AGBU Sofia Annual Report 2010 Titles:

• (23 January) AGBU Europe Meeting in London • (14 March) First Concert Spring Season 2009-2010 of AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra: 100 years of Parekordzagan • (11 April) Second concert of AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra for Spring season 2010, dedicated to 95 years of the Genocide • (17 April) AGBU Sofia Chapter hands out the International Scholarships for 2009/2010 • (26 May) AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra concludes its Fourth Spring Season with a con- cert at the Modern Theater Hall • (30 May) AGBU - Sofia Chapter welcomes the AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra musicians and soloists • (3 June) AGBU-Sofia and HOM-Sofia supported a generous gesture of good will • (19 June) AYA and YP at AGBU-Sofia host a benefit dinner for the Camp UNGER 2010 • (25-30 June) AGBU-Sofia in support of young Armenian artists at Water Tower Art Fest 2010 • (29 August - 5 September June) AGBU-Sofia Children Camp UNGER • (30 July) The Ambassador of the Republic of in Bulgaria end his mandate at an official ceremony at the Office of the President • (30 July) AGBU-Sofia hosts a meeting with recent and graduate students in Armenian Phi- lology and their teachers • (18 September) Theater "Agop Baronian" Plovdiv participated in Theatre Festival in Sofia, hosted by AGBU Sofia • (21 September) Theater "Sundukian" Sofia, participated in Theatre Festival in Sofia, hosted by AGBU Sofia • (24 September) AGBU -Sofia celebrates 21st of September - Independence day of Rep. Armenia and 22nd of September - Independence day of Rep. Bulgaria • (3 October) AGBU Sofia Chamber Orchestra, 5th Autumn Season 2010-2011 • (6 October) meeting between students from Armenia and Armenian Philology graduate stu- dents • (3 November) Photo exhibition Armenian workdays and holidays through the eyes of the photographer Julian Angelov • (6 November) Badminton tournament was held, organized by YP from AGBU - Sofia • (7 November) AGBU AYA meeting with parents and their children participating at the AGBU Camp Unger 2010 • (13 November) A friendly meeting of the Armenian Ladies from AGBU - Sofia • (21 November) AGBU Sofia Chamber Orchestra's second concert of the Autumn season • (25 November) Lecture "Calouste Gulbenkian - an oil tycoon and philanthropist" • (5 December) Third Concert AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra • (9 December) AGBU Sofia Ladies and young moms Christmas gathering (23 January) AGBU Europe Meeting in London

The AGBU Europe Board’s first meeting of 2010 was held on January 23 at London’s "Armenian House” - a symbolic place that brings together the entire Armenian community.

In his speech AGBU Europe Chairman Alexis Govciyan said, "The United Kingdom plays an important role in the European Union on both political and economic levels. Its position in favor of Turkey and should be changed and a balanced policy must be established, taking into account Armenia’s role in the region. This powerful European country should be more interested in the recogni- tion of the Armenian genocide and should support the his- torical truth. The recent action of the Parliament members from Northern Ireland and Scotland towards the recognition of the Armenian genocide is a very important step. We should work even more actively with the Armenian community in London on various Armenian issues and coordinate our efforts”.

During the days in London, AGBU Europe leaders met with various individuals and organizations in- cluding RA Ambassador to UK Vahe Gabrielian, Baroness Caroline Cox, Bi-shop Nathan Hovhanni- sian, members of the Armenian Community & Church Council of Great Britain, and AGBU Young Professionals of London.

The main purpose of these meetings was to present the goals and the mission of AGBU Europe, ex- change views on important issues and explore opportunities for partnership and collaboration.


Baroness Caroline Cox is a member of the British House of Lords and avid crusader for the of Karabakh. She has continuously supported the Karabakh cause, visited the region for seventy times and knows very well its strategic, political and economic issues.

During this meeting the AGBU Europe campaign for Nagorno Karabakh was discussed, the main pur- pose of which is to force the European Union to establish contact with the authorities of Nagorno Karabakh and to provide humanitarian and economic assistance to Karabakh.

This initiative was welcomed with enthusiasm by Caroline Cox, who has expressed desire to cooperate with AGBU Europe to counterbalance the strong Azeri propaganda.

MEETING WITH ACCC REPRESENTATIVES The issue of the Armenian Genocide recognition by the UK was widely discussed during the meeting with the members of the Armenian Community and Church Council of Great Britain and its Chairman Ara Palamoudian. The British Armenian community has some difficulties to get this recognition espe- cially because of the strong relations between the UK and Turkey.

To foster the activities in this field a committee for the Armenian Genocide recognition campaign was established in London.

The focus of the meeting between the AGBU Europe Board members and the Ambassador of the RA to UK Vahe Gabrielyan was the aggressive policy of Azerbaijan and Turkey, with a special emphasis on the activities of a London-based organization called the "European Azerbaijan society".

AGBU - Sofia 2010-03-01 08:51

(14 March) First Concert Spring Season 2009-2010 of AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra: 100 years of Parekordzagan

The concert, dedicated to the 100 anniversary of the "AGBU- Sofia" organisa- tion was a real celebration for the Armenian community in Sofia, and to all who attended it for two reasons: love of music and the excellent already proven " AGBU - SOFIA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA " led by Maestro Bedros Papa- zyan. In the hall of the National Musical Academy " Pancho Vla- digerov" orchestra and soloists, among the best in the country, as well as guest singer from Ar- menia Lucine Hovsepyan, brought out an attrac- tive concert with works by Bach, Salieri, Mo- zart. For these musical meetings, supporters well know that Maestro Papazyan always prepares the program with love and good will in order to acquaint the audience with different styles, mu- sicians, to present the Armenian works, artists and folklore. And now we heard a beautiful Ar- menian song performed with emotion by Lousine Hovsepyan, an opera singer from Ar- menia, soprano with a beautiful voice, who sang as well, inspired and with great emotion, Mo- zart's piece " Exsultate, Jubilate ". A celebration of music and spirituality realized thanks to the Sofia Municipality "Culture" Department and the Armenian General Benevolent Union '"Parekordzagan".

