Bobcats Down Colby Mule to Win State Series Title
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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 11-14-1946 The aB tes Student - volume 73 number 05 - November 14, 1946 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 73 number 05 - November 14, 1946" (1946). The Bates Student. 935. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 11 the iari- nth ^ §W VOL. LXII. NO. 29 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, NOVEMBER 14, 1946 Price: Fifteen Cents Wls- >J«Dt ! Oil or imit lira. His Bobcats Down Colby Mule CUf- iseii alls on was dig. To Win State Series Title lec- Although the stubborn Colby Mules fought to the last ditch last to prevent it, "Ducky" Pond's Bates Bobcats triumphed over the mud, the rain, and the opposition Monday and won the Robinson Players Present State Series title, preserved a perfect season of seven consecu- tive victories unequaled in Bates football history, and made the Bobcats one of the nation's top competitors for the envi- Season's First Play Tonight able Toledo Glass Bowl invitation, before a well-soaked but wildly enthusiastic crowd of 3000 rooters. Tonight will bring to the stage of The Cats, after knocking at the 1 Little Theatre, this Beason's doors twice before, won 6-0 In a ]:?t presentation of> the P^obinson Debaters Triumph spirited 45-yard drive that was not I'.uyers In "Once In A Lifetime"' - - • •' to be denied. Spunky little Art ttj Kaufman and Hart. The play, AtCambridge,Eng. Blanchard. the game's big hero, uider the direction of Miss Miriam took the ball over the goal from ~.-haeffer, will be given Thursday, Via radio, word was received last the one-yard line with only five F:iday, and Saturday nights. night that Bates debaters Norman minutes remaining in the ball Temple and Edward Dunn were 1'he cast as announced previous- game. winners ol their debate at Cam includes: Viviene Sikora, Lou- bridge. England, on the subject: Blanchard Scores el!a Flett, Trafton Mendall, Wi.- "Resolved, that advertisement is a Artie himself was directly or in- ...a Senseny, Joyce Lord, Arthur curse on our civilization". Bates directly responsible for every one pioener, Joyce Streeter, Al St. took the affirmative. The audience of those fortyiflve yards, 28 in five Denis, Norman Card, Phyllis vote was 151 for Bates and 58 for line bucks and 17 by an accurate Burkes Nancy Covey, Mary Meyti their opponents. Temple and Dunn pass to big Jack Joyce who snared Jacqueline Keyes. Carolyn Booth. will debate at Oxford tonight. the pigskin over his head and toted Marcia Dwinell, Earle Albee, Bar- It to the twenty-four. Two plays bara Aldrlch. Jane Doty, Joan later, in the swivel-hipped Arnie Woodward, Abe Kavalee, Albert Card fashion, Blanchard, seeming- Henderson. ly oblivious of the mud, ducked Coach Petro Calls First his way through the weak le*i side Student directors of the produc- of the Colby line (that i» where tion are Murt.l Stewart and John Basketball Practices Bates repeatedly made gain.,) down McCune. Committees and their Tuesday afternoon Coach Petro to the ten past three Coiby '"fklers • iiairmen are as follows: Ushers. called the first basketball practice ind without interference. The play Koxane Kainanerer with Betty Hill, session of .he 19-16-47 season. Re- clicked twice more a:.d the Cats Isabel Planeta, Alice Webber, Bar- placing Coach Spinks and planning scored. bara Beattie, Marjorie, and to u.=e tha fast-breaking Rhode Is- j-rnet 1hreateng Jean Mather; publicity, Marcia land offense. Petro put his thirty- u'iswall with Jean Ma.her. Jacque- Twice before the Garnet had odd candidates through fast work- threatened. As the. second period Kacos; properties, Barbara Al. outs emphasizing floor-length pass- opened a Blanchard pass to Cun- ;iue Keyes, Barbara Levine, Alma es. New candidates are still wel- uanti netted ten yards to Colby's Finelli, James Towle, and James come. Last year the basketball 08. Another to Joyce set tha ball on drich with Barbara Woods, Joyce Bobcats finished second In the Baldwin, June< Cunningham, Shir- the Mule 12. But a momentary fum- State Series. Larochelle Throws Classic Block as Art Blanchard Carries for Valuable Yardage ley Pease, Mary Gait, and Jane ble cost the Cats four yards and Doty; tickets, Bernadine Opper, the gambled pass on iho next play with Arlyne Friend, Phyllis Gor- was intercepted. don, Patricia Small, Marjorie Lo- Bates Phi Beta Kappa Announces June Mules Hold On Nine u<nz, Sonya Bianchi. Jean Mather, Bates threatened again before Webber, June Cunningham, scoring. As the last quarter opened Barbara Bartlett. Abe Kovkr, Duval And Jean Labagh As New