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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 3-20-1957 The aB tes Student - volume 83 number 19 - March 20, 1957 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 83 number 19 - March 20, 1957" (1957). The Bates Student. 1252. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1252 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PA Elects Frye As STUDENT Editor Greenman Acts As Manager Of Business Staff The Publishing Association has elected Irene Frye and Fred Greenman to the positions of editor - in - chief and business manager, respectively, of the "Bates Stuknt Bates STUDENT for 1957-58. Both members of the class of Vol. LXXXIII. No. 19 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON. MAINE. MARCH 20. 1957 By Subscription 1958, they will succeed present editor-in-chief Richard Bean and business manager Wilbur Stone. Dill, Mazza, Jenkins Lead The new editor-in-chief of the STUDENT served in her sopho- more year as a reporter and la- ter as an assistant copy editor. In the fall of 1956 she was ad- Major Campus Organizations vanced to the position of asso- ciate editor. Campus Leaders Stetson, Dustin, Colby Also Win Majors in Government A government major w;th a In Annual All-Campus Election minor in English, Miss Frye is by Irene Frye also an assistant in government, secretary of both the Political In Monday's all-campus elections Karen Dill was chosen Union and the Gould Political to succeed Barbara Prince as president of the Women's Stu- Affairs Club, and an assistant in dent Government. Benedict Mazza was named president Coram Library. She also finds of the Men's Student Council. Other members of the Class time to enjoy her favorite sport of '58 elected to organization presidencies are: Colleen of skiing. Jenkins. Christian Association; Damon Dustin, Outing The new editor-in-chief is a former member of the Choral Club; David Colby. Publishing Association; and Barbara Society and the Future Teach- Stetson. Women's Athletic Association. ers of America. While a student A total of 602 students cast Also elected to the Stu-G at Burlington, Vt., High School, their ballots between 9 a. m. Board were Helene Marcoux as she was a feature writer for the | and 5 p. m.. an increase of* 77 yearbook, a member of the high vice-president: Sally Morris as over last year's registration and (Continued on page eight) school chorus, and cashier of two more than the previous the school banking association. i year. Over 300 Bates men and At present, she plans a career 1285 women checked in at the College Accepts in journalism. , polls. Expresses Appreciation (1. to r.) First row: Barbara Stetson (WAA), Karen Dill Need Continued Support Resignation Of Informed of her appointment, (Stu-G), Colleen Jenkins (CA). Second row: Damon Dustin Commenting on the Stu-G Miss Frye stated, "I am pleased (OC) and Benedict Mazza (Stu-C). (Photo by Blunda) election^ results, prcsident-elec ; Dr. Roy Fairfield to accept this appointment and Miss Dill expressed "sincere | Dr Rov p Fairfield, associate I appreciate the confidence ex- thanks to you from all of us on . professor of Cultural Heritage, pressed by the Publishing Asso- Financial Aid Applications the 1957-58 Stu-G Board for the | has resigned from the Bates ciation in selecting me." Monday. April 15, is the dead- ! are reminded that they are also confidence you have given us. | College faculty. In September In outlining her ideas on pol- line for the Classes of '58, '59. ! required to submit an informa- We'll be working together to do hc wi„ assurne the position of icy, she said, "Believing that '60 to file applications for finan- tion blank and budget each all we can on your behalf." she assistant professor of govern- the STUDENT should serve as cial aid for the academic year I year. added. "but our best will be ment at the University of Ohio an expression of campus spirit, 1957-58. Men may secure appro- Require Financial Statement done only with your continued in Athens. Ohio. There he will I intend to continue the present priate blanks in Dean Boyce's Marriage, car ownership or interest and support." : teach American political theory policy of taking a stand on is- office; women in Dean Clark's. operation, and unwillingness to Miss Dill, a member of the and "cultch-like" courses in gen- sues through the editorial col- This notice applies to all types participate in the campus work Stu-G board since her freshman > eraj education. umn and striving for accurate of scholarship aid, Purinton program will be considered as nd ViC PreSidC nt f y^\- D r J ' ° H Dr- Fairfield, an alumnus of and broad coverage of all Fund grants, and campus em- factors adverse to receiving 19»6-5, Board, served as class: Thomton Academy in Saco, was events." treasurer and dormitorv secre- . .. ».... .. , ployment. If an applicant is scholarship aid. a member of the first acceler- Assumes Duties in April concerned with the latter, on Students will need to take tary-treasurer* _ ., her sophomore., , i ated , ... war-time,. class, at. „Bates, . year. Currently president of ..... , _ She is a resident of Charlotte, picking up his blank, he should their applications home during ,,,.