that he is gay. Schock represented the O18th congressional district of Illinois which included the city of Peoria for six years. For the last year and a half Schock has been seen at various gay venues but still classified himself as straight. As a Republican, Rep. Schock was at odds with three-fourths of the LGBT+ community politically. He was elected to Congress at the age of 27. He is now 38 years old. While in Congress he voted against several pieces of LGBT+ legislation gay man. I came out in 1960 when we had including ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” for no place to learn about being gay but in the the military and Same Sex Marriage. bars. Anything we found at the library in But the real question is: How did this gay book after book reiterated what perverted man become so conservative and so infused and mentally damaged people we were. with internal homophobia? From the age of 12, I had crushes on other Let’s start with his family church, The boys, but until I came out at age 23 I didn’t Apostolic Christian Church. Sounds know why. harmless enough until one understands Even after coming out, I still had many most Apostolic churches are “Oneness” in fundamentalist beliefs. I struggled with their theology. these beliefs for many years. Although as a What is “Oneness?” This means they do Baptist I took comfort in their belief of “once not believe in the “Trinity,” Father, Son and saved, always saved.” Aaron’s theology Holy Spirit (Ghost). They are so conservative, would send him to hell for watching TV. His they forbid their parishioners watching TV. belief system had so many ways for him to They just come short of snake handling. backslide into hell and being gay was As we used to say in my Fundamentalist certainly one of them. Baptist youth, “We don’t dance, we don’t So while we may criticize Aaron chew and we don’t go with girls that do!” politically for votes in Congress, we should On a personal level, I can sympathize with sympathize with him for the religious Aaron. I grew up in a Fundamentalist struggle he has endured for many years. Baptist church. The late and unlamented If we are comparing damages he certainly Reverend Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral has not damaged us as those who led the Majority, was my school mate at the Baptist Exodus Movement which caused turmoil in Bible College located in Springfield, MO., many LGBT+ lives and led some to suicide. where I study for the ministry. My Aaron has now come out and we should denomination was to the right of the welcome him as a gay brother and Southern Baptist Convention whom we encourage him to speak out for LGBT+ considered liberal and modernists. rights that are under attack by the Trump I am now an 82 year-old out and proud administration. March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 5 The AIDS Memorial Quilt Comes Home f you have never had the honor of seeing the AIDS Memorial Quilt in person, you can rectify that situation Ithis April, when a significant portion of the quilt will be displayed in Robin Williams Meadow and at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park.

A significant portion of the AIDS Quilt will be on display at Robin Williams Meadow and at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park from April 3-5th. 1,920 panels will be laid out daily from of three decades, now contains nearly 50,000 April 3-5, in the largest display of the quilt panels, weighs more than 54 tons and in ’s history, mirroring the first memorializes more than 105,000 individual major display that took place in 1987 at the lives of people who have died of AIDS- National Mall in Washington D.C. related complications. The April 3-5 display will begin at 11 am Conceived in 1985 by AIDS activist Cleve on Friday, April 3 with a traditional Jones during the candlelight march in unfolding ceremony and the reading of the remembrance of the 1978 assassinations of names of those memorialized in the quilt. San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and The display will continue into Saturday, Mayor George Moscone, the quilt is a visual April 4, during Golden Gate Park’s reminder of the AIDS pandemic and Community Day anniversary event, and will continues as the largest ongoing community close at 5 pm on Sunday, April 5. art project in the world. The entire quilt, sewn together by friends, For more information, please visit lovers and family members, over the course

6 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 The Power of Historical Trans-Women Leaders by Lauren Pulido s we enter Women’s History Month, many of us reflect on the powerful women in history that dedicated their Alives to making an impact on the world and the lives of others around them. This month is dedicated to celebrating and commemorating the lives of the life changers in the world that are our historically inspiring women leaders. When I think of Women’s History Revolutionaries, better known as S.T.A.R. Month, a collection of the most that helped provide stability and housing revolutionary, resilient, phenomenal, world for homeless youth. This was changing leaders appear to me. When we the first organization the would directly celebrate women’s history month, we must impact transgender and embolden the impact trans-women of combat systematical oppression by color have made as being one of the most providing a basic needs, shelter, and important revolutionary social justice support through a community run warriors history has witnessed. collective. Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, better Many folks today have never heard the known as Miss Major, was a similar rebel stories and impact trans-women of color rouser who fought for the liberation of have made in history, but without the trans communities across the nation and bravery and their activism, many LGBTQ dismantling the prison industrial system folks would not have the privilidges many and their attack on the transgender are experiencing in the current moment. community and people of color. Miss To name a few or those inspirational Major devoted her life to protecting the revolutionaries, we can celebrate the transgender communities of color from profound trans-women leaders Marsha P. the injustices that were faced and still Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Miss Major linger in today’s society. Griffin-Gracy. We owe these women for Without these radical revolutionaries propelling the civil rights movement by a uplifting the most oppressively impacted continued lifelong fight for liberation of communities, our LGBTQ existences the greatly marginalized and oppressed would not have the same visibility and trans-women of color community. These voice that it assumes today. We must do legendary women have been relentless in better about protecting our most fighting for improvements within their marginalized and most vulnerable communities and coincidentally have been communities and continue striving U silenced by society and their efforts have towards a better path for the future of the been overshadowed by hate and transgender community. We must be ignorance. willing to uplift one another and call out NEED Marsha P. Johnson has been credited the injustices in the room when they are with launching the Gay Liberation present. Those that remain silent and TO TRY Movement, the infamous allow the disproportion of suffering and of 1969, that resulted in the very first oppression to continue are simply adding ON OUR occuring the next year to power to the oppressor which is why it is LATEST STYLES commemorate and progress the so important to be loud and visible as an movement. Marsha and Sylvia Rivera were ally or advocate and why we must advocates and leaders for homeless continue to share the stories of those who trandgender youth during the early 1970’s have previously paved the way for others by creating the Street Transvestite Action to exist authentically.

