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VOLUME XXJX. LOUISVII.LE, KE.\Tl!CK\, WEDNESDAY JULY,27 l«59 ^ - NU.MBER 209 IXM’ISVILI.E JOl R>AL MiSCEI.LANEOrs. iMEDICAL. W. H. STOKES LOUISVILLE JOURNAL. (SneoMMr to F. W. H. Stokot). TH0S.S.KENiNEDY4BRa, * j-» the Editor, of the LouUvilU JoumaL- ^ *«»*•• r»rtIoB, I } ***' ®^**‘^'**' ••wo llBTO baoaboot ' F.FPKRVESCEXT -1—^ -1—J Jdi./A!3lAlEaltC I ••a« hsTo bMs t« obtain « i WixmcsTEB, July 24 , ISS9. tbaa IWo or. I OEJJERAX. COACH A SADDLERY HARDWARE, tc4y and seau SELTZER APERIEM. were prepared in a frore near town In tba Senatn tabk, the aamaa r/ bmdian ^ Tkmrwi^ aenaii^ Mn oitiisiiff s.Mier> Mirfhoust, for their acaouodation. Early in the momin( tha tfrh of ' m Moam, Bail TVfa «n4 ftmUr Mi^da*. ! eon- ^ iMarted and mnrfcnd with an aMaruT^U *®i“^ a»4 llafntf >. * »ilfc iiuiiMOHo crowd — ••fyljr lh( of tho voi4,ra of tk« wifobrM. ramBpoorin* in fr»>m the four jioiBU ,. r. . . . „ . . *V JiBBBpointod h the sppunr- K(l. AN’ll anprBBBnttflyi, whiiw two nr_ *L>ltur ftprluii. in G«'nnMif, in • moctoonrc- 435 MAIS STREET, RETWEEN FIFTH SIXTH, of the compBM to hour tbo doboto, nor did th« COB- nr. MarifaK. Fra« wbat I bad baliT^ fnrcn. kui noir»r«llf r*. I by * *• • • «^o JE» JP' - tinuodtinued (treuiB of livini;liviB|; Mafft oobm to poorpour ia aotilantil “• J"**** *HI»4bar a bnea. It danataa * to wa a aant, ebavM, ^ i-Hwd tl»» »o«t rv>coina»cnda '^T laOUISVIIA^E, n^tfRfrhftoUftAd MftDofftrtartr# wdoM tlnd it Uv ihelrlpterf^l toftTaxolOt; mr etock btfnrtiupkior their purchftMi tha *‘M*tf a h KY. tiuiii (/ th« MMlIcal |*rrtfi»rtnp aitd ft very cummencemoot of tha •peakiaf. Tbo that tha lUititet itanUtladUbotana raprwMnutivo. ^n HUag aih^ly a»M a ftAtl ordeitfrom ftdlstftDre vt!l be fttteixlcd to ft«if mftdt* iaf*er#oo uablo fjwo?*** DucfVftiac PnbOt, as the Mdiir>v4«ftc*tt county of Fayette tuniod out an ma**e. Largo Onr Mandt In araty toctwa ot tha atata, Uiaapo,.. ! irrefalar JUnffT F.FFICirXT AND AQREFJiHLK numUr. WI.IU present fro^ paU Jeal dideraacM. wiU ire. Ldb.Oarno, and dmamanm : ^tIw.afo«pMia«Idlde^.,^^„t,^ OM abUgTiBTy" i winaa .Mailiran, * m nsaoM, MTuTon, Lstill, and Powell; while the county of ! no >... wnb F ** * SSetlAxxo Ai^oxrlont lUl.SINESS K™i.ra , , AUUTIOIN SALES. r\lM)S • cofiactlag trTto*'fttoa and Mpplyrng oaimiooaomiaaiooa la a» ^JLu? woamaa!Sf* *lU!£i Montgomery, wborowhere they had .pokenapoken the day fro- tha ragnltoity. B BOO, *b4 b< Mb* rofUM to ^orti l mfonBoe orer tko j SuTw traaaacT knoaeti ta Statotky laiar tha toblaatohlaa at thair aarliaat canTaniaoca and Eiraantiag *?* o riooa,Fiona, wajwar almoetalmoat dc«ari^ SeraralSetraral woreware harebare from hr warding : Jammed to ra Br Mhwt^ wotm, iMBUit i*aw4*n>. oii4 otiirr NATHAN tVIIlTE. tk i haar tha riral caWidail’ .***”f?*F loriaaa Lao of the hmaa. ^Bill»r ortfcic*, Duih troai lu moipa^DMi aod preot^r «f- nW lUTIONEFl: Frankfort, Iianrille,IianTille, Nicholai,Nicholaa, Harriaon, and evencTaa I tham ta an.aa. ** aver A A.NDM IiNITLRK DEALEB.No. « JJAf hf "M*l^ Wa thnll alajalai ha ondar grantgreat ebliga- ; daat, roadncteduZluTMm Ia in iiiiag toam rtmyaalta to dm adanMM tnr^ It nor br oarl oithlbo iB j bM tS^ bU fX fourth rtn*n, bwtwftpa Maiu aod Market Thto old •J LouUville. rnaaoiaBitg, oa da to wtth eoaar aaaonaca tad " to*® ‘“®*‘tuch will reUblUhed will _ ^ , . • gaottamaagaotlaman aa wUl tend Ula thathe taaultraault of iaanhad houw* . . Bii.iora bnb Ff liBiLE nisF^ses. sick ufjid- be furnL*he4 at all timiw with _ ^ , u 11 w I.-i.- j mJSw- of Itoir oadoakaad toltoacr tad yaiimiltmit I jmmswBmn I Bed.. NarerNever within thathe memory of thathe oldaatoldeat inhabitant 1 1 . aCHE. UHS <>F APPrhTE, Yftrietf of Cabioet FnritUiire aod Cboli* of ererr tCyiraad , ,. . ^,. .... ,,,. ., t. . , i. “»»* aad WBamiMT^uTii—Z—T IN^UESTIO.N, by the aarliaat nuUa “or by*>7 taiagraph. by ha C.4.U AMU ALL SiMIlJbK irOM PLAINTS. PE ctaM, Htber at wboleraLi or fvtaii. The eobiciibrro from IirrWfEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. ha.3ha.i thcrathere beanbeen roao largoorlargo or lito enthu.iaotieenthuaiaatie a poliUaalpoliUanl bearing m«i CL'lIAKLY incident To the bto loaf ftModaUotf with l-Aidera aad Westera manofar gathering 1S4U, whenwhan logcabina ^hoao who do ua thit fao.wfcr.vr wiU haba rtmambartd (tummtta. tto admiration af LOUISVILLE, in old Clark. In , hla palwicali21t£' tuivre, to eoabled KY , | to offer «*eeiy aitirle la hto Itae of bueio ' and*'1 bard ciderrider were the rage, and political eadle- ' aaatoaat year at iba Prae»daatialPraeidaatial ekitingeieitine and rapaid ia >4amly around ^PRIX« AKO srHMKK 8E 18OA 8 . at tbo lowest whoU)Mh‘ priev* t'onctoasaeuU for «Up» nrAiaa i.a' tha to^Tl at *aactioB eoUcited. ro«/61fl»t|i "" thought to bo at the very higheat pitch, ' kind by reiahriag It to ytoWtoftiftriy a4ftpto4 t» tke «»lm ci Traevlm b/ - icnii F rPlirh P>s.or> the aarliaat inUlligtnca of tha I in^r L Phw n'mi * tr» and LmJ. Rt-tod«>atolo H«l niiuto*. ' • ’ “*'1 ‘bty. bimaclf, in the prime of hia popu- 1 IVtaoMof t. a an i.. 1 1 . 1 r*®** ,V . “•-o inpi^unt raca to 1860 to tki. .Sr* Sftdealftnr Uabita. lovmUdi, CoavalracMto Pilkiii BDtl Gill indow ^^•y***'*^* ***^****’*^^*^®‘**^'**‘*®’^’^'^**‘*“*** ’ H Hhxdfs^ Th« ilil- win. top-tk-i .0*114 » .» ( fti^tfttae of Veftieto ood Ptont^ wifl hod It ft 8. O. hlenry oandidataa it tha Oppnaiti'B CO’rm Na. 18 WaM aWaat **• lergo the to great as that which aathnJaua?ma^{^ ^i^5* ENTAL INSURANCE Ca. nor entha"* aC aad I , , rrrutll»liU.llllEriC«UPrenrii aud .^mericau Hniouowladow kldnMGUssi hicwDaaarLieuUmcHt IN OOITAND RIILl MATlHlf.ltrlrr«tlMbe#tMt vTaa' r.D^i^a-MdogvM»loi?v ujonuioa ttJf* l>:fnocrallc pirtr. of da- Gov^mt.rflooem..; Martioa, oUoied ftlt ii*d maifttoffr er«|do«M, i Ojiraviujrs; ArtiSISArtists' i^hi Atf Altoa, oi Bracklmtaae. Lma Bnyi, >i oud Ib MAtCrisl^y.MateriaL; enuoc n^tka Know Nochiot^aa^ mid robbara, | m. raakaa. tofttJjr CAflM t fb^toftly eoitof thoiw afh>c‘«d l Attorney ' PortraitP«»rlratl I'iPinr*I'irtnre Franitte.Franittn. of IstrlOlLg tha cld wom.n with tha gieat cilaml- Oeneral. IT!» snX’EhS IX <*APi:« w* * f L- fll> IJL'X'TI’ and OF UlUVEL INDIOF^ '1 H Iba corrupt Jaa Il«taa. of Prmiklla. . ItEAKTLL'K.N. ASD IH.STI VEMj*S- m .An IIT \e ' Ptorr* It fOR.Ml E.nA\D LILT IVOSK, Of every deecrtplisil, tnraad outof .ffic, and of to thwrir o€ gh. ^.i^‘g,«^'W:gCOIirT. now t'k U a M**d mar rt Ihr freatcat attiiix _ , p^mpcracy were hduU- AmWor. anucniavwLh ^!UJ —tS- y. ' - **^ inio fnltoraefiihoroe enlogyenlogT uponDpoo Mr..Mr. Plarrtar atdstd thetbe old whmhthaapationiaoahimrTafmodmn Paid to .mite!— g*f t'l logteg Tboa. 8. Paga.ot IraakHa. Qraat Oreaa. af Hcodoraoa. bo^ui **m.. AUDITS THE FTiiMU H. AND TIIC 1»1S TorHent pm u ; ^macracT ha. PILK .IMI .MAMtt bLASStSof anyty Sitesite crowS,crowd, munbariag ^ m TUK< 1\U M» I :r.i-.1 in ihc rer/ UtcU and m..«t a- proved *t}f«•tilov.4 LIFE N.4N« wii- editf. wiUi . tL..„r eome live th«>ti«and, lUteOid to him with Datteot „ meuSa COXPANT HftkV ibk* Ucsora* 1 Dow toC4ni|i..«>n Mmui jt/vei, ito ii. aiiiif'.* lufliKMee. ?J'D, Qeur Fourib, ftbd (•'.t.* irtvf:i the biat •fact' IT AEM>Kl>S ThL liKLATEST UELIRF TO mouth or ^»oa r il aoolol. A|*id> to Tijinii: ai fld tfd \mtu ok sciliwt to Tin JvHuili 'llltiS.il K«>K.Ki><. FILE'*—A< TiNld it attr oa tb** bwarl#, Dmiiraiiaiac all iniibtia*: «r«TtoAoa8, ai«4 th»-rri»r neaito\uii^ all lajUmtua- torr licadi.'bcto». A BEAVTirri. COUNTRY REsIDrsCE. IN E.U;To it is invamable fVAIIj».-Laia kaoi, aaned ua^htav. SVhtafIM *3d in all cases I TT^ ccuvp&ivutly Ittcaled od Um* L'juto\ tile aud Efauk- 1> » Yuvinto, K«*aiaeAi*o aa4 Ma. T<»bJdet>; WULKE A ULMLb APEKIENT |•touka•v ktmaAi»« iatoMRia *«4a «4 i«fr»aVbrlafT »aV br OK iW f ***|fort KaUroad, aad highly tai|>n>rad. fii 4n (*aSa Stx 1 iicati; UATIVE IS UTl Ea A AlXeX. KIQLIKU>. J laqair^ uf li»*A»iac«rk ^>4a: It to la Oi« furu of a rixtb to.. bHwaaa lUiaaW ManaL Powder, caivft.lr p«t up ia tot- 1 “a&ws CORNWALL A nROVllER. «S bar* t>maa Yarar. U«w. to ko^v hi •»}* rfimatr, aod lo-rvlr rnitj^ aaiar — — ^ - lav lUtoiM; A poured ai Mbr M Wla4«« Glaa; lit rotta Cotowfi. Gra* aad Jat* Tmhro la Hbru 4b At. Um» momioc, It oarar latarlcrM with the ara- A COMFORTAHLE DWELLING HOUSE li lAto ol4rr > MMr: iwti-eOa af tlw 4ay, 14 4*t ««.; aeuac ^aUf oa ike eyraeui, ictoonag oa Gre«a bctwreuFirAaidUbrouud»ijceu,occB- War llii.toi G. D i mp*: •Uf dlct^ivr po««r» eimtlug a Loaltby it d TUKyroue toar |H*'* plei at pjv.aut by W. II. Lae, i>(. loan paaad* Hara t;4icirtr; 7. RobertRotor) lUlloiV.Mallory. Tlioma. H. Holt all I caa learn, toRia. o4 ^|AtU •ItK'o five ae-t tu ^wtry ebioj'mt-nt. ^bi-ir to Thoioa* Culeuiau, Koutucky aod Luidf- WPEE'MIS R. wa B, Ukrtrgb.,RfkfkU A%nIt 'U'MAtotolWdx I tkt vou win ha a— .i,..! # Kf. It al«o eu- , A.N at HArl'INIU a long argnmect to prove that wa ought cot e.a. JohaJolu tiorlou.liartaa. 71 s«M« p Bad a 1 aW; abl«e to aJi M Wi baiu E. aimm. ’ tlat lb»«iid to «OK»y luaor luxorie* with IfBOUitiiy. ^dh** lueoraoco uttco, Ftltli to. lya “Uba Moara, tka “idal of tha « f. Laban T. Moon. .laoicv mato^lM^ dto ivliaiwa-m.. U dtift^a >4ar f barM; trHdi whnty igaiiut Ua, will ba in ilaalf a V. K f»A* COTTON LANDS. *. pro action the Kapub ioMi being to tha majority, tm 4a Bait. Fat mJt br CHOICE . 1 I'l Iy^YCttW. .otorwma ' Tto numibrrv maihcd tha. * hold trOmpA. Bat I dTit baliava haTll’ha — WFL^AJ: 4 FAKKKE. 8 AOE-NT of the estate of the latf _ would rarua it, and we would bUTt to go war or over. _ , A J ...... *1. lrkmaa. defoaiaU. 1 4M MM.i»i|>i>i. will wTI, at oiw ' Straw ndeis' HHickmoa. Ballard, Drava*, and FulMh.. eaoaot forca a* bt miad tho cotoio- aiiA to-taai. wear Mata. I roocljr vBor-i;t4v iu uhriicr mail .-i...ij- cliararler - Frmncu durret. o< I and B Board, Sbeatbing auhmitaumuit lUoIlka dogj.dogt. Talalata mua and thuthia mjparty that Wanri aail ea iaal II to>a, at tlie imaJ. Mouiuv c uoty, m H. Jvtihto. H44 t^ anUghtaaaJ fra coamH-uJ tu U.C UruiaU. notireot uiuDlliiwataubllc. Cioimdim, oU to Paper and Twins. aioaoanTloaiai« ao ansloai to protect aaiaR af tto NfoU Can- IJarper, riu« the tUvirytlaviry not on^oJlj ahr,nkahr>nk k-MopklmA-Mophlna, L'nioa, and rriit-a ra— ^ new monthlyMON ma4aaxiw«AR^» t*rr|ui«d uif KMtl, Wbobtelc .Dd Retail by .krk.uni. on the Rr.t MO.SD.4Y ( Tth day) ireamiwal iliatnct wiU ba oo J* ^„;iAG ia tbekouef peril, bat atriia tbvir cotora tonjamia F. John a. TARRAST d I’O.. l>bi M.H‘ra **f November nciu and ou tin Mcuud UONDAV ul bofoM latcraata S (toMlaa aad Todd- - aa fataa to thair Jaty aa PRANK LUurs Pamiit No. veaiber Ucine toe 14th) I will, ot jock-ODi-rt, .e-'l «ll No. r>4 KILBY tha batils ii begna. Agaio, thia — coRaarrativn hAGAZlNa X.> Ur>vuwtrk M., cur of Vt aireu if Y STREET, ehamptoa of E O. S*hr**. Robert K. Gl*aa partiau. oi to parmit I.ahoa T. feoore to ba dafoat *“ P—»M eaaaa. IrSj dJm nilSTON, M.IHS. iiautbaru righta in reply lu a qjoation praviootly A— Loaaa, SimpaoD, aad Batto- ^^L-lNTICATL-Crnc MO.VTHLT^MOvnii T ^ ^for Caagraaa. Bib aito^h af pfoktoa. Lat fat tu him by bii opfuoaat ai to whether be wuaM D. A Rryaa. Iba Prmwto —aatoam. *3- —Itavifaa, Headanon, wamog elemaata” light thair awn hatliao, wia RNKiKHnoCKER MAOAZInIc Diaaolution. tupport l).ear«, boariu^ intortbat ffi.oi w 1*A Allan, itad Idmiindaoa — [^p'bl" aud **'• >oived. Oo api»Ur«-- but lltot to woild JlFpoct teto Lominalad M. ovarcaat J* r 8. with ltoutoiu«,ai Lootorilkc, Ky., plau, tpnna, Ac., will be —Mart, Oraan. an-t Tayirr . (toabi and foar. C'om iaaafl'ariag, witberiag, — by Iba C'hurleaton ('ooveaticn. Invtaod ct thia fumiabad. Tb«*Q to blindly follow “bU pnrty wb«nvar U“ J. a RruMr. RSwwdar«j*aSi? hW, either in wboe or Ui iMrceU, aod on xery Uheml ; .laJy s, iyo whilat Mr. BaU waa ^ dim uu^^ht..«. .!» Uad,i should«*. xJ *1A apaakiarDtofog Ald^S toTtoTT Iwwie- Apply w» me in jereon or by letter at Lonleville, — nSTor roceire llMir 4uffragos .OUa aad Mahl*abarv- imoM ia hU ipatck, aftar om of hit impoa- ANl I.VironTANT FOR .MAN. Ky. Trf ‘,‘* lt^« "tohl** •"». F. Walhor. aoA _ ANDW KTCKANAN A | ANTUONVaxTHOW y.iNnvr ZkNO.XE. . JOHN.JGIIN HH. 7.VNONEZANOXK. _ *14.—Hardin and Mrada— •iatod aad tknlUrg bartU of alaqaaRea. * Omeum 'pi’ItF OIL cum c4d thuea. Hi haver alladsd to th« •xtravnganc# Of comip. a mani „ » n r- ra 1 A r-^ A -AT '^•vTw-E Samoel Bayrrari. fleau wreath ^ Tarf af rota-lmda tatwtoad by tha flair OR rnra. freth Wi.uada. A. *d. «h. MR. and Uh Ward*. w*e.i JAMhdjamb: LOW A CO., aa Matoto rum Tetter. Uhte D. Faaiiehakw. Ibn BT O. N. aOBmsOH a CO, fobe.o,FOREIGN ANDa»d »o,e«TlcDOMESTIC Imac L. Uyati. acned, nod caBs m$ar frirrliw kin ffokfo Turf oil ruea Sprainv. ; 17— Haiwy, uldhom, and Tttaib a— brow, aa it waa iatoadod to da. Tba toeidaat " Tnrf frR curaa Rruioae. Brokers, ^^uors, Wiues, Bourbon H'liiskyy away from tha public traasury, ba took hu saut Itoad araiiwl iktaiam Jobm auf oeberv, I Turf OU ruree Sweeney. 4Ld pleaaaat maoner J. L. Irraa, I which ia emloaatly bia owo, am * toe etodn- Moor evuaf far mV hr Turf OR curee poUevU. F. W. Dudda, SHOTWEI4L & CO., briefly H Jm UAVta * al'EEO. Mato at. alakd tto main dutiaa of tto cflioa of Uov. Cha*. Turf 1 Hnm^ta. Oil mraa rarkad acrm.400 in rtildvatinB, alluvial cane land, above I IleeL l.Ua /l/knYmictcll/kwi TUre.«.ml.e.MAe. amor aod how to axpectad to diadiarga *21.— Uaeola aad Piitoki— the orocAowaoi ia«i»an-rll..a mr,e aminmeat an head AW ewe 4U ao4, 108 BROAD ST, NEW YORK. diacamion of aathnai Oanrt* Daany. ( aadtormataw ARY A TALBOT. 4 iuUm woto of OaioM* Landing. »"'* by [jmi C. uMMNtV. \V. L. 8IIOTWELL Polif*”. hani^d tto rabjaeu tf which to treated XS.-Wbi«*r, Itoral, Kmu, and Rsekraall* . EXTENftITE IWACHI.VERY, 8PK1NOER A BRO., 1,107 acre* la piiiiwett coanty, Ark.—ImUen of St. rran* A SON, tonbvUV, Ky., wUl maka iad^TtriM haortod gaatfamaa”y!hl*wa’ VERY CPIE^VE JA'T A • the usual advuDref *Dh that markad nhility nu4 tbnt impnsaiofMd H. Jooro. THO. HXJKCH. eie rieBT— mik« of Memfhif. on eomUnmeott ta above. aW- P. URTICF. MAfrHINEE.-aamaoe'a Imrtaaad FayV drleaa hr alaaai. Ibr'eta attached, and Ito Uryc 4 M.-ftoiol, Oallatio. and Buoae— S —Tha Coloool laya ha hafordorad om of LOT OE'i. w. Hart. acre* la pnlufott county. Ark.— 41 milef <4 Memphlg. ‘ <|uancn(|aancs ubicbwhich bavnhave alriadyjuatlynlrtndy juMly gninndgained 1X0 4 \lll I CR’wI M Imovaved; Oaahr. Imrawod-au head aad fm- mlr wideh i. laatad. 7^ himhimtbntto re*re. tbstbn •^aN^FmJ.YtP. avI.vl IJ amm h to the city ot leatagtim. Ky.. aud all Prurcirie and Cnnatry <’bari*« ('hambtra. Urfettlargaat euadeinad rooaUnreonUra direct foomfrom Shnnghni.Shoaghai J\. |^L*XstkluLaXalA 0, Merchaat. In . . to tlia Stata. lau arm on Mte. rjver-a mim aimve wemimi., rann l'«‘>on of the firat orator — — hr IW) C~ oRM abY totor khown ae the 8ha|> foraaerty I and 6nt atalmman of tto Kahtoa - ^ Ouweatar nwoed and M>1» PEN. T. STEWART T.TORARTVi-D. BARTEIk ^— aad CamybaU crow tor bim wbeo Magoffin ia electeU. i** *e FOUR *•’ “•’“‘‘hLoo UenirTi .aud I.OUI.. I pixy tbax TH TRART. aattedhy John MrManrv. Oa IVe |H<—oM-third aara- ^ ^ ^ John F. FiiA. llXand fVamewt Fawafor hy "!SrL'5!ird''"“ poor chtebeR if bo eno’l crow till tbn«. mV Me aa the lath day of Darem hm- naxt; the halatwe in one IA—Bonrboa and Lath— G. H R M XL DK.t. HH.U.,U. FKIfEFKirC 140 aan. m^B^ >D'couDty, Tann. STEWART & BARTER, aid duty of Congraaa to protect •laveiy ia tto Tar- • 1 • WW m m ORMMY. and two yean wtab laaaran from day mi mir. Brutua J. (Nay. John A. FraU. ToDdere In the Any or all of lae above Land, will be mid na 1 . 1, S, and ' • ritcriee—that It waa both right acd aouod pelicT Aim, at the aBum dme and plaee. ito larrv , nabilc, and warranta wm to *m.-UraBl. FaaGatoB, aad Oww- rRVerrd SAUrruN far mk a* theeftwinalcureofUia < JemVciedR or exchanaed f>r LouinUv or Mernyhi. I Children’s CabsCaOS foUawto* dia. W^rOtllt€€ itltn do ao, and that tto argamaat which * B Mt ARNUU) A MILl.Er>. "fOttMtOH Uaght K>n „ Am F. Grover. CITY OKUIINAi>CEkS.&T. luckianx to fear M ll a rrtow and Bnekro - OniST IwIILiL Cvein MialLlw.lM3[Arkamteal»^^ to demwddemacd their rig^wonldrighta wuald hidti 3,d '*8mfola.Scrofula, Cancer. Pt'ee,P!*fe, 8Soreorr Em.Frm ft^T^ -griTtl JohaAtkiB. ThoraioaF. 1— ChlUf, Chrwotc lermftermf purchAFeir. tbn e . ^ #F .\ud I •^*®®veremove t^the hor^horridKaP|44| conwuu«»nrv«conveiiu«»nce«#v.mmm..tateaatekk.. ofmA da. to— With lUU Necrue*.N'mCTkaatM. farmlncfATmlDR uteUMl*,kltmlkUllM. stock,Utnflc. growing«TO«ln« — ,, T a e _ 8on BTOCK 19 BRINO nwiwnwn t m *^.r**m OnoetomOtiaeism.* or (Ml) D,:m(€ricy'’ upim thit tabJeiR, both ia aad att *JA—Woodford, .li’aanauae, aiid Fraakita-- g^UB NOW wux Bc(f-Pc41auon. 1 can rurr crot**, 4t- to W o clock U, 0. Saurday, iOtk them dboas^ a^and 1 havwhave pn»of I aftndtohnB NOT inenlee ftny maen ikM • to m havo read the above S.7V . ^V.AV. TA.LBOT.T^^LBOT, we do not be^taW to add this testi- r t.lB'ioaa adopud hy the Damocr.cy ia IJan *K—*JA—MawiaMaaoa aad Lewla-Lrwla- anjiiaanr, nad raewivad by him, nod if dnaa ntder N>nlal autf, Negroes, KENTUCKY' CITY. rato- A. H. Crawford. — J ADxaoder L. Davideoa. OAEE a C'O. Mi^or; W. 8 . D. Megowan, l*®^ acres. M) in cultivatioD. growing cron, farming ntCDa luuoni he lrai«nn, eef Ita cao- ia from vaa„„thirty t,)tel . , sxjMMiErFifilT BuOunrsuTT A FoMk ninety dayA parish. Uhastnut st., o^poFitc Girard lloute, vtniioo qiMtiioB—toat to taka eiiMr a»la of It House sf tteprsssnlatise,. nai straota. SEALE I i»s) b »at^ after that Umc nnuicured fr*« ^ Morebouie La. tl 7 M 1 f PlAnO of charge. jvIH w t,i(4 aae*. l,fOV In cutilvation, g mfles wen of Galna** wonld ba to intarprat iba Ctecinnati Softfo'ET summer hats:H-XTs: 7 • W J fFOkTA R-> toVMnexf. Tto (vowtnf jed'dtf PUiLiDELPUIX. platform—aod Adair— Terapxra and rnrnrb tba sidswalka o« tba anst “-wrr tnra tbit two Lord Nat GaUW.Jr. LEGH»»RN.LEGHORN. aevarv Pma- Fort* Itot AmU aywroarii ,, intoameot woold no hmgir aarva tha •id* of Saventb STRiW,STRiW. AND PANAMAPX.NAMA HaT>.HAT>. w* NEW IMPORTATIONH-FIXE YVAT4 HEH. Allen- atraot, bntwenn Wnlnnt and I'hnnt- umaf to volaaaraf aamf. ao4. ai tto aam* timr avoM A>»rv.OR EOFF'*^Aliv.yx PhilHpe, furpoaev of tha party ia making a twu-foo^ FCX4LFCA4L AND ORAAORA X SOFT X n at the boeot lm|«..rod place, lo Arkauoa.—» yean' PftW, A Uo. Vtatche*. ta (leneva. net autmraetK HaTMHATM tto aemtaly atiwarauv af that thm-eoraarad larim- t" Wm. H. Gwuilog,' all f.r iba PraaideDcy. repnvo NUTRIA FRF.NCUFRF..NCU SOFT IIATVII ATV mat. 4Wac af ear vawrtaa to ih* prufaetbm of vwck Wilaoa Fualm. i To oad rerurb tbo silewalks on tbo aulrth a f*- t^"vt^^to.ftotbe....Uec.tanofCto«.laWtoTBn. ta:dlaJ tba Aadoraoa— n 4. LJMa Falla 4a 4o: 4f*ratnm ito bfl I. >*«ard*4 oaf aa aaomR tto remit TDNIC& ANTI-DYSPEPTIC^ PILLS.•‘ 8'Wr Ha Administratioa withoat glovoo, •idi of .Mnrkot aUeni, batwora F,f.b nod .SUth PRENiFRENI H SILVER.XILVER BEATER HAT:*HAT!* ne— .North Mltotoj'lf.aaf Arkanoa.. f»"8ole .Vullwrto 1 Axeati for above. I haia< DwVfUllrawB A.; with vat taarof earns* Rtoa. cacalliog into txcrciaa all Iba powar of hia natehJoaa jaa McRae, > 'T'BMEpilliare ctoivf to Ihe pnbllr after many yaara jem dim U. N. ROBINSON Slroets. PtM'KRTBtM'KRT UATSUATO AND lAVELINOlAYF.LINO CXPVCXPiH ttea awe for oat. to (ir'oar Itoaat are all xnanatief ta dvr mitlre aatMar Uold and Silver. Encliab aod SaL. WATCH i, W. k. Lsmbefs.) U aioquanca tu daonnnea the corruption aad axtrava B-Uard To rapawo And raenrb tbo sidewnlks JAM £4 LOW A 4N>., 414 Mala at tow, wtotto' aefar. 4 Tram at f beat ar aolf of and McCraefcan-r^ on tbo wool by aay oar r^lte lamdy i^iciur. They operate (catly aa jaLca which ba pravad Cairaa •ftola ttroachiMit tto aawmry; aaf we a born- T'Y'C’CIT'O .‘C’ Diamond., IVoria, aud all the Faahlonable ityta. by inch an array ct facta tail P. Ra> . L. D. nuahand.. •Mnof3ovoatbMraoc,l>atwsaaCbnnlRBta»IBratol mUek a coattoo- 3DESIFI-A.BIaEr4 u~>X.b\..A.A laT±3 I j t~e ^ aac* of Utai |>aUkaa4v we Sllwr war*. uuampa»e l in .tyi*. quality, aa • unto. tigaiailig aa to cinvinca Drmocrata againot thair will. F7 ahtch tova aejorto far tto tot m«^toto,w«dua.a-rka-..r^ wnyuroote. A A « maa. FlaU Umar, amanrf emIMfoa. ‘^i:*«»ee«»- A- H VALE A CU., Tr» orstntayvraStnmgffs via.tlu«vis.tiiM; PhiFhl adelp^adeipaia arearc invitedtavited to exam-riam. AtAI Iba claaa of bu spaaeb ha said ta- wa VyJ. V.X^_1.V.R , _ FA-FtTVrATY TSiT C*3c*3 STOOK.SrFOOK. that hit comptti- joaevh 'To rapevo nnd recorb tbo ddnwmikv oa tbn aaat citXia's, • Aa Aa FtoAarl. 4a 4a: ttl fly M7 Faal TaeMta auvet. New Y’otk. T. slarb. **.*** P-*“«d Mr. Clay and tha old Whig party, Balb— lUn uf Bsvnath atram, t m fa llaxni Iiraa Uaafa, awafeaf tmltoa. SAI.E. NEW--M.kRBLE F.STARLI 8HMENT, betwwa Cbantant nad Btnad- IXtJtf JAR gRNRRGRNRR OF POURTHFOURTH ANDA.ND MAIN.MAl.n. fari laaafvaf aaf tarmla by FOR ‘ - Zbut b raca w.ra onca d.ovrtat. That at tha vary Boone Lacy, N.fr„.-4 «id, Boom tm JAMES LOW A 00..4M Mato at SARATOGA SPRINGS, W^. ;^baU„r»Frbte.ta Plata bxioaato aovmutloi^^ timeti, whan Mr. Magotiia ned hia partjr ware par- ^ S 'bto mavntae ta wonSpS af Maa's iwr af SletSi'TJ^alSC/r.TSin^ vv a amaUar Farm oar a J. J. DoMney. Foontain Riddell ^ dlyo. Clap 1*^: HihB Rtoah. Eoert, aa4 sriri?Rreww aori Yti*Has- r:iae MX Inim dcraugement Of tha Uvsr, or general — .. . ui''g Mr. to ua bittnr and, ba wtu proud to OT ‘irr"'!! Mm debility l^larntniiAsn lamsl -- V „ Baiwbon- JeRrma ttren*, between KiKhk ftc Morgan— To napnve tad rtcarb the aidowalka cm tba tooth 'dot ivteev.letee.. PMaTHERPRaTiiZR A walTH. RamaarOath' FiahcteMwv to m aato to weB-eOaMhAaf roteUtiaa. ane ui»iaiid. The land* art of the fl»o«t fertile order ol the W. Hay. i to lu iaa 44 Muta \ ihor. 1 bat Da bad nil the while refooed all nflilia. ala of Jalfaraoa sticst, botwooa Niatb naJ Tooth Me Mala te»a L KH PH) 8101XK>ICAL lEH OF HAJlUlAGE. oelebraiedcelebrated “Big CrmkCreak Uoitom Landa“Landa*' Th«Tt** Impruhv.Improhe- UAScrAt'Traus Jo N. KandalLS ^ rtTNail A FAY'N.' ' ur thin Tto_ haaa* wHI meals ar4 fo<>d an*l comfortable, with uevor fal log rptiug with othar partiaa and atoo-i Imfore tham ibiui Urccklartdgc— r«Ms Wmvtk as al tV: lamala ama ualil ito Ut af Ocaatov dM Paras i« Fine Plaia and iJiiuh«rmi>kA SuniJAy tf* dim* ' "'• to edvocnla tha some pruxnplen advccattd by Mr. Ns BomirtsrioBs received “to RP.T. and rtcarb the sUawxlki * «ste* every sdhantagi Saofliisl ramthen. O. ToaU ?\I^ th« ^ ^ . , John Hair.s.>a. i N the GorOte ate tha X teC. Want*A aJ^«,, OIL9, wai worthy of tha moat rocowavd orator, •rraur. fr— raatt 84 at . bolug ftccessibV td t keahaustUflie hill and river botteru VARNISHES. nid It 88 flkto tn«arae.s*«ma toma.ak -.4 | Butivr and Fdmundson— .u ' ( h)o« Laakh-a, ar L'fht Me) oad Dm Claada -a SSaOT ef OENTLEMAK dedre. a Ataatfoa aa Tnitorof ik* ra^,andaw.U weU adaytel to the r-oelh of all O,. really ateraed that lh« inxhtla of llanry C ny hira- * .1. .u I II. V t. Alaa. ; —— HiM. To renara and ivearb tbn aiJewnlk* oa the north m-M LMh. A Ptaao Far**. Taatiaii niali* gtvaa w)i*a called loc. rra>c*.aod red d.ver to perfeeijn. Tto Utie U ix'rfe.-f cif bed fallau upon thia hi* gil'ied ditcipla. (MUwsU sad Lyon>- Uld sUs of Jefforson atreet, betwasa Toath and Elevnoth TT'*e WowLCnlMrWaad-CnlMr of laheai1 ahn ni i a aaeybhey UfuatraJeeUtuatraJee *fef •e TOmiK’ AND CHlI.UREN’w rLOTHlNtJ Box ^a. 77. • Add— W^SHINOTON. Fcbb. »4 dim and unincuiubeted. and it u only sold becan-e tVere G W. Aerss, t l^,,T tu rTnSniifM e\i;lisu, fre.vcu, a.\i> gekmi.\ .irtists* l.ioa Wni^a will tupport Bell wi.b acaictly I*** cc- • o K treeta. *^wi^'.wtof tnsffiMfon,taatenten. mor* of it than our force aamnU ni to keeplcy. Tlie JobmH MarUo. A. M Hozartb REDUCED FRlCEe tariu voticn than that oitb which lhay followed ) Bari* Dteia e . ->r the Fll*t Year Dot of SrbaeE GREATLY .wm ..m. M. RR, .-M. iM for- ra!kwmy- T. rapnr. mul racarb On siUnwalk. oa aratb 3t“ii7^,i:SL.'1 a‘^orun'V.'?‘; N.wa. TheM*w*rKer. "That ke. t. : he aaidea key of Wea^^kea.'* Mam J. M. ARIfST rnne of the great ccmmo.rr himrelf. V. CobBrnn, A GRA'fSONSPRiNGS, Mushlugs. Uefectavs measory. Imti- s»l of Jelforaca itrMt, between Teath and Elevnalb A*.Ae. ref'vawrr,Let. vawr/. mMB FeattRFeat fo o.teta.tea ^r ort. ™ a?d^rttor ^i |^C4l*RKDtS«.- aud with iiou, aud, ailbough he had Imo trenlod with ike Tur-peve and ncorbtha tidewnlke tba eoa:i — upoardaupwards of CampWIW M ; — ooeone hundred and thirty ~ Sa.?*afa««. aaanad quoHtoa: ,1 jvfi a. r 1 ft-TWIi ll ffiiiTior ii NEW ai.N68 We hara jae |i iHkiS M flamo Com ^ dJiu* Ja\0. w.w 4 Fa T.T I EFTWirll ^ewtoD’sTDDr A Take folors, utuiii.t iMililuna.-.i, ronld not control hi* pmuion. G*^>rg« UL Uodgt. iU. of Market atraet, boewtot. NiaU aad TaatC hlmatwiri euKravingf. It Is a truthful adviser j3jL!y.c!v| .h^to'he to lewinnto *n?®ly:»toy kag u ti lu.em. to 4a Fraach aapartoa Gam Boato Sanmf***. i siTvl and Triaflbk — teLwuFG vte T>> Mi-Mr -PoetryPoetry by RevRev. 8 Pys»-Pyea- Ato I ato SSkSsfollmSkSSfoll m< mamafe. entertain u, 11. **' LOW A CO. 4U Mata at who secret B^IXJSITES, be indorsed the Owingvrillo reioiulion), wu, that To ivpsve axd rtcaib tba sidewalks oa tha north Ma-to Goors* A WM.pto. P iaelae Hr.xst. MA10-.TMA10-.F double of thd-lr pbysiral HOlJaSE FOR S3\LK. oundit on, ^ aide 22' MY HOUSE on C'taMtnntetreet is formic, lu Malliruiblkal auil DraaghUmen’x laaituiurntii, their author, John .Maeon, wa< supporting him. Af- Carter^ of Jadanoa eiraal, Utweoa Brooh amt Ftopd ^ l,'‘ARh.-fo aaaai waa haafir Fala Loaf faaa; and who areoonsciou* of having Km- Srp'r^LUii A ."5T* narte*! Ab*Aiice apply to Wm. 11. Pope. J* ho RaUiffi. • lrnnt9 . ^a^T a _ . the bealih, hapfMcnss, and ter fuming for fifteen minutoa, aomo young Indy Wmim r 4a Mat* Aa 4a aa 4e; „ . a Casey RnasUl t«|viUges tn vhkcli every is Id aif A* 11. WALLACE. * r*), and form'v hy human btdug eoriiird. to ^ ap< To ro-av* end revnrb tbe aiJewalks O a i R* teak af RegrarRy. fwW taetood aad {hjew him a bu(,uet. which itoamea Mayor'i Oflice, Jnly 26, 1859. ^JyTf dtd pi ANOH that need aepoman They irscaim maW awa jJ|J ill. Itetti'uto atvatlon of Palnten, DeGrri. aed kia ijttcatii u), but, na the atnnd wna large enough, Criumdeo— — M’e ha*a. for tto creator part of Ihe pom yetr, dsvoled C'XTRA TLOTR -M« WD Extra Now Wlfu Wtoal T other. U called to Ihe new PATENT METHOD rf invited to htfjnw^* our t^ la VISITING 'fHE EL'KOHEAS he now him occupy it with him, fncelo Ahexander V^aUtr a BriTS MJ Futotartatahr HOeFI- DUllincay LEAD and ZINi; FAl.VTSUl .METAl.tlC Cumbariand and CntisnisBto Notioo to StiAAt ConuAC on. TAI4 v avsiUog eurvelves of the knowledge resesrthes *“'**nd answer.n.oer qiicationnnn.tinn Viw.otnoout withwirt, him. Al-ai HiBsrTT A aoif and I’ANH, of Wbieh MA-wUnY WIIITON are thi Sow m of aibM ikICel pr.yffrians A No nominalloQS received. pmpotals will cniuKFJU and Knrgiioos la Fniore F, npttotor. though tbo crowd culleil luauly for Magoffin, ha re- SEALED ba raceiTed at tbe efke -a M^eatbsLxjptinent^ snch Davifws and McL aa— ^YSU a S1,000 REWa^RD. mooasCIVlALK, LEMuink, * to'-nded by the Invratnr to obviato the of the unJersixaed to 12 o’clock, M. oa 3ntardev, vs«a- fu«j to coma on the atnnd. When .Mr. BeU rioead, JoikB G. McFarland ju j*bAeri>w •uThw—a SacMteMdl^K he Vagary Oa.PtOrLrae haaa very UKCCIlRTejkt, AtrroXa and CURLIXGH aiX'T '?P* have ge4rrallya.aJ the ErU>- 30tb day of Jnly, to oxcenta tbo following work, — at toa of FretMhnnd f-IngUso ItosidtaM. Onr leur vsteuded 'Re -r -e. filled with rhouUfromth. men end with T Bmi to two raata pa« wlihaai a Male *M- ta Bliveri France. Italy. Garmsny, Holland, i-ivUnd. lie. A. B. 4*04 Me! Nat aa# ha. ever haea hoard of. NotvShHaud- the iotA on Lmd s nd ZiieC, put np in small »oodcn i*sck- bo<|U«ty fluDj( from ibe bands of the fair dnnghtwrv WtUhM, Jewelry, asS land. Fnyvtta- "V t . V w ur. u SijYerwsre. taf the tavaatu r af thia wonderfol larbi 8^:804. nnd Wate«. vipiting in oar routs theprtn- To grtJo end pern With buwUrr ftnnoa tbo m- ^'UUBCh WARC.-A Ml oa hu bM a ataad- ?”.?“ '*? *” Ekhard A. Bindtaer. . , , ripsl Hiw|dtai < in l*a; it, Dnudoo, Uume. J'ri! ,?*“»; of Clerk. Some one encircled hia bead and hren-l I. LEMON iaa Reaard af am for the ieauty and dimension* wa. fonnally preeent- \%1lUam meat ef various disassM to which ws have direoUid B*!!. II h Doh-n#, tba ellev lying west Firet street, SILYhR WaFCHEA verleae wylasaad a or a m amk i. u la ha oMri aafet) the anderalciMid eur at- of be'.ween Blued- , tnntion. Jooatliau Lewis. WilBaui it. Barns. hmah adw a reward Those whu pUco ibeowelves under our eare will * >>«»utifui j® “»• wiDf,neil Jacob streeta, *-• y of owe iMuaad dollar., to be paid I to!fonto kS7. fi,*"'* aad Firet aod Setracd vtraatt — DOW have the fail Lenrfit of taLm/noTto Floyd and Joktuun JEWELRY af tha 4yka aa /roof ef oa aiRhiatoa of the Fixtaic* when the many NEW AND KFfr 1* (teS iostrigLtof. The psuiDi IfldiM. \> ben tb* crowd dl<:ncritedp they tullowwil V*m<*r Can »)t only obviutss taase dit- Clfe.Nl RfelM feaUJEn which we elaiu^A E. Stewart. Tv grade end pave with bowklcr s'oeae Twelfth aaaa u »«dlurily. nrs enahled to introdnce but in ^diriuB therHo HILTRKW AHE. lurn^rs ihs eon uimtr him to bis hotel, where hu buggr wan waiting to Franklin- - into enr iwaeiice. sad the pubhc rust aM>urod 1 atraet, from the north eido of atraet to the _Ealira milMctma aaa rawtied to all who may bay the may of the Mam PLATrOWARK af evary faiwimia san^ aoal, aariduity, SfeX:kliX:Y, and “**' ••><1 eacorted Geo. R. VaUandinnhsu Ywaar Flxtan. Any ou toytaa tMa apRoratu sad af- aUsntton being paid IlSHto i5S?,V'Lri.”(3Sa‘ E^rtb him north side of Mocruo yesst. HAIR JEWkltaY toad* la aide' fea their cw se« I FuBob and Hkkman - trial . which hat to soccossfoUy distlnguisheJ b* mr Ir am folly mhM I lean kata hh aamay rafaadad ence of cost between tha caiwand kegs. ool of tuwD» almost frantic in their demoostratioa^ To grad# nad Mvn Pleaenst Place atraet, ftem JL' elegant pearl hornmfoi*. as a Fhysielaa in our FfeX'uLlAR Uepartmoat W. D. t-KK^»K . BHIDaL by ritaralaa toe aidato. TtM 4!ans are packed in f*s-dnsc. la fkroog esses or of nrofessinnsl pmctkw. , of enthuaia'^m OaUattn-- Ue rratb line of GrayJOB atraet to tba sotabera end Ad an iavitad to boss*, whlcli • jL'™ “'"*”*^**“'jAW I I aaU st coutaln • a No. * Maaenir Tomplc and hay I 9ua bounds each, that is « ai-pouad fm. l.