AGBU - Sofia 2010-03-23 10:45

(11 April) Second concert of AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra for Spring season 2010, dedi- cated to 95 years of the Genocide On Sunday, 11th of April, at 5 p.m., the AGBU Chamber Orchestra gave its sec- ond concert for Spring Season 2010, dedicated to 95 years of the Genocide. Maestro Bedros Papazyan and the AGBU Chamber Orchestra were welcomed with a big applause by the audience, in the full hall of the National Musical Academy in Sofia.

The start of the concert was given with a wonderful interpretation of Georg Tele- man's Suite for two horns, with the solo- ists Yuri Rizov and Jeko Atanasov. The talented harp performer of Armenian origin - Kohar Andonyan, impressed with her performance of Georg Handel's Concert for harp. A very emotional moment of the concert was the appearance of the well known and reputed Bulgarian violinist Prof. Jossif Radionof, who played two pieces from the famous german composer Fritz Kreisler. An original arrangement of Hachaturian's Nocturno from the film Mascarade was also presented to the audience by Maestro Papa- zyan and the AGBU orchestra. Prior to the guest appearance of the choir Gomidas from the town of Haskovo, H.E. the ambassador of the Republic of Armenia - Sergei Manasarian, was given the word.

He congratulated the AGBU Sofia Chamber orchestra for its wonderful work and talked about the Armenian Genocide. He expressed his hope that Bulgaria as well would recog- nize it as a historical fact. I n the second part of the con- cert, the choir Gomidas, per- formed the pieces: Hayr Mer; Surp, Surp; Hayer; Kilikia; Ask Parabanc and Erevan Ere- buni. At Hayr Mer (Our Fa- ther) the audience in the hall stood up, manifesting its re- spect to the memory of 1 500 000 victims of the Genocide. The magnificent musical performances that evening united the hearts of Bulgarians and Armenians, who had attended in the Sunday afternoon to experience a real spiritual coming together. AGBU - Sofia 2010-04-20 11:04

(17 April) AGBU Sofia Chapter hands out the International Scholarships for 2009/2010

The official ceremony for the annual AGBU Sofia International Scholarships, took place on the April 17th (Saturday), in the afternoon,. The event was hosted at the new office of the organization, at 29 Bacho Kiro Str, in the city centre of Sofia.

Mrs. Sonia Bedrosian, chairlady of AGBU Sofia, opened the ceremony and welcomed this year's schol- arship recipients, AGBU Sofia Board members and the numerous guests, who came to attend the event. Mrs. Bedrosian wished the scholarship holders to fulfill their goals and ideas. and shared her vision for more initiatives and a greater involvement on behalf of the youth in reconnecting with Armenian cul- ture and language.

To hand in this year’s scholarships in the amount of 5.800,- US $, AGBU Sofia Chapter had invited, as a special guest, the young and well known Bulgarian actor - Tigran Torosian.

The talented actor congratulated the scholarship recipients. He shared with the gueste his conviction of many talents of young Armenians, which are to be revealed and developed. Tigran expressed his will- ingness to start a project in colaboration with his brother Ovanes (an award winning film actor), in or- der to found an AGBU Sofia youth theater group. At the reception of the grants, the students presented themselves and their fields of studies. The recipi- ents accepted their scholarships expressing their gratitude and willingness to support Tigran in his in- teresting cultural project

On behalf of AGBU's Sofia Chapter, Mrs. Bedrossian surprised Tigran with Peter Balakian book “The Burning Thigris “ and Fethiye Cetin “My grand mother” , as a present. Each of the scholarship recipi- ents recieved as well one copy of the book "My grandmother".

The ceremony of AGBU Sofia's 2009/2010 International Scholarships was also attended by Mrs. Manasarian - wife of H.E the ambassador of Armenia in Bulgaria and Honorary President of AGBU Ladies Club, Maestro Bedros Papazian - conductor of AGBU Sofia's Chamber Orchestra, Prof. Hagop Ormandjian, Yeretzgin Siran Benlian, members of AGBU Sofia's Board, friends and family of the stu- dents. This year's scholarship holders are students from Sofia, Blagoevgrad and Varna.

The ceremony ended with a common photo shoot with all students, after which the guests were kindly invited to attend the festive cold buffet.

AGBU - Sofia 2010-04-22 16:54

(26 May) AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra concludes its Fourth Spring Season with a concert at the Modern Theater Hall AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra concluded its Fourth Spring Season on May 26, 2010 with a concert at the prestigious Hall of the Modern Theater in Sofia, which was performed in the presence of His Ex- cellency the Ambassador of Armenia in Bulgaria and numerous guests.

Due to the sudden death of Archbishop Dirair Mardikian, Primate of the Dioceses of Bulgaria and Ro- mania, the concert was dedicated to his memory. It opened with Henry Purcell’s “Abdelazar” suite. AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra resounded with its typical soft and enchanting clean tone. Maestro Papazyan and the musicians performed this popular and well-known piece masterfully. For the occasion AGBU-Sofia had invited the chairman of the Eparchal Council, Rupen Krikorian, and Father Der Kusan, who said the Lord’s Prayer and a few words in memory of the late archbishop. His speech was followed by the musical masterpiece “Liturgy” by Gomidas (arrangement by Zakarianz, conductor of the fa- mous Erevan Chamber Orchestra). A very emotional and memorable moment of the evening was the per- formance by the concertmaster Des- sislava Popova. She played the piece “Meditation” by Masne and parts of the opera “Taiz.”