ANNIVERSARY SALE th ST TH 19 APRIL 1 -13 2020 EVERY FRAME % IN OUR STORE 50 OFF 2231 J Street, Ste 102, Midtown Sacramento Tues-Fri 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-4pm Come 916-448-2220 | See Us! Follow us on Instagram: @styleyeseyewear March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 7 Book Review: “What’s Your Pronoun? Beyond He & She” by Terri Schlichenmeyer ords can never hurt you. Even as a child, that last half of the retort to playground taunts never made sense to you. WOf course, sticks and stones broke bones but even then, you knew that there’s no sharper weapon than a word said in anger or misunderstanding. In the new book “What’s Your today offer their preferred pronoun Pronoun?” by Dennis , you’ll without being asked, so ubiquitous is the see that some of those weapons go question. Still, we sometimes struggle with way back. the right word, but in “What’s Your Language is a funny thing. Words Pronoun?” he offers a solution of which hurt, they sooth, and in today’s world, a readers may be skeptical. “pronoun without sex is... sexy.” We ask First, though, it’s true that this ourselves, and others, which ones to etymological history is a good read, use as “an invitation to declare, to especially for word nerds. It’s not college- honor, or to reject, not just a pronoun, but a gender identity.” Generally, though, and until relatively recently, “he” was the default pronoun used by many to indicate both masculine and undeclared gender. As far back as 1792, neutral “he” was thought to be confusing, however; one writer even suggested that “one” might work better than “he” to indicate gender neutral. “They” was brought up for consideration in 1794. A century later, and with mostly men controlling law and business, “he” was firmly the pronoun of choice, and it had become politicized; when women protested that “he” clearly didn’t include them, lawmakers stated that “he” also implied “she.” Women countered that if “he” could hold office, then it was implied that “she” could, too, and, well, you can imagine the arguments – not to mention the injustice of three masculine pronouns (he, his, him) but just two for the lecture level; Baron writes with a lighter feminine (she, her)! Oh, the scandal of hand and doesn’t preach, and the it all! occasional threads that spring from the Through the decades, other words stories here are explored appropriately and have been suggested (zie, hir, thon) to in an inviting way that displays no indicate gender neutral or unknown drudgery. It’s like sitting down at a but none have seemed to stick. Many workshop you’ve eagerly anticipated, and felt that there simply was no good way being more delighted than you hoped to signify neither male or female, or a you’d be. separation of gender-neutral and And yet, there is such a thing as nonbinary, and some bemoaned the information overload, and the obvious lack of a “missing word” that was solution isn’t so obvious. Proof is at the easily understandable. Says Baron, end of the book, in which we see more though, in sifting through the than two centuries of verbal wrangling. possibilities, we’ve had the word all So: em, thon, zier, they? We haven’t along... heard the end of it, but maybe we’re close; Sometimes, as author Dennis Baron certainly, reading “What’s Your Pronoun?” points out in his introduction, people couldn’t hurt.

8 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 by Nicole Murray Ramirez, photos by Ben Fink The International Imperial Court – 55 Years of Noble Deeds by Nicole Murray Ramirez, photos by Ben Fink ifty-five years ago, World War II veteran Jose Julio Sarria be named after an openly gay leader. Jose’s Heir and Successor and to have been We were also one of the first to establish crowned by her as “Queen Mother I of the was crowned “Empress I Jose of San Francisco.” In 1961, this LGBTQ Student Scholarship Programs Americas” and to be the titular head of the proud Latino-American became the first openly gay candidate (1979) and currently our International Jose oldest LGBTQ organization in the world. We F are an all-volunteer organization with no to run for public office. Julio Sarria Scholarship Program has raised $250,000. We are also proud that we have paid staff, and we are most sincerely raised over $230,000 for the Matthew grateful for the love and support we have Shepard Foundation’s “Erase Hate” and received these last 55 years from our anti-bullying campaigns. We also, along with LGBTQ brothers and sisters, allies and the Supervisor Bevan Duffy, successfully led families in support of our Noble Deeds. the campaign to have Jose Sarria become As I’ve said so many times Jose Julio the first Gay San Franciscan to have a city Sarria was the “Rosa Parks of the gay rights street named in his honor. movement” and almost a dozen California The Imperial Courts also founded and city chapter courts have made a big established the “National LGBTQ Wall of difference especially the Sacramento Honor,” now in the historic Stonewall Inn in Imperial Court which is now in its 46th year , which was dedicated last and has raised countless hundreds of June during the 50th anniversary of the thousands of dollars that has benefited so Stonewall uprising. many charity’s, organizations, and civil right Last year, we met with State Senator Scott cases. Last month, I had the honor to Weiner to speak about Bayard Rustin, long time gay activist and businessman longtime black gay civil rights activist. That Terry Sidie as the “king father I of the discussion led to the LGBTQ Legislative Americas”, he currently is the chair of the Yes, in 1965, the first Chapter of the Imperial Courts, especially in the 1960’s Caucus and the Black Legislative Caucus International Jose Julio Sarria Scholarship International Imperial Court System was and 70’s, helped established many LGBTQ formally asking Gov. Gavin Newsom for a Program and has raised over $175,00 for established in San Francisco — and now, community organizations, including Pride pardon for a decades-old homophobic arrest this fund. fifty-five years later, there are Imperial Court Parades and even the first “gay rodeo”. In in Pasadena that was still on Rustin’s record. Nicole Murray Ramirez is a San Diego Chapters in 70 cities within the U.S.A., recent years, we of the Imperial Court Governor Newsom pardoned Bayard Rustin City Commissioner who has served the last Canada and Mexico. System have mastered letter writing and established a procedure where other seven mayors of San Diego. Ramirez is also The Imperial Courts have raised millions campaigns using our 70 city chapters. Our LGBTQ Californians can receive pardons for known as Empress Nicole the Great, Queen of dollars for countless causes, efforts are responsible for not only the unlawful arrests in the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s for Mother I of the Americas, and has been a organizations, and agencies inside and Harvey Milk U.S. Postage Stamp but the . Latino/LGBTQ activist for over half a outside the “LGBTQ community.” U.S.N.S. Harvey Milk, the first Naval ship to I am proud and humbled to be Empress I century. March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 11 Proud to be part of this community for 25 years, and counting. PHOTO CONTEST

Diana Pretzlaff: Jerusalem, Western Wall

Meagan Transue: From my trip to the Mutianyu portion of the Great Wall.