* . a- x x. *. BMuN A CO ]|odiciiMM witn tail dirsrtioas sent any part object is A. B Ckamhars ss foms naoiiffsaa. m of the ('ana. xat 4 The of tbit letter n*>l so much to give a I &u-pound Cans, and tney wn>' be safely shhipsd United HtaieN or t^nadas, by patienfei Garrard dAwtf eommualcatiog by rail or otherwise I TD tna«grade ezdkLd pavepngg TwelfthTwalftbstrant,tlfedle fpimfroffi tba M W. H. 8ETTLR lu any part of ihe UniiM states. minute detnil of the speeches nd to indicate to you No nominations raesfeved. tM Mlkmath MIT VF''KVF*T^ PIPT ATfriTA^TITT^ their rympiunts by letter. Bnsinv eorra^ioodoneo strut- ^oj^.t«nt.tra.ttotb.tomtbUte,fM.ga- Jjr eondeoCial. __jeiaajinJw and your render* aumetbing of the apirit tbnt ia ani- Granu-w \ tir*iir. L.'a Ofllco Is still located ai aviahllthoi, under — mating old Clark and the aurruunding counlie*. Aleaaadei Dunlap. the noma of DR. LA CROIX, To grad* nod paveTwelflb Mnel, frum tb* toath VEW ayia*. wuta Weitera tfokiem. aad Ctea. augg dffwtf ININGF.R 1UIlyr A TT T A nTTJC! Never aime l!>4n, end purbnpa not then, waawna there m mm At No. tl Maiden Co. | Dane, Albany, N. V. A. M. B 8c Han of Unga/.ifM etreat to tbn iuuth linn of Brood- *t J-^ 1- LtJtoN * CO-'s, X ivl HII.I.HHli.I.H ao much intereat by peoplopeople ia nn John BiaUa ^ „ , X nIi 0 manifcalcdmanifrteu E ^VERBCEIVED RY LATE fX>N»ONMENT N.C. Tilfor«,A Aa experieoead Nurse and Female phyffeinn, pmsenW to UteofB^ey Utbneu^Uanrf Mnpte t^ A.aDRH.,o.a,Co.,Kr..July25.1859. J. Lsyman. rpilE r.vntor u, a . W staUaaaaly af Mte-neZs^•. -yhy Gw Pr. k. >*«•• the attentioD of mothera her i u.".^EEC?{onerJ La Urwa. ) Tb grads nod par*, with bowldnr *101400, Main 1 yvte* rl To^ Me Editjr,, the IjOuUetUe Josrsal: I' O N F E U T 1 O N E K Y of Greta Mnet from Brook itrant to tbo eant Tha ckudV Waurto*. by G. W. RITTSBITRO JVLE, SOLE IMPORTERS, Hao of Jnckeon M. teimite— •«»oote. Ito' EM' MArKF.REL.-M hhh Ba. t. tor. re amai Daniel P. While. pin*, *te eolmte. PrkaWcatea — M> end GsNTi.LMtN: As the .State eIcctioD ie rapidly np- ftrsst m In ndibraalrtr (IMI MARTIN. brewed aaprumr to FALL AND WINTER USE wbieh - TVtAJtA prcBcbiDg Qraenop- to"*^Lat|alsvlUa uf Be lUrian *f Gkertela. Sir Water ran t facilitates the pr i oesi and Kaux— .ton* by teeter lto» fAJL-Tyr* wbicb g ir of teeibi^ by softsolnf i It la joy tbnt I nm able to inform yon tbnt Josbiu F. f- H CRA1FFORD, Maynr. the gums, rediicuig all No nomlnafWns raceivad. Tb* Meeetery.hpsir masse raao. pvte. Me. mfUnimatiuo—wilisJlay all FAIN | This DXOalCIOUS TONIC THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Bril end tbn mat of tbo Upponitioo candidotas ore Mayor'* Ofp itr, Jnly 1869.— Ad Volama* ef Ito Ctoep Edulna st M8BES A rCENEA, and spuMiindtr acaon, and ! Hancock—i_ jyJ6 U teotr, .Vwvefo ifD L WOOP, THE BEST IN WORLD. gntning griraod evaty day in tbie cenaty, ned I na EugeneEugeo* Fnuk>nu.FauktoBar. tedTjgrtseHaeneipervoeam* •***!**** SURF. KF;arLATE Fspecially designcfl for the use of the THE .A Mta OP PITTaBURO, TO THF. BOWEUS the best truly dnlighted in the XVORLD. to iny tbo snmo thing of tbn adjoin- “«««» Farmlebr r fwammud oar atoA af axA e •ja. StowhaA __ WELWI A CO. S? £S> . ALK Medical Pboffjision the Family, pos- pm q nanbUrafrom IWpoundatn iiAOWpoucdaon iog conotiai. It ia coofidnotly beluvad tbnt tba foARTER ta the public pafrnhati and -wr. W. Ukar/ SE4LF.D Prapranle wiUbn racniwminttbnaflkn sx2*aososr.A.sx4X3 tb* moat reawinable ternu. or addreai UppnaitiM will Apply carpr Marcar county, wbiln tbera HA**-, of noAnraigiind, lol2 n'eloek. Nntnrdny, Jnly LCPR A RVANB. REIJEF HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTA, . _ tbn CILDIRW HARDWARi.A MR- AKO gpsses those tntntfdc mcdieiiial jirojierties 11. MAILI-ARD, will be imineoae gaine in thia county lo onr flag. “*“• work, vU: HANIcW TOW ii*nitw-in“* 30, 1869, to oxfcnto tbn follnwiag B •il Ito hte ii^svemteU. i«r *m* hr ala dhwtf Omar aad have pwt np end et.ld thi* artiele tor over ten 1^ d*-°» Broftdwfty, Y'ork.Y'ork* nth Jaflmeoal^LoaleSto W* . , t^. . v i , i 6J16il Broadway, New INiubtlesa yon ere nwaro tbnt both of tbo enid conn- ORV^OOD! >• tad wall n wnll nt tbn infonedion of tbn )eMIAb D A. MeRwIDP, Third si yean, and oak aav. i« oowriawHon auii vnwH DlUTetU') whlPII liolone to l\D Jumes B. I*Fns* W A Baa. <% m ( UOUIC and lisa are utnelly etrooglr Democratic. Bottbeyno- ' of R, what we hnvv nevau’ o been able to aay of any Copaitnerkhip.Copaitnernliip. Henry— nllny with Figbcnnnih stnnt, bnXwnnn Mnitinnn nnd enppoit to n man wbo laaen O. Lraeb.) MARK & DOWNS other medMiie— NEVER gb HA 8 IT FAILED. IN A 014 nnd IllloillCgl ^ u Cbmknnt; CI-TW TheI lie *'Seia?g PITRE Win GUMllta HAVElAVE thU daydsy a-ieiatodftMueifttvd .withwith metto Mr. FAwardF*dwftrd P. jMwnrdfeMverd Long*Lon*. C^JS *i 4ys» jqia j ^HK.aabraaioaaf Stoamhoalaiea aad Bnildera I. eaJIad SlMGLEINSTANf E.TO EFFECT A CUk|2 when f,vorfnvor of roogreaaio^uitorToationraogreMio^mtorTmitioa concern- , nonbwntl ^ I r Conor of Ncftlv, IftG of AU**a COUnlJ', ftod ftlil cuntiuuv tb# ^ to om c F timely wskL Nwsr did wv know an injUnca of Ky., HlfoWSW* to. Iten .. HonhlOT- I amaim amoctment af palaOc amoa* akhdi { iUfflOffiog iUTarFemvery•IftTarF in tbethetb«ekm Temtones,ferritories,Tsiritories,Tmwwnecnwlm* .sellns ellallmil wbo— nmnr.ni Ttntdvera«l RH;KLAYF.Rr Tnwete PXnmh Rnl*^ ead H of maimfact urine spurious and offer 1 bardwarsbs^wftfffi buffnemstbuffiMwftst thfthe oMoU standstftDtl of Curdcurd di lurvey,llftrvey, B. Porker.Pftrfcer. Fl^d and Broadway aUwnle; diten*fam-Ti by any one v who uaed tt. On tb* oon- pins U W a B mw*. new aad mparlar srDcka, lov mIe to * No. street, de«enUi, under in tba ai|feg of tbn nans nrn JflrffsiSOO - trary, all are deliirhtod with it* opernlioM, 1 4il. Main between oUth and U pnrfocilF nwnrn that To dig nnd wnll n well on ibe norttonnt nr af WHITE LRAD- and mn )t« iAb A. MsRRlDE. T^d tl Y'oitaaa Materia), for Tiaiiltoi Dr—: ^ *he Wjie and iDm idllsirey Ncale, and wo^ Mr. Miiip)iKa Thwuae CnSM. Devid Merriw ether, g B_A F abate . , C*.’. too •peak ta tornu uf hietori cnanoetidauoB of lu maci- iliff them aft ^K*VonMfeS, nildcr Xho titles, A u far, TftrF far, from bcinR ia fawor R 4 A Pare WhRe Imd ta and j KmaeaMe-awaad Laaeraf aeved atytra Robert U. McMarur. itomuel Geiger. * <-— ealcftl cMcucffr-cu aadftnd mpsdimledxial vir.Tir* 2#: me*. W* tpeak ta thw of C.wgrers protecting etavery in Territoriee. ARVEST TOULS -dnpitiar Jvyt tMave*. Modeey, . Ib* Lannl aecnnty r«({nited. aad Rtohoa*; “ , . u ^ .. ‘*^“ThaR\^ JemftminrIt-— - mftttvr wflAT WK 1*0 KJfow," after ton rear.' ‘ — PsfhA JkRIm. Gram lloaha. aad teal TWeal ato FiasiA Laoe Maaltev: Aromatic,*^ “Cordial, — MiMllcated,’’ It U^ ftomatbiog*om*thi^ strange,ntranga, M*»*r*.Mossri. Editor*,Rditortg tbntibnt menmaa H Whair vxpsrienes, amt* rLimuK a ocBvn.* ncrcvaTiOMMrYJTJbRixjji rxfw Ij>ri*vn.xx, Er,, Julyily l,I, DW.Dto. Jx;j/7 dlmAw«mdliu4wt)m WUUftm Fitoer. W.w. Q.G. Co^.Comr. T. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor. jam )Ah .4 MeBRI Lead, troimd la Mrarhad oiL ron rantwi L_ _! •male Rtvea. wall awantdT who prolataed to bnva onca ndherad to tba Whiff Ktni**ft - ‘ Mnyor’n Office, Jnly », 1869. JyW did tsetse at laa prawa ZINC WBITC- .'±!^.L**'2u etc., so that the W. L. Grant. J. O.G. Cnrtkk.Cnrtkto. {I taiTllt ITJmStair has become common, pub- wrapped up in tba ^ ! Damocmeyg wbao at Fan Fnmch.aroaad ia ^ Dm MXTfiREX-flL CO., SHLIuL Maia OH Paria; ^ & SOiTT MARK A OOWNA «H M exhaiutiaD. reUef will Chari** Daniek. John Eilk.Eiik. CRABS!!! paln and be foand ta Drieen ur ,. . S { , , , tto.v ibouW |jo »w«r. that they me mad* tml* BiHctton of Cowixf! liman -*** • to Haaay Saad oO. Sucreemr. MurreU. Co.. man Larna— —Sneoad War* HEAitf>n) -«><: ' Connell 4 la-wr aoMlr of tor ahaaa aatetoa-ai rUNCH CAP GrMn; orala.mla. tto bimactasbimscb and bowel*,bowel,, oomcotvseWcorveeW ' IaU her. Pike, andIte‘peir7l^PerTr- Judgnn—Nat. end Pat. Cempien acidity,acidiXy, ! I rWwM Vflffuw; »W !»««« nrUing from hi* tomb to raboke yon if MLMlto 4aailaMtoaa)ehr and (Ive* ton* and energy — to theIhe -balewhale tyw-n.eyetem. Il lo. 463 Mail, bfdwrob FiAh Abd Sixth iti., John K Rka. Clark, PoB. Tompart. SbariF—Jon. Selvage. Vsni i foisa,< Tii m-. i„ to Supply tlic prcsMiig n FaUgil>h.niU Amkrtrsn: •l^fl'iirSS'iJSiurSj*ill alj&o*t Inatantt)' re- JW havelieve n78) iKvpiihir, nnr of yon bare tb* lenst thooght of giving tk* lAWk- Jns* 1 Th*Thn pollspoll* wUIwill be openedopened ai t« o’dneka’dnek A. ILM. aadand I HATE rmH^ to Fipram e let *« ^ . , Rm *orT> dAwly 1.01 IS TH.I.K. KY. l)c"raoeracy nid nod cocofurt ia tbn oppntacbing John LavH.Lovwl. CARY A TALBOT, GRIPING IN^THEIN THE fo BOIYEIA,BOWEl-S, AND need, rioted atex 7 n'clock P. M. tf naidtaid day. *.-^ ?» ^ **»• and to inaujrur.'ite a rtrir tra in tlie I Inenln- CltaMAatoj tofote. Cvw. rad wiiRU ^ft Bua'TH'nn. is*, o. cAwrnu.i~ *le(Nma. Bow enn yon, ie the queation, tappiwt Pkktol oVte MARKET STREET WIND COLIC. No nominnilon*i i«e,*’0 bitter enemiaa, and ftndowftrcomecftHVHiffnnv,overcome ennvolAan., which, if hotnot speedilyspsedtly rem-real. histOTy of the , _ **-cn a. rtn *So oac* were yonr meet IJvtnnaon and ManhallHnnhali . OrpiTB, Jnly 16, 18691969. ji6jlC didflU My REATaURANT k eontenily ^^Fheeba** ratal* Ur, and ia ud ^ Trade. W« trust tliat OUr . MATon'nMatob's Omrn, — ite*r*4 wlfo .R m. OR la (an. af frMn 1 U X ^ CAMPBELL, McKEEMCKEH, a& LOuCO,, edisd,vdied* end in 6—detfatb . We ^ bellevs it tketbs nseTmcst nnd ara aa*, PoP Xnd if yon wiU take • careful anrrey T. L (iatoen. asbar taiMlm st foe laaaaa. raah a* S.'iUNG CHICM. •rmasT rciisdv m twr ot would in nil rssiw of nr»- jThaadof* Thom** in .) Petew Eacteh Red Ijtad; established reputation -founded upon »<=»*»«»«. »hy, yon will ftnd them na bitter Repawliic^dRepRwliiC^uid RACurbinffRACUrDillg of StdAwnUn.SIdAWRUn. i{gL7ijy£U Kwnsv AKD DI4RMUL4 mIII 9 otiiLDnftM,otiSLDnftM, whetherWhether It sri- ?Ana Da d> Lrdiar**. g8 CkuMMtisgioH'•row mlMerchanis^A'-HwE sgAuiat you ee in dny* of enciqnity, with only thi* ^***' sHs Croiu teetnuig. or f om ftny other cftusr. Wswouid LonleviUe— Tb* owner* of lota acd porta of lota d eeigne'ed ram or amd m prwsm eom u m aaowaia^ ayte BreAe*. Tarpaadne. I ln**t'l UR, X'arnl.h**, Ac., to. ftf to everv motber wbo hfts n child suArlng fixim eighty years of experienee - at.nndantly (inferenoc: they have eheeD'e clothing entbeirger- ,FH7Fan.llk«. liw a Panto, c mn'RA' rhDi B.’ A Mfo A H. Walt*, btformed tbex s rflinnn n baw* to All ot' *hech wv cHrr on tto towte tara>. ORLEANS,OKLLAIXIB, LA.L.A. Wm. JiMvphCnxton, betow nr* bsraky m ^ y *m»A*d w lb ftiiyftjiy of tketbe foregoing com- Mnlou—jininto— no nor LBtLat vocn NEWNLW Ms dAtweew WliJSGN A 8TARBIRD. ... ^ feed yon (thn Oldline rkmian Wrinhc. Jacob L. Smyivr.Jr-. been panted by tha Gnoornl CoMil, appen^ a^ ruLjrmcBftrnuriucmnoBwon tnetac ran-rna- te* jmimvruirxa or^ Lucira 8. LattreU. A. D. Jamsiass. ft|M^d4wl7ftnrt?d4wly , foBBitston Ii MerchanlL packarc k sranaai-d fan widehl. The 4 d, and lulb. Ua Forwarding Mamie- Bnd two *te.e*M». *niid aad fer mke, at whidsssli. la Raw Yarfc, PowoL'- Imp by Carpet ISOUSOHouse in th* langueg* of tn* p(ul: V.taiaeaeery and X17 & OARDKER a. YYELIN. FaHeasinat Jobn W. White. J. BoRhEVRSUR, *4 Msidsa Lana; CHAS. M. M’CRAW, “Wb* will to e traitor knave? Monroe— '-—a- m— can Oil a cowaiu’* — ai dAwOto Wto fravo? Daniel D-wulan. E -Ji* it Bmmlvftyi bfttwMfl 8ifllh amit 5«T«Bfth ff^yjrSofs h^ (Htsr m«u th« IN CiENTLE WEN’S Wlia *00 ba«* «• oe a ilavor' Muhlcaburf nnd Mclmn— mm sttsAffs^MK DEALEK •trMtfl. ftv^foHOTsm. B. J. Stover. Uharlon Eavee. 1 bope nnen of the OppMitum. And ubMit tto KENTUCKY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, N'okon— M. HflihMt 30 XslVDBliBmmOU °T‘»rAr" Pitsidenoy in 1880 I ess meoiioiMd by tbn A CO Locvfu- LLUUYILLR. renttcky. W . E. Mto'.r.aall-nrw eo. I Cempbeil kwtaeBs.ntelim eaWte aad R a flMIBllfflE! of Judge » WBOl RnALE iXtUMlMte - cos UM namns Dougina, Gnthfia, Ac. l lir Irnn Rtodote In “ ~ LsetarmlafoklaakatlsawHI >y vm J «hBmn. naw.cmi r i 'T'HF -laimrarr aa ^‘NES AND BraNDIES, I 1 ia riarc* nnd old extravagant I Where Buck? wssMis w*R I* nsR nte tebSmya^ 499!4991 HITE ft Aim! Mn.'c. **» ^totoTijHrRF. & SMALL, Dante din er . r 40914991 B* n Tboma* L QntenXnrry, RisHtteAmc My •sate *f I aektan CXtea. • Dalian G*»*h, f rihmiei t taetermwW be eebvei eiat tbny are "dead ccckt ia tbn pit.''^ •oaettaA. smd Cottsss aahaat -w* mwRma Nriton akdd, R nad ehnte- Jyl Ito HemSdel tedh eeel charpe. W* • n •HHm-ev.ffi. Dircd ffom United States Bon^ Youri, PROr-o BONO°°jo^r(^Bug)^PUBLKX). FACULTY. LOrUSVU.LR, . IMBCTW Ae.- Loruvu-LR. KV,KY. ed VVarehoufes Mrft. T Cbflffowftth 94 jw /ack 4 ismoi BEXJ. W. DUDLEY, M. D„ l aurR e* Prsfnner ef gar. Pine Clothins!! (ildhnin— — _ ii’* —mm-Mate 4 nSM* orantato A KuieWa M* I s-t Ffold* L Waefon i; ARP. PLEASED TO INVITE R.T. Jnoob. Wm. DflTh 95 te 4* THE ATTEN- ,.F«r8ataby On.. Si.leit*. Hiwbw. N*. . So. UBdaeberner A A | 1 4 . M. bnyer* H^Y M ^yLUTT D , PreCteo, ,f ftoery aad W fow of to a few cew and rho>ce pattern< of Gwen— W. N. J(m*n ID " nme.aM .te foi A* a* Wo**** *'*"’***•** ”**** Drux- i HOUSEhouse FURNISHINGrfurnishing. ‘«T.Dhtoev' John tXtodeyGroeder ban',bun', laicalaleu deden,deden. In K‘w" ^^ Twitefl Ca'a PloMw. A ta TAPESTRY.'fipESTRV, Lki'ln th^eifr*aL v^tatv*** R IL (Me. W. C. KMd, eat 80 “ *~ ' of 0-NTLEME.N'« FI'R- " ’ Ok-«rtra mul BKUSSELS. aad VFXVtT CARPETS , c as OB hand a lelect Mack ffota te 4a; (lljreltBAi^f which tbe P. r. Moatn .TD *dSS U '•SLijlSfofoie.* Ako,a£o, •ft few ssmfytsdceiubMd pa'tern*iiftttenM of L^ellLoweU andnod EnxlkhEnrikh H •MSUI.SG gGODS and CLOTHING, to S • 4n HobHep Aw Invited. *toek of iho celebraiM THKKF-HLIKf), hri(ht aoioi, aad v*ry hnndainrf-^ attentton of boyer. k A -CJ T 'T' eltr. dk T. T . Mfs. C.l'nxry 30 JmSeoaeSeeflate laramebf alway* an hand. jej -ti X X "EX* OC. ^S Xtet .Xte J—t -l_l “ • la ndditian to which, will n'vny, be frwnd "(iULDE-N HIL L*' SHIRTS , J" J4HR8 1dm AQO-erateteW. tto oniy re- To npnvs nml roentb tto eidonnlk an tba enntb N'sjsfs'jsii'st.ar”*" teh e BOkMor PAMILY UMEN for henwhoU Me Ih ADVANCES. "» RAWSOS. *»*• -WH nmffi.. of Braoileay, bat son Hixtk X^D. fo fao(, evervth'Bt appertakda* la afeoeiol and oomplau frank carter. aid* w and Snvnntb[2 catat of n pnbilc or srivnio dwailta* streeta. Il Msmmmmm HwMwmmH I.OUXMYI1XR, KV, hVd ITIRMAX. D . INefWef Atotooy. An enriy eall k wHelfod. H* R peidtarNerL Joseph P. For**. nr «. V. ^YLEBA. M. O., Pra fon st Phin4H»ni ead _PrKte nakonn, y«i alwgf • •• aa - Uaury Rohaac-o Kay* F. A 160 — low any lltHMe ia tto WHOLESALE OROCEB, hand E. H. FaiecaUd and far tea k PallMteCkal Atetoay. OHy HITE 4 SMALL, rfV WIMR.—IW bale* In ttsrs and fat aale by Stmpeon- (ierdaer Mr*. K. A Ht M. Daaaamraiar. AND COMMI8.8ION MERCHANT, \V' E wonMwould railriUI the nnentlanettentian ofaf SouUiernen8ouU,enief* •ui.turafnd•uiourma* DAVID tNJMMIK*. 0„ 44 Main mUoet, 1 kU dAw BELL AM U POKWAKDINU \VL John A. Flan. V» Vv onr Ob',cito', and of to* public|,iiUic renwmily,renarally, to Key* MS B--P~ Prs fsw nr RlX-faU eears* Riet. . aHu unaLXna in tota our lar*ular*i: Wm 210iS rate iSS Throe door* wet ol the Bank of LoukvUle. «ackMuck ofaf Stnnrer— G. W. RAYLhJM, and*“** umuMltofuneqiia l Me T. H CRAWFORD, M. D All DAACllptlonR of Boat StOIAA, Edward Maaeey Mnywr. ^AUfoiN m to aad w htoi ami tate Jpp 4Am*r Dsu «f foe Facatty. ainnmaMby CleltdAw] BEIX A MUKDOC'E. Taylor- Mayor's Odtoe, Jniy 28, 1860.-i)fl dl9 S to hhK h^ea. TUR]SiIt» O Sfo M aIN HTR iJnr. Carpnla Cnttaia*, aod Floor Giklotk*; ^l^rret qjjn nadnRe-, m Y. H. GAHTAWO A *»„ HafaaL SEED. Tale* and ToUet U-iraa; X F. Guwdy. bate on baud and for *ala (Mtioa ehiviia** all Todd- — RaalieerintfoaMntoMteandW*? EANS AMD UN8EYA-M , A CO, linen aud of width*; 30(1 ' R. SHRADER S’i?,?5,OT5p'LV'lo?r‘^*‘' J by UeU dAw] BELL A MCRDUC'R. A Cl umh ClMto, aad Floor OncB B. Mteimfe. •plaadu PMr ardud AhteFtoiatoabRcia^ HO do COMMISSIO.N MERCHANTB AND WHULE- Lmirti-U, Idneoa; nm^ WINTER; . and * 4 Inoto Matting, while Tridg- L'5Sxr fo- nt w. A H RCnRHARDT.n Hetail iiealan ta Whiaky, ly, 4 4, i-A and eoloreJ- *• RUTABAGA: for **10 aale au Brau ugnpto GRt Framea, (joraiea*,m*,aadaad all at by aJ UOAR—M hhda to star* and for iak by Markvt iWerl, lAt-ir MaU in every variely; Yaute X LMa., a«bar MIX wmk of irm dA» PITKIN nrtne, .,)*<• stov* Bixak. home maBafoc:uc*rimmen*e nnek of nraSEr A LIC.XNT W Extra BBUTIIER.- n MU dAw BELL A MURDOCK. laolavUle, Ry. K. i ripwalaad.. Rhflkh ATR— ten* aad *T~ liHiiJ ill north dd* ahldly will tell at euuaUerably ' .Vmrrkaa Window Ktnf HJBRX2, ail of which we leduaed price* to J. M. imrnea. and UMm; rhiHinraabsi---W.-V— -FvmmraAyvaraina ! A da* and Mr ra o to BVBRTBODT! <110*1 lime bayri*. •JRfook. -cured (knvaaed ladi and ^ ^ W A R RI'RRUaRDT. A7 Wte^„ l.SSv Conntry Sofar Ham* lo I AKE— stJe * - ta Ulrara *W*aU on at Bnatara pricea ac the weE I whoM want of nay- •ore and for mie by I RtaUrbon WhMbY: EWCall otriy nt McERqf, hneae J” BHB »OT oad H lx. iu bbl* Warren EnaoRdlntaalof HBUAM AND WteOM yaKW SHOE tti e nto jeUdAw DUX A MI'KIHICK. J du; A BtoxyrtT KATEElALd for ^ as IXI* -Id STREF.T, X a eat toiiJlpttaB '-w^ed that I knveonhnadM WeM *1 (to Look W. rvilkr. lla Mato Mrem te any af Mnw sr Wiwan to ate om.. n.ud te bbk Cherry Brandy; Tbree Door* annk of LoulsvU*, “ .ewnrimt et ot Book, uii.e.. aad Wnfotogtan- W^n. ReJ^P fo (OnmLnndSHCXnAii.formiiby ils leUlisTille, Ify, AT -hQO CHUAE.-Wa tovo raeelVeil thin davl ^ (ju, Brand, John B. Hanter a i„ri, l^feta^yfpkberlT Unteud m*cU very low Whkfcy; oston PILOX-PiIco rclneed u t tend per copy om. tafowe purcateta. BELL A MURD(XX. ti bblecaihihon . tt m W. A H BURAHAKDT.dH k.eu.a dkiitod iJaky. f.-,r sal* F. MAl>Da,N*8 Stoihy CoHty. Ir ^ WTiKley **•" nner , 5?*-' P*"D»t to msev aad for a at. R BRA 1 99 Mo. eiB Mnihet . above BroaX IVUhp iht S sMod door a too? pZ^tfiSte D toad aad for sale by sto dly Wo-idrsrr— PRHTOH A GEfimn. '* dAw '•ELL A MURDOCK. MU PORTER- -X Altepp',. and Kb-x i. nemnet *S Bftate%SS?tatekto raen Ctock do. OeXJA Coma A LE AND _ ... „„„ , amy. * C MUTS.-^ Nak ta More aad for mIe Son'a AM; Wtyset; Uastoa ^rmrnad Hrowu rvODEVS lADX ^*"Mu*t. Prireu low to (doM ont by A A IlM PLATRA-1 C ARD.-aou tuts Leaf Lard in More and far *ak by B^t, by tto ca*k. In mors and^for m-i^ ^ MADDEITif IMM^STpRDORsTOEE, [ LOW A CO.. dtS •^sSsfSSfo -jSJS A V. P. QACTANO A OO. L MU dAw BELL A MURDOCK. a ^ A ND g Tblrfl*^ nn W. B. RAUUIAP A cg7 if A . - - — . 1 » . - d s - . : ) *

H*rri AAnAXOZxrtv. —Vo one but be who C®~The r.iurier gg* Tbt fruitt of vk'j a*j pr. c* July. 8 f ICOBEKT I * SEIMHOV, ** r . , S02< ronturtinus id |R tu ir. & for duubt, if we bale any idrt of the intcrvut excited everywhere in of facta and tbon. There arc ao rtatoot ita exoggcrstiun of every ! *• ** IBO Jd “ ftO |»r. cl lallYJUTMU, ditpaatioiiAtely. elertiun. potty squabble iuto axuBioe tba Matt of tbe ciat the ,^uth in the retuU of the Kentucky a poUtieal rtottthat it is need- IC*. E>UBK*M»M. * 61 B>1ICT.aY WTftkIT, t>ar. linAaad ia Uii reniTed «»,bl« votaa, In Virginia et eeially, tka old mother it looking iaat to ennmermto Aem. W# have never heard bat SULtemeut of the CONTINENTAL XN- NEW VOkk, -o if •tiiT’ei's rBuEBlETUM. p I AX; im H< 't.*>ro km. SUHANCE of New York as now In a fell awwrtmen* cf 'OT. I! T I.N aid aa^ile.tad by t.tdS aitjaiit.v. Ibt next anziiMuly to tee bow her child will depurt ilnlf. ooe cause tRigDed f.w tbit maligmuit COMPANY third vT«rET. abuse of Lou- ;!o, B KTW gKT WArX AJID THE aiTEH. yacurfWK i*ucfia-iK aovaiks. on tho hint day of July, 1859, madd to H coa.-i*Uas ta part of 4u, 4», 4«, ftr, !SiC tbt FUlnort Klectcral T.i ket r< c* ivad isville, which wa*, that Ptune Cj, 74, wad Tl* iueb Bug; yaar ia Tbe Lyoebhurg Virginian rvfa-rt to Ac alanu of the iK-mueratic capitalists the Auditor of the State of ICeE lucky, i/. sjTsvr wat dafetted by a mt>ority of 7,195. ware anxious lo reduce FliOOK CLOTH CANVAS, 4, C, and »J yardx Wide; ^Qxn»vhrIa-ej, hltt., ssiS rst= "SSJMSi C7,<72, aad loading Demoorau here, at uat of them wrutato the the value of real estate to it* pursuant to the Statute of said fc.tate ia tba way of regaining tbe CANVAS PAUHINGS, brown an I ireaiLi-d; * Than R an Impadimtot Oppo- lowest jMjssihle mark, s kHt> FNH DIAPSUa. AC. * " " •*• ggaaoB wat eonvieU in tod the slander*. Be this ns it IH «r •»* fH Rutira proof their fright, it eontlderi, may, what shall we _ FOR SALE OR RE:MT. . ii. Bl.l At.ai;L> t I.OTH.S. niw • party obtain Vntrol of tbe ANL ! faffT iiilwiiaM aactiooal RepabUcaa •ay of tbe pres*, whi.-li, linn ~ the Dem- while “ the publieati<« cord from Linn Buj d. pretending to mourn AdAKTi>- Al>*o a fi.ll r.ipply WWX1.V JOUSXAU of a Teacher W*ntea.~'Wented. i Fodaial itoTantnant. bUUcr* art bow itTAratd; if 1. c a«li in 8 (. N cbj'at bai*k ^ >S*in Stie*t ior Liewcenant tloremur, wherein ovR th* increase of vice and ruffianism in our city, LINKS CAMtilHC llA.SLKKHt.lUKrS; inrKEaorirrKK* or Ik- S.wNVw tv Stoffg BmU. w-ratic aaadidate far I ] • ans on hondi* and M'lrtyatea, beiof 'pUEPUE TRl Uk— FsM'aFatos'a An4.mrJuam-mr tto tiatn boUnt of Baatacky bare aay gronndt for 8 «—'iw*w'i la sanira tlmifia mr* rt^•.•-•••(uf a rc mii—t-aimjiwteai THE t—-a, a fi aiit FSaMafiig to • of Mr. Mt- aod the tfiect il bu bud 00 fi.sl lien on iiulncuoibere t heal 1 >- Tl RKnV KKI) ANI> MAIiJKK HVM.KKut AMlamaa^HMla^aa rarer*# petition our prosperity, eunsli- . be take* preciMly Ao ta e worth ti»a (avetavc I *.a*re'.a-rt> af «*iMl-,. m1 ia" tuayrttiiaa .s lri,.gLia Ifiato. IlM af Soathara rlgbu to aid tba electioo of Donglat I U abs on .'>W 4‘kd au.i Rxiic* Ii.kMu- T iiwb'auaa ^ ,>vaa 41/4ty KK-iw.x *8.«d, aa*aad IlaIta psaaaarmanaaarto aa vvaar -f Ittoa aa4 the Terrltorlct. The tiau* of the pugiliatie gehool, and sends J afr^ttatta ,b/lUy toMwa-. H. ratet protariion to *ltvery In a *|>eeial re- booe lui >rp.iraied by tbeS a*eol .S. HAR'l’SI lOUNI '.’S < K1 :aT to Uaaa laa «ito far «»a< 'I'ba >*. 1-. to tbt Prandaacy. tinid and doabtful of lA^G \(*rk, a ab e ou denutiid TawluwaTWiaawa *aaara(saaeraf a.*cva.*pv- larfa*baribi; a dab.rfa 4aaadaaa aa4aad I.b> *?*’ arrangeuient,” and porter that it may |iander I0 their taste | ''S.d’.o LOUtSVILLE. t “hippy and di.*gu«t - *"»•. call* thi* tJanecviiJsiMT’. I win.with i.b.sil.bsat uu..aihv ot.ii.., li.vrlikrr I.,t.. iratdfte •**»» to Mr. 4. B. WiMar.«atotoa|aaa.i- Virgiown t. AtoeWsand H«>n Uof luutitutloii* luet.r* limji ro.Mi‘onxi). th- «P .rartor BOW aao the graro error iato wbkb tkey were Rd: •'tber tt,. i» r r ‘ttirrlaf,.ra>aTli-u.lafuraiaTfi'U. spnlTapfkiT t>It Pe . 8. «. C> • . th# candidate for (lovemor un the decent part of it* niudert with the details of iRiialet by the ma'e of New Yurk "UP., KkNRt * haring the rl»ee fy • 1 o it i*. By owned b»' the co/e f rU dl 1 e« < f |l c K l;. • %nd (ttoiOtof- *.•:* Auriiae t iit they aat that tbe ra-opening of tke ilavny agiuUoo c«>miauf Ift**.*?*; ^„ B <*AKNaii,t.ARNal 1, pPAdaa'- PH T " for Bladde*-, pre;*.tred l*r a < hetoi-t nnb'iii>tc*| New Lihsrt the candidate the hruiR |>rtie fight*. 1* itt riaiuor luhirvric actiublty ri.k f.» . UfitoH.Cr-fa-rr., Cr.. Ja?r s. |*<» d**‘ of the question, and the nut)*>uring ol ft. due aud IUI4 a d ... ai, ,ft| JLS. y mytojtj^ TICKET one tide iutbeedy «t Phtladelidiia, A j^ STATE nurtbara freetoil and U autli ei> 1 e> t.*- PORTION OHIO ITION' by Douglaa aad hR Ut mocratt, and ultifif* flue tu .\t<*r OF OPPOS b. Pie eiMl uut ctllectt‘4 ou OUR FARM ix>H SALsT other, it it plain that the view* a virtiinu* indignation or uialignant uiry In any t*irm wtiali'kor nancy on the regret that it .1 ca-i issue 1 1 Lieuti . ServanU a..,. p 7 Warned.Wanleri. t VJ >'Mp4»t‘Mt I j illus- \Ti:\< T OF HI tT' ea*ily tccommojated. Il i* tn ninnut wield the spirit it fostem? .A (tuiilt(tuiiit W.XvIlKg «»1 a>aa l?«it *' '' :*** FOC UOVEUiOR, of all can bo t.U Aiwe'd 4;iir O the U-l lemely kimwo U>r in-ea-ek f tb* ,\ |RMNi:a.iRitNi:*. a*— a• M fftt I? ? naat be coatinned aad maiattioed for Iba parpot* Tv amount of -A-X iM«ut.a-Ir;., ft' Prinary ^yMe>n. tiiakel. Glei l. s.,, i-K.niiFK'*.I'K.nllFK'*. *\.**^*“* «»• Ck>. Newton’# idea ..f spread- >\ b.lcc ur 1 iic .irku x »'*" IV:'"*’'!”*- a— at Boyto .Mr. Willoughby ftwll miiS ffulU ’he * Htta r1«wf. k*( F. BSLIi, tration of Irrerulaiitie I'l *- I'Atottor.V f ^atoMlia atatowt TW jOMniA af beldiag tbt lugetber. Vt bik Milan corro*|>>ndeut Female . aU e* c| tke 4 cweraUve «•’ LARGES6SPLENDID DenooraUc party gg'A uf tlie Bolton Atlas * * • «- -a . F a Ww, I k- •««- 4. A’TT^JO^'FEX f*, catch birds of every feather, that, as a UAhlLITlftlA. pans wle'iherconatilulional ur ph>«icwl. wbe.Ler 01 lonr W Wa';.- UKTTEN ing net- to — >"*. w*p». Ac., %•.! MK*«t fts wcfkm la tbara Utaaovrata ouocada that Ibt ciwed of Uong- and Be* tayi: “At tba chateau of lururrel ur tt cmar*^ mai daa Cavritnt wot a 1 L aud ii..t a Ijiioted ft' UI plundlna stu dnraii *o. AIXBH. of Breckluldc* arv IxiunJ to ray, challenges our L«*w»*ew le dev iee, we H. lei^Kiied and In wu- ,*,„w' . .. Thi* 4’unipouiid pre:cfiiel by a 4'iienitst '*’*^^“‘•4 AX.FKBD are ailllrg to tdopt I»liti<-al tweet I who ka*ife«sl J!- laa R btatile to Iba South, they lady with two cbilJttn, who were eareved 4 Y wlV sSfikT T: i:taim* far l«>-i tpX'St -‘Oa'Ce-ar lO ilie iil’llp tV-OUiEaUU4 «M rteiwied l*y tr»u c >. .. u.-tH It wkll «lUU t«ir Whll'tl it .« rejXlO kft S.N i. ATTOKK admiration. eXHCElfaNolKXPEItlL.NCl P .-(I.K.MA.X.\l. INMAN, brhr a tol».Wlo»tTvK.vl. a»aJ*I wm*J wmA dakwhly i«a> xAm pwiae 1 mft iMw bt* tpraiig highest 4 Hivi(lenrf«oncaHtaldneajdu*i)ta!d... acid It i* hir» ^ teattbaefaotnaf two evUt. But there and received tweet miato, in tbe ji.j iLcndeJ. a Ir mnceritrat*’ ! extrsr; .»f tpe • Xft l^kl^t t,...I;4I...F !i. .*,«. oJ Fxmnkltn morning of the Hm. ll..*,. .VdiruM.Uilaa, iHmaorl»rmw«e •>w» la.a.i.r.w.-«.iv..tv jambs HARBAir, fur hit opic- S. Uiridonds ou scrip deciaicd Liil not Hm le^ke-, Cinubli e I wi'h •»ther vwluik^.l.' article* fur ftw'f. p.rty oppoord Nobody even eiUad upon Mr. Hoyd «!». p ^ J vtU add tkat aod ttsahai ear half mfta fr'im iMw up a aaw, vigoroai and coatervativt 25th, from tbe Andrian K.i-ier, and in the dm* ffo) ea e*i-f tlie Kklueys, U!addi*r, evening and -**«'xnal orcaus. ' - — ' aiditoa fctvcr Tnraplfcu It Iw uamryams I fty aoy *mmA W tha to tbt iont. It wti a voluntary ttnder of them. Seeing C. All other 4‘Xii*^brc'aiit d a^in.*. the c;o. 3 ,'otf It all ty 4 ail li Hxiamatk>n le ? okes obvtiii' Uo:t<* uf eveer gt both tba arUt, and datennined to wat from tb* Kmpaiur Napulaw-! Do not, PAOB, at PnnkUn. however, kiO‘l in tlie o It ic TVOM 8 S. uan* upon which du'iiftne I to act, rv a WANwANTEiXEI >-%sr»o>-rjr>0 at Fteetoil tbit the tide wat leUiog ttroogly againtt &lr. To'al amciint NECiROESNEciROKs. KtpnbIkAB At well tbeae brilliant of I iabtUtioR Ut*n t the •e-re’k.ui*. and e-vloe pbrska! ettength againrt Block that ati'l . "'llwill lito TUAJtCBEK. dteth euppmo saecBaaea blind the eyes ftlAGU t*. -Mfi. Mfi WEwk r»rftr lha lueNMhto»aa r,4i ,ncinc a.- • x-to. ctlUd but to the part* which hxkv Le*-a injure 1 by ullrAum acd ttc. Magvffii', Le did not wait to ba upon, liuprude.ire a*i*l (1 TNVII HIMtkKH ha rirrvrir rv Bki.lcitX,HXt.iti.r. l I,far >a Cal a ( Attktoto. a tonar al law. Dmoenej. Tbit appotili..B to of the people to tbe coit at which they are Umgbt. abu c ^ DAUaEraRTT WHITE, of CUy. • 8F“l*“L<’V-l»'l‘ie' i«rt!ci(ii!e in the proCtd jtJ* at uitrOttr t-ific-.t.ifie-. ..-i'.*1 (ir-i*ir-i 44rvt,r«t, Wlwarabaiwara Mai » la' mip. ar.. (.r IBrtfirr raruaaiaaa, ha totoc to pitched in with a gratuitoai offjr of hi* tentimenta. wiiboiil I'lchort, mf ammi torca tad volnn^e in itt pro* iaouriuiy no teit.i'dv In llic etUlovim 4>f ncJiiine »a4 .!.i Ar-ttt. Il -.M-vtih-...ii-,Htt-. tala tioaalitn it gatouriag n.'CrJ eiich victorita, and tbe any Im'Uiity whate\e . poe- _S^k-t.a4jJ.k-1 Kr wak. Aa ofian laato KEnil^EK or LAND OFFICE, ‘Two army R kurt dr *!'*.«>< p<«wer<> f*r re'ewiiu' ant i••V(y«•rwt>ue .N'-,..!* - ^ c -i»-U N-I.v.alaa,.es alwa; s .haudik hatfid 1 4*r .a-.&k*. river; acd iKMiadrd at it It did not occur to him, pethap i, tu cuoaidiir what M.ITTHEV fa <.m. gnat, lika tka enmof a comlnil,' atid a K'rocch suldirr aril - t'lliuic W'>rd (low It by a'uue or tiii*l«Htu. e witi JOHH E. HESVDON, Of Mason — when wa cot THOS, S. A. |la.‘« T. .(KTtAkTt »‘Blt in iisfai:\fcL A. A. ATCBWUB. KK'iXKOr BlIOniKR, borne's Bnrhu i 'um|M»tii».|, caie *idt, and tbe final ittUe- a curieui iiHK-UcIe it wat that two cacdidatti upon jell dlTa.x.id:TmrAtoi I. .kKri.(xril:-lC^l l(\v' mala A'ltetf (arm r ‘fTtraoa4 toaaato. PI it tbe roailHu'iaa oo - MW rrEFIXTEMiEKT oF BUC |IN!>TUCCTIOK. bv eid*r that out of alMiiit 1 1 0U0 ii:en, which tba < HI- l emaie , ,\ . 471 Main ctPeer, Kt.r tJouipUiol*, f-ucIi at Ubi.ci, FBIIfE COST «l*citiuiit if tbe tame lickR Aould bold precuely upiKiiita opic- af tltvery agiltlioa under Ibo r 4Kwci-u lourUiaud ftildi iMjet? in Ul" Ki or ltli(bU*r, it a*t* ve^y l*appi.y |t WM F. EVAK8 , of Barren. gggn cul organa acknowledge, Marshal NiePtcaipialont c«>ulaui* n>i i( jiirieii'diu p;< • iit .. ' ir>7 Over Mark liownt*. 4 Iheia i ' Caort lu tba other, it ninti twcll U>an iont in resiaet lo the muR proiiiiaent ittue at Ai* & d e rraiUENT BOAKI> INTELKAL IMFBOVEMFJIT, tbt SnpreaM not ?,0(M man, Baniguay J'Hilliera d,850, and olli- «y•y i.rk-ui.ik 'U a*1 \uy FRENCH WINDOW GLASS! IF IS NOT TOO MUCH TO SAY If tbt tooth feelt djubtfni of tiiM of Amerk tn poUtict. The acandal which inch DANIEL Uoi'* w itli'i it reCti'd lu weaP.ef «*ref u nife D. R. HAOOARD, of Cambariand. inporttat nagnitade. aevaraly, tbe remark not MCALISTER'S CARD. art Rat R without its While (akiuK the p'.icbii Hm- Lowe** «li >uld r-irefa!ly* lnip«rUst t» IK-sirra msd pruteediug would provoke wat cot thought of, AM now more thau whenly years old, BuUSers. blNUE Alol.. pianrrtlinn af ka righu, it w ill vote agtintt tLe a and liave been « remHtel by 1 lart-hori*4'*i l.iverant tba point. will rerollect, too, I |».s|«ptU- Pill*. Yon what htvt written I ctiU*'U of LouieviUi* lt»r ni<»ce tUaii lortj -lour Fua CUXCKES8. I lart''b«-nj'-' * K .tract of I'aiehn l<*p"t op in larcer ledt'e- AM .vtw i:K>r»;iviNi; oNt. i>F rilE tbe atpiratioot uf perhtpa, by tbe great CAlumniaU r of Ileorr Clay, it / 'VI lAL’ 'X.'*"/''* DMOcncy now for toar of aikeg and i- known b>' who know uu; that | bake Oldham. aa to tbt state of fteling here towardt the French. Lerti m than any »itbernit*dl"iHe *fthe k;*,d huJ b ...n *i I ROBERT MAEL.ORT, of l 4 -e.iH' ard-w-.il.iiur. |.ni ri’ul. sii ! iialtal man and Ibat I •hdUrbytbe » Douglaa, at it rated agaiatt 1 illoiore ia Ih5£ ander lie only taw Umt “eomttfaing uinR bo done” to .Vsiuts wh will till a,l urdi* - pii.m«.Uy louiiic, have, by thipe u*4’ane, ar |iureJ ’'ooie priKt erty tRiiur ‘We thall dunce to French after all,' (a'ul a anti whu!i“>a'e uf leuul. w e«t |M> walattouf t:»t* t>>ii ' ' ^Ila .f tio* - that would otberwita ind'rec'Jy uva “tbt party.” Aad at it in no wise cocUictt bi'iuej. M> whole hie a ii.au 4 U iiit«‘srity. ni Irutli, tbt apprebentioo bt I:A Mv •**uek • Ifia«w POa*ti*de 1 facility . gentleiiian inacxfenear the Duniiio.” e* VMGNf) A T\ Li:i\ an AFFI9M ITS . mOTII, For l^TAXE t-'KNATA arid 411 hM* 1*een for 11 aov yea*ii and I* >w .