Mt Inhmi LXIL Na33 ;Ionsl BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, DECEMBER 11, 1946 Price: Fifteen Cents Rs Are ?

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Mt Inhmi LXIL Na33 ;Ionsl BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, DECEMBER 11, 1946 Price: Fifteen Cents Rs Are ? Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 12-11-1946 The aB tes Student - volume 73 number 09 - December 11, 1946 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 73 number 09 - December 11, 1946" (1946). The Bates Student. 939. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ds 35 Givt ,ii mt inhmi LXIL Na33 ;ionsl BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, DECEMBER 11, 1946 Price: Fifteen Cents rs are ?. Last nn r«J Ing tx.l ghting Bobcats Make Initial Glass Bowl nip i I oup ail SaltanJ aluini! Contest One To Be Long Remembered ere In By Dave Tillson Norm Bates' fighting football Bobcats clawed and scrapped for :&l& of sixty full minutes Saturday in the hardest, most faithful roday, Ihoral And Orphic Societies Present Bobcat spirit and tradition and although they failed by nine Bates points to upset Toledo's Blue and Gold Rockets, the Cats ac- arrow, quitted themselves royally in a thrilling, see-saw contest that of the Ihristmas Music For Vespers Sunday Night sent ten thousand Toledo fans home very much pleased with Every the whole idea of the Glass Bowl. aboui A vesper service of Christmas music will be given Sun- Glass Bowl day dawned bright he red and clear. The sUH winds would nglish v evening, Dec. 5, in the chapel at 7:30. It will be given rough the cooperation of the music department and the Sportsmen Honor Action Shots At The Bowl have some effect on the contest de- hristian Association. Professor Seldon T. Crafts will direct spite the fact that the Bowl field Fran- was weU protected on three sides program, and Mrs. Marion ___————— adap- Pond, Blanchard by a high rim topped by a ten foot le ar yne Louisfell will accompany The twelfth annual poll of stone wall. The players rose early i con- Choral Society at the organ. Bowdoin - Bates members of the American despite little sleep Thursday and Friday nights, got last minute in- is-on- ! program is as follows: Football Coaches' Association conducted by the New York str..i-..ions from Ducky at 10:30 and lud&—"Jesu, Joy oil Man's Exchange Debates World Telegram, revealed that ate a light bat filling meal at 11. Desiring" J. S. Bach In the Bates Little Theatre on Bates' Ducky Pond has been Mai or John Dyer's arrival just be- Orphic Orchestra Monday evening, Dec. 16, at 8:16, fore we set out for the field, put lorales—••Break Forth, O Beau selected by his fellow coaches there will be a Bates-Bowdoin as ninth coach in the country the whole team in high spirits. teous He-venly Light", J. S. Bach panel and audience discussion of in line for the title "Coach of Promptly at 11:30, the six reck- eside Thy Cradle" three main college questions: un- the Year" for 1946. The nation- lessly driven station wagon-jeeps Chorale Society limited cuts, grading professors, al listing showed that only provided free especially for the un—"Joy to the World" and more required courses instead Watts-Handel eight coaches in the country Cats' convenience pulled up at the of electives. The panel will consist are more respected than Commodore, loaded us in, and ayer of five debaters from Bowdoin, R. Ducky. Leading the list was whisked us quickly out to the Uni- gan and Piano—"Sheep May S. Shepherd, F. R. Woodruff, Jr., Army's Red Blaik. versity on Toledo's outskirts. Both Safely Graze" Bach Clement A. Hlebert, R. A. Wiley, Although Bates lost the teams began to get taped and uni- Trafton Mendall and Everett James B. Longley, Jr., and five de- Glass Bowl contest, 30 of the formed in the ground floor dress- Brenner baters from Bates, Bill Ginn as 32 writers in the T. U. press ing rooms of T. U.'s imposing big |«irgo" Handel chairman, Lou Flett, Mary Alice box chose Bates tailback Art athletic building as Skip Gates Orphic Orchestra Golder, Dave Tillson, and Joe Dow. Blanchard to be the outstand- (former Bobcat center) and I head- horus—"And the Glory of the The panel will discuss one of the ing player on the field Satur- Captain Jo-Jo Larochelle Carries as Norm Parent Wards ed for the Bowl, half a mile away, Lord" Handel above questions for ten or fifteen day. Artie's overwhelming ae- to get a pre-game look. Choral Society minutes, then the audience will be Off Threatening Toledo Rockets lestlon was gratifying to all Pearl Harbor Day Festivities gan—"Pastoral