Rodrigo Hernandez: “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

Naomi Bruzual: Carefree AZ Vacation

Jacques Graber: Sunrise in Evandale, Tasmania March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 13 t & About a Ou t H nd o e m ’51 Nash Rambler from Monkey Business. k e e w Inset: Marilyn Monroe in the Rambler e o w o d A

March 28 & 29 | Lake Tahoe


Tinseltown Cruises Into IN PARTNERSHIP WITH California Automobile Museum by Steve LaRosa tar cars from film and TV comprise the cast of California SKIHOMEWOOD.COM Automobile Museum’s newest exhibit, Reel Cars: The SImportance of Cars in Filmmaking. Running Now!…as they say, through July 6, 2020. From the days of the Keystone Kops seen in the film based on the best piling into their squad car to Steve selling book, The Art of Racing in the McQueen as “Bullitt,” hair-racing Rain. through the alpine streets of San The 1994 Chevy Van from the film Francisco, the automobile has played an version of The A-Team, directed by essential supporting AND starring role Sacramento’s own Joe Carnahan. on the silver screen, and solidified its A 1965 Dodge Coronet taxi cab (parking) place in American lore. featured in Mad Men and countless And guess what? We got ‘em. other TV shows and films. The selection of vehicles in the The exhibit also includes a number of Museum’s new Reel Cars Exhibit was other vehicles seen in popular movies chosen to illustrate how Movieland’s and TV shows that already have filming process happens, employing delighted our guests who are not only historically iconic vehicles. The exhibit car lovers but fans of these films and also features 3 videos depicting the use programs as well. of cars in films. “We are privileged to have on display Some of the Cast: a representative selection of vehicles as The 1963 Shelby Cobra Replica from used in the movies, from those that the Oscar-nominated Ford v Ferrari, performed grunt work as camera cars to which recounts the legendary battle stars in their own right such as the between the two manufacturers on the Cobra replica from last year’s Academy world’s racing circuits, especially Le Award-winning filmFord vs. Ferrari or, Mans. from another era, a Nash Healey used in The 1967 VW Bus driven by stoned 1954’s Sabrina. These and other surfer-dude, Jeff Spicoli, played by Sean fascinating examples illustrate that the Penn in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. role of the automobile in film is almost To quote Spicoli, “This is US History. as old as the film industry itself.” Totally awesome.” —Mark Steigerwald/Executive A 1951 Nash Rambler Rollltop used Director/California Automobile Museum by Marilyn Monroe to promote 1952’s The California Automobile Museum, Monkey Business in that year’s Miss located at 2200 Front Street, America Pageant parade, where she Sacramento, invites one and all to served as Grand Marshal. explore the history and process behind A Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa replica as the scenes of cars in Hollywood.

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Lovely London: Travel Tips for Those on a Budget by Kristy Harris ovely London is a very sought-out travel destination. The only problem is, it can be very expensive. Thankfully, there are Lmany free or affordable things to do in London that can fill your travel itinerary. Visit a Museum for Free op that is Market Day. There is Camden Did you know most of the museums in Market (Camden Lock Place, featuring London are free? Since 2001, The Natural fashion, music, art and food), the Columbia History Museum, the National Gallery, the Road Flower Market (selling flowers, Science Museum, and many more all have houseplants, herbs, bulbs and shrubs), and free admission! the Portobello Road Market (Notting Hill, Changing of the Guard at Buckingham specializing in antiques), to name a few. Palace Get Your Shakespeare On You’ve probably seen it on TV before, but While not free, a visit the Globe Theatre is the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham easy on the pocket book. The Globe Theatre Palace happens daily at 10:30am-11:30am is an open-air venue that is a replica of the and you can watch for free. Usually during original Globe, the famous theatre in which

Cover model Kelli Hannaford visits Windsor Castle. Photo: Glenn Younger the ceremony, the band plays traditional after 1599, the plays of William Shakespeare music, but occasionally you might here were performed. Shakespeare specifically contemporary music or TV theme music designed As You Like It, Hamlet, Twelfth thrown in! Night, Othello, All’s Well That Ends Well, Visit Windsor Castle Measure for Measure, King Lear, Macbeth, On our cover, Kelli Hannaford visits Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Pericles, Windsor Castle (photo by Glenn Younger). and The Winter’s Tale, not to mention Windsor Castle is located in Oxford (about Troilus and Cressida and Timon of Athens, 62 miles from London). It’s the oldest and for performance there. Tickets start at £7 largest still-occupied castle in the world. (GBP), that’s about $9 US dollars. The Queen still spends most weekends Getting Around: Buy an Oyster Card there, and the castle remains used for You can save significant money if you special ceremonial occasions. You can walk plan on traveling by Tube, tram, DLR, around for free, but if you would like to see London Overground, most TfL Rail, more, there are tours of the castle Emirates Air Line and Thames Clippers available, and they start at £23.50 (GBP) or River Bus services, be sure to check out an about $30 US dollars. For your optimal Oyster Card. They are available to purchase enjoyment, you should buy tickets in at all Tube, London Overground and most advance, and avoid going in the morning TfL Rail stations. It’s a refillable card that (it is busiest at that time). you scan as your ticket to ride on any of the Walk Down the Strand aforementioned methods of transport, and Back in London, you’ll find a row of 12th can save you about 50% each time you ride Century elegant homes and gardens built versus paying for the fare each time. If you along the shore of the Thames River. Even have any money left at the end of your trip, today, the “Strand” remains one of the most you can get a refund (as long as it is under prestigious places to live and is dotted with £10), so I recommend filling it with £15 at a shops and pubs and fun places to visit. You’ll time. see why it was called “the finest street in Lovely London will always be a magical place that draws millions of tourists (raising ” by Prime Minister Benjamin MODERN ASIAN CUISINE. TIMELESS TRADITION. the prices to experience the city), but if you Disraeli. take in the simple pleasures of the city, and F A T'S ASIA BISTRO 2585 Iron Point Road 1500 Eureka Road Visit the Markets of London avoid the tourist traps, you can save money Folsom 916-983-1133 Roseville 916-787-3287 If your trip includes a Sunday, you should and make an amazing vacation out of your be aware of the photo and people watching journey. March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 17