* ^ n beh.re • m> Li*r -- I . . .1 . Nm Tt y. n•tll -•». r». U*r UtoJe are *a-ii:la-ii .A.A. - -II a* I *i>I di - : . DcmocrAtio policy or precedeut to bare hybrid , aatiat chaacet of Frataioat. wiA feUow.r>Ur 4 'us; a-id it I were to lie tbt jiidye.l by them, iioiii. t.iilie' t )ra6 &iwJm .Ajeii!c| r iu«u..krle. I .W .WM WII.?. «ct1 lira M«Tii*T lliH'114 cd by faiiw?iiuud a'ul tty nlander, Then hat baaa notbiagia tbe hittory af (be Demo- t'a-kRe, or vote in the tama braath far a M-mlague gg'nieCincianati platform can't be rMfiirinedat im | wuiiid 1 ot it ar cia UwtPrsLlftsSNBairlwIsnitlfs the n-.-ulltii' ibkir lUit J have beeu a«Mailed aud JOHH O ETOIfS j experiment a;dtd and aCapulet, Mr. B>yd did nut hcoitate tn accom- Chailaetoi.; It inu:t have two new plankt at am cow iv'SkCiitei by u > cotuiuon u " Uati; luyalvtUNi ' ctacy, Ran the Btehtatn au mM:' MarkBifffk rC- Mpra^rsiapr..-. ahall -a.-fr-ats«X*e Uru uiur ei for iai»n* Uiau W *!'';r i Fire atii ’Ufirl* ( fiWtll cjatervotiret, to endear it to molAta Ac other wing of Lit parijr by tAlug the tb* Uooptuing of tba African Slave Trade and liR- Insurance by Old-Uoe Whigt aid six >eafs. ( oN<— \l tfur 60 ilfiV'. Mill)— at 4' : CHARX yiea'- deeuc to »aiu a yico>ry, («• Iw or vie MN'I’KITV FIKK INsrilANi'K ' gg*We have received leverR iuterealiog rommo- fOAIPANV, Umi aa P. /'^•tnay .oo Umtze.!. I riityut bavi b » iie the law*-* iur! et:«»U'>, and 4*um- GIJi:\T ftKSTPR\ RLttkl.^G w/ mwrft m ktalavac. WILLIAM H WATTS, which bara diagutted the atanaa, acd utde it tbe people cu ba btinibogged and dtctivtd. Nu. 31 pine i-tr ct, ^ew Y-irk. phel w.lh Um ru, piokided they bad reaelietl ‘i.'W:i»;; «n*i u*t • nicetione on geueral eubjecta which will find a place tuy jmro' r -i" -'•r.. r‘— 4 |>K'l ^;»rn *r tKa-i-* n.ls aa4 Illy 1 - ash 4’aiui'U...... A.'WNi.t'i.u. f rocani b abim. inptrafiri duly all go-jd dtizeai to arratt it* Oar Lynrhharg coaUmpurtry tayi further thR only; bn*, when rhatarter a-Har?(f ama^-rt tl*« > loAve rwto Bmauftk haalM ^ 4 , in our columna “after Ibe bRtR” on Monday next. tk*b unluiiad4‘d rbar»egnad oiy frien s duirt Tbi* '•iinpau V’ d« bu-inc^i :>b *hi* niiilwal kn >w plwn. rehim- « • N*;wmhatr la, fuitbar ready and williag to tel “in l‘raRd«a(iR cootoRt At matter it much murt .rt‘- .! yC.rr tik^ir ts. 1*1 * e*f la Th |j,i,i|H -M. I!xkil« iCa pragnat. Wa an wLul to 1-4 lieve. | wni a*B« <1 ti wr m tpe WRIGHT, cuoH lay the priiieiial puliey-holdm thr*e fi.nrtb' . 1 FLEMIRO lari’ (be • I • I.uto-. ' pn-n: t»*e rr.kit-f efi tA _.| sd'lr ;«edit (NT lb** Bia-r; fL r . ft**a»e last aimm^r Wliile we are exhorting the O, |>oaiiion coUmn to 4.'< Paarmi; umo befote tlad* W‘»rld. J d • tluf* liial ai) (Upsay. arranged. in Mr. foefub* n*a'’ ku<»w tli.- ' wabd«. tb tbe pranat lootett at tba pollt next Ujndty, ttstly Thar, 1850, Buebantn re.r Mfi » e of MaekN»tf. »»it r sC! ivw • ftil aft du«^ I » tf txaar Hair tesfecraiivv. rrt'ni axpmxth a<*ft liulb may bo l-KiiKer n mam n dcuut ••r bin that ’ energetic action, tbe Jonrnal odunina mutt be de- h * Sir that •: (•» >|i ! •**. ,* it «awr to •..« PII4KM\ PIHH IN^I K t\4 K COMPANX, artnia >ru n !f- Lffijial. ae m -mr lafty to y • a by a oonpariaoa af tba Kentncky Admicittratica nf wttiUtmtd ei an advocstt of iqoalter (over*lgnty lh«’y lu*s« ft.' rf III P at re ai . voted, almoet exclusively, to (oliliet. lituv are the laels .,1 ttoV Got. Moeabaad aad tba Federal AdmioUtntka of ia tbt NorA whare the J. ctiioa it i>npa'ar, and bit tj^Vwam*C-ar-4 U "ir heit Mu- Af ; and e abi> BinaTB waboa. Iu the nioiitli i.i Cftpi'- - and :‘^nTl'p bvbbth .Novduber U-t, eaih iu tbu m'^rLiny ftt gs«» ui'totu M'kb. HwlM(t#*r. rt of Mie (it the <*ars of Uuit moutli. Praaidaat Bacbtoac. at tbe prend, tba lettar of acceptonca aat Iriumpbantly appealed to, mv wif**, addi> i,;; hh >IGN FA 1 I'lU \ tW hvk K F H N4 I! r 4 l.>l P \ \ V, H TM4*»:N T*»N | U C. SHERRILL by u-aufune t.f Uti m > t eudeaiiefi 1 piilwU »iie rould umt, .No iU WtoU i;(*e- Ne.k k'Uk. P .it Mustard aat '^ ** ynt r * ' ^av *vba * • ' of beloved Slate ; dctructino aod truAfully withal, in tnppnrt of tbe aiatrtiia. t'dd me that rlu* "had Ihviiiabt glorioet peRtioa one LOUISVILLE DENTAL DEPOT. ^b.; w.-uld 90 to MsdiMU. .* * t *e rU. ar-,. Catitilind '’ttr|lu4.. Ui xt r. i.-.ua . ‘.r.t JtriEBanB cornTT. Iliut Ctuy." t*> which I rejdiTy ;i-R nU>d. S<.uje rluirt tiiii eta LO non tally ibt pure AdmiRMration at Yet when a Smtbem Opposilionitt brengbt tbie ec- - tl. A T Family Hron and I'rescriplion More, after this pastH-d. I walkt lo Uie d 1 *.i'h*> i oun il»eu ir \TLftNTII I IKI l\T,| KANft’i; | || SAVIU H. MERIWETHER ami THOS. sewwoti. UPANV, it wat indignamiy denounced witere 1 lemwtued for .ereral Irmr-. - Ciiarlet Mnnbeed. cutation agweet bim, rt«.ui im II h-t r u 1 <4afitc4 .»• I w« -^ow ftk>>r S J .MIIF.AKT IIAl.l.. -t N'. Wall at. « t. Nr w York J. B. VALERTINB CO, M aaJ caa my haluwr irturu I found nir wife atM*ut, II 'hevt *ht A P CAMP and d i a'lr“iie (tod as U- a 4c-a:d a*m1 as laxartoai a i.iua .*f ha4s aa TBab Tom e.a plock Ire bnahtiieiw trom the run. at ‘a M big lie.' S', Ran, ia regard to Ibe tariff, conNEK or i i'i imi a .w.rFf;R.cox,^^ t'apitil and ^'erk-r.- ... t‘> .Msai.'ou. aud lotind iliat die bn-i tsk ni4 ••• ftfev‘*si. w*k' lau.'b (U-. •‘.'I W' a fit', tfak faiucvt, ami >l« hrfwftv l--- Ur >i a poUatMt fiuaere, UrnMi it lurnbiire, I>EALEUS IN wool. anl I Ac I'acidc lailroad, and (.Iter leading quesli jOt of S. F. DAWES, Proprietor my Mconlinmd V-. Llw ve f.«r direi IMUK FMt;: INSI R \,N< K I O.MP \NY, wu.ktoA a>l bw ir vr aa a t*»r4a«i iB a»*d> iot aU #•- /f lifid We »e,'U U!kiu< «b*'Ut y-ti |.» ' t Beloved and roapccted pcrtcnally, be baa to t.lmio- iy Madi-m to N . f.M Wall -:.ei t, M ' I >Kt •< -filp an lie WEDSESDAT, Jl'Ll 1868. J ilUj( VlAILa J Ntw ’i..rlc. public pnlicy. In ooe M.c;ioa of tbe I'oioa be was live. Hhe had propeiiy tlien- and wot t*H re t|uiie (•fi' h. tbi afiltin of that t'iPiLalanl Snrp'n* Rttnd tot Coataoiwaa tb tba I was. bow. ver. uu the Hurl >U^, when | wa* eX|tos'tltu' 4 ..Ko cIRmtd at /or in another ns nya/etf—and by thR 'otHtuisHton mllerrhanlt^ W ^Mt•iaINiU•TI|AM. W’« Aear- ? rao iaridioM panlblf — li.*r hfaiuv' ev* ry hour, iiil ru.isl iliat «be bar* Lo biuenanef partirta auligoity bat b.ci uttarly r’on ».^Xnk:. bad aot yme o* ftAMAH .V. lllOulMborHAM. but tiiL’hl Th** Uhd*»? •i-’U'.'l Aseiit af il.e at* v» reiia- V. M C4iMMt*S wrKKt i, tae ljiT |»F IMTTSliriJtt l MadL«>n, bad s a iRtardiny h«'U«e i 1 the ritk, V „ RaUstt ib tM|«ct tdmirabla arrangvount it it easy enongb to qUAUTV o.tL at the I ImaMa cA UAb sad RoUr with the iutention 0 W.* i.m* ,».H. «ii, d.«cer. fal Fire Itisn- foiltd is tba isvtatioa cf aiaanlit npon him. acd H lowcu Market i-ri'-i- AI.0 fiEl.clI / Uarim^ ^ I wg ad. uidttd^ ^ I NLU «IKIaR.ftN«* , ItOTT'l.M fOAI, r .i.,r a. Dear '•ir Mv kaar had. . weral d>ted, and b--.|„ a» thi« 1 1 # emt »-» taiea Pm>w. He yaara iabllact. Wo loovo thAt to Aat (be viewi of all can ba accomm. at marh lover ratri ly amSMd. \kt bud |•:*rte I .u leer,-, ib. u ni wt huu- >nK •r •iibar miwtnry or ‘ Aliniii; rt tic. barfk hr«oa.iu. yr^maf arHr r^ar be Will nifi* from tbe chair of S:ate, tfler having t. ? * IIMI •r..r,,|.||r • Il i-Ued aod a m aod F. rwai*|. kseemf^Mad ky aftas^ exK* 1 . aMl no iMiottfoi of Mich ii.t> mi.iii bud • ver | aPl. .t»w4i let ft tftr r«YBH«aru tomeb.'-dy bat to lie obatled in Ac end, yet > « retill I t lite iaa .M*r imparlad to it a Intln and a dignity which it ciald 4U/ ^ *- 11 tfl this l.tt.-lie-.*^ -I th. ta dr. M. 1ft M* I froomtmmA omm vw«r Hftiff Uii'uad ?»i rkclaita lur. aud pubUa' r> laCla'i. ^ of Drnuo- that raaket no difl'trecri with Ac pditiciena after aud d'd a I 1 «uu!d d*», cwiliuc in OP' tl»>ii (b Bot as oratar of iho ordar ALL R»a.vrw4«'« aTto.wt t« > umuiiw ft ww Hoit, L\TK m". m mr A 4 ( ‘••M Ip. not pay bin back, lawk at tba mitanblc condition the aid of iirMctbodi t bro'hn u .*^lie was ioej>o.able VI LOnSVILLE ftir’urti-'e at tett “'J.'n TO MEUrHWTS! \M*u aud. hxvtu' •'..'•'taaed it* >»*w tiriwixfta the IM M««a In^uran* '. 1 HUGHES'S TOiriC ‘ doaiii tell all be kaowt Aay have c*r.*icd rbt eltclioo aoiiccurtdtbe rpoila WILL CUBE aiift sent t me fur > tlier b«>ii.-eb«ild ^ Muuf*/ *t, Ibaaos ar Ciena, caa Bo furu.iure. >u b u* dtc werft.-. na* to l* rkiftw of tbe Federal Government, neder (ba tad manige- OpP*WtC »'ai»k of t |Vl* »t tamad aarar*l aaft amMmgft a preb'uded to - (Ilf ki holOMalr Buyerw Etelkiwit riy! owu when we nitrned. >*h hkd m ne; | >rv-« i., - aad, thoagb oartaialF aot rnfortuiiately f.ir At Dciiiocikcy, Ai* policy iin- toiiwr • atkt lasir.- w c > ts ft wsd to tlmas fft». with coaoMorsble daoary. > nant tad carrnpiian Jtmet nnibantn; Cl^lI^LS bad own*' a I rxe,*, t vhat w'm> b.>ux-tit with iu>' iu*iiiey wretebad af & KK\ KH. 4»e-d hy tfteay li wuit ( '*IM *r any . aptMaaMaft I i tW nat bt iiwreuid iu tba Stt’e tloctime. A eindidatt Mill beiU'V.iiK amt eaine«tlf b *pi‘y (bat it WN*ev- by wbbb Would ou the f dly .*r. | Importations. tiovernonh.p cenr.ot r.dt tidea ef SITER^ »«*L1 - UMter.hi de;. uurtm-v«urtm-c 'u-O ^'oe om^MPlI^IjS^Xas x Mmti* oaoaab ta eoaipiahoBf abat bio party ezpaets bin for Ae buA Ae \hm dueeu*d lb- meri-.u^er wiuuu rhe bad »—M to inform me MANI r.lLTLKKMS UK iiyiag pirtRui; regard bit vioUlel plt.lgte aad fkll r4 rfe.-'fte ampir f dr*-««ai atf T-iT>f Hfflig! r?fa^ »HU «u?r 01 her waiiu Iliat i4h* mi«bi u ud a*id ye* wi ateker fiir> to CaagtBn aad to do b, if be Aoald aror fet aepliog. Mr, Boyd bat ihtreforebit upon At ntxt fr (.tlArmedwiUf fur Ui. rt:i;i: A h • uiturv rlietlixsw to Select oul (»f ib*- hou^w. |..r * bR abatat of piwtr; load la tbt denaoraliratieu and OK CIIII AM> f lb ir st ixpetliant, asd wbtle bit Uader copHivalei part of winch 1 l>a I Muce nur mirraa„*’ Ilf ut Ana. Be it atAfcer a aiaiptotoa nor a goaiaa. Wa baR the fl, >V. Hayhaw, O Trniniia, pid uwy VAN CULIN, White and Fancy Shirts, dltai r t uf the parly ilectad bin, 4af towo p**cket, amba mt e wbkb out my but alsi Mi**h a# I bat wlo n we tovcreigttty Democracy by dccUiicg K. A. ( wt-nA \V«Rk4, are »3Uag to lot Iba galUat Colaaal ad aa tbit tqntUrr far were marritd, iuHudiiu M'Oie »Ut(T timibler« and «*tber tbt aad rain of bit polkictl buaor, wbila 1 ». « . lleirkril. JufibKHuk, ’ wnck eilveiware, aeliie of abicb L’.tu'.ecant CtjiuUiKtf ik S14MIO, lul |m“D in p«>see? 4:. n i>f mv fioial, aad aa all otbar aMialy ar aaialy panoaal that dccUiLt, At can prevent any div A. 8. Wootlrulf, l;.illlK;S H'll.l, I’lNIl I.'AI.’E ('ollars.l»r:iHfrs,Ov(T.ills,ic. Adminiatra- famdy for, lerbaps, one biiudfed yeir*. part t f tti(« fnai avery qaarter of tlit country bR John l!**rr, I. x. (i!'*VRr, A GLASS, ANO - > tjtbacca ia At rauki by Aouliog In^tily for pro|w*rlv »lie bad earned to Uie rab >-r4»-*iu wf au au« tiiu* Tm.,r. (\ 4 Br Uw *e-«aa toafrwaff W gioa^. ladaad, we take p littaii la adnitUag tl. I-I. Hh«v, c. A. I'tiUfT, gnpd^rlo- tioB dtaowaced at “towl aa Vuksan't SUiby.'' eer. » ; oU .r which tfi-T k.-r tk- Mivx Aark iato.) »' . -af toitoira..— — dd «i>ut .laa l—u . R triidput Jt*-d laver IiQpr«vf*n>FutdL at U would biiny. aad earned iJie l*«Uuce ua;-. »* i --i f Cingremiooal intervention. If (bt D-moiracy . la atotar geatlanm, a daaat tpaakac, aad of wiili her to Msdl*un, after receiviny 1, I hjd U» fa.— -to- Oa>- Mto May. aat *b— f— a will lb«* mouey fur that IMPORTERS A.kh WHOIES.UI’ REUERS |\ .Nu. ia BklMri..VY STUELT. / aw** Wbaa ba Icavat tba chair nf .State, Ibtrt be a U. If. Wanwr, uf Muitnd ( iMi; Uy, Ills . wrltM eadd al aiiellob. 1 Mieye tldi property w .» w.» tb a pAoaiaa td Air abBititi. If Robert Miliary, at Kentucky are aR mlRlitd with Aia ariaDgement, *i\ i-r OPPOSITE ( OI.I.MU: PI. *4 K. lead af appnhtaaioa ramovad from tba pablic beart, TtoNir U ikSAily out. It luu curtxl soaM «tMl#boni seven luiiidrei doH«r*. sTte^kTl rt aoa otod mewijfiv ;»»-!• <* • Ar aidar bab aad a ao tcccmiii-.detiug te At two wiagt of tbt party, l« iik^d by oil obo It.** Hut not ioiiieiii wHh HHppInc my house of nesriy ail V'pTW I It**| tommmmmHoH to itftiri Btady aaa^bo^ av«t will fial ilUSIEUV, Vt Altlv Bwd ia tba toflaeai cf tbeir jty tbe peopR the iMruiliiroar J liave aboke sliown. »be w»ut lo BAR&AiNS tohuAjvkdftc-eaael havafteraftft^ m #va W II Oortisr, of rhoilpsioHU, lo>f FS work w, . < aRtarira tptikatj aw da aot atga tba Aiy are certainly a vary usreatuntblt let. l ha 7 uj> purge, t’.ir.auyh — . thi* pu'uwacku- «lrd*.:ar«kai Mhafta-saftll Biaab tons smIJ UH*n aud the aid «»i her aitoin* ) s, aJie ftaaarasabvwd lika jaiaiag ia a gaoeral tkarktgivieg I luvr dunu4c Uh? pMt (isb>) AM bnUUwof ob aitocda rulefn.uiUietai rued aud kind braited « Laii43el. LLOl 1: S, Wo-J*. < go. biy who A-ktd the tbowmta which wat tba monkey HttybrN** Tt>olc. 1 coosidpx It on<* of the bory b n mo* VIELLE MONTAONE COCO/S'S i^aa. Lat U lor syninslmij iri The Oppcikian iadam tba Aduiciatratioo cf dMw fur Iho ciiro of Adur.*' toi*ay iutoco ftiuu. 'i Iig* money waspauu aal which rhinoocroa, wat (old and a very sl.uri lime aautber ni'e 4^1* ’ * Than la, boaerar, a atoto iapaftoat poiat Ae “Vtcbever yoa m wat bad, wbe.eiiy l \\r r T*' 'y X Ibe el. W. 8howsl*er, nf Mt. WsFlilfiyton, r.wiv i:oui>!t, Ar., I I I >C f •• Guv. Morobead aad tba Denocracy iodorsa Ky., write*: was called u|M>n lo rliow rxus why 1 «boiild imi) XXI. M X*s tI to ^ x not 7 (i X(^ *j.|^ j*^ Z la *>f ITK b pat kaMiPs tftssw ft Wll aft plautr, little of tu¥ radtoowri, Mai^ Mm aBBddcb latIM tfaatititaardatg to ampa ia tba my tonny—yon pay a you: money and Mrs. LfUtU t'lnoif. of Hlyh more iub* rouit Thl« was |•a'd~-al«d ibea fullowed Kir.li Fititcy Silks Adm'iaittratiuo of Proti.iact UachaiiAa. Fraaiaan Gro^F I'twl lAr*', NfImou couiiiy, Iksd chi wImi ..fa u.rdlma, ami -.ml; Ufi- -.all ftidAb )* «f aptat, aftd s d had iMfO anu'brr rule, n^iuiriaf Ibst 1 rival caadtdalca. Aod that ia tba pciat at yon takea yunr cboiue.” In lAa maiiaer a Ken- shou'd pay another ftluv Into No. l-iri HAHKKT •.TKKKT. jMftKPII M NTImI.NG. Aaral. two nu J»r Ud'Mtuif ut fur uiouUis fur l bilb. All fslK'd. KubroidrripN, Spls Larpx: af Baatacky, *Te A bara iipoa tbit pi.iiira and oa lor her UM-. A*.*aia. tiw !• ariKd and ktud litarbd fed Irml and rft Ckurvli fitiasi-, V-w T uft. rrtoft« :**r ooo Mtar prr hi 4He: tfta madtaa ftaMi at IcM 1 anld her s bottlr nf y.»ur TmuU*. by thr uar> i.f wliich lu*r tlaaaiinAi>. WbAb af tba ttaa, RUaa dtiiaaa, tucky Damoc.-et can ba accouim.idatad with any I : hauct llor ordered 1 hai it sh*mld be twld Ib'l (-vit ae " child WM iRfimisufutiy y I Siik aud .Moire \uu(|iip Mantirs — twrtaLj )to** crat hkjO ta pr*-vortMft tima the imaM, riifaiii tbein mmj. irui)tl<*uMfiu , tbit,” aad cbooat ya batweea oa Monday A luforudd mif did liial one orudout W fioau could not sHuaUy ue. d al- FFi£IX4A.r>El4F>ITIaA.. \*K I UMie Ifty ift paakamauf •Jt'o - ^ I hwt bt* « it tbt bittor Atod, ail Ibiega ciaaiil nad. la dia- »>rt tf a candidata bt wuita, lonubicg At •{Uaitiaa lurmd rlx cat** wlUi ouc tpultt«'.** f tr Lm dkdtoft ^( r koak- tfts Mrs* the luoUey J 4 4 m bad psid aud w< Ut m *re; I dt eeted u»> law- (lirriiadiue, wiifte lirr fta i.-4 aaxt. i>|ti d'-".IU Murrllr, Itureice, ftmaW 4* d». ajU m. , Prwpcrrd by 8 14 'rs to appeal fioui ill s bin order of the Cbam'eliair, .rtet IU pfupMrtian. aftd r»mAi ft»r ybaiga tbitbtoll aad lacctatfldly tbt bigb datitt af o' Ravery lo the Territoriet. Ht pay# bit iiiooey (*T('LIFKE A llLGlIKS, l»ub>vill^e and lu od la Franc** Ift u.vtallic pm kae* s; m*.**- ftC a haMla, j It iwippownd K> ..sudould by l>ruditi.'ta aud MercUsnu t«>urrsll> was dune I ha*l ibal u«* more ndee wtoil I U* anil .Mualiu Ui>br>: Nti. I and Sk>*>« \Vh*t« i«t i.iU3r**d tnl, u. -t. W(M»L> A 4 tl.. PruftCkfeen. 3U l»uml«ay,M»v Wtoeb it tbo baUar ^aalldad Iran- aad ha uket bit eboiev bRween Migutfin aod Djyd, yrauted, but 1 W 4 » uu-iakeu lu tiii*. *1 aaBUaaUlafWaUrP ^r^Tbe right dA*'ku be uext appl»eaUou JV. ( L s’ VX I ) i : I LS, ?kUuW White ia puppy s**ed oJ. to his biirxiPN, York lift the New Wira IbftiMc hoiiur wa* to 4»btaiu a rule me for ftii (lifvalirr,&. .llliaiiceToiirLds. BMIMfe' at piali ipato totalhgaatlF aad winly ia tbt aiaa- Juit at bit own vRwt miy tucline bim. or tk- oka— Poiut; •- ara ito *anto to tofl akita, aad la no muatry la too world i* it to fively which l.l, a( a . • • ;- wasdran itland 1 paid tbs ai >ney, ihen to lowed in GENERAL PRODUCE a*J 1, 1 Martu,rk t..t. -a-a. SL Lawto, JW.u. AlOtO, V «rr/ totoU ajToaa- a-..- la- S-w Vark *rra. aa4 a ffiw dak* another rule fur ftl**, yrant J, aud I ngaaMto af dba aSRra af tbL gnat oaaairy P Far, il in itt dig If Mr. Moguflia will now dtvUra for a I’tcific paid tie- A.WI* oU cto iMotfou oaa exceoitcdai. in arowa. Touaialaia * In.iiF i.i aa csa.uiaato-a to onr toiak pa.aton aaff Aak toU kr Paaar CoaBa Otofa mousy . 1 Lavs withiu a le —threw ur luur—uu*nlhs paid KaUroad, Mr. Bi} 4 it ftin five |S tw«* utb*xr« wle> liaav waat tins Aftecle, wfttwiasd aaJm sStcutu- ba Ratoaaatbaixl, bo aaad toia ta t.'aagiati tc Ug- nicy aod fanty, mta tb««ldv<.(oaB tbeir own na- and tgaintt —Mag< fur a ft aud ftl .rale*. When tliese broken d se* weve Poniardinil & 4'oaiiiii!(>i«»u .tferriiants Curtain Goods, Table fokers; ^ Mivw AhAooAAooowtm -, tWr * il* . »r fiXamo wlaWh ftive fwak-ut a«Mi aav" f j** frr% i .iru 0 brwl L sun to be aduiiutdeitwl to me 1 wae at a yrewt |(,v? Tariff' ly for Mtata In tba aabaa aM maaag* iU aAUn, aal, oa and B d Fret Trade—MagvdHu for Rieo QiiiliN, 12-t Linen Table i'lotks ly. jel l iil\^*’0 V^mi \ 4k d TAUlvIltli. vietiewt. aad >tudy the greet politiral prtnciplet at to know why they were adniiiiisttred at all, tape* Ully a* a JWww. I -« M«.. fill I X,'' f 1 X ^ X*'' Y3 TIIKEMIII.'bCi !H.ifi;ill!%&:s, Ar. rule tor wuiillcola* aaaaaiaaa, •kciaia ar aay tulfrage aod Boyd agaiuR it if, in abort, will ftlb lunch as one tor and il * aat to poatry, atbar ant Rtue. *0 et to prepare tbeuiaclree At intelligent r»- — they t4s llt.TWKKN M.\l\ ANU WATEIl, kr., Xc., XCi, Xc„ Xe, \\rK AKF. tbe lady obly wautod ftHU at a time 1 coiilt uot under- :r. " NOW rKK*»AKKf) To H RNiSH FOB e. iszciEES’ af **ptaaa raa toad.” If a caadiJata ia aae<|aa l to carry rut tba policy au at to if dude Rl tbe quet- tbfi* Hcrrr.'t 1*69 stand why Um 1 ule sbiuld Hot have b>*ea lor that l.>V II.I.K, V. trrt. Be not tweyed by partitas prejudirr; let no uf oil U*p ui>«l «ia|troVFd vi »nm, at MM H WHOI.K.NALK J once. Sfiviiifi' me the cost •! um- rule. Uul ANU RKTAIL I If I O my couls 1 s h>u M aao diaabaggo af ibtaa axsliad dattaa, it aitorra tiooa ia iaaua hafote Aa American pcopR and take BEAPI.NG, MOWI.NU, eeial atb utluo i;i\cu to the sale i.f every desrrlp- |1 D A I II D I I I AtlAchinent to ArroriAtioD.- Iaa.l 4 THRESUl.Nli M.U'Ul.NCS, eullyhUrUi d me on the si bri*ct. by tellli me ih <1 if a rub* iocn party namet or f Uun*.f PKtiDl iiFa. HtB^yss, were aftaias*. tor 41 SUH>LK, 4\b TBI pit. A.at little tbac ba it i ta iadi'a aa *‘ada to opi>osite tidea on aaUi, than tbe arrangameat will FANS, llol;-'E made me ft ur mure auti ibs 4 b-ti«i*«‘lb>r 111 I UllBBI WUIAT IILV I.*. XV'itod.': prouap’ij fid* at 1 uiu-’Li WluUllA K \K liKil.N J (he .wc t t rAt* -. tu -.f right. ctU- yos Tota agaiBrt yoar wttled idea* De- ordered me Uijuy the raor.evnn it, I ronld '' I'l.hs, u.NATlI.s, (U:VTIie>, at., du. t*ik'* Ibat order J'K dim PMJkPftllkaJ ak i Ik. IwKtJAD, bit toiauaaa't apabrea” araanpoaa a tigb-doaiog ba compute. Every voter cm then ba tsrvcd with l*a the tJouri 4«f The above Oooda wc dcoixe to cloae out ' ) APiw*ab>. and h*\e a ib4b*wi, If il ouchi ikol I A X i PVAC Ti H Y, libertte aarwettly at to which eoartc uf |>olicy wouM t«> have been luade, to r.-veriM? ii. and x«t clear of ituyliix for C.TkIi within tbe time apecified tuNl .SiH SI(»F M.U.N Extirvlj apaataA* *• *** Itiaad daatliariag ia tba tn| acceptahU candidate. Ooe cr the other will co- PKTKK IU C fti: TII 3rK»:*.T. fxapMBSfS hwa GIftk be be*t tor the country, and then tuppurt the raa- A HAN \N, ihe money. tiiiriAL iN.wnKANrft:. prepai.itory to our F.tll Tmpart.itiona, |rS 44mis IMweea ttsnvnd wad Third. >pmiA Mda. U* ujitbt ue aatitlad lo gnat aao- incide wiA bim, DO matter wbR bit tentimanU. mans dAwioSu |j>l'L‘>\ II.l.Fa. XY. If 1 was ordered tu pay ft4'*oiiV,ur ftl**. U b^d t» l*e pledged to trade for done. 'I he amount war o «iaw(l tu ITOm.’S didatet that carte. Make no P api-'al from, and I l\snt\MK ti).>IPl\V. which vae tiu«t will be a aufficieiit reaaou Rdtrtliaa. aai aat aoltkaly l» toe brat c boita, ia a Everything, then, will Catalof/Ufi with pricft se/if by mail miiGww * iiaw dasw >dlaft ha grut Act comet to the was compelled lo pay the meuey wlietber riifbt or 9, Mifiiwer trrxurcavxt iHrS, linaww rwftsak UN ' yoar olertive fraoebite; that were .nliunt at the ttraHs applieotiutk tIFFIi'E- IN NKW('(>.M(.'4 III ll.liINti. for the indiK.'«;nieiit oifeied withrmt lefer- ^ mwrh* f sr wad asre** eft 4wr« ^wew a* wrony. I do n>*t rty pORltU*ly ibal all is . aB M a Bat nee far tba boao.' cf (rj-..cnLiag a Fourth of Jaly DanweraLk' mill. at iL;« wrour, but •c*rner ut ^ Aod Mr. Boyd baacommanetd Main Aud Kulbit suolI*. LaUaiut I f«*» tv I do say 1 beli.-vei i«. and 1 would if 1 could avoid ibe euce to the old woin-oiit story of “at IW **«^ C aato of uwe'a biitbrigbt. Befura yoa go ui the pollt, ou Hultitt sin e*. jtotoWto to “ffa..*, —J. - aeMbaar aeaaa albar facias af aal agian oa tbe it, we do cot tee why it tbould not he carried ont, brok( u deaia, but »l I were 10 aiirmpl it I wc uid at ORXYSON SPRING TRAVEL. 4 h«ricie I 4',«piul coat” so often exhibited to the public. NOTICE. ^SUOI^- ft tub.MM nakt Bp yoar misd bow yon will vole, and let no once be aent to jail. Aneh- ta E-fito, bat ba it tardy aot aatiilad ta and madt lo cml>ract all (be Paid in and SeetneJ 1 umu oAer iwuet of • Aa TIIF&K will bo tk cwll of ItubiLduo Hut, lu.y fiends, ibis is md all. SaOC< my food taJy ba* Uirk^ take • < u >bit>n.euiM bv •;eaMib<'aLp, hy ke- els at iuflaenea be broaght to bear ufxin yoa by the huck- ion Mcrioua instituted her ?uit acaiud me. she lia*. c *utrar>’ to the attbar ia a r anpd h i.ia far tba rtapeaailiia edLra of day, jast at well at this ua of iquatter lover- Ludf** No F. A A. ou Wedbe^imy naf and by the I'piul iu4k1«^ U vf ioUiel tran.'i*'*it«l uii abu *^??* ^ ?'• ftwrMviafit iMr r-d Iftsaw «ftft ot Am cvruiiie, tbe S7tb iDiit.. a* n o*cluok, tb**ii lUU, of the ilooorabb* Ibe 4 liancetlur. rver Mf Xldhttt Old tCiroti*. A pnuo* from others IU. r«t Lbaa ftluu,aud 1 bake p.^ her ab*.ut It. Bt U'iE, Preddeul. i|,-J.to;(v.u.rat faUafatoto.a tola- ll.a«^ r- ^ toto* tuAl AtteodaucR rekiuc»^4>d. *470 over and above the furuiliify hy order <>f cbei.omt. SLT-4. «*.«./. a uae tow. 'e privilege like U pn*^ns4or»; .r ftt I • Uub>l. Wa aapi ia Ibat plan a naa af nlid jadganat, aa- Ezareite a freeman a freeman, nnd It H A. IM MISMI . % *e PrcAideiil. r>oo i'lKt i’s uKirnFi L lvw \s, Ilm tik Mriexler. IL J**nw t. Bovia** tB** ir* ~ Would be an edifying tight to tee the Chief and b> urder ul Um: hlastcr. 'fticre w *s a iiiarriaMv cuiiuak't by wbicii MrAii ter wrs ^ mo^ A I.. rtin-*r uae tof h.*u«aas . , r^* Jo8. t-eeieury. seoftTietur al whkh U»t uaa4*d 14 — . HASIOKIU. tldl 1,,,, then, ifyon a neighbor, bc*ittle* fallow dl* A. Sd-rre^ET- ctititled to re(*eikv the reuUuf Mrs. M .V i*r's Iiou-rs iu ^ tiaaal ^iht, lagga atnaa latacoa akb tba mioaa have wb" to bis Lieutenant stumping the State together, J»27 T RI:AI>* (are wt l always b-iuuwd. ^ and .Mtr* y .ii.a. knrimMPamft«.ma- kwiMa "nh— Madison and Haltimore, aiul they amoiinte ] each year J(i«tt ller-rit e«l, :ii l‘J l-‘J fi'eiiltc. If pa«’T*ur« » dkall hava hewaktp-ted, and d; ssr« t*r lca*« iat arnti af tbt caeairy, acd a dtgraa of aptitada yowr example, eet dowa and tell bim why you voted after tbe |•avroeutuf taxes to •»(! in lawadtra rw^wvm aB prcai'hing cao<-lly oppoaite doctrine* from the *amo For Rent, ftiuu. a-lui'iou to tb*' SGIisi* ij Armctrcng, .1 bn .\ iwiulAf. l d«lay. ewaveywer.* rents Um Lbeftut al feJbZ«hrUitw«a WMft Ut Btllwms ailaftftwar> mm mhoommo «t — Mc.tlbter was entiileo to the iiib-ieat on ftl.hiv l»skid K. \*»uur, .Iwnie* i:»i ‘n'lord. far tba c.atpreb t at i o a aad daaptirh at tbt pabik at yoa did: poiwt eot to him the rrimrnf not voting; omfoilob'e ood (VD*r»t]y l.'cstH Dwrlltog Will ha IM WNibas tu X with UuNa u* iho dftr.ti«r« U cMaft, mX. w>^ i* ma. fe*«i Uba sftsa. metrum. What cuRd be more refreshing than to A which bore 14) I or rent liitereH fur one) ear, and the bt*- Win. K. Saul ly, t*. «r. W. Ib. rfta tm-ia' al * lloiiA*, Off^rly iMffw, ^uUiifiiod i^Ubt iuowm, di(.iM r. ur they «tW ai 'a.hmaft'a, a k- ta* to- •••] aifica of Ills tame C per cent. Instead uf | baaiaaa. Wa aaat a ana of antara aad aBlt.da> •bow bim that bit tilenoc, at tbi* joacture, when the cotle* ting tbe mo. J.diu S Rr«iih>a, .tehn IL AlKu have the Lieutenant demoli.-h an argument of the ||‘|t«sro. larytf 4u\ Tbe itivaeitt occti|«(il , noy aad ns nar it fur tlio Mip|>ort of ibo fsiiidy as was pru- John T. Muort*, Kul.wa Mumil it[ii!i\KF, baadaaaak i i O\ af r iraaat parpaat aad of arb Mi^souli like W board with ibv t>ari/ reaUu^ tbe V(dk'dtorb) ibl* contract iiKATii. A' CO., , n oowtUtational rigbit of toe South are menarrd, MeAii'teri*crmiibdl»ertocr>l- Jr! ' ' • g y Chief, and Chief, in ratum, do tbe *aiut •erviv'e diiuis ' LiiaftrU*ft*wa ID UBir . .jiur wl iftfai placw Umoo *wrfaf ataat Ae rvAk-h . UgHsc, aad would letit furoKure It dfrUei. A good •varntu/. lert the aiiMiunis tbrouib her own agents and aj'propriate Iftiai ami aad laeL Wa aaat a aun rapahla of tokiag aa and tak« the K\|*.r j Train at ! are thraaA frum ftk . avr««ftt ift« upon Ac same —that Aey both belong to the leu |Mr.4tister b^r wardrobe was wuiUi about or \l’Kni>lNtJ. _ «mmasft aad ^ , ftsou, Vl.alTINti, AMI RBCflTION rARDS al LuaievUlr^iiS CviMIici. Fxk.haufts UoM.aad tba aal ii titl .Gl*-ab rood fvamrftaM aad adain. la Aert, at aaat a atatoaoiie, For Sale, bourbt with money to which McAik'ter was rbUUed uu'ler V V a nttca at short notk e f teberae of “unfriendly legirlatiun"—fur nut tu act happy family of Ae harmuoiont Demoerucy that l.ori'wVlLL at f-aftla Ifuu^aftd lllh*« li ftel, KHnbrtht >wa. OmoSoma'^Aom — theooutract. tsluce Uie suit brought by bar agaia»t bim, ^ ar aae abo girci a aarc pruaiita af bacoaii^ a TWO oew Itrick Cu tai«ea on the north aide uf CAKUS ANli KNVKLOPd of all styled fur axle at PRIVATE MEDICAL DISPENSARY lisianr- from LA»aisvittala kjiaaftriftiuwa. 41 adirs; fiam s4. aiaua Vhommh and work and rote fur tbe right it a* unfriendly t.i they worship at the tame Deiuuoratie tha cbanewflur allowed her to collect tbe nneoU^ed rents ^ abrinc, and Clici*tuut. Uftweea Secjnd aad Tnird l•UL•cU. WGfayunftprtfifigsd* m is ; lalai MsBaar arvftftft m m •••i to AH.N4JLU A M1LLKI;'8. PaixshaCftluwM only *a« daaa I amountiny wbkb was, in adiUUuu to the allow- XMioJuimAot yor tke relt f 44/ tke miotnxitloJ rto4 napra- r fana, ahda ftaa tbe >*. Prire each. . , right ae direct aotaguoi*ni would \Vc ran emuke tbe same Dvmucratic I>i|>e, it must be regard ancas above spoken uf, mmle to her by tbe cftareellor. Its; Fourth st, be.woej Marketand JeSi'rsuB. dent Oktary ‘.rkn, of futte pUtienre. tiodiOi/ tkoi ko ^ a»4 ••«•#! i Alao, a Boc twG*.«t4>ry Brick I>vcUtof ]|otiR« £m.4 fram Kliiahatktawa to Um 3prk ftna guad, ims th , / Oaaa Cui. lUU ar Babart Mallory fill tbo maaaaie ^ HburJ/ alter the marnsge, ftafik klcAludar ftaiil a iudguo-ut imbaued fAssfirtiaftj a oerioro lootk^tnoe dtaiwisr, r~1 iwt e ct a maa wboee perverted idcat may lead bini ai as a most fortunate rirrumstauce that • lUi mne ruOBks. Prtoe ed.uuu. Jy13 dUtf ll.laFK. vftndy raad. fra** from fiiawpa. i^axiftla aft* p they ara which bad bceo ob*ai acd against her li**r ia,./rt*«M *4 iti f«M»eft -, tba aieae mi on uwu no:e a mkou dsdswrsd/rvwx tor rwaTvyluf Iftvvr haw- eoaiptetelt? Wa ooaoaire that aa tbit Apidy to liLKKlNG & WF.LUURN. nearly >a vxtracftarft* ftaaeaftavsar ,• •utroawif-m.iaftrB.uir owwif-m mft at to vote wrong in oar opinion, but we bare no j>a- <*r twenty yea’s' »Utid:nx fur ftl7u* This judeuient ft/'l'kWm; /u «• />/4,.'-vei4iM trkome Bfiftf'Wtfs Old rTibs •o wiJRy a|>art on tbi* leading question, at the laiiio OM PoHuAce lluil4ii>y, REV. GEOROC BECKETT'S Saww- from Um> IfWftotal k.l*aahrU«ftO(vft m ifte IwfteM. or from amtw.Mah*. Wt •raa IMutfta ft>acftft bt 4 iutul hif W* •m* fnal tbara eta ba bat oaa apiaue. Wbateror laid uwu njuut-y. I lit |p>t It atadk^iiut. lie rieoee eoA ttU»ue ko/rirml fti»a m dis'cesa. d 4e* Third utreet, praf JpAtr in. inwllwtal. M. .\Krill;il. 1 tienet iiaboeilily Jyt7 to baUlsU* *r*>i.*to> »ad Caffwa with that of uiioJ uud (bat liiit- time (bat tbe fidelity of neither, tu “the party,” i* paid Mr. .Muxicy, Uu* judsatrut crellur, ftl.ei only lor IVSTITI Ti: HFING liF.-tlKol S <>F i:KN- pJiaabk*lbiowu, ky , Juaa I, IwMi. nc»lt.*ai vmlsabla qBAiitioj tba frnailt af CaL Holt Biay this debt. FOR ¥0l.\G LAOIKS, (Q.'JTilX .•u—tiwraraa.tlwraraft. Imta i tt lo Ibe call of duty wbieb iudnee tuoir wbu under Ae elightcat tospieinn. Taking into he rented out jaatly claia ia bit bebalf, account .Vifa^u, bad one »f her boitjcs in Ma*ltson JKFFF.ItSfiN COPNTY, KKNTl 4.KY. nttftmaaabip R aat ^ • d*Asa, for ftl7&p«r yiiar to Uapt. Tundu, a clever c«'UtleuiRU who LEA a HlIUKIWV IM tahsM sAar crawl tbe earth ia wuui'* image tu aay tbey don't Ae eaAolirity uf it# creed, and the entire freedom -an»m*akadlcare e Ibt came onto take t>*4«e4t>u ayreewbly in bis ct.iitrsct, |9yw- We take plHaaT* Ift fft* aamber. If bt bat tae riagU qualificaliaa fia 1 and VEI. KBKATKD this was ftftftviMa ***«-umeftdftm iko modk tore for |iulilic*, they are tired uf jiulilia, tbry be- of opdnion allowable in tbe Demueratie chorrb, who kietwu to hU wife. 4 iu the very moruiux lurpin ^ i. t;«av paAB IMf, over aad aliora abat evtiy atbtr boattt •ai to lifiVetakcii •Mion, without Mc.\!l*>r kaowniy I as a k*rek-ralv« ot M.r>e a buuu* f«vli 04( Thede^'Uuf the Institute ist.i iniw Ooo dose of two toho lieve one party a* bod and eurmpt a* auutiier, w , Yevftft aad Would not be a DemocratT M'boi, anyibiu^' ab<>ut it, she n'uted like swute pi 01- rty t * WORCEmRSHIBE SlUCI* A \m—% 1 MM indeed? i du H'ack aotl WblU* UiU;$ha’tt; auutber .