Bates Student Wins in Essay Competition
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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 4-27-1955 The aB tes Student - volume 81 number 22 - April 27, 1955 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 81 number 22 - April 27, 1955" (1955). The Bates Student. 1201. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. )<oS "Deeds Are Than Words Better Things (fates Student Are' Vol. LXXXI, No. 22 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, APRIL 27, 1955 By Subscription Debaters Place Second At Annual Novice Tourney Bates Student Wins Bates College placed second to Hilton Page were one of the few VI. I. T. at the annual Invitational undefeated teams at the tourney. Tourney for Novice Debaters held In the six rounds of debate in In Essay Competition last weekend at Dartmouth Col- which they debated the affirmative lege. Pour freshman debaters rep- side of the proposition. "Resolved: Patricia Francis Earns National resented Bates at the tourney. that the United States should ex- Carol St. Jean received a cita- tend diplomatic recognition to the Atlantic Monthly Annual Award tion as third best speaker in the Communist government of China'', First prize for the best essay in tournament. Miss St. Jean and they defeated Brooklyn College. were submitted to the contest by the Atlantic Monthly's annual University of Maine. Williams, students from 94 colleges. The writing contest for college students Tufts and John Hopkins Univer- prize-winning and place-winning Juniors Choose sity. has been awarded to Patricia Fran- papers were selected from the 20 The other Bates team Joanne cis for her "Belated Pilgrimage," a best works in each classification. critical study of Henry Adams' Southern Motif Trogler and Paul St. Hilaire, lost Remaining papers in these top only to Dartmouth. They defeated book "Mont St. Michel and groups were awarded honorable For Annual Ball Amhcrst, Northeastern, St. An- Chartres." Two other Bates stu- mention. Papers next in rank were dents also won citations. On May 14 the Alumni Gym selms, and St. Lawrence College. given merit awards. The prize includes a $100 award will be transformed into a majestic Ryland H. Hewitt accompanied and a Bread Loaf School of Eng- Evaluates Adams' Unity Southern plantation under the di- the group. lish scholarship for Miss Francis Miss Francis' essay was an eval- rection of Brenda Buttrick and Varsity Debaters Travel and Prof. Robert G. Bcrkelman. uation and interpretation of Robert Gidez, chairmen of the Ivy University of Vermont and Uni- her instructor. The scholarship is Adams' book in terms of its argu- Dance committee. versity of Pittsburgh tied for third given for the best work, regardless ment that the Middle Ages was a Fashioned after the O'Haia place in the final roster; Johns of classification. period of great spiritual unity. Her home of •'Gone With The Wind." Hopkins University placed fourth. Large Group Enters thesis was that Adams failed to find "Tara" is the theme of the annual Four varsity debaters visited Two hundred and fourteen es- unity. He was not really concerned Massachusetts colleges last week- junior semi-formal, which features Patricia Francis wfth unity, but used it as an ex- end. Claire Poulin and Kay McLin says. 382 stories and 372 poems the music of Freddy Sateriale, cuse. whose orchestra has previously ap- debated the question of recognition Among the comments of the peared at Bates. of China a! Amherst College and Tickets Sell At $4 David Wyllie and Grant Reynolds Schaeffer Completes Cast, judges were the following: Tickets may he purchased at $4 debated at Mt. Holyoke College. "The reader feels that the essay- per couple for the dance which (Continued on page four) Crew For May Production ist has come to grips with some lasts from 8-11:45 p. m. The com- of the central problems of Adams' mittee has requested that no cor- Final casting and crew selection Paula Pratt. Laura Taylor. Ruth book, has got them stated squarely, dages be given. C. A. Movie for, "Taming of the Shrew" have Melzard, Margaret DeNoyon, F.liz- and with understanding." been completed, according to Prof. Favors will be presented to each The last m a series of CA- abeth Canfield, Susan Glassey, "A mature piece of work." I.avinia M. Schaeffer. roed, while the refreshment com- sponsored movies, "The Lav- Frances Hess, and Louise Oncley. "A 'top drawer* subject devel- mittee plans to prepare a menu in ender Hill Mob" will be pre- Recent additions to the cast in- List Costume Committee oped with intelligence and taste." Keeping with the tradition of the clude Richard Bryant, Nancy Root, sented in a dual showing at 7 The costume committee, headed Others Succeed old South. and 9 p. m. Friday in Petti- Jean Dickson, Ann Akehurst, by Thclma Pierce, includes