The audience welcomed with hearty applause the soloists of the evening – Milena Zlatarova (violin) and Petyo Bobev (clarinet). The clarinetist per- formed a very rarely played piece by the Italian composer Gaetano Don- izetti, to the accompaniment of the AGBU – Sofia Chamber Orchestra. Milena Zlatarova presented her inter- pretation of Vard Manukian’s “Rhap- sody” in a very elegant and inspiring way. Both performers proved once again their very high class as musi- cians, winning the audience with their sublime stage presence and the mastery of their instruments. The finale of the concert was the popular Armenian folk song “Hingalla,” which resounded in an arrangement especially made for AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orches- tra. A young and very talented lady named Eliz Gagosian was chosen as soloist for this song. Once again, AGBU- Sofia Chamber Or- chestra gave an unforgettable musical ex- perience and left the audience looking forward to the next concert season.

AGBU-Sofia 2010-06-08 11:40

(30 May) AGBU - Sofia Chapter welcomes the AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra musicians and soloists

On Sunday, May 30th, at 5.00 p.m., at the new office of the organization, AGBU - Sofia Chapter wel- comed Maestro Bedros Papazyan and all musicians of AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra. Soloists, composers and guests joined the happy gathering.

"Thank you for being part of AGBU's cul- tural life in Sofia and what a great feeling to have you all as friends!", Mrs. Bedrosian warmly addressed and welcomed the musicians and all guests. Maestro Papazyan greeted everyone who was invited to visit the new office of AGBU-Sofia and to celebrate the end of AGBU's - Sofia Chamber Orchestra successful Fourth musical Season. He made a retrospection of the past concerts and shared his plans for the upcoming seasons, expressing his wish for a tour with the orchestra in the near future.

Hristo Angelichin - AGBU member and recently elected as Vice Mayor of Sofia, was honored by AGBU's Sofia Boardspecial trophy. This was a good opportunity to thank him on behalf of all his AGBU friends for his permanent efforts in promoting and supporting Armenian culture and traditions in Bulgaria. As Vice Mayor of Sofia town, Hristo Angelichin promised to do his best and be of greater help for the whole Arme- nian community in Sofia.

The reception continued in a friendly atmosphere. The gathering was also attended by other well known musicians as Prof. Simeon Shterev (a famous jazz musician), Georgi Andreev (composer), Nelly Andreeva (Bulgarian folklore singer), Haigashod Agasian (famous composer), Vassil Spassov (well known jazz performer and com- poser), Prof. Ivo Keremedchiev (Senior sound engineer at the National Music Academy in Sofia), by members of AGBU Sofia's Board, as well as the president of AGBU Young Professional's - Magardich Hulyan.

Before the end of the event an original cake with AGBU Sofia Chamber orchestra’s logo was offered. Mrs. Sonia Bedrosian and Maes- tro Papazyan concluded the reception with a short speech, expressing their hope for many more successful concerts of AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra and manifested their grati- tude for the wonderful and professional work of the musicians. AGBU-Sofia 2010-06-08 16:20

(3 June) AGBU-Sofia and HOM-Sofia supported a generous gesture of good will

In 2009, during her visit to Bulgaria, Mrs. Hugassian, a well known artist painter living in New York, was deeply touched by the difficult financial situation some of her old friends face lately. On her return to the States she decided to invite in her house some of her friends for lunch and offered few of her sketches of her designs for sale in or- der to collect an amount and make happy few of her Arme- nian friends in her native Bulgaria. All ladies she invited respond enthusiastically to her invitation and donated generously for this noble cause.

On June 3rd, during her visit to Bulgaria this year, Mrs.Hugassian together with AGBU Sofia chair- lady Mrs. Sonia Avakian Bedrossian and HOM - Sofia newly elected chairperson, Elly Nishanian joined their efforts and organized an emotional gathering. Following the delicious lunch at the Italian restau- rant "La Trattoria Italiana", all ladies were invited at the office of AGBU for coffee and cake.While Mrs. Hugassian distributed the envelopes with the modest amount of money, Mrs. Avakian - Bedros- sian offered a beautiful rose to each one of the la- dies and both of them with Mrs. Nishanian wished the ladies good health. Few of the invited ladies couldn't join the gathering due to illness but envelopes were transmitted to them as well.

Before the end of the event, Mrs. Bedrossian had invited Vlado Chiflidzhanov - a young Bulgarian duduk player to entertain the la- dies with a beautiful Armenian music. Eve- ryone was touched by his performance which took them back to their Armenian roots and memories. It was a unique day of joy and happiness for all and this generous gesture is the beginning of something that could put a little smile on the face of the less fortunate. We hope that other people will follow the ex- ample of Mrs. Elizabeth Hugassian.

AGBU-Sofia and HOM-Sofia 2010-06-10 17:26

(19 June) AYA and YP at AGBU-Sofia host a benefit dinner for the Camp UNGER 2010

It is not an easy task to raise funds for a charity nowadays facing the difficult finan- cial situation in Bulgaria and worldwide. Despite the obstacles, the members of the AYA and YP sections at AGUB-Sofia have once again showed, that they are able to achieve wonderful results for a good cause, with just a big portion of enthusiasm and commitment.

AYA and YP members united their efforts to make the annual children's Camp Unger reality - one of AGBU-Sofia's most suc- cessful activities for the past 7 years. Camp Unger stands out through time as an example for the en- gagement and will of the young Armenians at AGBU. The members of the two groups of AYA and YP worked along together from the beginning till the end and proved that the Armenian community has a strong interest in keeping the UNGER tradition alive.

