D6: Thursday, May 28, 2020 The Post and Courier MYCHARLESTONQUARANTINE BY LIZ FOSTER ||
[email protected] Name: n keeping with this week’s other posthumous nomination 1 for “Giant” (1956), but is most movie-themed edition of 2 Charleston Scene, I created well-known as the epitome of Ia crossword puzzle this time teenage angst in “Rebel Without 3 4 around. As a tip of the hat to a Cause” (1955). 5 our cover story, there are some 19. What is the name of the clues related to films that had ruthless and mysterious crime drive-in theater scenes in them, lord that people can’t stop saying 6 but the majority are about some in “The Usual Suspects” (1995)? of the top movies of all time. As you answer, you must exclaim 7 The others are, quite simply, it just like the guy in the hospital 8 just ones I really like. Note: bed does. 9 While some of these movies are 21. This hideous creature, based on books, I’m referenc- formerly known as Smeagol, ing what ended up in the film is obsessed with his Precious, version. Perhaps this will give the “one ring to rule them all,” you some ideas for a streaming in “The Hobbit” and the “Lord 10 11 12 binge over the weekend. Enjoy! of the Rings” franchise. His diet 13 14 15 consists of raw fish, baby rabbits Crossword clues and goblins. 16 17 Across 22. “Look, you shoot off a 2. During the drive-in scene of guy’s head with his pants down, the 1978 film _____, Danny Zuko believe me, Texas is not the 18 19 20 tries to get a little handsy with place you wanna get caught!” is 21 Sandy after he gives her his class a quote that sets the audience ring, and Rizzo worries she may up for the upcoming adventure 22 23 be pregnant.