Clinics and Practice 2014; volume 4:637 Pellagra: a non-eradicated old The term pellagra - from pelle agra, Italian for rough skin - was first used by Frappoli in Correspondence: Savvidou Savvoula, Ring Road disease 1771 due to its dermatologic manifestations.3 N. Efkarpia-Thessaloniki, Zip Code 56429, However, since Goldberger implicated vitamin Thessaloniki, Greece. Savvoula Savvidou B deficiency as the cause of pellagra in 1926,3 Tel. +30.2313323180 - Mobile: +30.6977774301 - Fax: +30.2313323165. 1st Department of Internal Medicine, the pellagra syndrome has historically been E-mail:
[email protected] Papageorgiou University Hospital of characterized by the 4 D’s: Dermatitis, 1,3 Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Diarrhea, and Dementia leading to Death. Key words: pellagra, niacin, vitamin B3 deficien- Pellagra was a major widespread cause of cy, pellagrous encephalopathy. death until the early 20th century, but fortifica- tion of flour with niacin has led practically to Acknowledgements: the author would like to its eradication in developed countries. thank Dr. Sotiriadis D, Professor of Dermatology Abstract However, several recent reports suggest that and head of 2nd Dermatology Department, pellagra may even be underdiagnosed.3-6 Papageorgiou University Hospital of We report a case of a 50-year old homeless Thessaloniki, for his significant contribution. male who presented with pellagra and pella- Received for publication: 18 March 2014. grous encephalopathy. The characteristic - if Revision: Not required. not pathognomonic - skin lesions of pellagra Case Report Accepted for publication: 11 April 2014. support its diagnosis on solely clinical grounds. Clinicians should keep a high index A 50-year old man was brought to the emer- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons of suspicion, in certain patient groups, in gency department due to disturbed mental sta- Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- NC 3.0).