•' Bua ia Ue cennarity ptanaeer, ae are aat awart pwrt a lbur'jtt«;h and tuiup'e.e «*fuculiiiu In alt depwit- > f witiM^ioB many t>w ami ^*iiof.aft wMI aiasTv re. Fewnro tenant fur 1 aud gut the money and Fewer, ai^ ^ jwtl naiuiv«]*l aiMl fur «aW by * ^ Mre, Ibut while ^ and ‘ave '*tek lleftMftcke. ^ la Miliwa type It of k, aad a( ulJ tbuiA ana abcroccopk adaiinr )tt KS A CO.y 4IN Main uL bound a* any huaormb*e man would have done to pay Tur- JAM LOW tbe ,'4ch«>ol Is se'ect. and witii TiiiriCK'tiC riiinulu<« tu ever- ^^nJJLjnCVV^ al lecomiiiB acaiaainled wirh aukuy of * ItoMrr fa", a ella certma^, tet of mlert at another. .Such drunet never idiuw foR pin's board until he utbi-rwim* prurund aii'-thfr bouse of bit ta {oiat it rat. It duaa doI txirt. lay C'E'W* every conCdince that Kentocky la at U*in, the pupils are i^uardcd aftaiOat uowbule.'*uuM* eumii « .i,j va'i^le teaiedw^. w h mt wftftteasawtfhM Wa lie paid fur Utis ftdft, and lust the ft9u which b*- wasio CoDnoisaenrs have lU'iuU. I am pre| aft'd tu iutrodnc«i ia««> my prmet ce f**'* t‘»a beae- Wl NftUMalNtolii ol CcolkmkiCcfttkmhft «m*y r^s to* .meumfwfS tbe leaM eyatptom of intcrait ia what it gulrar:ed 4 •*-!(-« auiMto •mmaUmamm ' For and fnriber i«rti . e.Mrete To his Brother jt7 JAMX8 ld)W A CO.t 4Ih Main M. stslrmi'Bts arMitoww, ta m. faiwr. b Dialag ralhiag af Ihr batiataa af goreraanal owtrago, or cliakea by *uwic mcature of daugeruiu govemmant, far, with tba Nithville I’Rriut, we are Tb«sc are »ubmitUd ti> who now ate l;KV. G. l;Ki Kf-TT. -biuibl make tmuM-diaie ai*p!»ralt*ai«, ae, hy my taipru«« | and have bevn for lunr. u» rut abait rvc**nt ca-ew Ni, w.lerlaibr lawiMfi raaaw many luny yintrs tuy frietil*. jyl dSmls St. Mxtthew'.H. JelTer«.D Co., 1^. trk'atamat, I am enalded ia a lew vMh lha !•,(— practieally l liolt; polim-,aad they aitnred thR it hat not ditguttad tba t ^POOL C'OTTON}* aa or auhiag if iba tcitaaaaf tbea an tbe faodeet in denouncing uRy buna Ttey ate ail true; and it is witn you io say whsther you date. 9XLV €00D SAI CS a«A awralUw fiath laarafirr O ft,ulCuUul^ all coll*; YurNG MFN.wba, by la babits, LaaAPsftBiaa »rnto your friendship. miintwlutrrowmir -ThU Justiecwi\od and fur i«le >y TTentilal lumbkk vaili)7 have motrarted tliat and bi**|y devcray- that bigb. DB. CANF.ig;!, martotar, changa 1 have said tliat, beHevinir apftleablatft ['xrr^'W' ihstrMancais aad aaiy pnl paoeiacr af ibe art abteb baa liayaad tba power to du wrong by (heir indifference tu tbe tba order of Airgt. They will Arow tbair and hopJur for s>m«' Uim* af- dbieaw*, •rukiual weafiknans, wbich leads In tba iiiosi And fS7 JAMf:8 LOW A CO.,41tf Mainft Ind tyosgsamod hilajMi, N«. Mt l;r..ii.ar. New korfe. ter she ba 1 cjmmeiiciHl the Miit that the difUculty cou d wbule icffaenca into tbe tcale. will a BROWNING & CO. alarmineand fatal cum* A.|aeMrkts,slK>NM apply ftDB>eB ticket if you an conrinecd it it (bo ne-lly Na. I* raatIM Mr. Ipr. cmci M>veiat Icitos to Le written, H iMXtUM and a*.\SII; SOFT WHITE which never faMs uf ufhe.tuo a lairk and radKal eara. tbaio aod far tbein. Tbit ioformatioD, aud aiDuag oUie a U*e lullcwun; one. PINI'^ dreiw.w! and iindrewM-t, wide: 4 I'op- Ibi cjaatiy, ailhoai tUidily of niad, witbaat lipe palriotieoaarte: if you are nut, then vote fur Loci- R ocr and a copy of which i \K|.L >\V Mll>HKfe;-A4iKI>aud Ol H Mfei.S, wfti, by evee^ive ia. t'al dellketed tu her. seb>c'. I«.Vk. halt itK'h, inch, inch: I vo pub,isb tbi* uue because and two ?*4'.V.NTI JNG, theii' av-ii»as. have debfility caavictiaaa, ANTON FLA.NNCLS.— dalifk-ncr in 1 pcadoced a in ad- aitboat pdilkal kaoaiadga, akboat oeoiem, tguatter-tovenigwty, wa rely upon it. NuAing has cccumd to confirm It mote iitlly expreiwes my k-tews aod teeluigs fOMT^t, and WTlATlIKKBtiAIUHNG. dre**to*«| aud an- fn e«uili»m, or what C 10 caAW 7 6 Ulearbed Cauton ftlaont^lii; lb«-u tlmn vance of tbeir vear^, can tuti-uli Ur. Gates with thie fulh-K perhaps either k»r any of the utbcxic drcaw l- W' A LN I T. GKII A U, F.\ N N F. L STUFF, the tUgbtad capaeky tor tba Rvaal gatioa tba tniA of nur cdvicaa more than Aa axtraordi- ft do 4-4 do do do; aamrwacw *»i btwiiff araia iwwlured h> that sft»*a af bealih ir dlt- yoa plaaec. Show yuartoive* think isg, though KI.fMiR Nii, FK.NCING; PINK aud F4*PK.\K MII.N- Beware ef C#Mter(eUs! Thos. Keeffe, < Jwti 14'cwlfed and lor aalo by whicb they would have «ujo> d bad ibay never aammlt- ^ cardua «f qatatiaar cff'utta lA>uiaviLLP, Kt., Jaa. 7, 1^^. G LK:^. af aatioiial ptiky, aiibaat niry our uppoocau ata mukiog. Tbeir tiJ JAMES LOW A CO., 4U Main tud any aaoea*. IN 801P, wRgaided moa, aad don’t *it like tuqdd Hutten- U Corner uf Green and Twdflhsls. Mv Hraa Wiry^or. if you repndiat** tl at mode of ad jyl de.KlIm* privuus ec utekuplaifBir marriaira aad bavinf aaydoabt la gravy, with Pkh. M safes. GaaM. Haiad dro*siag. fJommioeioM ofterekmmi, tvea tba dagiot if aptalada tor afidr* tbai waald tpeakart and thRr organ* art appatliiig tu the Da- toU, littlett acd pa.viunlc*t, while tbe world it |)ERfllAN (!LOTIJ8.~5 caoiM Pcnuin Clulha, aacMted dr**s*, lespectii], belove f, aod buu**red 1 ad>7 LKuiead- as lo ibeir ph>aical abibty to eater tato that solemn eoft. At a I.PA A Fuuoukd WuaftnrRaaMiaa HAftcft tamftrM vise ( 1 betoie you priK'ced futftier pV(n tney. lest, aaaUrMai lo vota uot-balf Iba tint aa hii oaa moertry nut tu forget tteir ancient allegitnca, but Jl roioiF, fiut recuired and lur hlIu by > 0 , io penwc uhni; tue iract. ahoukt apply at onea to iJr. 4«atoa who will rauMiaw and davi*r; givsB tone lo tha tomaa.k, aa* HEW ORLEAHa LA. »(-4« dbftviioa, moving on. jy JA.M^a Low A CO.v 414 Main gt. viib a btwsuii, to tbmk as a reasuoable btimau being all obstar'Be Ut pr*'kt u^ a k>a« Aud bai>f»> lilu. aad pivaeites Imatth. Jaffftoat. br it at what pte^eniaeatly aafittad Ibr tbt tu bold up Aair htndt to laiUin their causa aad to should uuuk— c msaquences will follow from tbe ter- *l'Uere ore |•exsuas abu itadulru lu the Lud yftt IrralioBal ON THK niNMG TABLE. A ovAMca M.vfaK UN (.uNAiaNMiarn >tu per steaioer LIFE t AIIuS.—411 koa Wbeuluift Nails rucasive 1 mtnatkon ol the easer tibiMiid y< 4i socceed, what tbeur SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, bcMef that nature (wpab 0 ot ith^t Famdaev ars dbruatiniuoc the ase of a rminr. aad aaeoteafal ditrfatrge of tbt l tot of M repumiaft a anfiiisars abto-br dutin of a lliprattalt (VSix ean ago, Democracy tba Aih- rally to tteir anpp.irt. Tba cry i*: “KRly, Damo- Pt'oaietw fur aale low by Will be happier? Sutely D**t, BVftfitaiutkag a cruet N aud _ >on aud Is all be more nils, ber lo X power*. T*« oteh I ran aoly fiuiy that tbo tamo uf | ta 4k PBftataa* WoncBftVKBaainB fafi)8Mi* a BKar ar«::iAVAV to oo Ji7 OAKUaNEB dr f^.. 419 Main ft. eratkie than I am now 1 make ibia staleuieut tiaa ta Cuagraat at aay araa af bit aatira abilkin lawd UUtiict aRettd John C. Rreokiarklga by (bt crata, to tba rrtriia.” The ery, we verily heUave, bevatew 1 Hldsiliiutjfcs, I)agurrrf«>t}|!(Sy wukh M waiftad ia Ibis de>ay Is preetots aad irretrievabla, Its irutb^tsasd ii'ality. I I are know heieiofme told you aad ran oaly ft-nd to peryrtaste the halats J bcpolesa iia- ;i;ild br all raatwriakfa arocan aD4 fraiwim. •Bd fiat pjmaaJ ebaraoar coold aall be. It moat twanuoui and oulrtgtont violaliont of tba It Rl ia vain. ipril ia by leitor ttat f wasaoxkiis Uiat >ou should it ao Tba broken—tba leadart of leturu lo your MAIN ST., UirrWEKN lOL'KTIl A FIKTII. beeilitv aud rre.der 'uaftofermey permaa *at, Sto- THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY * Wbulraalr A«*ato far tk* KuUwi Stolaa. and fur Ntle low by home. 4 Uir Inteivsis are the aam** or should on, be and no T4> THF LALIFH.t»r 4 .w a«vat fur M.LaCro«w*i { UOr, 54.1 Mam atoia t UmmriMa dRpanganaet af kia nal ialellectaal torn aad alacUva faaacbiae. Two yean ago thoy elected tba Damocratic party have proved falaa to tbair pro- CO.. 419 Main «t. . GARDNEK A one who has advb*' 1 yun to the c‘>uim you are pursuiok b Fr*snch PrevsnUfe puaders, by nhkb U*wo wbo. frt*m JOHN IX’NCAN * 80N8, freod. molive very oeqdrentata to try ibat Ibay art aot ia aay laaptct laataa B. Clay by the tama meant. And aow, faaRjnt and have loot tba caolidenca of tba booett your A difte eut from any watch UARI?IS’S CALLEILV. any cance, devm il necec.-ary laavutd ea*»cavtion, caa do kl6 Krtodwar, Nrw Yark. New Booktt. frtendship would p«omptlsatthe iH»iioia of such advice. so wtUioui InriirriBB daitsarto health orsoaaUcaia.n;pfMa stock fiOHWWiWBWWiWi A towar- ta fttoc. AI->. a/iWn mrivvd far Air-« pebeiaal . Maa af tba bngblaat they an repeating (be mme atneioof ontngat in maiatt. here, aga'S, iavll** to (our> honse. iatallacU aia aot Tbey will rafuLe to ge with them longer, I my Youareas)ot icL Alro.acvot Madame ('aprauaTi Feamb* MoaUily •tuHuca:* (rua. Lari too. aagli rv;Jitor KlKIVBANH Ki»KWftBl»D.ULY ftY BAILBM^ niy wile, an 1, twiag so. ikuoa it Uiat I will take itieai Pdls. a saIo aad eMectiial toioudf f>.r Im-yataiiibw, t>b- R Fmaencer fvaifts m rftaroa ot •ftee*ai mootromom. aatoaqaaaUy mm cbildrae ia nattan af govora- hebalf of Ctpuin S.mmA Tbe tcAadaknia vil- whan Aey aea thR Ae dearcat intaresta of tb* State ivl I*rke fti. ^ ph'asiire in makiaa ytaiir siliuuhiD as CamtoitaMc a* tbe strucuous, 4be.; priio *1. CaUTioat Them Pilfa she .%NI»rK«>M \M F.ftm oFTMk I’Mim® Hartley Noriuan—a Talc of tbe Tlfwet*. f 1 ift. aid JOSEPH GRIFFITH. toaai. Ulay ii iatufi''rAbU. OppoRtion puaxadso of biiu.ao oniforts can **tt*‘et. but tie taken diirir..: pte.-naary, as they ara FvaicftI of att Bimls, Parhaftiw, Muaay, and VaftftbM* Wbalooor any ba Iba laain af CaL Il.'a tain af tba ARu. acd natioa oraR atake. Tbe ittuea are made up— Tnree Eras In Woman'i Life.* No»H. ftii. PAlNX'INCr. sarwtp pfw. I acknowiedja* that we have had atokc family bickerlafs. • tiN l.Mf, 11 . liow K has ramoved to Bxiscarriaiw*. Counterparts, or tbe Cruss of Lure. $1. dace The pills aud l\>»derB seat hy mala to lupsrterxrFIrc B.\rWIOxvr from Fuortb, where h" is ParwNM at a distance amy be cured at boam by addrm»- WHOLE8ALE AND KLTAIL, Than ito*l aay af tba tto0' of a aatantaa ia bin. bnt for Aa indapendaBt mamaa tu tiadicRe tbeir General Gartbaldi^ao M- toftv JsAfStoftvtaa Bailvoad) tor tated feU^Unys have snbffided and cuujiMpU. afTsetionate f^iW* pre(tared to att«*ti>l to all hin«i'* lay a letter, sUtiiin casi‘, symptumr of U U A. ImfHmmB R^"Xow, by Si. PauI, tbe work goet bruvely TIm* fiuuiao Quescioo, by E About. *iOr. leu^th Ubm iha Fiftfi rtnet, aaar Moia, Luak;,ilto. iuirs *-«'0 riwtokel, has uf Hollar. tgD. Kr- aad Taree Hauls; Tbo nara aad aaighty ti freedom and to vota aooerdiog to tbair Judgmentt. l*ayn<'. bare b which always hUlurto iR-en In 5 and Fancy pHiutuic, iiiaaioc. ttnuaiuc, dw— If haieoatmned,aad havo mediciao fcrward«vl lira mli at of patdie lA ara loot a*jd Ifarcoi, by Caroline Afell A M. aad M. for VteaaftMs, Banws«n»4M» Nathville give* rhecring a si»4 irt tiukc. Ketura lu me. ften, and let us both Marbliuy, Ae . in Ihr very be«4 UMiou<*r, at aliurt notice daiua^o or •*urvi»ii.y. lo »P on." Tbe Banner intolli- poifo ar Tales from tbt* .Norse, ftl. resxdkc f^«ul any part ol the oawMry, wMb aat bit fiaM. that will be to and al prieet to -uit and toousc Tiny bare ao cAam far bin. If hr Wa bel’eva they will, aod in m dmng they Fourth stnaM. that in fiitUFM we will one anotlirr what we pruiutsed (beti*uej. full dit"*-MutM lur u-e. genee of tbo prugrett of tbe Oppoeilion in JiM' recoive'i at M 4 aftd If Lr PraahXrt aad UiM^ift, eauw before Ahiiiirtity 0'»d and hi* sacred altar we w*»mM be! Mixa'd l*aiaiuf al Ic.rU/rw, GU.'W, Putty, Ac., kept con- l/ettawv adiiuc advice m.iet contain At X M. r •are ia Caageeat, incS'aceatJy jiT F. A. < KtMK ftl.ar no notice will k k Beeraily cartaia tWt ha place lha aaal of Aair cuLdsmnation i if aball, At n ft*oft by New AAftaay aftd !9aleai Ka**md. can I say morerand you yes, then dictate your- be tekra of thciu. tor hft dmx* is t«to apifb ostupu J lo rtwatatiii, awd we reoRve from every part of Kcn- For vaftea. self what 1 to say, aud huw I aiu tmiai^ anaMa’t aariaaeiy aadirlake la grtppla aith than. upon tba Aam Democracy. 'IMJK FAMILY IKEAStKY OF hABflATIl UKAD- am to act, and I wi!l mv aosai rlalt»v««»i mare sariotty. .\;«a, ordors ldrl*iUsor ' rnotmAm a A. J«INU, AftHft tardey “linct of fair eomfart and enroangement." 1 ING—a aew MvnUuy Ma.;aaine. ediUwl hy he». An- it and ilo U. p>.sd*rfi ii'U*t cuMiain ai «B-u«:*‘ 'uip. I' br C-d, it ia norally oertata youaie dete. that ba aoald fail diew Caiuerou audivued by Nelson dt hub*, Lo^OD. If, howevM. mlnuHtai rtmder tbe U>i*ds <'(.n«uNail«ia may U* h*-l*l (rum 1 a. at. oap, m.foa E.IS ItVTf- T. fa C MITTEN DKN . E A CEtTTEMUW Uor friewda evarynbore fighting with that bo|.e which 4 iod lias LEAVE TO MKRcHWT*. an .Sit-jiKtxu 1 V 1 UK PoxuSam.EJttsT. —Yattorday l*ait 1—1 able of Conteniie 1 piactical and Cev«.tlonal Joim-d U«ethe , aod w.ll per.-i-t tn tliat de- HoudayliuiuS (o S p n.) at hb< urpi-e u*»rll»e.*^t curia-r INFORM U -uUlha,aBj -Ifiaia tfito >• M.a;l aa* m N.' tt-rmiualkou, 1 Niusf Lear It; but, in umih^ a- ba- mh- /'*E> I Fai«ia k. Hours with Uviuf Hteai*brri>. 9 . Tim Iliblk*at tbudiiser**eabl« %J Third am} .Markat stft-au, piivab! eatraoce I'P-T-IT NI VC- and animation which are tbe guaranty and aagniy aattlement, tome ten on Tblrd an ai *- A X A 'IL..NI 00 A a fiA fry came iff in tbe Pond work, 1 wl 1 uuly M‘-k to rep. I, by toaUy r-c-iriar. ditoct fr.iai tow awiiitokctarar, la AAnt Mallary, 4. Ilouie for the liuuurable mean-, lUkrid- flre« i. L'Uftv.Ib . aa Iba otbr r hacd, aa ataandly Treasury. L**^ >np Luid’s Pay. ft. Tbe cmiiin k. witboui Mcciis' iuu* Soanuer, doiuk any thlna pioiuou; ^'”,s»-.*rwc> of victory. We exhort tbem to euntinae. W e du milea from tba city, which tpaRbat wen mada (jhlidien's Tnasury. d. liioiriaiiby. 7. Tbe Trtai*ur7 the iiu- invK4ahl* | 1> u*t f.>rr«d nafttf and naa- atad aat latom tbit R buly rtrife. auafaii<|tiaRili », toaw!”\.toHaea, and toitweprteea; k-vkevolvera 'TTtoMllto:!!aad tHsfeiils af ail FroriiioHtrCommiooiom nainnkj', ia a naa of cal> INilidt. I*. The TreaMiry of .Narianvet and Incideub*. 9. Irr. All dio.Jd be aoMrev***! t*> -llm will. Huston, Geiger, and U att, k ou have taken away a (Mirt of the furuUure—whivb kiudi; Rub* tmrveis, Gna Lucks Dwuhle Tngftms, aad.'v* • tieatiaa aad aftfcaiigbt, af wot doubt Aat (hey We have never teen tbe by Maaara. Mallory, 3 Puwtry. lu. Fur huaday t^bool TeacuafF. 11. l*apers for yun Ha GAT&g. M IJ, naad aad rober jadg- have claiim'd Uii.-uyb buuvbl with ri* «ry aniele saitahia for ftnaaees; .Spurui«g Ay para las fttoh Um* C'kurctMw. hubFcnjAiwu iirice 419 per annum. 8iib- my muuey— leak iU(f a di-*w«owtf L .uu.mv Kr I ftCHQEi.os.A.famL twtwt prepitiowt fora rout of tbe Uemocraey. Mr. MRIury lad oft' a apoacb of greR force and iH>fise(*«ruu. COST! ftf Game aho« t It AT ba«s ladu. itssaiag aa naar, tf iirinili mun A balance of io my I bupe what u.i Beds k Bwdk aaqaaiatasot aitb tba abaU fiaid rcrttktionsreceive'i al tee De^Kpilory, 1U3 Fourth at, > hav.' wiU I WAia. stUo’r. itl I makeyua cookforlabk'. biuit I sbuuld be Fl KSei snol LI) LIKE TO ( U»SE Ol Huniiac Katvre; afto, a larr<* iiuek uf ftiMceef myewa trited power. cloaa and strict attaotiou paid him J*7 JAb WM. H. BCLKLEY. mistaken lu t'ji- T af dnatioaa af We bdwre that the leaden here are with tp TLe let O my p.—.lit rrry i-tk-i„lre ,tcck KT. fiaad it. like tu ul LOOlSVILIoB. pjikfctl caae'HSinae. me know 1 would hoar frem youwueuoo Bu/,-1— . I ut -ubject. But my advice to you, as a husfukod as Ukarc ars mure cumuif. aad af a daddad lalaat far tba actaal prehenrion at lo toe molt. Knead*, we greet y..u during ita U Aa and a badaan of true frb ud, is tliat you return to me. \vc ar« fallowed by b dh ou tin' appraciatioa of fait aiidienc*. lit wat uf - let us cewcend ULlDAkk .1. gaammoM. A aaaaiblc, clatrAgbtad, aail- wkh cRnrring matte g** from your colabamv. K'nun down-bill bfe tuffctbsr as iu«b aud wife fSHKS. tlionld du, and repose in peace al lubase. B. Vnadad, aatlnfaaaad, dactioa Gao. iluttoo iaona of hit stost bappy tlforta. Fir UKO. 9LOAT * CO.*« puctictl naa, ba baa tba tbi* day, taka frotb hope, aad at tke a{- 1 am \ our Aff. ctiuuate Husban *, bRf an huor ba bald bia amiiiurt spell hound by bit 1>. Mi AblsILK •Bdf a naat eatfal aad eSdaal daumaa ia bin, pruacbee, let yoar ardor quo-ken and y>.ur annt eo- nuEiitanTJM fthe rct-Wfiacd a copy of this Mier on the 7ih M^BNEnc wit and tbe beoutifR and gra|>hic manner ia which dav of ,lau plaster •fir^m oaly tbe appottoaity to daraiap it. eegiac (ar aaomplate vielory. A /wrfioe *• be pktumd uiodara Democracy, tbe the fulluwinK, whitb 1 •baBf aaaaatnary to daail it warn. tbit atourc yuu. Bnt let -.c oa tbit brtacb af minmdf Of we can ii tbk day by matl-boai aod ladrt.'ai a*id tor sab* by saj'poee, was Inu-nded as aa answer; ^IFfekPlNGLFFkPlM* with 4< uusani^oB,uusaniidlua. Iftondul*-,lftOD< hkiaa. L*i.w of STROVKR.STltOVKR. PriOM $S0t a«0, and 065. his remarks made tiateiiiaals lce. .-'piiUi*g h tba canpatina. by Mr. tieiger, wbo in V. uf |3u 1. f1. ar .-n* *w. < tiiADM- (V-ntl 'T'llF be»4 and cheapeK llmijehoid la Tbt aaad af tbt caadd taadar Bt not rart wntil tbe bopm and flying legiuo* of Lo- MOffRX, MtKXAV, A llAOaxN. I>medr tha war. TUB iw. W-a H.M mm 00 If Si Main street, aborv the lt Locirvillb, January I'^Cp. or Sore ’ibru-a, ut IlKalh. ant all ili t-a.-. - ,q.| rvapecting Mr. BRl and tbe next 1‘rstideutitl con- )97 Ga Iloust. hlmple BBii p!«m-*ant la tti apylicat.oa- certain aad saceesslal ae»iag Sa«hftft*e baa alnody oaatplatod it. If oected wlih or rr-JI-p I'tag L» t.'ufUHmid.vu di(h.Mlii TkhJ aa*: F s dnpk fitaan an* eotooamm tkall aridtwnc a Weterluo deieat. I*u*h Rift: If I have any of yottr furnittire I do not know It— eifs. t>ial lha- pwftlm Also UiuM* altlict d ai'li iSrslkm- i I*al la its re-tilt*. haanttful . Iftf uf Pain al aay Usue. \ J J y eun- iaaay Ural t. ck Auteh aad Im \ / H was geoi A Ir. and ail luifa-a-* ^ think and •<. ***• **»*»r tn baea’t thR wa tain KETAIL my on Flftli place, in aey part af tk* human r^'fterr pr«*» 1 >b**U‘e lEurhAfte. Im all the truoqieu paai out the mutie that Lut ard iuf-.rue 1 Uiat Hit. and nnJ**rall : county daring tbe can- street -the bureau Cuiilaicks my clothes. Heu4 tke reiuuia Flr*»WF.J: of N« w ^..ik »**s ^ aff jrc made in tba speed ».m»ierty, ar adeftta *a^badatut r' tbe btR an t»»4 i ut Otu pUat**r aa) »h«iv, if |*a>u aak! to tnaiu|.bAl aiareb of baI*oba progre**. der of my furullure aucUuu rooiu. Uoa 1*1 th*- pfitrp* sas • ^ toe 1 ef Famt- , ‘ acnae nut, wrj't aid*', where Im* losy b>* r- n-ulted d o'l Toa*. Mr. Hyatt fidluwed in aplaia,c3minon present I'u^ltioB a paiufiiloue to uiy U»e ft th«*re,tj|. |*|)t. u r will fftack ** ^ •! tdiiB Ilf aa ANO My me very ps>u^u>, tlierc until tke pain hat vaa- ararahtlodag auyidty BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS, sh ikcand all timdar di«Ase« till ihe ;.u;h Jay «.| .Inly ^ but mote tideraUe ibau when we were tofietber. I t'«nnol fth***l. The li iirter • blotiag fervor uf (Re OppnRti. >B elec w bare apreeb of ton miontat’ laogih. maga* Og* th. |*aia away, and the C. 11. WIUaMAN^AN^ jR^Tbe iniervi* WIHOM ai;ree t*> a persuaal w. e*itml th*-as Ihe*- - 'iAima ' , • mm m Ih*. F. cobKelcrff 4'.o di-w-A.'a* PAito i.x:isar ^ IBXa.AJN'K >. amrablo and uiMr whaftj Tnie- PLaoTaa antwered to SOOXS. koitrs.&c.. 1 Mt.ki.iarru. ig areuait. Stale rtfieetioB if the Major A. H. Hacc.ck rRuctantly (“* ia tbt wowldboat Loowrilie by tr(*a1e it assaich In »li ea whn.* tto-ie Mem * *.>ii«** chance Tu l>. MiALlarvft. kheiimaUMi. l-am**iHw. dtitfmsi, Wrakae*. IftbUity, fiakf aad aigbtiy gpaaebst of and gar* a btppy •*f reuaedy; wbeic U*ere Is n*.ue, pGiAiiva« fauly ajs admiu- onCua- enUtutUtm were ttill dead. Hut tbe complimentary cRI upon lam MANUFACTURERS, afCfi jef 38i MAIN ftTEFCT. Wt4»W maTS, firm of iU own N« rvoa*>i)* aad x hily ap|dUd tu •id* red N» tiralf!a, Dyryepaia, t nugbs aad CuMa, R»ndad nadidili an prodaeiag dat|> forcible lacid ajio Dissolutlou of Copartnerabip. »rwu*g Mach arm, thus amk- a aad and etCoient ipeciiacn uf bit acd RyW TLe Tiuatmeatctupluyed fur l»ix*a(ii:s ol (In* 4Jbt s» is l*aiusand Arh*^*uf ev**ry LOUISVILLE. KT, with Iknae firm alive and burning brightly , tbe wbilc- by kiod, down rvaa te CVrm*, are •banJag ^plIFeoparUictsblp heretofore existifty under tbe iiract appltta loQ to the (wrte afti** ted. comb>tt**4 •ilbcwn- tSnt m of name 1 «••* 4^ xh9 l>iRtriot. State at mueterc uf oratory. Hit effu.-t wat most agreeably rtcRvad •titatiuual rx'imdies aUM-h uikiy irau* MM KDl.VTKLY RI!Li I. Vfe l>, aad, with alitHe paOeacr, .sryzi:! « A bot oeol of owrbieadr in the Rrgc 1 aud style of McMullen dc Maiu04*y was dissolved by aud iiobuld the sys> 1 w- 1*1. toifi..v. IV MAmKKT PMiCEto UP BRI^sTKKS, tern, -til uf • Li**b are prompt. • 1»M.\N wunh.w aritoJ I ftlrrtng, JOB OiUtiuU Consent ot |•artka tin* ‘st tLst. dk ctive, w bXTLk CDlCKD.byihe aiaific il >»eitof Um gn httot and wat a taatofnl and faliciiona fiaalc to (ba avan- on All c aim^* np«iu ud mfe. ace ef 7 Moaday next enwrap tbe eity in enAe-itcni. IaA J ‘.-ci**nlUil..iu 1* poeeeui FaasBy 9ew'»g. thna -|- vtD "ft >* N rbari;e Kr by it* the late ftrui will be 011 'd by Imuiel McMai:eji, to whom r or pt-rM.UAlly ©r a the UAILSKTIC PL.\-^'Kk. Il is Ihe y Xf W* totbabaarUeftbapaopie. Arc fully yre^arvd tu a>4'et {•romytly any order in their slmtdest. sarMi. anything ever >rl predated, IaICOEICE. aadtuy than, But la. entertain mant, all persons Indebted tu Lbc lat*' liriu will make Lay uu'nt. pampbblfiplauxtAiry of the principle:- of his Tre-tmeut toe eoaflogiaUeu rege. ing'a line. •a/(wl,pftiasatilerl, and *:brap« exftrr e# ine espei-tatly m «a*a of Paralk -ft or l‘aft> -t remedy in exjtteace. IU all aad egamlftr far yeurtrlrm. te ford** aftd hteate gBitor MhJIUB * *b* UAN'L McMri.LFN, , .Nenralxla, aiul bigbaal degree aetiva. Tba gtoa- at., near Northern all l»uea.-ies of i*kr lH.-aU*>M Fvi ry Machine warranted and mtftfacttoa cnaraatard. yff Malu Bank. jyi5 dfi II. I». MaLgNKY Nervous dyviem, 4 ..uiraeied Mmoles ft uaivctaxl—«>iualiy lo tho Mjung the aardt States comiuauda SanRur aud kiudred dfteaiiw rmtdBre and >aft* Itoem. ^ Fourth Street, aader the ‘kg ba aunt at aigbt “Koa-mrerveotRa” R tbe new ptnte*e for g.g-Tba M’aAiogtoa dt iicaL- wrt»i:a*i. aiuS the t*iebb' taia t« lieiug act* ia inleafe. Te e. eh aad all it Hfith.aa) Hot. I, V^^4l(bc«i t«*ur« fiuui till ’» L.iui vdte hy. TOB^CCJO. I U and from I till daily. Ae toarniag. all toa iUt cf Demaeracy, aad it to wtth away all becaaae In 1858, whan ba acted ai Pret- • ill pri.v** a lUlm and L'rriwing. lu ioudl drodtf d. BLAKK, Agefth VliM.;AlA furabto Thank* to hi* eCartt aad tbun af Fiupatrick, To 4'oltou aud H'oolen .tianiiracturrr?. ID37 ^ dldtl»t%W*jMliS luw itagr^fthir. and CiMto. u8 M-toMo MRiUMT wUhoutauiutyanre ooto Mfito .nJto A» B»*Iy aad tbt aiat and Crimea of tbt ptrty. They prott tbu at tbe SanaU in tba absence of tba Vice urtr.HiUe. Ift i« within reach uf e'.oqaciu H vtua, oar poliiinl faired.* ideat 'WILLIAM STELL, Louisville Marlue Inaurance Company all- lich or po. r; all may hai- ** of the aaaaioo, to So. SI fiORTH FROST HTRKKT. U, and all -bunld havw affis *"*T *' •••• dogma wkb aoeb tanmttneae that tbeir polilictl Preaidant, ha forgot, at tbs end Til ’utii|aaii\ will take lifkfi ^*\ OIO-A.ES- be ae brinatiag aHh fi«-ry aaa, wh.: are sirk, aud •uS**rio.; ia * I’llll.ADKl.l'IIIA, FA., un R;ary«'ei ol .* fiatoi I "(bn to 1 ei> to and tiuiu Atluuiic and WELL F^rrARLfallRU toWM 10*.^ to) .Vtowp wt Cigar pan Hia* of the State we cf the draakord wba waat U boar a praaeber, anticRd. It taams to us that a gentleman cars- ^# abk* I'l.AS I'MC. II eiJl hs ihe (ieod Pttv=:Hati en ata<» cole Afeut for J. seoneff *n I'ateai Me allic Kve and Fortirn puriT. aud lulaiel Uau»p,triaii—the uu r' superior llurmws low io u*'**; d.jewaud at iu-ianl auiice. FA.OT TI^I^T wbo maUar huw lata of bit HOOF SKIRTS! also THE for I' wikimr, ll< -v. 4c. diim:.- I*ul ill ai- •- babla^; Ayeul Gum beltinir, »'Ja up iht tiu b- v -i. Fa. h hex »dl make lu k daaa nan a. that datitd a man might Ua, ba ttill wmid ba tartd. Tba aft caatoliaa of Aa pablit funia. Tbosa wbo set A. Itiii baaxu, -U XSESasTF U eigtit phtoU-rs, aa«l any 4 barb- II |(*k dull ran spread th**iu. tSixacM .MaSt ea I'aetagnftMlii 1* **"**^ xicUaaaa «f which draokoed becamt macb inttiwMad in a ductrioa vtloe on moaty r* very liktly to b* ex FROM 3 TO 10 SPRINGS! yaa an to litU* A. V. l>n|K>nt, li. Iha*kiirt«. Cents a bus, nilli full aud plain dii* ckfaaus. ^ t *Ag^ A aaUaaa toon !>,„ Alat«ma ItV . 'I Fkl \> I.T ll Klfi. Prv.-**l» uL ,^4 atoaaberaabc which Ufl bim ream for hope, ratortanately, bow. travagaat la FadtrR ditbureeineDta. Th* JI ST EECElVEIt I>. 4 . H. & C. H. WIROaMAN. HOTEL. cruUiy. j,,.w .MOMkllKA II, M. eina.! ST.dOUD 4 lf CAV IK UAO rOK THE LEAST AMM .VT Of lnv«*tit *r and Fr.*pi>ef..r. |*» d-fncAnanaat aaxt ovar, ia tbt argameat, tbt tptaker't mind Ijacamc Staator is an uoblamubed gentRia an, bnt At Soitet Waik« r at. >« « k ^rk LBAF Toaacco TAcromo ‘'«HNLM t.K S«:oND and JEKFK.U.ON STiUakrt?. *n.i,vjnd aad efitwdad caafattd, blooder- uuconreioat rtbnka to bu J ISrO. .A. MILLKT?, rrankliu lusurauce Company, M0|;KHL.\I*-S MAGNirrir |•I.A-'i|hR ^IdhyaO llidCone3r Mrked ia tba aad osd bt commeacod off'ers a tavere tbongfa I pirrhftwd the lnr»*re-'‘ of Iftiiy. in « 4 II.WING W. WsU**; -u wD li> . T .wa, and 9A OF Lol l.^VlfaLL. Villmre of ih.* Fatta*) iagoad tuggeriag aa Ibongfa abawt to bivak djwa. want of Byttaai. FOURTH STREET. >*(|io the abuVi- JIoUa*. the utidi' s^tej has taheu GENERAL ( OMMISSION !NEKCHi!IT8 Waaa Ufh e, cormT I.f M on and llii'latt tr>.*b<. -« nov:s; FaitAd «»tor lie cutire iMnlrui of tue e^taSMshinent, ."••ud #t«>ry ot dAwlyia A’ *C H \ S. I than.tfami. a'ul ft TRI PP HA< Aad I# ' TT, if ,0 kn Tbt drnakaid, meieg thR, trofe, and, tnpporting Ncacomb'e Ibiiidlug. Kiitrauce ou .Maib iTi'Ct. »“ bejoBrnra [j|^)-r«'iab'e leriue. Lvcr>’ e^rl jr\ THIS i:«>iup.in)' CDiiiinuc'* l> - - m -oa — n lUiixe tu-urauce SPRING aAataa »i|», Carpet will U ma ‘e tuibMi*c Uie coipfort of a*l. ai;ain*tU r per- GARDEN! ifa, House “d In tbt Territur- & aatla, Ravery giiig 8,^.7 Stove, ar I'm a gaaar.” of the Courier in regmd to {wi-tfavure. coDtitmaiice ^ lisof uaviAtioa t»n -hlpv.ataam- HCSHT A. OUME3NIL 4 CO, Tluinktul fur a of public i atiua- Two liall tpkb aud a Alifa* fxuiu tlie City, on Uito PBEn w\sui.\c;To.>i i^siBt.tii'E roiin^f aatajorkyrfthelagal*oUri«fto,i>i-^ 7 ags ft re"p««‘fiilly e*Mkitt*«l. l>»ate; and II eir c*u(r>ee aLfai iei amunntt to rack Abolitionitm, and tbt editor of T0.\ BBW ORLKVNM dJAw- J. X. llVRnF.Ua. t|nuu!< low* by nra «.n V**>o«rN and 0 leaui'>Lal:c bniMiui; and STREET HOAO. or UM ISVILLZ. KY bi.fae«;.bdlba4atoatod. BVMea of toa Atbland OppoRtiou! if oana bat j>» I Any,.SS“ Cturinr pnitaato AR Magoffin, HRL & Co. per- in tH>rt. and ua honiws an 1 cunteniv. 'I'lIE LF.VL'TIKI DUifEsirn. a MciLVAiaft the L tllPUVIl ll.i. PR«)P|:mtY HI." Ctiartered Capital asOQOOQi thna m Opptdkaa naa ia vetoc an palled ia year e'nct aext Moaday, STOLEN, .tAMKS TIIAHUF, Pke»Mlent 1 bto-o IlK.a r|il tfi< iu: Aabbnd D agrtt toUk kim. Tb* CuurRr tweRt Aat tba BTRAYBO OR * toiibrraja I MUM YoMK. ffctif Mr. Ficklib*! farm, on the br«iwu«buro* AIIKAIIAM IlITi:, h»-. eiary. Paid iu and fiecaicd S L2O.OO0L «ba oAt af aeaidiag a toa J«ba M. Harlan wHl be ceruialy elected FROM toUiag dayt by e beod- it baaeR tort of AboU- ciMiutk-, SI It tad a docttinc of Aa DaraoorR Ae MmiMie! ^-^ruad, near Fr>'i Hill, ia Jetfersun one IMBM roBfo. "MME RESORT! o—E*. ounh lid. al Mtoo otmO. omt toirood, am* *.ith. tow i l nplaia aigbto, to nrar •eme mejetky. HAY M AkF.ihrea year- .dd-icl I ar, b'aik mam •far, tUa harnai^ Toa know tbu. Aod, wbot u tba DsaMcrat twaort thR M'w. Garviu, .1. S. Litbeow, U U. K. onUy. urfeeeftta New Te«%. l*wr«w5>! aud tail, black wUb one toot; »he bai a Wui. Gay, Wiu, l|ujae<*, tia •we. year RlyKsiao.to.o-hl.totol.hW . tHIae tew»Mmerdsmi. Banllii g napaadkiiity ar aay pjttka aaamiaa know k. 'ihair ocly ia neat form aud U about twurtcea hands high. Tbe lubeerl- , ^ of k? hofu R Holt, Co. pMtoctly agree wiA bim. So, John W. AndcT^r.n, Gcurce 4’. 4 ,M>tleniaa, Mtg< flin, 4 MWamBtoto MB Tamer-, a UTKlMIMiaTs, 0. TIJtyKIJl t toU dwM —M—el. - COV ffRllag Ikegat bi*r will pay a ilberal reward tor ber tveotrry arauy inlW- Tlr* oD-) IU A0c>s. *e. The ffou^ fix* ta vatca; and tbey are going to eliag Awuinal ito N.*ck. Ilu,h 11 cut, Wa TndrcG i«*fttiJd jK^nxd-o.Md hwih. Otool Maguffio, Ha'.t, 4 Co. whi^ft ahanla. at With *;...vriiu lit ..dto^dHC SrO—adiaaabtafi apa et according tn An DtmoerR, malioa as tn her -inb, 4! IhaMj'.; Uouum, lifid'aid to*.ai w.n iag’ the craato that faOriMVlI.LK. KY. Warren Nawc as. F. .Lbns*.'n, I'akftw •^ARr ealy bafw with UkUVVS A YOUaNCi S, r>lhiu«iouuk( tbt ordiaary of Jajues U. WRder, iapG dtf ) 'ierrr. p **aJrlKb?y detperatioa AhulitiooRti if the CoarRr toll* Ae trwA, and, Wtu. ea lluUs and apputta-cae-'-a^ Tp-^mkVBtr. rABRIKJE."*: ('.\RRl.iUES:r aaaankto to ban ear ipaakart ia (be cky, are 4.'omer uf First aad Market rtrt-efs. or A s^Fck of fe ?(*iM*h anaag SeepaR. Doth K ARE PLEA 8 EU TO INVITE THE ATTFN- ui*h and > iiee th ffUto k (rum thair meet aupr..V(-4 DIBELToILS. oir,t». gnup at aU bazArd*: Magoffin, UuU, 4 Co. aia tVia or faaj'rf* to a few c-w aud rho*c- mUvrtw of aSOf’K, W1GKI«, A ru.'g, b.auds hto, ._** i I ywRBV( r, a tb aanad that ae n(gbt anatua, ia tba according to Aa Couitor, W UU ia^Hd ei^i oanplata Uou wdt -1 John Ootole/ * »«o'« lata.t di.iai* io TAl'EiiTKY, jygH d*^wl bll Main aUi*et. b- ft* toaid fi»u viMtor*. f Uowarr. »V.*sP\X'*t) toil* tba triiA. apjo vvW II. hoi»-. aad afaanbad attaatin akb abicb Bkl AboUtiuoitU if Aa Damocmt and CAKKLTS b\t.!i .afti 4-. G. W Wwho, oi.tuhATMl* mama; they Uaiaa u bAve k that lUurt URlory UKl'S8KL8. VLLVLT Fire Insurance! dCIILlEDWI. Fi^CuW. Al», a lew ronfuitd paUrroa ef IwwaU aod Euriltoi Louiavilk aud Na-favUle liailroad OStu, W Itorhhordl. tba ^aaebaa. Tht apaakan haea aiitbhn ta iatn- I r. J. IL Uad«bWr(tr, W. M. WuO. TURKL i*LJLt>. fiririit wluK aad \ar/ iiaadwai-. JVLT »>, I‘;i9. Consolidated Fire lusutauce Company, PREISSI.ER'S Jaffsrtonian nayt “As will a'va>* bv luiiud lli« WM. jAuvifa KitohfaoM rapt than caeapt appiaan. Tba faat m aat aaly *»•«**»• gg* Tba ClRbnrill* AR Id addiU-u lo wbKO, oolr rr- OK I'HILADEI.PIIIA. EIITE OO.i^02A^S9w owe. and, HahlaBak—of FAMILY UK KN for hiiwdiald mr la MlTliK TO STUIKUULUEBS. EE3STX-A.E EEEOX: naUrRiaed gift; l ^ pmlas nbout Ae rigbti of I'aiJtal l>al l fa aad Sorplna m, t mnd ngly oaniplintar all aioaad, bat editor wbo rrs-> th'DX aifitorlaioloa to afruv.al aud ouiaplvl- auau uaALftft im y k aa- fM<, ^^ULaunuftl mactiogif the Stoctholders of the L**ui.- a publlt or iwi-ala dwaUluc. Bl ILLINGS* MEK( IIAN- wall Ur (be iataa af tba after having Uksn tbs oaA of Know ouiai of ft vtlk* and NajdiviUe Ridlroad Coiuiwny will be beM in gara pnaafkl atr R Mzt forRgaar* fa.oict s£aiu.-t hto - flriigto ^ Ao rw-ly call u »j|icltcd. the diy of Louisville, af tha OAue of the Caaimuy.ou lbc *^kWft.X>lsF; and viedii*ineto, be the t Fire 1 word hat i-. Insurance! •( i WAi raaaingin a ebask aa hard as ball uoiiunu, aiwa) a a< low a- anr Moow la tke dauioae by Fli Iato— Ul-w- urrMik vfwi ao x fifiaad^. Wbaa ItBiag rbn an lanind tU C Nethingum mnM have Knew r«i ftrwt to mutt, wJSqftl, 'ifijaKA. a m«« im oarR^’«^.M^ . Monday Cewber imr. UITK to SMALL. ftli>' ^jasteil and paid by tha.3^^^E^ PerfURitry, lolUt .trtirirs, 4f., RESOLI TB fire l!«N{iRA.ViR Aa devil bimmlf." -lOHX Io. HKI.M, 4c iK, at .lew Toik. BW 'tfak naanar they aarn fafl to kaap liula coatcuBca u 4»ii aud ipism'd in LuUftvUle. Wafe* •# aa ta'Ji^ aatU aalR and as Main oUeet, PreFlieotof N. Comjatiy. tooth .id. al Moikct, bet.a,u Kvarth JytS dbA»l h.A U. K. WM. aud Fifth too•ta. i. l»uuvul*. ox-r the *U -eN - RISK, (ohro to lO— i» * .hfa to m abate directed in PLzlIN EMBROIDERED tootv al Itawwo, (;mmI. T.dd acUtary baoocbizbb eUewbere i* paranaantly R Niagara. Probably his abjaiA AND A CtooeaolN .to Hnil.hoto aad (.oo ** dM Ibat a ragali^ toon ClKru nxI Capiul ’ o—ft ^ ^totototo^to^A-^HMMM ataeb pracioat ammaukion watted. do WINTER; i.udoMo to-torur I— X. .w, ew^w* aHl tl Aa arraagament U to taki bR raguUr mirnog THE LIVEUIMX)L AaNU LOa\DOX Pal.1 faoodtocond ar aaywbsn alas ba ni id to for aala - ' n aato . Onta RL'TAIUUA; tot ' p do br e > . aotorllaeto .tool. ar •ahfa^emW .» M-yiM WTMMCT, aod WTKI.N UltuTIIER.*. CORSETS! Fire and Life In&urauce Company. 9^ Rl&MB takea nuto.hr KilFl.KkfaH \ evacing acrost tbe on LOl.ldVll.LK fi iblaad walka wpoa bis tight rupa ^ -hiiimenu hr r^m ta a la tba A dRtd d. Tba tpiiR Louitville _ i i aa M y af /H-The Democrat completad W M. Moy< WOfa M.. *. OAototo vto» to iu*- to» • — toaoifa iu lito river. AU»0 THE BEST (iUALITV OK C.VPITAL •l4i,(M0,ncip. Ha Ainki it tae common and vRgR to UAc*. lid. maim, fa—d. (M. toiao i a it l|i ApmIm drtft faibidt tbt MagghL Tba tpidt yaar a faw dayt ago. It called the *”“:** «*«.1»;r0totoo- olo. so omUi at otor ^ wV.. .A iVto-W eqw«M». day . ^ of iu ai- 8750,000 UrposUvU in New Ywrk. toftiUmf!!!!^I (k. IL K. .faglly. J3M — ~ " vhOfa^ fa (M» Vo* -r WUA wRk apoo tbe gronnd. AKI'KK'S new monthly macazine mil U— . — , aetata it. Hat tn do satoriaai t JJI rt KaataRfidM o taiamea totba age of fifteeo iu "ji/ttmuk for Au(ua. I*rice OS ceala. INBUKAMCK against I»m hy **-*' ‘iL oeWter- H ^ WM. ML'IR. SrantuT. anay af ibatc UlSLIE'8 family MAGAZINE Fit a oa lUiUdiagi and couteuta. aery paiafal appsahtadaa Mat oerg." lu odilor maM eoltoial, U a Tbs foaU of tba frank LANE A BODI KV. dROagubhed loathar man” who tbrott farAuiuto. IVIce centa. Lde inaarauce rtlauWd on the » SKIRTS! ur HOOP mort favorable tenu^ Lu mw paftl mSQiew MANi kaltlrkmm mcKaONmUKSOft a GMusoaftlMSOaft kRvst toruugh bis lagt aad cbeafci aad nRlad ATLANTIC MONTHLY a. Tfavv .n, J. bR by Ukt aaderdy ucd aasli, this it>i|uiriii|( A. Mci:ov*IL for Augu*i tnrat warn amds f^ Any Uf*i. Plica tk oeats. So. roi Mala street, I.oals\iBe, Ky. dU w TIMIa* — m e -m.II thiungh half kraUd aoroa. ClrculHr RMkot Gaa. VtaorRa by iwappiag votaa. TbR goa- to| P. MADDklN’h De. T. B. nCLL, M**diral hAamlcer. JeTi dtf iapkr.- ftod B<^'aO Nawsfaperand Book Agency, D a booiFTmwn .Hamimri tPapm, ttaama hat Maera a aabit patriotRm ia laaviag the gg-Baad As laitart aa ear firm page. Baad *aaort.d; tba 9t Third straat. i 4 CMOS l ; ifai.arlwirlM»ll do du. A.. Rtter* ^ aaaortowut ol BouU, Shcra, aad eamgt PetriBty aad attaebiag bimmlf to tot from Wiaebaotor aapacitUy. Tba menntaint ao AA lOB do L.>Ddua La> w luuiaw V d. itowfakftoirfak TtoATtod* Dtoyfa;Dto,fa-. t.'ailm fa la lo (a found lo Ihr city, la •toia and fur -ale by V. 1>. UALTA.Nu A CO., JoM r OtoTod (ar afar ara oa fira. ud hy >*•. aad k R dcably tba doty of bR oooatr- oat by rbleli 1 lolcnd to •oil rorr low. i«yx(^u ('( g.iU > L . ^ Meoafim^^totofahto^to-eowaaifals aaad OppaaWea, low to doaa Jfa M.u. •UveL laa JAMBS U)W A ca, 4to Mala Ml — V. D. QAETAKO A CO. Ctol befor« I.iiirhfalna rlo-wlfar. and miirtr y.uiaohro.. aliaia ovary aaatgy to vwRva fatoadi to prouct bim Crdcrafoluas paopU OAML’LL fa L>;K, UAL^N *-< u-uabuTii. ..n rufaHrnaieat and hr eoght aot to gat mRrUd If ef bm riaRiativa aaeauea. 4« Morhot •aroot, •fyoo oo^mta horn ite Maoar Aay do, Aay are - — Man OR “wlm la AtRyaaerat*.,.”' m BU Erroad door aboac Foarih Umt. JA8. LOW A CO.,4]* Mfaa m. LI “r iW tookafi •oooa. oo^ * i« . . 1 h A A L G 1 — XC . W ' ni1, . ;,

