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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 11-10-1965 The aB tes Student - volume 92 number 09 - November 10, 1965 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 92 number 09 - November 10, 1965" (1965). The Bates Student. 1493. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1493 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Bates Student Vol. XCII, No. 9 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, NOVEMBER 10, 1965 By Subscription CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST NOTED PHOTOGRAPHER BRYAN AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS TO PRESENT FILM LECTURE The College Physician, in in clinical psychology from ooperation with the student the University of Connecticut. Julien Bryan, Executive Di- leans and the guidance office, His clinical internship was at rector of the International las announced that the Col- the Connecticut Valley Hospi- Film Foundation and a promi- ege Infirmary will sponsor a tal in Middletown, Connecti- nent photographer, will speak ;>art time clinical psycholo- cut. He was employed during on his Warsaw experiences of gist, who will be available for 1961-1965 by the Maine De- 1939 in a film-lecture presen- tudent consultations on a partment of Mental Health tation in the Little Theater on private fee basis, at the in- and Corrections as psycholo- Wednesday, November 17, at firmary. gist at the Androscoggin 8:00 p.m. The psychologist, Dr. Wen- Mental Health Clinic (for Photography has always dell Kincaid, has his B.A. from adults), and he is now staff been one of Mr. Bryan's major Vale, and his M.A. and Ph.D. psychologist at the Child and interests. While in college he Family Services, Inc., of Lew- co-edited the "Princeton Pic- iston. Dr. Kincaid is also con- torial," a monthly photogra- Quimby Honored As sulting clinical psychologist phy magazine. After attending to the Lewiston-Auburn Occu- the Union Theological Sem- Debate Leader pational Training Center, and inary, Mr. Bryan became a to the Division of Maternal social worker for a branch Health and Child Care of the Prof. Brooks Quimby was of the Brooklyn YMCA. It Maine Department of Health aonored at the Boston College was at this time that he be- and Welfare. He serves on the Forensic Festival held last gan taking frequent trips Board of Directors of the Gar- abroad. Wherever he traveled, Saturday, November 6. As a celon School, and his profes- guort of honor, Prof. Quim- he took pictures, met with peo- sional memberships include ple, visited their homes, and by evaluated a debate on Com- the American Psychological Debators Have First pulsory Arbitration of Labor shared in their daily life. Association, the New England By 1937, Mr. Bryan had Disputes in Basic Industries, and the Maine Psychological .iddressed the assembly on de Varsity Meet At Colby made eight trips to Russia and Associations. had begun to take groups of >ating in general, and partlci Dr. Kincaid hopes to work pated in a panel discussion on The annual Practice Debate This debate will be the first college students with him. On with students on such matters Tourney, open to all colleges varsity activity for Bates. many of his tours he took a Clash in Debate." A dinner as study skills, problems of held that evening recognized in Maine, will be held Thurs- These same Bates teams professional cameraman to concentration, motivation, and day, November 11. The de- will compete in a tournament supplement his own photo- idm as a leading authority on other aspects of academic or debating techniques. bate will take place at Colby at the University of Vermont graphs. With this background, campus life adjustment. He instead of Bowdoin to accom- on November 19 and 20. Mr. Bryan lectured extensive- will be available initially on modate the University of ly on Russia and his travel ex- COMING EVENT; Tuesday evenings, advance Maine team. periences. Eventually films appointments to be made at Two teams will represent were added to his lectures, and the Infirmary. Nov. 11: Bates in the three-round tour- C. A. Presents thus his career as a profes- Class of '68 Council Meeting ney. The first team includes sional flim-maker was launch- in 200 Pettigrew from 7:00 to Richard Waxman '68, and Dr. Naravane ed. ~:45 p.m. Portland Symphony William Norris '68, affirma- Mr. Bryan has worked for Eastman Kodak and the En- Nov. 13: tive, and Howard Melnick '68 and Alan Lewis '67, negative. "Hinduism and Islam in cyclopedia Brittanica on a The Chapel Choir will re- At Lewiston Armory Indian Culture" will be the free lance basis, traveling and cord at the Univ. of Maine for On the second