On Saturday, June 19th 2010, the young people welcomed the numerous guests of the Mediterranean BBQ Night at the Armenian Center in Sofia. Due to the rainy weather the event couldn'd take place at the newly renovated yard of the Center, sponsored by the YP section at AGBU- Sofia. The experience of the YP's and the enthusiasm and energy of the AYA members brought to life a maritime atmos- phere at the hall of the Armenian Center, turning it into a ship in blue and white. Hammocks, fish nets, anchors and shells, the romantic light of candles and the smooth music with Mediterranean flair made the ambiance complete.. On the side were standing the grills from where one could catch appetizing odors.

More than 70 guests attended the BBQ evening They came not only for the delicious meals of our chef-cook Serge, but also to support the good cause (part of the ticket for the dinner was a donation for this year's camp UNGER).

One says that what happens in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen. Well in this case, we will make an exception and take a look be- hind the curtains. You could see people you have never imag- ined in such a role, opening wine-bottles, cutting vegetables, washing dishes, bringing meals to the tables or servicing the grill. The brave team of organizers wouldn’t have been complete without the group of barman and waiters, who were disguised in marine costumes. The result of the evening was stunning - the dinner was a full success, being one of the most entertain- ing and financially effective events of AYA and YP at AGBU-Sofia. 2 800 BGN have been raised for the cause of this year's Camp UNGER.

It is a great feeling of satisfaction from the achieved goal, thanks to the help of our good friends and supporters. Congratulations to us all! We have once again proved, that we are unstoppable!

We hope to see you all at Camp UNGER 2010 - somewhere high up in the mountains, in September, where one could meet a group of happy children, learning the Armenian alphabet or playing football together. The adventure UNGER continues and You can become part of it! (25-30 June) AGBU-Sofia in support of young Armenian artists at Water Tower Art Fest 2010

AGBU-Sofia supported the first appearance of Armenian artists at this year’s fourth edi- tion of the Water Tower Art Fest in Sofia – an original cultural event presenting inter- national contemporary art works. The Water Tower in the district of Lozenez in Sofia is the symbol of the festival and its starting point since the beginning. The tower illus- trates the main idea of the event to revive old and abandoned buildings and places in making them venue for artistic meetings, and other cultural events. exhibitions, de- bates, film screenings

The festival is well known among contemporary artists in and outside Europe, as it is a „platform for exchange, fresh ideas and new contacts”, said Mkrtich Tonoyan. Mkrtich is a young video-artists and also president of „Akos” – a cultural organization based in Yerevan. Before the opening of the Water Tower Art Fest, Mkrtich Tonoyan and his colleague Vruir Tizyan were invited by Mrs. Sonia Bedrossian - chairlady of AGBU-Sofia, to visit the office of the organization and to meet some of the members of the AYA and YP section.

"Akos" participated at the festival with several installa- tions: video art – Mkrtich Tonoyan, photo and sound – Arpine Tokmajyan, original sculputres by Vruir Tizyan and Vahram Kostanyan.The artists presented their works at the old Mineral Bath in the town of Bankya (near Sofia) and at the basement of Ser- dika (in the city center of Sofia).The Old Bath of Bankya and the Basement of Serdika proved themselves as the perfect venues for con- temporary art, combining the charm of the ancient with the spooky atmosphere of abandoned places. On behalf of "Akos", Mkrtich Tonoyan expressed his gratitude for the warm reception at AGBU- Sofia’s Chapter. As a souvenir from Armenia the artistic group from Yerevan offered to Mrs. Bedros- sian two films by the award winning filmmaker Don Askarian - "Avetik" and "" and a calendar with photographs by Arpine Tokmajyan. Mrs. Bedrossian accepted the kind gift on behalf of AGBU- Sofia’s Board and wished the artists lots of artistic success and inspiration. (29 August - 5 September June) AGBU-Sofia Children Camp UNGER

(30 July) The Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia in Bulgaria end his mandate at an official ceremony at the Office of the President

On July 30th, Friday, H.E. the ambassador of Armenia in Bulgaria - Sergei Manasarian ended his mandate at an official ceremony at the Office of the President in Sofia. The spe- cial event was attended by a number of repre- sentatives of the Armenian Community in Bulgaria, amongst them Mrs. Sonia Bedrosian - chairlady of AGBU-Sofia.

The President of the Republic of Bulgaria - Mr. Georgy Parvanov himself handed to Mr. Manasarian the highest honor - "Stara Plan- ina" 1st degree, for his devoted work during his mandate in Bulgaria.

AGBU-Sofia congratulates Mr. Manasarian with this outstanding distinction and wishes him success at his future position! (30 July) AGBU-Sofia hosts a meeting with recent and graduate students in Armenian Phi- lology and their teachers

On July 30th, Friday, AGBU-Sofia office welcomed recent and graduate students in Armenian Philology and their teachers from the Sofia University "St. Cli- ment of Ochrid". Mrs. Sonia Avakian-Bedrossian - chairlady of the organization, greeted the guests, on behalf of AGBU-Sofia's Board. Especially for the event, AGBU-Sofia has invited Mrs. Eugenie Sakaz, Mrs. Antoaneta Angelova, Ms. Arevik Kamalian and Prof. Ormandzhyan - teachers at the Faculty of Arme- nian Philology. Yeretzgin Siran Benlian and Mr. Kevork Marashlyan - member of AGBU Sofia's Board also attended the meeting. Mrs. Bedrossian congratulated this year's graduates for the successful completion of their studies and noted that the event is a good occasion to bring to- gether current and former students from the Department of Armenian Philology with their teachers. The young people used this opportunity to take goodbye from Ms. Arevik Kamalian from Armenia, who gave classes in Armenian language at the Sofia University. On behalf of AGBU-Sofia's Board Mrs. Bedrossian handed to Ms. Kamalian a souvenir from Bulgaria and a wall clock from the VIIth Arme- nian World Games, Albena 2004.