Beer in Napa Valley?? by Diana Kienle ecently, we had friends visiting; and I was well aware that one of them appreciated wine while her husband enjoyed Rbeer. One would think this is a challenge in one of the most prestigious wine regions in the world. Interestingly, the expanse of libations includes those made with hops and barley. Wine drinkers are not alone in their quest delightful experience to dive into and for aromas and taste. Beer itself has taken a explore the differences. big step forward in that same arena. I did Another discovery along the way was the my research to share some great stops with various terms used to discuss beer. People them. bandy about terms like “craft beer,” micro Our first stop was St. Clair Brown, located brews,” and “IPAs.” It was interesting to on Vallejo Street in downtown Napa. It is know that the difference between a craft housed in a cute building which is beer and a micro-brew is simply the volume structured like a greenhouse, and they serve of beer that they are allowed to produce and their offerings in a very sweet garden bottle. Duh, should have known. IPA was a setting. What makes this location really head turner for me. It stands for India Pale special is that they not only make beer, they Ale, which is a hoppy beer style of pale ale make wine. Elaine St. Clair is the developed in the mid 1800s. Who knew? So winemaker and brewmaster, studying both much to learn and appreciate. Our next stop was Mad Fritz in St. Helena. at UC Davis. This enterprise with her friend It is just around the corner from Clif Family and business partner, Laina Brown, started Winery. (Yes, they are the originators and in 2010, when they founded Napa’s first owners of Clif Bars.) Again, an important boutique urban winery, nano-brewery and stop to serve the needs of a two-beverage culinary gardens. This is the perfect stop for interest family. Mad Fritz’s storefront tasting those who want to try both wine and beer. room was jammed with customers, tasting The beers were offered in flights and through a long list of brews from light and ranged in color from light to dark with fruity to dark and brooding. They offer A Beer Sampler in Napa Valley descriptors and International Bittering Units eleven different beers on draught for (IBU), which represents a beer’s bitterness. tastings and standard pours. It was packed week, Thursday through Monday. when you visit the Napa Valley next time. It Your standard Budweiser has 7 BU. What that day and tasters were literally spilling Beer and wine are wonderful libations to is here for you to explore. we drank ranged from 20 to 40 BU. It was a out on the sidewalk. They are open 5 days a curate an experience. Keep both in mind Enjoy! March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 19 Travel Out Seattle Contributed by GSBA, Washington’s LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce ucked away in the Northwest corner of the United States, Seattle, Washington is known for her natural beauty, Trecognizable landmarks, vibrant arts and music culture, and her award winning food scene. But did you also know Seattle is also home to more than 1,400 LGBTQ and allied businesses that welcome all travelers, just as you are. There is literally something for everyone who makes the time to travel here, and it all begins at Travel Out Seattle.


Photos Courtesy of the GSBA Staff

FOOD PRIDE Seattle is home to a number of celebrity Travelers flock to Seattle every June for the chefs, from a selection of world famous Tom beautiful weather, the breathtaking natural Douglas restaurants, to the culinary delights beauty, and of course for Seattle Pride. Each of Tamara Murphy of Terra Plata and their year, the city’s Pride celebrations highlight the stunning rooftop patio. If you’re looking for best of what is already a vibrant LGBTQ something a little more low-key, check out community from nightlife, to street fairs and diner-style fare at Lost Lake Café & Lounge, block parties, to live music and festivals. or Seattle’s famous dive bar The 5 Point Celebrate Pride at one of many Pride events Café. Many local favorites are located in the throughout the month, or make plans to traditional Gayborhood of Capitol Hill, just come for the weekend June 27-30 for parades, a short walk from Downtown Seattle concerts, street fairs, and more. A list of some of the city’s Pride events can be found at ATTRACTIONS & SHOPPING After you eat, check out some of Seattle’s Whenever you come to Seattle, be sure to biggest attractions. Decorating the city check out for listings of skyline and built in 1962 for the World’s LGBTQ and ally owned hotels, restaurants, Fair, the Space Needle offers an express attractions, and nightlife that support the elevator ride to the top where you can look LGBTQ community all year, and welcome all out over the city, watch the ferries commute LGBTQ travelers to the beautiful city of across the bay, walk on the new glass Seattle. floored observation deck, and enjoy a meal GSBA, and Travel Out Seattle congratulate at the rotating restaurant on top the needle. Outword Magazine on 25 years of promoting Experience one of the oldest public farmers’ LGBTQ tourism, and helping shift the culture markets in the world at Pike Place Market to make LGBTQ travel safer, more exciting, to collect one-of-a-kind gifts and keepsakes. and more welcoming to all.

20 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Photos Courtesy of the GSBA Staff

To make a donation to the Palmer Family Healthcare Scholarship Fund, please go to: Laid Back Beach Town, is Part Of Fabulous San Diego’s DNA by Eddie Reynoso ith over 70 miles of sun kissed coastline, near perfect as the power of the community California. This year FilmOut takes place Festivals & Arts April 30th-May 3rd. The four-day event year-round weather, and a beach town feel, no other city includes international, documentaries, short compares to San Diego. A San Diego’s cultural celebrations are a W reason on its own to visit. Spring’s Gas and feature films, shown in two different While Hillcrest has long been known as the San Diego Zoo, and more than 16 Lamp & Hillcrest Mardi Gras celebrations locations. Tix & Info: the Gayborhood and ground zero of San museums- including the San Diego History make it the largest Fat Tuesday celebrations + Music Festival Diego’s LGBTQ scene, the entire city has Center and its “LGBTQ+ San Diego: Stories west of the Mississippi. Old Town’s Cinco San Diego boasts one of the largest Pride been shedding its strict military image and of Struggles & Triumphs.” De Mayo and FilmOut’s LGBTQ+ Film festivals in the nation. True to its roots it unveiling an incredibly welcoming city with The History Center’s free queer exhibition Festival help kick off summer leading into kicks off with the Spirit of Stonewall Rally queer people spreading out throughout has been visited by over 300,000 visitors San Diego Pride. recognizing its activist and civil rights roots. much of the city- seen holding hands as they and has been extended twice- now through stroll through its dozens of quaint, walkable January of 2021 - due to its popularity. It FilmOut On Saturday the Pride Parade welcomes neighborhoods - waiting for you to discover. features local stories and displays about the Every spring the red carpet is rolled out 350,000 spectators to the heart of Hillcrest, Although San Diego is often struggles to overcome persecution, the battle for FilmOut San Diego––one of the longest complete with a military contingent of four overshadowed by rivaling LA and WEHO to with AIDS, bullying, and intolerance, as well running film festivals in Southern F-15 fighter jets from Cal Guard’s Fresno the north, San Diego offers a world-class 144th Fighter Wing - saluting the nation’s city with an unpretentiousness laid back LGBT active duty and veteran military vibe. members with a flyover of the parade route. It’s home to Black’s Beach- ranked as one Eat, Play, Stay & Be Gay! of the world’s top gay nude beaches, and to Urban MO’s “The Best Gay Bar In The a vibrant nightlife and emerging culinary World” is ground zero and social hub of the and craft scene, with over 150 craft beer breweries, over 140 wineries and dozens of gay community. Its located in the hetero- independently owned and high-quality friendly gayborhood of Hillcrest and is small-batch, craft spirit distilleries. home to Chad Michael’s Dream Girls Revue- every Wednesday. But if a weekend Balboa Park & Museums drag show is more your style- you can catch At the heart of San Diego––just minutes Diva’s San Diego at Rich’s Nightclub from downtown and walking distance from the Gayborhood of Hillcrest, visitors will where you can dance the night away until find Balboa Park- an urban oasis that is 4am on certain weekends and holidays. twice the size of Central Park. It is home to Both shows regularly welcome top talent multiple performing arts venues, lovely from RuPaul’s Drag Race, so reservations gardens, dozens of walking and hiking trails, The San Diego skyline. Photo by Eddie Reynoso continued on the next page