Linnea Two other students in Professor Announce Committees grew Hall. Lydia Davies, Janneke Disbrow, Swanson. Meredith Greene, Nancy Bcrkelman's advanced composition Miss Buttrick and Gidez have Paris is the scene of this Robert Gilbert, and Paul St. Hil- Waterman, Marian Wilson, Allison class won awards. Robert Damon announced the following commit- film, which features English aire. Mann. Carolyn Spencer, and Eliz- received honorable mention for his tee chairmen: Gail Molander and comedian Alec Guiness in the Ginsberg Provides Music abeth O'Donnell. GUberU Morris, invitations: Elise starring role. Other Guiness Music is being provided by Lois essay "A Song is Born." dealing Gilberta Morris, stage manager, is with how a popular song comes Reichert and Richard Wakely, dec- films include "The Man in Ginsberg. Nancy Root and Ruth assisted by Ruth Haskins, Janet into being and why it "catches orations; Diana Cosimini and Rob- the White Suit," "The Pro- Haskins are prompters for the pro- Hunter, and Janneke Disbrow. ert Lucas, entertainment; Robert on." moter," and "The Captain's duction. Chairman Margaret Sharpe, Betsy McAfee, clean-up; Sylvia Perfetti Donald Gochberg received merit Paradise." Property chairman is Coragene Brackett. Louis Stuber, Myma and Eugene Taylor, refreshments; ratings for two poems entitled, Tickets will be sold at the Marshall. Her assistants include Milton, and Ruth Warfield, com- Barbara Uretsky, publicity. "Vienna, March 26. 1827" and door for 40 cents. Marion Glennie. Marilyn Miller, prise the make-up committee. "They Speak of Bombs." Attorney Marshall Civil Rights (Continued on page three) President Announces Negro Leader Holds Noted Lawyer Urges Extensive Bequests |RightsStillToBeWon End To Segregation To Scholarship Fund By Bob Harlow By Larry Evans "This civil rights fight is an ef- President Charles F. Phillips "We must end the idea that our fort to get for one group of people has announced the receipt of gifts Federal Constitution means one rights everyone else assumes as a totaling $70,000 received since Jan- thing in New England and another matter of course," declared Thur- uary 1, 1955. More than $35,000 in Mississippi," NAACP counsel Kood Marshall, nationally famous of this total is to be used for schol- Thurgood Marshall declared in Constitutional lawyer, as he ad- arship purposes. ChaptI last Friday morning. dressed the Citizenship Laboratory Nearly $12,000 came from the Discussing, the problems raised last Thursday. estate of Ruth A. Tucker, late of by discrimination and segregation, A carry over from the days of West Paris, Maine. Another be- the nationally-known Negro lawyer slavery of feelings of Negro in- quest of $2,000 was received from pointed out that Soviet propagan- feriority is responsible for the ex- the estate of the late Mrs. Stella da uses every instance of Ameri- istence of a race problem at the M. Randall. present time, the speaker declared. can racial antagonisms to discredit Altnough neither nonor graduat- The ten per cent of the popula- this nation before the two-thirds of tion which is Negro is still either the world's population who are col- ed from Bates, both were interest- restricted or merely tolerated in ored. ed in its educational program. most places, he pointed out. Notes International Impact Grant Given Chem Department Stresses Need For Action "Years ago we all considered Also included in the gift total Education through legislative race troubles a local problem," the In an interview with several Bates students, Thurgood was a grant of $2,5C0 from the and judicial action is the way to speaker observed, but today we E. I. du Pont de Nemours Com- solve the problem, said the Marshall predicts that racial segregation will disappear when recognize the international impact pany, to be used tor the benefit of NAACP counselor. "When, legis- the present elementary school population comes of age. of our efforts to curb all forms of the chemistry department. A sim- latures enact civil rights legisla- racial discrimination. ilar gift was received last year. tion such as FEPC programs, they to end their discriminatory prac- tion. While the other services Child psychologists, Marshall The bulk of the remainder of the accomplish nothing unless it is tices before legal action becomes were integrated before the Korean added, have proved that segrega- gifts were funds to be added to en- Mrictly enforced." necessary. war, it was not until Gen. Matthew tion gives the Negro child an in- dowment or to be used for the col- Since penalties arc provided for Marshall described the loss of B. Ridgway assumed command feriority complex and builds up in lege's one hundreth anniversary >c violations, offenders usually agree morale in the Army under segrega- (Continued on page four) (Continued on page six) development program.