JT, IMS, 1 A. AtTP ITEi >E8DAT, JCLV ¥ I SITU ITKAUBVAT kattctm ( -l«-t-a] l>>4«tcb to ~ tbe Cuxionati UareUe.] iNTeUbTINO Exi'Cl'IllOT£xi'CVIUE>'T AT 1UClue MoXl;Ni:>T.Moxi;Nt:>T. Jk iu«iH»un«AlueoituDed a few devsdays T^^rCtTTf9 "* I KaxxtKixxt ni Jr.AUtovJr.ALnivv AM> IntI>a’ ^KK^^rsfi^Kr^^rsfi—A Mn~Vo- — acoaeo that LieuLlaeuL Ivee,Ivet, XX^I Ci U I\i K J ?^l*ECIAla NOTICES Tke liver I,'.' ..If.rrAxat1 /. rrAoal **”‘h* Sup»Sup»r.Bleodetrtr.Aleodeot of the WaahioplosWAffaioi^luT Mnonmeit,M'lenmetf, BY wu At eiUiid y« Urdiy »:Ui >*»»<.«.simatt.s*otA. n« HWi^Womm^Hoama•mmr* lAlaiaim iktf*»ri9€ wrrrrto/tfrrrtt9rrrrr9 ,V..V,,.^\*,r . — -••'r*-- - or miss. Urat M . | TELEGRAPH. . . * York ties of g- news. railroad. feet valar in iht (amI. PutUasA her bai im. i TImnTlme» of MondayJ sa/-».y-: ^Ouc WM, S. rnw arraRSOifnu in thU cit^ ocruircd at J vUk on Saturday of rhtPE |M«i of Uu« (MoIbk^. It C1«A»»iU Rrp**** *«A.M. after- LoawviuA, dalr ». { X rtf Hit A ae4 5 feet wa’er ti-i f*, a*f! on a;i ***** **^“ rcmovea>«^aa4Calr«at M p. M. oAkar ban belarcea tbia aad Caito faet, ex- . N. Y. da haeaa raibcr Tapbrat taablWawi. Uas Ut^Bpav as VMa^ *awa 1}i \r wen baasae, bwl iw elbtr laaweeat ^awobat — .aa * mr.J. M. Laeaaaad at ir«w AJbuy and Balam Railtoad, eept natil lately, liar resi.lM in - BaMt Oaaaa {alawd; cbawawaa^ HmAtiuwa, wbeta liaera an 4 fwi ac uil and .Motile, aa luiatraM of a aacand Lv thia ropv, .i. waawttb—t iniBMilria. i| f ii.bfhl but J.ieulenanf ia ti'b.\ed iiea D! laijf. at Cahe lAUlVB KKW ALKAKVALKAKV- cj.tton b^ktr naui^ KoUrt -M. T OfbM7‘wM walftwp la laabipt aabaowa baaA abawa Canbat* lurd to dod. Ii-nal.l. D.-,>lrvus viaw of Ibe poaaibiliiy of to OAtv over Wliite k Youiig'a Till. tiUe of ooe or lir. tmllaba Buearw sxahaaaa vwp accident byttancder. BaobiliK OiBtx uorfft Warte-i'a itoriiM te realiaed In a “*•* am M V mn. v_ toj.r«waf uT tbA past™ two da?data\'m^o'*r'f# Mad DaawiBhAfordarn^ Paaasd CanbrldameoA- ^ nitiiiifiit by all vbo um* aiBOQat ro IVOUU balasa afctbtof waa doaa ia a»i vblaaa l« foe*" Irprexai jj j. j(_ TieTic waawa atbar waa dandy a)! day yaaUida.v. Xo Uar bafb»yaaiBr*v a aala of sawda Mawd. Mai BaaMaawar aa MaKoid’s; ChawaABaw rx ».« P. Jt. M bbta Mas port was aadt aw sHvali rata ad uiAf(. afBoa fall. Mm la>ulswilU 4 * " *"*“ * *• »" uadar «IA ud Lcxi afton RaUruad. UR RYE, h. na Me 1 maa^nea wHtm uI ra. w . r«dacah yeaUrday, ‘^*TAtt a agant FT Tba Wtbdfard waa at Inasd Pf . will coataal la dour a n'ail bwdaaaa V Aa Tf»fB Jr I at AS- A. la tba nra aalr la dolM Maa ad wM C»«» M poailion for iacraaaad fniabu. *«»<• Mab aa CTevaapo rt. Paaaad Martha Pataan aA Maa Meat. wia hr at . ftaaaMr Y I . wo*A.dowa. raiehad Cairo froa below Tba «» atm. ... r u p M 1 ha Oiata bad Naw l^h aad^a« b^naV •*-* Cantnl agn^lo pat all Met Oaw. Ptka baMw thaadeabaig; — aiatoae np -—**•' - - - al AaMta Trato a> A« P.' m: claaraaof flraight *•'*•*»- — — IwM and woaM Baltimon Road if tba -i-biii LoauaariUa aad tba Joke, of the Koadabatnabataa M of ita watav rrt«.“ •“-> »• baabU. * Maaharma Railroad. i,,. oa'prt.,a,*tCiiilarM; lift pawad Vickabarg aa Monday coniing a txpa^td today. aad AAA baabaiieaMla Naataffle Eat- aaa at Tho ratea an to bo VtaMJAiAfa,. A I . Sold rrer/wbarv K A M more and applM by all binding Angaat first. raja* - a» fwathemetSoetfaarocr baa baaa la'd op at Moacd City fujriUve on Snturdayf and after vainly en- than half the height of the column. oSext, g,f Hair Drawers. J' Mi I ' "Ghl». UONN aA»aw ,\-i^^-nAfanca at * w‘ an Indian how and armeri were obtained ' ^ Timaa’ H’aabingtoa flap u —Tba 6 fcteamer *«* induce her to return with him to oM.» from the tarUai CB18TADOBO. ®f romaponi li AW- itrmfkhifrw m John l-ehaa- -.'Eurio...data#a at *. Tomf/kiot i tti pi M Il«. A Aster Baasa. of A traaty i aat aent ' • *' 'f”*" hi™, hedrev New York. if bar wUIiU tabslake tbaIbe pUoaplatse of tbatbe .Soatberter.Sontber^er aaan the , meiaia:| •’J'' Enwaati Wixoaa, 448 llalu atnat, aad “®“‘ *“hert McLana to ba fubmlttad a- a»v a revolver and »«hi»t her. 1 be l»all tiK»k effect in tbi Mn. Q Nica- to oar i 'Seh. , ^ t II taa. ^^ •““ ** **• *« iTnt page for caty p&cSretoret f.wf«w Memphta.Memfdiu. .S^M.Sbe U aaan l..w K Piurtb rtrsst. .••’0»Antarnmant coBlaiaa prevhioatpravhioat “^ odd a Aa. IMaaa a4vertiaeaM«u. axce'leUexcc'leU L'w waternatci f„rehe.d ale.ve tbc left e.ve, Aaantr. Ml of tba varyvarv hiXIthiir rta. .laJ: fcM„ mm Artind al OM. at ll ^aiaaB , and i*«id to be morul dAwlm jaM Ml „ inpo^u,;, ,o ,brs conntry. *” 1 amI foTtunatalyfortuna «rsa. ad;«tM..a.twfSa.i^Uvar falmer's (r^eiable “•••*«• ‘o furoUb yoa with a Me. porr or lolistilu. Uvig. rasaelic liOtioo mn 7 of ill oioit "ia - t bbd .A ' O. W . Tat in«y, herb.tV;fccl. rk, 'L'L>r a uemoranduni. heerrat Skin Mnlldiieorthaacr J^Pl****®®*! abich are aa follaws: ******* ““•*—«*- An vou troi.kn.8 WMA at. A - — - Wa aia from tba CincioLali papers that tbe nai ^ as «r«|T M. a aa •ill bagiiaa aaSbcib) villa oowi|way eSarterrd bn ibo Pi-miiwaib totaka lb< fom^oTtha G|^*C^ I S Baaaia, Claainaall H. b. mrn0fa fonn £i r. Martha tasrii . Friday Bert, - place of PaUam, L Can, Mia 3dth inet.,ud., at wbicbwbiefa sevaral dirtiodirtio- aaotb.raf tba L..u'avUie and Mamphu fMlna SA Alseaa ba«Maa I.Ntl KA.M I, aad 4A eoBs lafn Oaklaad. FiaaiiMi. In «n«tiu», aa I 4r . , gw.-ard fotIPA.NY «>K .N. ‘“A. lichln*. or irrilntind .kin 8 io..„ Mr jxikorywill be pnteait. As Ibi-^ wUI he packaU. foRk*'*'*^ nnr id' KiehU nf ... j i .. ‘"“U'AaUaHMTJHfcrhnlTILlin.tl!^' Joan TvMfelaak ai. L min is HaattaasTWnaUra. Ihc fin.: .. '1. Capt ‘*'"*“* IW hX4iI.ANI. M ^••f»|“"l"'--.-*ltMM.pWn»Uon.UlnlMenu.f tr.ait aecored^o nnd m enUa linnt maaMae al of thcemnpwigsi ia that rienify, if is SMwzki ha. put up Lit good litll. c.nfl s.M;’prANu‘7TKt“^^ iS Al!ilrk*,L"^^iIiIvvowipnay boidinghS^^ TVs. ^rilmlrf “"L « "I -Bi tbn !,^U* JfTh*. A’.’V^.V’'' J oNn'cT prabnbly cun yon lathmus of Tabuanta^ 8nMs of raw wbhky al fil^e. h OikiAMOaklaad for Motupbis * opwd tboav will he a large altcaJanoa niad Kev ilrleenj. ^ipetioo. Virgirie Steirert, Kmb « %• • • • bit rictini in j j i 8nleeog..,hnynttl7ia|Mv .ad „uin..laing Ua. 7 W Tbe Iloe-O. i. tba nnilboat ‘hu OP.Mo,sS„r THvPRis.xnvr .."•si':!.'':!’''*'*.”' T-W mA toan hm>4 f-r Ciac-.on.li I., d.y. ‘i*™ »ida\bi'^umn’“*T“prck tb^ii^rwna‘Ld' to'iU leg* A*auc, »ad',l!..Vluua. “"OOIMI or nn.t W.iywiiff frnoi aCor* at W^Swr palitical friaada in tbe Aabtand Diolrict wllU«™ ^‘’uh W T'c ™u5ciiiiilS',!- $17 la pw Isa. Capl. Liviogatoa purebnaad tbe Atlanta at ^ ‘he bird waa carried to tbe top of a ladlar by IMIoniatoxe.ebeaaana7M«aa.8aioa IA koxe. rhsaia Vicks _ i r^*L^ Xh. .i Ji.tlm.„i.or ih. ...naitx. ‘-‘^‘ al 7H^ta. oia a iilbiT giaao-hotaa aor dauarda Dny ore reMed faihuioalily and ••1‘XTt, Juno IW, IMS. "’Sf^Th4‘h. The rightel ks bare. Uw S'rld.. r.. naiu.t II. uaa of Ibe geatlemen prarent and thrown upward; wiuimrro“^^id'c; . . ”of ‘fAOipdrtingtrnnsivwCo. tp«pa nad mn- SoMa to halesbales Cnnaelloa abaetSnoaboetSa^ ^ Billon. oVl. i. asat AnAn, «aad M ha^ Bg tba vanr vhfewdaal otd aiaat rhivaliic naa Ur hi New Orlama and rep.inog her, after wbicb attan.loa bar bnn y and „ oontinua fu fi ght upward. wbcipeJ and rbouted; Mixic® iittaararfd. Vat than i. imniaeat peril that thry dnahing air ntlrnitad7.V “h*”when aU promenaJed ixdCTisvu^ aqenc-t —swo m.n.itagfullilliag UmtUm, Tbt iBAlaMpnttu JoutbrI, of 7MNc4aj,mrw will O. ioc. Ii. ir-j i;..,., .. I ii...„si.. Urond- ur.la.uUaiumtltl.-IhsmoJt,:iMl^ duty. aUMw wtU go iuu. tU It J tliver wJ Uuackita river«A ‘’""'"J' (,j„i g^w round in the eolomnnnd at last rested “ pMf ccep of n » xtmd will ha next Uaaday rhaated ant af their rigbta ia . mev, he* inede her c«>ia(aretivi pwimtt » tmof nkriawf h^A thfu jmr wRa it Athi that bdcjima sfs “ih7en;"'a?i r"*-' w— «v«r hkfor* kwRws I® tba Maiuk tbe tc<|Uftio " McDonald TNTEW ‘'“i-bi c^;Le^ roASlr'J^V™.'!'** Tb* apitr of all their vigflaoca acd af all thair valor. th. atona. preaan.rd by coaiributors. lly again touk dt-iuuaU for U i^couKiuiUr lacr^uHof, citizeui of Arizjoia uud We flunk tbc (fitw.%ri hf tbe IhiMA fur NA»ti Or« J MobilemT; ih eumeW.W. rightei ycire ego. w« doubt Rot !^!L ibr»ach ei hhud whoopiog atd sbuuUcg tbe bird was ttoitrd and RvyruyfUt^ srr«Sw Him ut m II n.litr..i^l >i.r .1 . V 1. My fonw^ ^no4 ^ Ibt :Tlft nnJ tW memwFrnaaum, M I..aaldtra.r.d^r « ia tbu hlmary af ladtea. W« wma -Col. fMc will addnm Me llcmocmiic frieoat P«A* f^r tTvTV.rflrg^V upwl^S r^.sd IuHC I , Td „Vo b:7"v Life InsurmelUSlUdUUtJ UOHiPanV.Company. ^ova tovday tbre^ uoalk^ of aTutaaiaiii tH »o4i warded froai Cair- AUat forty of bar brace ever which it «a, deidrrd to evat the thia^d. {^.kirt. i .*"1* " ‘tvcruai^ a Macait 11.11 ll ia avcjiag, nai Ua invited Ur. pa . ngers rre Ii^m wi^tSo°ua. freedom r.f rail- Tbk tknw «URur»mc *^5 _ 7 fr„,„;ntlv. wbe’n ineI.riaUd, •J-K 1S N; . '.-i: I bi* w»« »n ioxioos moment fof tboM IkIjw. If At a McettosMeeting of tUthe LoculLocal HUertnrsIlitertnra * Em»T«n. (Wrr* M. t tbru« tbe r^ilrjed midirpw Rfkd lr\w r C U* »*K°*‘*.“**u‘* of Lbkthe DU^n M illory to BMat bua. W Lea Ur. Ualbiry arranged ime 4(b by lest night, rniarcu, end firewiLg a w'etpon wc "'l»m «u A H.rtsU. * I tU bird desetndad by tfce aide upon *bk-h it \r l l-i* ^ ~ life,ri Sh! 1b.ii!i oil/, b. \, , ,, ia hbe oUea bA*! him arraslel tn lelf- beneflrUl hia fi n far ' at ain inbM ai tU cky U iavitad Col. rested, tba plan would fail for the tiuir; if l.v the «‘l'«»r to man or beast It la th.»y^ LciCiswu.r M kim.— ^-r'nw \ft\V I Orlv I il H IfKIir^llCM ( ,n A year end e hall dcfcnu. UlSUldllte r-Mn reowd, for aU 11 t < altaed «pi«ail* «di, all was aafe, and tba end would \j0. .xternM Ui)»rke and dlronw. Jt ibea , bat ualiirtuoaUly tba Uuar be of WM iKmaldu,.ial.l mads tbs following i< ap.i. Messrs .Miller, Wingate, A » o. ihipiied three ‘ ^ •"* F-I-I’ oIBce of horw.-i. F.ir all piirpowi Obtained. 1 be'aboulirig was rais d agaiT, bu( tba If tU Wm. 8 Vernen, in the elty of of a liniment for «temal nae waiaxhawstal faaaa pro rnctad apeakiag ia tba fr.-mfr m Mobile,MoKii nnd.» I basek. brenI liviiu a ... , . . . , . .. *'"• ‘•“ '.- “ often aecompnahUi. ul ibwr ronier- and nioner. lo cl.f.irma. I1 «h >*«1- ••“S ,n . Any „rtw.::;r ’ »u‘» twi«omv», iMRiRnwiu navA* m^ea.n flea or irara. 1I wa.wa^^ a» “R«“ “.iru^rado^li:''" in uBhut.rs.. cmlTa* ticit trt uiv MhsfiM* wt oTT cHsatry. aad aat oaaipa’Iel to ic’k repoaa to rx wra ** ** with n qoizzxnl ‘no you don I. A pia'ol war The unJersiaueA, "'•‘““J' reow'lie.. h». rosulivd aa many they an- a|>|ireciet«*4l in r’rc«d.mt nnd Dlreetora of wn-ks, or thetroldco StaU mey bcin- I could B>itB'lt k‘i.k<-uhuk<- Iwrl»er oifolT, endaud finnllv(in unilted Ua thaCom o.var hia vo«w. Ur. Mall u ry baaup engaged al tic *h«o bred to frighlao bim, and aftsr aoiiia moment oony, have eianuntd l!i« rofiort and exhibit ™ ' *' t"-rform. Be sure and j- of ths n7w arceitt of cothing b « to eater fnacu tbc l»ct tbui m few *****Idle and***** can *e to*** tbia citv ftir ^***tlw nuen Ji rf ~ir! into Auch engagemaata.” Nisy b. ckarawt u .a dav' *p. Uut f«ir P .finspenaathabirddeaceoard np.n lbs side of tbe halt ye« stj." bu‘ f^al'uer-s Veg.i.bu Cown.Uc Lotion. U-B^^fiunava. -4«»rr-. — adauxwra at MfUUfWMreVa ah- Kixaa Fwgiae flou-e tbia cveaiiig, caaaot aioat * ^^li.?Vee f Ij*., mic mto eimi., . , w ...... " ridr ‘®b* -^owly to I . roare-ty. nitte I .WIP .-1 ,hippi-gshippi-g bn-nnssa rccouatutud UIoUmj " by drofj;:*Uua4'**“*#'•‘••.1 eocniryco.:atry At>klJ*HlA,At^-l-THIA, at urevtoa. ' J. Holt, i.jt C.d. U. can had hioi at the I’oiot on for levornilevera, yenrt in Mobile ?j,,y7.e •“«onrwmenluDeounSwioeal^^daad _p. July 2C.20. Iona, Tu* j (laavier cordc^,d witwaa^iiuchtdatUched andilid drawndrr»n 'i.*o''7h’.oup, then uf tb.- ovonuuiui>*.iioiiuuiury. uj<^uii nh^utenh^ut^'h!*. s*-b«’raily.st-urraily. New trs.iiithat St«t 4\ 4 (.d ulohtr tfr« JdiiMtiipoi rivrr. York IlarRld In «« ^lu i ». Tfaaraday lugbl, at tie Shelby Street iltfkat oa I * -a of tU («ace '‘'‘‘.'U® either ^^*** in Tuvkir'f m 1 i«o todiy, in con SOLON PALMER,PALXF.R. Agent.Ayent. R“« “?on ‘h-’com^ro\rilU commercial in'trast. rev. cura or o.w. un-^*^-* ,,- ly -day ' F aig!H, or the Cwl Ilouae aa Satuiday sight. wir IPriucii'ul,, N...N’li. .ii» l‘!>?mey t>« of (#-lo P'lic« rcjiort ymterday it wai raen* 4 »ih«r ifirl#. I tried to persuede triliuSUUj «tfiM.lUy hondi, .a >v»*t>V»*t E*mrthF.mrth »tri>rt, ••nou^eeriou^ import to *^*ocr m emtiwetod uoa oiGrtfM^i cioduruti,Ciocturuti, j ZJ***' thin couatrrcouu^rv'ifif wew* wl^tLrTJ *!!?Ali#?'* ^ rifu:ed. ‘li:;! Uo»ed tkst Chtf Bb1I:vu 4 8be bi -i«h rr.’”hi" w«e bef >re the cowH on ^ moat ..fa and hroliUhU Je30d*»lm '-I.:! d"‘.2:7r;7..asi^:KS7' The OppoaltuB if laat mod. s, itg”:Sa“r.”;iuTf, lU re'TS^"? ica*»a"d • lU Saeoed Ward larmBog ^ulu of the war and its 'Ti’"''’*-’ ‘'®» lUn wm antirlpared. “ "** *'*^*ofiu ennro to the baimAt of HtGHvt suillen Urmina- ^ a tha machiotry ia complete Che Iniured! lueoarasT to .M-.iuiuw.-Mrs. • •" •- , . , oidtr for future caera- 1 Wiaalow, an tiou in tU •Sght Aoaaiaatad Ur. W'. It. Uirden for tbc Cowimb "C™. ^7uv* a bro-ber nam d McflonMd :ed not 1... than 30 twr ca, par nma aanact ^Tilh•'•h 'he resultt of qooswi ebre, m IHaiiae ^*** **^•^*'‘'“®n** »**« aannm on axis-riaacsl nuns and fenwla ..hiaiclao. ...l.e the wkh a dowww.«a c%*r^c4. liock li ft backmka, under tbe di ha. a 8ooli|„; Cimaan war"i^Wai.?',‘ and SalliTan hud Mrviega* col«»idcl with Wulkerii * K;»rag«n. '‘?*^tlly «. ,Tthwith C'oaaeM toBH the vacascy arcaaioecd by tbc rttig- i ruii fur faiUreT!iuro“*: .pria. wt^ ©f L»euUQaLt Iret.— 11 a«kmv/on Sftrr. Ui-wdt*Ueaidi, l»ua«ll-esig iucsatme-iUii in .lock., * children teething, which greatly ‘haTreadali;’*!ld‘**^‘’lireadalulfa *1 ^ thi bicB ridi.i in * niUtioa of iiiseral Ac., Uw of New fuiliutca the and errvisioct aM-uUti.N..*'* 4{ tbi bAck acd nd’u *4 to omplr with /icbary laylor. 1 bare •neuUtiao^ aad aaiiaa of Mr. lt'^aaar. TU al-etiaa tafcaa placa aa ^ York ivuuirm a* b.rrertewaS!5„,»,'7I‘’‘”* !*" ‘ Bock a deaia d. It wasWXJ rwporUJtwporteJ laat avmiiigtvruiiig tUtthat “P ‘ (Sf-ecial Uispalch Ui Ibe c'imiuoall Uo-nmerrial SolBrday. Mr. D.*yila& ir aa ealiianbla gaallaaiaL htva ail coQt*td 7 i ] . ^ luat c«ot»cd ocero . . «r my^lfimymlf, inii coniieqiiar.ct t*f Bock If bad died frv«v« irjari'tt«ri«i nccicMLr»cMTML h*. .gvfL.fi. .r.i oo«m ^ a NhW Y'ork, July m. aad will aaaka aa affi -wot ('-•BBiilaiax. acfi*»ot. and could e«>« ciirvon mv i u^icetft. SoHarirg fr-HB lU ixciUmant of 1 carried Tba NewNaw York artr iced this eieuiog with date* mm, a i Tiir FiN .ee /w ll. ik.v Tfc. I.U....J. 1, ^ 1 ir fciN art tr Ua. Ihti . TU telegraph bat , plMol and diik, which I was nertr in 'h* 12th, not q-aite so lata as you t tba habit ci i imports CVUniwrt M.llory will rpaak to-night ia ibe bo* of tftnerul merehandlM la N becedted u«— it bns increoeed the T. for Ibe i Satn^jr baea EagUfe Word at tU Kracaa aagiaa boaae oa Jeffar- revanne ouaatdarabl v at a ve^vopMrtnfa’m^r^lV 7'*'!!^ saMler tbaa tba laapoi u oi ‘‘ ‘h- aoa atroat. belwaaa Trirtaartk and Foartcaatb. TU IW wiy.: While nSST?^ Cr lU wre, faU bri- THE GKE.Vr app'ars ^ •««" for lh»;: E.\«LIMi KE.nEDf. moat oDaaUafsciory for two Lot oar frioadt in tU lower part of tba city girc silt imiNirUnt 7- ^ J.1.ME.S l'l..lUKB’f4 ‘rev.., the W. tern !"’*'* •* Y.rk. * -'-~A • *•/ WM v^reiud'u wh loe eieuoti d»mnA»M •••»# ii*»uu a uiiieruacs trader and Iht - 1 .0 ..W.. -A -_*.A at”fi . T f— uouie. a letior mucn ceiu importer, vet Ua alaparat aad iadaCaUgaUa Mallory a large a< ei^t exiled at^ tb.re IS of ls»;. iwr^a tU .V. .loaep^ jail, and idMtcd and inleriiaed, thslohabiunU beeausa of their religiuui oionocoao. CELEBRATED FEMALC c r< acrIiiUoD a > was found aiiijiijr bii peperi cuntriry to the of 8lr .J. CUrke, M. Kurupean war h '.caST^ratcr iiudi..'liaudiae. A,iia,ii»a4a£u2 "i’S’S! ^ \\ 4u. CroUter, iSec’y LMuxvUlt luouruaea i;a. U, ^ : -t^nliuR borsft. : »HuaIily if citizeni It r^i io the eye of the Uw l l‘by Mso EttraorMnary to ...... whkh WoT. . Atiarufy at the Qoaen. T” }^w. f®** *^"*^ hie Xyfoj tbe wwk. . A ocreeepoodettt writee ti trim Warrea (Lot appeorwore, fn^m .\fy Jttar Jxikit. revai'fl to other p^rtr of tbe (- aL_ I .OM, jf.^s wiwMil ae« ar.a3a.iiv j I am about to oonimU an act tbat mooerchy, end are A Muon, \labufactoivr. - veil HU koewu msdIHoe is as tirimsftloB. *"7 mad and cooditioo cf hit clotbe*, ebowed st if they 1U.DJ. u. l>:iYi«,4U«iuaaiari.>u but a sue. ir.w TtIiiaS uI>;S;3t Ifoe tobwcoo Tery wipr . will a‘*»ont»h V‘U, ai;d I have left klv/t lt^al. pM^wt Ua ctn m4 b mU Lma K.a NO... nI^ h 1 a 11 1 ' tunie inatrncHar.i nvdsruciviiizi- tfcw alfiihuMUluU Ciubl^ of !t«i:di«ru Hoaft ‘^h.tntetioBs »• hal-vcr iiiiv •“*?*; -a»r« I. -land **»«• tbtrH^re deirf bo the ttmpirarr

  • ualeaviopt fifteenmieen bnudnduauunu dolUriuoiiars i- — -= cqu&l >eii-iebefonbefore tUloe law,i.w, acdanu rcarha'Ii Ixliuer, £7) rUDo-tat JT , of yMUrday revs Ivly P"«n.-teprom.-tets"buii I.1, ! o^ businoeabuxueiia lice odjoiaiBf Warren. *."' ‘ To viarrlrd .r.,i..r - ^ ‘h**'^ hand*, which latur, deducting my expoRaes, 1«»llj enjoy all civil acd jiolitical rii c . asoDop Ibr a I doa-aads. tbisr, i aerro fram iacarreeatton. TU jailor could , , . ... , Ur0»ce, Nm. m4 Moiu 1 Is iNcuUartr eaUeil *'“* fiNakcre «v. they will remit to von. elder provincci of tbe nionaic'iy. ' All o'dara and u vOL to a short Utna. bring on “tt/ ami -heir drpooit eaeoan .-are grad .allp 'comply «iih E. locreiuingi with I rrqneat, W tU at - i TKOTTEK. tb ffidey - Qeimral . V» a I so moM^ however, for ^^'Tbe BMM 1 —nt SbelbyTille m— .- .-. ,.- - • tU— taiae AIT'Cll-inately, regulations of cintrair .Ueot uiuatUc larlud with reaaUrUr. V o ma Bmo rma tlwra — m e sour frkoA um.i.i, xuccvvi.itfcct ur» smuicB-eu.abrogalcd. ' , — . BOB >KW ICKK, Julj Sb s been aroai uauumiit- priiooars Uere la -^0.011.. at aad ba osg-'daea by oar fria ida ia that s iciai- ****.,. *****^.71.7^ P. ,S. — love to Harrr ardtUbovt. — ” Aw-1 lU's have nev-e been known to f 7 i ^i***T My fafi when tba TUTb« H^d*«Herxld’s rnonay Tu.-x.-h.uge Iiuxikwt kro .. x *.**n^° anieJaa atyiiia r*. tbnagh wa hriiv. t’oarerfedCaarartett olrsctt. ni on Ui« o-rati-.D "* KOBKBT C. McDOXALD. foto SpirttuaiUmJfp/rffuafiss. -The—The Bos'onBoston Conrier('onrier jU t«g« of pamphlet are well ofOf peseap*icd inia ”• U t a. high a !>< r regahr r,;.!? I Ax\H S fc^rEIM vV uhaereej. Ej'opa,LjTopa, tbetba h-X «g IWwlM UabaaUtdio»rwiUampkmo.•«« moat iitportaot avoat tiut en-eu-ioiurr-;^ IS ‘""‘“k**aoDtnncas adPorialiy,tdl'orially, wiiUntwiibont contradiction, ForKor full particulars, I1( lha more to-ataoa lai.-, earepi ia«ii>kie . Z!. a pingrapb which saemad to Uva bs« art., tbe fuIIijarticu^geiapanipb^get a paoipblot. freo, of tbaagoox **“ho. Ul*p.L,^MiiM:.Upp.tad silica tUtba wwar vmtaa to fimd aay aaa0«r Ibat may U praaaot. tU aUan coaid givaa broke o«r, proaocrU hu Few xro d soica at ad. rh. a- ad..al rata U tU whole fact of ““tbe circulationcirculatioii of a ranortreport that Prof. Fritoa.Fsltua, N. B. lauil b with parlv « folloTt, 8 pwdaf* lioiUH tDiiMrci4i or »• X. Ua N.a OriaoDa, ware acraaa lU riwr.- { doaociol cin.le<* /, par ba>la«. .*4 wail ba be How. J. J. Oritlaodm. .w,. of Harvard C->li^a, dittiageitbed ftir bU (irsek lord a^ut will lorarg a bottle, eoutaiuiaa or«r Iwra ttdaT. fhe oav3 cao-ed tba * cxciUmaoi, and at iO uiUg. br Freoch fu’idii i. *’ So » i i a a r. duA acbolarabip acd bit controverial ability as a writer retaru amU. P BB. TUmaaaa.Taampaaa, UuhN>|., lUa.11m WM. Fr. BoUaefcItvHir*, Ham Monday Bight tbeca »aa jTlod^^*" par reni, tU B.-i.uS%7^'^tUr^ur- ^ avrry Icdication of vio- agaiasl .{uritaaliam, become IlEBIHIIOIIISCIlljlllGI *fv“« ’iSTrJL bas a believer in that neurral ‘'Sfi •'ot* in piaportioo, ratr* arc ilfiiB PoBa, Eaq., Ha*. J. B. Uaalaa, aad aaUr laoca U tU Free b iaocrat newtpapar, tU editor of Ageot, Kochreter, New k ufk bat in Now York nai; h-r X a: par. -aX pt».o. fcr Mbaoun aa j- doctrine, if not a niadinm, "hatiait fiiocd in tba SoM bp "“‘'“•"•“fi —v-*' •hicb. wilhaomoothsri.wereaarpacti.dofakiiowl- P-agmonJ A Tyler and tV. Ppringor “r nor money aor axeUOKa ““here eooU oat bar I- ^irttagnialwil aril|iiiriilsr i) AU an loritad G-ursa of lie rascarcUs that tha avicenca was A l»o. Iwaidoa. irre- TWiI laiibriUe, Ky.; Hr. P«rcaptiblv afi'acted. ‘h« P^aaf buy aasexpa. k-!r|i 3ctfullv, voura, GRAND FREE EXHIB ITIONS! T. R. Aiialin. .\aw Albaag. lodlaaa; Xo -ioabt Ita aaa- Cai?ai«it la rig goad daamad -- m, —i— Un»ii.d.Am,im..r..HdUB.irhi*,,D.-oc«u. aiiUble.'* At tU Courier ill uppeaed to know aoma- ~ <» "m whh aad by all HriiggiiNaI yaar, which la fiat ^ mead ROfiEUr C. UebOXALb. — w'WrtoiiiroiighoatIhroaghoattbothe CnltadI'nltad 8niatcaUl«a J™ prvverbully uafavorabia bring u rewdt tt haaia tar cxrhaam. tbiog of Prof. Fvltoo'a opinijoa—that paper Uving r n, : and. a^acially, tU ladjaa. A fiae biam bond will If'or Ibe Metropolitan ^ Wtf »• la a ' LoueciUa Joaraal ] Hotel. JAh dgrewIrAwaowlv *J^*^“**‘*’f. ““''•'"“‘•i nieasura tha c losa — been tU cbanoal throngh which, during Ibe laat ‘ juj^-iva.*o,u bflU pravBiling To JoU' W. .Smiti,. K-q.. The1 lie (yallioiie apathy. Somathing 1« alaa ‘-••ctnaxTx m otaaadaaok. lU 0,vno.itm. past'y ' MobHe. Ala., (Prreant Calliojie jliisicMusic by dua to Jal/M.P. M. of . -- 1 * tU —See- - )/ year.-‘-I „or«» m^yeTtU«.w.x,more, the.-J. ab'-e.Ui. ProfeaaorX ru.eswr uas spokenspoacn by Steam, laa-i. va*--N - X- 1 .r-' . - i^^^roWha.Ti^^L:Us ontOBI min and ha.du.uyat the — * V ’ A Kaotwkv F.agioa Hunta, . thunder tores, editoiially, agaiettagaicat apirituallam CARD TO THE LADIBS. Farfietgbtori t... ii. I 7— - ipirituallam——tbia Mtr Vietor Fmaaaal CUptsvaf tU fbiat of Ual Hamilteo, Thk Ux-«iid NiN—AxoTiiea Y law.—The facts DK. waa uncoalradicled announcement by tbat jmrnal ia J. DUPONOO-d CTUad to tU chair and ^ "Rwh have cma to our It* aa. K. b. Prewiu appuisted knowledi^ since the issue of ! tatUr remarUble MISS a: New Altmay, wUI IsnM aa aacampmewt this than ofUrwi e Prof F.ltoo'a CASTEI.IsA,C.4STEI.I.A, 4tBldcB PeriBilical Pills f«r yasurday i Ulaiie materially interfere with the previuua iavetligaliona FcouIms . - of this lubjcct bad lieen un- , 1 I •'•’-‘‘T LONO) I.SPALLIBLE eveoiBB, aad lU miaahars af Valette Caaaiatury af TO , very gaist; mt.a ‘U moMiag unacimoaaly aimisated l>romincol features of the story of tbe rescue of a deraieod to have beej THE Top OF In oocreetlag^ G“ U of Aaa bhla'mare po^ repartod m «U At. tU vsry full, and they led bim TlIkc’ENTlK DOLE AND KtTl'BN. IrrenUrttlw and rmaovlng IbstructlOBa af • uuia luo. . fill W UtM aaty will poitaeapate. Oaaaiboaaa will atari wm. H ur da^lu tU vacascy y«nng Moathljr Turof, from laads pobHa. wcaabioad by Udy fh-ro a Convent in this city. TbeaefacU to oppoae it pi U did. TU Spricgfiald Hepublictn, — abotorar eauuo, nod olvar* B. BBLL. xaaa. J. flow, CaMmjvR, Ohio, July vW for *“• are inaiuly obtained fri.ia (itlxi-ns M. Tha Mlsmart banka oaMdi af fit. Laali art iMva tba gbueg aad paartaally at Ulf peal aix from tU eoraar af Jaf- . living near tbc *u anetber rather violent oppuser of tUt doctrice, ptaaod 01 ^ LEVIIdEVI J. >h01lTII’S>h’-01iTI-I’S A eollisioa occD'red laat »•— - cMled apea anoeptad i-Nlled I'uovi-nt tvaning at p«r earn diseaaat. fc tU Bom- of (iray Nuns, on Cherry street, »**ms alto to have ebangtd ita ia A iMKtor ill big Lima. Ohio. ‘-atr*— fiaaaaa aad F'ifth street*. Kaigfals, esqairar, boaaer be- otlokm tha same uroeOM fur dirrv vh^m kmgk i. rM..fre« ^r'wtor7''^‘***»'~- “fi •ppronvuie remarks. y<-nd tbe ranal, For and ate, in our opinion, w-irthv of »»y aalhe Harvard Profaatur . —JtoUoa TVoiw. indthtarpasatat apply aa kaatdw to ’’ s\;rf.T »..t-.«ns-. ada, and aadaia wiU catry Abate amckr. TU pareai- cauog adjaonwd to haar Gan. eunfiden-x. VS c'^RNi ‘..ffcisS . . !?• -N. ». Lonh a BBtTu ApMa HaaS pp—hi., L-n,. iU,l.o, ud uc*th.r **SN vaat af aiwu U« cUege of CU regalia. Jn 'U first place, there is no Convent there, it J'Kor all kmda of lumber, — Jol be- dreaa^l MU J HAMlfTti'V | . and nndraaa croaaiBg af the —Sh. basUlr.mImT chkago mrmg at U two roadi. Oaa mao ataodtng oa *'Tri I. b. Paaa tTr. Sac 7” •‘L •tab. dao«. bUnda, muuldixg,, U.aa, *c., caU lU Ntatiuo bouM ^alform waa ^ **’*** Fork kaavy at V ralcra aad Sjutbara auils tailed laat > r.n'’'a!X.“,r cmaUd to daotb %lk.TU Utweon Ud>4 la fur mass aad aia 7 1 « tba boildicg and'a car, and tba P Ft KMI Aaaprtmi. . . ^ Bight. Mail failarca UlbiOlultoO . J^U WeYTT.reare iss*u^7i’Th^T.‘!It!7rnuassured that ^ rjihaad are T'"" there is*no I *" !!““**almoal of aa evoty day w-cme-aec.aceutiaaec. ^Mnn U. « «UcU reforriag to tU ,amgnati“tf more saclu«i,in or «io«sy aUut it o7iu 01 .^ »‘f“‘ *Uv. Praatoa, froaiing L rivari«*t oca Ba puUad at aa«4m. fiagarbwayaai; aU-ptaiUiaaUva are aol cUrgealilr ^ TUy u. tU road, Ul to tUrnale Boa. AaarU Marrny, whilom Maid at Honor to “>«n «»H>ut siiulUr esUbli.bments aumm-iB lat dotNilutUcg coaiplaiatkooBa aavaaaad. tU of ntber deuutpi- tUir luniUr yard, coroar 0/ YValnnl and Preaton as Uacorrh Sacktilik, N. B., amarla Hy,fa l r uaa lBtaa ag uriaam. la T.