22 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 The Uptown Burger at Uptown Tavern: Photo by Eddie Reynoso are highly recommended if you want to insideOUT’s food and cocktail program secure a seat or table. along with the ambiance have set the tone #1 Fifth Avenue, The Loft, Pecs, The for the revitalization of Hillcrest. It features Raul, The Eagle, and Cheers are all California and Mediterranean inspired neighborhood bars. Each have a unique dishes developed by famed Executive Chef clientele that is friendly, welcoming, and MaryJo Testa. sexy in their own right. Martinis Above For rest and relaxation stay––the Fourth is the go-to place for cabaret. And Hillcrest House Bed & Breakfast is place Lips is the ultimate in drag diner and a where you can expect the unexpected. It’s show. within walking distance of all the action For a casual meal and killer cocktails, and features several appointed and elegant Uptown Tavern is the place to go. Their rooms in a traditional BnB. It’s clean, Uptown Burger is completely made from extremely welcoming, and not only will scratch- except for maybe their buns. Their you be welcomed by comfortable beds and spinach quinoa salad is a light and healthy high-thread sheets but you’ll also continued on the next page alternative with a great balance of a most always be welcomed by its owner, turmeric-like vinaigrette, micro cilantro, Ann Callahan. The nearby is home to a baby spoon spinach, tri-colored quinoa, Hotel Circle variety of hotels for every budget- but will black beans, cherry tomatoes, red onion require a car or Lyft to get to and fro. Closer and Hass avocados. Both go great with to Hillcrest and located in the Hipster either their Blueberry Basil Gimlet or neighborhood of North Park you’ll find the White Sangria made with ABSOLUT Lafayette Hotel Swim Club & Bungalows. Grapefruit Vodka, lemon juice, St. Germain Like everything else San Diego––the laid elderflower liquor, honey, and Chardonnay. back feel is the perfect place to relax For a more elevated experience- poolside, and enjoy the views. It’s a mix of Hillcrest’s two year old insideOUT, is both old Hollywood themed guest rooms, suites, sleek and modern, with elegantly and private bungalows. appointed with fixtures. The main dining Visit to learn area, its walls and ceilings are made of more. unsealed concrete, and sit next to floor-to- Bio: Eddie Reynoso is the Executive ceiling glass windows streetside. It’s Director and Founder of the Equality outdoor atrium is highlighted by a Business Alliance LGBT Chamber of dramatic water fall and pond next to a Commerce and the San Diego LGBT multi-terraced garden with patio dining. Visitors Center. March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 23 THE ROW RENO, A City Within A City by Fred Palmer ast weekend, we were invited to experience the THE ROW RENO, as they call it “a city within a city”, and since we have Lnot experienced Reno in many years, we thought we should check it out for our readers in our Travel issue. Three distinct resorts, Silver Legacy, middle of the room, looking out at the city Eldorado and Circus Circus make up THE view, a walk-in roman steam shower, a wet ROW and between the three, you literally bar, a 65-ince flat screen TV, and so much never have to leave the hotel. It was around more! We really didn’t want to leave the 30 degrees, and it snowed overnight, too, so room. Speaking of not leaving the room, our this was a bonus. first morning we did not, and we enjoyed All under one roof, THE ROW offers 25 the huge bed with room service and restaurants, 23 bars and lounges, 11 breakfast in bed followed by another steam nightspots and thousands of luxury rooms shower. and suites, not to mention pools, and a After a couple hours of hanging out in the beautifully remodeled luxury spa. room, we headed down to the Spa at Silver The properties recently did a $100 legacy. The spectacular service at the spa is million project to renovate THE ROW. It spans eight city blocks, The spa was recently snacks, light lunches, and post-workout and includes thousands of remodeled from 5,000 recovery smoothies. It is located right next remodeled guest rooms in 3 square feet to 29,000 square to the spa, the gym, and the outdoor pool. resorts. Each of the three resorts feet with interesting color The Acazi bowl is pretty darn good with a introduce new restaurant pallets that make it feel 2nd glass of Champagne, just saying. concepts, reinvigorated nightlife, welcoming. If you visit, do At checkout, George informed us of some and resort amenities. check out some of the art of the signature lines of scrubs and candles Getting there is the first thing and the design of a of which he had personally curated the to consider, as the destination is beautiful wooden wall of fragrances from more that 50 different only about a 2 hour drive from layered birch woods. scents. He selected two, named Bellisma & Sacramento, and a quick ride George’s favorite Belluomo (Italian for handsome man and from Tahoe and ski resorts, too. We lead by the Spa Director, George Lopez, who treatment at the spa is the beautiful woman). considered taking the scenic Train ride via moved to Reno along with his husband. His hydrafacial or the Fiery Snow Massage, or After our 2-hour spa experience, it was Amtrak (especially since snow was in the past experience includes working in Las as he says, “Hot in Reno, Cold in Tahoe” time to go back to our luxurious room for forecast), and it is offers beautiful scenery, Vegas and Florida, where he has worked This treatment uses traditional hot stones a quick relation time and a steam shower but ultimately we decided to drive to have with brands like Canyon Ranch and Ritz and white cold marble stone chasers. Other before dinner. We saved the bathtub for more freedom on arrival and departure Carlton. While we waited to meet with popular treatments at the Spa at Silver later at night. times. George, we enjoyed the amenities including Legacy include Double Down Couple We were treated to dinner at La Strada, The lobby and check-in experience was three relaxation lounges, a salt inhaler Massage, Double Aces, or the Tahoe which has won the Wine Spectator award quick and easy, however, we were invited chamber with pharmaceutical grade salt Trilogy: a salt scrub, salt bath soak, and full of excellence for nine years, and several to check-in via the Gold Room for VIP’s. halotherapy, a men’s only steam room, dry body Swedish massage all in 120 minutes. Best of Reno awards. La Strada’s There, we were greeted with a cocktail and sauna, and both an indoor men’s only hot The café offers delicious Old Scholl mushroom ravioli even made The Food checked in at a VIP desk, a very nice perk. tub, and an outdoor co-ed hot tub, too, Kombucha to sip on, a full bar, yummy Network’s Best Pasta List of 2019. The recently remodeled rooms were located next to the pool. Don’t worry ladies, redesigned to create a great guest there is a women’s area, too, with the same experience. We were treated to a spa suite in amenities. the El Dorado, and our room was amazing. The Spa café served us a nice cold glass The Spa Suite was 750 square feet of fun of J Champagne, and later we enjoyed with a huge bath tub on a stage in the some of the spa café nibbles, too.