The guests took part in a fun quiz about Arme- nian history and culture. For each correct an- swer there was a modest reward. After the quiz everyone had a cold drink and a bite and the students shared their impressions from their studies. Poly Georgieva, graduate in Armenian Philology, stateded that by learning the Arme- nian language, one gets to learn also the culture and traditions of a nation.

At the end of the event Mrs. Bedrosian offered to each one of the guests a clock from the VI- Ith Armenian World Games, Albena 2004.

(18 September) Theater "Agop Baronian" Plovdiv participated in Theatre Festival in Sofia, hosted by AGBU Sofia In a relaxing and happy mood as it was the very spirit of the play "Candidates of Miss Markrid ", a nu- merous audience came to watch the charming comedy play of Adrine Dadrian.

The event took place on September 18 th 2010 at the theater Hall of the Cultural House "Sredets" in Sofia at 18.00hrs. The visiting artists from Amateur Theater "Agop Baronian"- Plovdiv presented a unique show to the Armenian public. The comedy was played in Armenian language. The audience felt an emotion that has long been forgotten and enjoyed it very much. The talented “Agop Baronian” art- ists group, Armenak Kazasyan, Nunig Kafedzhiyan, Simon Hachmanyan, Hachik Parseghyan, Mahitar Artinian, Mardik Pilibosyan, Simona Pachadzhiyan and Vehanush Sarkisian, together with the skilful technical team of Victoria Nersesyan, Garo Sarkisian, Sarkis Keshishyan and Simon Hachmanyan, served to the audience numerous portions of humor, which we all wished and expect to be more often. Before their departure to Plovdiv , all artists and their technical team were invited by AGBU Sofia Chapter to a friendly cocktail organized for them in the building of the Cultural Center “Sredetz”.

(21 September) Theater "Sundukian" Sofia, participated in Theatre Festival in Sofia, hosted by AGBU Sofia On 21 September 2010, The Independence Day of Armenia, at the Armenian Cultural House, during the “Days of the Armenian Amateur theatre” organized by the AGBU “Parekordzagan” – Sofia, for a second time the “Sundukian” Amateur Theatre presented its latest two plays named “The Gift” and “Sersem”.

The two performed plays were written by the longtime director and artistic di- rector of the group, Mr. Mihran Boghosian. They were performed in Armenian language. The Hall was crowded and the audience enjoyed the two plays very much. At the end, Mrs. Sonia Avakian – Bedrosian, the chairperson of AGBU Sofia, congratulated Mr. Mihran Bog- hosian and the artists and donated in the name of AGBU "Parekordzagan" - Sofia, a modest amount to support the wonderful activity of the amateur thea- ter “Sundukian” - Sofia. This pleasant cultural activity of AGBU "Parekordzagan” – Sofia happily surprised the Armenian community in Sofia.

(24 September) AGBU -Sofia celebrates 21st of September - Independence day of Rep. Ar- menia and 22nd of September - Independence day of Rep. Bulgaria

Encouraged by their origin and feeling of belonging to two brotherly nations - Bulgarian and Armenian, the Armenian Community in Sofia marked the Independence Day of Republic of Armenia /21 st Sep- tember/ and the Republic of Bulgaria /22 nd September/. On 24 th of September this year, the Armenian General Benevolent Union / AGBU "Parekordzagan” - Sofia, together with Mr. Ashot Kazaryan, who was the main sponsor of the event, invited their fellow- citizens at the “St. Sofia” Hall in Sofia to a charity concert.

The concert was opened by the chairwoman of AGBU - Sofia, Mrs. Sonia Avakian - Bedrosian. The speech was truly emotional and at the same time with all sincerity. Mrs. Bedrosian talked about the freedom and its cost - before this day, she said, giving well-deserved tribute to the thousands of known and unknown heroes who gave their lives for us to be here today.

Before the beginning of the concert the audience standing followed the National anthems of the Repub- lic of Armenia and Republic of Bulgaria. On this prestigious event, the audience, within two hours, could enjoy different styles - traditional and provoking new, classic and popular, full of Bulgar- ian and Armenian colour.

Very well-known artists in Bulgaria came on the stage to perform such as Mr. Haigashod Agasyan-the composer, the singer-Mr. Michael Belchev and his wife Mrs. Christina Belcheva, Mrs. Gina Ivanova and Mrs. Maria Ilieva. We heard also with excitement the performances of duduk by Mr. Vlado Chi- flidzhanov and the AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Bedros Papazian. On the stage performed also Mrs. Sonia Todorova, Mr. Arthur Nadosyan, Rumanetsa i Enchev, Monik - Monica Manuelyan from Plovdiv and many more.

The atmosphere was even more pleasant with the performance of the beautiful Armenian Dance of the vocal-dance group "Sirvart Chilingirian" from Shumen, with artistic director Mrs. Madlen Mangikyan. The children from the Municipal dance group "Bojurishte”, preformed even more than great. There was one more children's vocal group from the Private German Institute "Erik Kestner”, who performed per- fectly.

The leaders on the stage, Mrs. Angela Medzikyan and Mr. Tigran Torossian, informed us of what is happening on stage at any moment of the evening. All this was directed by Mr. Victor Todorov / Tateo- syan.

This festive night, was also organized for all the children who lost their parents while performing their duties from Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense.

Their presence this evening made us come back to the bitter truth, with which we go along yesterday, today and tomorrow. The children received gifts from "Happy Toys, behind which stands the name of Mr. Kazaryan and from the companies "MatStar" and "Sweets Agi". As the finale sounded, the organizers invited to a cocktail all those people who contributed to make that special evening a fact, celebrating the two national holidays.