Members Blanchard kicked to the Mule one. Kinory Flavin, Paul Cox, Loulg Ca- Verrengla returned the punt to the lerilie, and Warren Stevenson; Miss June Duval and Miss Jean 30. After seven intervening plays costumes, Vesta Starrett with June Labagh were recently elected mem- carried the ball to the Colby ten, Wiley, Marjorie Daggett, Gwen bers of the Phi Beta Kappa so- Walker Heap was hit hard one s:avely, Clara Blodgett, and Ken Scotland Names Temple, ciety, it has been announced by yard short of a first down on the Smith; lights. Alfred Wade with Professor J. Murray Carroll, pres- eight yard line. Miller kicked out lioiiald Cobb, Arthur Hutchinson, Dunn Excellent Debaters ident of the Bates Chapter. of danger (he thought) to the Mildred Mateer. Ihgebord Reioling, Miss Duval is the daughter of Colby 46. and Joyce Streeter; (make-up. Flor- From our overseas debaters- Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Duval of Suspense ence Furfey with Phyllis Gordon, have come copies of press notices Easthampton, Mass.. and is a The suspense built up until 1'aul Weiner. Paul Cox, Peace Har and letters attesting to the fact major in French. She is a member Tickets For Hop Bates scored was tenific Colby's :-ngton, Lynn Clark, Barbara of the Heelers and the Robinson that Bates' debating is being her- Miller, standing on the oue> or two i handler, Mary Skt'lton. Sue Mc- Players, the Philosophy Club, Phi alded as excellent. The Glasgow yard line, had continually convert- Biide, Mlmi Fisher; and set de- On Sale Nov. 18 Sigma Iota, and is president of La Evtming News of October 22, 194«, ed bad hikes from center into beau- sign, June Duval and Jacqueline Petite Academie. She has made The Harvest Hop, sponsored by tiful long punts. Colby's center, Keyes with Josephine Ingram, Ar- had the following comment under the sophomore class, will definitely Dean's List in her first three years, Toomey, had continually made yne Friend. Veronica Vogelsaneer, the heading "American Visitors": and assists in French and Phil- be held Nov. SO as previously an- brilliant tackles. The Cats had •ad Marjorie Daggett. nounced. Committee chairmen are osophy. "Last night Glasgow University been thwarted through seven- Miss is the daughter of Prompter* for the play aie Jos- Dialectic Society gave a dinner in going ahead with plans for the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Labagh of eighths of the game. The cheer- < ;)li Meserve and Ruth Moiiiton. dance which, this year, takes the leaders' hard work had availed honor ofl the American university Maywood, N. J., and is majoring in place of the traditional Christmas nothing. It looked like a scoreless debating team which opened its mathematics. She is a member of dance because of the difficulty in deadlock, a mud party. Si> when tour of the Scottish Universities finding a Saturday night in Decem- PHI BETA KAPPAS the "Mirror" staff, the Bates Con- thei Garnet finally scored bedlam Jean Labagh and June Duval ference Committee, a proctor in by opposing two Glasgow students ber suitable to everyone. Carl broke loose. Programs were tossed Broggi's music will highlight tht her third and fourth years, and Stu-G Installs in the Union later in the evening high into the air. Everyone but secretary ol her class. She. also, occasion. Tickets for the hop are Colby rooters cheered their lungs •.."-. Introducing the guests . Mr. W.S.W. Opens Contest attained Dean's List in her first Freshmen Women expected to go on sale some time out Glen Lowther, president of the Dla- the week of Nov. 13. Watch the To Interested Students three years, and is an assistant in I-ast night at 7:00 in the chapel, letlc. revealed that the society bulletin board and the next issue mathematics. Colby Sea -ei tie freshman women became offi- could trace its history back '0 of the STUDENT for further no- An announcement of Interest to But Flanagan's boo: was block- cially Installed as members of the several years before America was tices concerning the dance. all students who have done any ed. And his kick-off barely rolled Women's Student Government As- radio-script writing or who would into Colby territory. Venengla's sociation of Bates College. This discovered by Columbus — 1492, in Atomic Process Bears wonderful hospitality. Thei boys passes began to anade Bobcat root- event was marked by the signing case you've forgotten. But such like to try their hand at it, is also said that the lively social Name Of '44 Alumnus ers shiver and Colby made a first of the constitution of this organi- ancient tradition didn't seem to made by the World Security schedule their hosts had planned A great distinction wag awarded down.