«axU »r Wkitas July ifi. 4Xmca Por St. •gnats. Tbwy froqaewUy aarvy lU Baotara mail for Oaeaa, and wbaaa boaii tn''*™'- tas~.ldaiJwuaCoreals-<;hillrenaud RervsalsSy reals. Dnsafil par bui. oa Aiuerica aad recant let. tUaaU, ur loavo otxlora at A diapatch from MaacwvaAo AVnUU. CaBAa <,aiaa aad lewaa. TU toUadidmUadid Uha-dreogMItohadswogha paw your tUir wararooma oo tJe-'nis. Ca.iella wui make the asruasrio ou the «u* ai WIL80B A 8TARB1RO. Halifax aoooaocaa tU ataamai MMMc la tbi- eety Itostion bore tU namt of Fraoeat DfiOGBSrOoua.LA, aa to£t. Luwia . aad ia tU mmt maaaer tU ton 03 tU rabject of alavery UvaW wracxewattracted tometoma to JaiativlUa, idy. Europe as lignalad Ulow. Hir advicM “ ** •• ’ arr, «»“ H-nm. UaU- * T Ii**''*” wiU U to wfil laaww Aar abevwaad laaxf /h tUzaUtb hS arr?;u7u^dtoand cUiiaed to Uie danghlar ?n\“ura.''r m — a .CM- us._iuu -rvTxii Uu“ue%:agh^^o' , ft Satnrday tU 16di inm., •***^ Wwatara attaatmn. ». thre. d.yt Utar tba. ^^^“"Wadaaaday. maSTtbtoaa I oad remiUrw mans toCiaeiaaati. Oa TU Albioa taya • K“ilemmi .d tha asiat S.; cSSto tbom nama, a meinbm cf lU “j- itaaiiiar Slockactosad firm aad actlva; -»— ftom tU aaay wharf. St4d olu br tTorj ^Ji ToUiot, -IU MofMarkmk«t gtrmiC;gtrovt; f****'*^ Nwrtfa Uritoa at Qaeboc. Chtc^ aad Beak aatkiagU duaa bj iJhr do|mi4maal to remedy llu.7 Wa are alila to atals, upna tU moat aaextap- Cxaadian Parfiaueut. She catua to ~ — ^ TbomMTbomoi tU Aiyluui Sohurch,^ (it* rriftbif Ji gtrvoi:gtrvol; dlVItoa-bCaatTalgg-k. J.W.J. w. 8uaiua,curiMur'^Vra, tiirnar dawaSiIfoT* atli ood Prmnu'iiii Jnl« \m Mkh%aa swamaea MJ». Na. tjnal.nnt^tF, aig ' nrWHtiio, Jalj »>. M. ,,5? STuIiA M^ Marrav dA cut lute yeflu lioc*. .Soon aflpr UrutiuUr«tiu aU^lcMinurW: 11ii.. PruWlur.preWlur, guutb Tha Kxamo Iwnagbt a. Sit. Lmtis aad ala- New Ur Ur firrivgl UySlldCQS NOTiCBa. odaoU* M^«TMarket gtruat u*u. .a- , V urk Calral Kaodlag AIICTIOIN vS AixE hS. tve«*D :a 44%, MUn ai l daaa «%. Mlebl- IsAt BA8HAM B BLXMANAN. Aj yea laa royal Puo^Eua^oDdand Kifib:Kiflb: ,«l.1 . K»v«r S m aou-e iutd oa ax-conot of her aaa- *“ mtivsiuced UrsellUrsell' to faulliaa of tU nabthlrer-na4i[hle.r- N, joiun«,jaiu«M, Mroer .vciaaa — C*k«**nul; Vaudrfript Ufiiiuiddk, M%, raaUe Mail | in favar of I'to-bood • cnmc-r Lofayetta Wtaditr Y al*varj;bia that aU harsalf (moally PfotoaUaG) and yda Urealf Si> K IlkAii.v. hr hruoic sick, ^ cUar lod pUasoitt. -C' ur cervoui Hawl ^ud Progioiia J. JohoMu. JuffhiYMMiTillac ScHbaor A Mo. C'oaipaay tOM. SPEC IAIsSAIuE" ;tw, Nc« Albany, iud. I^icg, br euclugln . , . , 1 .... M..n.,„Md Naw UBLBaaa, JaiyM. P. 0 - s.. u. . - .TSXNN“s::’hK“i‘‘,i.rKN h,. issfeifcYJSsi.-.-iUT'tAsrftiadilu Reported for the LouiaTlUe Joornal. M t<-A.N M.\Nl 1 Ayr HEAT TIIK All TIo.N Sab. of aqatno to-day I.ua babw; uriraaa --*spug 11'.. •draaar %J( lU mail by Adams KapressKxtiress aadaadiUJcflU Jaf •oA, tad before any oaa knew uf itt tol.U of coa- ‘U night witfc her yoang acqoainycea. liar ac- ‘“F"'*'* hy which tha circnlatiuo and itxHins ur N. a. asr lurt , i-ur. Dupanro'sn .. -c... . 8"s,"*aWa of thraa OoUao P’JM. fiat tbat tha I •ore-waredare W.IMUm-uiaioaia.;balm; faaatpBraeatpaaiortor laraadaraaatbraa dara 13a •‘•very at all—moch v^«“ ®f Ur education, *c agreed mainly tulritioocutritioo of tU brain are d»ranged,drranged, and thothe ner- Xaw Ynwa t-l-. od torsoavSIr railruad aad also Xaw OrieaarUrlaaae |a|icnlaiicre {^T , with •*a»?*iresigiwtare b uiJ7ttoupon tk« toT"*but. \^7i?j|Yua w'lll ‘ Tnoa.xaoa.ThoaThna AndarannAndaracin A rnnn *uytUa gal a i4il rau I baJraagato*tl,aw laat jaar. *7' Mn •hribar Ur opiaya napicUBg tUt In tU ltetrr.it paper, AnderaonAJiaeraOB Att Co.CO. m.ymay dsydd.yd upon. Frtlghaa of cattoa to Uver- . h ware favor . and Ur accumpliab- UuHmher,UuHmbuf. Port . voujvuuj ceotrea v'tiateiUvitiated Tbe I'arutijoParutianll»n Svrnnnp, bybv tuu.taauUaTptlllsMln The aay a tU Mock axebaoga avaa dnllar trum tbc s i aamer Isiaaa. Fur lUI dativary^ of tb< * »ySyrnp, a marks!3 U pool H. U tU able ar the revarte. .Sht reugoad in defsrecoa “»«"»*'"nB-i«at4otUrmants in ma-bi acd otbar 4apartmentA ofuf / uimiENriNOMlMMENriNO at lao'dockIdo'dork A. M. on THLt8DtV,THL't8 DtV, to*toa “"U't toatyouthat you getgrt a pUlufpill uf -.iirilCr..iiriiGr ratUrSlm!^rather tbam-iuau-iM oiiau- to a 4*partmentA ornampolalornampn'Al . tUo it . , waa yaatertUy, tepacUlly to in reiuviguvaticg tl. dig.itlve puwers, lays tba at July >*•, ufLt'D Will be uoid, Yrtihi iit itroene, ^ n»ad of taking '^ur |s4Ua tU raUrial lattar wa are aadar obligatMae Ibr rapii w*n known rnia af all tU depart adacuin were nnnsailly high; ax a gplrudid wbao no# vili on Ci'KiiJixan, Jolr 94, M. sfaeml to lU say ynto af tba B-it- bat ia lU oomuon OMoitUMtBtul wiiT •" praaasd for aala with cooaiderabla aarvioe, fut of oMdlyo5ldl7 Wb#ot clegfd doll yitflivday **iA pnbik »hkbwhich forbid#fortiida any courto^ aad pr< piieliM of life Ibe tie;-; tU brain ia doly nouriaheJ, fpMflnm TKm »m.nytmmm.a I- al A I_ . t- . .x- . aubadacila.aiibadocllaa Uud J80 dl AuUwrixedAulOunxed CoaiulCsoaiui Tba Commairiad TU gwadan ! xf vneb a rnU ii tsxi *nifi shi waa oinateeo yaart old, “' obriuus to and tUt aU I ErL* y'Cfaot cboued md idaln Coff«*«* and T»'» Service; 8ub«mbed Cayllol |«aid “y* oupma due .\ngnat in and uixiirvd IKjHvf 1 . on all reqiin aaplanaiiM, it "*“* i“'* \u^Isr‘777 g^Wa a>h a ian raaders I bat it atpecially ®f her UmUaTtia Rettieu, leu tU tty af y to tU Dcccaaary I own free will, acd tbat abe ex 1-A< X PoLVpi AXii Ma.’stIXs.— uthrie t UrutUra Pitcn**#. Vti^idab'e Hwhe^; ®f, lU Michigan bmUlaaa 7 , B Tills Comp«DylaD..wOoiD^oy ii now act.tHyoct*f Hr 3%, SontUrn ard y. i Ho4*e'U; Toy T«*a ^ u, Etufidreu'a 4 'iii.r, ~ ^ alesamaat af tU Cmtiftal laanraaaa 7* in a teuerolteboroi Nofibofa lodiona railroad “"7*“^ OwftoUyat4totorp.ua. firm, a Oampnaf •« i»W*iptof»thoioaaasorlutontoflaupoiuU herjInnK i^w*ois with Tut Ulavu KreUlei*; ^ -"JW loturaaraloturoora c«>iDpaaiaa and ia aa FUw 117-!ifml7w”,omiaid by tba expreaiHio «t no lime did aU in'iiaate tbat SBan^buMMOi NiMaUlreiiUBNaand wUltunUnfiM to **"4 •toiuwag; p of sanli- any reitraiat had . iomaUj^nMinaka bjoila of tU Detroit, aaga bbla at Aar of Kaw York City in s .x . . . x- «». . . Hiead aid Cattf La.*at7U. Monroe, aod Tolelo lUilroad fiUat M swpatfiaa ami ga M Anitkar eatnaan. This oam- wbich attemp'eil ^“ lateatlaleat autopeaob-urupeaii iuiportMti.m.iui| TUir atoxk of * K - iCMttdtDce oil Uuadiu«», Mert.tia».mRKkB amau m^t,mijtbt. Butaut nnreaaoaably.nareaaoaably, supposed bam‘“•o attempic*! moi her perfect frudoni.fraadoni. Mu‘a^«sv H'cbafa aud > * “fseaatre. U NioaNion after l«e. and yro|aen> geu* rally “““ 4 B kiaky .acBaamg; laa hbiau tauMS a gnaranlae ia GiibirtP, o«{alua Ud«t «>r doianA« by or«' ^••x’*''* ‘-"fi ftmr pimmta tU ahapt af bana i-la to be bia, bmI whiirb U ir uoabit to give lU world arrival, aba aonght tU o^nion of a “tniut draaa gooia ia crmpuae-1cran of tU beat fabrka E«*t 5tand^ ftr, Ar. Kxebonga il** x*"^** ProvtaitHU aeigblior ad oa MorctwadiNH aod |»ra|»«rty »a tba Oroaaa I'aytJ Book dnil and BooUnoi. Fair dooMod far ioev: cAfitol to the af in hia awn oaaaa. Id other pnbUc aa to lU prupriaty of becoming 0»4 i«, lAkof, and ovutlood rooluo. For Cairo, Colambtia, and amanat aanrly naa iiltna af dob. dayartmaatatU Ur a Xaa, tUar- andtold ttylaa.atylaa, aadimd ia Uirqfbeiag wddtol al priced canrmt W^A^^.aodos-toad and oa jHuoaboat oud There ia rather more general trade “arket firm at 7tgTMc. M-tosaaa fitwi MaanpEOk wbk-h thl^JTouMli^iVr";! ia tU dry at aw. t'wma b "vw- .,1— .. ii|X. s ,x. -. ., -, tM rwU la atimv^; and, in a laaaar da„roae, for 'M ‘^at it was nota fixed pnrpoit to fionds laarkat _— — j laamm iafo, bnUdat olforiag become aneb. this weak. The bnaioaat, at aedy at c. to lU palicy UMar a portiai- ba agUr tL »«‘^“tory.aari^^ro ki’^orranicd istual wou> mada io Ui*»cauair> . bowavar, ll\MlM4 taamm. It la .. DlRECTUkS. ir^J_,„>^*Ts!lcrTn, Lauwwa mmtar. ^aa^ marewvar Ul I, M ’am- SU Ud a Mury af Up aagagamau to many a «aa Tha Wor€ wUi br ofoa for exninioaOoa ta«N day. Thoo»« ^•Idfay, ^**’ ET^^IICwitt imww for oOavwwM E. A. Oerdnar, '?-*'*^ ULTiaoBB.BsL'naoaa, JaiyM.JaiyM, M. I iwhm^fala owi^ M okryoa ia a# vmlttoiaU &«•## n^mfLum i— la MaatPHoi. that hoa mnmmmmNi fiO. www.a-u ikU luk? "'**'x"?! “‘T — u mtmmamm Foot Fonta Mroft. Immadia-ely «/Wr tLe miit of the ndver War« iLfi^ar will Tboouu H. Huo jubUra cuaUaniu 111! mil III wi Edwin Sturila, t« hold back. Prkaa ora ea yet Flour bu dacllead Me; aU detrripttoaadeaeeipttoaa ^r. 4 VcfaifF^ -it ere gaotadgaoaad I bv #>ld a ctm rmbltf oaoirtme jt of Wa«rwi MaUdifiilJ an at fit.fifi. paMUwely,ittwrly, ttmTSfwLrtBam Mis W, R UamUtoB. •naintaiaed, for except low foraiga woolea, Whaet firm aad naebaaged.1 nAhfA tun to* •O^MAmCmml fOT If^ht OF TUOMA8 J. MAkTlN, ITuaidaat. Cera dall at Mdtagafor pM H.IIH 1>VE-W-UA1K UIL—U.AiU DYE! Dry tiuods, Bo«tF, Shoes, aud BrojrnDS. WOOD, ^pt^ to tha uaa of tU mannfacturing clothiers, iyfi BJUmAM D.R At Saxnurr.inurr. ma4 dU wbiu ead idtow. Prevideoa dail; kacoa .Idm H^TLaa

    beiag discredit, Ibeougb tUir ooigfaUri "Iwl'!', A“*i, .'i' •“ ‘VBIA Wh-k, firm a. rT^ pubTcatioa, upoa I fur luailtag. In ou of tUaa, at stated AmBtlonn Inauranca TU Expreaa taya at tU cloaa of tU day money gata tbc“ dawn aaa la war. Evsey marcluB'. tbuaa wU aaigloy Uar by btraaif, aU reqoartcd her htUrlo Wm. A. Batelieiui ’s Hair Dye! Company. waa Saw Ynaa. Jaly m. M. 1859! cuau for Ur. OF LOU18VILLK, BY. UMsTB ia daamed aad rotoa dacMadly ia tovor 18591 la advertiaf, •, . Fluor haavr; lala. Ttoa hbia aad prop.rtjr owaar Uonid avail biiatelf of tbb wa Uva done, to tbia not very “fi fi*** '’*77 minute and drtailed dircctioaa at to THE OKIUIN 4L AND IlhJiT tN THE WUBLUI By 8 O. Henry St Co. at a deatlea ag »MMa Aar tmpurtaU moiur, wa have tU beat ferior bread-; Mato ISA^ I arivanttga by arUil. tbe rato af iaaaraaca ia n- bean actastxd by a tin- maocer if finding Ur. «'a Ulicve >U Tbe Ualy llarmlcM aad UcHable Hair Uya fi4 ;g. Ohio fit 7S«4S M, (uatB- daare TyiowSIof) Brick lioBses Steamer Diana ewe to camet aay miasapreUDaioo which «cH at tba time aU loft, although Hwoww!HWOX.W! tU liad “ WILLtoava Uretavtlaiar aataa amv rxiat m to fax-m cuacectod with bean aUnt aeigLIiorbuod ALCTKIN. Nww Miat Uarray 'a tU np to within a day ur AU ulUriotben areora martmars iiuitoikmi,iuiitatkina, and tboold Uba ri^HHHUUawa danag (to a '**“• ifi “to toon-a ‘*» “*«t pai i.d. ' a., . . ^ , I SATl'RIlAY AFTKRNOON nett, July In, at $ |h«(u tvi — MV i curuvr Mor- Wadaaadar. *B’a* reput'* iteamer Earopa . AaaM >?** advocacy of tbe It •• proper I o aUte m ^ "tJfUcai No.• wswN ^w a northWWW waa Mamm«I « Ifoia^Mm* ag ^** rearhnl« Halifax. « .ww-m atnw« 1• vo'clock^ wm . m Ia forova naamtom* l^OTk liuii M. Tbmalaa. J aaa M. ' ioalUatimof tUt tU Ladv Surparior io blW 4 WffMVfiitiMi, WW^OBfiBa>|igmiu 'h* I OS 8 ^4 iO fuT ^BOflU i-paY iik HI'-iTY liail/l i .> ns *, Fridra. Mar a. amMhmaalanftolvar.piaUd ararctimadvattiaameat) I aUvmraUvnry bM attkiag ebarge<-f GKAY,OKAY, KhD,Khl>,HMi OK KL.STY UAIUliAIUdveddyed loMant-ioiUnt. ‘‘“•“•'fi**- S^tiw l»n« daeaedar. JMbr a whatovar to do a^ K. The the Aayluni at thr time Miaa S arr Irft •”' this eveaiag, paUs. Lard dnlL WhhAy MxMMtoc aad dalL Moa^. Mar ML *' B"b»wulhaS^ X Moodar. JaM M. ' **" ‘ -IES.8E K. BELL,'p>riidi;;ii; wfiieb fiakai plaea at thair talaaroom to aaonww at my emraa weo!d Uva baeti readerad *» tUre ttiii[>urarily, ly to bemitdnlbaaatifni aadami aatuniaatuiml brown ur blaik, . having, as utoal, refused tu transmit 7. uet-aatary Uviag cotiia from b|oatre^ a bbuk, aith-with- Haaav Danv„ Baertlary.:_ the ro|N>rt ol' Mucks gall; chicaga and Koek Islaad aafo. lUtoabCea. Tm^. Jaaa D. N. BKNKDH T * 4011. the _toj* dif M lU eai^.xad TUsdore Barker or ex)Nca«cd tU arrival of the laUer. ') gpotlaiiian Twj do on Cungit^ Asaucialcd IVess, Tha lines belwreo BA.4HAM A Bl .;MAX*w. AaatoB bu a'elarb, A. M. The aaec U a|iaB far avamiaa- U who ontoat tUtba least injury to Uirhair or akin.akia. * * * * New Y'ork teal ICallrxad 44, Jlltoab l.'anaal heada 8bg, Mtefiima of »U caannhiJ arraagemenU of ‘“m Mt»* S. away exhibited mneh txcittmral, Tk«"# are uaiig xmaU Rrick lIouHtM oa iKDail lotM^'orh Jasaa K. *m gtakm. “fi ''“hville are working very imperfcclly U< .iu»e XMetTLAM lam tariay. I'lFir.r.eNFIKrFFVFlk*^rFFV “‘•^ALSmtaUALSMFDtiq A«UANDAXriAVri DIPLOMASUIFLUMASniDI/iMinniPinoiAa havebavek.w.Kanr- Saalbna H, Naw Ymk CaaWat 74V, Baadfam 44h, Vir tACSMT—t/.t. MAIL MQMtIMMiUMM BrigUmYemw. real or affscUd, CAiotaiu-* Thrw icoota»af>d CoL'a- -bfttti uiw.> ore pare l; kre Ls Utitfahoo, JoLq Uortua, of tba and addreawM tU Lady Supetio; thunder showers, ao-1 i( Is eun.i-lorwl almost cinma'segii. at-oarl r* iwupurty of a nou-i«wi'lent, wiU rp poHUtcw Morthii* Uaihort, 8aai*l iMW. Oatoaaaag Chirma'afie,. in veiT atrJBfi aod t booo awarded to WiR* A* Kotcbalur otoca IbJV. ood Co^a ifonaivt taiqti. *1 impoa.ihlo to gel tbe news thruugh in time tor For CiBciQMtL Dejiwai. e iNst-farreiAt.-Tha valiablt atotiatir ly • 4a MfW li^rtacY Rob't HoU, WoL EL Cu4 the Mtchbran Caatret 4Hg. trta g^, fliT^ml and Bt-soaiiugtoa itlLj ToM* TU aaw aad Kei,ugiapb, jejy sj | AaidAsia fronifron; the r< pretantaloretantal ipniiona ovarorat appli(atiua«appli(atiuo« bwaa MQ dOuiAwtiyl amrnmg ereHita* rmmmmt seeamto mma4a to tU adi.ur I b0,0^ Uva wade to tU hair Tnu. lilx-ial a-id wiU br aaJr known at mV. l«pen, even if lha express arrivas at Sack- raaaaui Bailroad x;M. IM. PaHU BaJ N, t Ct a TELYDKADU N-. ambadaad m tUa Isaak Uve beta axtomdvely cifca- ^a OA-aTBaeaiTKaa.—Ia p.trxsit ‘^'riUne, Ibg a. u. ME.NKt^ ville c Miiaemaa. w^mu~ yeatorday ’a i«na wa cast baa vary little ti' I of patruaa of hia famonafamuua A^^^ in raatun. ••aUforwi. si bu DvaDye. 4 ,j „ ^folQC JACU» .4Tlt.vl>EU. Dimaji. mi fileed tu arreat, arrival, “vMary or apacial ' j lafiad by am bariaam aaaa. finally to lU advaatofia aad iocareeratios t-f ia-mrar . U looka aa ifa peUed <^ef the •!».»« Wramers win • toned er u< herraa—fiam Btoaiatofitno,ItHaiaiSl-r ^r^bat mure •**" “ “harwiie, had fenciad that tU *«»*«' “tto ba diatiitfiuUUd from aature, and ia t..us PattA Am >ry. from lit- New raeaatly acdudon of tol Js>-sEDM I laealitiaa whem previooly Ba aataral adrtMafiu v»a,vena, bound to Ftlmocth, ** ‘“'•"rirel Novel, by C. P. K. iaiare A sDlu-N Araak tiambKmb^,Keatacky, Btof4ro2g!!^i— mis tMrtboir effutueffotu io prvioou »Ua tU realuiaa “ )** INSFRRS p;VKKY today un m.c;nnl ol tha death of th# toprumoU tbt warfarevorfi of '“fi'i cf that mode of life . .No. ai 1 hint lU. ct. dm IIIDTID.N -rrecure a4 Waleila*, by (>. . .*lU .~t .c- < ... .. OF DUOPi:KTT W. M. BayaeMAtam- . m .. —T-- 1 a. A . 1 T u in»j uw cuDuonao, aoa low ui auccts I try by isctnariag — — fwatokUpraaaed _i > ^of bod uvoftyoo •aalui*t loeres by M:e ia the rullowtax Ural cIom GaptalO Ot pleta ia ow- eotamr. Drt.w to reaisi af iiptaaatd ‘U. hj iacrenriafi IU aamaatlat cfef ilaits cirx-ulatiNw aponapoo Ur.her, aUshe ralauUdrwltuUd ooUaod wMifi odfUfipht I . a . . om- fiaaUamea Uva aa aarasat datira circttlotiMf ajcain tciurbt f. . , .... ’ t'KlNfi 7> lialF. 7 8 ConrMoga Thrklug; Jsrk I aw>‘lo;'s l-atte.-e, ^ oer father’s huuie. e will ^ WTigoratad fur Ufa t^ ^^on- h>’ Mu'->r Jack Dowatog. 3to. IIOISE H cot andertoka ^ AroirtA, Ga-. July i FL’K.MS11LN'G. to ex- W. tu aalbar aUaM Uwa the cky eaavaaaad •Bb tU u 1 "St (to 4>4 do do; 8DKINGF1ELD IN 8 UKANCK COHDY OF sritlNO- LoreLord M-.otawa-.M->otasre'. Dago_axDago H wartai llemaaea. hy G oMa oaMwd Kobor; pl^* hll tbe que^UoDS to wbicb tbe two otateni^oU did djia. S do 4-4 Foxb* <*w; John J. Y. Jame-. i-rka al. Hn.D, JA4S.8 — I'xiKalud Sorptus ARw.uv-. Jocea baa baaa nominttwl as candidata I A mam it acagtariafi tU work Mill msM widaiy aver Tartar waa J«o4 recuirej aod tur t«l« by placed gsfier Mr. P.’g pratectioo, at P' « h": Ut ro far at any force or con- *•' Ikido of Lawaw rmoor, by Mr Wo*ter Sooct. Pr*«« &a Olotos, Jj6 aU-UM-'XSa LOW A CO.CO., 4l«418 Mala ft.at. Aon** of OcierAeia, by ;ur Walter .Soat*. P-icejic. fika «BMtry. He baa tbarefort amptoyad Mr. E cbarg.d with bargUry, laruaay, and ather »'raint ia foepornod, Ibife csrUinlv ig evidpr;a to “ ‘a H i'ba Monastery, by Sir wr»ttrr HITE bA— tu Aware that a dn- fi" j«kLnvill.^,h. l7tS de- 15 Volnmreai tba C’hcna lull km o( 8oatt*e >mooi« vm doty r'ody. eoifita *7 -MSM» .UMtomfiam u "."“fi” •'•fi *«*fi^fi againM .• "“pla to onr Catbolk frienda, by iuwhaarDaiiuMe4cenaoa«earale«aor by WEUsSH A «'0,. M\ . U dtae with a li^ Offirv la Newromb*! Bofliiac, corner baildiOf^ NoncK.—Tha Ronuioa boi the nama of Maim and U«l- were barotd. Voiu «t., ad>dchY< LAobrblo Hot^ aod oddreos H!ook Gitubau.*; littitrvoto. Lu:raLccou Itiill a aid frtn am bMMaaaa mt«, mart to thair iadiaii. fiteg of eaantorfiailara, aod ate Boauxi-b axu IUautt.— atoM extrai rdinary | u rrect. “»ny hia & do Faoar I)cilI>irv *• “P'fito- This «“• '• **^1 «» oecnpy lU attention of Jadge of tU Ux St. Lons, .laly 2*>, P. M. uacdware a mechanics* Tools al aad aa H tati va adraatofa. Aa ••• at aiac- ***f* can- | CuL | V*?’!** | | Jj- tU ' ay ’ ' '' . .. LouiavUle hr beat Uaprovemeute, Pt mi< b"* wamau ieaatd tr, icwolvioR circntBftarcfii Doartr ^ ^ A* Jo** i Inourance The river is riaing alowlv akin to BATCHELoU, I at furtUar- romaoce 2 Broadway, tbli point. Nothin,, P'.wMAkI* A MrhrTiiR, ft. tiaa ia av*r, peap ia wfll bagia to tbiak af foil I ^ OE'FIPK north *:dc of n T>>M dm F-riito to McLma ooaaty, tl^ piain naked truth, aa Wain atreet, botwiwQ Tbird and rw from any rf tU oaaacqaaact I devalnped by tU affida- ****** Fourth, fTcr mawef tbatha upperiiDo^f strrams. Weather cool. HifaMp 4 lbe :»lore nf U. ». i •'eiw>B. IXBta0 Porter aod brwao Paid IQ ard (wcuroi mtenmsaaOoairOayua/ and prominojitoconticiM — I.-oea ead Lo-oa -torniiw- -f all wMlbe; If wa Stout, by tbe rmfic, in >>.ore ao-l for e by *>-•*• Lt-eh., mi^a tea of tU gaag are foRowing are lU principal aa m IlCILCLA^RIUr TrewrLc pfuofb BnW. ta l l>ri«r*A and ri - I..»eK tar tfea aappl at avary articit now to fpett sat forth ia lU • TH JSC Qipany bv^ng now or- y at Uadt. diroacn vtta, \Y-TrTT*J W A/-' v: \\ ru- tji jJ6 V. 1». UAKTANO A CO. U rmtc cew and rapBjIor ortielam ts-rm- and at qoiu a docamoot alloded \\ ICjO^—W ICiS— \\ yauixF^d aombar of the war- toi l of the Pawnoe Wak —Tba St. .looaph oa Poarasic no GaaMamr bt Bub by fomv. by Yfumtu at Sea, 7*^ **• *“^**»*** Brooklyn a H*oaa oU. Ibay ara olaKOOt, li«{U, emoy, and do- andi tSKitii fa ‘‘rtil lady of rauarkably ^anlaei and prapui^ by ueiifil raodl^f MCw oa Hawacan Haiu—Tha paatal adariaiatra- rood aud for fair by lQUD4^tima^rtttM>V**and atoo on ••••ing appoorifacc, 4 wtuen bit^a *T^* ^*Z^f*a^*^* ^ conani. who rtpiwaaotad Hmldiuc4,HiiMuua4 , d(C.,axainetKC., oxauwe oot about two weeks ago * J J F* *^*ft»‘*®'**** ^ bcrtalf to be a robfa. uomLoeioror IMmaiiob/ifoniaiio by Fire.Firo. and thmU •^CaU atflT at Uaaaf ThamaUTaxKfoEfaakfortaa-tU-Hair, II. 8. bfcl.SiLiilCT. rro-non*.PrcMidaat. eced to give a good deal of trouble, Fittiogto achorm-no turniag up Ubfad-no ’ hat bLa ended A4 main dTNBET. foTO •*“ Crab ••dcntly badn WM. PRATHER, Sreortory. by a grand amp oo tba Ttoea D>en laetatly ladmiad I Ur^ard.Orchard, Ky..Ky.'j mcooi aoffictcntl? ampie to . part of wbilea. fi an ef iBa -toak Ua tU Gacmaa paMi^ apaa lat- Jy*** aatbla ...... IU Tha SOFT SHELL CR-\BS!!I M Lewt-V irtw clooe a i th« only fca- l'UAK,—Se hbda alrictly prime New orlcatia; entoa to tba Maenfactfa to iccopy a respcc ab’e loctol ^ * oiiEoroBo. whites, it will u. rameraharad, nader ,J‘* Is-aieevjeTje^ totoformLu too p^ ^oono ^Moe. She S iMU bbU Now ) urtt C'ruatiA'd, puwdeied. Uran- Gov. Black, FIRST OF THD MEASOK! L-citodStotoA^^n boj daralo|pad fa D. S. fteo^'dkt, P^D. J. Adame, kfai Moay aciontific ocoompaaltod by a Jittk boy of oacmtogly Ubliabmaia wbwra tbeoa tbinga ore proparly U8dar- ulotci, aod Soft Crui>licil; for ml** b/ of Nebraska, want in pniauit of the ravagaa, to IFire lb->r. K WiboB, R. A. KobinMn TvN DILOT.—Dilre redBx-ed la , • enea aaa aoaw aa ar Uatobarg, totha aaifarm lato of fivw oaau, aad GRO. \V. ebaatiae •KfaT'P**. tot rogro paraotogc, then abont tbrt« tean Mood and macU. MORRIS, them for thair dapredatioiit on tU wtslarn U F. wauD,x.n » *a-Earulur Vld®i JE6 N«>. 40 Tiiird “Uvet. 8T. rHAKLES^XESTArRCTr, r l aa r ni atl tU ato^TU rate of Ulf aa eaaea ar aa- ‘‘fi’ aattleBMats. »: g y a,, •« t-ring tbaonly fablti dS!?^ 55S Broadway, Saw York. J!! ThaMm^ t atata.?, Ll’Me uH^!i*?_‘L*!'****to ^ “TW^T. httweE-N Main and MaIKET a FIRE INSURANCE. Indiana, ^ U aapenor aBgTaver. in «»r»i»mgtbild of a favonle Axrvantof bar deeamed — ^OI'FLE-reRM bofu Rootcro Kio; Tm about 1000 atrong. ware ovartakau ^ coBcnr hnabacd. C do at after haviag ex- In tU conixe rf time aU (Uing yet To thr Bbubdikibd axd Poiaixrp rmzKXg or l.aimayYa: FilTE, ShallNhall Cro^k,Crask, Nsbroaka.Nabraska. TUTbe wbitea d.d not / Fraakfurt-sNi tU Mato, fiaxa-1 Gulha, Saxa- of Y' lUM poekea livATaromcnt .Taru: j tut ctrvmg for tU “lbu.k of fonog and ttirjctiva) waa “aooed tod woo” b n Krxtccky.— uu are overran with a del age of lU numberimber all told mommure than 330 or 34u. TUTbe*#a wereware ^ f v Id itf iaUM Moebo; (or ho1« by auikT OP Tmx MatoMfiiB. 8 ixa-U'xiMar, ll.iii rginl. Uaata- Awann, tavcral tpacimtat 't af which U baa left (f“tlemin wbo formerly waa engaged to mercactile vileet Cumponndt to tbe form of “Alcoholic Dricka” mmatdcd by Guv Black to perina, .>aaittad by ^fov Daenaatofit, Lif.pi Latmoid, aad L'-ppa II* toffieto.y ia wUt got pnranila to NewToik, hat tUt aver emaBatod from that peM of auciaty, tU (0.\XEiTlfrT FIRE IMSnUXfE COt Major Wea», I?. .sl^IareU^ rad^!!!!*af HAVE foot TreofTOd by gy rew a fat of in# HaakaUirg xj~jjy*, who (Ucuming nnfortn- I p ^>F D ( tra iii> dooinii. Afau, the impf'mt of oata to bu uneasy ia aa .t . - with aboutabont 20 or 30SO regnUmregnlars of hHELL CRAHsi. Snt oi a ifa ot wiB a aftar Ifi af ea - “Tap- at praaeat to lU employ, aa a LiguoB Mixrb. TUy are aold tu yon a luxory, - J ^ n.. FartFort K-umy;K-xirnv: thelha ha n he isMead 21 cats— pay 4'aptli.l aad Sa.plaa. FK^AIi and ^Ticed, ( p * reni tinder CLAMS, oee, and i^kiei UY:^ ‘’“‘•“•'•fifaveri, Uok keeper, of an tmiarat firm acraaa ibe river, or they are diapenasd to yoj^ aa a Ueilictoa, and in were oU voUctoera. TKh5». BMU aptiaaal. hu^'an reau 6 reave Unuiks-s A NorrA'a No. 1 4-4 Woolen Dbuda, “* c- ton}#r- af Iraita ofs> thissuss "issrer I'ba Amoricaos bod ou« « r -- —T - ••-••iBgramatoiag JU marriage•uaeriBge are two uirfoir hairednmireo ebil-cnit- »itUr csmx-are tUxuo chcvietfect iala tbame aama. S do go do No. 1 d> df,; WILL lofcreayaiostloMOt by mounted casson, and on My RI^8T.%VK.%NT 1 e»‘r*Kaatly ::i«ppraJ wUb vllibu t» u.in J V SUMMER lha todmwd rato of Ifi oaau, vi. Bremm ar diet,diaa, an4ao4 np it It1, usa I« «. Mi-Bulrat.Loldundtoati-uulaat, told under atampstamp and teal, whiwbv.hhrenderareodera ,4 — looianelodiaoifia.ra.dauM werewarewwiv aiiiaokilledtot.tvra anaandrauu wounded.wountiea.wuuuuva. MsjurM-ij^r WestosT rantroiit orOT Fwotiprod] fato p»pi iTAtr ‘ -« r jaM«* y hSt.d aud iiaid. w*n an*«unan*«un- rd4 «*ylo.vyfa. I f So d“| | Maratd ndch . {LTkot ra toMallwiant af two •""*** killa, , Y AR bacame intimato and demandod the iKi-Rfei- Ee>ard Tajfargm cat to Coltfonfa fa the wRb a Touog • J^*** rorrived and for tale by 1 X L 1 t S, ff ^ ^ inaV^r'l livinw ^ I to., . au -A Mai. WeM atalaa tUt jut aa tU Indiana eurtao- “**and ‘1. by far with Mr. Kahoe, lU Stew^af ««‘o *“ tU moM jj. JAMF.S low A ru., 4I» Maloel. •taaraaraTtU fob af BBdar tie HaaSul W. '“‘ofing i'lBSlfW ,.'x**?‘*‘’‘* •'‘‘“f*"'**- dared, a boga, brawny, half aaktd tavaga raised LS ****«* bevtra^a fcatont. Gcncnil FAl.^Vs, OILM, >AH!kl2lllC 8, J.NO. A. xMIUsEK’S. Kor «p lop bar oafTioan, *? ^^ fa* K«*««dod MlMve^iidg and da- liisuntncc Affcnts, rek »k- a 0 I owd fao’^d » ^ *oltl>l41,.s—.'St case* aawrtej csrdia's Ju-t rreeitsd ' up out of tbathe grtaa,grata, brtflredJ at him, todaod then ran. The Wfi ahtUSiB PD.BC.aca Uercatoito lAbrarySociMy m.*i <-l.f F.urxbe and Amur- d .• _ . _ _ & I MAKTl'PACT^TTlhnY -Twyt. a FuCR 1 II nTRKVT. pira to run off ‘‘‘••I* TU eminent phyriciraa „" — ‘ MAfi^rACTWRED wi^ Ur. wbicti w« «*»tufii“ was iD molber aud . *“fi '’1' Oftt e 43fl ajar TOBACCO, m^comXuJ . I.w .lI k I. I YUijiSt., over Vi, H. Stokes’ Major putpat ipnrsapurs to hUhia bonehofie andact! made ehaae.ebtae. After •''•*’»««< **'-‘'“'““fi * by tbe bale an-l Stora. to driiver foar Uctwaa to tU metropoiia of tU Pa- un KHnr4ey afternoon leM. Jackann and -vi/*. -S> eUrtling a disclosure “*F j,. V. D. ^.AETA^r.AETANO fi UU.. Mamet. ilL wirl baa, of ^ 'IKK, Ufa.Uatta.audHttaBibaat Ilallriska Ukcu ntba portningporeuing him abontabout OM hundred yards, ra -1 gattitggettitg %HtU^fSi I'tgttrs^ SpifeS^ oour.#, crewuia f'?*riy, bnt praaenba it aa a mad kina wb«ra t atim- cree. ila will Ls atom, fksaa . CR rmu'K NOW REIN > lEBVCRD TERfff They - UT iTriTio this oUe. — InlalLLu-W ^s^.n'd “J M»»*T7''N7*Ti''T^T/^T^ I ptnil. LIlfDBlfBBROfiK * CO, ‘ '•‘a'r; r.r„':^?.’’K:r'tr:r,r.;: I k au-Lsf -L NEW laNSL'RA.NCE V'Bcacahar them arc ibr beat •aeda IRM -**^' Oern Uxd to fiMb to aBawar. Ts ;rs'.T.L''rr‘‘* ’"r'"’- >> • , WOKUJ compXnv of aN. t/ of kfa prowait and daring. to Marimt *" fi*' is>"i»vUl. Wholesale WHOLESALE DRCG44l9TSa r d 8.““. «~^™- ‘t-- «»“*•• « U w»ura^ UldToO’^to.^^ **'.**!' for •'«'T»“‘,*«fi'»;r.tUtw.tnesw,, CALL SOON. flfiMra Wniiama, eUva at David L. Beatty, atoal- I’"'" hie willbe ^ « 6tari.iiu., fiUin .tract. Kumuxi. ««> her "."7 “liege tUmeelve.thamoelvea with good,gooda furfor tbetba eniumertumnier ore respect- Uertfor-*, (Vnn. Uesh Uapinil and Siirnlie* dtto uua MokiofU"' eoMtomer. HeH''"* x"'"*?**' l- fltbrr “f Creole SXTAiOkdCErEl. acknuafatfaedi tbaf be bo« or oeini • Matitdi H’ileaa, f. w. c., Uvtofi to Ur fasatoe- » logian breed Hd» r.ii j i ^ #L'*^ato JNU. R. ALLEN. wife “^*KiWreaudebildrea 'tales tbat the *^'*'*^ •v'winded that G. U. Tabb, eorncr ofFunrtfa ^liitogin Mrm|Ais. TbcTU«girip«r»4girt sera, seiiaraiion Miween ibem waa cauicd 1 HL.iCK GRENAIMNE KOHEd: “WvtM. obfalaa fffafa*Moia iaawfawkaawiog tWataea la ba mom.Mofaa DIrictaik-aUoa glWBIu busmeaeand ‘* ‘•'* •'fi'o* *‘ tU Wichita Agency, and U •*wd fmrfeetlyporfartly wilbugwilling toI., remainreomin <^ertod infidelity un Market Mreeta, he* a large Muck of every ilaa- RICH COL'll GRENADINE KOBE?; tnelasreeuof 001 bu with Jark»uii,Jerk sun, andaod '‘J ber |Hut, and tU( uniil aaatuuisn.andluasaspruBiyily 2Jl MMKR SILKS; i^ju^alDor uMes. brotUr, wU bad been preparing bimralf for I Hrevea No. IMM tofifiM for thr*a mwatbs. mmftmmieoafeeaad tbtbat within pbiwl tU “ 1, lart# Rurr M'MMRR DfiTM fa, U4 Mrd««%d her andcr tbr \huiuu^ a iieniMl ba won fad tu belfave ^ drea gooda of Ust fabrwa aod latent ifat 1 LACE MAXTLf:«; HILLOCK * D^KCE. rscaivad by RaUruaJ aad fur sate by prax-tica of mariiciae, and waa to rather dalicata I LEOaoRN. Oaaidy e at of merrimga EoamarUdA LaiIcUU rut 9TRAW. A.ND PANAMA HATS M ar er, aUva, raani^ fo'ga. Band of ^untifui. *•' ' UUsTEKaS, Ac., « ’»*«*“ «» KAWaoN. t OOD. fi »n>«ou.r, Mylea, ahiebU ia oflering very b, rich fancy kaltb,bealtb, hadbad gone out to ace him, udrad for tUtbe par- > TODDl and'‘"."i* all * a; Mipi rb oaiitnieQt of PKaRL and DRAS fosTT UATtI Mr. Milfare oi Sow •;!. . . aitb a . York. at>i.ear ffor i ... . . ^ uwmrto riJuu tUt Mw will net ran at large. . . thl pooapoaa of recruiting hia baaltb. thetha 4th uf ’ A"^ni *’ * "^fi AM3.-SW chubs- Sugar cured far mla by On Jaly, bUs at. NITRIA PRENVH A. . da A correMiMPtMletii of the Missuon..,, apd Pbilli,» aii 4l 4s«B4>ndetit traveling AND BlTlDERS. - LecL.TaU^ 7" P*'' “‘‘.‘"’u PuCKET HATJ AND TRAVBUNU CAP4? .— £,,..L draa good*, booiarv. glovoi, aitta, loco V,f IHogc-, waa praacot,praaeot, aud thantbaa Maj.g lUctor;Ivsctor; acd Frank I>UVAIsIs, & (^O., srn-ca, lioltu Saws, DIaun, Filet, Hulu.. Pat. **-g-r. drank to (2iW for tbraa ’ «•' C. Square., B«3 (M*. *e., 4c. LxOito viMtini onr city wUl And it Ixtrcla. aad HevUa—a lar.c awartiucnt ua bead raid aumathing to him abont aboaing hii nncla )Ab 8TKEKT. aad for .a low j» C by l^CH U. ORM9HY. while ia bia praiaBcc,praiaBcs, acd ratbar farctiuuriyfaretiuualy KraaUy tu lUir tot.reM to...... examine goo.lt r»-ra- "!Ir\L-to44,^’,^1^ww-**"e— wewgcs OI keHw in every sbape aud siu; a»irra tU.u. b"-— —at MacketsI la bUs, katvea, gr*. aad \na; M auk TUB tyucTS. Tbnndav /x- . _-„,.j„..,.,,riUi.j»TRY«;AKDETS- markad amnatbiog abunt hia gray haira. Suoa Kail a #lbb lor tbfoe — 11. Laud CrooicBt raws fur ,aV by bhto do de de cm A.. cn^'Via’s. tUy exroodadextwaded threetbrac iorboainrbaa ruand.ruand, aodand ...bm pieke.1 pm-ket I’niun arrived ‘•**' purvfiuMee. .Store, j tU from Port .Ntralev Gra' th^FE^DLvVaKDKT.-I; M J27 H.'. URMSBY'. after Fruk waa about gaing out of tha tent, rad Km Uerriaa m eUa, halves, aad kilr, werraabigas-cang-. R ifib IXJRNER Off POURTH AND MAfN. ap In falling Ibey broke all aria, with aixlcen fugiUva alavm, •““‘•'••M corner of Fourth ra.l II arkat at reaU. l.NUKklN UAKDKTS; Whartan waa ailtiag to the lent dreeaiiig; aad Whitr Fub la bf bbts; aow la •lore ato far sale br wU bad cLwd UAUDKTS; l'RNL'rr.4 KALI9TON for saU at aa tfia wmAwstotUBurtkwaal: ITupaner from VKNETIAN W. fi H. BI RKHARDT. 417 Market M. OM*lb by LfiwiaBceaariCetUri Watobnwm vr. werebrvAeti tU Smto at vyim peiiodt Frank went unt Hunt fulirwed, and raised ! wilbto tU Imt i«>« ]4b '9x11^9TAIR RODS, ww ’mjI.atjl.-: B W ARNOLD fi MILLER'S, bis band ^ WE ate Hu* moeataa la reeetto rf Mm'stoeari dwelltBf. two yeert, and wbo bad Lean tu strike VnrlBi Btock, pearl, Rre-ra 9aA Ha>- at eS CWattoB. Wilkata, aa 1 Chftottoa Hanmia, p>aca MOW liviag at tba negro WHITE *fi fjLoREl,I'-yLoR. MATTIXU; Frank witfi a knife. Wharton criad out, A blU'ANT M ATA- Extra targs aad fiaa ra.-aivto this ato aeUltment et t'hatbani, IP JuA I st ill. PRATMRR * dMrra. — Oraada West. Ii cu^rg a tcts vsTSTy-ii-. «»'»“WITHITB ASKETSI MASKETSII mtoved at “don't“don’t strike Frank with thattfiat knife,”knife," and jum|wdiumnad SI erarraML Jatot hail to fM, fto fi toaatU af da* -r t ii"*^ '•V*'* YlIL lit RKHaaivT sir IM Mam Mama, fa JdJdjf4f.-~Iatac,Isaac, tU aiava of Mr. Weakley,Waaklay, weary of Canadian f.eedom, wbich to SPE< TAIslAJ s AH.xttLD * MILl.KR'g. W * m RKH AR^I^^Ma^M^u**— — wbo many blacka NOTICE . ff^-filgsalg untonp tu prevent it-butit— but thathe licklix'k waawas made just aaa. ifib totassB Peanb ato ilMb. fscdfiana, aad ptotoMff'a awn aaangatzmea taUa to taaaot far u aaaaalt uaun bia maaiar *mt>ra^ lU sxalled liberty of going nXOOX* OUOlOtlAJH, ¥FLuW .IND MAKERd* toadciBaUlT WIDTHS ^ |kOMtaTH:S— WWhartonbartonhartun saiaedoafaedseised himhiakim bybj thathe arm. Frank fell,fall, udand WAGON MATERJAU foe wttb totaat to kill, aad wbo eacapid ftom jail bobm tlatbc-l aud of being nearly itirved to ALL dcHh, they BI’IEHS of 1 « « -w 4- lllemched Collaa; hethenimmediaUlybe then immediately struck.truck Wharton KEAUV -HADE -fc.s-r. siui 1.111 ^*>Ai.wn“ fr-i -r to thetfia heart. ,!r ar tbraa * ' I’ --ri , do toX m” ElTnaYTciX^ two Tenue^HW^^ U'o^n; He died inabuutin about hour. -1 H^iod an Frank.enragx-d and -nil-t.ll Bed ia opw to oXfiOT^i Bj-ca rorH*i«iI'etw by" 9. MARK U. F. DOWNA Boefoy. DiacUqged. / &u bole- Dwfahiaroaa 4o\ bfaodiag,bleediag. wontwant out radand gotogota piaiol,pielol, a»daad wo«WwnaM hatehave AkM.STR«>NG *8 elKfant rt*fick of utnm*rCkitb> r^r\ *TI 8 * L-* V iXs v-/v^aj JiMtreceWed sale 0 mr Is DOW offered tw-'a A aod for 67 abotshut HuratHurst on tba siKitaspot, but waa urcveDitHl hw IaiI IBem ptculurly ai,quAlified. O.e at rrrr !>>W >RK Kh! prevented by Uul. «Tn AggQTWA-Fix .m family, . ARDET WAR_^US4^MaiB;,t ja .IAMES low fi co.. cooaiau l aa tfib 41iM.„M. •niie I-yRnhblMK ' UKtoaoa aaya that Capdaaa tog rfof a colored manlaan, hithia Coau Bl.ia.Blaia, and toin the h«^yburry and Infultorilu^teunfu-iuo llur-t eeeap- aUaltog aad talliag a buna at Mr. 1 tier (UFiutt. co^ mothermoibtr, wira.