The event was attended by members of the diplomatic mission of Armenia here in Bulgaria - Mrs. Dashdoyan and Mr. Mardirossian, and Vice President of the National Assembly - Mrs. Ek. Mihailova. Special congratulation letter was send from General-Lieutenant Simeon Simeonov, on behalf of the General Staff of Defence of Bulgaria.

Not every day members of the Armenian community gather together. The holidays are are those times when our sense of belonging speaks in a peculiar way and makes us look one another, turn around count how many we are and learn from each other. The responsibility of the organizations is huge in this respect. Their existence is determined by the potential they can attract be their enormous energy of their community, that otherwise is wandering somewhere, and more important to keep it. This can hap- pen only when they succeed in their activities to reach the hearts and minds of every one of their com- patriots. Hopefully tonight was so, and even those who came with any hesitation about themselves, to- morrow - encouraged of what happened to take their place in the public arena.

(3 October) AGBU Sofia Chamber Orchestra, 5th Autumn Season 2010-2011

On October 3 rd 2010, in front of the crowded with audience Concert Hall at the Musical Academy, AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra opened its Fifth concert season. The orchestra demonstrated a high artistic level. The compositions were played with inspiration and with their interpretation the orchestra proved to be a leading representative with the highest European quality. The concet was dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the great Armenian composer Alexander Harutunian. His “Sinfonieta” was the main part of the program.

The musicians fulfilled this gorgeous emblematic music work in the treasury of 20 th century with vir- tuozity and professionalism. The orchestra presented, Konstantin Ilievski, a young Bulgarian conductor and composer from Vienna. His work "Concerto Grosso" was interpretated with class. The soloists of the concert are considered by the Bulgarian public as the Professors. Angel Stankov-violin and Bozhidar Noev - piano.Their class is obvious. Tonight the orchestra and so- loists achieved remarkable unity of style and masterpiece.The concert of Joseph Haydn caused huge and prolonged applause. The whole program was prepared and presented with taste and skill. The con- cert ended with "Tango" of Piazzolla. This day of spirit ended with the words of thanks by the Chair- man of AGBU "Parekorzagan" - Sofia, Mrs. Sonia Avakian - Bedrossian. She offered awards certifi- cates to the conductor and the soloists declaring them Members of the organization fоr their contribu- tion to the development of the Armenian Culture in Bulgaria. (6 October) meeting between students from Armenia and Armenian Philology graduate stu- dents

In the early afternoon of October 6th 2010, at the office of the AGBU - Sofia was held a meeting be- tween students from Armenia, studying different subjects in the Sofia University and students from Bulgaria, graduated Armenian Philology.

The meeting passed in very pleasant atmosphere and to make it more comfortable AGBU - Sofia organ- ized a small cocktail. Тhe young people shared their views and expressed their willingness to meet regularly and be involved in the activities of our organization. Students from Armenia introduced to their new friends from Bulgaria the life in Armenian today and invited them to visit this wonderful country someday. (3 November) Photo exhibition Armenian workdays and holidays through the eyes of the pho- tographer Julian Angelov

”Armenian Weekdays and Holidays” is a photographic narrative about the life and culture of the Arme- nian community in Bulgaria, shot by a young photographer Julian Angelov. In 30 photographs he rep- resents the diversity of Armenian traditions left untouched by time as well as scenes from everyday life of Armenians in the country. The photographs are printed on canvas - a material that enhances the per- ception of sensations and brought them closer to the effect of treatment of paintings. This is the thir- teenth in line exhibition of the young photographer and it was inaugurated under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Bulgaria, as well as with the finan- cial support of Bulbank and AGBU-Sofia. "The Armenian community is simultaneously known as the Bulgarians, and so unknown - explains Jul- ian Angelov for his choice to devote its thirteenth exhibition to the Armenian community in Bulgaria. - We used to see Armenians around us to merge with the main medium of Bulgarians. But this is only a superficial level. When someone elaborates a little more in Armenian culture and traditions, he notices that this is a community, ethnic group, which has unique traditions and keep them very earnestly. For me, one of the consequences of all this is that this nation has remained extremely proud and intact and have common goals, shared moral values that unite it. This impressed me greatly when I started to walk around the various cities of Bulgaria, where there are Armenian communities, I saw that their celebra- tions are very colorful. I met many interesting people with very different personalities and characters. Of course, as a photographer that provoked me to do something more serious in that direction. " As a researcher with lens in hand, Julian Angelov traveled for months across the country to shoot their scenes. "It is not easy to penetrate in a minority, closed community. Requires much time, good attitude, effort and even luck, "says the photographer.

"Everything that happens in the Armenian community, is a type of things that are not visible at first glance - he added. - For them I required second reading, it's not like some exotic country where every- thing around you deserves to be photographed because it is unfamiliar and color. This requires a little more philosophical look deeper into the topic and this is more challenging for a photographer. I tried to hack into people's homes, in their daily lives to become part of their environment to be able to capture precisely those unique moments that will allow me to do a true photographic exhibition, not just shoot- ing Armenian holidays. Armenians have managed to preserve many of their traditions, because it was vital for them to survive as a nation.

They have 5 major holidays, Christmas and Easter, Mother of God, Transfiguration and Holy Cross. During these five major feast happen very much in terms of religion, and in purely residential plan. People who celebrate in a very specific way, are collected in a common table, make sacrifices, which together eat for health. In contrast, Bulgarians, Armenians are very religious people. I saw this in the time at which attended an Armenian concert and I heard that before the start they began to sing some- thing that sounded like an anthem. Then I realized that this is the prayer "Our Father" in which the en- tire audience was on its feet. I never saw anything like this happen in Bulgaria and I am sure that if we do a poll on the streets, 99 percent of people in general can not say the prayer "Our Father".