Silver Legacy Casino. Photo Credit: THE ROW Circus Circus Tower Hotel and Casino. Photo Credit: THE ROW 24 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 The service, like our entire experience, as the world famous Laugh Factory the price, and I highly recommend or was fantastic. First up, Grilled Octopus, Comedy Club. Some of the most legendary spending a bit more to have a nice because anytime we see octopus on a artists have stopped in the Biggest Little weekend or weekday getaway. Check out entertainment/shows or call them at (775) menu we order it. We paired the dish with City, including Carrie Underwood, Rod their website with an interactive map of all 786-5700. a nice wine (recommended to us) that also Stewart, and Tim McGraw. Upcoming that they have to offer. Sidenote: Outword Magazine also has a went well with the fresh lightly Fried shows can be found on their website and THE ROW is located at 345 N Virginia few advertisers in the Reno area, so check Roman Artichokes we tried. include Billy Ray Circus, The Beach Boys, Street, Reno 89501. out Splash Reno LGBT bar, Steve’s, and The restaurant is well known for its Jeff Dunham, Snoop Dog, and Jerry For more info or to book go to: Suzie’s stores, all advertisers in this issue. signature fresh-made pastas including the Seinfield. aforementioned Mushroom Ravioli. Why We were able to catch Richard Marx, who would anyone pass on that? The main sang his heart out and delighted his fans course included Mediterranean Grilled with irreverent banter, and an evening of a Lamb Chops, and some more wine pairing solo acoustic performance. The venue with each course. La Strada also offers a provided a unique opportunity for fans to wine dinner series and an option to taste experience the evening with Richard as he everything with a sample tasting menu sang some of his best songs, played the they call “Just trust Us” for $50 per person. guitar, and had some laughs with the fans. We opted to do that, too. To cap off our weekend, we had the Oher dining options in THE ROW Sunday Brunch at The El Dorado, with include a Ruth’s Chris Steak House, endless everything including a carving Canter’s Deli, The Pearl Oyster Bar, and station of various sausages and meats, crab many more options. Inside Circus Circus is legs, peel-and-eat shrimp, an omelet bar, also a food court for a quick bite between and everything else one can imagine and shows or gambling. expect in a Sunday brunch buffet, including Known for hosting Reno’s biggest the famous Mushroom Ravioli, too. entertainers, Silver Legacy presents All in all, THE ROW has something to concerts in the 1,700-seat Grande offer everyone and at a great value. There Exposition Hall, 3,000-seat Reno Ballroom, is a room type and price to fit your style and 7,000-seat Reno Events Center, as well and budget. The upgrades are well worth

Relaxation lounge with fireplace. Photo Credit Jeffrey Dow from Jeffrey Dow Photography.

La-Strada. Photo Credit THE ROW

Relaxation Room at the Spa at the Silver Legacy. Photo Credit: Jeffrey Dow, Jeffrey Dow Photography

The El Dorado Casino at Night. Photo Credit: THE ROW El Dorado King Room: Photo Credit, THE ROW March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 25 by Russ White, It Only Happens Publisher, QLife Media in Vegas as Vegas takes Fabulous so seriously, we put it on our Welcome Sign decades ago and each year we raise the stakes Land double down. Sin City has shifted from excess to extra to extravaganza, and Las Vegas wants you to know it. The long-lived tagline of ‘What Happens here, Stays Here’ was officially replaced with ‘What Happens Here, Only Happens Here,” a reinforcement of the unique experiences that find their way to Vegas. Vegas has remained a popular destination at Bavette’s Steakhouse and NoMad for LGBTQ travelers. Diva residencies of the Restaurant, Park MGM provides exceptional Devine Miss M, Cher, Elton, and Diana Ross options close to Park Theatre. Check out span multiple decades. Current residencies dining options at The LINQ Promenade include Cher (again), Lady Gaga, Gwen before heading to Drag Race Live. Favorites Stefani, Christina Aguilera, Shania Twain, include Chayo, Virgil’s, and In-n-Out. For a and coming this Spring Kelly Clarkson, leisurely brunch any day, Hexx and their $22 Adam Lambert, and The Jonas Brothers bottomless mimosas is a perennial favorite. provide even more reasons to return to Returning for its second year of daylife is Vegas. UV Beach Club, an inclusive pool party every If you loved Absinthe, you’re really going Friday all summer long. Located at the to love Atomic Saloon. With opening song NoMad Pool inside Park MGM, UVBC lyrics of “Eatin’ P*ssy, Suckin’ D*ck, and welcomes every letter, every color, all shapes Eaten’ *ss,” the debauchery of Vegas remains and sizes. Sign up at for a intact. Drag has invaded Vegas like never $10 ticket that gets you a drink coupon before. Mama Ru has anchored her kitty worth $26 and no better way to start the