-^dwife, ud threetbiM worth S.’K at Eatetoh children, who a-capeda-captd fjomfsom St nd,ad, no one betogbeing i 5 do do owterpruingaaterpruiag , •fatoa.M..lto«.Md M^toAfiyamaimprla- ?‘’®"*x“!! ••pwiwtc. aAfanlii PautB *t ttn ul 8‘4, have OO** FiaoiifV do 'do- bt a hard SSld'iKwmtL.’^^Canedfiu wiuur, ttHt^ird suacas Sw do Necro Ururt tow runamfoaaai CaC. B. JoknounpJofiBsun, a fatutber-lnwlawhav-thee-to-law began to ligb for their &] best Goodo, asaortodauaUtfao- , of da-OWNS» O MtoTiborTrii J J7, . hovahave brenbeen takentoken* At toe naldaBea af fatBar. Bear VOlTlin* AMD CIIII.UKKWS J_AMb^W * C0..4K a fibv rinys atoaa, havtag at tfiat tbaa M ynara to imM. llwBla. Plasi wrou to their master, laformtog him rf CI.OTIIIMI the Mala M. but befi. arrivtoarrived on the groradgro^und thetba m..rntog after r s dt ibai? daaira .to m-.rStoTaf^Trkthe a e lleury as.. C>' . wa the aaoreiag s( ito tlA af X H^^VcTrf*^ ^ to rrurn rad rcqueaticg him to GRFATLY Leotber and Calf. h»re Kod turder. offered I. ilhanfflBPa, fc Ball ha raraarab—ri. araata il Jaly. af'akauada firUaBoa'af howtos. moat tbam ReMuKD DRIUESI Of Fateui White #200 reward^ and tent the Indiana daiaatar Dree Goada; Uw Mn MsTna J.. at Stylet K VisSt^ ff* ^ Wheat “Mway. Ky.. la the aua CtavaUud. When they q-Tived oo Ibe t^atenewat J. j|. ^^fum^by all directiuiw Varioas Ma terlala for TravaRag rear old nackat AKMSTHHNU-8. to ia putauiL Harst waa - anght fif- Draiaaa; I axcitamaBt. aad ha aatrualy aaeapad lyacb- lleilds the Bl»T <|aalitU-., ws bave Sum* tbair maater waa there to omat them, lytswilevu^ii.K.the V- o' I bii^unLsndsolMUan HD.IHTTfi.UN. EunruMcric aad laces af arwast itylsac and tbevtx .NationaL have also some a UlUe v4d style teen miles from there on the road to Texa.*, and laniafi We tllaeat, II. dery, ato Ribboax igg whaa be anw fram tha beat arhiob oarri d pr.Boed tbetr graiificmliuo at tba maaitog ’<*TT0N cast to »uU to a t Yarns, *e. tol a. W- then ." OoD EN WAKE.--A tall awortment pa*»«d thruBgh here laat Wadnaaday, a «I3 W of all si-a. oa tfia way kito Thread ato Preach Laca MoaUax him ta PatarMiai{. FBOTOORAPBS Dcr which danoUd ainoeit regard for him ^ 1''“*-se-' c -rns.au ^ '**''*^ fo* toefiy maple Stuck, well “O'd ‘•I* numbets fn«. Buren, in custody of I>vputy .Marshal Whil awortad. a vaoanbU Market^eSJ^i!wsfxei evroe., fboYe^l'nlaaoYe I nira fit ^n oa TUB Annty,” tegiwsa, wbua. blaqi ifii Ifib HIBBITT fi SOS. Ad tor ta e al low prveev ud la tow wkrt.“^n*i* sides— Fort .Vmil*//e,W eases cummoa-batote Pain. Leaf Crab ORafiart to tbfo State. the Sl-lber's JAMbfi fi an X— Fara TTTtj TTTTi LOW CO., 4W si sbwsa oab TTTTf tack.” The entire party took tbe train for Ctocio- ’*•“** ’*•*”“ Itroonu Main F a do Mack da do aa A larr-- supply rf tbe S‘lnd‘fa?.2?i*'*'‘ In store ^ sale piA^ttet goto aai'imra. ‘TRay ynstekB msM ewa O 15df«.S?b7^'*’““ dTTer Nar-w ato Nurdu. by Dr. A. Jast received ato for rale bv 31 Lf-B ree.-vved ato tor to •aU, happy fo th« thought that they war. going aA allks.ALI M^ rad’lnanu. from fialtimee* papaaa eoalafo fha parlira- _^______«XthMoth aU.Hs, betweenbrtwoen MainHalo Jdl IAMK9LOWACO. dLAMalasA. SO-TW hum^-Srrobmd Oem^, — aodand MatkeUMa'/kk. RTEIMWAY fo filMrS ' tbe Imiairer After Trulb-iiew mprir Se Ts\IsBOT. V»BA0C0..1tM Aniri llai ton, or J* TTLER fi C.’ARY krs af tfia dhaaMag at a Maw. bmtf, a marriad boaMViTKinfaT-fawei MARTIN. ew MACKKRKl.. -U kbis No. A torge. l-to seasisto do MARKET fiTRKirP. cniemuNO « rots T X _ X, Krutuotr dtJ.all irrodes* r»*1rl«-a vols. 50. AHUAYRA N and for sale to Ud-l TYI.EKfi iLAk't iN. ifi* anwt at in More *^Jfe* f ^re lerit* the 0*«“- •>f fi* 1 CUFFEE-fila ban htsmAM ..m JZI Dl P. vfifiM t»* a maimd ama nimrd UOOE 0» THR Eqi AfsITT HoMiniFR A.AD St'lCtl>R. ^ato ^for to. by ka e. C. /'to roeeivto ato for i«'e lea do Paacy- do; at de Ifa Germoa Ruoii; 1 the light of l .ii|ielillmn by to ba toaana apoR tfia labject bhii I dBU teamed uf lelig oo, Io bbU COroUna Engravtaae. to to M da br bsato d-; 9ue No Tor, Um bU«* AbboU-one Unadrod JAME9 LOW fi CO., 418 Mato OL w TaUe ea; s»H uoder tfia impeamioa ——— . — Id do labored tfiat oBa U do BliuMtOIW; er*« lilctloQaiT, L oabnil?c«l— Pkrtoriol Bdlttoa — — ua da iran-boaod Cburni-, Web* Curb, fieda; Chxar aka appBatMfiadUmaad fit do 40 nesks H daaaky th«aa- endaavoring to rob hidt. Tba laport la do Alum; l.tou iUueuatisBa fid to l Water CaiM; was that ba . OF^E—d*. bag, ,ag aagst'attaa Vera, amnitej dgaw ’ of tto UtottotioB a( tba nx .v ' M Besua>TiinB; leu Mtautar was U bo^ Spire; llwtory of ha Diicjvary ^ * waa a Baptist manly anppuaitioa, ”• TYLER* MARTIN. sola to kale. Hatttor. 1ft do Gioerr; Fli.urens, traiialateo to X-I- uS^M^U**- I'- ISr*’ “"IY M do (e> da; to ttote aad for by „ to ^.uYei;D. iSStoS . targe bbte •rigtoatiBg to tha rindmg af a text awd tba rf OTTER fi tv bhie Tar. goto for Olfo —ri bar bBtoiad. The wemto oatliwaa 101 cam* Sop. ffarb. SoJa- AenesArnes Btrtck-andBtrlek-and • Gimens<5ton“,“‘ SeoUato, Vo:ameAoiume 81b,>>!»w*am ai Leva kega, a>s»rtto fcaaibari.'Wbaelliig~aiid ant tor toe by •***dLD * MILLEir LX— Patwiu did aat EoMa'.imiEunm-.kmai TopicToplea ato IoaianU.iiw,Ioaiaati.iiw, by George X Boot- j*j sola ball risad at paaatrato bia ciotfiaa OTTF.U fi aLLEM. N tHtishorg bream, to store ato for by waa tbat to tba vGl 01 — UTTEK * ALLEN, McCalab abriumaa. UaRagn it ap- Peep at tbe Paet, WalterWaiter' Tho.-Bicy,Tba.-aicy, or a by Mta Sedge- PANS! FANS! Just received at ju Sixth at., batweca .Mato gad Market. aaary bad aeaMaatelly shot and alfehUy woaadari vrick. fit. ^ fi Poarth street. -• — ^KOLD MILL ER*X 5^3S8BHi himtalf wbra he first became alarmed obob tfia road *Jnat.Tnat neatvadreceived at 84 JMlfibIfib F. plIOICK TEA3._W. base •ad iwtranwl fife way to towa. His tflbcta JM A CRUMP a larre awortmeat of eholee W'^^^SSi^^toUWttoowGfe-; BUaa McDeMU woe astaalari wan • , B'ack Green aad tfina WIRE --A supply X Tone salectad rrom tate towwria- tee da la to U ea da; barm. Cok'a nvolvar, ar four dalton Ir I on band, just reoaived sod ttuas,u to which^ we V/ foriBle utsUe attaatlua. For mle —— r te ko do la to 14 da da; _X_I1 OV rm-x.— I by /.J. T. L.A.NUAM dt Cil.,Cii.. , -I. T. for wtla ay Iiapertera of LANHtM fi CO., Ib slan aad »TAm:iL^ Teas fie., 87 Third st. Jto Imponegirf ^Y^Dd Tme, fie . Third SL jtt OTTRR * AIsLR.V. — A - . ; '| . . - , ^ - . ! . H . “ — — 1 i 1 . T . a «Ta

    A DuTXMciaMKD Prauc ScnvjisT.'—It it c«t- MISCELLANEOUS. JOURNAL. pip- RAILROADS. MISCELLANEOUS. LOUISVILLE t«aa^ to liooiu iaportaat ptftooiiKW, U-ttt I “ . T. NEW YORK. business cards iaKtiat>;u>4 it it aot BeccnuT to • mion** bt- 2AILROADS. x- & FAGAN X>OOfL8, FAST coauu A has. tbot Iw Ao acvib^ auoil.or bOxACja: TIME TO ITEW TORK! ALL THE NEW FOURTH ANNUAL FAIR €A«e a kumhby, tkiac It Boojt loom it *01 TMJOtrKi »T»B tXiS^TANTLV ON HAND MASMIV •••'••VIaJ.E A3ID .SIASUVULUI fttM. H fJAVK FROM CIKCINNATI ('cccratfits to tiwii 3. Mntait). TEAlfLE N*. 1. »k.« ooIt 1a ani> APruot tT> VIA COLUMBUS. OK THE 4o aajtta^ rftrbitilr. U bt eta A.XD LEBATO.T BBA-TCH bit caaic ioio XAXiirx>3, wcco id, br heeat BOOM, ia ftrti^ { t'lifiMffai nnd Pharmacpntlral •Itercli *ND LITTLE St. Louis Ai^rkuKurai and Alcchanical auii^ F.iNCY STORE. (bt a art- Oac aatanl AitUbt tor tbt» MIAMI “VyE"'' p p . m rf l*r«r *"?• S03LX3S, K-JES'W' lioM- tktectatttatto ka« atar ' J> R E AR j\.T IO!N S ^ssooi.A.Tio»r, YOXLSL. R^IJURO^DS. am af ear otieMt, tbt pubUcatioa of Cor. Wall Bt or rar XtXJMBIDXL, COLUMBUS TO COMMENCE SEPTEMBER fld, AND COM- *“ cto AND • I » , ^^PirthBr uI«TSS^rj'*“!L5? i XENIA - l*••kAL aaTanoe* made ?** wow paa tt*at_taattoetioa to tb* TINLE'TTvi’P bit,uiT DAY.fl.ixKva I on ecoildmeiits of H*»mb a oaaoaA hh irnmm ‘J* o—rc . .-o .-.-..oon . I , Tatmrr.,tr.d W..,..m PrMiK-t noSttllr Wcdt^„ii,!s; atitap, aa4 W tha Ttrr fitr feolt ritlTED STATES A\D EIH0PC4M SECOV 1859 i...TrtnbtrUat. O-XjXnS. Mtmr.^ r. II. HiiptAro., lynbrilltV TbAukiolfer 18.)9 tdO.OOO to be fllrru la PrrMiooiB. *.nni»A STL? SPRING ARRA.N6EHINT I»*tir«aaarartbtir ON r-ao**l .,f.f*li***thiij^ , IJHATE HAND A I. ARUEI. OtI iari~)idor.U4t.tih.mn^... w— d |N .Ad »n»t Sumd.y. MAmbSMb.iaia.'fttImautofuA aad«»t. trhta w. A MONO nfbmiltlhrSt. I.onliiPr:j!**,»i.-: -u’ AND NKtV >!#»•*'*“ t*^ « 0*“ I A TTjXLQ VOMK iw ^ e paftoot, 2 ^ »»liil ^Maad M fotWwW PHARMACOPEAS. AI>I r be prf'TEptfy Btytdotattaodel to •* ^iJtportaat A No. I. For bott th.»..iigfc.hrrd Bull dl.cau 4-' EOMPANY-STEAM TO Gptoa^iait N«hjill» BOORS, ASH, EXCLU8IVKLY Vo. S. For beet X!oed*ter Klallkm hajri>«ai GL^jGOW, BTI^kBar, deUremd o«r vh«>tp ind Atteo- AELITAdT ' GIVING BOXES, &r„ i KA8TERN ROUrF! baa A. It aiaito •» rr girat at plSm a B, I ‘or beet thorc.uffa.bre^ ®«2»®^*DLBLIN. A *** i «b»ab m»lto.JmmrtoA. BBatbata. .«.,k4hia Vo. Stallion il.UM LONDONDEKEY—for $ao - - FHO>f riN't'INNATl — ^wm. wd»a4 MlArt m'WoiWt WeJiiBrABII r flmm»A»SraaM wbam Kaltad «bbwHM .a TO Arranfoaent* hare been made tor the uiOft tnlliant ex- FB<»)I NF.W YORK aw^dwiMfla hibitionererwitneMHdittthUcfiiintrT. aaA-mrtT.aaM UBBlordttUio.t MUST A. M. W YORK la Jlsi bhnant rnivni-Rnif c-mmim. ^ , snrSCTfLIFFELiEFE Hfi PMILAOr I Pini®ln'!i I.. ?[{ Wedwrdayw ^ 4a HrsMEs, “ALTI more in bnuit. The frouod* embrace Siacnw of land, cowed «lth Jana l.at IS. moon, m. m«iw Ob First st, RI-PFai J/i;*» • » botwren MbId street !*i« hrn»^ k'i eir*!i' hlnecratf, f at IJ noon. and the BiTer, SVfJAL'O ‘“r.'yf DUNKIRKdun in life hour.. rnandcntei with f*rept tree* aiid cTer^reeoe, *. |A||If|| FDINBIvTx^ vorw*'Rf*, t timmmg. 0#1I0 Rllll aad an rrmrtl te winding aTetnen. and nine bCdii Iful f.iiutaiua. Jut# 17. at is coon. eitentt all ordtn for WOOD WORK WHOLISUIWilvvESALB 0UnlJB 8CCISTS, ot Tbe Amph^thow'er, much e farcer in the United ^fmtea, l‘R*iU Of A^niiw ^ FRAME or nRK'K ELI NO lu * HOUSES cfeTrtydMeription, lUlbourt. I'GLUMBi. H'lndi?hou«. will anat 1S.>1N) neoiuua and abtltorae maor aa T^ieai. ^13. MmaMala m,.,..Btrael. bm—bat we aw TklrdTklrJ .to F at b«t^tS(^.r«^ E>*.autai( b . j .a mm, ;a-“ 'rhere arc alei FIrral, Fire A ttand Mechanical iiaii*, ^*'.*f***^* sriajiu jtlt jAbdt/ IVHatta Pmton tod Floyd. Bp«uittttntkinuin»uedtotb.une.t»ockof Thrc^Threp I'liroiiffhI UFoiiifh ••c.n, •fnirti. IA>ilAai IMTII.LB.iMWllI^twIlaLB«IBMKT.M ^ M Ma iao uUmUtba mm.mBi4 plaaaattoVt af hi. caaairr, ia tbt Ttnatrat* S'ata ExpTessExpress Tr»iTrains, and a sparione FailtliTiic with itteoia P wit aMauLcd. a n with «•« * *JNfilRi*,t •linPtiog, Jnifg. %» rtntwbb tba NanbeMab lato A lifcwlifiir fmtiin*,fe«iiin>, Gallixarinm tiiMartmeiU for the exhUti n la KP- ABE IN RFCClprBEI EIPr OPOF OUROt foar hart bica dirWtA RDd&Dd peculiar SPRING tup. *7CiSw!l » Tba nair*~-'~f »ential oils eoa- WEIJr pm^uLat to lb#*th#» ptiiiltry, SSSTPtVmtoilTtllSStP. M..antelM la La^MMd herbs and e4 and a te.utiful l.otraxe f«*r tlK'accommodatMiQ ut Hatee cf pMimaa from New W ptiea of fiwah uropean SEASONED York. Pbiladai^diU, or fWsa- l4ngt Mrdirinaa mKioi* Ilf aaaicitt ia tbt npta tir, mtr*- I.if I.ITTI.K MIAMI E tundr OB band tad »1. ^ HAII.HOADIt.ilLUOAD ONLY,ONI. i^iet. ton to Giaeg.iw. UTeriMMd, neUa.t, Utiblin.or And are prepare .1 lo twR at tow nrirw ^ „ PT\rr TFlfDDD t CiITI»T/,¥ T-in LoodriMier. ”j!;p.SS5tars-.;^2:asi*L of bit htaltfa. AhhoaKh now .V9 SiTIEFFEK A EACIAN, llorpe Raitroarl trill ft« firef cUm«. *Aaa. VVa ineilelba »y Kirtbt btatl **At *6 A. M.,***•' 8.30 A convey terdowA to an:! iu the FT, 475. Steertige, fnqnd with an atnndanca of attaatkm or tba C iINL LLMBER *•A. m.,M., andan.i 11.30 | I-"- - & SHINHLES n.so P.p, M. Fiiir At ioc^iitd }>ierr. pro|ierlp eookM proviMone. $30. — MBit tM, bt looA but littU aiori tbaa tbrtt aKMtht « « «ratesi'. intiinvj »*d I from flic whole Un^»n,Un’tnj, an.i dooo i w mmm 1. 1 to critit to ISK. ior IN MY YARD ^ iLVlI.ltiiAD‘‘‘.'^1 to tbr and En-En. eaae a aartad af rrattaattorattaa t aaaaad now taaithat ache < ON ]^Ht iMt Mritd ; EAST 'fillVin!?lnioJ eliurpt*d. m. ^ ^ • try Fee 1 firfirat cabin. $75; itt'eraae. $'^11. t 'hilc^reo luider F\nNESTOCK‘SFinNESTOEK’S Pi'RF ttuiTS’ inn i4 A I u NHJII T Kxl*UtS3 IS j PURE WHITE LE\D. »-g«— aa4 a charge for madiciaae. a^iMt ftaata. aid I. 16U h. h.4 . ~ "'•‘•a l oloiB. aad far talt bp F1.0YD. Cara are run fromrincumatiEdAt. i s^-oy. •r ^ri the TA’.pear, aad *‘'r3Br.-..rihe Amnri.ti. n No. «che..nnt.tnot For lr« i«hi or pa*Af:e applr to iui«flTr^k?..g^rr r tbtW yaatt, aatatad atme* tbu -ujltf 8CHFJFFERASCIIFJTEERA FAUaN.FAUAN. WBIU. of priett «U1 be riimlih.d no W^IrLdM U ia Barkel.anJ sbaU oiwaf• baev **^"*"* *^* *^a*Ax » j ua b*a»‘ apulk^atibo baad a good ^aBtiiaBmi a^ to to ^rfL^^* i of tetacdi la Atrotc biw talf aacbuivaly to tbt Stata ThroiiRh Tickets to all ROBERT CRAIO, ^k H. Wa wtU be pbMd to farbwb oil raaulaf -I^**^^* ** Ha»aa airf rWORDFRS 80LKTTED. Eastern t itles: u. o. sm-rrur,-.''- StaiivMabea b^ -» , Aby Af Mr aat$hbk*r» wbo laae iaa*4 amaiag bit ftU all THE popular PATENT MEDICINES of tbt duclJdl/ IS Br*>a«lvwaa« N. Y. gev oal **f tba artleda •ir?** P. tf m —ita it Mat AMbaBad, ato the «a/ far to a otatiauaat tans tf 21 }aai«. “**** A dar can **to f'Siadf.aiad at " LIIFC * UUGHC.A. laaa^e Tbt tobar baa aaiforalp tued hit prcBMiMa to i. N. Llheral lor Labaaoa at l*ra a w — , **gpn|-pp£jj. SrilEFFERA^ FAOAN'SFAOAN'S, BREEDEN. Be ward Buna way^ XeRroes, '•r Crtodtlttf*, lirtebu aW«e-«rrtaiaaataa4rwaa*ailt«’u larctao, ar te coac ta latal af oltlao guodi; tbr toa Jtit,«|t mmidif * No. «7KC7k Market nrMt.«r«t. a hdJ pL-uairlbHiiiH Umlinimii. tim ^ jJ Wtaatttd »tpo f.^timnai, U'NAW> •* A**:#'.. r .o4,aina b^thitnattawtadby bittotoa tnrvHand. [>mikirk or Rnftbl.i andNe^r York P'*“**‘‘'U* ^ U»i4»- rilAiN-SPOIi I’ATION. A® hu‘t,Uiit,eH till,ihIj II. FEKiiUSO.N k 80N. jTm.^ ^ autl 1-ticor New t'eiiirHl 2 min , ih* lollowm^ Ncjt..c : _ tto Omt at i VBIN-8. IIAUEL-8. HARRISON'S. AND RAZIN'. York kailr .iR,i iLa “ *biah RorDor R.V.N feel fi»efi«e iut Iw-i, A\ E r^Bito the - iat* aa mtm af Pkaun. a ptRitr* SiSSfSof 5L‘S‘bto.a‘ftbatt utra'a biat.ey ?otltr«Ibt^DUUMt^luraiitlu thenJuW(a I |Vrlum«ryan41'o»lKtirUcl«'oobAo4«ndlor»leb/ PICTl'RE PAXwT* AC T FFRA.Nk,k . ab ut AtoAtc a nar Fbw .aj UrreerT --ii FAttXi l;fi rnw't/raw'kr coMartedeoBduemd aaeottf ^ AS IjOW as THTj LOTVEST. *S2mK*w«12.row Kmd,K*ad, bnt rerrlmr.very |.. nr. xerrvery thick li|«.li|«, «U:k tTiffiTiff. smiw af ulvrky, < auaig. H** bfby th«alh«ia .tat iNcirihcir oiltail daa4ngaad. earemr FrMahttraia leave* duly <9atoBr, ttoaett tf 1 exttMira Datsritty, lacb at frir caa a.quur by tha SClIf K< Jrtin»aa \ toccMto) ** AH A^ to brat. Tbt FFEK b FAGAN. Mil of -‘*- M *• «t ttot tatMtd l tout built; WOKwae jmrrlu'e'lpiirrlu'e't from Hea).Hen). kemlir,KemUg, ia 1 is. . o.rosr MfthFUUi .adand Miu'kctidrrc<.,whcraMabrkeliarret-, where ibafiber aiU h. M. AJTtw m LnafaT itli T-i \i A riTT' T*n.d^ ST tT-b. “'“i tTATk urMm \ “ ba H-mmaaieanaJ — ua. P. M, i lK.o'Zi(iuo. »-VATr.Ul.NT moat rralamalir ooertr of_ , iicr 1 e I’j and a*M>iita**i*iit dtdl veareveiird old; rather knock-kiaovdkiiHcd toIn .uctoatlead loto Umtba cadkcalk of ciHtomV.owSoatara tqaal, V'rxKC 'Ivl’dr^ knock _ . ] tattomarmuPtaamtarly .viicf. ARbirr of t*»e K^ll it tbear daoiga *‘‘* XwAldljl*j| n»i (iiscinneti totn " H LI* * ' M a i l,Ackuuah. pitrrhxau fiom WaJler AM A.N FXPnLFS k to kewn tba choice^ braade of 2**.^’' y**R^ «»d e na/ t t Hlockkolders S«utlMrn Puftik Bail. (.AI.LKKV New YorkYork, ho*tor», PhiladtPhiUdadtihuIphU, I ."ii” ‘ FoBatty .4 Merf.-fde.rf, wkh maeb ta aa that ll. iD.MPANYa1t <-MPaN\. m.C,- ,.nr.«,munr-iuiit loto «ueu \rtoflleLe\ct of id.-i4n- FloBr,Fionr, taa I..O r. E.innt. .rc3r.-n. lcr, - UcLc Bturkwbi Umy »iU . ad MU aaaMad, that it m b»t j w.-hlrc r^inkUB ^ X.,V u. I- lie u ..f » SU, k c.l.r | d^tr Irtc f drartacj-icMm-ucr.at »Sr7.ler. **• Me—eodb « a»e. Bewuae Mwaa, Hew Ww- ‘"'““'r. lird lul ..f lai'illc l•l^.^>lltctii’e ot the sure>Uic „fof Kcnliirkr,Kenttirky, cntil.clentilleil **An-Aa Act Coo-I on- .1*nte yncBAarictu. e»w, J fintc-nS O.. the rfhl h.nd; .ih Glur./e . mUd ( wlUpail). •bua,Ul«>l.ui,*r'.i-w'-'tfld, dtc. mio | GaM.iu, and all pei tritb FatmtFuAnwi TV CMrrCoflirr t'mnd-i- /YFFr.RS/hFFr.Rfl indnrment.indncctncnta [ /owh-m me. and bw af to bia SaAKarcAKKASSaARSTCAkKA!! ——TV hrmoroi.h-rctof.1- n.>t rnj.ire.lcnj.ifc.l in the gdorl t^Tuing fcjipie-# l oni|tonu^ * Aii»/ot«>«l. Prointhe*r ^ —a It, M|—- ' '" -kin,' *et of tierb, tnunrt lookuiyrsery nt ut bunt, Prom tk long •xper'enee hi k w kiwSnewi they fM*•* letwn t G-r^Tra« t^cy r.-oaa>l at N All Mad.Tt tf SUtkrprart mill trewl^ert ttr ivtorrar. to n-r.-vlM'lmi.ti.lo* It »»r,'S»»y,"t ‘•'O.RenicicWlei.l llukt.lltbt, fiur,fine, .iryoiry RiNiMit,RlNIuit, ti»ii.1, .« '* s Duva^^m •M. |> Y viii b. mra fUattht . PUfiNPUKeFN Ul |||C Noiltll •liMuit 5 loet 5 iu*'lii's lilarh, anti S'. yo«rj oitj. rixjif] tn-icito tf Rn:d in ^'amaataj tc e li^digc Wto, AUna iaariy tacMd Aa HndHI1« XVPUfh» esi, C'>’>ipntiy mnnared andI iuiia I «BiTMteJUinyui»iOT. tb.-the inirwt I SMtoaa StKkhcldor.h»\r th« piitOet- f.; flu orvabi-b-arirv.l-rb'.r Pnil NTS - 'I aoii '*“**•' tul.licAtitin. ia IS.VJ. of dti.rron. tba in luili, • ftml t^ytLey ecjondeoily l‘*fT> viMe. , ,1 f laattll bribe NATHvN, jAfk j'ltf. ats ut fire feet ten 1 l*ni|>cftr atiU fle-e a nrn owned by rcxco Trudec*,1^., muc to ibeir wog BUnding i^r a lib-* JlBrr.rfUlmrr tmb tbat «“caa be rrrr-nlun-d-luord by tiethe p!t.p!t.-tt rrtphtraph "® *“'* Uoialorl tud J Urca«r4a i mmmt.**' IbiMlaiiiua ia '»»• *W U AW. l« tAkr ibr .rdmrd Mock tb* . ««,«- uid D..-D.*Tt, rn .u cniUard wtlb safety iiirlics hiEh. hair un liH chin, ked bii-tci vhkMwha lull r amphellw n-- Ibmr brar. A baailal af mV li- St™. riSuTtt eOltioD ul »DAktp»'*,ShAkto^t* M ina: br ou h*rt m iml Mi*«lmi*«I i rt-Krrf|*er id-KCd|•l4<:edofof tcH'droitm*di*nf c are ba«4 kil«.l air?y, Qree—bur. 4 .du—t-. Bwtoriile. ogg^ ^ Hr. Fajxa OuUto J n.Btrmr. Aft.-r tU( U:u« bjIaIU be lU Jten). Uiruubl^ wUI IN^ATl uaJ ll.e old pi'le, markoj with whip marks, and ubjiit 33 yeura old. D*ws.I«*ws. «b: Ilciuy XXHl«,XXHl*. of Aun ra: John HureiiicU,Hureiii»^U, ufof tba atolKU.A< iwtat. aaidtohart been li..r ,riv.i.er of U^Look for tto GLASS No. 4-3 ~ aorrtc'md frata Um uklir m«it at tbo ma.r |.rb-o Tbi. FROST, M.ii nliaUe l.n I l.h I ifiy dolUrd reeard Bill Ilea; -mr.I ^ "lAMI UWI.RUAl>viaCui.U.MHl s U* pvHl lor ibe a|*|ircbeu<*ion of I Wiiliiuu O. Fargo, of I uifa’o* Johitotm Livt'ne- dM Ui» Urortoit tlmik "«dc»r tolowtbteoroerol Foiirib .irpol. .vrr A. V.1)TT~P^'T i-'.riaiiUk fomto ia a copy af tba Mio tdi'ioa of 163-2, pur- Jam Bad rbdii. And, if tho S-ockbold. Ui uny of ll.«» above ue.;ro«s in aur ja9: or uqh UuuJrcd do), dion, of New York fltj Alriandcr IJollnud, ot & CO.. R«^iig.^WMirl«g «*• fmeiD «"r». FOR TUROLT.n TirKKIS, ; New York aimnrol aloM aaMMwlw ba$MP,og ! d-. n- t Bvtil tWiumIfo. . -L- et niwtlmiilr. « • - —. k- ki_ .n 1849 Tbi. f.mi u. ro'um. m.. the ihrr r»B- «r.,e.Hrn.„Urv iv»urd Bill be pal.l L r auy one of item HotIveicJ on city; and WPi'aia .V. LiviUr'-too, M.tNUFAl Tl REKS which mrb imanagir rhaaad by bii of LiTtugsioo: ail in, Ucjil e UF m aliow«d m pMia$«. ~li if irirln *• ihcic plaotilb.n.plaotation. tba mar baiAl)' amar truaud ClnOnuaU. pleaw apply at u,c ,S. HAND, ^ exvM ft*4rb» aad Bm MaaMba b purebAAtd bvV tba Uta Baka of Uerooabira. Mr. d.-f* mill he r-ctltcd oli»cr, 1 irke. UIBoc nan h. from tbaa htnrkhotdcr,, tb« Nu. 1 Iturun Hnom-, cirner oi' Tfiiid l*Mrub of Ibe'vi'ie. T«a. iMi^ w ih« >.xgccw itov^n?. order* tn and Kxtm tagg*** wM h* hat agaliMt, daplirity, ac4 nliibaim S a. ilamifltaii,I of the da|mrmaot of MSS. be filed uvordiiiy to prionty rfur tbc cxpiratloo Vu. ; Vtaliiuf M. Il.l.^.; at uM ,lhce NewN ew Ij.tjverer peftoflice April icn;iii truBi NEWS, BOOK. L charged1 aa4 Kto, M# kTe V. OSTER, r«ulhea-t rurner ul P $», Dji* jei^ Bir the -siu» ktioUlvrN ot .aM <'t>ai| nor, who &C0 0 RE 0 PAPER.R • nan ba ynid w tW Wggan nnlar. RiwiijaKy an 1 Er..at, ia tba BHtiah Mtoaum, mritM a kmg letter to tbc •*.*?, oppurii- the -'-i>eucer llouw, and at rLaoRi* Kwin day tu day, an 1 ni in»|io-iblr to to jualUy Aair maM af faaMrmra. . o , efl djtf whom U L tuty to , --, All who hlTC r .'.I ni.de the lOaA of 10 C -Ul* per dla!V AHTl.-^T AND PliOPUU-rTG?:. tbc L.utcra Dcia.t, Imet “to*** ^ •sy*^Mcine ihal tlif mm, nt link*Duke Km,Dm OT I rniit ,Uvet luikeiin ae. urate ktniciiuut uwiiag to the ir^ntucf wf 3.080. u,.,, luitGni at< uiu*l do «o befur* Um luth day of •urn chunrc*. lose. I \****JL WHOLilSALE DBALCRB alUmad htmtoexAmiaathe Utot, aad be hei ttode juaearat. aIUtiimi tiiu, wc liave no diani-Uou. P. W. STRADER, Brandy and ('linmpa^ue in" UwHd.' The sn^kuot of tap^ial M«Kk of said rcio|*any D W.kn,- ftkularIyiulba lotaar part I ltotm»toatiMA,uBdf that go to atom that tbc predeaded old Btit rvadard. I hat the imue ard ..le of five i.er rent. i'-S 0^, . f which there U cniphr .e.1 the * q , , rA«K« a.«,r.to’F™...e'i.'nT.n iJ. GHNEKkI TICKET AGENT. in bwnoeM of mid are -«* »h^ be and u hen^ hiaiied to an a»,mnt whicb 1 on«pBuy, in tbe >t »tc Ilf Keuiu«‘ky, a* ^K'-'niLitui rE.uiiL ^a at Laipaee. Ha meee»da f tba amigiaai altaratiooa,ktHOa, ootM, and atage directiooa 18XAF liIS bmAc!^"lm7^ri2ibn«ki't«< Iui|H-rinl CBbfiHrt umrly n« the Min CaW»t cbBiuiHMcnn;tblTu'iiiiie- *^7"TL‘'YTr y'XTT'mwn can be acertauMil.BBcertBUM d. thtee Paner* AWm thieeilioiiraii.ltlioiuaud of all Ibe rfib.lcave. In iMnd BOtJ for bmIc dA lur«.lui,. MtLmnWSo *— af qato luyt ^a.dmm by ' tto««b be tod Many rukd vurmark | '"'”“^"''^"^^^17^ J \\ J vA L J iAj I tteiM m IM, we the mbcri. eni, yt Uiecwpwnx cr.ncnrrli gnbnll •> dirert. nod ntn aert- fi.an*rc.- * Al kom ff ojliccr..f aid l o*Li«b> .iiipai€i ^UIe^haJl Mc MILL, .\o. <77 M a m n. da I T3 ^ 'w a -w->- w»g •tfcinl.y cmliedfor obiert. T^Kt't.llSS, .MEMPHIS, &. Illf \ | aaa. Joaapb Fntocia Oa- klmw. writb ttm iBwend ‘‘ann />xfrk,"nutria^' i lUST|C8TC8T recUeedrccUvedrcctiTcd oerper AmericanAmericHn rmrami h UriPta SOI TH. bcdix*tti waaaadal by IHaUy lioa wIthiB a palia^, with tB$ ksend *>na - I Amcri^n rFipr...xprew a UreaUrje* rarivari ty’ cfof l»iuitak«aaBgrkoa,emreiigoQFaiar>fnpanr. ^ «w iif U rtonlott. That U.c m-p-t h-iMen and rredUot* of J WM. RAMidW... r r Jar< bb ^ -Li -tv L/ Vv I J » of FINF'FA NS' ' wm In amay. Napotaaa ia aaid •b$via$ tkai tk» U^iag tba «aj aoioa tima -Ueo—paa> ,ballli,e«th-prelrrrtori>e rednaed eioek anthoiizedaiithoiizad io UixcrsMi-UuacrsMi- l«bdayof ,No- Tbe U«g*ekyt'aparlty af tbiaibiw 4«riagdariag .rfc. , -,i , .. \\ M. ^ KaadKaadI Wto aawaa*v aaaaicaaal »# Iba Maae af Oaoar aa yoaag Bar- "-heFb* I*adi»aladi are re^c fully in«'tted b> rail SEilo, I{a\MSAY ft CO.. M tototo taafcnad I’iooa to U* aoid lor tlie |«eri *d-d of aln-tyikUi«*ty da>*idaj-> from the and eiHUaUee y """ _.-vaav »«ia ta.kbe 4 waatv,.w.a.„._ He MystbAttfaor. ie evidenoe to rbow I hot tbe If" „ 317 ' taem<*>»"> at»• |>, ( ’hVnrV WEI-I.S. MAIN STREET, hadUfmat bia Oaataaic taataa aad - - - to eM.ml.1a a k.-.t ij '***>:h dtk'.’ c* lApm• Ahf' n«akw^.B'lleer. laUl the judgmentIndymcnt Uf>f the j, ;in KKAV*si« Tlxlr* t mWeb rarf—fim^ tbumgb lutep-vrti to n>A mb e a t a 1 uf y Hoxxri^ p,mulent.‘foMdent, the mturityMaturity andAud I ilrovtuofil.-re*u of tbeoompauythe company utb-oih. i> | FOl'liTll HFUFfTl' three aad. m<(b that aaaaraUtiaa arbkb toaa- tbc middle of tbe l.tb ceBtary,roDld bUiiB of tbe Altai.- ^ ikr tuu-l 'A>4Uto liefore met!iielltb->iimD>l>Bcr fur Kciit-iiky .\n Eto kVirk...rk, Ho—Ureduwla a:tn-..>re.B*:tii-...re. J k *ri ! SmoSm:.,, t I V *r II A.* VL*. , 1a. 1 a t.'V.SL.'R>vi 'i^ A-t«iaC>i>lll ote O Laateraa,Laaiera*, bWall.t aad MMaablmeiM.'N.aabiaitoaTN** iefioit. I IN THE tVoRi.D EXOEP1 AT OF TIIL »iL 4. Water footer/. Toilet s.Srt». and *"“'**-. tbuttoy Alcof odora wotk TborauAS ^W_ tollliMf i ik.m KElSrTXJGKIY *®“‘'«*®toetba* f uaubto* to«4bUcata<4bUcj fi.* .be Ib •* ^*to •# “ ' raTl BESroaBKKB, UE.iSOm fi.erfetr.i5i,u!C^^troa-MteTtoTTlMto' •em^MU WM Egyn* OKmr'i l. itoi toinBaui to tobe B4T£R. LAMP w.m a p.ir: wbtie bnUuui Uebt TutoTab. t..uud bila thetbc ciGciG., cau acaow toIo- ,eentern .1at No DuaUr .r toot pencil mArki Aid cjrrcctiuoi in T'”'’’ *** *** >xb*r “ FR ruaatei|oa! to M/«*/ audand u Muchmuch cheaperohcaiviir tnaa y,/ya/ ru*ru« Ui-toi- 41S M»lu etnvt. AD -\MS CT^Repmniui i-miy and .iU dlapateh. ur >»-. . EXPRESS J . c j.'TU 1 1.1 11 I dc •mprem wbicfa ipiMied old colkctor-!Tiluu COMPANY. -n and 1 a*t I Jar* ran IHraub H1ul.Am.bl.Hhdadtowbto obeidiear. to tbc cup nar CiuttoyM tooklook ta.ta* aimaiB prcini m •! tto lael Mr- l.aaicF LOCK AND SAFE MANUFACTORY. •‘tout ^ — rwM^pa— .OTaT* u, KT.i ehaa*' >f rer* arcoadueiea*. 1- ira.- Kr.Ti. riTt OUS-ix.” . aMtor wm, me tMak, totor ed I made hi.emmndetiim«. “TTnaae pcLi'.l correctidoe,” fr it-1 mlu l.ooi,.iilcle/ui*.iJlr >>a.- dollar** Worth af Imnai let *.%*» St. Louis to Omh a Memphis. A, ('. II Alllt;. .\«ril. „ ^T^lT J^kioe rar, aiv al—rbrd to ra*h brfa; Woorfrfr* not ever the prateoc* of **.* 8Ei,|i— 1 -Or. day. Mr. HAmlltoe, “bav# ij'j*''*'*,** V'?- »tr.-et, betwren Market and fL-r,<.u, -V r to Rrprew and I TroiM TIIK dtoFane^M^mto'aa wMe a !!«.Mile Utry,ftorw nnagMerdinrtoir rf •• Pnrulny Hotd: IPiot • atlJU*. Hall rial No. IjD Third J. STATEMENT rcTca re.li *^ COIaSTOX F— kX. tomfn « t_ l.nl wrrifr.n .14 a loiru & STOUT, ?tk'i?PKE'Se k|J -U.m-^reroe ...elhee ^sry{). NS DAILY. MaR and Fa,4 L—* d. aday* a- - a »/* ». toot., i Cay auoat i,H r^aU. ».rlT7\^ m in A batd band of tba pre—nt evoturj-. Hr de- or t itar raudUw. loiaw ••I i> .tr,iao*<>e. ba. au diia- Kemorky, riatilel Aa *\c«'VoB't t'amT; k ForwBrdiBg Merrhuafs, UkeODtario and RirprSI, 1/ EH'A con/Ul.tly oil 1 «n 1 THE I'ATI NT UOMIT- ZSSL2S toMHn too. ntond tor bi. bond, to wbicb toe Kribee a nnmber of tbem inetaoew/, and ontnee to .rreaba- .meil, and i, not li,olr u .-a-d Laupe *u>u- LawrrBrr. I.hD’;t*“to\r2.“U':rd.V.^^^^^ Veni|/luM and Olito r kadi*. I.EVl.K II.AnK lOtKS'liai bid defiance t.i fnll , . DEI! AND at article, eutf a.ti‘ I to ihe r rai*. PURE toMMy mtotod. mtt bamg oMe U « boer M ‘St*" V.iy Tlim- from kt. loiui. in Mcmi-hl/an-l1 Dini/rillclemi/T.lle BOURBOH WTHISKY, c*U*d, of tbm fcto copy rf N^epaare Vluve““•'hlT''heen AMERICAN STEAMBOAT CO. to M,-mMem- Hiintlarrand P-iwdiT. 91 KGL.IK AND ElHE-PKOuE * * R^ul, mo*. «jr i/S.wu GKO. IlKATTV. u till, Th*^b:ii*«e^..f «miU foniMy l•crtoducledbr n ae Matomeltot nanntoad mA* mommom iwI. un.La. vac— SHSS® route than by^ SAFES for Hank* Merrhat-ta,ji, AcAC —eutiHfeutiri b-|v of HardcncJH-irdrncJ mao- P*rTiRii uHd D4>aoMir wm tha eraliui prrtoht eeili;rv. "ILL on tW l»t of May ei^iitgiuo lb»- rivir itFwiucrB. ^bOi*e liul a*« Li^Mom, mmde m marntce Um -f* Jb. Hierl ant \Vn*uaht lr*'i. IKON HANK V.VULT.sV.VULT.'A andBud and i*r per |>tacri uf rejldcuce aie fBVoriu? BtcauiftiB bctwr^ti l.^/Ll.fni^c/.i-ttin Fkiur, toi Awmy gmd kiaF, cad tba cboioerf tto ii, |«MUeaa to ley tbc reenlt cf hit rxaaii.:atk«i* n«l-.rjBiryb g'lBto-lerfhKi rri.n.mh.aemla IXHiRS. Al*n. A <’ MurVdc^lihraUdHer;.'/ r/b hrated pATfPATf NrN T ' Brfua, Lard, Bulirr, Cbento. Dried Fruitmu;., C"'0 ! W ^ ^ lU<**r) ItuKtfaifP f'lipriarti Tlir*liicrt. «cciirily .*-inMn«t iliirylar.iliirgliiM and I'utiuut-f di-r*."di'iw.'* N CO ct fn'.ly pnl.lic CO KEY—*KKri M’ A bne jorfMed by tto fbir oandact rf «or» before lie io enolber form. *11 the* i-i*‘‘ T axo Ma?*ogto-nr*«*a w.fim bw inE9BSB^M«t did«-n;ui |*oii.tj* on lUe 1 ak** and HbUmlc-ihia. »* nw cle SVV iTCII A S IM1 1 t .»»RR l.,-UKS.1.1 -UKS. IlonlH01.I and i It., In .If*. TaT'~fW^C;T^TT'R.f^l Iveoliceol IW . RRtll\l I KOADI ^ VoTO a* .» | i..ute»:I4.ute»: S ' failr'tn I >*mi*l M. Shiooimkcr, Ekliimr rc. aad Bmtooa long ago liril to be aa Mi-mtibiiNn1 itie«iuert*it-i .\.-w Il-u•ell-mBf* Ib-ll* huiig IB the Lc.i,t manner, and *1a4| aerk*..rk war ML rM , la Ibdii—.we al Ik't A M. tocBMIllUtli. l^rongh tIck'*tP c*n be purihjito-d ai New «)8cAit.«.Oneaii.. dieXor A/"Ixxe ThbatTmnav Moor,Moma or PoppisoPni-«wm u« Qrronot.—Orrmr.x _Thi.Tkii 'Or'YIN/r-C’TO /"^-Vl the OtEaCff lb# (,c irre \V. Law, Pitubm., l*-a. sax*. Mail tnla l*wTee tm 1^0! **" •"•'•'fl'-rr ula VU'krbiirrVick, here and muledmiilid IH7 d3m Pltt-bnrnal J P M.. avrivlmal PMh- Louir.Ule atKM'ii^iuiiati 1. g. Mw;i 1 . and .Iainct4 retolnij- a< of a FatAlWl loiaudveatuie to a Ceimao, .-,-w-w-j Une and at tbc dlt- nulr.-al Li New urlean,. M. TriomiMioii, ^prlog^cld, Ma.Hg. 4* Fnnrth alract. k. tween MainauK vcr. deljto a K M-, .New Yu(h la P li,aad Bn Inrttit Ualiroiul eittcR# in LouidviUn. lttomaB*cM wboee F-egUto •dacauoo had batn iq-ially ceglect *7*SYEoAoCXJSEl • lose riiNNKi TION.4 -r a AND M) DELAYS '.oyi-riMt* n;7\\:^ LOU11TII-1.K. HY. DaRy Troinc keewwa ronrS d4m BADEN v. Pktodrtvto and tow Tu*h t ei eil Qnn'l Ticket WEST .lobn ad. Haviag ob a aa iolarview with an F-ORbeb I Agrut. N^a^aVftli* limgl*am, FhtlaJe phta, rftosaavnerfgn. Tto fix— Bi ib.lm*i rtond wioe- CJC3 -A. COA-I^I THROUGH l^a nriNiB«t4n-»B- a»4 Order* iwlicbed Twu Daby Train* hatwara New Yo’k aad COAL! TICKETS . —man R«l'c* it. mays au tady, wto, towing recently loel bar bud/eod, mutt /g|Skk TIU.Tlir. Bk-AilifeeSi ^l1 AMTl AND .k r TMK Lo%% r" Kmde/, Newport. K. J. rbrowga Tickrtd (A IIKtoip ar# §4*^ '^a ~t1l!T tf iYtt " For —Ir at thaoiur* of "'‘"o'*Illinota f'rntral Ibf tototod hii rnblart, acd tto MV biag C ' fa.r *ai« TVr AT.T» Urntr.yi.nro,Railroad Chi. ago jCi^ iraiak I t'p,tiVr*5ipeww.HtfWB. mU b>u> •- a . m. ny wr Thcrerom'-lnicrc.lc.l** ^ (m to In bit nnwaitod (jeimaa cooditino tuck rf.o:hl .g*i. Ohio and xiwbeli.j..MiwiarlpU. MK« Loui, and * L cedmq«i-lni-it*icthc *to< k, iBirmii,1*1-11111,11. and .^w liLrf.ffiwVKr RD.IT Til RFTS to Buelua aro parf •— Norvirn Fa inW*4*B ** af an a aton, bnt W* obunitor Ma* ab b. aaw oBerr. h. epeoed bi. bum AU*ny,Allany, Salem,s»le„,. and,nJ^.leKcrwinvilje.lettcraonville rallrtuid... I.oubnillc Rl,er. or I wJik”ri,!dr,tor ilhirdr^.i* bird rrUt. tiK.txcr cat \TV,NTY. INDIANim»l\.\\.V. M'd-r^wlti”,; Stu—aatM — M'k'\ IL’llT’S At -\ 1 I « L’ ir“..''^„"r:fe‘“.^‘c' MM tbar: ‘'Hlgbbnra atodaiii, etroe vtdir tauhbaodJ "**1*^**^n—j-djAUf B,t*reatl'ieren MabiMake and Mwket.Market. -MAAHllllrtM'k'MCHT’SA,XII|I11 kX -.MALIM-tlTWIWI,’T W henry l Ol EiN ID KirrsKASTW.tRD MALI WIiNb.rVlilLi N,.peru.t.Nuperiiili i.dentintent OTTER & Al-I.-EN, -avtoub-tnedMaar rflh I BemphlBemphie Ludand ,I ihb- .Hi.rlnff* r-r^imibcr and tii^r lutolkiui&l iiiiade _ ,h^ Railroad EpmIILSK ::T^v.m‘o“SnV„rri7h‘.s%v^^^ l-piwM— Radr- Ad iirfeea in the Waro aim, m hanrd aav “‘/•J't tecB Uet wiirpuvM*d l>y7v.?‘*“t'rir'"ti-^i!.'7j;;auv w«b>riiig pla-rf' i.*i the Wwrccaaar* k k rfbtofi ttot King Omar 4ml m Ito tto af M.