The exhibition "Armenian weekdays and holidays is only the first step towards the realization of large- scale photographic project for the Armenians in Bulgaria. The desire and ambition of Julian Angelov has to issue a series of photographic albums for history, various aspects of traditional culture and relig- ious celebrations of the Armenian community in Bulgaria. (6 November) Badminton tournament was held, organized by YP from AGBU - Sofia

On 6 - 7 November 2010, with the help of Prof. Puzant Kassabian / Chairman of Bulgarian Badminton Federation was held a Badminton tournament organized by the YP’s of AGBU – Sofia.

The tournament took place in the Sport Center “Sofia Hall “, located in the Central Park, near the Park Hotel Moscow. In a very pleasant and friendly atmosphere approximately 25-30 young people played before their fans and showed their skills. Some of the participants came with their children and the mood was incredible.

The YP’s played with each other, divided into male and female, and then played in pairs. Hripsime Kerpichian and Gadar Benlian played in the women final. The winner was Hripsime Kerpichian. In men’s final played Ohanes Panikian and Agop Ervantyan. The winner was Agop Ervantyan. In the doubles men final played Ohanes Panikian and Anton Baev against Emil Mechikian and Abra- ham Benlian. Winners were Ohanes Panikian and Anton Baev. This two-day tournament turned into a very pleasant and full of Armenian spirit event.

It would be wonderful to organize more often such interesting sport initiatives where young profession- als, young people and our rising generation grows up in an Armenian environment filled with laugh- ter, fun and games - both for the young and older!!! We hope this will be the beginning for such enjoyable activities of the organization. Mrs. Sonia Ava- kian - Bedrossian / Chairlady of AGBU - Sofia congratulated all participants for their enthusiasm, their good mood and wished them all, success in their future similar initiatives.

(7 November) AGBU AYA meeting with parents and their children participating at the AGBU Camp Unger 2010

On Sunday afternoon, at the office of AGBU -Sofia, the participants in Camp Unger 7 and their parents gathered to remember the joyful days of the camp. The office was turned into a improvised theater, where camp photos were projected. The oldest (12-15 years) took care of the projection and presented to the audience the submitted photos. Parents were able to get an idea of how they Camp Unger 2010 was held. The youth gave to every child a DVD as a souvenir with photos of the camp. Following the presenta- tion the parents had the opportunity to exchange ideas with Mrs. Sonia Avakian-Bedrossian, chairlady of AGBU - Sofia and had a small buffet prepared by the AYA. The young people expressed their wish to organize a gathering and present the video of Camp Unger 2010.

(13 November) A friendly meeting of the Armenian Ladies from AGBU - Sofia

A sunny afternoon on the November 13th, in a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the office of AGBU - Sofia, the ladies of the organization gathered together to coffee and sweets. The special guest of the meeting was Mrs. Hasmig Dashdoyan, temporary Ambassador the Republic of Armenia in Bulgaria. During the meeting, Mrs. Dashdoyan shared the need which has the Armenian community in Sofia to have an Armenian kindergarden.

(21 November) AGBU Sofia Chamber Orchestra's second concert of the Autumn season

On November 21, 2010, in front of the crowded audience at the Musical Academy, AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra performed its second concert of the Autumn season 2010-2011, with inspiration and proved to be a leading representative with a highest European level.

The concert was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the great Armenian composer Alexander Haru- tyunyan. For the first time in Bulgaria was played his Concerto for Oboe.The professional musicians performed this great work with virtuosity and professionalism. The orchestra presented the young German conductor Markus Elsner, who arrived from in- vited by AGBU - Sofia. Central soloist of the concert was one of the leading Bulgarian musicians with remarkable success on the concert podium Jasen Enchev - oboe. The audience highly appreciated. the AGBU - Sofia Chamber Orchestra performing of "Divertimento F major" by Mozart, with style and true author interpretation. "Presto and Valse Triste" by Jan Sibelius caused huge and prolonged ap- plause.

The whole program was prepared and presented with taste and skill. The concert ended with "Sym- phony for strings B flat minor" of Mendelssohn.

At the end of the concert, on this festive day of the Christian family, Mrs. Sonia Avakian-Bedrosian, the Chairlady of AGBU - Sofia greeted the musicians and the guests, wishing them good health and future musical wonderful events. She thanked Maestro Bedros Papazian for his high artistic achievement and professional level of the orchestra and awarded the guest conductor, Marcus Elsner, with an Honorable AGBU Diploma for his contribution to the development of the Armenian culture in the Armenian community in Bulgaria.

• (25 November) Lecture "Calouste Gulbenkian - an oil tycoon and philanthropist" Calouste Gulbenkian is a person well known by all Armenians. Almost each person of the average gen- eration knows about "Mr. 5%". What do we know behind this definition? Do we have enough knowl- edge about this extraordinary man of his time - amazing untold wealth, thanks to the combinating and enterprising mind and commitment to so many noble works which still deserve respect and reverence? Although 45 years have passed since his death, its foundation in Portugal which inherited Gulbenkian's wealth, continues helping people within the world with support to the education of young and talented people to contribute for cultural and other humanitarian activities. "Calouste Gulbenkian - An Oil Ty- coon and Philanthropist" was the theme of the lecture organized by the Young professionals /YP/ of the AGBU - Sofia.