Drag Race Live! Photo by Denise Truscello girls to the Flamingo with RuPaul’s Drag Race Live! Catch even more Ru-girls and a few local queens at Drag Bruch, or head off the Strip for a revitalized lineup and full menu at Hamburger Mary’s Las Vegas. For those that haven’t been paying attention, Vegas is now a sports town, too. The Vegas Golden Knights were born here, and the Las Vegas Raiders are waiting for the completion of a new stadium this Summer. We even have a professional WNBA team, the Aces, Minor League Baseball with The Aviators, and a professional soccer team, Las Vegas Lights. The growth of the mega nightclubs have proven a viable contender for LGBTQ nightlife venues. The shift in social norms Mayor - Atomic Saloon Show Photo by Erik make it just as easy to pickup or hookup Kabik for Spiegelworld where the big DJs play. weekend. Vegas has become home to many celebrity With all the exciting events that Las Vegas chefs and amazing dining options. From the has to offer year round, we can think of no open market feel of Eataly to the finer dining better place to celebrate out, loud, and proud! 26 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Out & About With Matt by Matthew Burlingame 020 has already been a year of WTFs. But our community, Networking event will be at Scott’s Seafood Those who enjoy a fun afternoon of on The River, 4800 Riverside Blvd. The bowling will want to come to Sacramento who continues to face constant attacks on our rights, knows event is free to members and $10 for non Shelter Pets Alive PB SOC’s Bowling for 2how to keep calm and carry on moving forward and never members. Buddies on March 28 at AMF Land Park giving in. We will continue that spirit. Our community also The Brazilian Center of Sacramento Leagues, 5850 Freeport Blvd. Each ticket invites you to celebrate the 10th anniversary includes shoe rental, 2 hours of bowling, 2 knows how to have a damn good time, so if you are looking for of the Brazilian Carnaval Sacramento on slices of cheese pizza and soft drinks. something to take your mind off things here are some upcoming March 21. Exciting performances, delicious Tickets available online. possibilities. Brazilian CGNIE hosts the ICP Ball Villains Masquerade on March 28 from 5 - 8 Leave your troubles at the door and come Glee’s Alex Newell along with p.m. at Sidetrax, 2007 K St. The spend time with friends at Outword’s 2nd soloists from Oakland School for the Imperial Crown Princes and Friday Happy Hour & Liquid Therapy at Arts and Palo Alto High School Princesses will be in full villain Badlands Sacramento, 2003 K St. on March Festival Choir join the San Francisco attire as they strut their stuff to 13 at 5:30 p.m. Win some prizes, enjoy great Gay Men’s Chorus for a concert raise money for local charities. drink discounts and dance the blues away! featuring music by queer composers, youth and allies across the decades. Our deepest sympathies to the Woot2’s annual multimedia arts event Penned In Pink happens March 26 at friends and loved ones on the “PULSE” puts you in the same room with 8 p.m. at Davies Symphony Hall, 201 passing of Justin Powell aka Northern California’s hottest up-and-coming Van Ness Ave., San Francisco. “Miss Carriage” CGNIE’s Arch designers, DJs, flow artists, circus Duchess 37 and Miss Gay performers, and live instrumentalists. Be visible and shine at the “You’re A Sacramento 3M. PULSE 2.0 takes place March 21 from 1 - Gem!” Trans Day of Visibility Rally, Happy birthday to Jose 10:30 p.m. at Faces Nightclub, 2000 K St. March and Picnic sponsored by the Rodriguez, Troy Meany, Aaron Gender Health Center on March 29, cuisine, Piccirillo, Andy Cook, Gregg Rasmussen, Lolgbt+ Presents and Makeup & Mimosas 2020 from 1 - 5 p.m. at Southside Park, activities for the whole family, and Brett Anderson, Phyllis Gerstenfeld, Drag Brunch on March 15 at 11 a.m. at Sacramento. Start with a rally on the west world famous Brazilian cocktails! Come for Beverly Kearney, Steve Buri, David Mango’s Sacramento. Join performers Hellen steps of the capital. Then we will take to the the colorful celebration of Brazilian culture Memmler, Andrew Gibout and the other Heels, Roselia Valentine and Apple Adams streets and walk (about 10 minutes) to and stay for the entertainment, Brazilian March babies. with hosts Suzette Veneti & Taryn Thru-U Southside Park where there will be a Food & Drinks, Art Venders, 50/50 raffle Got events, birthdays, anniversaries or Music by DJ Pocket. All ages welcome but potluck picnic and activities. and much more. Brazilian Center for did something awesome happen to you space is limited email for reservations: Cultural Exchange, 2420 N St. recently? Let Matt know at matthew. [email protected] The Rainbow Chamber’s March Mixer & [email protected]. March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 27 “The Invisible Man” Is A Blast by Chris Narloch hings are looking up at the movies thanks to a surprisingly fun thriller starring Elisabeth Moss, plus a couple other Tnew films (and a bunch of older ones too). The Invisible Man If you’ve seen her in “Mad Men” or “The Handmaid’s Tale,” then you know that Elisabeth Moss is one of the finest actresses of her generation. Now she can add movie star to the list, thanks to her superb lead performance in the new sci-fi thriller “The Invisible Man.” No, Moss doesn’t play the title character ––he’s invisible for most of the movie. The actress plays his victim, an emotionally and physically abused woman whose husband comes back from the dead to stalk her. Everyone around her thinks our heroine is nuts, and thanks to several clever twists, the audience is left guessing too. Very intense but not too gory, “The Invisible Man” is a terrific modern update on a classic story, and Elisabeth Moss is dynamite in it.

Elisabeth Moss stars in “The Invisible Man.”

Onward I’m a big animation fan, and so a new Pixar movie is cause for celebration. Even the studio’s so-so films are worth seeing, and that is how I would describe “Onward,” a colorful and entertaining picture with a first-rate voice cast and a so-so story. Tom Holland and Chris Pratt star as teenage elf brothers who go on a road trip to find the father they never knew and discover a world of magic. I’m a sucker for a quest, and “Onward” is a pleasant enough diversion, especially for kids. The Crest Baseball movies dominate the March film schedule at this historic movie palace, including the big screen return of “A League of Their Own,” “The Sandlot,” “Field of Dreams,” “Bull Durham,” “The Bad News Bears,” and “Major League.” Also playing this month at the Crest are “Flight of the Navigator,” “The Princess Bride,” “The Maltese Falcon,” “Napoleon Dynamite,” “The Breakfast Club,” “Weird Science,” and “E.T.” For dates and show times, visit


AT HOME Tom Hanks and Geena Davis star in “A League of Their Own. CURRENT AND 9 YEAR Tower Movies WINNER OF THE I will see any movie with Annette Bening in it, and if you add the great Bill Nighy to the SACRAMENTO 916•505•4375 A-LIST mix I’m all in. That formidable pair are the stars of “Hope Gap,” a new drama scheduled to pet sitting • dog walking open at Sacramento’s Tower Theatre on March 13. animal companionship Nighy plays a father who informs his son that he plans to leave his wife after 33 years of marriage. Not surprisingly, Bening does not take it well. William Nicholson wrote the screenplay and directs. 28 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Lucky Buddy Petcare

BEST Pet Sitting & Get Special Editions by Chris Narloch wo of my all-time favorite pop-soul recently received new, extended editions that will remind music fans Thow game-changing and mind-altering Prince’s “1999” and Neneh Cherry’s “” were and still are today.