team, the af- topic of Dr. Vishwanath S. shooting pictures on his own. i performance on UMTV. firmative side is Charlotte Singer '67 and Max Steinheim- Naravane when he speaks at At the outbreak of World War Nov. 14: The Portland Symphony Or- er '67, while the negative is Bates Sunday, November 14, I, he served as a reporter-pho- C. A. Lecture by Dr. Nara- chestra will present a program Susan Francis '67 and Rich- at 2:30 in Skelton Lounge. tographer. The photographs • ane in Skelton Lounge from at the Lewiston Armory on ard Rosenblatt '66. taken in Poland were publish- Before becoming head of ^:30 to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 17, These teams will debate on ed in a book entitled Seige, 1965, at 8:00 P.M. It is being the philosophy department at Nov. 15: the college topic, "Resolved: which came out in 1940. It was Poona this spring, Dr. Nara- sponsored by the Lewiston that law enforcement agen- one of the first books to show Duplicate bridge games in vane was at Allahabad Uni- Citywide P.T.A. for the pur- cies in the United States people in America the horrors ihe Co-ed Lounge at 7:30 p.m. versity where he also received pose of "bringing culture to should have greater freedom of the war in Europe. During Nov. 16: the city." his education. In 1963 he vis- in investigation and prosecu- the war, he did not lose his Spanish Club Meeting in ited Europe and America, par- tion of crime". Since the pur- thirst for travel; his interest the Women's Union, 7:30 to Mr. Arthur Bennet Lipkin, ticipating in several confer- pose of the tourney is prac- and curiosity led him to South :30 p.m. prominent in the musical ences including the 13th ses- tice, Professor Quimby and America, the Middle East and world, is the musical director sion of the International Con- Nov. 17: Mr. Warye will act as com- Africa. and conductor for the orches- gress of Philosophy at Mex- Mr. William Heisler will mentators and evaluators. Continued on Page 2 tra. The program will be ico City. He was invited to liow films on the Perkin's broadcast on the Voice of chool for the Blind in Room speak at a number of Ameri- America program to Kyoto, Library Notice can universities and make Program Notes 214, Carnegie, at 2:00 and 3:00 Japan this year. After the con- P.m. Beginning Friday, Nov- cultural study tours of France, November 13 cert, Mr. Lipkin will leave for ember 12th the Upstairs West Germany, and the United Movie Julien Bryan will present an a tour of Europe. illustrated lecture in the Lit- Reading Area in Coram Arab Republic at the invita- The Robinson Players will tle Theater at 8:00 p.m. There will be an opportun- Library will remain tion of the governments of present "Me and *.he Col- The Portland Symphony Or- ity for Bates students to meet open evenings until mid- those countries. onel" starring Dai .iy Kaye chestra will perform In the Mr. Lipkin and the members night. Miss Foster, Col- and "The Seven Arts" of the orchestra at 4:00, No- lege Librarian, stated Dr. Naravane is the author (short cartoon feature). I-Gwiston Armory at 8:00 p.m. of several books, including vember 17, at the Armory. that the new closing Show time 7:00 and 9:00 Nov. 18: Modern Indian Thought. A Bates students are cordially hour will operate exper- P.M. Saturday. Admission Fall Sports Dinner In the imentally for a few Philosophical Survey; Stories $.25. Men's Commons, 6:30 p.m. invited to both the meeting from the Indian Classics; and with Mr. Lipkin and the con- weeks. Actual use of the The Treat Gallery will be Nov. 19: area during the added his most recently published open 8:30-9:30 P.M. cert. The donation for the con- book, The Elephant and the hour will determine fin- CHASE HALL DANCE Hickories Meeting In the cert will be $2.00 for adults, Lotus: Essays in Philosophy al policy. Dance 8:00-11:45 PJK. Little Theater, 7:00 p.m. $1.00 for students. and Culture. Two BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, NOVEMBER 10, 1965 SENATE NEWS This Week On U. N. OF POETRY PRESENTED A surprisingly large number tween the two paths open to The "Ed_Tube" STODENT PLAY ON MT. DAVID of students responded to the them. Some plan to sign for recent Senate request for the 3-year program because of To the student wishing to On Sunday, October 31, the been impossible to achieve or names of students with three pressures from home; others relieve his eyes of static book United Nations of Poetry pre- a closed stage and created a final examinations on one day have decided to adopt the tra- print: turn your steps toward sented a short, one act drama, most effective impression up at the end of this semester.
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