Symphony" given a chance to state its opin- Bobcat rooters and to Ducky Start With A "Boom" Handel ions. The. same procedure wiU be Pond who has realized the lit- Before Skip and I reached the 'it'll. Crosson, accompanist used in discussing the other two tle back's abilities right along. field a loud "boom" announced the mralto Solo—"He ShaU Feed questions. beginning of the Pearl Harbor Day His Flock" Handel Meanwhile, at the same time, Eleanor Daley festivities. Skip hurried back to five other Bates debaters will be the locker room to ride over with IOIUS—"Glory to God" Handel down at Bowdoin holding a dis- Broadcast Presents the players and I hurried across Choral Society cussion for Bowdoin students. The the muddy approaches to the sta- ymn—"Adeste Fidelis" procedure at Bowdoin will be Husband, Wife Quiz dium to get a better view. Traditional "Bates-on-the-Air" presents for slightly different. Instead of a panel T. U.'s new glass press box was edltation and three questions, there will be this week the quiz program which stuffy and crowded so I climbed R*v. Elward R. Nelson, Pastor ten speakers and five questions. A was scheduled to go on in Novem of the Immanuel Baptist up to the roof where I perched Bates speaker will talk for five ber and did not go over the air cross-legged on the very front. Church, Portland minutes on one side of the first due to technical difficulties. It is Only a half dozen photographers horus—"Hallelujah Chorus" question and a Bowdoin man will ihe quiz show between vetvrant standing behind me had a better Handel speak for five minutes on the other and their wives with Mr. and .Mrs. view of the proceedings tthan I. Choral Society Jack Joyce (Bette Benoit '45), side of the first question. Then Mayor John Dyer soon came up the audience will be given a The Reverend Mr. Edward R. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wilbur (Ruth and sat behind me. Below, Parker chance to discuss that same ques- Asker '46), and Mr. and Mrs. Fred [elson will speak on "The Primacy Hoy aided the WCOU broadcasters. Janucy, participating. That's over the Person". He is a graduate tion. The same will be done with Before our eyes unfolded one of WOOU, today, Wednesday, at 4:00. Carleton College in Northfleld, the other four questions. The the most beautiful spectacles I Bates debaters taking part will be: nn., and of Colgate-Rochester in The mistresse of ceremonies is have ever seen. One by one, five Carolyn Booth, affirmative on grad- Jay Moffatt, announcer, Vivienne 38. Mr. Nelson was pastor of the small, compact and beautifully uni- ing professors; Lila Kumpunen, af- Sikora, technician, Sonny Youngs. oiwlch. Conn., Baptist Church formed high school bands entered then associate pastor in the firmative on unlimited cuts; Traf Yesterday, the interview pro- the lower gate of the stadium. Ar- MendaU, negative on de-emphasis gram with Ed Dunn and Norm ouutain Street Baptist Church of Art (Swivel Hips) Blanchard Evades a Sprawling Toledo rayed in red, maroon, blue and ud Rapids, Mich. He is now pas- of extra-curricular activities; Mary Temple was broadcast! over WGAN Rocket as Teammates Take Out Three Opponents gray, navy blue and yeUow and Reeves, affirmaUve on intensifica- at 4:45. ^ of the Immanuel Baptist black they marched up the field tion of required courses; R. La- mrch, Portland. Tuesday and Wednesday of next past the crowded stands in perfect Montagne, negative on vocational week there will be broadcast a step and formed into one magnifi- education. Christmas program produced by Women's Union Opened cent multi-colored wave across the The result will be an exchange Joyce Streeter with Al St. Denis far end of the field just in front ernard Piche Will of Bates-Bowdoin student opinion as the reader and the Carillon sing- of the goal posts at the base of the on some vital campus topics. Here ing Chrlstimas carols. Tuesday, For Evening Recreation Bowl's rear ridge. is a chance to air some pet gripes this will go over WGAN at 4:46 resent Organ Concert It has betii announced that the As the public address system and give some constructive criti- and Wednesday, over WOOU at game rooms in the basement ofi the This Friday, Bates students wUl broadcast a memorial meditation cisms. 4:00. Women's Union will be open for Calendar privileged to hear Mr. Bernard honoring T. U.'s Pearl Harbor co-educational recreation four Wednesday, Dec. 11—Basketball the perform on the organ. Mr. dead, 104 uniformed veterans, each nights a week, beginning January Game with Bowdoin, here.
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