I wasn’t as fond of “Piano and a Microphone 1983,” another demo released by the Prince estate, and I didn’t even buy the deluxe edition of “Purple Rain” when it came out in 2017 because that soundtrack has never been my favorite of the Purple One’s records, despite its massive success. My favorite Prince album was (and still is) “1999,” which I bought on vinyl in 1982 and still cherish for its eleven amazing tracks, which include the classic songs “Little Red Corvette,” “Delirious,” and “Let’s Pretend We’re Married.” The funk gets even funkier on “1999 Deluxe” which adds a second disc of 18 Prince––1999 Deluxe promo mixes and b-sides, including the There have been so many posthumous hilariously titled “Horny Toad” and recordings released by his estate since “Irresistible Bitch.” I especially enjoyed the Prince’s death, it’s hard for casual fans to dance remixes of “Little Red Corvette,” and know what to score and what to ignore. if you have more money than I do you can Personally, I very much enjoyed “Originals,” purchase super deluxe editions that have a recent disc that compiled the original even more discs. demo versions of songs Prince wrote and gave to other artists. SPECIAL EDITIONS continues on page 26 “Schoolhouse Rock, Live!” Announces Auditions In Davis onjunction Junction, what’s your function?! If you are old enough to remember that famous phrase, then you probably Cwatched “Schoolhouse Rock” when you were a kid. The Emmy Award-winning 1970’s Saturday morning cartoon series entertained a generation of children and taught history, grammar, math, and more through clever, tuneful songs. The popular show was tailor-made to become a musical someday, and darned if they haven’t done just that, with the arrival of “Schoolhouse Rock, Live!? Based on the renowned children’s program, “Schoolhouse Rock, Live!” follows Tom, a nerve-wracked teacher who is anxious about his first day of school. Tom tries to relax by watching TV when various characters representing facets of his director’s discretion, and those auditioning must personality emerge from the set and show him bring sheet music (not just a vocal line) of a song how to win his students over with imagination they are prepared to sing (do not use a song from and music, through such songs as “I’m Just A the show). Bill,” “Lolly, Lolly, Lolly,” and “Conjunction A piano accompanist will be provided; no Junction.” recorded music or a cappella singing. The If you know any young students (ages 7-18) production offers many roles for experienced and with the desire to be on stage, tell them that new-to-the-stage boys and girls, ages 7-17, plus 18 auditions have been scheduled for Davis Musical year-olds that are still in high school, and Theatre Company’s upcoming Young Performers newcomers are warmly encouraged. Theater production of “Schoolhouse Rock, Live!” Auditions for “Schoolhouse Rock, Live!” will be DMTC is looking for singers and actors for this held on Monday, March 16 and Tuesday, March production, done in the style of “Joseph and the 17, 2020 at 4:30 p.m., with select callbacks on Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” With over Wednesday, March 18, 2020, also at 4:30 p.m., at twenty featured solos and loads of large the Jean Henderson Performing Arts Center, 607 ensemble numbers, this high energy, non-stop Pena Drive, Davis, CA. show has music from many different genres. For additional information, please visit www. Auditions require singing, reading, at the or call (530) 756-3682. March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Outword Magazine 29 Advertiser Directory ACCOUNTING/TAX PREP FAT’S FRIENDS OF THE SAC. PUBLIC LIBRARY 916-441-7966 8250 Belvedere, Ste. 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ELK GROVE DODGE, CHRYSLER, JEEP 8575 Laguna Grove Dr., Elk Grove, 6407 Riverside Blvd., 916-395-0673 877-399-4262 [email protected] HEARING UNIVERSITY AUDIOLOGIC, INC. PEST MANAGEMENT BARS / CLUBS Deborah Powell, M.S., 1325 Howe Ave., Ste. EARTH GUARD PEST SERVICES BADLANDS 101, 916-927-3137 916-457-7605 2003 K St., 916-441-6823 [email protected] THE DEPOT HEATING & AIR 2001 K St., Sac, 916-441-6823 PERFECTION HOME SYSTEMS PET SITTING/CARE SIDETRAX 916-481-0658 GRATEFUL DOG 2007 K St., 916-441-6823 430 17th Street, Sacramento 916-446-2501 HEALTH SERVICES CANNABIS DISPENSARY CAPITAL CITY AIDS FUND LUCKY BUDDY PET CARE ABATIN 1912 F Street, 916-448-1110 916-505-4375 2100 29th St., Sac., 916-441-7966 ONE COMMUNITY HEALTH 1500 21st St., 916-443-3299 PHARMACY CHIROPRACTORS PUCCI’S PHARMACY HEALING TOUCH CHIROPRACTIC INSURANCE 2821 J Street, Sacramento, 916-442-5891 Dr. Darrick Lawson, 1919 21st St, Ste. 101, KEVIN KNAUSS 916-447-3344 916-521-7216 [email protected] REAL ESTATE CLEANING SERVICES LELAND INSURANCE COLDWELL BANKER HOUSE 2 OM Bill Skinner, 916-428-1309 Mark T. Peters, 916-341-7794 916-833-8510 [email protected] Tim Miguel, 916-798-0746 STATE FARM INSURANCE Stephanie Slagel, 916-485-4444 COUNSELING MCMARTIN REALTY WEAVE Brian McMartin, 916-402-4160 916-920-2952 (24/7) LANDSCAPING [email protected] DEMETRE LANDSCAPES 916-648-8455 THEATERS & MOVIES DENTISTRY BROADWAY SACRAMENTO ERIC GROVE, DDS LIBRARIES BROADWAY AT MUSIC CIRCUS & KENDALL HOMER, DMD BROADWAY ON TOUR 9216 Kiefer Blvd., STE 5 LAVENDER LIBRARY 916-557-1999 916-363-9171 • 1414 21st St., 916-492-0558 MONDAVI CENTER DINING/BEVERAGES 1 Shields Ave, Davis, 530-754-5000 ERNESTO’S MEXICAN FOOD 1901 16th St. 916-441-5850 Special Editions continued from page 25 Neneh Cherry––Raw Like Sushi Deluxe In 1989, seven years after Prince unleashed “1999” on the world, a 25-year-old Swedish singer named Neneh Cherry released the perfectly named album “Raw Like Sushi,” and you could hear the influence of the Purple One on her debut masterpiece. “,” the massive hit single that kicks off “Raw Like Sushi” still intoxicates me thirty years later – it pops like it did the first time I heard it back in the day when Cherry sang its immortal line, “No money man can win my love / It’s sweetness that I’m thinking of.” After “Buffalo Stance,” the great songs just keep on coming, including “Manchild,” “” and “Inna City Mama.” There isn’t one dud track on the entire original album, and the 3-disc, 30th Anniversary edition (which adds 19 remixes of six songs from the first CD) is equally essential. No album before or since “Raw Like Sushi” – by Cherry or anyone else – has combined dance rhythms, hip-hop attitude and soulful singing so seamlessly and seductively. 30 Outword Magazine March 12, 2020 - March 26, 2020 • No. 644 Bright! Bright!