„, , ■ ,, . , I Heu received an ABD degree in West Parker, she is a Spanish Vt. and both her parents are also ask for a special "Student the Spring Recess in order English in January, 1943. Elect- members of the Class of 1927. Employment Registration" form. to secure from their parents major from Ontario, N. Y.. a ed to Phi Beta Kappa, he was student assistant in the Spanish Miss Frye will begin her new Four-year full - tuition and the College Scholarship Service's also named to the collegiate department, and a member of (Continued on page two) half-tuition scholarship holders Parents' Financial Statement "Who's Who." Phi Sigma Iota. Participates in College Activities now required from all Bates aid While at Bates Dr. Fairfield Hickories Holiday Promises Full applicants, both freshmen and was active in CA, serving as a uppcrclassmen. Please be sure member of the Cabinet for one that the parents' certification is year. He also worked with the Weekend Of Varied Activities completed. (Continued on page three) by Chris Ives • at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in Chase attraction, a sugaring-off party, New Staff Heads Hickory Holiday will bring a Hall. Hickories President Law- in which candy is made by pour- full weekend of activities to the rence Beer promises it to be one ing hot maple syrup on the campus April 6-7. The program, of the best dances of the year. snow, will be held for the skiers. sponsored by the Hickory Ski Sponsor Dance Skiing conditions are often Group, will include movies, a the best at this time of year. A Lewiston-Auburn profes- speaker, a dance, and a ski trip. Beer reminds skiers, because of Pe& Wt- ^ T SHtjflj^B sional band will play for danc- A skiing film of Canada will comfortable temperatures and ; ing. Scheduled entertainment in- i -• ^«Pfc/* #^^1 "'V' -*?*?*& :- be shown at 1:15 p.m. Saturday an abundance of snow. A good cludes an act from the Universi- at the Hickories meeting in Pet- turnout for this trip last year Sift- '"'fll Hi fl *X' ty of Massachusetts and campus tigrew Hall. Frank O'Brien, found 40 inches of snow. talent. A specially decorated president of the Laski Ski Club Plan Library Display of Lewiston and Auburn, also home-baked cake will be of- fered as a door prize. Final signups will be taken will speak. from 9-10 p.m. April 2 in the Atmosphere for the dance will In addition, election of Hobby Shoppe basement. Cost be created by unusual decora- president, vice-president-treasur- for the trip is $2.50. tions. Refreshments will be er, and secretary for the coming A display April 2-6 in Coram served. Admission will be 40 year will take place. Co-chair- Library will exhibit skiing 1 L^-^^s^^M I^M II cents per person. men of the trips, equipment, en- equipment, pictures of racing tertainment,- carnival and com- Schedule Ski Trip techniques, and explanations of petition, and publicity commit- The last ski trip of the year the activities of Hickory Ski tees will also be selected. to Mount Sugarloaf, Kingfield, Group on campus. Co-chairmen The Hickory Holiday theme will complete the weekend's ac- for the weekend are Joanne Irene Frye (1.) and Fred G reenman will assume their duties as will be continued at the dance tivities on Sunday. As an added! Trogler and Ronald Cooke. STUDENT editor-in-chief and business manager, respectively. Y\C TWO THE BATES STUDENT, MARCH 20, 1957 0 1 Business Recruits Seniors Institute Offers Grants Fox^*For™ Korean*™* Students^ ™ Graduate Study In Europe During Spring Term For Variety Of Positions The Christian Association has ested women may sign up for an The Institute of International The Seminar is open to juniors The Guidance and Placement interview for April 11. Women Education has announced three and college graduates and a tui- planned a campus-wide book Service has issued the following may also sign up at the guid- additional opportunities for tion fee of $925 covers room and drive that will be held immedi- information concerning senior ately after vacation.