On November 25, the assoc. professor Mira Mayer was invited at the AGBU officeto hold the lecture. It was nice to hear a side view of a person so competent enough and familiar with the topic and geopo- litical situation at the time the largest Entrepreneur develop their large-scale e-business activity. A lec- turer was quite prepared which is understandable, because of Mira Mayer’s Ph.D. dissertation in Phi- losophy. She also teaches political science at New Bulgarian University and has a good knowledge of the situation in the Middle East. What she presented was fascinating and interesting for the younger audience who attended the event. What was taught was about Gulbenkian's life and activities, for the obstacles he had overcome and about his perfect sense of a businessman. Quite detailed Mrs. Mayer presented what she knew about Mr. Gulbenkian and his charity, his rich collection of paintings and works of art, his ability to win, even in complex configurations and political interests during and before the First World War. This story was accompanied by illustrations on the multimedia projector, which gave clear picture of what was told to all the audience . About 30 people invited by YP Sofia came leaded by their interest. During the lecture, the attendees who listened carefully to Mrs. Mira Mayer had the opportunity to ask their questions to make their understanding about Mr. Gulbenkian clear - for geopolitical processes in the past century, the economic interests and the fight for oil, which continues today. At the end of the lecture, the chairlady of AGBU – Sofia, Mrs. Sonia Bedrosian, thanked Mrs. Mayer for her lecture and gave her as a present from her behalf a hand-painted silk scarf. While the Young Professionals gave her the book "The Burning Tiger" by Peter Balakian and "My Grandmother" by Fethiye Cetin. The hosts had prepared a small cocktail, during which everyone had the opportunity to exchange thoughts, to share knowledge and to express the wish to have more often similar meetings.

• (5 December) Third Concert AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra

5 December, at the Central Hall of the National Music Academy The AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orches- tra opened their third concert dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of establishing AGBU – Sofia chap- ter. It was just before the Christmas holidays. Following the emotional moment, when Seta Zadikian and Shaghig Matevossian read the two con- gratulation letters addressed to AGBU Sofia by the President of the Global AGBU Berge Setrakian and the president of the European board of AGBU-Europe Alexis Govchian, the concert was opened with a wonderful piece - the chamber symphony “Phoenix”, written by the composer Georgi Andreev who was present at the concert and was one of the great soloists in that evening. Two years ago this particular symphony was written about the genocide of the Armenian people, and the piece did not only impressed the audience, but also touched and made everyone feel excited and amazed by the tal- ent of the composer, who managed by the language of music to capture the tragedy of the Armenians with the three parts of the piece – “Hurteh” /fire/, “Vohpal”/complaint/ and “Haygagan bar” /Arme- nian dance/.

In the program that evening, the audience had the opportunity to enjoy the performance of the talented Georgi Andreev himself, not only as a composer but also as a fiddler with his stunning performance of his "Danube" composition. The folklore singer Nelly Andreeva - a beautiful and charming voice, performed the Armenian song - “Oi, Nazan” and the Bulgarian song "Devoyko”. The flutist Kremena Acheva, a well known musician performed the "Allegro" for piccolo by Antonio Vivaldi and together with the first violin of the orchestra Desislava Popova performed the piece "Oblivion" of the modern musical genius - the Argentinian composer Astor Piazzolla.

In the program on this special evening there was another musical instrument, which pleased the audi- ence very much - the harp. Kohar Andonian performed with art and talent two pieces - "Theme with Variations" by John Thomas and “Oriental Dance” by the great composer Aram Khachaturian. On the stage, Haigashod Agasian – Armenians’ favorite composer and singer, performed one of his favorite songs "Armenian Eyes", written by the late Bulgarian poet Vanya Petkova. Then the opera singer Elise Gagossyan presented the Armenian song "Dzanunt" (music by Haigashod Agasian and written by Mihran Boghosian). The evening ended with the anthem of the AGBU – Sofia - “ Manank Haier” (music by Haigashod Agasyan, written by Mihran Boghosyan) performed by the trio Elise Gagosyan, Simeon Pilibosyan and Azat Agasian.

Maestro Bedros Papazian - conductor and artistic di- rector of AGBU-Sofia Chamber Orchestra, has been working with is heart and has been creating a pleasant atmosphere at the concerts for five years now, in front of an always crowded hall.

"Christmas is coming! This is an incredible chance for the humanity for Beauty, Caring, Love, Energy, Goodness and Alterna- tive…a special occasion for added light in our souls” …

"Christmas is coming!” With it we celebrate the 100 years Anniversary of AGBU - Sofia Chapter's establisment. “Virtue cannot exist without spirituality, because the source is in our souls, in our belief that together we can fill the empty wells and despair may turn into hope ... “ With these words, the chairlady of AGBU – Sofia (Mrs. Sonia Avakian-Bedrosian) turned to the audience to call for more faith, love and goodness and wished everyone happy holidays. She also expressed her gratitude to- wards the Sofia Municipality – Culture Department, which has decided to include the AGBU-Sofia Chamber orchestra in their cultural events and is financing the concerts as part of the overall cultural program of the capital.

Following the concert, a pleasant surprise for Maestro Bedros Papazian, the Orchestra’s musicians and all guests was prepared by AGBU Sofia’s chairlady - an incredible performance of "Garung" per- formed by the young talented tenor Michael Carliyan, who was AGBU’s guest and was among the audience on that special evening.

• (9 December) AGBU Sofia Ladies and young moms Christmas gathering

At 10 AM, in the sunny morning of December the 9th, AGBU ladies have invited young mothers with their chil- dren to enjoy a happy gathering.The ladies welcomed the young mothers in a nicely decorated office with a beautiful Christmas tree and songs,with a table dressed with a special Christmas cake for the occa- sion, sweets and cookies.

All attendants were happy to meet each other and enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere. They have all exchanged interesting ideas and decision was taken to organize similar event once a month, an event where children will meet together and enjoy playing together while all Moms having a cup of coffee, tea and home-made Armenian sweets in a nice and joyful ambiance with music and young talents' performances. At the end of the gathering, AGBU ladies gave to each child a Christmas gift they have specially pre- pared for them, a beautifully wrapped lovely bear, a DVD with Armenian children songs and a Christ- mas card with AGBU Sofia's New Year 2011 good wishes!!!!