-mi.nbi, ipi.u. T M«- u Cwr4 * Hurd. uf any Rlveee; and TH KKT* ,fiO,Mttto«tfcrfJa.a,and tto form.r 4ato nnk WIIOI-CXAI-C W OTWAkD at tba ddKOd'EKS -N»wT«k. BaMmora TO theTHE farFAR WEST! IliriH! ur Pki— ‘"•“‘c— IUd.ro. Mot* l-onrihar.ei opprehc M.man Hall. HeiMonliand. mJIn 4-lpb— * s »in . It lislia of V»ietirie<.i*oB lacoa, p.lai |«c# * •* '>*'* ^ A'***' yo$r may PUtra HyA*h^.‘^ Tfcniwr.^ 4oajHi>sioi r«Tb ft* low an by any otlmr Ko«ta *•*** It*Jta prodoclionprodartion VAN HIATIgN «»FTlli: Ml.S:iuUUl KlVfclK. k F«rwirgiax Aferrhaits : PtoUto Tyto at Old PutMt Ouarfmt. mipfumdmipfUtod tot tbi. did Bidant BMDilbmdiI amUenmMten aod.rnadnod, raad °f b UwUir reanltr«gti>t ofuf su3i» >*r%r/>-e,r/' k i^ pra. Urallical experi-nxpnri- ASK FfiR TU KKT9 bV encp rombiond with fucilUireB l,dmi»v)llc 11 i‘l,*ud thti ’Hu • wiU cnil for SIXTH Prm«M;BW. ug m. numb Uia to Udy-,Indy’, .a.mer«t«.camatarasce, to Gcrum.Gcrnroa 'VlU“‘k%!7"r:d‘i7u*'rl77: tha ntl.irdcd by ouaof the the tboni in WiUi»-eeber»* .fwp have STRECT. NF.AR Mal.N. a Mb Mtor Brfto arrived toi. ItTBiwnnM ct* tvi>* heretmto lathkciib- Tbacw—Vlerl..naflbe W-e—makanawtiua UrgMi Io the United Hiatcr. r ^oUiiiing all any luiU of tlie Hiy and *tu*m to thd l.ailrr.arl, **’'* odlb* Pew. I paa**. fnrt, tbe **'^,^**4 hand* ihid ilay mm awt tm aecaeo dicirmary, ao4 taid, ptnpir*r^ Ictabugw. aad in cBpryildair U llth of April, .V. 11. 1.0l lwtn.l.g. KY. erBODal in- with tom* rf haviag aMcuud time imia<r M M. THOMPSON, t^Ghrr a ralL Llqiiur. 00 . 635 Main T. L. -leficrdOij, Curibir «»f Mdiket I Tbema-eettneof traeksbyUw Raitaned RrfLWAV BrAUUica.—A MFMt rf «•, p^m peoFitirfioB to iblc time, end r.,4 II.T fg/* GEo. \V ASS 1 I.AI-P SIHONEH, BvMaaalpIMe. ' and rir4 pifc*'ti. Commission —•r*. ail lliga purp diaU'lie bt*TPfoM--,o rtooiachtc rMtoratipe John.AT'. i i.i ving»ton,.i,iiin merchants, avuidmr -Irayaa* ar Mr—ae at Fraiaht. —meto* CkMaboerftombirrf CMancoo,ameoo. avwmom inia pneoe.pneoe, movodm.val lawardetoward, to doar. Tbiaga hudhad cow reaetud ihngh.vm to Xaw \mk C— toni^boiiled exprceily for family UPr;for hotel* and ***•• Lt.WF.N- HUH 4.r n.'kvaMNii. wubtbe— vie* f ti—e, an* Mlvaa i aaei twadily aveaermed J®*! : and, if wmarfhiag w*r* not dona quickly, f‘»rfk»r InvaiidB ^ .\H 4 II < (' fi'I by SKipiwr, uf Fieiebt a erki-i InTaii^-iiQvtfprted— iiQvhprtcd by cHuuktc,cliiualc, audnud axddtul’d at a pri^price be* -Cl ]L® AN8 \ iMall 4jo >( 'j I* l*-*r fommrrrial St., brf. aad the Traeebm PabtW wBlwtoiatofcllewiag ivr .pll aiBliHpnn«ci»P*>«. ; b^. A. per Day $1 ?5j Two WVrk^ $13 Srvix>TV1K<»»<» Pv rf.NbYLVaou:rf.NbYLVAaU: Pine aid (Hive Hin., Io cvcfi IILUFF8 , TOPitKa. I I g the Imitation foreigo ale. AWKKNi k rAMiiK* siiimso * ATw i K .imb to gam. WM ap. Now, tbervfcra, tokirg a lain IVr Week 7 iM| Pi*r Four Weekn |>- It reiremterej,re!rcint«*:cj, itwr. i.n mm dan mu FfiKT U ,.n this e'eventhe’cvcnth dar of AptU.April. la Tbo Mlowibg WUe tomato oatoat aad iarree— For Analyaia, Kr^'jiumcBdati ina, and further RIIahY. WKSTON* VFItlLV'-kA 4 ITY F* iRT Umar — e— ( IV* skip ta lira Aamtt. I paHkw. baeiiid look rf bi* dictiooary, to tiarmaa liaw after , P. ,«. perFonf rfill lia\*e the le^oclil of a daMy mall by l*4>, lefore me came 4)eftrre W < ae#. P«e ideot of tne St. I XjOXXIs. Tar k JOHN AfcJtNIGHT, llrewer, 84 oTT. F/.\lNr.T4»N, KirtlSHiM), ani TVIo. Kndcht « oMrar*. or Sbi;.i Ia« Dtreula— ta oa |*AU18 dlr<‘r*iiMt at* toUowr: W*«t Baden .'^prlngi l*aoU, ludiaoa, Aian.i« lAprc-a 4’ouitNvny* ani made oatb that tbe aarfy Taltod itrf rf ant, a vatoa dMpair, foieic- Irtf a i ! to 8Mm. m to to toy, ciyi^ i. rf “Had ap»4 dSm* Albany. N. V. audalliMimu in NohTiI M!8S4>UHI, KANfiA'^ NF- i tr m ntleir el iba fieluwina taea— rf iba La—aanv- t Hm it true according tej bc«t I BKAf^KA, and Southern t^ .rf, mb* yonr barfi.i il yamt nevM-eni.fl to be- and Wcgtcni Iowa. D. A. -STtWART, INttibnn; I ^Mr'mae. IdfiO; — ]3 din.* Vr. John A. LANE. Proprieli.r. of bU knuwledrv a-d lelW. l»?r*e SWabe rfMa i> : aVH8f.N(iKR TRAiNflIeaxp * a . il. a. Ptoee ft Ga.. Zaam. .I.topi til bail—nd—bav. bopped de twq; JUST IlECF/IVFaU Hannibal daily, momiog a. W. t A8.S. Preddeat. TIIO.n.4S l».~STOV ALL A CO.*~ T0-.O | Kiire and take ibii M<*n*init Train will J. J. “ I.rr-aer, P and cveoiog. 8t. .Pi>pph. npt>n tV*Be and > vu t?r^*.‘=^^Fa«*.. R. MeNw^.Mnr m, ,btot Ukcbot; uui, bi tbie alia coaae Printed liaadhptchigfaat i ranta; arlral of ibe H, ViHe, ' anlre at 8|ifirt58 o’c ; -r—eby ft - j I ^ the by K oik P. .M Ky Cwwer, ^rli—iiero •> | Oflll and M. Jar«H>h RMIroad Packeu from Paddork J 5o$ piarea Jhitaad St. IjouU AUnn i CPMPrAj totally wrecked, I da 25 «o> LilyCiiv or PirmuiEv*.i-iTTBui ki«. rcuTityC’ouray orof Al CkaDlNSiuD AfPrCkABtli, ft tUO; JrA namTMr. lad beam, of coaiw tba poor rfaa wac i and !"•*«»* c4i>d«dy Ai'crfenregbeny {> . . U. W tV. •'* ^^‘*onert with hailroad of Unto L'tU do cbirt liiwvira at 1# Hni^ wu WA VHA\ Matestale alof PeuODylvauia, •*- natUi,; Atlwra ft Itlb d hrat fUiN Pcun/Jl«au>a. )> b,^ Heelnaati. Ol; R. kal- It taibad owt thrf Um dictiuorfy be bad ae*«l (Ara l^kerg. ruosti g up and do«n the .Ml ^Ninri AUGUSTA. GEO C j '* drancMadl-a. lad.; riy;rri^y“jppb"?:r"N HeH«' U remcm^ere!ramern'ere! that on tbe eleventh day of April, « W- rfifthZriMtolto fifty A ^ rm/rv •>•.*>.. -3*..... old't, wa tbink), a work rf ooe huidrrd and D-ifRilr, ft t u,, EvaHwIto, j cl lilutT**, AtchiOiU, We>«l«n* LetvenworUi, A- CO.. D IhM befort me. 4 h. VH’lu'e Hay*. al’oaiBiWIorwia # ^ ^ ^ ^ T * Tf> ALL iSTn. wTimbi" JL bach, from m«r« Qermas i^noraLca, riw- 4.gun yard* l;lr{eree at h cent*; and kxntoP WM. KA-MSAY i*' Md, I L «*C yaan t Ity. The l^arkHg the•he iMateStale ufi»f l-cun-ylvanial^ivn^ylraxiia fur theIfcg $r«testale of IMcoo. Laid, teegiag, Rupe, aad *' '***,»»•• 4 toba H. Han— h> I*eKrenworth orKan»ae 4.'*t>‘ Kenmrky.Keotorky. du*du- ,, letnni do JacoDot lu«enioD« con- 337 Main sf., Si-vralh» :«nil1 Vi“?Na»b>iPe,ipe at l4t centt; * betwpcn .nu mi Eighlh,miamu, all M'eetem Pr. doer. N*,h> iVnnTVaa ; ^Ham. —* ilynLll.lleac, Me-^bta, ly au-bo.i*ed and Mf iU&f traaaiatioo^ from Tom. B.^own. L’K»t- ne?f with Staked to jjlwrenre Le-omntnn. Tonek*.. Pnit J 1 rommu/ioBel h> tbi- Guaemnr cf Kea- Tina. Llaaba 1.4HU do Muilin do 15 di.r Sale* or Iflireha*— made d,ft Le,CO, Chieirf..Cbiaige. tiL:llL: II M. O. lUlcy. Fort Sontt. tl.*nnwalt iiuie, ARE IIKLOiV Till- l,ol iSVJf.LV. IIOTKf. t'lrkr, ar.d iiulrr f ai -m b te lake acknuwl. eo ravnrable Drme with the W.w. H HnL-e-aTitoTlkH. Kw« jK! raa$*, aM other )«catar wriur>—bad put down ih* rtAlMSEYg Juit remired and .Vaiihatiitai, Ale>, by cHAKLIlh F. ItAUlTIFrSS, nenai Advaacee on all Lonairameai i. PbTpby —ft MM'alle.alle. Dnbuqne,Dnbuqae, Il-iwa;iwe; -rlA--r Ia I at Rt. J.eeph cl'uc coiinc -lion* arc IPrrf*ut .t«ea— ed tow v«rb gggrtwi (to dw) wkh the Col&owi^ worgbipfnl Ait opO dtf eirrrt made with stiM lii.ei ruade af dlArewi AdCetlxx StK^oeX. m teurth to ccoiupt.in. iMeaawwtnieuuf YARNS. Iis.s.\n<-RG8. SHIRT- po—fc la U— Week. 1 Lawicnee, T->|wka, Ei.ri Rilci-, and all nftei 1. tbo Luebo*; S I W tGuraksU; To TNVITF* aUeiitWn to my nacb c.*w aud braatlfc point* in tbe S'emiorici. and e pwdally wlirr* Gavemraent G0OL8. Lfiiee, Ih c«t dMTa mkk ; 8. To $o U kli^dom come; 4. Land ai e oivo. rMily siaie. inn from lUmlMon St.tiuu on Lift and Furcc every .nlwcri^ tejMe me. KEFKKF.NCES. HTOfK. Tn bap to twig! ** ^t*P iLc perrfi iUu Da.y'a I the II. and IMmp*‘ot kind Inr I9*fcraj. Well*, . SADDLERY. £L Jneeph nalliMd tu l.exln/lnnaiid Klrbiuonri *c.. *r In,ln« tctmioiirte-timoug where-.fwhere.rf I| havehBve b«reuot'> ,ettomy * —i** Kl.il.g- ' Mo Mewr*. Ubae. DuifieM ft Uo-j . r Aw kicker.—‘'Calrndg* and Ofimm Vittny, tn NHerfiwn* I-aal-Tlilc tu 14*4:4 ikQd B'UxtMl t/AcUlullicUl fWBl *— waeeMae eb tke hiih aad eWaol dvalg«4 of Cural. p. ail. ttamet, Rkr$«. From Sr. .l.;M!. b Ni h-Hir._Lui;4.T|IK- to „AII kind* <-f SW.da Water Apparat.i., Ah- Beer MVBV \ “Eny the dBytyaadBad - Bell ft Mardoek. — arm rwut Bt V YOUR PADDLES I pomp ( BK AL > C*WM nnd t^qp, og Itr Q/thtng. AND RIDl.FJi,^ l.e*^“vortbl It* 44 Imiir*— l-.nirville lre*rBi?oT# written. Call iav«,aiid 'UMr e*rWa.lti Va.»ei^,«ul ac jfic*iali« toiimalia 7-f huu.* Fan-etj, and fuck* of every ac*cn|-t.4vn f-ir Ga*, SIram, ICUV VOUKr.iA,:,! \SD v^-v-v^V^***^**^**^^ , FREIGHTS lirUGy li.lR.Ne-ig, tyshlpur.of rave LH. MeJLURFaMeJLI ?• l fiorinnau. , WESTWARD. p4erf»v ev( ff taMe. ErHabt 4 iued*}*aud all ii.*.ir- and Wa.er. „ .J-’*- H4Y8.a if’"STaV“ ^ BI » Y'OUR PKM GlI H.ARMSS, lomniwu-ne-ComtUrf«H.>ae;* for KtfaiMftky PV.UI kind* i.f i.-bblnr dune In ll.c ab-ivr Kenia.ky in I^BaiylvaoiA. I’-kriaB MbcMR.—'i1*e lapruvenumU ia ik. nt-utb- HI V . Hue with YOUR M'AIDIN llAK-flEoiS. fy 4 r-xpig'* Jcivp* St, Jrwi^b dAtIt' for lb*- di#|*fcbl» 'litiud<‘ii**r* buJ 4i«t Fixtor*# rvL*ire .Ml>ret4. Fve iffiiu I*4iiidvili# through, bI,E1:Y at *i>4 dtt cf ibe *Kt»nd»d applierfioa to that pecnlUr knUyUiwe. m Gnl• lociudcd $144 5a the Thi# mb tcluUe FeXmcM v^^*^***^^ ^Adam# Fv|ere*« «'o(i i>BBy** %m* BURTON a HAT.T., deau'mue lu qnalUt Aud al prke« that tan&ut i»li i «K' BI u mta i'om|>Bny Bled «ic r«*s|>blijl«'for • Tto PeaaofWania Tbato prtuiiam for Baunraciare ttWr c»*n rmert. — h»r<»duced to me io mv « fll e Biid HIM. Retoad aba *aaa*c> al ianvted Mr tbe ttgr Wrfiattof all. o. i»nOaA.Xa»s, asffOTioisa. PH—ban All ibe pAckt'tB of tlie> Ibh *h iCBUrrtBd Ubt>4 Witi*V'»iuy haad thUX4tb«ta# of A(»ril. ix'.S. to *«** lan to A-rwaaled - rf prniarit artkWe frooi ptepMcd aksete iitau—l rf apb) No. 61 Third rtrwi. BTe cWgiOt 8r#«ru#r« with .lod-ph WHOIoESALE mv «nd bic nm c«|trei^g to oafrm*f*t I T. lUdkim, of the p»rtoh of I 4 HA8. Ho THRl^ri>^. OliOCEltS, p,aad fer tbeprednetioo oftncbpreptrcdiiiec'a. CEiOOKS- with tbw Aj*a ro*d cktri# ^•*^,**» M NO chBfgp tor Ueg^Jg or ilBl#*rooiuc cT»rum#ndaia), w# aprjS dtf 4 leik ' f .Iffieraia ijuaniy I 3 ] . Ky. luvB wpBo*^ hull## TbeTb* apnMrfsiaqiparatsi nenaiWiconaieti of a tanl* hatieghayieg a ra>k CMB*taaUgCuu-tai oa baod tht larg* «t aaoi'tseut In the city while *ay. • itt Now <4il**Bu# for th#i -KtHiVraafg d«#lhng td> Kcccuii4kny ^*npB< tint x 44ru»>rBl i ‘ofLoiiBBRiu Hu->iu<iilivUI#, Na. JaS Main between aad fbrwarda aadar a rvller, fo aupnort.d givt THE BALTIMORE ft e, e*. A, Seyeatb and Etabtb. aurtk atftr, a* to laUMiiBlhtadcmrtmcall batea ^ r rf%i/ht lakeu Bt foiregf nv**t ratep. ijUMESNii. ft MviLt.yiNK N. VurE New Yoik aad Erie, Little MUmi, C. C. IJIRUE VARIETY, aud i PTElAM-^ri'-djrft to reqaifed dagre* rf maanr* to tbe m«t*rUI, nnd iPfL^AVANNAH FM^ogem BT»* ii«i>#ctriill>* r«>i|ii#.-tcd to cenuldcr II A. DUMliS-NII, ft l.ll.. N. lirlean*. am.a, d-icnd-tovuiacd tw —rrit a e.utiaaaliua oi tiic Mhnral *ai- • tiU» LOUISVILLE. ^^^tff.'HlP LINI.wimi—M < Bheert, & C., aud Lake Shore Roadn. KV„ D#w. Bod ch#4|A ni'ite befta #• rf to naae ttaw caprfile rf bei^ varied in it* rie raua«crauage ihthat 1 bare rm-i.e-t for ymt |.ait. Hriaciubar- tolrfctiug othem, bk It Hb* m^BaSEirfl ria>- Kteanwr*. an uoiiucHtionabl# llAVEon ara reatikiog —l*ta'li';D I* warrani.a In crery SRBHiBSB Bdv*nugfe over b11 oib-i». Bud h tbc H Agent# forth# Bboy# r»liabJ« «• ar# giving m Urge and wellm. vntiaa, ia order la laduov ur inmaae the aubuil nta ui.w ruiiBma rcvnlarly between Uie above pur,*. only rotttf bjr wh'cb Tlll;«il 4tH Tft-JCKTS Joaepk \ tkiitugb r**ceipU for ail kiodi ol l^iditca bo4 Uar- larted^tHkof ORrfto WM." G. PklEST. I ILLS B. eheeta papeer aiacba aoitaldr ^ C40I.8TON * 8T4>irT, I BUWEN rf inch rf aa arc lur lUilroad,Railroad . wUIwill Iwbe ukeotaken Btat lowk>v rate* Bodand prompt removatI dbqiatrhdliq>atrh Goncral i"St 40 MravL torftot to alanr a famai rf 62.SW mam mrmyavuA given. ^ . Ageut, 8L Lottli WaU paneia af atanai v e aaab ud far airoilar |—r- r. H. rr—oved GROAT, General Ticket Agent, > .. MlIEST M> haw mir FINISHINOand tS^Fim Clan Cabin Accomroodatiack ,, , & BOWEN, puaas ia campaaBd rf Girty part* toil nnd wigbty $15. 1. T. K. Hannibal, rf ^^^SS^^nPLANO AA'ARE-R1K1M-4 to Uw lomcr el HA\ WaHH* SuperiDtondentej Tbaa* iaaaw innparn-Jaa, ia to LMtoUadtod Stotoa.Btatoa, a ^ WM. MKNT/.KI,, Agent, foBBiissiou gMta rf watar, totnagbiy incurparaled, to a* la ^***' Rcrould*'* n:w mayll dSm luifcomor#. MJ. Uly lUIS lINKS.S 4 Fttrwau-riiBf .McrrhaBtN, rfNv rf railimrf to avnry toaaand trlM*-*"*-^—tiilanU la J J CAIIIKS, ^ radne* to aiali.r* to lb* ooaaiattLcy cf (outc, mid y J non tW~Li.ir*m.- Ml Main *tiwt, al*.. oa NEW Eagtod to pre i et i aa i* ana rfUe to avaty**** Math, la rear ol ALBANTAND S-ALEM H. p y ,7’^2.M0 to toe sia added at tbe tamt tiro* oin* (—its af R toabftaata, aad n aB Giarf BHUiaalaL ^ aaa aaih to THAYER BRIGHAM, & FIELD, mtm torn aad oca rf copinraa. With ttii pn-t* ara fWFaetarr comer of Fuartccaih aad Main STEAHBOAT AOE.VTS awOT B,Mu hhahkiati. OireU tbaa mijtkd fiflaaa pan* rfroain prtvioniily diaaoNel janI4 biiK PETEiRS, URAGG, A fO. SEWING MACHINES Vommissik •'flerrhuntSy Tiamambtrrf nanaa* aaila* rf t ii i ltory ta aaUIt u - baat, alao Mrtg of Ucaaad oil • Tf ' A hy U$ hoiUa and act i’UR ST. LOUIS, rflnd StrfM H W; in Groat PETERS, Ladd.Wct*ter,ft t.o.’*'..**iSl hnodolr^?fr.V. DETROIT, CHIC.UiO, rf Utbnrge. TbtM ingiedient* having been ntixad CRAGG, & CO, " -* *»**~ r I A MILIF.S. . in tb* aidM named, ar* Ibac iceorperatid NO- EOttT E Trflo,..^”!jS.?rim-.r., *Ty* _ . , . with M A N U E A t: Saddler*. Shew. T E I U R R «. ay maker*, Sean-atrew— , *nd oUicr* eantwant got>4 - J**.3P*?*"* .*?**T*-^.*.*P*M*„ * nbrfrt ‘Irfy part* of tag daat, or pap*r*Mkcr'i wm ot *a «ood I ^ _ •to rf vnUaaad* in tha L nstnd Btatoa, ainoa IBS#, and examine the I Tun («y k^jirnii to abiect* wbicb iH* over ‘ “ ** F* M* New Y.*h^ Brow- ro toe #»*VUi uorjff OUOb couMiumeutcoutogimiFiit Budaud fwi •• ROBERT -Mrf . StolTto lu bi* hast tod mieaale luw by at....!.* tt 35 K m! CARMICHAEL, ton atua* hy ulher raotaa. coohJinglf wbiapated—“I Un Ib* I el. 6. tsisi Isnive Weal. R. P. FULLRR. dmaniWaatora aeawA jBvkwtii Rsti BMiNU 8t. Loub C dbitekia.” Tb* bast . - iawaidiv BDd liBCM S. rwr^p^flllfSLS’ i » M$t, 1S3 iwt -« Htricturiw,HtrictuTise, NeurBlgUNeuralgia of tb«tbs HUddsrHiadder **?'**** from any part IbhSTOU. Jan. 7, 1 mk>, /hN aad afler and 43 to 44b«’^ sid# thruuebw - — -i y-^n * mo Hr sndand trethn,ciwuirB, .*^r*.r4fi*^***j^»f**J. Moedap.J— IMh. M—L TralmwM ^ mr uf that. lir aud the ( art kiv# of 4.hargr. A F oat AdEnrtion of tbe Klduey*.ICldneys, InconUneuc,IneonUaeijrv of ibeib# Urio,,L'rior learn la>«a«e»lle daily iSnod—* *. — f ilew Boat rf to length, will Ubllednpnsnetmrnge, ft*' THmionn Taainaronnm at a^^ — J. VtS.ljrf U’S! Wblies.Ae. Gru^eiif'aslle with the Terre FIRST TRAIN—*.» A. M-. —'g—atat *! iroiie— whew capable rfKcaroamdtooi' over ee veil buodroil (TO* b>rbmoud Kalli^iul, Wert far Terr# ItJt wouldwonld be well InInobetlnateobetinat# caee*rase# of ConorrhieeandGooorrbrea and S*V*^.i*i**** Haute and a*W»d . aaa— Pair tkroa—M, W—b*—a'a, P aih r*. also ihlTilt rest MLALITYorvi itv ii»i.c M. Luiii* an u*e (ulu aonneriloneonnectlon with the Mixture our I'AMI'AM-'AM Lafayette with Sirups, aad tkftlvww. eeaneetiee at Pml— eiTOWroai foe .New " •*“* Walau-h *!?,* Railway Wcet tor cprireficld auil iwrotft at Fmakfert totoi^ bv v*atiUtnd,givicg better ataerage nevato- <**> PUORATED BELLADONNA INJKCTloN.INJECTION. Priceice iufuf, fiwLaerea—b—. ll w rii lTOiwe. aad XJAJ K7 YTl 'IhJ' all (loiDt* wc*t. aud Ea*! for Toledo. .Cod 1. KINUSFOKD & SON, ako wHaiejuaLB PfALan in MnU with ihe Mkhl- l—avUle; at Midway tor Teraaiiia*. at Payaa'a Srotroa fae •odnb^'lbto tov UOM r* toe ever en- S“! SueOiern and Northern Indiana Nut#. Orsters. ^or “taKE NOTICE.-A* In nil ancomplIcBted cbb#* ONKONF Ihulroad for Toledo t'' AN BE OBT.U.NED OF— Ptakk*#, Marbim, rerfaaery, Sa/dlM. Georfaniwa: aad al Lexiastua via radroad aad ttma npiia I ue. first v.rxy'vT'br^-ry-. -r-a r*A^^a and»“<*1t bteavo'p and all lllcnlMdiatclllcnuediatc Station*. Jamve Fonda, Matebev. Fir--W«*As Gla#s any The boat will leave Ken BOTTLEot ROY’S MIXTUKE*unic«t«ca«:lcfiecl And at MIcbl- W. ft H. ISiiikbardt Jars, Flaying ('«rd#, •r NletailaewiRa. Iiaaville, 1 ** ix._ae1Cx-„*eI I-* ft Tv^ I dR. LE la— war. Grab llrrh— H-b k_7 van Oily with Uic .Michigan i;entral Railroad ' T. lanham ft t)o t:igar^ Tobaceo. .\jsGrt#d 8«>aps, for T«rkJAtk Imfier PawBWBPatoron October 6iitii.tb. If tbe NicnragnnNicarmiraB A V -L b permBusnicure. Ib from tbr##t4>#igbtdBy#,Bartrted,if Uhi.-*eo , T L .IcOere-m. Candles. 8i-ar—>. Riehiaewd. Mt. M—Rm. aad all laroto toww. •ud *U pc.rou Weat" *'* *““and NortbweiA,*N»^t U liquid. Kv- edhr; and ail farther lafirwaiina eaa ha had at the Dap** t ana ana; toy dxah toougb to arook* rf atroog to C. I)UVAIaIa&<’0., i'iikape.st: «'iie.apknt:: tTiKAPE.HT::: #f Fr#ucb label ha# tb# wrtitco ingiutiirH of 7^*n and ev#ry Kn^h label bai the far rtmil# rtg- o-A M-ILK-O-T V-P.E.8 AMBRO- „ cfMW eadar veffl or gievm like a ferrat lato a rab- natore of 2 In the russels tapestry t arpe-ts; yPRS lUy at ILe Natlunal Gallery. JuM belue • OtHmiSHtOU a?fCI*CliflN/«, Dk. L. C?. THOMPSON A CO , 8«l# rr..pri<*U*rs. bit m4>; wkero tbey caa hii'ber dash cor creep B TlinElE Pl.V IIAKPETS; Fourth, un Main atrevL Sontbem Medical Infirmary, New 4»rl««xtf. n,-/ toy "bade toir liroa'' with iL* (MrtiiMcioaa caa- INGRAIN CARprrrs; YEN Em AN 1 biag rf a red Indian. Wberover tb* clotoa logefaed ARPETS; DL.tLKBS I.N stair rods, new *t>le- .Turt r#x'#iv#d a mpply of L#Roy*s Mixture. For sals The OlBce of the LonlarlUe and NafthplUy BOI RBON HOISKT. •ka Mdv eloicly, at the faLsse aid e)l/uwe, tbey wboltml# and rviall by WHITE ft t'utJiRED MATTING; KAII.ItOAIt «• swarro ie tfowaabd*, and bite Ibioegti KAYMuND & TYLER. 74 FouiUi str#^ .^awMww roi«.» md thrtmgl 8 nownnwinIn apku dtf tHile Ag#ot# f<>r l.ouisviUr. 1 Newcomh'eltiiUdiag.ooNewcomb'* Building, on thenortbwaatth* nortbwait eorawrf tbey ia arogie file up the aeaiue E^. coraarrf Uflnfl dUdtf I.OIni’i.ivl.«iY 1i*1 -I.E.i / la v mm rf tbe giovee, 1I BullmandBvdlm and MainMain..GeeU.Geeu. Entrance^ir-oeu ..u K V. aad un BuUiU*iraet tn*d e«ob aticfa ia iiirreeai—i. 1 bave leaa J.'e Flooz* Oilolotlxs, rcDce, Quebec. Montreal. Whit# Mwuuiaios lb# TuhuUr cwM awft bat menwered aa be walked tu fnsM, that ALL WIDTHS IMgcimwHp l#v» iiilMin l#iiina>. iaBke4;bamLlBia v,ju Lauisville RlekchiHC EstBblish#NRt. >'f MouUli fvhci, iludatu Kiv#r 1 rawld at aay lime abicb «• rut to *uk puiclisjcr* and put down fri' i4 kill to shape tf ay haa.i ia rf r 4»ni ud an#/ M#y l. baggage aill 1*# tbfwked ( MRS, WM. OSBORN, mia¥| at a biua I k uT #Blr htW ; and Lave seen tb* aobappy by Uitotigb frtra 4;bkBgu. <)IMUTiM:iD< ni P.S. — ,.Nn. 44411 JeflVnon Mt.« bei* Tbira nnj Fnurib, kenm — aweriaid frsro cay* te tail wilfa a cl«a- C. nUVAlala & CO., T4> F.ldlORAN rs. ^fto.^K4'8PLXTKrf.I*YiafonBsth#UfH#«tKBt teriagroaa* rf wing*, tot, witfa to paint rf me lu Jft*i t ARPCT WAREHOUSE. Malmpt Fassag## may be cerured at tb« .tflue of tb# emisauy In Copal tnerahip. §prmaj ^ r.'Pirmrt f rum tb# knrt wiih# w«JL ofor, 1 OMild not but immolate iwn or ^fl^«e'CE'L#d#U*cB Straw ftibbuiu. tbrte uf Um •J»>tp'-l. H>. haHAVEll,i*d.VE till* day aa-.o-alcl With uf Honn#u. I. I me in Uic Wb-'b-wilc Li. 4 bitoAbift iiaU daroem Perfumery and Toilet Aitjclea ^utb, Gl^uw. luulul lluU. AbeiJeen. aud Munu.-ae. *1 ouuroii-.r tii.li,e«bii.li.ew Flower#, WrfBth^, and Head Dr##*##. {tt$ y TbsroisaM parx!io« FINE n.v *on. lauiev Nntiail, under the firm BOOTS & .SHOES.I An agent ,.f the t a go Mi qaaatito I caawat Grand irunk lvailr..ad *iip.-iinhfndi ike audiuykolami *tylc Kli'HAl:llR|,' AUo #mortmnctofcntldr#B*x Hats and FfakU, !>%## aalva with aatiafactioa. W faat do IlTfiT REtrKIVfilK- .NLITAI.L ft MIN. We -iball . WKbBv#r*MBf tbelBr$#rtBih4^arv irmova ut cmigianli and haggage to .aud Huckmni Frams#. and Crowns af tb# lnt#rt #lylr«. t^nvhcc ti— ul te fciiodfciiud at the o'd< -Uaml. No. -fiw toy ltv*M erbto toy dtot mact traveler*? mHl b#.-t Hp«*t«d rtdrf**# Uh* cHy.^V l.iibin*# Od^. Oila, and Soap#; Market idieei. between m S#eond.Siwond^ and Tliir< Hi#ncbin(f r Oor kM rta#Bt of M#u'« WVBr Jeuw*# Brown Wiadeor dw; TIiGd. neir TbGdidieet, alwav* read* to anp. and ri k#4n$rnrti#d on a# nannlat IjnUr from X'armo. U ^ $3d (fi> U> Chkago, induBiug ply fr ur 4 iu*rtiori( cuoked prOw urctt»tom#ncueiomei* witn warranie I pure og MRaSv W M. 0.>BoRN*d. - ^^varyttort. W# bar# < Hot* Kid TneoiMroos; rl4lOU«. Uuu-.r* at the kiw- _ Faieucm tlalogn#, «#t***| iuB/k**t I'rirtv..iriraro OBiirr Oxford Tto# aod Mrait *i to#. Atoi*, tb# genuine; dlA.-reni Tbe Marumetb 8team#bip jy 4 dlm*^ lv#ot l*rfwth«r b»4 ('.*lf, which Talc d# Vein#. Kivueb. Hi. Tboiaaj Kay Kum; I’.ICHARH NUTTALL. Tk$ iilk»va$ Bx^oklCa^ vaiM «a$ Imc<2 MU w# bavs bad Fl-EIMCQV Alto ^ m am I * - . pane ve order.otwer. o«irinir BMortmeota—ortmcat ol LadM’Ladtos* JeMtln TuiMH Fosrders: ImEVIATIIAN! Baytito roawaacript,1— aadanS forwroWad *®to “•to.a. Tnl/uneTnl/uaeX_l >V«VVeaj ’ large and erlec-L Ib^r the finer iiualitie.. we Whit#. BIbtJl, ani Hrown Stick |N>matuto; . S" babav# some Copartnership. R. bya ainai iafiiaIt.i . WasW a* torethar* everaver a more baanii-Iroanli- very luw price toed*. have luaw Hair Dy# aud Hair Waiba#; JOHN ALLEN. p W. aLu a UlUeI# <-4d< efyle 4Iw«#s, #b4 T*ikl .trtklM, M ezpraaaim rfr a metbar'ai—itor'a uawlfiifauarolfiifa derotliei?derntliei? that a* wulaatlat I*— tbaa c—t w ciuer ineai uut. Hair. N«U. and To^th Itm-i)##: Focket KntkM, Keys, King**, aud Tw##xcrr MIIUIaEii.4Li: CiKOC'EK 4$1 Mnia akrwwt, third %toKl is in FnSLfa, aad to trawslatwa literal; Fix k#t Hcoks, Dursm, l^>rt Monai«-«, ar. r«»r ml# at nS7 «ef to let»«T etod a— bw dylat bed. itk A. D. .MAN8F1KUJ 8. **.“ ubtGm-d at tbe ufilc,- of the the iwtroiiage io lilN-rally If t bawvMinwed roe DMne huaev*. New Books At A. Davidoou'e. ii"- Gland IruDk Ka^uad, Nu. 96 lMari>jrn atreet, t;bE-a^). U. BA.iH.tM. ComutiksioH mllerchtmiy NEW AN 1 > USEIl'I# Ae —y ewtate reward eraa; lU* reuae t; Received— „ ^ he PRE.Nt'H KEVOLI’TION of IW. a. Tiew.jiu . •to a— the G—wdiaa Aftset at r bah— wh- a deal of as r#aiovud to th# I'yior BuUding in N«w Black, — T to Inht Bei.uUioaa InatfludoB*. by Jena 5 u 'I'HE llLI'fiTRftTED LONDON NEWS fur July a. Agent titaiid Trunk R. ji Co. uf I'VuHiia. P1TE.\T C.t.\K DOl BLE SEAT 4 HAIB. Abta/V. wita R rommencing a velume. north rtdr of M#lu brtwncu First nnu strand, J I Irfl I O vVD. one hundred e—ariiu*. new Pr-ce zt cenu eingla H fid M. per EXCIIANtiEEXCiiANtiE Copartnerthlp. 6\ , tLm# door# above th# G#lt Ilou##, vh#r# be will cuounue A Toast.— l to late otUbration at iogtoti, _ TtureTlircr LnLtor ia W'uman'* life, byEUrabeUi ERua Smith. ‘Ty- Suberripiiun twice aty per annum. ErUO>E.Eruo>E. JOHN K CANNUN *CO., H Btxbl Draft* unLoDdon five 1'IRTI.E .IOI1.N his fiirm#f na# C'llAVOE OF Tl WB. Ai#o, l,OUU€opi#.fiot tbr ikiio# rtong UoGk No. 1 ftsT inU at duiterv pert: iterllag ran IIENRY and PoBEKT.S have form- burtn###* Caamctrcwt, to fuUuwiag was ibiitaentfa to rcea- ui^-na of ficvlland, wbolmnl# trtnil nt be ubiatiwd at theulfioe of the •.P^ne'vhlp in tbe PracUcw of in /|N*mlaHerWEO.NRSDAYJwm»,M*P. by Aga— Mrick'asd, Vel. a. •• nad Ormud Trunk HaUroad u/ . 7 "} Law the Coiirti • TRAINS woi Canada iu l.'blcago. at Diulevilh- and the D>L.ifievifISVILLK,IV KY.,v7""/v»V.^^.iAND NtW AL&.4NY, " *2^: TheI'be .Motor'.Moth * hecosaprinie, hr Grace Aguilar I'ourt of Ai>|>eal* and Fede-G Court FND. t inn#s Jefikxjonxtlii^ j ggpsiils Lnolsvtt#. sn f^ttisK I c at Fronklorl. ’ i.flire, f.ir Triuttuiugs, ‘Waaaaa—to lavar rf uaioaaoioB aad frieotl rf 1.'''*'''^'.'’'•n *«Home, b> Maim Kcid. *i. to- prewnt, in , outt l^ee, mwr Carriage to the Court Huujw. (fl Tbs und«rsign#d ar# m«w Krpurnd la mkaufrtm A* 1 1 A* Itt Kl« *" Buffalo and Lake Uuren Jul# 4u, I 961*. ^•“tow. I-Jk* ear eaunwy,country, bar uroaifeaturouifost dsa-daa- Nuruw and .Na'-jug, by iH- .\l Railroad. Jyl dim* E^tofbr tbi# aupenor Patent i'ni»#-Smt, for wbicb tb#y ia)n!l^'il“^ i|II(:aGii 11/ BLl'FALO VIA II & S.\I) DLL UY H.\K DW 4 RE. a nj to aft—^*a*w-—to. t* .xproid bar akirta." HARDWARE DKIEOIT.- At Iba cnt. Tb#r invite tbe alten- AND CUTLERY. < ' 'V.mAaaa ut<:u> toe, *r to lBs*ilrer After above .ulice Uekeu fur .Nua Yurk, Bueh.n, aud all *ia- a'a*. Bsn#* . Train—aew eiipply aod inanwetion of danter* tbi# Tm bliMe tooot , Dioaolution. ta mymjr Chair, nog rreoftnriUil«* i r lU il ta14 brby uuaumm t beaie|j**ig Prae pi gk.^ iH.u* Ob the New York ar-d Eriu and New York , euiral "• irtrrrl. BMlliMorr*iSMiMttinrr, .Hd.,.Tin., lm^'ru*nluiytirterM and y rsifik. - . I hu 1 o' »«rm. vbich lor Jurab#Ut>' aa#d cb#apBsw» i# nnrqanUad. Tbwy Train eaufcki nt <4 Kallr-oid-i'an I II K &iii#rtiu‘rrt«ij> h#n‘lre #ii«Uni(... 11 A. M. iteymonr witt 4jRAn nod Ufc r ei,wirk to nr.-al, by be ubuiiinl. J, bstweni K. Mauufnctitj>i#t# ofol St;mip*,Stirrup*, HriU#Ibi liw H*u.itit#, Haekl#*,fiueki#*, WAarna, |* . WAKK.\1 A. farHlc -2’ v.d* ' fij K. j ^ fiHiiiit at th** wrU-kf>i‘ *ii ‘iiartf ot? VosbuiM bund fox emvw nnd UL Lo nod nt Godef'* Lad> *p IhK/h for C’OIal^s’ORMSBY, uuderthe Ctrl# and Hoi nK lodtto- .kuvusl .kaeu! of IL ft lu 11. llailr.iad, 1 of E. Tack#, llnut##, llvaJ# nod Iteina, TvrreS# Haute Uond ”'**'* J. M. Monahan, afolb wMb tb# TWim ter T#rtw Ilnoln. Ittt- *‘> A. »«»•& JMJKa— k-a fa«w«ac>M. •ptNi No. J6 liearbom *t..t'hica^. *1 muHuUy diaiott#^. Hpok##, Hub#, 5ViU#«, Siwiksla, Spur#, Lnca#, Swru DAVIDSON 4 t Tiipumri.*^ .1. M. dtok## A ion, toun, ila Lmds, AIt»n, nnd f eolrai Ittnils, nnd w«tt It to a cartuiM fisc, ia (ikilo*0|4iF tbat >•*>*01 Tlurd euret, rnUaod Axl#s, Damask#, f^teut aod Kiiameled Lralbs-r, Ae. th* uroa aear Market. \^ bar«an Brmne#, •ib* Fond fwr l*n£ny«tt#. DnnviAl#, Dnrntnr.and ‘tertes OPPii.sITF. THE N-kTIGNAI. HOTEL, B^k.*lmmpdlat#t#tU#iui*Dt with fc. A. Huckuer. who H #ladli* I»t:«BWwj aeiiaa, ii imat librrsl Kod nrn- •lone -,rfl, cUsneo, nnd Om Nostbwrrt, nnd wRb f!“’ authortxcd In *i>ule np Ihe biulne'v of the la'te John iimm. tbo^tw firm iCktnJ Io# Twtedfih, Dvtroit, nnd •to white tipht, tocBM* tighter than ever a* auno New Book*. H« I.nriMVIM.E, NEW YOHK. He tan alway* be loiiod al tbw North, nnd nitt ttn KV. I'aucuft Hrydeu'-'. .No ai W# atoo hnveon hnod tb# FIAT SPLIT CHAIR and Third etn-ct. lu-iwcen '• .Main aud the rieer. where he ia \i dtf JSO. It am i imhrr. Orrn.A t\Cr Umrrat Xrir.paprr U- Umclo .ail CANNON A CO. h* Ue y trfol, # »#d f—d hmvm !l7.nTi^KlL“in7ol^t!7.^^‘ J » tlrorTto rer>.«intf J a i 5 jTTTj jTw Tj Uunrr. am n.rf at* Bruiutnua. Ww I^rt | rf PstoMog flfisro. n— aeUe at tod near ^ I KNER TMTni^ FvuFXklMklkl-rkg;. cwt—itoat |ar #18 baml. A tet. ' REM 'll BURRS-AUtte— and kind*. PIANOS. FnHi/LTING LLOTIIS— All numbste, beat make. Ti l£Iiff IBMTOM Pfflpm M£BK Diasolutioa of Partnership. IMPROVED Pl/KTAULE MlLLS-W'iU **Ud Fre—h ’ C“l*u/tn#i»hiji herrif.fon* flirting burrs and mademad# oaon bw-tbnrt km^wsknow* pin*.plan. whichwroew* compteu-* MVthe won.work. ’ It WU'/LDT TOB.kt.'i',/ uuder the rtylo# bum $].«l. j —Uu Uxcj Holland'* Hum- fPI'^'-IIM-Y I'APEtt WAkKIIOt'SEW iVTMi‘i’Vf'Tk- 1 ^ PL^FITPC 4nil iC* I EoucatioDKI** * * bKldt i*»ttei»uu,ai;o. and PaUernn, bevwrai dlttrwniklnda. **** TojdwaodTopkaand Iwdtuaon#,Ibafituadu*. Tobacco ju*t lereired aud fur ate by I « Uraumin 1 Fj 1 t-» VA ULKV IjL*.. I by G#urg«George 8. B«.uUn..uu ilTATIdi touducled un the plan of ll'dladnyarercdlmuHrf * ^ XyAbuK X/ E E* wv4 l l A on to 17lhin.-uant%7muTriai , Mill Irous, a^crrwt. icrwni*#, Brtnng, PInrtnr Pnna, nnd 7* NOCK. Wilks, ft t o "i- 1 U.U s. Mill nrtklte yenernlly. Tbomky, or n Peep nt tti# Pam, by Mr*. 8e4g#. u. Patterson. I>E Xju^ rt-XJE J.t.d. wr. HRA.N.NON- l%*arellooiU3(y W# have an hand a large ftosk 4»f abova>nnmed articina. Jj IO cot FEE.—9M bag* prime lUo Cuffi-c Jiut rereited Jnsc i#iuc.v#d nt lauU*> Uie, Serf 9ii, Kt*. E P. IIOl.LAltAY. For «rt# k>w and qnalrty warranted. o4 Fonrth ntrret. R per JeSeraonviU* Baiuoad and fo Ic AWnOTRXB MRlBg «*M «r iMr rroritea te owricrfluro toa — fiy Cfkmer of Main nnd Hixlb rt#. HKkbKKT^ WUGRT. JiiiiL. F. A. Lprup MOORE MUKHAA', ft ilAIlEN. te #!*, ft* RfiRmsaat aaa** tor io4 leiriT dtf No. 15 Third «C, between Main and hter. tolro^m **• Main atreet, abora the Galt Huu— LA HUE PAPER IIOUiSE.S IN LUNDON. to room teitob li reoit. CmSi*!! T~*'rtro. y AGUAYRA fOEFEF.--** ww me Hit, to m gmd — dsat; snd to f-.—ag- bngt loguayra Collifl jut Rnl'Og nud FioUbiug iu our nvn n#tAblishni#iit bf na Lace Mantles received |wr Jellenonrillr hailrond and for >al« bv smirviy !inw ptocEnu, by ih# iik of Patxhtxu i^TkAii MOORE .MURRAY, ft 1IADE.N. AT COST Main •treet, ab-.vr Oail Hoii— Mn^HinKNV exclusively our own. UALT— Beat Kanawha on hand and fur role by W# obUia our paper la tb# FUi from the Best Fine Mlfl# i*> CASTLEMAN ft TOKBITT. o tb# Ooontry.

    ^OBAUOO.—W box— Edward*'* Bright Pound*- Far tb# uj# of I'LFAUf uxw nud other pruf#4irt6Dnl msa, rE.>.\SILl t.\U CEXTkiL XULBStek I 90 do CnJvin'* do do: w# Matmfhrtar# every vnKety of .S«rmnn Piper. SUMMER IdU de Becchwood; Legal New Bookb. W drum* Fie; Caps, Note, aod l*#tt#.' l*u}»#r, broaJ lliu d, oo all rtdes of 90 box— Lump in Foil, for **'e by tbeabeet, HK KRI-NCll RKVOLITION, by John 8. C. Ab- b«i -4 Hon* Leecr P^cr Thr—lu-r ft Stae'/er *Aartmnt will Iroaa our stock of .\iILS, of choice Paper Makerrt we exehangw Fta- I laiproted 4 llur*c d> do kc., P'pp^Efr*TaMVVwi7V7i* for * a •' . *a'e nhotonte advantage ALL do do go; a^relad by J T. shed Good# lor FUt l^pnn to yoar THE BEST KINBS!! i)o 2'Il‘>r## N.xlb dd* «r Market at., ketwn— Pint anft fiVonk. LAMIAM ft KndJees t bain Power fmpnrtsri ng l>(k d# Tbmber and J” Twn#, ac.,#t Thlrdt. FOR .fiAI.E IlY Separator: jail i.ariMriELM, av. Na. C^IiSON fife 1-Home Ln lit# cnala Puvar Tbretter and PHILADELPHIA TOM. ACKKKKL.w— g Mnek#r#l iu bnJj Itnlvw# at#_ en# 'W d.vw PITKI.N Du MO * ^ ^ “ nUOTlIKUI. s«oparatur, vo»0». M kite iu storw nad to nrriv# nodfaTMa# b> W'HULIUIAI.E PAPER WAREHOUSE VOOftK. Sand 6 Hor #Vow#f Tbre^bnroaad dnaoerB. jxfiiro Mn>n al., mail dtf So. *4 CnKua.w Stbkxt, Krv York. For talc ai mauuiactninr^ grioee by CO., Pa-fioroi aboyj, i^,. Uounu THUS. H. HUNT k te u toarU£;'rj52!;^^ U. W. BAbUAW, .WEBeHAlfTS >rod IIOLLAND'S EMPBf.fiS TGOACt'O.—II* bozci Kiu. COiHiWIOSION 'or •Kh- “g Da> ft wnnkrnuxanaaa or Is hPEKII, -K 1 pr—• Tohnccu, f*ri Ou*. J**t reectre-l and lur aafi.- fiy tlARUNEK ft CO. A»» «•> Main *lt*rt. JIti NUUK. WH;KS. ft I'o. reired and for enia by Powor-Ioom Bacfia# RH# liaehljiR Rope, •RAIN BAGS IftSn* Sterk MUl Bog* NOCK, WICKS, ft CO. a-biMhcleneh ov>ati.NO'8 HLUAR^i bti. la.y.rin,'. iTuated, I 8T., LOUI8T1LLK. KY. d per •leniuw UteBwd F I a WALL AaMdroprfyrfA and & — fi. i^uiilamd. and^Pgwderod to •RAIN HAGS— •(,w*. and I kwetel B.^ Kanv *rou«l.d and Uaiartprlmm Rl— tfiraate byl ranfenterntteaMca anti te RIRn* *»8ati teg pten i rotia Bteiteatetnaadfirrorote •••^^rD“'*9&.N8r«LD'8. GAJtDMEJI MfrfteK | | « CO. jyM ftto e. W. toJBftW. * Main ro.